Personnel of the 332nd Rifle Division during the war. Family book of memory and glory Trushkin Vasily Vasilyevich

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    ✪ Intelligence: Igor Pykhalov about the Nazi European Union, part two


I wholeheartedly welcome you! Igor Vasilyevich, hello. Good evening. Last time we went half way. Shall we continue? Yes, we just stopped about in the middle, that's where the big circle is, it's Germany, well, of course, along with Austria. By the way, as some observant spectators correctly noted there, that, generally speaking, a black swastika should initially be drawn in this circle. But since I took this poster from the Internet, we have, apparently, because of our somewhat clumsy denazification policy, when we cut out swastikas from all objects, there, respectively ... It looks cool - there is a blue swastika, there is a red swastika, and here no. Yes, it was there, of course, in the original. By the way, about the swastika: here, again, especially advanced figures in our country begin to reproach me that, they say, I say about the Finns that they had a swastika, but I am silent about the fact that the swastika was also in the Red Army during Civil War. Gotcha, yeah! Well, on this occasion, I can repeat once again that not every swastika is Nazi, and in order to determine its nature, you need to look at such questions: firstly, who introduced it, for what purpose, i.e. what ideology did it reflect, and in what period of time did it operate. Well, in general, yes - it’s hard to suspect Buddhists and Hindus who 2 thousand years ago with it ... Well, and if ... Quite right, they, and not only them, and we have this on our territory, but specifically in The Red Army, more precisely, not only in the Red Army - the Provisional Government was noted by this there, the swastika was indeed used. And even money. Yes, the Provisional Government was on the money, by the way, but those people who introduced all this, they had nothing to do with the Nazi ideology, they did not invest such meanings in it, and the whole thing operated somewhere before 1920 or 1921 year, after which, by the way, we specifically had an explanation by Lunacharsky that the swastika should not be used, because by that time the Nazis had already begun to actively use it, and accordingly, in a later period, we in the USSR did not use swastikas as a symbol we observe. I would say after that: we have a lot of so-called. neo-pagans, who immediately begin to tell what and what you find fault with - this is an ancient Slavic solar symbol. Well, I want to ask how often the Slavs have a swastika? For example, there are just crosses, there are circles, triangles, squares - in this series, how often does a swastika occur? And suddenly it turns out that she practically does not occur there, but for some reason you, the citizens of the so-called. neo-pagans, choose for yourself a strictly Nazi symbol, remembered by the Nazis once and for all. Moreover, here it is in many respects that the key word is memorized, because after Hitler and the Third Reich headed by him noted this, it becomes simply difficult to interpret this symbol in a different way. But these eagles from Finland, they are there, as I already said then, that they had this swastika introduced by Count Erich von Rosen, who was an ideological Nazi and in the future ran for parliament in his native Sweden, and they pursued a policy completely, one might say , nationalist, arranging ethnic cleansing in the occupied territory of our Karelia. So everything is clear here. Well, just here we move on to the next state, which is marked with a red swastika here, this is Slovakia. Which I initially mistook for Germany, yes. The state is also interesting, i.e. it comes and goes. In principle, after the First World War, when Austria-Hungary collapsed, such a democratic state as Czechoslovakia was carved out on its ruins. As the name implies, this state was its titular nation - these are Czechs and Slovaks. Both those and other Slavs? Yes, who were united into one whole, although, again, here ... They became Czechoslovaks. No, well ... by the way, about the Slavs: it’s interesting that, as my father, who worked there in Soviet times, told me that the Czechs there, in conversations with our specialists, said that, they say, they are not Slavs - “we have here Slovaks are Slavs”, and they are, so to speak, apparently Europeans. Germans actually, yes. Well, yes, the superior race. As a result, what happened in this state: there were citizens of the highest class - these are Czechs, respectively, citizens, well, maybe first class - Slovaks, well, everything else is there - the same Germans, Poles, Hungarians and others who are already there did not feel very comfortable. Well, in principle, the Slovaks, although they fell under the titular nation, but not so much, and therefore, naturally, they wanted autonomy or something like that. And when our future allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in 1938 solemnly surrendered Czechoslovakia to Hitler, forcing them to give up the Sudetenland, then in parallel with this, by the way, both Poland and Hungary took part in the partition, but at the same time, Slovak autonomy was created inside Czechoslovakia, just exactly one week after the Munich agreement. This autonomy was headed by such Josef Tiso, who was not a Nazi, he even once belonged to the Czechoslovak government in the late 20s, and he was the Minister of Health and Sports there, i. one might say, such a local Mutko, but then the situation just turned out such that if you Slovaks want to get an independent state, then you need to be friends with Hitler, because you can get it from him. And it really happened that, indeed, a few months later, in mid-March 1939, on March 14, an independent Slovak state was proclaimed, after which, naturally, Germany joyfully capitalized all of Czechoslovakia, i.e. the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was created on the Czech lands proper, Slovakia received such independence, but the same England and France happily surrendered all this, because they had absolutely no desire or reason to fit into this state. At the same time, it must be said that, on the sly here, Hungary still managed to grab a piece of territory from Slovakia, but nevertheless it turned out to be such an independent state, which, naturally, owed its existence to Hitler and had to work out this business. Therefore, after the start of the Second World War, i.e. September 1939, when Hitler attacked Poland, the Slovak army also took part there, although, ironically, they actually took their own, i.e. the fact that Poland managed to grab from this common state a year before, and then, when June 22, 1941 came, Slovakia, as a state, declared war on us and took part in the campaign against our country. But what needs to be emphasized here: if we take this upper part - the same Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, then volunteers fought against us there, i.e. those people who voluntarily went to serve the Nazis and voluntarily fight against our country, then Slovakia sent the regular army here, i.e. these were people who were drafted into the army and had to fulfill their military duty by order of the leadership of their state. As a result, an expeditionary corps was sent here, or it is called an expeditionary army group, there it included 2 infantry divisions and 1 motorized brigade. All this was involved in Ukraine, i.e. as part of Army Group South, respectively, these infantry divisions were used mainly to participate in the encirclement and liquidation of our troops that fell into the boilers, and the motorized brigade advanced in the advanced units of the German army and, accordingly, suffered quite serious losses there. The number of this army corps was somewhere a little more than 40 thousand people, i.e. , in principle, for such a small state, this is quite a lot. Completely, yes. Although compared to the same Finland, this, of course, is not quoted, but they performed so decently. What happens next there: in early August, the whole thing will be reorganized there, i.e. this single corps was liquidated, and instead of these two divisions and a brigade, 2 divisions are formed: one motorized, and the second security, and in the future they are already used separately, i.e. there is no corps command, but the command of the division is Slovak, i.e. Slovak generals and officers command there. And then the motorized division continues to fight as part of Army Group South, i.e. in the south, and in the campaign of the summer of 1942, she participated in the attack on the Caucasus, reached the Krasnodar Territory, then there, when the Germans were driven back from the Caucasus, this division was also quite hard beaten, while they actually lost all the tanks attached to them, and therefore, further it was also reorganized into a security division. But here it is necessary to say something: since, after all, the Slovaks, firstly, came here to fight not for ideological reasons, but by order, and secondly, these are still Slavs, who, moreover, have certain sympathies for us, then these formations from the very beginning were, so to speak, unreliable. And even if even during their stay in the Krasnodar Territory there was a case of going over to our side, about 150 people went over there, then in the fall of 1943, more precisely on October 29-30, 2600 people from this division near Melitopol went over to our side. There were great people! Yes, i.e. it was such a very solid and worthy act. After that, the Germans were forced to disband this division, from what was left, a construction brigade was formed, which was sent to Romania, and after Romania also changed shoes, went over to our side, respectively, this brigade was moved to Hungary, where she was in March 1945 and was captured by the Red Army. Those. such is the combat path of this division. Finished as a construction battalion, right? Well, they finished, yes, actually a construction battalion, but in the end they were in Soviet captivity. As for the second division, which was security, then, as is clear from its name, it is intended to protect the rear and fight partisans. But, again, in view of the national and ideological qualities, the fighters against partisans, i.e. punishers, they turned out so-so. As Major General of the Wehrmacht Müller-Hillebrand writes on this subject, who, as you know, is the author of such a monumental work on the German Ground Forces, which, by the way, was translated and published by us back in such a condo Soviet era, even in the 50s years. He writes about this division: “The security division did not justify itself in the fight against partisans,” and further on: “Slovak troops were especially susceptible to pan-Slavic propaganda.” Well, indeed, I’ll still quote - this is already from the special message of the UNKVD in the Leningrad Region dated November 5, 1941, because the Slovaks also visited us, in the occupied Leningrad Region: “On one of the sectors of the front in the Kingisepp region, there are Slovaks among German soldiers who speak Russian. They are sociable with the population, talk about the news received from their families, who are in distress, without clothes and food, declare that they are fighting against their will, under the threat of execution. They convince the population to flee from the Germans to the location of the units of the Red Army. Coming to the dugouts or to the fires, they ask the population for potatoes and, fearing that the officers will notice, they eat it raw here. When an officer appears, the soldiers run away, warning the population not to tell the officers about their presence here and conversations. Those. here the mentality of these Slovak fighters against the partisans is more or less clear. In general, it must be said that out of the entire Hitlerite army, i.e. the German army of the allies, the Slovaks behaved most loyally towards our population. And although most of this security division was in Ukraine and Belarus, transitions to partisans are constantly noted there, while they still strove to inflict some damage on their allies - to kill the Germans who were with them, or to disable something . The apotheosis happened in the fall of 1943, when the 102nd regiment, which was part of this division, almost in its entirety, led by officers, went over to the side of the partisans, before that they had blown up guarded objects on the railway. After that, this division, like their comrades who were near Melitopol, was reorganized into a construction brigade and sent to Italy. Here their battle path ends. It should also be noted that several aviation squadrons fought on the Eastern Front from the Slovak Army, and it turns out such a general alignment that it was on the Eastern Front that 1565 servicemen of the Slovak Army were killed and somewhere a little more than 5 thousand were captured, of which, in my opinion, about 300 died in