Fight four with jamming on the guitar. Guitar fight

Today we’ll look at another method of making sound on a guitar, which is called The battle.

I'll tell you about guitar strumming for beginners, what types of combat there are.

The battle- this is a guitar playing technique in which the right hand strikes the strings (from sixth to first) either with the index finger or with all but the thumb. Most likely, you have already heard about this method of playing the guitar, so let’s take a closer look.

Just like, there are also many types of fights. Let's try to learn the most basic types of guitar strumming.

So, let's look at the scheme of a very common, but at the same time easy battle.

V^V^ This scheme is deciphered as follows:

  • V - strike the strings down;
  • ^ - hit the strings upward;

Let me explain. This pattern means: down up down up. You strike the first index finger of your right hand first downwards, that is, from the sixth string to the first, then move your finger back up, from the first string to the sixth. Then down and up again. And so you continue. The pause between strikes on the strings should be minimal.

Important do this in a certain constant rhythm, without interrupting the fight or making pauses. Practice, play this fight on open strings, make sure, again, that your right hand is relaxed and your hand is as free as possible.

More guitar strumming patterns

We have discussed with you the simplest type of strumming on the guitar, but not the only one.

The next type of battle is a little more difficult than the first. The first one was just for you to practice. And this battle has the following scheme:

V_V^_^V^ Explanation of the scheme:

  • V- Strike the strings down
  • _ - pause (lasts approximately as one hit on the strings)
  • ^ - strike the strings upward

These icons are the same as in the first diagram, with one exception:
"_" is the pause icon. It means that in this case you should play the battle like this: down, pause, down up, pause, up down up. The pause is waited approximately as long as one hit on the strings lasts - it doesn’t matter whether it’s down or up.

Scheme of another battle


Combat with muted strings

There is also a type of guitar fighting, which is the most difficult compared to the previous ones. It looks like this:

V_V*^_^V*^ Explanation of the scheme:

  • V- Strike the strings down
  • * - Means a blow with muted strings
  • _ - pause (lasts approximately as one hit on the strings)
  • ^ - strike the strings upward

Note: " * " (asterisk) stands next to the downstroke icon (V*), it means muting the strings. That is, when you hit the strings downwards with the edge of the palm of your right hand, as shown in the figure (Fig. 1), you press down, mute strings.

Also, this battle with jamming the strings is shown in the video, first how to jam the strings, then the battle quickly:

You will find many other types of combat with transcripts.

So, now I will give you a decoding of the battle patterns and those icons that we did not understand, but which you may encounter.

Four- the simplest guitar strumming. At the same time, they can play 90% of all songs.
It's played like this:
down – up – down with mute – up

We play down with our thumb. Up with your index finger. Marked with an asterisk jamming.

How to play jamming?

You clench your palm into a fist and straighten it so that you hit the strings with your nails. At the same time as you strike with your nails, you need to place your thumb on all the strings. The nails make a click, and the thumb muffles the strings.
Once you've learned jamming, play with it. fight four described above.
Video: Fight four and jamming the strings

For working out battle four play the band's song Kino-Pack of Cigarettes
Chords Em Am C D.
One beat for each chord.
Do not hurry. Spend as much time on this strum and these chords as you need to play with confidence and not have to worry about where to stick your fingers. Some people need a week, others a couple of months, it doesn’t matter.

Also practice the standard sequences with this fight:
Am Dm E Am
Dm G C Am
Em C G D

Six- the second easiest fight. And the most popular.
They can also play 90% of all songs. In many songs fight six sounds more driving than fight four.
In addition, thanks to the presence of pauses, this battle can be played much faster than a four-man battle.

It's played like this:

To better understand how to play it, play this structure:
Those. just down and up 4 times, each blow of the same duration.

