Georgy Chelokhsaev: My family wanted me to become a cook. Victorious Who did the training camp with?

Promising Russian fighter Georgy Chelokhsaev won a convincing victory at the qualifying tournament among professional boxers in Krasnodar.

The Ossetian prospect, competing in the up to 63.5 kg category, left no chance for his more experienced opponent from Sochi, Roman Ivanov, knocking him out in the third round.

“We took this fight very seriously, we had a good training camp together with my boxing coach Andrei Ivichuk. Roman Ivanov is a difficult opponent, physically and technically prepared. When we were watching our opponent’s fights, we noticed that he was number one. Always goes forward and interrupts his opponents. My coach said that I need to work with him as number one, to take the initiative into my own hands. Since Roman is not used to this, we will take him by surprise. I approached this fight in excellent shape, fulfilled all the instructions for the fight and the result was not long in coming.

We prepared for this fight at the FIGHT NIGHTS Martial Arts Academy. The atmosphere in the hall sets you up for serious work. When you train next to famous fighters, world stars, it gives you a certain incentive and with each training you improve more and more. I would like to say words of gratitude to Vladimir Mineev and Ali Bagautinov, they came to support me. I was very pleased. Vladimir and Ali say that since we are one team, we must support each other in everything, so they were happy to second me. It was very nice, it gave me extra strength. I would like to say a big thank you to Andrey Ivichuk, I feel that during my time working with him I have improved significantly in my results.”,” noted Georgy Chelokhsaev.

FN Team coach Andrey Ivichuk was pleased with the performance of his ward and noted that he sees a great future for Georgy in the boxing ring.

“George had a fight against a more experienced fighter. Roman Ivanov is a strong and persistent athlete, he has had more fights. But at this stage, Georgy managed to believe in himself, realized what he was capable of, and showed his strength. The most remarkable thing is that his opponent had never been knocked down or knocked out before this fight. And we managed to do it.

We have done good training at the FIGHT NIGHTS Martial Arts Academy. Georgy has already become part of the team, Vladimir Mineev and Ali Bagautinov went to support him. We sparred with Ali, Marif Piraev and other fighters. We have high hopes for boxing. I see good potential in Georgiy, he is young, he is 20 years old and I hope that he will be a future world champion,”– said Andrey Ivichuk.

It should be noted that the tournament in Krasnodar became a selection stage for a large professional boxing show that will be held in Novorossiysk this spring.

Georgy Chelokhsaev about his boxing dream, friendship with Gassiev, a chef's diploma, indifference of officials and positive thinking

Meet me. One of the most talented Ossetian boxers of the current generation, holder of the WBO youth professional world champion title and Russian professional boxing champion among adults Georgy Chelokhsaev.

Let us note that for the first time in history, a boxer from Ossetia becomes the champion of Russia among professionals, and therefore we can safely say that Georgy has entered the history of Ossetian sports.

Georgy Chelokhsaev (“Victorious”) looks very similar to the famous Irish mixed martial arts fighter McGregor. It is admitted that many people note the resemblance to the Irishman and often make fun of him. However, he categorically denies the possibility of following in the footsteps of the star Irishman in the future.

Swift and crushing in the ring, in life Georgiy is a very modest guy, and this is captivating. It turns out that Chelokhsaev joined the boxing section at the age of 12 on the recommendation of a family friend. Georgiy began to take his first steps in boxing in the Lokomotiv gym, also widely known as the Ariana boxing club. The section where the main star of Ossetian boxing, Murat Gassiev, began his career.

Under the guidance of his first coach, Alexander Gappienko, he began to explore the world of boxing. After 4 years, Chelokhsaev moved to the group of the honored coach of Russia Vitaly Slanov, perhaps the strongest boxing specialist in Ossetia. Later, the then young coach Batraz Baskaev begins working with Georgiy. The tandem Baskaev - Chelokhsaev turned out to be very successful and productive. Evidence of this was Chelokhsaev’s 9 victories in championships of the republic. Having fulfilled the standard for a candidate for master of sports, Georgy is trying to reach a new height - to win one of the all-Russian class “A” tournaments, having qualified for the title “Master of Sports of Russia”. However, this cannot be done due to biased judging.