captivity, the rest then returned to their homeland. But this is not the whole story, because after the Red Army went west and approached the borders of the former Czechoslovakia, then in Slovakia on August 29, 1944, this famous Slovak uprising begins, when partisans started it, who were there by that time actively acted, but in fact almost the entire Slovak army went over to their side. Those. there, during the period of maximum development of this movement, it turned out that about 15 thousand partisans and 60 thousand servicemen of the Slovak army fought against the Germans. But, unfortunately, mainly because of the terrain, since there are just mountains, there the Red Army was not able to come to the aid of this uprising in time, although we tried to help as much as we could, i.e. there, on the territory controlled by the rebels, an aviation squadron was sent from us, where Czechs and Slovaks served as pilots, because by that time we already had Czechoslovak formations as part of the Red Army. Then an airborne brigade of Czechs and Slovaks was transferred there. But in the end, the rebels held out for 2 months, and at the end of October the uprising was crushed, we managed only the only thing - at the very last stage, to break through the front, and thus part of the wounded and civilians came to us. Well, then later, with the further defeat of Germany, of course, we entered the territory of this republic and then we liberated everything. Thus, it turns out that, although here we formally consider that the same Denmark, for example, and Holland are members of the anti-Hitler coalition that suffered from the Nazi occupation, but in fact they mostly fought for Hitler, then the Slovaks are still here, although formally this state was a vassal of Hitler, in fact they made a much greater contribution on our side. Well done! Yes. But, it is true, it must be said that their fellow citizens from among the Czechs showed themselves to a lesser extent, less worthy, because, naturally, they were under occupation, i.e. there was a protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, as I said, but at the same time they did not resist this occupation in any way, and their own security units were created there, i.e. 12 security battalions were formed, which were intended to fight partisans on the territory of the protectorate itself, but since there were practically no partisans there, they were transferred to Italy in 1944, 11 of these 12 battalions. True, there, again, they began quite cheerfully to go over to the side of the partisans. After 800 people went over to the side of the partisans, the Germans reorganized these battalions into construction units and used them, so to speak, without weapons. But at the same time, it must be said that many Czechs also joined both the Wehrmacht and the SS. Well, of course, we remember that in Czechoslovakia there was a large German population who turned out to be Volksdeutsche or even just citizens of the Reich, so God himself ordered them to be called up, but many ethnic Czechs were also in the army. And here I am quoting from just the time of the battle for Moscow, this is a questionnaire of a prisoner of war compiled by the intelligence department of the Headquarters of the 3rd army of the spacecraft: , Czech, engineer, just graduated from a higher technical school, immediately drafted into the army on February 3, 1941 Frischen Warthegau (Polish province). Captured on 12/20/41 in the area of ​​the state farm "Power of Labor." What does this Czech show: “... The soldiers do not want to fight, they were initially promised that they would receive warm uniforms, that another army would come from France, and they would go home for rest. all soldiers go home. There are no separate Czech units. All Czechs were sent to Germany and distributed among German soldiers. There was one more Czech in their company. Czechs are reluctant to join the German army, there were many cases when the police came and killed those who refused to go "How many Czechs they have in the regiment, he doesn't know, they're afraid to talk about it, because the Germans mock them, Czech soldiers were always sent to the front line. He was all the time in the headquarters company. If the Germans know that he is a Czech, they give him the hardest work. Czech officers serve as soldiers ... "Here, to be honest, I see some contradictions in his testimony, i.e. obviously a person is trying to pity our “bloody gebny” and imagine that the Germans are offending them, but the fact is that, indeed, many citizens of Czech nationality served in the German troops, well, I’ll talk about this in more detail a little later, when we talk about Poland but today. Well, here, in order to draw a line under this state, it must be said that back in March 1943, a Czechoslovak battalion was formed as part of the spacecraft, which entered the battle near Kharkov, then a brigade was deployed further from it, and then a corps, and accordingly, on our side, in the ranks of these formations, 4,000 people died and 10,000 were wounded. Those. here is a contribution. Yes, one more thing to remember - that, unfortunately, since Czechoslovakia was a fairly industrialized state with a powerful military industry, all this goodness went to the Germans and was used against us. Those. there, several German tank divisions were armed with Czechoslovak tanks on June 22, and in the future, the military industry of this state worked there for the benefit of the Third Reich. Now what do we have next? The cross is red. Yes, the red cross is so unexpected, it’s just that we didn’t say it in Soviet schools - this is Croatia. What is it: well, firstly, who are the Croats - this is just an example of how the presence of a particular religion can split a single people into parts, because in fact there is a Slavic people speaking a single language, which is officially called Serbo-Croatian, although it is clear that these people themselves, apparently, do not call it that, but it actually turned out that some of them profess Orthodoxy - these are Serbs and Montenegrins, part of Catholicism is Croats, and there is still a fairly large group of Muslims - these are bosniaks. Well, there, again, it turned out historically that Serbia and Montenegro, although they were also under the Ottoman yoke, they had some kind of autonomy, respectively, the Croats fell mainly under the rule of Austria-Hungary, but the Bosnians were also first under Turkey , then they were occupied by Austria-Hungary, back in the 70s of the 19th century, and then they remained there. After the First World War, a single state was created in these territories - the Kingdom of Hungarians, Croats and Slovenes, i.e. what was then already socialist Yugoslavia after the war. But it turned out that such a state, as they say, is sewn with white thread, i.e. there, with the exception of the Serbs and Montenegrins themselves, the rest of the nationalities were weakly loyal to this single government, and when the hour of testing came in the spring of 1941, i.e. when a military coup was carried out in Yugoslavia, and they decided to change their orientation from pro-German to anti-German, while they were ready to become our allies, then when the Germans launched an invasion on April 6, 1941, it turned out that half of the same Croats, of the same Bosnians conscripts simply did not appear, and those who served, they often simply hit their fellow soldiers of Serbian nationality in the back. Because of this, this state collapsed very quickly - somewhere in 11 days, after which the Germans and their allies, the Italians, capitalized the whole thing. On the territory inhabited by Croats, the Independent Croatian State was created, which, by the way ... well, naturally, there was a very harsh ethnic cleansing, i.e. there, the Serbs were simply destroyed en masse, but at the same time, as soon as the Germans started a war against our country on June 22, the next day, the head of Croatia, as he was called there - head of the Independent Croatian State Ante Pavelic, he appealed to his fellow tribesmen with an appeal that let's form a volunteer a legion that will go to the Eastern Front to beat this Bolshevik infection. And indeed, volunteers were found there, quite a lot, because it was originally planned to form a legion as part of a regiment there, but since there were a lot of people who wanted it, they initially made a regiment, then they had to make a reinforced regiment. Since 9 thousand people responded to this call, about half of them were accepted, i.e. it turned out that at the time of being sent to the front in this regiment, he received the number 369th Croatian regiment, there were about 4 thousand, and then more was added, i.e. reached 5 thousand. Well, taking into account the losses, somewhere around 6.5 thousand people passed through it. It should be noted that if Slovakia had its own army with its own commanders, here, in the Croatian regiment, the command staff was German, but these volunteers were from among Croats and Bosniaks, i.e. Muslims, they were privates and sergeants there. At the same time, it must be said that there the proportion was approximately 2:1, i.e. there were about 4 thousand Croats and 2 thousand Bosnians in this formation. This regiment took part in the Battle of Stalingrad and practically there near Stalingrad it was completely destroyed. Perfectly! Those. in general, it must be said that out of all this shobla that has stuck up to us, here, if we count exactly the relative losses, i.e. not in absolute numbers, but in percentage terms, the Croats raked to the maximum, i.e. Of these, about 9/10 remained with us, one might say, in our land, because there were more than 5 thousand, of which 90% died or later died in captivity. In addition, an infantry legion was also formed there, more precisely, an infantry-cavalry legion - there was a little cavalry there, in this regiment. An aviation legion was also created, 400 people were recruited there. Initially, they wanted to make 4 squadrons there, in the end they limited themselves to two: there was a bomber squadron and one fighter squadron, they also fought on the Eastern Front. After they seriously raked here near Stalingrad, they began to form 2 more divisions on the territory of Croatia, then 1 more, but since there was a very powerful partisan movement in Yugoslavia by that time, no one was sent to the Eastern Front, because there was already something to do. But in the end, the Red Army simply came there on a return visit, and there we dealt with: firstly, with the 13th SS division "Khanjar", which was also from Bosniaks and Croats, which we beat on the territory of Yugoslavia, and then, when she retreated to Hungary, they finished her off there. In addition, there was also the 23rd SS division, also Croatian-Bosnian, which, however, did not have time to complete. It began to form, but not finished. Still, it should be noted here that not all Croats participated in this whole movement, because some of them fought as part of the partisans against the invaders, and, in fact, Josip Broz Tito himself, the leader of the Communists of Yugoslavia, was also a Croat by nationality. Although here it must be said thirdly that later, after the war, he actually committed a betrayal, i.e. he betrayed our country and Stalin, and from this Yugoslavia became a state hostile to us. Those. this should not be forgotten either. Now the next thing: this circle is Hungary. It must already be said there that, unlike the same Slovakia, which became ... it was never Russophobic and became unwillingly anti-Soviet, there was a situation in Hungary: after the defeat of Austria-Hungary in the First World War, it broke up into national entities, and there was also a revolution in Hungary, Soviet power was proclaimed there, but the Reds lost there - with the help of the interventionists they were crushed, and after that, starting from 1919, there was such a naturally anti-communist regime on the territory of this country, and Horthy ruled there. Yes, Horthy, which was interesting: firstly, he was a vice admiral of the Imperial Navy, i.e. fleet of Austria-Hungary, but after it all fell apart and was redrawn, it turned out that he rules in a country that has no access to the sea. Those. it turned out such a vice admiral, but without a fleet. He had the Danube flotilla. Well, maybe. The second point is that at the same time he proclaimed himself not a president, not a prime minister, but a regent, i.e. it means that Hungary remains such a kingdom, and he, one might say, will be regent for now, but there is no monarch, and never was. Those. he is at the same time, one might say, a regent without a monarch and an admiral without a fleet. Naturally, when already in February 1939 Hungary entered into an anti-communist pact, when Czechoslovakia finally collapsed, the Hungarians managed to grab a piece of Slovakia there, and they would have grabbed even more, but there the Germans, who are the