And then throw out 2 blows from it, the second and the fifth (these are up and down blows).
But don’t just throw them away, but run them through with your hand without touching the strings. This is called idle hand.
Those. the hand always moves up and down with the same frequency, sometimes it just doesn’t play, it moves idle.
This principle is based not only fight six, but also many others.
It's more clear in the diagram:

  • Black arrow - strike the strings
  • White arrow - idle (hand moves, but does not play)
  • Down arrow - play down, up arrow - up, respectively

The second way to understand this fight:
We break it into 2 parts and work on them separately:
1) down-up idle-down-up
2) down idle-up-down-up
Now let's combine both parts.

Practice battle six thoroughly using our already favorite sequences:
Em Am C D
Am Dm E Am
Dm G C Am
Em C G D
Play the same fighting six song Cinema-When Your Girlfriend Is Sick
Chords G Em C D
In the chorus C D G Em
One strum for each chord

As we can see, in the lead and in the chorus the chords are the same, it’s just that in the chorus the sequence starts with the C chord

Let's add jamming to battle six.
How to play jamming is described above in the four-man battle.
As we already know, six taking into account pauses it is played like this:
down – down – up – up – down – up

Jam on the second and fifth strike (downward strikes)
It will turn out like this:
down – down with mute – up – up – down with mute – up

Jamming is marked with asterisks.
The muffled impacts will occur after the same amount of time, i.e. they will keep the rhythm.
Yes, in fact, it is easily noticeable if you count the number of shares from one asterisk to another.
It is equal to four.

The six guitar fight is almost the simplest and most popular type of fight, especially in Russian rock songs. With it you can perform most of the compositions. In general, strumming is the most popular way to accompany singing. It is not much more complicated than the four, but it sounds more driving and is played faster due to pauses. The six strike is a great option for both beginners and advanced guitarists.

The game of this battle is very simple, here is the scheme: down - down-up - up-down-up. Long lines between movements indicate pauses. To better understand how to perform this smoothly, play the following sequence: down-up-down-up-down-up-down-up. Practice it with any chords until it works well. Now remove the second and fifth elements from the diagram. That is, you play down, and where it should sound up, you simply move your hand without touching the strings, and then continue to play down and up, and again move your hand empty.

There is another easy way to learn how to play this guitar strum. You can break the entire sequence into two parts and practice them separately, and then connect them. It looks like this:

  1. down-up-down-up.
  2. down-up-down-up.

Selected elements are played with sound, and not selected elements are played without sound. Practice the guitar strumming in pieces, and then try to put it together. To make your practice more interesting, try playing different chords. For example, sequences: C, Am, F, G or Em, C, G, D. Many songs are built on them so that playing them will help you not only practice the technique, but also learn the accompaniment of a song in absentia.

It is better to combine chords when you confidently play the pattern on one chord. Many beginners have difficulties when changing chords: for example, it is difficult to maintain the rhythm or it is not clear at what point to change the chord. Let’s immediately clarify this point: the chord is rearranged immediately after the last stroke up and on the new chord we immediately play downwards without a pause.

Below we will attach video lessons that show in great detail and clearly how to play six. Look at them carefully, they will help you clarify unclear points.

What is fight six from the point of view of musical theory?

As you know, any song has a meter, which defines, roughly speaking, a set of notes of different durations in each measure. So, the guitar strike six corresponds to 4/4 or 2/4 time signatures. What is meant. Let's look at 4/4 as an example. This meter means that each measure has 4 beats, which can be read as ras-and-two-and-three-and-four-and.

If you superimpose the battle and score diagrams on top of each other, you will see that the elements completely coincide. By the way, learning to play with a count is a good way to learn how to play correctly and evenly. Try to count for each movement (including idle strikes).

At first it will seem that this is impossible, but after a few attempts you will succeed. This useful skill will significantly help you learn how to perform more complex combinations in the future.

