Who does Mikhail Shirvindt live with? Shirvindt's son leaves his wife for Yulia Bordovskikh? Personal life of Mikhail Shirvindt

“MK-Boulevard,” with all its other obvious advantages, is first and foremost a TV guide. We have written often and a lot about television, but until now we have done it unsystematically. Now everything has changed. Now you can be sure that every week you can read in our magazine:

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And every week - “Guest from the studio”. In this issue, read the story about Mikhail Shirvindt and his dogs.

Read “MK-Boulevard” - and you will find it more interesting to watch TV.

Mikhail Shirvindt. Son, husband, father. While studying at school, I did not get out of C grades. He had “A” grades only in physical education, labor and singing (he couldn’t sing, they gave him grades for his loud voice). However, all this did not prevent him from getting an acting education and making a successful career. He calls his favorite leisure time a feast with friends. In addition, he enjoys billiards and tennis.

Andrey Shirvindt. Mikhail's son from his first marriage. Named in honor of Andrei Mironov, who, by the way, was his godfather. A very serious young man. Currently a third-year student at the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Chausser. Labrador Retriever. A favorite of the Shirvindt Jr. family.

Alexandra Shirvindt. Daughter. She got her name in honor of her grandfather. She studies at school and is passionate about English and the Internet. Among other things, he cooks Georgian dishes perfectly. Mikhail simply adores satsivi as performed by his daughter.

Tatiana Shirvindt. Wife. Her maiden name was Morozova. Graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School. For two years she danced with Boris Moiseev in the “Expression” trio. However, after, according to her husband, Moiseev began to “blow the roof off,” Tatyana took up work on television. Now she successfully combines her work with the duties of a hearth keeper.

Alexander Shirvindt. Dad. According to legend, at first the birth of his son greatly upset Alexander Anatolyevich, because he dreamed of a daughter. Then actor Leonid Markov gave him a lecture: “Imagine that you have a daughter. Some 17 years pass, you are sitting at home, the already balding Shurik, and waiting with Tatochka for your beautiful Fira. But Fira is not there. And suddenly at two o'clock in the morning - the doorbell rang. You and Tatochka rush to open it. Radiant Fira stands on the threshold, and behind her stands I! “Daddy,” she says, “you don’t understand anything, I love him.” And I enter your house. Baby, do you need this?” Only then did Shirvindt realize how lucky it was that he had a boy.

Video clip. Cocker Spaniel. A favorite of the Shirvindt Sr. family.

Natalya Shirvindt. Mother. Her maiden name was Belousova. Architect by vocation, noblewoman by birth. The roots of her ancient Belousov-Semyonov family go back to the famous ancestors - Miklouho-Maclay and Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. At home at the Shirvindts hangs the original document “Manifesto by the Tsar’s grace on awarding honorary citizenship to the merchant Belousov and his seven generations.”

The creator of “Kinotavr” spread rumors about the TV presenter’s affair with Yulia Bordovskikh

It is extremely difficult to find Mikhail SHIRVINDT in Moscow. The host of the TV program “I Want to Know” is constantly on the road: on business trips abroad he looks for interesting stories for his program. The other day Mikhail returned from Kenya - just in time for the birthday of his father Alexander Anatolyevich and the wedding of his daughter Sasha. Shirvindt managed to find time to meet with our correspondent.

There are rumors that your program “I Want to Know” is one of the most expensive on TV. After all, you have to travel abroad to get an answer to every question.

This is an erroneous opinion, which, apparently, I myself created. For example, viewers ask me: “How does nettle grow?” I go to Norway for the answer, causing envy, which I fully understand and share. It just seems to everyone that I’m wasting time and money on one trip. In fact, until I accumulate 25 - 35 topics, I’m not going anywhere.

Then we separate these stories into different issues, because it’s quite boring to watch several stories from one country in a row. For example, three years ago I went to Vietnam, and stories from there are still broadcast.

- Why do you think “calm” educational programs have been closed recently?

Unfortunately, many channels have changed their policies. The new NTV is simply terrible, they are afraid that someone might think that they are not rednecks! And they do everything to prove that they are rednecks and rednecks! They have a very high rating, and this does not speak well of our viewers.

- You are an artist by training. Have you thought about returning to your profession?

No. I have been invited to act many times, but TV series are taboo for me. Although to Sergei Ursulyak I would go... An artist is a very dependent profession. If an actor is independent, it means he is a bad actor - he should be putty in the hands of the director.

You were also involved in business at one time. What about your restaurant “Stolz”, which you opened with your friend Anton Tabakov?

Three years ago it was taken from us by raiders. Now I am no longer involved in the restaurant business.

“Moiseev’s mind was blown away”

- I know that your daughter Alexandra recently got married...

Yes, just the other day. Sasha is 24 years old, she is an art critic, works in galleries. I have two apartments on the same staircase, so Sasha and her husband moved in next door. It turned out that 30 years ago, when communal apartments were being resettled, the old neighbors were afraid that they would be robbed, and they offered me to buy out their rooms. True, in reality they turned out to be vile women; brokers had already despaired of communicating with them. So, I got the apartment where my daughter now lives through incredible efforts.

- What does your son do?

He is 29 years old, and Andrei’s daughter, my granddaughter, is already seven. My son is an independent person and teaches at Moscow State University.

- How did you celebrate the birthday of your dad Alexander Anatolyevich?

The whole family went to see him in Valdai. For many years now, my father has been renting a small house on the water there. He loves to fish.

- Do you like the Satire Theater directed by Shirvindt Sr.?

There's a lot I don't like about it. In general, theaters in the form in which they exist now have outlived their usefulness. Our unfortunate actors earn $100 a month and sit without roles. Overstaffed. What's the profit there? Monstrous loss! A successful performance means famous actors, large fees, which means that it is no longer a theater in its pure form, but an enterprise.

- What is your wife Tatyana Morozova doing now?

