Gia Gagua: biography. Gia Gagua: biography See what “Ex-BB” is in other dictionaries

Born in the port city of Poti on the Black Sea coast in the family of Levan and Gulnara Gagua. His father worked as an engineer, his mother was a housewife. My grandmother was an actress, my grandfather was the first professional football player in Georgia. Older brother Plato, musician. Younger sister Veronica, a music teacher, both live in Georgia.
As a child, I wanted to become a football player, like my grandfather. After school, he completed a driver's course and joined the army. Served for three years in the Northern Fleet, in the torpedo technical unit. In the army he created an ensemble, which was a huge success among military personnel and local residents. When the time came to return home, I dreamed only of becoming an artist. I went to work at the Batumi Philharmonic, sang jazz, jazz-rock, and performed in the Egrisi ensemble. Once on tour he was noticed by the leader of the Bim-Bom group, Valery Levushkin, and invited to join the team.
He started working in a group, went through a serious professional school: gymnastics, acrobatics, plastic arts, acting. While working in Moscow, he graduated from the Institute of Culture with a degree in director of mass and theatrical performances.
In 1989, together with three members of the Bim-Bom group - Alexander Kalinin, Alexander Ozerov and Vadim Sorokin - he left Levushkin. The four artists organized the ensemble “Ex Bim-Bom”; a few years later the name of the group was changed to “Ex-BB”. They were engaged in musical eccentricities, parodying such stars as Alla Pugacheva, Oleg Gazmanov, Alexander Serov, Masha Rasputina, Valery Leontiev and others. The quartet became popular, for almost 20 years the musicians traveled all over the world with concerts and participated in various festivals. However, something terrible happened - Vadim Sorokin fell seriously ill. After his death the group disbanded.
For some time, at the invitation of Vladimir Levushkin, he was the artistic director of the Bim-Bom group. Then he registered the trademark “Ex-BB-Giya” and became the artistic director of the musical parody theater with that name.
Collaborates with Karen Avanesyan. In 2011, they released the album “Native Muscovites” together.
In 2012, members of the Ex-BB group united in the program “You are Allowed to Laugh.”
Gia Gagua is an associate professor of the department of directing theatrical performances, a master of the variety directing course at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.

He has a black belt in combat taekwondo. In his youth he was fond of martial arts. Developed his own hand-to-hand combat system.
Lives in a country house with his family, five cats, four dogs, two exotic parrots and one rat.


▪ Honored Artist of the Russian Federation


as part of the Ex-BB group:
▪ Laureate of the Golden Ostap festival in St. Petersburg (1990, 1992, 1995)
▪ Laureate of the festival “Odessa Humor” (1997)
▪ Laureate of the “Sea of ​​Laughter” festival in Riga (1997)


Wife – Olga, former dancer (met in 1989, married in 1993)
Daughter - Christina (1992)
Daughter – Victoria (1993)

"Next-BB" is the next stage in the development of the group "Ex-BB", this is all the best from "Ex-BB: banter, musicality, sharp, funny lyrics, since the founders of the genre - A. Kalinin and A. Ozerov - remain at the helm, who started back in "Bim-Bom".
In order to find out the conditions of the invitation and order a performance for the celebration, call the official website page of Ex-BB and contacts of the direct concert agent on the website.
The name of the group was initially an abbreviation for the ensemble "Bim-Bom", whose artists were members of the group "Ex-BB", but later the name of the group acquired an independent meaning.
The first mention of the Ex-BB group dates back to 1989. Then four soloists of the popular ensemble of musical eccentricities and parody “Bim-Bom” (artistic director and founder - Valery Levushkin)
Vadim Sorokin, Alexander Kalinin, Gia Gagua and Alexander Ozerov decided to go free swimming.
As a result of intense creative searches from February to May 1989, the first numbers of the as yet unnamed group were invented. This is “Othello’s Soulful Aria”, in which Othello in the image of A. Serov strangled his wife to the hit “Wedding Music”, “Georgian Choir” in which 4 funny Georgians perform Georgian polyphony, confusing folk tunes with the Beatles song and, of course, “Russian tune” - this number later became quite famous thanks to filming in the program “Vzglyad” - 4 Russian guys in red shirts and with harmonicas sing ditties in the style rock to music gr. "Europe".The group "Ex-BB" appeared in 1989 in Moscow.
The question arose about the name of the group. Naturally, the unknown team is of little interest, and therefore they decided to identify themselves as “Ex-Bim-bom”, especially since the merit in the creation of the previous team was considerable. Over time, so that the audience would not confuse the new team with the “Bim-Bom” that continued to perform, the name was changed to “Ex-BB”, leaving two letters in memory of the former team. And the slow ascent to Olympus began.