common owners for these states, they further banned to do all this, so I had to stop there. But on August 30, 1940, Hungary was able to grab such a very good piece from Romania, moreover, in a completely peaceful way, i.e. there they again turned to Hitler for mediation, and the so-called. The second Vienna Arbitration on August 30, 1940, resulted in the territory of Northern Transylvania with a population of about 2.4 million ... Not bad! ... was transferred from Romania to Hungary. Do Hungarians live there, right? Yes, Romania has this Transylvania in its composition, known to us from all sorts of horror films, and there is a fairly large Hungarian minority. But it is true that only the northern part of this region was given to Hungary at that time. What happened next: in principle, the state is so vehemently anti-Soviet, anti-communist, I would even say: Russophobic, so when there in April 1941 Horthy was negotiating with Hitler about a future war against our country, he wrote down in his diary the following: “Why do the Mongols, Kirghiz, Bashkirs and others need to be Russian? If we turn the Soviet republics that exist today into independent states, the issue would be resolved - in a few weeks the German army would do this most important work for all mankind. Well, as we know, in real history, the German army could not complete this most important work for humanity. Well, they did it without her. The promises were fulfilled. Yes, it was carried out by Gorbachev, Yeltsin, whose birthday is now being celebrated by some of our fellow citizens. But nevertheless, although Horthy was so disposed, he himself did not burn with a desire to participate in this most important matter for mankind, because here is the joke: there was no benefit, since it turns out that Hungary borders on us only through the mountains, i.e. through the mountains. e. through the Carpathians, there is no territorial connectivity, and there is no Hungarian population on the other side of the border. Then we received a small ethnic group, but this was already after the war, when we received Transcarpathian Ukraine. Then they still had it. Well, and then here, rather, Hungary could have done something at the expense of the same Slovakia, cutting off something else there, or from Romania, if you get South Transylvania in addition to Northern Transylvania. Therefore, in fact, when the Great Patriotic War began on June 22, Hungary did not declare war on us. Well, after that, such a very interesting event takes place there, namely: after 4 days, i.e. On June 26, 1941, over the city of Kosice, which was originally a Slovak city, but then was captured by Hungary and by that time was Hungarian, 3 aircraft appeared there, dropping 30 hundred-kilogram bombs. As a result, 30 people were killed there, 285 were injured. And what is interesting: there were no red stars on the planes, instead there were yellow stripes, which, in principle, were considered as an identification mark of this Hitler coalition ... But in general, it betrayed all belonging to the Soviet Union. Since the same Slovaks, Romanians, and others fought nearby, i.e. the result is such a provocation. But the Hungarian official version was immediately that it was bombed by the Russians, and as evidence they brought a fragment of a bomb on which it was written: "Putilov Plant". But in general, if we take into account that by that time the plant had not had such a name for a long time, i.e. he was then "Red Putilovets", then there was "Kirov", i.e. this is somehow very strange, and, again, we didn’t have such a habit then to mark our ammunition with the enterprise, it turns out, it’s quite obvious that this was a provocation aimed at drawing Hungary into the war. Naturally, we have a certain number of anti-Stalinist fools who believe that it was, they say, our pilots bombed, and they put forward such versions that, they say, on the eve of the war we had a plan that we would apparently attack there - operation Thunderstorm, everything else, according to this plan, they were supposed to bomb Hungary, but here, due to confusion, we tried to fulfill it. But then the question arises, why, why then even aircraft with other people's identification marks? Because in the same Finland we bombed the day before, and there we were not at all shy, not to mention the fact that we simply did not have any military reason to bomb this town in the part of Slovakia occupied by Hungary. Those. it's a no brainer that this is a provocation, which is enough to be sewn with such white threads. But in the end, what happens next from this is that the next day, June 27, Hungary declared war on us, after which it sent the so-called to the Eastern Front. mobile corps, which included 2 motorized brigades and 1 cavalry. Plus, there were still 2 brigades operating: 1 border and 1 jaeger, but these were brigades of such a small number. Those. in general, we can assume that 4 brigades in June 1941 were involved against us. It is clear that this all worked, again, in Ukraine, as part of Army Group South, but the next summer, when the battle for Stalingrad broke out, Hitler already strained his allies there so that they would already give everything to a greater extent, and there Hungary already put up against us the second army was called the 2nd Hungarian Army, which included 9 light infantry divisions, 1 tank division, plus there were 3 security divisions ... Decently! ... who were engaged, as the name implies, in the fight against partisans. Moreover, it must be said that if their neighbors from Slovakia just distinguished themselves, one might say, with a humane attitude towards our civilian population ... Then these are the other way around? These, yes, on the contrary, i.e. the Hungarians committed atrocities, and they committed atrocities more than anyone else. With us, if we take the rating of such atrocity, then there, of course, the first place is the German SS, and the second is the Hungarians, i.e. they were superior to the regular Wehrmacht in this respect. Well, in general, it must be said that such a state and people were, in general, very hostile to us. What happens next: when our troops launch a counterattack near Stalingrad and close the encirclement, one of the “pincers” that closed the boiler just passed through the 2nd Hungarian army, which is why it was actually defeated. After that, there, respectively, 3 out of 9 infantry divisions remained, and 2 out of 3 security divisions. in the end, it turns out that by the spring of 1943, only 5 divisions remained in the Hungarian army, and they were also quite well-beaten. Then all this is brought to the territory of Hungary, it is reorganized there, and by April 1943, the now 1st Army was formed, which was transferred to the German Army Group Northern Ukraine. Further, since the country is hostile to us, the country is fighting against us, then by June 15, 1944, on the Eastern Front, but there is still only 1 Hungarian army, i.e. 1st Army, but it already includes 4 infantry divisions, 1 light, 1 cavalry, 1 tank, 5 reserve and 2 mountain rifle brigades, i.e. For a small country, this is quite a lot. Already closer to autumn, i.e. in August-September, the Hungarians also brought the 2nd and 3rd armies into battle. What happened next: since, after all, Horthy was not a fool and understood which way the wind was blowing, especially since their neighbors from Romania had already “changed their shoes” here, he decided to do the same, and on October 15, 1944, he announced a truce with Soviet Union. But here the Germans are conducting a special operation, they forced Horthy to surrender power in favor of Salashi, after which he and his family were taken to Germany. In the end, it turned out that everything ended well for Horthy personally, i.e. he was neither shot nor hanged there, but lived his life safely in Portugal, but his country fought with us to the very end, i.e. until May 9, 1945. And again, if we liberated a number of other capitals, say, Prague, Belgrade, Warsaw, then we took Budapest, respectively, we have a medal specifically “For the capture of Budapest”, as well as “For the capture of Berlin”, “For the capture of Koenigsberg", "For the capture of Vienna". If we take it purely organizationally, then it turned out that just at the moment when Horthy tried to get out of the war, but he did not succeed, there were already 3 armies fighting against us from the Hungarian side, which included 7 infantry divisions, 1 light an infantry division, a jaeger brigade, 2 mountain rifle brigades, a cavalry division, and an army cavalry division - they still had an SS division, then 2 tank divisions, well, there are a few more reserve divisions. Those. still quite a lot. As a result, what happened: this whole war against us cost Hungary almost 300 thousand killed and died from wounds at the front - 295 thousand with "penny", and somewhere else half a million, even a little more, were in our captivity, of which 55 thousand died. Those. here is a fee. Well, plus, we imposed an indemnity on them, or rather, reparations - now it is no longer possible to take an indemnity, because it is not politically correct, and what was captured had to be returned: to Romania to give Transylvania and to Slovakia, well, a separate state was restored there - again Czechoslovakia, only already socialist, however, again, not immediately. But all this had to be returned. But still, it must be said that here, one can say that Comrade Stalin showed too unjustified softness and humanity to these impudent accomplices of the Nazis, too many of them survived by 1956, when they raised this uprising, i.e. it was necessary to be tougher, and it would be necessary that more of them remain here. But, unfortunately, this is the situation. Yes, in fact, it turns out that almost no one fought on our side, i.e. although there were some formations there by the end of the war, but, in my opinion, almost no one entered the battle there. Those. there is no need to talk about some serious formations and some serious losses on our side. Although, of course, there were individual anti-fascists who helped us, and some of the people of this nationality served in the Red Army, but this was already their personal choice, and not national. Next is Romania. What do we have there: in principle, this is the state, it was an ally of the Russian Empire in the First World War, but such an ally is rather of little use and, as it turned out later, rather vile, because they entered the war on our side, hoping that we will now quickly defeat Austria-Hungary, and they will also profit there, as a result, instead, on the contrary, the Romanian army was defeated, i.e. in fact, the front was held there by Russian troops who were in Romania, but then, again, Romania managed to conclude a truce with Germany, Austria-Hungary and their other allies, but then they “changed their shoes” again and were among the winners, so they are there they received pieces from Hungary, from Bulgaria, and from us they were able to grab Bessarabia, i.e. This is the current Moldova. But it must be said that the Soviet government never recognized this capture; neither Soviet Russia nor its successor, the Soviet Union, i.e. we have always considered this territory occupied by the Romanian army, and from this it was clear to the Romanian authorities that as soon as we have the opportunity, we will try to resolve this issue by force, therefore the Romanian state was initially hostile to us, all these 2 pre-war decades. There, back in March 1921, they signed an anti-Soviet military alliance with Poland, which was renewed every 5 years, but at the same time, as it should be for such anti-Soviet states, they had a rich choice of whom to focus on. Those. they, in principle, were ready to be friends with the same England and France, well, with Germany, too, in general, not strangers. But then what happened: after it was discovered that England and France stubbornly “throw” everyone who trusted them, i.e. first Czechoslovakia, then Poland, then Romania decided that it was better to focus on Germany, and there, in the spring of 1939, an agreement on economic cooperation was concluded with Germany, and a year later, i.e. in May 1940, the so-called. the "oil pact", in which Romania simply pledged that oil from the oil fields in Ploiesti would be shipped to Germany. In addition, Germany also supplied Romania with all kinds of military materials in response, and there were some aspects of economic cooperation even further. But here such troubles begin for Romania: since there, according to our accusers, the Soviet Union pursued such an aggressive policy and, one might say, participated together with Hitler in the division of Europe, in fact, we were just in that period, i.e. starting from September 1939, they were engaged in returning their own, i.e. what was snatched from us during the previous Russian Troubles. And at the end of June 1940, the Soviet leadership demanded that Romania return