She works as a choreographer at the Satire Theater. At first she worked at Satyricon Raikina, where we met, then at Boris Moiseev. During the two years that my wife worked for him, I saw how Moiseev’s roof began to be demolished, then it was completely demolished, but nothing grew in its place. All this is due to natural stupidity. I know him, but he is an unpleasant person for me, completely uncreative.

“Mark asked my father and me for forgiveness”

- Are you amorous? There are so many temptations in your work...

I generally love life. Do you want to ask if I had affairs during my 25 years of marriage? Do you think I have some unusual temptations? I travel around the world with my cameraman and director all the time.

- Nevertheless, Mark Rudinshtein has spoken more than once about your affair with Yulia Bordovskikh.

- Rudinshtein- a complete creature! When I first heard that he was calling journalists about my affair with Yulia, I was simply stunned. Mark needed a scandal to attract attention to the festival. After this incident, neither I nor my father spoke to him for seven years. Then he asked us for forgiveness, and we began nodding to each other again. And suddenly, recently, another revelation from Rudinshtein came out, where he again gossiped about me and Bordovskikh. I'm not even talking about what he said about Abdulov And Yankovsky! In this way, he probably wants to self-actualize and fights the complexes of a small person. Thank God, many turned their backs on him, otherwise they used to say: “Come on, he apologized, it happened by accident.” Well, Mark hasn’t written a book yet - only articles for now. They can be compared to this situation. Imagine that you have a hidden camera at home and the next day in the entrance, on the monitor, everyone can see your life.

I heard that Tatyana Dogileva, whom Mark Grigorievich accused of almost continuous drunkenness, was not offended by him.

This is from his words... Let Rudinshtein talk better about himself: how he runs after girls (or boys - I don’t know who he’s running after now), where and what kind of money he steals.

The life of artistic families seems full of miracles, magical meetings and high relationships. “At times there was no one to take Misha out into the street: his grandmother was blind, his mother was in the hospital, and his father was lying around drunk...” - this is how he describes his son’s happy childhood Alexander Shirvindt .

Father: Once upon a time, in ancient times, the great-grandmother of my son, Mikhail Alexandrovich, when her next child was born, wrote a letter to Tolstoy: “Lev Nikolaevich, you are a sage, give me advice.

My baby is one month old: how to raise him correctly? The writer replied: “Firstly, you are a month late, and secondly, if you are perfect yourself, your children will be perfect, then you won’t need to educate...” And I completely agree with him. Seriously speaking, I only believe in genetics and do not believe in upbringing at all. Education is an invented formation; the human personality is not educated. You can keep a child strict or pamper him, beat him or be gentle with him, educate him in all directions, but all the same, sooner or later, in one capacity or another, genes will come out. And the more well-mannered, more educated, the more meticulously built a child has been since childhood, the more unpredictable the further catastrophe. And if you don’t interfere and let this matter take its course, there is still hope that it will pass... - It’s hard to believe that you and Natalia Nikolaevna took the position of observers in this matter.

Have you taken any action to raise your son?

Son: (With a smile.) Well, yes, but what about it? They beat me.

- How?!

Father: (Calmly.) Yes, whatever you get. Whatever was at hand. As a rule, we came across shafts or a crank from our Pobeda car. The son ran past - and... along his neck, so that he would know and henceforth think about what he was doing...

Son: And my parents always yelled at me. Especially the father. I'm used to it. Then, as I got older, I realized that he only yells at those he loves.

Father: Moreover, the louder the scream, the stronger the feeling. With people I don't care about, I'm quiet and intelligent. And we yelled at our son meaningfully. Out of despair. There was no other way out. “Don’t, don’t, don’t!!!” - they shouted lovingly. Sometimes they called out: “Stop it! When will you finally stop? And again: “Don’t, don’t…” And since he was always doing things that weren’t necessary, even during the period of some glimpses of correct behavior, they still warned, just in case: “Don’t, don’t... »

- Mikhail, what were you doing?

Father: ...like drowning in a river, falling into a water riser pipe, getting burned in a fire, blowing up toilets at school with chemical reagents and endless failures in all subjects...

- Your son is having trouble at school - he caused trouble.

Did you go to sort it out and resolve the conflict?

Father: Natalia Nikolaevna was walking. Once she went, twice she went, three... after which I got involved and transferred him to another school. And as soon as the next school started telling us about our child’s bad behavior or that he didn’t get along with someone, we said: “No, no, don’t continue. Thank you...” And they took away the documents. Fortunately, there were many schools in Moscow.

Son: As a result, they sent me to the one located near the Danilovsky market, while at that time we already lived on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. Clearly, caring mom and dad were thinking about the boy.

It’s convenient: only three transfers, and I’m at school!

Father: And this is because none of the nearby schools accepted him anymore. Only at the Danilovsky market they did not yet know the full scale of the disaster.

Son: We found out soon. One of the first self-service stores in the Soviet Union opened near the school. We, sixth graders, went there and were completely dumbfounded. It’s like this: you take what you need and go. Fantastic!.. And so I said to my friend, who later became the head of the Criminal Investigation Department: “So here you can fight everything!” He doubted: “They will notice.” I say: “No.” He: “Well, how about stealing something, maybe sour cream?” I was inspired: “Not weak.” - “Are we betting?” - “We bet!” They shook hands. I took a pack of sour cream, put it in my hat and put it all in my briefcase. Nobody saw anything.

But for some reason I also put some cheese in my pocket... When I approached the cash register, I was handed over to a police officer. The friend immediately went outside and watched the development of events from behind the window. He later said that I had the eyes of a drowning horse. A showdown began with the store director about this cheese. They started calling home. At home - grandma. She listened to everything and said: “Shame on the family! You should let him go. Just let him come home, he’ll get it from us here!” I was released. The friend was no longer in sight. I went to his house. There he said: “Give back what was bet.” He: “No, let’s do it.” We argued that you would stop the sour cream, but you didn’t.” I opened my briefcase, took out a hat and showed off the sour cream. They didn’t catch me on sour cream. The most important thing in this story is that my grandmother, my father’s mother, didn’t say anything to anyone... She and I were very friends. She was the only one who knew everything about me, and covered everything, no matter what happened to me.