— I boxed in Krasnodar at the master tournament “Spartak Cup” in 2009. In the finals I had a good competitive fight, and in my opinion I won it. However, the final score was 3-12 not in my favor. After that, the coach and I were faced with the question of what to do next. I suggested turning professional. To be honest, I’ve wanted this for a long time and even often imagined how I would get into the ring,” admits Chelokhsaev.

Through Amiran Levitsky, a friend of Batraz Baskaev, we managed to contact the well-known coach in Moscow Andrei Ivichuk.

— My debut fight in the professional ring in St. Petersburg was supposed to be a kind of screening for me. I spent the main part of the preparation for it in Ossetia with my coach Baskaev, and the final stage of preparation took place in Moscow under the leadership of Ivichuk.

Chelokhsaev won that fight by knockout, and his performance was liked by the eminent coach, who appreciated the abilities of the Ossetian boxer. However, at first the new mentor could not fully engage in training his ward, since a lot of time was spent working with mixed martial arts fighters. Georgy had to train several times in Moscow, then return to Vladikavkaz for training. Finally, some long-awaited stability came in working with a new mentor, and in December 2014 Chelokhsaev moved to Moscow, which is said to be serious and for a long time. The same Amiran Levitsky provided great assistance in moving to the capital.

“It was Amiran who helped me a lot financially, and in principle he still helps me now, he rented a house in Moscow and actually completely supported me at first.

Since then, our boxer has been constantly living and training in Moscow, coming home for a week or two to visit family and friends and escape to the mountains.

Speaking about winning the WBO youth title, Georgy notes the merit of manager Sergei Sozonov, largely thanks to whom the title fight for the said title was organized in which our boxer won against an opponent from the Philippines. And in the show “Fight in the Big City,” broadcast on Match TV, Chelokhsaev became the winner and received the opportunity to enter into a professional contract with Andrei Ryabinsky’s promotion company “World of Boxing.” Interestingly, Georgy simply registered on the Match TV website and successfully passed the preliminary casting.

— At the preliminary casting we did not work with gloves, but in the next selection we worked on bags, paws, and shadowboxed. In addition to strong boxers, some of the show’s participants were not selected on the basis of sportsmanship, but looked at their appearance, presence of charisma, and preferred people with a difficult fate, after all, this is a show. For me, the workouts themselves were not difficult, maybe with the exception of two that lasted 4 hours. The most difficult thing was not being able to go beyond the sports base. It’s morally hard to be essentially locked up at the base for a month and a half. By the way, some of the show participants broke down and left the project because of this.

Georgy emphasizes that the most important thing was concluding a contract with the World of Boxing promotion company - such a prize was awarded for victory. They also gave me an apartment as a reward. However, contrary to various information (it was said about both a two and a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow), the donated living space is located in the Moscow region and has only one room.

— For each fight I receive a certain fee from my promotion company according to the contract. There is enough money to live in Moscow, but I cannot call myself wealthy.

Georgy doesn’t like it when his mother and father are present at his fights. Although at the final fight within the framework of the “Fight in the Big City” project, the organizers, wanting to surprise the boxer, invited their parents to the fight. True, they reported only after the battle, which, however, did not reduce Chelokhsaev’s indignation.

Speaking about friendship with fellow boxers, Georgy immediately names Murat Gassiev.

— We used to be best friends when we trained together in Vladikavkaz. Now we communicate as much as possible, exchange opinions about upcoming or past fights, and wish each other good luck.

Speaking about the forecast for the fight between Gassiev and Dorticos, “Victorious” speaks carefully and carefully.