Complicated version of the battle

If you are already good at playing a simple version of combat, you can move on to studying a more complex and interesting version of it - with jamming. The game scheme remains the same, we just add jamming on the second and fifth hits. What does it mean to add jamming? This means that instead of making a sound, we hit the strings with our fingers, and then immediately cover them with the edge of our palm so that they stop sounding. If you do this with little force, you may even get a click from the beating of the strings on the floor of the frets. This sound makes the sound more interesting. The video lessons attached below talk in detail about how to properly mute strings.

What songs are played?

Of course, to learn how to play six 100%, you need to do this with some song. Here is a small list of diverse and simple compositions that you can learn to play with a six:

  1. Last call.
  2. Orbit without sugar.
  3. Vladimir Central.
  4. Three white horses.
  5. When your girlfriend is alone.

In fact, the list is almost endless, if you sing well, then take any song you like, with a 90% chance the battle six will suit it. Video lessons on YouTube will help you learn how to sing correctly to accompaniment.

What other types of fights are there?

Types of strumming on the guitar in order, from simple to complex:

  1. Four or simple (down-up-down-up).
  2. Six or variety (army) (you already know the pattern).
  3. Figure Eight (down - down - up-down-down-up-down-up).
  4. Spanish.

As you can see, fights are named based on the number of strikes used in them (with the exception of the last one). Spanish guitar strumming is a separate topic. In general, this is a collective definition that includes many different ways of accompanying using techniques characteristic of Spanish music. Lessons on YouTube tell you in detail and show how to do such things.

That's all, we wish you good luck on the difficult path of mastering the guitar. We hope that this article has moved you a little further towards your goal. We remind you that we also have a VKontakte group where we post various lessons, sheet music, tablature, videos and other useful materials for guitarists. Come in!

And a small gift - a lesson in Spanish combat!

Greetings to you dudes and dudes who read and look at the pages of my site! In this article I want to tell you a little about what guitar fighting is and what types exist. All beginner “Zinchuks”, at the very initial stage, dream of mastering a couple of types of combat and practicing their favorite songs among friends, somewhere in nature or at a fun party. Now I will actually show you these basic types of guitar strumming.

Therefore, read, watch, learn!

Let's start with a definition. To put it briefly and more clearly, guitar strumming is a playing technique when your right hand, with sweeping movements, simultaneously strikes all the strings (well, or almost all) producing sound. The name of the expression “guitar fight” is unprofessional; this expression was invented among amateur guitarists. Professionals and all sorts of guitar gurus do not like and do not use the expression “guitar strumming”, they call it rhythmic patterns. If we look into history, we will see that this technique was originally called “Razgeado”. And it was invented by Spanish guitarists, hence the name.

Guitar fighting is common among beginner amateur guitarists, because beginner “Zinchuks” consider guitar fighting to be a panacea, well, it’s mostly not your fault guys, stereotypes are to blame for everything. Yes, and mastering combat is not so difficult. Guitar strumming in its basic sense is various combinations of string strikes and pauses. This is mainly applicable for .

Guitar strumming is mainly intended to accompany singing or other solo instruments. The principle of performing guitar strumming is quite simple, and is as follows: the left hand plays and plays chords, and the right hand extracts the sound by striking the strings in various combinations. The main thing is to learn and understand how the blows are made and in what sequence. Also dudes and dudes, in order to properly master and apply guitar strumming you must have a sense of rhythm. At the initial stage, in order to feel the rhythm, I recommend everyone to use a metronome. It is not necessary to have a physical metronome; use electronic ones; now you can download hundreds of them on the Internet.

The strumming of a guitar is used to perform both yard (army, bard) songs and musical genres such as rock, jazz, country and others. The types of battles on the guitar are quite diverse, and there are also a huge number of names of battles; you’ve probably already heard such expressions as “double battle”, “quadruple battle”, “six battle”.

Now let's look at the main ones. First, let's get acquainted with the symbols we will use to show string strikes for each type of guitar strumming:

v - this is the designation of hitting down the strings from the sixth to the first .