Together we figured out how best to lie to our parents or teachers... Mother and father very often went to visit in the evenings after the performance. And as soon as the door closed behind them, I, little one, got up, raised my grandmother, and we went to the kitchen - drank tea there, talked about everything. They had tea for a long time. And all my friends adored her. She always sat at the table with us. It would seem crazy: no parents, teenagers without control, free flat - free apartment, have fun to the fullest! No, we’re dragging grandma to the table. And she talked to us with pleasure, told jokes, and we had a great time together.

Father: And since she was blind for the last 15 years of her life, they could bring anyone into the house, any women, even prostitutes from the street - the mother still didn’t see anything...

I told her: “Mom, don’t be upset, there’s absolutely nothing to see...”

Son: When I was already studying at the Shchukin Theater School, a story happened that went beyond the framework, which was impossible to hide. At this point everyone was raised to their feet. On the eve of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Soviet power, the guys and I removed the flag from the roof of the architectural institute. Moreover, we have done this more than once before - it was cool to come to visit for a holiday with a flag. And all these banners were lying around in our barn at the dacha. And we never got caught, but then we got caught. Caught in front of witnesses. An idiotic story, Seryozha Ursulyak later made the film “Russian Ragtime” about it. But now I can claim that I was the forerunner of perestroika. We could easily have been slapped with a political article: carrying out an anti-Soviet action.

- Really, they weren’t brought up here either, Alexander Anatolyevich?

It was already late.

And what should I have said: “Stop removing Soviet flags from the capital’s buildings!”? A nightmare. He was subjected to obstruction from all sides: they didn’t talk to him at home, he was kicked out of the institute, he was kicked out of the Komsomol...

- Did you yourself grow up a good boy, were you an exemplary student?

I would have been a sharer, but... At school I was destined to occupy the niche of an eternal idiotic clown named Shirva. The surviving school elders still call me that when they meet. Our class was completely crazy, and judging by the fact that we still - almost 60 years later - gather once a year for a traditional meeting, we still look very much like crazy...

I lived in Skatertny Lane, and studied at the nearby school number 110. It was considered elite because the children of leaders studied there. My classmate, for example, was Seryozha Khrushchev. Of course, they didn’t want to take me there at all. The son of a violinist and editor of the Moscow Philharmonic did not fit the parameters of that contingent under any circumstances. But it was impossible not to take me, because my house was next to the school... I studied monstrously and, of course, would have been expelled from a decent educational institution if, through the efforts of my mother, concerts had not been organized there, at which the best artists performed: Ivan Kozlovsky and Nadezhda Obukhova, Rostislav Plyatt and Rina Zelenaya... These noble people with their talent helped a friend bring her idiot son (who only learned at the final exam that there are two chemistry: organic and inorganic) to receive a matriculation certificate...

In addition, I hated the musical education that my parents and music school teachers insisted on giving me. In every possible way I avoided this wonderful gift, for example, when at home they were chasing me with a violin, trying to reach me with a bow, I hid in the saving toilet. In the end, with all due respect to my father, I was expelled from the music school. And as for teaching in secondary school... They tried all the pedagogical innovations on us students there - they introduced us to logic, ethics, Latin. I can still show off some Latin proverb in simple company... And then one day the time came for another innovation - in terms of our athletic improvement.

They brought us a new physical teacher. And the situation with physical education at school was disgusting - all the students were mother’s children, completely unsportsmanlike. And this colonel, such a huge brute, immediately took a tough approach to us. First of all, he said: “Tomorrow, everyone should be in uniform - shorts and a T-shirt!” The schoolchildren are horrified: “How?!” - “Whoever doesn’t come in shorts and a T-shirt will go to the punishment cell!” Or something like that. Well, everyone: ha ha ha. The next day they showed up again, wearing what. And he really did: he grabbed someone by the scruff of the neck, gave him a slap on the head, castrated another, completely killed a third, and the people realized that the matter was serious. Everyone came to the next lesson in shorts and T-shirts. And me too. But in order to maintain my reputation as the wittiest person in school, I had to come up with something all the time...

I had a wonderful grandmother, Emilia Naumovna. An old woman of very fine blood. And I stole her long pantaloons with lace at the bottom and, complete with them, a lace nightgown embroidered with beads... At school, like an experienced entertainer, I took a break, waited until this unfortunate punk put on the family panties and T-shirts in the nook and, sniffling noses, stood in all this splendor in a line in the hall. I hear the physical education teacher, after taking roll call, asking: “Where is Shirvinkh?” - that’s how he pronounced my last name. “Not in shape yet,” I answered from the nook. He said, “Come out as you are.” And I came out - in my grandmother’s underwear... The showdown was terrible. I tried to make excuses - they say, he warned me that I was not yet in shape, he himself ordered me to go out, and what’s wrong with me if I wear such underwear... They kicked me out of school for two weeks...

In those glorious years, when we transferred Mishka from one educational institution to another, I always instructed him: “You need to study well, but dad was an excellent student at your age.

It was only because of intrigue and anti-Semitism that I did not finish my tenth year with a gold medal. And you...” (With a sigh.) Yes... But one day Mishka found my school diaries - at the dacha, lying on some shelf in the closet. There were no other marks other than twos. Having examined the find, the son put on a calm face, slammed the door and left...

Son: And I never learned anything else.

Father: And I closed my mouth forever. And he no longer tried to convince by example.

Son: But when I convinced... I believe that my main development took place in a communal apartment. There I witnessed many stories, just remember how you fell drunk.

Father: Yes, it's a historical classic. I lived with my parents and grandmother in an eight-room communal apartment. Besides us there are five more families. Then my wife, Natalia Nikolaevna, came to us - an architect, Mikhail was born soon - he lay somewhere in the corner and watched the life around him. And in these two rooms we all lived together very long and happily.

Son: It was great there: a big party - I visited everyone, rushed around this huge apartment, rode a bicycle along the corridor.