It is difficult to predict the outcome of the fight, although, of course, I will root for Murat. Dorticos hits hard and moves well. Murat always prefers to take the initiative and push his opponent in the ring. In general, Murat, of course, has improved a lot recently physically and technically. I think the fight will be interesting and will not last all 12 rounds.

Georgy admits that he is also not averse to going through full-fledged training camp in the USA:

— There are good physical training coaches, a variety of good sparring partners. It’s not for nothing that America is called the Mecca for boxers. Now we will think about how to organize all this.

Speaking about how his successes are perceived in Ossetia, Georgy sadly notes that despite a number of serious titles, none of the officials in the republic have yet reacted to this.

— Somehow we selectively celebrate the successes of athletes. To be honest, none of the officials even said thank you to me, let alone encouraged me in any way. Last time, after the title defenseWBOI was met at the airport only by my brother, and the last time I was met by Vitaly Slanov, Batraz Baskaev and my friends.

As for future prospects, the boxer clearly knows what he wants:

“My goal is to become a world champion among adults, because I am already 24 years old, and to receive a belt according to the most authoritative magazine in the world, “Ring.” Now I'm moving on versionWBOand I am in 14th place in the ranking. I think that the next fight or the next fight I will fight for the title of intercontinental champion according to this version.

At the end of the interview, the boxer, unexpectedly for me, instead of pompous words and wishes to his fellow countrymen, strongly recommends reading John Kehoe’s book “The Subconscious Can Do Anything.”

Really intrigued, now I'll have to read Kehoe!

Interesting Facts:

* By education, Chelokhsaev is a 5th category technologist (cook), graduated from the Vladikavkaz Trade College. Currently a 3rd year student at the North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Management. When time allows, he likes to cook pasta with chicken. He categorically does not consume pork, considering it harmful to health (not because of religion - Chelokhsaev is Orthodox).

On March 17, the “Prospect” show will take place within the walls of the Floyd Mayweather Boxing Academy in Zhukovka. The organizer will be the promotion company “World of Boxing”. Initially, the event was to be headlined by a duel involving Alexey Papin, one of the main avenues of Andrei Ryabinsky’s organization. However, shortly before entering the ring, the boxer was injured.

One of the most famous participants in the boxing evening in the absence of Papin can be considered Georgy Chelokhsaev(13-1-0, 11 KOs), whom many boxing fans remember from the reality show “Fight in the City.” In December 2016, Chelokhsaev defeated Vladimir Myshev and became the winner. Since then, Georgy has won three victories in the professional ring and is preparing to win his fourth. On March 17, he will have to fight with a difficult opponent from Hungary - Zoltan Szabo(21-10-0, 9 KOs).

“The training went well, without injuries,” Chelokhsaev began. - I came into the fight in very good shape.

- Who did you train with?

With his coach Andrey Ivichuk. The guys from our team also helped prepare. Mostly he boxed with Evgeniy Smirnov. There were also visiting guys, also top ones. The sparring turned out great.

- Of the visiting guys, who was the coolest?

There were no really famous ones, but these were strong guys. For example, Isa Chaniev, number 40 in the ranking. Has a record: 12 wins, 1 loss. It was great sparring with him.

- Remember the most famous sparring partner.

Roman Andreev. He is now number one in the WBO ranking, category up to 61 kilograms. He has 20 wins and no losses. I hope Roman will soon fight for the main WBO belt.

- Your closest rival is Zoltan Szabo. What kind of boxer is this?

He moves a lot and doesn’t let me get to a comfortable distance – close and medium. We structured our preparation in such a way as to find the key to his style.

- And what is this key?

For the first three or four rounds, I plan to aim 90 percent of my punches at the opponent’s body in order to slow him down. Then it will be easier to reach your distance.

-Who does Sabo remind you of in terms of technique?

Russian boxer Nikita Miroshnichenko - he also moves a lot and works at a long distance.

Question about psychology. How do you feel about such a popular technique in combat sports as visualization? How do you prepare for fights?