Filming began in television programs, which significantly strengthened the position of Ex-BB.

The first breakthrough on the screen was in the then popular program “Vzglyad” with the number “Russians”.
It was followed by a video shoot with Stolyarov in the 1990 New Year's Light of Dedmorozov's medley “Hit Parade for 30 Years.”
Regina Dubovitskaya drew attention to the guys and invited them to the then popular TV program “Full House”.
And then the famous producer A. Dostman (Artes Cultural Foundation) proposed to hold the first benefit performance in 2003 at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall.
There was a groan in the hall, which we call laughter, and they asked for an extra ticket from the metro itself. The television that filmed the benefit replayed the program 7-8 times, and real glory descended on the guys.
Following the triumph, “Ex-BB” rolled around the country with a solo program, excitedly repeatedly rolling out beyond its borders: Germany, Israel, the USA, Ukraine.
The guys from "Ex-BB" managed to find their own bright style in the numerous parody genre.
But behind the deceptive ease of stage performance lies a huge amount of physical and creative work on each number, and the viewer, feeling the genuine dedication of the real masters of reinvention, responds to them with the same real applause for many years!

The Ex-BB team has been performing on the national stage for 25 years, and during this time it has gained well-deserved popularity. This is a team of artists that appeared in Moscow in the last years of the USSR. The new team was born along with the new Russia, since at the end of perestroika the Bim-Bom ensemble, the predecessor of Ex-BB, still existed. On the eve of the appearance of the group, its members were part of its composition, hence the name of the new group - Ex-BB, that is, the former Bim-Bom.

The genre of the group's stage work can be classified as parody, but Ex-BB's performances carry real originality and the viewer sees quite a wide variety in their parodies.

In the 1990s, Ex-BB performed at many concerts and festivals: Zolotoy Ostap (St. Petersburg), Sea of ​​Laughter (Riga), Odesskaya Humorina (Odessa) and so on. At that time the group consisted of four artists, but now the composition has been reduced. These days, Gia Gagua, Alexander Kalinin and Alexander Ozerov perform in Ex-BB. They all come from the 1960s, each has a higher education (some in acting, some in cultural studies), and Alexandra - Kalinin and Ozerov - are also engineers with diplomas from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Their team was often invited to popular comedy television programs: Full House, Funny Panorama, Meeting Place, Funny People. In their performances, the artists do not set the task of copying or imitating anyone; they find various situations from the modern life of society and present them to the viewer in a humorous way.

In programs, concerts and shows with the participation of Ex-BB in their performances you can often see the numbers “Disco”, “Oh, don’t give me away, mother”, “Gentlemen of Fortune” and others, which enjoyed and are enjoying audience success. It is difficult to describe in words how in these numbers the stars of youth discos of the 1970s and 80s, the characters of the famous film, find themselves in the present day, how a Russian girl from the past finds herself in our days and convinces that a hundred or two years ago young ladies were very concerned similar problems... In their performances, the artists change the situations in which the depicted characters find themselves, and when presented to the viewer, the characteristic features of the characters shown are emphasized. This is done with a bit of eccentricity, so it causes a smile and laughter and makes people come to Ex-BB again.

In 2007, one of the group’s artists (Vadim Sorokin) died and A. Kalinin, A. Ozerov and G. Gagua remained. They performed with this lineup for another year, and then the group split into two lineups. In 2008, due to division, there was even an incident at a concert. Two Alexanders came to perform without Gia Gagua, and they forgot to inform the audience. When the beloved Ex-BB appeared on stage, not in full force, the audience began to leave the hall... it was already Next-BB, which retained the traditions of the team and the style of work. And Gia Gagua was able to find new artists and led another team - Ex-BB Gia. The emergence of two compositions of the group occurred due to differences in the paths of creative development. However, both emerging teams continue to maintain the general appearance of the work of the good old Ex-BB. In their performances, they actively use self-irony, parody artists and artistic characters of the past, who in stage numbers find themselves in modernity and live in the realities of our days. At the same time, the characters in the story do not consider themselves parodists.

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