Father: Someone says that in communal apartments they put rats in each other’s soup.

It's all a lie. There were intrigues, of course, but there was also a real commune: leave the child while you are busy, you can borrow some stew from a neighbor when you are pressed... These are normal kibbutzim... And at that time Arkanov and I had a great passion - running. We spent all our wages at the hippodrome. The word “running” was taboo in the family. Whenever he was mentioned, Natalia Nikolaevna became unlike herself... So one winter, my wife broke her leg and ended up in the hospital. The blind mother and seven-year-old Misha, a student of 1st "B" grade, remained at home. That day he sat in the corner and pretended to do his homework - draw crosses. And I came from running. Unhappy with our loss, Arkasha and I drank vodka in the cold... I went into the apartment. At that time, Mishka received a call from a friend, Khabibulin, the son of a janitor, and they began talking about life on a common telephone hanging in the corridor.

I, very tired and unsteady on my feet, entered the room and stepped on a tangerine peel, as if someone had deliberately left it on the floor. He slipped on her and, riding on his ass from the door to the blind mother, crashed into her, almost knocking her off her feet. He froze in horror. I heard my mother’s desperate cry: “This is the end! You’re already in the daytime!..” Realizing that there was nothing and no need to answer, he slowly hid in a corner... In the ringing silence that followed, only Misha’s voice could be heard.

Son: A friend asks: “Are you going out for a walk?” But I couldn’t go out alone, I had to be taken across the road. Having assessed the situation at home, I said: “No, there is no one to guide me: my grandmother is blind, my mother is in the hospital, and my father is lying around drunk...”

Father: The normal life of an intelligent family on a weekday: a blind grandmother, a dying mother in the hospital, and a drunken father lying in the corner in broad daylight.

And there is no one to take the unfortunate child out onto the boulevard - to dig in the sandbox with the janitor’s son...

- Mikhail, did you share your problems with your grandmother, and did you have a heart-to-heart talk with your parents?

No. For what? This is generally a vicious circle. You should never trust your parents. If you look at it: who are they? First of all - rivals. People from another camp who always want harm to the child. Therefore, you just need to find a form of coexistence with them.

Father: In difficult cases, parents, as a rule, begin to educate. I’m telling you, by and large, they have only one function - they constantly utter two phrases: “Don’t!”

and “Stop it!” No, there are still a couple: “Come to your senses!” and “When will this end?!” These four instructions underlie all educational processes.

- Still, there was a special atmosphere in your family. After all, you had a gathering of creative people who later became famous.

Son: (Laughing) Yes, I saw them all in the coffin! I didn't care about all these celebrities. What interest do I, little one, have in Kozakov, or Gerdt, or Gorin?.. Well, grown-up guys come, well, they sit with their parents, drink... There was, however, one big plus from this: they distracted mother and father, they lost their vigilance and did not paid attention to me, thanks to which I could do what I wanted. This was later, when I had already grown up and...

Father: ...and really saw them in the coffin, then you realized what you had lost.

But these were in fact non-serial people; they were distinguished by their uniqueness. Stalin said that there are no irreplaceable people. In my opinion, this is nonsense. TECH cannot be replaced...

Son: Well, of course, as I grew up, I appreciated the scale of these personalities. And then how was it all? They behaved like punks. When at about three in the morning the guests finally began to leave and the happy wives found hope: thank you, Lord, it’s over, you can sleep, at that moment Mark Zakharov, already dressed, standing in the doorway, suddenly said: “In general, it would be stupid to leave now " And... everything started again. One day they spontaneously rushed to Sheremetyevo. They even took me to light three fires.

Moreover, we had a picnic almost on the runway. And Mironov rushed around the field and, waving his arms, invited the airliners to land at our fires. And Zakharov, on the contrary, ran around shouting: “Shoo! Shoo!” - drove away planes... These are the fantasies that came to mind of these large-scale personalities. Their wives hated all this, but could not help but recognize the talent and effervescence of their halves. And I was just having fun - adventure...

- Constantly seeing your father and his friends on TV, did you feel chosen among your peers?

Never. Firstly, I grew up when my dad was not yet a famous artist. This then gradually began to accumulate. And until the sixth or seventh grade, my father did not have any all-consuming fame.

He was widely known in narrow circles for his skits. And it’s the cinema that makes us famous. He then, of course, starred in “Major Whirlwind”, in “Ataman Kodr”, but these were not films of the first screen. That is, it cannot be compared with “The Diamond Arm”... When this film was released, my classmates overpowered me: “Have you seen Mironov alive?” - "Saw". - “Did you touch it?” - “Touched.” - “You’re lying...” And then I took Andrey’s autograph, it’s a pity, then someone snatched this postcard from the “Soviet Cinema Actors” series with his portrait. And on the back he wrote: “Misha, your dad is also a good artist. Sincerely, Andrey Mironov.” This was the first and last autograph that I took in my life, and my authority among my students then rose to unprecedented heights. The next autograph in our family was my dad giving to my daughter. When Titanic came out, Sasha completely lost her head over Leonardo DiCaprio.

And then a rumor spread that a Hollywood star was coming to Moscow. The daughter began to ask to take her to where He would be. When it turned out that this was impossible, she got hold of a postcard with a picture of Leo somewhere and asked her grandfather to get her an autograph. As a result, her dad gave her a postcard with a flourish in Latin letters: “Di Capr...” She believed and was happy.

- Interesting, did you both choose your profession in contact with your parents?

Father: As far as I have had the opportunity to observe during my life, all artistic families with their hands, feet and all other organs always try to push their children away from this dubious activity, from all the nightmares associated with film and theatrical art.

- So your parents also resisted?

Father: Absolutely.

They literally pushed me away. I even entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University especially for them. But at the same time I dragged myself to “Pike”. And when this was revealed, the parents had to call the teachers and beg: “Well, you understand, he’s from a creative family, take it out of compassion...” And with this, mine, it was the same. Well, where else would he go? He is the most intelligent person, he has four secondary educations. (Laughing.) Where else could he be with such a load of knowledge?