Bessarabia, and, naturally, in case of refusal, we were ready to return it, but with the help of military force. As a result, Romania conceded, and here, again, we took not only territories, but everything that was there, i.e. we demanded that nothing be taken out of the industrial equipment there, so that the railway train - wagons and steam locomotives that were there, would not even be stolen. Moreover, in order to prevent it, they even dropped troops in the Romanian rear, in the end they returned it all back. And then, again, here, as you know, we now have a conflict in Transnistria, there is an unrecognized Transnistrian Moldavian Republic. Historically, it happened this way: at the time of the end of the Civil War in our country, the dividing line with Romania passed along the Dniester, i.e. their coast is occupied Bessarabia, and on our coast there is such a stripe - we created the Moldavian Autonomous Republic as part of Ukraine. And then, when they released the rest, i.e. liberated Bessarabia, then this strip on the left bank of the Dniester was attached there. Accordingly, it turns out that if we take the border for September 1939, i.e. the old Soviet border, then Transnistria is on this side, so when a nationalist regime came to power there in Chisinau 25 years ago, which ... besides, everyone there was screaming that they would now return to Romania, it is natural that those people who we lived in Transnistria, they absolutely did not want such happiness, and they were absolutely right. But if we go back to 1940, it turns out that after the USSR solved its problems with Romania, 2 more neighbors made the same claims there. Firstly, this is Bulgaria, which demanded that it return Southern Dobruja, and on September 7, 1940, they received it back - this is a piece of territory with a population of just under 400 thousand people. And shortly before that, on August 30, as I said, Hungary snatched off Northern Transylvania from Romania - there is already a much more solid piece. But at the same time, all these movements were movements among the states, let's say, vassals of Hitler's Germany, in fact, and Hitler personally promised the Romanians that you would be patient there, but we would compensate you for everything at the expense of the Soviet Union. Those. it was planned that they would be given a solid piece of Ukraine, including Odessa. Then the Romanians even dreamed that Crimea would be given to them, but it didn’t shine for them, because it was planned to create a purely German region there, something like Gotland, or Gothia, because there, according to German racial theory, in Crimea in their own time lived the Goths. It's true. Yes, there indeed they were among other peoples. Crimea was gothic. Yes, that’s why the same Crimean Tatars absolutely vainly hoped that they would then be fine there under Hitler-Efendi, because if the Germans had won, they would have also evicted them from there, because the Crimea was intended purely for the Aryan race. They thought Hitler Efendi was good, but he turned out to be a great one! Well, we didn't make it here. What happened next: since Romania suffered such serious territorial losses, there they actually have such, one might say, a coup d'etat, i.e. there, on September 5, 1940, Antonescu, who had previously been Minister of Defense, was appointed head of government, and the next day he simply forced the ruling king Carol II to abdicate in favor of his 19-year-old son Mihai, who had already simply become a puppet. How lovely! I thought he was the real King Mihai. No, the king, by the way, later distinguished himself, for which he received the Order of Victory - the situation with him was so interesting later. As a result, it turns out that Antonescu made a coup, and when on June 22 Hitler launched a campaign against Bolshevism and against our country, the Romanians participated in it en masse from the very beginning. Those. if we take the percentage by the number of mobilized, the Finns hold the palm there, and by the absolute number, i.e. the number of precisely the people who were sent to the Eastern Front, here, of course, the Romanians are ahead of everyone, because there the country itself is quite large, well, you need to develop these Ukrainian black soils. Organizationally, it was designed in such a way that, firstly, the 4th Romanian army pushed in here, and secondly, part of the Romanian divisions were subordinate to the 11th German army, which then we had in the Crimea and took Sevastopol under the command Manstein. True, soon the 3rd Romanian army was separated from the 11th German army. Those. they have 2 armies fighting from the very beginning, i.e. since June 1941. Physically, in July 1941, there was something there: in the 4th Romanian army there were 7 infantry divisions, 2 serfs, 1 cavalry, 1 tank brigade, and in the 11th army, from which the 3rd army was later allocated, there are 5 infantry divisions, 3 mountain rifle, 3 cavalry brigades, and plus, in addition to these army units, another border division was involved. Those. these are 13 divisions and about a dozen brigades. At the time of the Battle of Stalingrad, these 2 Romanian armies remained there - the 3rd and 4th armies, there are already 15 infantry divisions, 4 more mountain, 6 cavalry, 1 tank and 1 security divisions, i.e. already so much power. In general, it must be said that at the time of the battle of Stalingrad, almost 700 thousand military personnel from among the armies allied to Hitler were drawn there - i.e. they are Hungarians, Romanians and Italians. Those. it is very solid and numerous. At the same time, it was planned that a Romanian group of troops would be created from these 3rd and 4th armies, which would be personally led by Marshal Antonescu. But then, nevertheless, the German command thought and decided that it was not worth entrusting such a responsible task to such a virtually untermensch, albeit with ambitions. As a result, these Romanian armies, although they acted under the Romanian command, but individually, and indeed, in the Battle of Stalingrad, they were well defeated, and so thoroughly that the next summer, in the summer of 1943, we no longer see 2 army, but only 2 corps, i.e. 3 infantry divisions, 4 mountain divisions and 2 more cavalry divisions, i.e. it is several times less. What happens next: by the end of 1943, the Romanians were still able to restore the 3rd Army, consisting of 9 divisions, and by June 15, 1944, when our troops approached the Romanian territory, the Romanians already had 2 armies there, i.e. again the 3rd and 4th, there are 17 infantry divisions, an infantry brigade, 1 mountain rifle division, there are 3 mountain rifle brigades, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 tank division. Again, here, however, I already spoke about this at one time, that some people here like to make fun of the narrow-minded cavalrymen Budyonny and Voroshilov, who, they say, did not understand that the time of the cavalry had already expired. As we see here, the German allies, i.e. and among the Hungarians, and among the Romanians, and, looking ahead, even among the Italians the cavalry was still fully used. Well, actually, the Germans themselves too. But here, further, such a situation occurs that on August 23, 1944, a coup takes place in Romania, let's say, in the opposite direction - i.e. Antonescu was deposed and arrested, the young King Mihai announced that he would now rule for real, and accordingly, the Romanian army goes over to our side. And for this, for such an act, King Mihai was given the Order of Victory, as ... in fact, it is clear here that formally the status of the Order, most likely, was not observed, just like, say, with L. I. Brezhnev, but in fact , when we have such a fairly significant group of troops coming over to our side, this can really be considered as a front-line operation that was ... Well, if they passed all of Romania without fighting and without losses, then it was probably worth it. In general, yes. As a result, what this campaign to the east cost Romania: they lost a little less than 250 thousand killed and died of wounds, there are 245 thousand, in addition, we had about the same number in captivity - about 230 thousand people. True, as soon as they “changed their shoes” like this, ours immediately began to free them even at the level of the fronts, i.e. those people who managed to be captured, but have not yet been sent to the rear. There, about 40 thousand people were released in this way. The rest were in captivity, and there somewhere more than 50 thousand died while in captivity. A lot, but what is it - they were freezing, or what? Firstly, yes, by the way, they were mostly taken there near Stalingrad, and the conditions there were not very good. Those. it turns out like about the Hungarians, i.e. about a total of more than 300 thousand people died, just fighting against us. For the uninformed, it probably needs to be explained that when near Stalingrad, a lot of prisoners died there simply because it was cold there, and a huge number surrendered, there was nowhere to place them, there was nothing to feed, and therefore such high losses, at all not because they wanted to kill them. Yes exactly. But since Romania made its choice on time, then they already fought on our side, and fighting already against Hitler, they lost about 37 thousand killed and 99 thousand wounded. Well, of course, it turns out that in total all the same ... Somehow, citizen Mannerheim ceases to seem original in his jumping from corner to corner. Undoubtedly. Here the Romanians made a much larger, more useful contribution on our side, but nevertheless, they still managed to return Bessarabia to its original place, i.e. after the war. into our country, they also imposed reparations on them, which, however, were then partially forgiven, as well as to other members of the anti-Hitler coalition. Those. here is the schedule. And for Antonescu, all this ended badly - he was convicted and shot, although, again, it turned out that if the same Tiso was hanged in Slovakia, and this one was at least shot, i.e. it is, one might say, a more honorable death. So, now the next ... Gishpantsy. Yes, Spain. Here is the situation: as we remember, just on the eve of the Second World War in Spain there was a civil war from 1936 to 1939, in which, in fact, on the side of Franco, who raised a military rebellion against the republican government, the same Germans fought there, the Italians fought, those. there were actually army formations, albeit disguised ones. On the one hand, we provided fairly massive assistance to the Republican government of Spain; there were our servicemen, there were our advisers. Accordingly, when Hitler launched a campaign against our country, Franco was also offered to take part in this, but he decided to act cunningly, i.e. not to enter all the same into the Second World War, but to limit ourselves to sending a volunteer division to us. I must say that Hitler did not insist here, because Spain had a different function - through it trade was carried out with the United States, i.e. Spain, remaining neutral, bought Standard Oil from the USA, bought tungsten, and, accordingly, a fair part of this raw material was transferred to Germany. What helpful people! Yes, that’s why they didn’t particularly insist that she participate with her entire army. Nevertheless, the 250th Volunteer Division was formed there, which entered the historiography of the Great Patriotic War as the Blue Division, but this is not at all from sexual orientation, in this respect they are rather, one might say, ideologically, but, frankly, I I don’t know, because now in some literature they are beginning to write that, they say, it is necessary to translate not “Blue”, but “Blue”. I don't know, "azul" - Spanish experts, maybe they will tell you exactly how it is translated. Well, our sky is both blue and blue - and it's the same thing. Again, all these color terms then had nothing to do with today's tolerance. The division was quite numerous, i.e. it’s more like a corps in terms of numbers, i.e. at the time of sending to the Eastern Front there were about 20 thousand people there - 18 with “penny”, and all this fought precisely under our city, i.e. they were standing right here... Near St. Petersburg? Yes, where Pushkin, Kolpino. Moreover, there was a certain rotation of personnel, i.e. in total, almost 50 thousand people passed through this division. How did you behave? Here, no special atrocities were noted on their part, here it is rather more or less loyal, but when the blockade was broken in 1943, the division came under attack, and there, somewhere around 5,000-odd just fell into our Leningrad land. And also a fairly large number ... although no, not very large - somewhere around a little less than 400 people were captured, but then most of them returned from captivity, however, after Stalin's death. Those. this is the price of their participation in Spain. True, it must be