^ and this is a blow up the strings from the first to the sixth .

X - and this sign means muting the strings, with the edge of the palm of the right hand .

It is actually from the combinations of these designations that various variants of guitar strumming are built. In general, guys, I want to tell you that guitar strumming, or as the pros say, rhythmic patterns, are purely individual things and each guitarist can experiment with combinations and come up with his own combinations.

Here's a video of how your right hand should perform these elements:

But let’s still look at the main types of guitar strumming that you can encounter most often:

  • The first type of battle looks like this : v v v ^ v. This is one of the simplest types of combat.
  • The second type of battle looks like this : v ^ v^ v. As can be seen from the designation, first there is a downward strike, then an upstroke, then a downward strike again, then an upstroke, and the whole thing ends with a downward strike. This type of combat can be diversified and muted strings can be used with the palm of the hand. Then we get the following type of battle.
  • Third type of combat . It looks like this: v ^ vx ^ v ^ vx ^. This is a combination of the second type of combat, supplemented with muffles. As you can see the sign means that the downward stroke occurs with the palm muting the strings.
  • Fourth type of combat : v vх ^ ^ vх ^. This is the most common type of strumming, this guitar strumming is called six. This fight begins with a downward strike, then again a downward strike but with a muffled palm, then an upward strike and up again, then a downward strike with a muffling and it all ends with an upward strike. This type of combat is quite difficult, so you guys will have to sweat and practice in order to perform it confidently.
  • The last type of combat : v v v ^ ^ v v. Here is another common type of combat. It is also quite complex.

Above I have given you only the most basic and frequently used types of guitar strumming. To diversify the basic types of combat that were presented above, you guys will need to experiment a little and try all sorts of combinations of up, down and muffling strikes, missing a hit somewhere, adding somewhere, and so on. Experiment, and may you be happy and happy.

Well, lastly, I want to tell you that in order to understand what kind of fight the song is played in, you don’t need to run to the forums and forgive me for the expression of... asking everyone questions like: “help me choose a fight?”, “What kind of fight is this?” ?", "but in the tabs the battle is like this, but in reality it’s not like this?” Just sit down, put on your headphones, listen to the song and listen carefully to the rhythm and start experimenting with the guitar in your hands. Well, or if you have the opportunity to watch a video of some cool dude playing this song, then you guys are in luck, you will be able to see the fight of your favorite song in the video. Therefore, it is also very useful to scour YouTube for similar videos :=)

All dudes and dudes, this article ends. Study everything carefully and apply it. I wish you success!

I will also be very grateful if you share the link to the article with your friends, perhaps it will help them as much as it will help you. Click “like”, Twitter and social buttons. networks, leave comments.

So what is it guitar "fight"? For many, this is a picture - the performer’s hand rapidly moving along the strings down - up and back... :) And almost every beginner peers and listens to such mysterious rhythms for subsequent independent reproduction. Some people pick it up, as they say, on the fly, but for others it’s a whole journey lasting weeks or even months. A lot depends on the usual desire, and of course on the ability to hear. But still, I dare say that the initial desire and further sincere efforts will determine your final result! For those who have BAD HEARING, but HAVE A GREAT DESIRE:

Consider the following diagram of the movement of the right hand. The easiest way to play guitar strum– movement of the hand along the strings down, up and back... Play this 2-4 times on each chord. It is very IMPORTANT to learn how to count.

Downward movement - count “ONE!” Moving up – counting “I!”

Then moving your hand down - count “TWO!” Move your hand up - count “I!”

To get more beautiful guitar "fight", you need to move your hand “up - AND” without touching the strings with it. (The hand moves in the air at a short distance from the strings). And without further counting.

We continue to lose like this. In this case, the hand should always move smoothly (down and up), just not always touch the strings. It's simple! :) I think that this was not so interesting and difficult for you, so I suggest you watch the video lesson and learn how to play the easiest types of gits. battle.

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