Son: Everything was clear to me right away. Although my other side of the family, on my mother’s side, are all architects, I couldn’t even draw a straight line using a ruler...

Father: However, like them...


Son: That’s why they build it this way in our country... In short, of two evils, I simply chose the lesser - theatrical. I endlessly went on tour with my parents, practically lived behind the scenes, and I had no doubts about my future path.

Father: This begins at the embryonic level in the children of artists. And when, thanks to their parents, they are already involved in this matter, as a rule, they do not turn in the other direction. I know few people who leave this profession. She is like a mania, like a tick, like a cross. It happens that people are kicked out, sometimes they become tragic drunkards, but of their own free will... And by the way, Mishka found the courage to leave.

And he left on his own. After graduating from the Shchukin School, he began working at Satyricon, with Kostya Raikin. He jumped with his other artists for several years, but then left, like his friend Seryozha Ursulyak. Not because they were asked to leave, but because they realized that they would not be able to do this business well. As a result, Seryozha became a wonderful director, and Mishka, to my surprise, showed himself brilliantly as a producer, manager and TV presenter. Constantly comes up with new interesting projects. And in general, from an unpredictable scoundrel he turned into a serious professional, a workaholic. And this, I believe, is the most obvious gene of mine in his body. Recently, in a community of other cultural figures, he received a grant from the president. As it is written in the official decree: “To implement a project to create a series of television stories about the cultural and historical heritage of Russia in the television program “I Want to Know” with Mikhail Shirvindt.”

Well, there is something to be proud of. I am also proud of my grandchildren, I have two of them.

Son: The eldest, Andrey, was born as a result of my first marriage. Fortunately, now Elena’s family and I are friends. Lena was an economist; we got married once spontaneously, when we were young. But our youth union did not stand the test of time. But the marriage with Tatyana, into which Sasha was born, passed the test of strength...

Father: And today our entire family treats our grandson Andrei not only with great love, but also with great respect, which is mixed with genuine horror. The fact is that he graduated from the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, then became a Master of Law from the University of Manchester, and a graduate student of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Speaks five European languages. Currently he is a 3rd class State Counselor of Justice, an assistant at the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. She teaches and plans to study science. I have never been close to a theater in my life. Another great thing about my grandson is that he made me a great-grandfather. 9-year-old Asya and I are strong friends; she calls me Shura. And Ella, who was born a year ago, still doesn’t call her names, but she looks suspiciously, with a narrowed eye. Granddaughter, Sasha, too, in my opinion, is on her own mind. She is tall - taller than me, she is beautiful, but despite this, she is smart. Art critic, specializes in Italian painting, is engaged in exhibition activities.

- Alexander Anatolyevich, is it true that this is your first love...

Father: ...became the last?

Well, yes, that’s approximately how you once talked about your wife.

Father: Yes, I told someone somewhere.

But is it possible to judge anything from such fragmentary stories? It is forbidden. We must always keep in mind: everything that is told is a lie. Beautiful, less beautiful, stupid, smart, but in any case - a lie. How else? Without this it is impossible. You need to lie beautifully, intelligently, with humor and, better yet, with tears in your eyes. What we are demonstrating now: Mishka - with humor, I - with tears... But I will answer the magazine “7 Days” openly and honestly.

More, of course, honestly than frankly...

- So you don’t accept the word “falling in love” at all?

No, why... It’s just that Natalia Nikolaevna and I were in love too old-fashioned. 50th year. This is the middle of the last century. Wow... (Laughs.) So our love included all these innocent "riorites", bonfires in companies, country gatherings with dancing and charades, gentle sighs in the moonlight... Well, who might be interested in these dilapidated things now? relationship, when from the pages of “7 Days” we learn about true, passionate love among jacuzzi, yachts and swimming pools, born under the scorching equatorial sun of the Bahamas. I think that a competent reader of the magazine, having read about my naive courtship, will either stop subscribing to it, or will express the wish: “We ask you not to allow these senile people onto the pages of our favorite publication in the future.”

- Well, until this happens and in the hope that it will not happen, tell me how your family life turned out and proceeded?

Everything originated in the summer in the holiday village NIL (Science.

Art. Literature.) in New Jerusalem, where our families vacationed. Tata was 15 years old, I was 16. Now we can safely admit: it was a banal country romance. Only I was in no way suitable for my chosen one - a pillar noblewoman on her mother’s side and a merchant’s wife on her father’s side. But I resisted and decided to propose to her. He dragged himself to the Botanical Garden in the middle of winter, got lilacs there for very decent money, and then gave his future wife a scarce bouquet of huge sizes.

What shook her consciousness, psyche and imagination forever.

Son: At their golden wedding, my mother, when asked how she managed to stay in one marriage for so long, said: “I simply lived on the advice of my favorite writer Sergei Dovlatov. To be an ideal wife, you must sincerely believe in your husband’s genius, feed him and... leave him alone.”

Father: At the same time, she never dissolved in me and did not live only my life, controlling my every step. She always had her own work, her own friends, her own creativity, her own very busy life. Much more correct than mine. Natalia Nikolaevna is a hereditary architect. Her grandfather, Vladimir Nikolaevich Semenov, in the 30s was the chief architect of Moscow, academician, and director of the Institute of Urban Planning.

Later, her brother headed this institute for many years. And all her other relatives are also architects. Tata herself worked for more than three decades as a leading architect at the Central Research Institute of Sports Facilities and Entertainment Buildings named after Mezentsev. Her track record includes holiday homes and sanatoriums in Sochi and Gagra, the Omsk Musical Theatre, a hotel complex at the archive and library center in Moscow... I became convinced of how honored a person Tata is a very long time ago, back in my youth, when one day we They decided to celebrate the New Year outside the city. The wife then obtained scarce vouchers to one of the departmental health resorts - a holiday home that belonged to the Union of Architects. Having received the permits in our hands, we read what was written on them: “Belousova Natalia Nikolaevna, member of the Union of Architects, and Shirvindt Alexander Anatolyevich, husband of a member...”