said that after this defeat near Leningrad, Franco withdrew this division from the Eastern Front, however, at the same time, for the especially stubborn Spanish Nazis, who were ready to continue to fight with these godless Bolsheviks, the so-called. The Blue Legion, and there 2-3 thousand remained and fought on, already directly as part of the Nazi army. The main mass from here, respectively, was removed. But here it should be noted, in fairness, that part of the Spaniards fought on our side, naturally, that these were ideological people - the same Spanish communists who, after the defeat in the civil war, were forced to emigrate here. There were about a thousand people there, and many of them were part of the famous OMSBON, which was headed by Sudoplatov, i.e. sabotage unit, which was thrown into the rear, and fought like partisans. But some also ended up in army formations, in particular, the leader of the Spanish communists, Dolores Ibarruri, had a son, he was just 21 years old at the beginning of World War II - Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri. He fought in the Red Army, commanded a machine-gun company, and near Stalingrad he was seriously wounded and died in the hospital. Those. there were such people. In general, it must be said that, by and large, we have nothing to share with Spain and the Spaniards; we almost never fought, rather, on the contrary, it turned out that to some extent we are such, one might say, indirect allies, as, for example, during the Napoleonic wars, because, as we remember, almost all of Europe fell under Napoleon there, and only England fought, which sat out ... could sit out across the strait, here is Russia and Spain. And finally, the last circle is Italy. There it is clear that the Italians were fairly loyal allies of Hitler. Real fascists! Yes, there it is precisely that they are fascists, and in Germany they are Nazis. But at the same time, since everything is geographically far away, they didn’t have much interest here, it turned out that after June 22, the Duce sent a mobile corps here, consisting of 3 motorized divisions, and when the Battle of Stalingrad took place, again at the request of Hitler, the Italian troops were reinforced, and here the 8th Italian army was already fighting, which consisted of 5 infantry, 3 mountain, 1 motorized infantry, 1 security division, 2 infantry and 1 cavalry brigade - i.e. Here is such here was Italian army. It was defeated near Stalingrad, there, respectively, 44 thousand were killed and about 50 thousand were captured, but since the situation was very unfavorable for them, it was winter, they were already weakened by hunger, plus southerners themselves, more than half of them died - here in captivity almost 30 thousand, 28 thousand died. But again, this is not because we staged a genocide for them, but because the circumstances so developed. Didn't have to go here. Yes, by the way, I must say that in general, for Italians, trips into the depths of our country always end ... The same way! Yes, because during the time of Napoleon, in 1812, several tens of thousands of Italians also came to us here, and, well, almost all of them stayed here. But in general, it must be said that, according to the opinions of those who survived the occupation, the Italian military personnel were quite loyal to the civilian population. And again, we can recall that after the end of the Second World War in Italy there was a very strong Communist Party, and in fact, if it were not for the persistent intervention of the United States and England, then most likely Italy would have become socialist. But they didn’t allow it, because democracy, as you know, is not permissiveness, so this is how the situation turned out. Here you can see that among all these circles there is no Bulgaria. Although Bulgaria was an ally of Hitler, and quite officially, they did not fight against our country, because the Bulgarian leadership was well aware that the people would not understand this. But now they grabbed a piece of Romania, Southern Dobruzhda, without a war, then they participated in the occupation of a part of Yugoslavia, namely Macedonia, but by the way, here they have some ethnic grounds, because the Macedonians are a people related to the Bulgarians. They also participated in the occupation of Greece. Then, when in 1943 the Anglo-American aviation allied with us began to bomb Romania - these are the oil fields of Ploiesti, the Bulgarian aviation, as an ally of Hitler, was involved in their defense. After that, the Anlo-Americans began to bomb Bulgaria proper, the Bulgarians defended themselves. As a result, they shot down more than 100 aircraft of our allies and took about half a thousand flight crews and ended up in Bulgarian captivity. But Bulgaria did not actually fight against us, not counting the incident, which was either at sea or in the air. They kept themselves in hand. Yes, and when our troops approached the border, there was an uprising on September 9, 1944, the government changed, and accordingly, Bulgaria had already declared war on Germany, and already fighting on our side, they lost 10 thousand people killed and 21.5 thousand wounded, those. they fought quite worthily, but the only thing is that there we had to separate them from the Yugoslav formations, i.e. units of the Red Army stood between them so that they would not fight among themselves. It could have gone bad. Well, because, yes, the Bulgarians and Serbs have traditional graters there, especially since there was a completely fresh excuse to remember all this. As a result, according to the results of the war, the Bulgarians, of course, had to leave Greece, leave Yugoslavia, but they retained Southern Dobruja for such loyal behavior. And they didn’t pay us reparations, but they paid in favor of Yugoslavia and in favor of Greece, since they nevertheless took part in the war on the wrong side. But in general, it turned out that the country rather, at least in relation to us, they acted quite well. Although, unfortunately, today the leadership there is, of course, anti-Russian. Speaking about the other victims of the Nazi occupation, one cannot fail to note the very same Poland, which, indeed, was occupied, there, indeed, quite a lot of people were destroyed by the Germans, but nevertheless, in the ranks of the Nazi army, about half a million Poles fought against us, and a fair amount some of them, although there were so-called. The Kashubians, who, in my opinion, are considered a separate ethnic group there, but some were precisely the Poles, who apparently decided that they would receive some preferences from this. For example, in November 1941, Soviet military intelligence reported that the German 267th Infantry Division was heavily manned by Austrians, Czechs, and Poles. On November 24, 1941, there were about 50 people in the 467th regiment of Poles alone. Further: 1942, again according to our information, the Poles made up about 40-45% of the personnel of the 96th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht and about 30% of the 11th Infantry Division, and this is 30% together with the Czechs. Also about 30% of the 57th Infantry Division and about 12% of the 110th Infantry Division. On January 5, 1942, near the village of Chulkovo, a soldier of the 7th company of the 511th infantry regiment of the 293rd infantry division, Kruk Franek, was captured, who, during interrogation, said that he was a Pole and drafted into the army in March 1941. On July 1, 1943, in the 168th Infantry Division, out of 6 thousand personnel, 60% were Germans, 20% were Poles and 10% were Czechs. According to the testimonies of the prisoners, in some infantry companies of the 332nd Infantry Division there were 40% Poles, 10% Czechs, the rest were Germans. There are quite a lot of such things I have written out here. Here it is interesting that on August 9, 1942, a soldier of the 120th Infantry Regiment of the 60th Motorized Division Ernst Bichkovsky, a Pole by nationality, voluntarily surrendered to us, during interrogation he showed the following: “Arriving to us at the end of July and in the first the dates of August, the replenishment, approximately 8-10 people per company, consisted exclusively of Poles. All of them absolutely did not know the German language and complained about the rude and uncomradely attitude of the Germans. Those. there were quite a few such people. Some strange utntermenschi - still complain. Yes. As a result, in our captivity at the end of the war there were about 60 thousand Poles and about 70 thousand Czechs and Slovaks, but since, given that almost all Slovaks fought in the Slovak army, and there they were taken prisoner by a little over 5 thousand, then , again, these are mostly Czechs. Those. these our brothers-Slavs gave us about 60 thousand in captivity. But, it’s true, the Poles - it’s understandable, their regular army fought at the beginning of the war, after all, they held out against the Germans for almost a month, then we had the Polish Army of 2 armies. It is clear that mostly on our side, mainly against Hitler, but we must remember that in their ranks almost half a million fought on the opposite side, and therefore, for those who like to talk about the phenomenon of Vlasovism, that it was Stalin with his repressions, and everything else , but there was no Stalin in Poland, and the percentage of those who served the Third Reich is much higher, several times higher than ours. Well, in conclusion, it is necessary to mention such neutral states as Sweden and Switzerland, because in Sweden, firstly, they were ready to fight with us back in the Winter War, but, however, not as an army, because after all, aggression I don’t want people in response, but there were almost 11 thousand volunteers sent to Finland, although most of them did not have time to take part in the hostilities. Accordingly, during the Great Patriotic War at its initial stage, again, about a thousand Swedish volunteers arrived in Finland, who were sent to lay siege to our naval base on the Hanko Peninsula, which, as we remember, was leased to us following the results of the Winter War . Well, this siege was very unsuccessful for our opponents, although the heir to the Swedish throne, Gustav Adolf himself, even showed up there to raise the morale of the Swedish volunteers, but it didn’t really grow together anyway. Another thousand people fought near Hanko, and somewhere else about a thousand people fought in other sectors of the Soviet-Finnish front. In addition, there were also such representatives of this Scandinavian people who decided to fight directly in the Nazi armed forces, i.e. within the SS. They were mainly sent to the same Viking division, where the Norwegians are, where the Danes are. In 1944 there were about 300 people there. A little. Well, basically, yes, a little. As a result, according to the results of the Great Patriotic War, 72 Swedes fell into our captivity, counting everyone - those in Finland and those in the SS. Well, as for the Swiss, they had volunteers who served in the SS, there were about half a thousand of them in 1944, and in the end, probably up to a thousand people passed there. Those. it practically turns out that almost all of occupied Europe was somehow marked in this war against our country, which was unleashed by Hitler on June 22. Although, again, the proportions here are different, i.e. there were peoples who treated us more or less decently or even with sympathy, there were those who were rabid Russophobes. But we must still not forget that we fought not only with Hitler and not only with the Germans. I would also remind you that those who did not go to the front worked in factories and in agriculture for Great Germany, thus freeing the German peasants so that they fled to Russia and killed Russians. Those. it is inseparable from one another. The entire economic power of Europe, united by Hitler, was directed against us, incl. and all sorts of Swedes who made bearings for the Germans, and all sorts of Spaniards who received oil from America for the Germans, and in general they, as always, had peace-friendship against us. Bastards what to say! There were also decent people, of course, such as King Mihai. I think it was not in vain that Comrade Stalin gave him the order. Well, I repeat: Mannerheim somehow fades against the background of jumps with the change of shoes of such massive ones. Thank you, Igor Vasilievich, very interesting. Next time? Next time, perhaps, we will still develop the theme of the European Union, but only this time not Hitler's, but Napoleon's. Let's open up the roots. Since it is much less known in our country already by 1812 that in the composition of this Great Army that invaded our territory, as it was called, ethnic French were a minority. There were Poles again, right? Well, the Poles, yes, it’s not for nothing that Mickiewicz wrote in his poem: “God is with Napoleon, and we are with Napoleon!” Thank you. And that's all for today. See you again.