In general, I don’t allow the thought of defeat - that’s my attitude. I only think about victory. And yes, I always visualize the moments of the upcoming fight, I imagine the moment of victory very well and in detail. 90 percent of the time it happens as I imagined.

- Directly specific attacks and episodes?

Yes. Strikes, dodges and other elements of defense, counterattacks. Everything is in the smallest detail.

- In that case, tell me what your fight with Sabo will be like.

First I hit his body to slow him down. Then I continue to fight, and in the fifth or sixth round I win by knockout.

-What kind of attack is this?

I spend the series ending with a hit to the liver. The opponent falls - the fight ends.

The show “Fight in the City,” which you won, ended in 2016. Since then, you have won many victories, but many still associate you with the TV program. How do you feel about this?

I don’t feel like I’m associated with the “Fight in the City” program. It seems to me that they consider me just a good professional boxer, that’s all. Well, if someone only remembers it from the show, that’s okay. It doesn't bother me.

- Do you keep in touch with the guys from there?

Vladimir Myshev began training with me immediately after the show ( participant of the “Fight in the Big City”, whom Chelokhsaev defeated in the final. – Approx. "Championship"). In general, Vova is from the INDUSTRIALS team, but at the same time he trains with me on an ongoing basis with Andrey Ivichuk. Grigory Nikolaychuk has now joined us. I also maintain relationships with Edgar Ghukasyan, Oleg Kapanzhi, Ilya Lazebny and Justyna Grachyk. In general, the people we talked to on the show are still friends with to this day.

- We probably sparred with Myshev more than once. Who wins now?

Always different. You can't box equally well in every sparring. Sometimes he wins, sometimes I win.

How Dmitry Bivol becomes the coolest boxer from Russia

This is what a new breed of boxer should be like.

On March 3, another World of Boxing ward won a big victory, knocking out Sullivan Barrera. That same evening, and also successfully, Sergei Kovalev performed. Watched?

Unfortunately, I haven’t watched Kovalev’s fight yet. I haven’t found the Bivol fight in good quality yet. I'm waiting for it to be posted, I want to watch the whole fight. From the last one I saw the fight between Lipinets and Garcia. Sergey boxed well, showed a very competitive fight, even despite the fall in the seventh round.

- Now there is a lot of talk about a potential fight between Kovalev and Bivol. What do you think about this?

Yes, I saw Kathy Duva say this. I think Dmitry needs to have a couple more fights before facing Kovalev. I think this is necessary to get stronger, because Sergei has a big advantage in experience. At the moment, Bivol should not agree to fight Kovalev.

Povetkin: everyone is waiting for the fight between Wilder and Joshua, but I hope I will fight Anthony

But before that, Alexander will have to defeat Price, and Joshua will have to defeat Parker.

On March 31, he will fight on the undercard of the Joshua-Parker fight, and then, they say, he may fight with Anthony himself. What are Povetkin's chances in such a fight?

Hopefully, with God's help, Alexander will defeat Price, and soon after that his fight with Joshua will still happen. I don’t like making forecasts and I’m not very good at it. But I think Povetkin can win. It is unlikely that Joshua will be knocked out, but Alexander is capable of winning on points.

Did you know that professional fighters have the unique ability to lose a large number of kilograms in a minimum amount of time? Alexey Alekhin talks about all the metamorphoses that occur in an athlete’s body before a fight. Let’s just agree: not to repeat it is dangerous.

One of the most impressive skills of professional fighters is the ability to quickly move a large amount of weight. Every professional boxer or MMA fighter must meet the limit of his weight category one day before the fight. The trick is to regain the lost pounds after the weigh-in and be stronger than your opponent on the day of the fight. However, simply meeting the limit is not enough; you need to have time to recover, be fresh, resilient and ready to fight.