She was truly famous in her profession. But a certain number of years ago I told Natalia Nikolaevna: “Stop building structures for you already! It's time to rest. Once you learn how to make stuffed fish, I’ll retire.” And for me, a big fan of stuffed fish, this thought arose after I ate it at Zyama Gerdt’s. I perfectly understood the utopian nature of my statement, but Tata gathered her Jewish classmates and they taught her the correct recipe. The fish was brilliantly cooked and served, after which the hereditary noblewoman and merchant Natalia Belousova proudly retired. Since then, she has been preparing stuffed fish from carp, which I, a passionate fishing enthusiast, catch.

And we have an absolutely waste-free production... Once, on one of the anniversaries of our life together, Grisha Gorin wrote in the form of a dedication to Natalia Nikolaevna: “Like the happiest ticket in the lottery, so is a Russian woman in the house of a Jew...” Tata is my lucky ticket.

- Mikhail, how were things going with love in your life?

The very first and, perhaps, the most tragic happened in Yalta, in the “Akter” sanatorium - I was just expelled from the first school.

Father: And they transferred to the second...

Son: And I fell in love with a girl. She was very young, but a little older than me: she was 18 years old, and I was 8. She was an actress. I was seriously in love, she showed me signs of attention, and I believed that this feeling was mutual.

He brought flowers to her in the one-story barracks divided into rooms. And then one early morning I crawled out of our kennel and, as usual, went to the flowerbed to pick flowers. He carried his duty bouquet to her doorstep. And suddenly the door of the lady of my heart opened, and the artist Alexander Zbruev came out of this bungalow. And she saw him off, gently kissing him goodbye... They saw me, I saw them, and the three of us understood everything.

Father: And you whipped Sasha in the face with that bouquet, right?

Son: Sasha and I still remember this. I once told him with a laugh: “How could you do that then?!” And he replied: “In fact, you’re kidding in vain, I was worried for a very long time that it turned out so badly...”

There have never been more vivid emotions in my life...

Father: And this despite the fact that he is married, he has two children, granddaughters...

- Didn’t you ask for parental blessing?

Son: For what?

For marriage.

Son: (Laughing.) I ask all the time, I ask about all marriages.

Father: Sometimes it's a little late. When he brought Tanka Morozova to meet us, she almost gave birth on the staircase, remember?

Son: What will happen when she reads this in the magazine?

Father: We will have Khan. She is very strict with us.

Son: Tanya and I met at Satyricon. They met quietly, courted each other, and quietly got married.

- What distinguishes the atmosphere of family relations among the Shirvindts?

Father: The fact that all the women around are better than us. This is the absolute truth, and this is Mishka’s and my pain and suffering - we must always feel guilty before them. This is true. We are always guilty.

- What?

Father: In everything: in the way of life, in the wrongly chosen path, in the profession, in the very fact of one’s existence. Starting from “Why did you say that yesterday?”

and ending: “Why didn’t you say that yesterday?..” And they are always right in everything, because they are whole, wise, and we are idiots.

- Are there any proven moves for properly building relationships with wives?

Father: Moves, departures, wastes... Yes! You cannot practice one profession. You shouldn't be nose to nose all the time - it's fraught. Ideally, wives should not know at all where their husbands work. This is generally the key to longevity.

Son: I managed to achieve this. I travel so much that Tatyana has practically no idea where I go for work.

Father: Perhaps she still doesn’t know where I work. Although he serves as a choreographer in my theater. (They laugh.) Tatyana is a wonderful person - beautiful, musical, flexible, a wonderful actress, she worked at the Moscow Art Theater, at Satyricon, danced in the Express trio...

- Mikhail, were you allowed to participate in the skits that brought glory to your father, or were you isolated?

Still, sometimes there was rather sharp satire, which was not welcomed by higher authorities.

The fact is that when there was sedition there, I still didn’t understand it, because in the 60s I turned two years old, and the “thaw” occurred precisely in the 60s. And when he grew up, naturally, he began to get into all these skits both in the WTO and in the House of Actors. In any way - through some closed passages, through sewer and ventilation hatches... Father: When we managed to give out something “through impossible”, we experienced amazing delight.

This was a real emotional explosion for everyone - both the artists and the audience. And then, when everything became permissible and everyone was choked by will and neglect, this feeling disappeared. It was no longer clear where to go. You can’t undress more than naked... Although there are, there are outbursts. Now I look, let’s say, at Maksik Galkin or at the wonderful guys from “Prozhektor...” and I think: if we exclude this absolute 100% liberation of theirs, then we were doing something similar 50 years ago... I knew Urgant, in my opinion, from that time the time when he was not yet born. But even then, as well as later, the relatives had no idea what to do with him. That's how we didn't know what to do with ours. It was an eternal disaster... Concerts at the House of Actors were free, but they fed us there.

On the sixth floor next to the hall there was a buffet where we gathered at night after performances and rehearsed these skits. There was a wonderful barmaid there, I think her name was Sima - huge, with breasts that were probably size 100, she had them standing like that, and without any silicone, which was not a thing at that time. And we kept betting: Sima had a bra or not... And she had a lover - a gravedigger from the Vagankovsky cemetery, a billionaire at that time. And he always brought flowers from the graves. And I’m going, obviously, from them. And every time we, hungry, young, inventing jokes, waited for him. They shouted to Sima: “Has Lesha arrived?” - “Not yet...” And as soon as Lekha appeared with a bouquet of grave flowers and leftovers from the funeral service, our banquet began.

Now you think: some kind of horror, but then nothing went off with a bang...

- Alexander Anatolyevich, you treat the process of upbringing in a family with outright irony. However, by the will of fate, you are not only a teacher at a theater school, but also the director of a theater. And these positions simply oblige you to be a teacher. How are you coping?