On July 24, 1941, the State Defense Committee, at the request of the workers of the city of Ivanovo and the Ivanovo region, issued a decision to form the Ivanovo Rifle Division. On August 18, by Directive of the commander of the MVO troops No. 106069, the formation of the 332nd Infantry Division began. On August 20, the 332nd Rifle Division was given the honorary titles "Ivanovskaya" and "im. M. V. Frunze ". Parts of the division during the formation were stationed in the vicinity of the city of Ivanovo: in Novotalitsky Park, in the Kharinka camp, in the Kuvaevsky forest, the headquarters of the division was in the city of Ivanovo. On October 10, 1941, following the order of the Moscow Military District, the division plunged into echelons and departed for the defense site of the nearest southwestern approaches to Moscow, and by the end of October 24, it occupied the Krasnoye, Chertanovo, Tsaritsyno, Broshlevo line of defense.

Participation in hostilities

The division was included in the 4th shock army of the Kalinin Front and took part in the battle for Moscow. In the Battle of Moscow, and the subsequent offensive at the beginning of 1942, the division participated in the liberation of settlements: Andreapol, Western Dvina, Demidov. By February 1942, the division reached the Velizh region, where, as part of the 4th shock army, it fought bloody battles for almost 17 months. In August 1943, the division became part of the 92nd Rifle Corps. From October 1943, as part of the 43rd Army of the 1st Baltic Front, from November to December, he took part in offensive battles in the Vitebsk direction.

Since February 1944, the division has been part of the 91st Rifle Corps of the 4th Shock Army, since March - the 60th Rifle Corps, has been participating in the liberation of the Byelorussian SSR - in the Vitebsk and Polotsk offensive operations. Since July 1944, as part of the 83rd Rifle Corps, she participated in the liberation of the city of Polotsk - on July 4, for distinction in battles, the 332nd Rifle Ivanovo Division named after M.V. Frunze was awarded the honorary name "Polotsk".

The division took part in the Rezhitsko-Dvina, Riga and Memel offensive operations. For excellent military operations against the German invaders, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the SSR, the 332nd Infantry Ivanovo-Polotsk Division named after. M. V. Frunze was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree. Since January 1945, the division, as part of the 84th Rifle Corps, participated in the liquidation of the enemy's Courland grouping. The division ended the war as part of the Leningrad Front in the Priekule area. Disbanded in 1946 in PribVO.


  • 1115th Infantry Regiment
  • 1117th Rifle Regiment
  • 1119th Rifle Regiment
  • 891st Artillery Regiment
  • 268th separate anti-tank battalion
  • 330th anti-aircraft artillery battery
  • 390th separate reconnaissance company
  • 608th separate sapper battalion,
  • 779th separate communications battalion
  • 413th Medical Battalion
  • 406th separate company of chemical protection
  • 303rd motor transport company
  • 182nd field bakery
  • 751st Divisional Veterinary Infirmary,
  • 1407th field post station
  • 769th field cash desk of the State Bank


  • on 09/01/1941 - Moscow Military District;
  • as of 11/01/1941 - Moscow Defense Forces;
  • on 01/01/1942 - SZF - 4 UA;
  • on 02/01/1942 - Kalinin Front - 4 UA
  • on 11/01/1943 - 1 Baltic Front - 43 A - 92 SK
  • on 02/01/1944 - 1 Baltic Front - 4 UA - 91 SC
  • on 03/01/1944 - 1 Baltic Front - 4 UA - 60 SK
  • on 07/01/1944 - 1 Baltic Front - 4 UA - 83 SK
  • on 02/01/1945 - 1st Baltic Front - 6th Guards. A - 14 SC
  • on 03/01/1945 - 2nd Baltic Front - 6th Guards. A - 23 Guards. SC
  • on 04/01/1945 - Leningrad Front - Courland Group of Forces - 42 A - 122 SK
  • on 05/01/1945 - Leningrad Front - 67 A - 23 Guards. SC



  • Colonel Knyazkov, Sergey Alekseevich from August 28, 1941 to April 8, 1942
  • lieutenant colonel Nazarenko, Tikhon Nikolaevich from April 9, 1942 to December 2, 1943
  • Major General Egoshin, Tikhon Fedorovich from December 3, 1943 to July 30, 1944 (died of wounds on 08/01/1944, buried in Daugavpils)
  • Colonel Savchenko, Ivan Ivanovich from August 2, 1944 to November 23, 1944
  • Colonel Ivanov, Sergey Sergeevich from November 24, 1944 to May 9, 1945

Commissars (heads of the political department) of the division

  • 08/15/1941-11/17/1942 - regimental commissar Loskutov Vasily Karpovich
  • from 11/24/1942 until disbandment - Colonel Bulashev Valentin Nikolaevich

The 332nd Rifle Division began its formation according to the directive of the commander of the MVO No. 106069 of 18/8/1941 in the city of Ivanovo.
By order of the NPO No. 0310 dated 08/20/1941, the division was given the name "332 Ivanovo named after M.V. Frunze Rifle Division".
On September 7, the soldiers of the division took the military oath.
Parts of the division during the formation were stationed in the vicinity of the city of Ivanovo:

1115th joint venture, 1117th joint venture, anti-aircraft gunners and medical battalion - in Novotalitsky park,
1119th joint venture - in the Kharinka camp,
891st ap - in the Kuvaevsky forest,
Shtadiv - Ivanovo, st. Dzerzhinsky, school number 22.
The 608th separate sapper battalion is the only division of the division that was formed outside of Ivanovo.

Since September 4, stubborn regular training has begun in parts of the division. Classes were held on the ground in conditions reminiscent of combat reality, with the utmost exertion of forces, which contributed to the division in the future to successfully complete the tasks assigned to it.
By September 26, 1941, the division completed its formation and included: the 1115th, 1117th, 1119th rifle regiments, the 891st artillery regiment, the 615th detachment. anti-aircraft artillery division, 608th separate engineer battalion, 779th detachment. communications battalion, 413th medical battalion, 390th det. reconnaissance company, one division of anti-aircraft gunners, several separate companies and platoons.
On October 10, 1941, following the order of the Moscow Military District, the division plunged into echelons and went to the defense of the nearest southwestern approaches to Moscow, and by the end of the day on October 24, 1941, it occupied the Krasnoe, Chertanovo, Tsaritsyno, Broshlevo line of defense.
For the good work of the division in strengthening the defensive line and the high performance of combat training, the division was honored to participate in the historic parade on Red Square in Moscow on November 7, 1941.

Opersvodka No. 31. Shtadiv 332. Katuarovskoe highway, house 16a 19.00 7.11.41

1. 332 sd, occupying the defense in the strip of the former borders, continued defensive work during the day; direct combat protection of units occupying defensive areas is conducted. On the main directions of PO No. 1 in the area of ​​​​Gorodnyakh - Drozhzhino and PO No. 2 in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction of roads 2 km. St. Petrovskaya - at the same time, increased patrols were established in the location of the units and along the roads.
2. 1115 joint venture - from 8.00 7.11.41 on 2 and 3 Sat and a consolidated company of machine gunners went to Red Square in Moscow to participate in the parade; by 16.00, these units in full strength returned to their former defensive areas.
1117 cn - on the day of 11/7/41 completed the imperfections in the excerpt of the trenches and communication passages and their camouflage by 100%.
1119 joint venture - carried out work on cleaning trenches and communication passages from snow - 1695 linear meters (linear meters - approx.), Wire fences were installed in 2 rows - 400 linear meters. Slingshots and hedgehogs were put up - 150. Installed in dugouts - dugouts of heating iron furnaces - 17 pcs.
3. During the day there were no long interruptions in communication with the units.
779 sec. the communications battalion was assigned a pigeon station with 50 pigeons and 5 service personnel.

On December 20, 1941, on the basis of the order of the commander of the Moscow defense zone dated 12/19/1941, parts of the division set out for a new area along the route Moscow, Kimry, Likhoslavl, Torzhok, Ostashkovo.
Having made a 400-kilometer march Moscow - Ostashkovo in off-road conditions, severe frosts and snowstorms, by 12/26/1941, the division concentrated in the Ostashkovo area and neighboring villages: Zalesye (division headquarters), Nikolskoye, Zameshye. The regiments of the division concentrated on the eastern shore of Lake Seliger. The division was included in the 4th shock army and took part in the Moscow battle.
The transition was difficult. Frosts reached 30 degrees, heavy snowfalls covered the road, creating difficulties in delivering hot food. And then there are the constant raids of fascist aircraft.
Simultaneously with the exit of the motorcade with people, a horse-drawn column carrying equipment from the rear units set out. But if the cars covered a 400-kilometer path in five days, then the equestrian column was on the road for 20 days, and reached its destination only on January 8, 1942, that is, on the eve of the division's entry into battle.
After the battle for Moscow, having made a victorious march in early 1942, the division was forced to linger for a long time under the walls of ancient Velizh, where it fought bloody battles for almost 17 months.

The combat report of the division for 17.02.42 (data from the archives of the Moscow Region): "The division concentrated in the designated area by dawn. At 13:00 an order was given to attack: 1119 joint venture - Proyavino; 1115 joint venture - Wet Niva, Tivantsy; KP SD - Shakory ; 1117 joint venture received an order to seize the Milovidy state farm, suffered heavy losses and retreated to Selishche, Nikony.

Cover of the book by Larisa Danilovna Syromyatnikova.
Ivanovskaya street in the city of Velizh, named after the 332nd Infantry Division.

"We put up memorial candles every day."

From the evening message of the Sovinformburo dated April 26, 1943: “The captured corporal - orderly of the 11th company of the 335th regiment of the 205th PD Herman Westen Felder said: “In February 1942, our division was transferred to Russia from France. In one month of fighting near Velizh, she lost over 7 thousand people killed and wounded. The German army lost the best officer cadres. Cemeteries in almost every Russian village testify to the losses suffered by the German army."
From the operational report of the 332th rifle division of the 4th UA, June 1942: “German prisoners of war testify to the huge losses inflicted by our artillery on the Germans. In the diary of the senior corporal of the 6th company 358 subsection 205 PD Rudolf Vohla on July 28 it was written: "A direct hit tore out my machine gunners 1,2,3". The corporal notes that he himself survived by a miracle. Prisoner of the same division Adolf Schwald reports that on the very first day of their last offensive, only 3 mortar crews were destroyed in his company.