For some athletes, the fighting weight may differ significantly from the real one. Thus, the famous boxer Konstantin Tszyu was the champion in the junior welterweight (63.5 kilograms), but between fights his weight could reach 80 kilograms. At the official weigh-in before the fight with Diosbelis Hurtado, Konstantin weighed 63 kilograms, and on the day of the fight itself - 71.2 kilograms. The body’s ability to withstand such a serious weight loss is very individual, and in many ways it was one of the reasons that Tszyu fought very rarely, once a year.

“You seem to be in pain, but on the day of the fight, having gained weight, you become heavier and more athletic than your opponent. It gives you an advantage. So the fight begins long before entering the ring,” says Andrey Ivichuk, coach of boxers and MMA fighters. Ivichuk controls the process of weight loss for his fighters and knows everything about how to approach the fight in optimal shape. Among his students are UFC title contender Ali Bagautinov, world kickboxing champion Alexey Papin and the winner of the reality show “Fight in the City,” boxer Georgy Chelokhsaev, who, according to the trainer, can easily lose four to five kilograms in a day. George's track record in professional boxing looks like this: ten wins, eight knockouts, one defeat and one draw. Chelokhsaev competes in the junior welterweight (63.5 kilograms), fights from three to five fights a year and always fits within the limit of his weight category.

Andrey Ivichuk

trainer of boxers and MMA fighters

Between fights, Zhora usually weighs 69 kilograms, so we usually lose about six to seven kilograms. If you approach the process seriously and consciously, then everything goes without much pain. The more kilograms left on the last day, the more kilograms are returned. If you go on a diet for a long time and do everything gradually, then only a little comes back, as the body adapts and gets used to the weight. And when you lose four kilograms in one day, then within a day you gain six. Thus, on the day of the fight, Georgy weighs 66-67 kilograms.

Weight cutting starts seven to ten days before the fight (everything is individual here). The fighter begins to drink a lot of water. The exact volume of fluid consumed depends directly on the weight category of the athlete - Zhora, for example, ten days before a fight begins to drink five to six liters a day. Then the amount of water decreases, and the closer the fight, the less fluid the athlete should receive. A day before the weigh-in, he generally stops drinking and eating anything. After all, the more you drink, the more water leaves the body. These days you need to follow a diet and reduce the number of calories consumed. No salt, nothing spicy or sweet. You need to eat five times a day, in small portions. In the morning you can eat porridge with water with fruit, then white meat - chicken, turkey, vegetables or fruit again. Tea, coffee - all drinks must be sugar-free.

When there is very little left to “drive away”, you can take a bath with salt or go to the sauna. This method is suitable for those cases when you no longer have the strength to train. It is clear that this is crazy stress for the body. But this is a sport, and you can’t do it without sacrifices. We can say that we are working exclusively on weight. Loads during this period are reduced, as the risk of injury increases, and due to the lack of glucose, irritability and nervousness appear. So intensive training will only aggravate the problem, and the fighter will approach the fight in a terrible psychological and physical state.

Recovery after weighing is a whole process that should ideally be supervised by a nutritionist. The main thing is to replenish the lack of fluid in the body. We use rehydron or its analogues. You dilute the drug with water and drink three to four liters per day. Plus you need carbohydrates - high-calorie foods that provide energy. Bananas and pasta will do.

Most of my fighters lose somewhere between five and eight kilograms. Of those with whom I worked, Vladimir Mineev drove the most. His heaviest weight was 98 kilograms, but before the fight with Boris Miroshnichenko he weighed 77 kilograms. It was very difficult. Europeans, Americans and Brazilians race much more. It seems to me that their average difference between combat weight and real weight is about 15 kilograms. UFC fighter Gleison Tibau, who fought with Khabib Nurmagomedov, “goes down” from 90 kilograms to 70 kilograms. I think that Luke Rockhold, Chris Weidman, Tim Kennedy, who compete in the middle weight (83.9 kilograms), lose 15-20 kilograms. They even change visually a lot.

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