Just like in the family. I use the same four theses: “Don’t!”, “Stop it!”, “Come to your senses!” and “When will this end?!” In exactly the same way, I hit the guilty with whatever I hit, and I forgive what cannot be forgiven. No matter what they lie, I pretend to believe it. Sometimes I feed it. Horror. And so it continues for all those 12 years that I have been blowing the whistle at the Satire Theater as an artistic director, and all those 54 years at the Shchukin Institute, where I began my teaching career as a fencing and stage movement teacher and gradually rose to the status of acting professor skill.

Thanks to this, there are about 30 of my students in the local theater troupe... In general, the worst thing is to realize that students leave early. Andryusha Mironov, Natasha Gundareva, Sashka Porokhovshchikov... A lot of people left, and you still sit and educate someone. Nightmare!.. I always try to convey to students a simple truth: they will never be happier than these four years in the incubator. Then creative torment, envy, intrigue, games of chance will begin, so while studying, absorbing everything you can from anyone, you need to use your happiness to the fullest.

- In the theater you manage a whole team, you decide to become a boss over your colleagues and friends. How did you discover the gift of a manager or administrator?

I don't have any of this. In general, the position of artistic director is a separate enclosure in a zoo. With your own parameters. The late Pluchek was a wonderful artistic director. Just like Goncharov. Or Zakharov, Lyubimov. They are typical artistic directors of theaters. They have a genetic predisposition to this matter. They know how to vary. Some of them believed that leadership can only be done with carrots and sticks. Goncharov clearly adhered to his position: there was a pair for each creature. And it's brilliant. It is impossible for there to be one prime minister or one prime minister. Then everything is the khan of the theater... In a word, in this activity there are a lot of tricky keys and control levers that are impossible to study, they can only be invented and implemented.

And I can be a wonderful actor, director, teacher and... absolutely no artistic director. But. When, at the age of 90, Valentin Nikolaevich Pluchek became seriously ill and could no longer head the theater, the question arose: “Who?” It turned out to be me. For me it was a very painful process, but the most important thesis prevailed - to preserve the theater...

And now I’m very afraid that a story will happen to me - a parody of Pluchekov’s situation. I don't want this to happen. I remember all this: how can it be that an old man who gave his life to the theater is being bullied... It’s all bullshit, but I’m starting to feel it myself. All of us who are now approaching eighty go through this period. Well, really, it’s impossible!

As my friend Zakharov says: we need young energy. And in today’s whirlwind, young temperaments and young hooliganism are especially needed. By the time you’re eighty, you won’t be able to inject this into yourself with any injections... And there’s pressure all around: where are the brilliant achievements, where is the innovation?! You have an almshouse! Yes, an almshouse. Many of us are over 90, and among them there are people who have not appeared on stage for decades. But I know: this team has given so many years to the theater, done so much for its existence and prosperity, that it has earned the right to be protected. Therefore, I did not touch a single person, not a single hair fell from anyone’s head. This is my principle. I’ll go with him... (With a sigh.) Although in reality you can’t live like that. But it is also impossible to connect the incompatible. There is a staffing schedule, and you can’t jump beyond it. So we wait until those at the top finally decide to create a law on the theater with the introduction of a contractual system, under which it will be possible to find ways to manipulate.

But for now our troupe exists as a Soviet repertory theater, despite the fact that there is a market economy around us. And here I am, sitting in the chair of the head of the Soviet repertory theater and advocating for it, waiting for market changes. Although I understand perfectly well that this is death. And all this is bullshit... Fortunately, I still work as an artist. My theater manager's office is on the fourth floor. And a little lower, on the third, there are men's dressing rooms. And when I go downstairs and start smearing my face before the performance, I constantly hear conversations through the wall: “I have no strength anymore! Let's go to Him and tell everything! Well, what is this really like - lethargic, kind, good-looking for everyone, it’s impossible!”

And I always support this controversy and shout more than anyone else: “Really, it’s time to put an end to him! Let's go, finally! Finally, let's hit the table with our fist! How long can we endure this disgrace?!” And then suddenly everyone realizes that they are talking to me. And the intensity of passions subsides.

Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt is a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater director, talented screenwriter, and TV presenter. He is the artistic director of the Moscow Theater. In 1989 he received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Alexander Shirvindt is an excellent master of the secondary plan. The actor almost never starred in leading roles. But his presence always enlivened the film, making it richer and brighter.

The actor is also in demand on the theater stage. He played more than a hundred roles.

Alexander Shirvindt has incredible charisma and subtle humor; he has always been distinguished by his own style. He played all his roles simply superbly. His work was always a pleasure to watch.

The biography of Alexander Shirvindt is full of bright and interesting facts.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Shirvindt

“Alexander Shirvindt – photos in his youth and now” is a frequent request on the Internet. Modern fans are looking for early photographs of the actor. Let us note that in his youth Alexander Shirvindt was handsome. Women of those times adored him; they were interested in literally everything about their beloved actor, including his height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Shirvindt now is not a difficult question. It is enough to know the actor’s date of birth.

Alexander Shirvindt even now, at 83 years old, looks pretty good. This is a fairly tall man. His height is 183 centimeters. The actor weighs about 95 kilograms.

According to his zodiac sign, Alexander Shirvindt belongs to the creative, romantic and sensual Cancer. The actor was born in the year of the Dog. He remains faithful to his work, showing unprecedented ability to work.

Biography of Alexander Shirvindt

The biography of Alexander Shirvindt began in Moscow. The future actor was born on July 19, 1934. Father - Anatoly Shirvindt, taught music, played in the Bolshoi Theater orchestra. Mother - Raisa Shirvindt, worked as an editor at the Moscow Philharmonic.

During my school years I studied at the same time at a music school

Filmography: films starring Alexander Shirvindt

In 1957 he graduated from the Shchukin Theater School and was accepted into the troupe of the Theater - Film Actor Studio. This year he made his debut in the film “She Loves You.” This is how the filmography of Alexander Shirvindt began. “The Inspector General”, “The Minor”, ​​“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” - a small part of the films in which he starred.