The soldiers of this division liberated the cities and villages of Tver (then Kalinin) and Smolensk regions.

Order of the Head of Administration of the Ivanovo Region dated September 22, 2004 N 1028-r.
September 17, 2004 to hold a grand opening of the memorial complex to the soldiers of the 332nd Ivanovo-Polotsk Order of Suvorov, II degree, rifle division named after. M.V. Frunze in the village of Bolshoe Lokhovo, Ostashkovsky district, Tver region.

Memorial at the burial place of the soldiers of the 332nd Ivanovo-Polotsk Rifle Division named after I.I. M.V. Frunze in the district of the village of Bolshoe Lokhovo.

Later, the 332nd Rifle Division took part in Operation Bagration to liberate Belarus in the summer of 1944. For military merits, she was awarded the honorary title "Polotsk", was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree.

At the final stage of the war, she participated in the liquidation of the Courland grouping of the Nazis.

In these battles, in Latvia, near the village of Kareli, Ezersky volost, Libavsky district, Vasily Vasilyevich Trushkin, a private of the 1115th Infantry Regiment, was mortally wounded.

Combat path of the 332nd Infantry Division.

"Polotskaya" Troops land Type of army infantry Formation 1941 Disbandment (transformation) 1946 Predecessor not available Successor not available Battle path The Great Patriotic War
participation in battles near Moscow, in the liberation of the Kalinin and Smolensk regions, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia, in the Rezhitsko-Dvina, Riga and Memel offensive operations; fought on the territory of East Prussia in the liquidation of the Courland grouping of the enemy.

332nd Rifle Volunteer Ivanovo-Polotsk Order of the Suvorov Division named after M.V. Frunze- military unit of the Armed Forces of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The period of hostilities: from October 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945.



On July 24, 1941, at the request of the workers of the city of Ivanovo and the Ivanovo region, the State Defense Committee issued a decision to form the Ivanovo Rifle Division. On August 18, by Directive of the commander of the MVO troops No. 106069, the formation of the 332nd Infantry Division began. On August 20, the 332nd Rifle Division was given the honorary titles "Ivanovskaya" and "im. M. V. Frunze » . Parts of the division during the formation were deployed in the vicinity of the city of Ivanovo: in Novotalitsky Park, in the Kharinka camp, in the Kuvaevsky forest (unavailable link)(now the Park named after the Revolution of 1905). Division headquarters - the city of the North-Western Front (since January 22 - the Kalinin Front) Ivanovo.

On October 10, 1941, following the order of the Moscow Military District, the division plunged into echelons and departed for the defense site of the nearest southwestern approaches to Moscow; by the end of October 24, it occupied the defense line of Krasnoye, Chertanovo, Tsaritsyno, Broshlevo.

On November 7, 1941, the division was honored to participate in the historic parade on Red Square in Moscow.

Participation in hostilities

As part of the 10th Army, she participated in the Soviet counteroffensive near Moscow. On December 6, the division went on the offensive from the Zaraysk area to Serebryannye Prudy, which were liberated the next day, December 7. Large trophies of the 29th motorized infantry division of the Wehrmacht were captured. On December 9, parts of the division entered Venev, Tula Region, abandoned by the German troops.

On December 10, 1941, the division was subordinated to the cavalry-mechanized group of General P. A. Belov and then acted in its combat formations. Suffered heavy losses in the battles on December 13-14 north of the village. Dedilovo with the retreating units of the German 3rd Panzer Division.

On December 20, 1941, on the basis of the order of the commander of the Moscow defense zone dated 12/19/1941, parts of the division set out for a new area along the route Moscow, Kimry, Likhoslavl, Torzhok, Ostashkov. Having made a 400-kilometer march, by December 26, 1941, the division concentrated in the Ostashkov region and neighboring villages: Zalesye (division headquarters), Nikolskoye, Zameshye. The regiments of the division concentrated on the eastern shore of Lake Seliger.

The division was included in the 4th shock army of the North-Western Front (since January 22 as part of the Kalinin Front) and took part in the Toropetsko-Kholmskaya offensive operation. At the beginning of 1942, the division participated in the liberation of settlements: Andreapol, Zapadnaya Dvina, Demidov. By February 1942, the division reached the Velizh region, where, as part of the 4th shock army, it fought bloody battles for almost 17 months. In August 1943, the division became part of the 92nd Rifle Corps.

Since January 1945, the division, as part of the 84th Rifle Corps, participated in the liquidation of the enemy's Courland grouping. The division ended the war as part of the Leningrad Front in the Priekule area.


  • 1115th Infantry Regiment
  • 1117th Rifle Regiment
  • 1119th Rifle Regiment
  • 891st Artillery Regiment
  • 268th separate anti-tank battalion
  • 330th anti-aircraft artillery battery
  • 390th separate reconnaissance company
  • 608th separate sapper battalion
  • 779th separate communications battalion
  • 413th Medical Battalion
  • 406th separate company of chemical protection
  • 303rd motor transport company
  • 182nd field bakery
  • 751st Divisional Veterinary Infirmary
  • 1407th field post station
  • 769th field cash desk of the State Bank


the date Front (district) Army Frame
09/01/1941 Moscow Military District
11/01/1941 Moscow Defense Troops 10th Army
01/01/1942 Northwestern Front 4th shock army
02/01/1942 Kalinin Front 4th shock army
11/01/1943 1st Baltic Front 43rd Army 92nd Rifle Corps
02/01/1944 1st Baltic Front 4th shock army 91st Rifle Corps
03/01/1944 1st Baltic Front 4th shock army 60th Rifle Corps
07/01/1944 1st Baltic Front 4th shock army 83rd Rifle Corps
01/01/1945 1st Baltic Front 4th shock army 84th Rifle Corps
02/01/1945 1st Baltic Front 6th Guards Army 14th Rifle Corps
03/01/1945 2nd Baltic Front 6th Guards Army 23rd Guards

rifle corps

04/01/1945 Leningrad Front 42nd Army 122nd Rifle Corps
05/01/1945 Leningrad Front 67th Army 23rd Guards

rifle corps



  • colonel Knyazkov Sergey Alekseevich from August 28, 1941 to April 8, 1942
  • lieutenant colonel Nazarenko Tikhon Nikolaevich from April 9, 1942 to December 2, 1943
  • Major General Egoshin Tikhon Fedorovich from December 3, 1943 to July 30, 1944 (died of wounds on 08/01/1944, buried in Daugavpils)
  • colonel Savchenko Ivan Ivanovich from August 2, 1944 to November 23, 1944
  • Colonel Ivanov Sergei Sergeevich from November 24, 1944 to May 9, 1945