The actor has released several collections. Alexander Shirvindt’s book “Multiple Sclerosis in Life” is one of his popular works.

Alexander Shirvindt has a grandson, Andrei, and a granddaughter, Alexandra. The actor also lived to see his great-grandchildren, whom he loves very much.

Personal life of Alexander Shirvindt

Despite his attractive appearance and natural charm, Alexander Shirvindt’s personal life was not varied. He didn't have many affairs. As actor Alexander Shirvindt himself stated, he “ruined” the life of only one woman.

The famous artist met his future wife Natalya back in the fifties. As Alexander Shirvindt later admitted, the actor was attracted to Natasha by the farm, namely the cow. The fact is that the actor is simply crazy about homemade milk. But, to the chagrin of Alexander Shirvindt, she was sold to pay for his and Natalya’s wedding.

Family of Alexander Shirvindt

The family of Alexander Shirvindt is the property of the actor. He was born into a creative family, where his father was a music teacher and his mother worked at the Music Conservatory.

Now Alexander Shirvindt’s family includes himself, his beloved wife, son Mikhail with his wife and grandchildren. The famous actor also has great-grandchildren.

Family relationships are quite harmonious and built on respect and care for each other. They often organize gatherings at home, go out into nature, and relax together. Relatives and friends are proud of Alexander Shirvindt.

Children of Alexander Shirvindt

Alexander Shirvindt has children; more precisely, the actor has one child in the family. This is son Mikhail. In 1981, he gave his parents their first grandson, Andrei. Now he teaches at Moscow State University. Five years later, the granddaughter of Alexander Shirvindt was born, they named her Alexandra. Now the girl works as an art critic.

The famous actor also has great-grandchildren. The first great-granddaughter, Anastasia, was born in 2001, the second, Ella, in 2011. Alexander Shirvindt loves them madly and tries to spend more time with them.

Son of Alexander Shirvindt - Mikhail

The son of Alexander Shirvindt is Mikhail, the only child in the actor’s family. The boy was born in 1958. Mikhail grew up as a talented child, but he misbehaved a lot. He was even expelled from schools for poor performance and bad behavior.

Mikhail decided to follow in his father's footsteps. In 1975 he entered the Shchukin Theater School, but two years later he was expelled for desecrating the flag. Later, he still worked in the theater, where he met his future wife.

Mikhail followed in his father’s footsteps - he became a TV presenter and producer. He works in various programs, for example, “Loto Million”, “Dog Show”, etc.

Alexander Shirvindt's wife - Natalya Belousova

Alexander Shirvindt's wife is Natalya Belousova, the only wife of the actor. She was born in 1935. During Soviet times she worked as an architect. She has a large number of theater and sanatorium projects under her belt. The young people met in the dacha village of NIL in 1955. In 1957, they officially registered their relationship. Their marriage is quite strong.

In general, Alexander Shirvindt and Natalya Belousova were wealthy. Soon they moved to the famous high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. Various famous people also lived and still live there.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Shirvindt

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Shirvindt provide extensive information about the life and work of the famous actor. It is from the photos posted on social networks that you can learn about Alexander Shirvindt’s hobbies. So, the actor loves fishing and plays the violin. It is impossible not to mention Alexander Shirvindt’s pipe - it has become an integral part of the artist’s image.

Wikipedia Alexander Shirvindt contains reliable information about the personal life and creative path of the actor. Here is the actor’s filmography, you can see the actor’s awards and honors. The article was found on alabanza.ru

Mikhail Shirvindt was born in Moscow in 1958. His father is the famous artist A. Shirvindt, his mother Natalya was an architect, the niece of the scientist B. Belousov.

For a long time, the family lived in a communal apartment consisting of 9 rooms. In 1965 Misha went to school and became known as a real fidget. He didn’t like studying and annoyed his teachers with his antics. The boy changed many schools and got bad grades.

After finishing his studies, he entered the Shchukin School. But Shirvindt did not stay there; he was expelled in 1975. because he and some fellow students tore the red flag from the roof of the institute.

Mikhail had to go to work; he became a decorator at the Sovremennik Theater, but he didn’t work there for too long: he accidentally broke expensive scenery.

Then M. Shirvindt got a job as a loader at VIA “Gems”, where he mostly looked after little V. Presnyakov and D. Malikov. Later, Mikhail continued his studies at the institute and began working at the Satyricon Theater under the direction of A. Raikin.


Mikhail worked at Satyricon for about 8 years, and one day he got bored with being an artist. Shirvindt decided to start a career as a TV presenter. The first program that he began hosting in 1992 was called “Lotto-Million”. In the same year, he and A. Konyashov created the Libra studio. Since 1995, he began hosting the popular TV show “Dog Show. Me and my dog,” which received high ratings. The program was closed in 2005. due to changes in the broadcasting concept, although viewers really liked it.

The program featured purebred dogs and mongrels, and the jury included stars. Shirvindt came up with the idea for the show for a reason: as a child, he wanted to have a dog, but his living conditions did not allow it. When Mikhail became independent, he got a Labrador dog.

M. Shirvindt was also the producer of some programs (“Travels of a Naturalist”, “Plant Life”, “Hobbits”, etc.). From 2007 to 2017 M. Shirvindt was the author and host of the “I Want to Know” project; the programs talked about amazing things and discoveries. Many showmen answered questions from the audience: A. Gordon, L. Yakubovich, D. Dibrov and others.

Personal life

Mikhail Shirvindt was married 2 times. From his first marriage he has a son, who was named Andrei. He became a lawyer. For the second time, M. Shirvindt married T. Morozova, an actress and dancer. Then she began to engage in journalism.

Tatiana gave birth to Mikhail’s daughter Alexandra, who later became an art historian. Several years ago, a rumor appeared in the press about Shirvindt’s affair with Yulia Bordovskikh.

Mikhail has experience in the restaurant business. In particular, he invested in the Stolz and Bronco restaurants, and the Seven Forty kosher Jewish food cafe.

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