Commissars (heads of the political department) of the division

  • 08/15/1941-11/17/1942 - regimental commissar Loskutov Vasily Karpovich
  • from 11/24/1942 until disbandment - Colonel Bulashev Valentin Nikolaevich
The 332nd Rifle Regiment was formed in November 1941 as part of the 241st Rifle Division, which was created by the decision of the Supreme Command Headquarters as part of the 34th Army of the North-Western Front by reorganizing the 28th Tank Division.
Under the command of Colonel (from May 5, 1942, Major General) Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky, from January 7 to May 20, 1942, the division took part in the Demyansk offensive operation. On January 9, 1942, the regiments of the division delivered the main blow in the direction of the village (now a tract on the site of the village) Zhabye, Demyansky district, Leningrad (since July 5, 1944, Novgorod) region, advancing on the ice of Lake Seliger. Fierce fighting unfolded on its icy plain. Under heavy enemy fire, the soldiers of the division captured the enemy strongholds on the opposite bank. In deep snow, they advanced another 12 kilometers, on the outskirts of the village of Monakovo (now a farm without a permanent population in the Ilyinogorsk rural settlement of the Demyansk region), on January 11, 1942, they captured the headquarters of an infantry regiment and completely captured the village at night.
On February 20, 1942, the troops of the North-Western Front surrounded the enemy's Demyansk grouping: 7 divisions of the 16th German army, Colonel-General von Busch. For successful combat operations to encircle units of the 16th German army in the Demyansk region, many soldiers of the 241st rifle division were awarded orders and medals, the division commander, Colonel Chernyakhovsky I.D. was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
On April 21, 1942, the fascist German command managed to break through the defense front of the 34th Army and unite with the encircled group. Attempts by units to liquidate the so-called "Ramushevsky" corridor formed by the Nazis did not bring success.
In April 1942, the 241st Rifle Division became part of the 53rd Army of the North-Western Front and, moving over a wide sector to a tough positional defense, until March 1943 under the command of Colonel Pavel Grigoryevich Arabey (since June 26, 1942) took part in hostilities against 16 of the German army, holding the Demyansk bridgehead. With the liquidation of the bridgehead on April 4, 1943, the 241st Rifle Division was withdrawn to the reserve of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, where, as part of the 27th Army of the Steppe Military District, until June 1943, it reorganized, replenished with people and weapons, trained young reinforcements and put together units and subunits.
During the Battle of Kursk (July 5-August 23, 1943), 241 rifle divisions as part of the 27th Army of the Voronezh Front took part in the Kursk strategic defensive operation (July 5-23, 1943), fighting on the southern face of the Kursk ledge, and the Belgorod-Kharkov strategic offensive operation "Rumyantsev" (August 3 - 23, 1943).
At the end of September 1943, 241 rifle divisions as part of the 27th Army were transferred to the Bukrinsky bridgehead on the western bank of the Dnieper River, where they fought for its expansion. Taking part in the Bukrinsky offensive operation (October 10 - 24, 1943), the division suffered heavy losses. As part of the 27th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, the 241st Rifle Division from the Bukrinsky bridgehead went on the offensive on November 1, 1943, during which the 40th and 27th armies diverted significant enemy forces and played a large role in the success of the Kyiv offensive operation and the liberation of Kyiv on November 6, 1943 .
Upon completion of the liberation of Kyiv, the advance of the Soviet troops slowed down, the battle formations stretched out, and the supply deteriorated due to stretched communications. The command of the Wehrmacht took advantage of this and launched a series of counterattacks in the Fastov-Brusilov region and in the Chernyakhiv-Radomyshl region in order to restore the defense line along the Dnieper. Taking part in the Kyiv defensive operation (November 13 - December 22, 1943), the 241st Rifle Division as part of the 27th Army fought south of the city, adjoining its left flank to the Dnieper, and from November 24th, 1943 as part of the 17th Guards Rifle Corps of the 38th Army of the 1st Ukrainian front fought defensive battles at the turn of the villages of Yurovka - Vesela Slobodka, Makarovsky district, Kyiv region.
During the Zhytomyr-Berdychiv offensive operation (December 24, 1943 - January 14, 1944) of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, carried out with the aim of destroying the enemy's Korsun-Shevchenkovsky grouping, the 241st Rifle Division of Major General Pavel Grigoryevich Arabey, attached to the 1st Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, On December 24, 1943, she broke through the enemy’s line of defense in the area of ​​​​the town of Ruzhin - the village of Malaya Belilovka, Ruzhinsky district, Zhytomyr region, Ukrainian SSR and, covering the right flank of the army, from December 24 to December 31, 1943, she advanced rapidly, liberating the cities and villages of Right-Bank Ukraine. On January 1, 1944, the division, returning to the 17th Guards Rifle Corps of the 38th Army, continuing to conduct an offensive during the operations of the 1st Ukrainian Front, on January 5 took part in the liberation of the city of Berdichev, Zhytomyr Region, on January 6, the Golendra railway station in the Kalinovsky district of Vinnitsa region. On January 23, 1944, the 241st Rifle Division, as part of the 101st Rifle Corps of the 38th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, repulsed the attacks of large enemy forces east of Vinnitsa.
During the Proskurov-Chernivtsi offensive operation (March 4 - April 17, 1944), the 332nd Infantry Regiment, as part of the 241st Infantry Division of the 74th Infantry Corps of the 38th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, broke through the previously prepared enemy defenses and rapidly pursued him to the city of Vinnitsa, from March 18 to March 20 In 1944, he took part in the battles for the city itself. After being liberated from the enemy Zamostye (a district of the city on the eastern bank of the Southern Bug), units of the 241st Rifle Division, which were fighting for the city, continued the offensive without delay. The troops that participated in the liberation of Vinnitsa were thanked by order of the All-Russian Supreme Command on March 20, 1944, and salute was given in Moscow with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns. The 241st rifle division among the most distinguished formations and units was awarded the honorary title "Vinnitsa".
In early July 1944, the 241st Vinnitsa Rifle Division, as part of the 67th Rifle Corps of the 38th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, was regrouped to the area west of the city of Tarnopol and from July 13 to August 29 took part in the Lvov-Sandomierz strategic operation, breaking through 14 July, enemy defenses at the turn of the villages of Belkovtsy - Bogdanovka of the Ezernsky district of the Tarnopol region of the Ukrainian SSR (now the Zborovsky district of the Ternopil region of Ukraine). In the offensive battles of the division from July 14, 1944, the 332nd rifle regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Yasonovich Chipashvili, skillfully maneuvering, changing the direction of attacks, inflicted sensitive blows on the enemy, while causing him significant losses in manpower and equipment. On July 16, in the battle for the village of Volosuvka of the current Zborovsky district of the Ternopil region, the regiment repulsed 2 furious counterattacks of the enemy following one after another, having exterminated up to 200 Nazis. On July 18, as a result of vigorous actions, the regiment captured the village of Tustogolovy, Zborovsky district, exterminating up to 600 German soldiers and officers and destroying 5 enemy tanks. On July 20, as a result of a skillful detour and a night attack on the village of Pogrebtsy, the regiment captured the town of Zborov, now the regional center of the Ternopil region. From July 14 to July 20, 1944, the regiment fought over 200 km, freeing 38 settlements from the enemy, including the villages of Mshana, Travotoloki, Lavrikivtsi, Ozeryany, Pomarzhany, Zborovsky district, the town of Dunaev, Kremenetsky district, Ternopil region and others.
During the operation, units and divisions of the division took part in the battles for the liberation of the city of Lvov, which was completely cleared of the Nazis on July 27. The troops participating in the liberation of Lvov were thanked by order of the All-Russian Supreme Command on July 27, 1944, and salute was given in Moscow with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns.
On August 7, 1944, the 241st Vinnitsa Rifle Division, as part of the 38th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, took part in the liberation of the city of Sambir, Lviv region. The troops that participated in the liberation of Sambor were thanked by the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of August 7, 1944, and 12 artillery salvoes from 124 guns were saluted in the city of Moscow. In commemoration of the victory, the 332nd Infantry Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Yasonovich Chipashvili was awarded the honorary title of "Sambirsky" among the formations and units that distinguished themselves in battles.
On August 23, 1944, the 38th Army entered the Gliniki-Krosno front in the current Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland. On August 29, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front went over to a tough defense.
From September 8 to October 28, 1944, the 241st Rifle Division of the Vinnitsa Guards, Colonel Andrienko T.A. 67 rifle corps as part of the shock group of the 38 army, reinforced by 25 tank, 1 guards cavalry and 1 Czechoslovak army corps, took part in an integral part of the strategic East Carpathian operation - the Carpathian-Dukla offensive operation of the 1 Ukrainian Front, which had the goal of assisting the Slovak uprising, raised under the leadership of the Communist Party of Slovakia on August 29, 1944. The main blow was delivered from the area northwest of the city of Krosno (in the current Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland) along the Krosno-Presov highway (Presov Region, Slovakia), which passed through the Duklinsky Pass and was the shortest road to Slovakia.
On the first day of the operation on September 8, rifle units of the 38th Army broke through the enemy defenses on the 8-kilometer section of Nepla-Odzhikon, wedged into its depth of up to 12 kilometers. Especially fierce battles unfolded outside the city of Krosno. The Germans, trying to keep Slovakia at all costs, began to pull up large forces to the area where their defenses had been broken through. After fierce battles, the troops of the 67th Rifle Corps on September 20 liberated the heavily fortified city of Dukla of the present Krosno district of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland, and on September 26 they reached the Main Carpathian Range along the line of Glogow, Lajce, Myshkovsk, Gurki, Ivlya, Mszana, the southern outskirts of Barwinek, Lipovets in Krosnensky poviat.
In the area of ​​the Dukla Pass, the Germans launched a series of strong counterattacks against the Soviet units, which often had to go on the defensive (including those surrounded). Despite this, on October 1, 1944, troops of the 38th Army crossed the border of Czechoslovakia, 5 kilometers northwest of the Duklinsky Pass. The first to cross the border of Czechoslovakia was the 264th Infantry Red Banner Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Bogach Ivan Markovich of the 241st Vinnitsa Infantry Division. The regiment captured the very important height 506 and, developing success, captured the village of Sharbov in the Svidnik district of the Presov region of Slovakia. On October 6, the Czechoslovak Army Corps, with the assistance of 67 rifle and 31 tank corps of the 38 army, captured the Duklinsky pass, 241 rifle divisions reached the line of the settlements of Vishna-Pisana, Medvedye, Svidnik district. On October 12, divisions of the 67th Rifle Corps reached the Kruzhlov line, south of Nizhna Pisan, Mount Yavor, Mount Grabov. By October 28, the troops of the 38th Army advanced 25-30 kilometers from the Dukla Pass and on the outskirts of the Ondava River valley, the offensive was suspended, as the autumn impassability paralyzed the movement of military equipment and vehicles. Deprived of the powerful support of tanks and artillery, the infantry experienced enormous physical overload and suffered heavy losses. In just two months of the Carpathian-Dukla operation, which took place in extremely difficult and bloody battles in mountainous and wooded areas, the formations of the 1st Ukrainian Front advanced only 40-50 kilometers. They were unable to break into the area of ​​partisan actions of the Slovak insurgents. Despite the incompleteness, this operation still played a role. Fearing the loss of Slovakia, the German command transferred large forces here, which helped the Soviet offensive in Hungary and the defense of the Sandomierz bridgehead in Poland.
Taking part in the West Carpathian operation (January 12 - February 18, 1945), the 332nd Samborsky Rifle Regiment under the command of Major Tyagney Petr Efimovich of the 241st Vinnitsa Rifle Division, Major General Stanislav Antonovich Ivanovsky, as part of the 67th Rifle Lvov Corps of the 38th Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front on January 15 In 1945, he successfully broke through the heavily fortified line of defense of the enemy on the Wisloka River in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Laise, Jaslensky district of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland and, pursuing the retreating enemy, on January 17, 1945, he took part in capturing the city of Gorlice Krakow (now Malopolska Voivodeship) - an important stronghold of the defense of the Germans in the direction of Krakow.
The troops that participated in the battles during the breakthrough of the German defenses and for the liberation of the city of Gorlice were thanked for excellent military operations by order No. 229 of January 19, 1945, and saluted in Moscow with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns. In commemoration of the victory, the formations and units that distinguished themselves in battle were presented for the honorary title of "Gorlitsky" and for awarding orders. The 241st Rifle Division of Vinnitsa, Major General Stanislav Antonovich Ivanovsky, was awarded the Order of the Red Star for these battles.
Developing the offensive, from January 15 to 20, 1945, units and subunits of the 241st Vinnitsa Rifle Division of the Order of the Red Star fought 80 km, crossed the Wisloka and Dunaets rivers, liberated 96 settlements of the current Podkarpackie and Lesser Poland voivodeships, including the cities of Grybow and Nowy- Sanch of the Novosonchsky district of the Krakow (now Lesser Poland) Voivodeship, while destroying more than 12 guns of various calibers, 47 machine guns, 1000 enemy soldiers and officers, and capturing 138, and capturing trophies: 11 guns, 24 machine guns, 20 mortars.
The troops participating in the battles for the liberation of the city of Nowy Sanch and other cities were thanked by the order of the All-Russian Supreme Command of January 20, 1945, and saluted in Moscow with 20 artillery volleys from 224 guns.
Acting boldly and decisively, the division liberated large settlements during the further offensive: on January 21 - Limanova, Kasina-Velka and the Tymbark railway station, on January 22 - Kasinka-Mala, Mshana-Dolna and others.
On January 23, 1945, units of the division repulsed a strong enemy counterattack in the area of ​​​​the community (village) of Kasinka-Mala of the current Limanovsky district of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.
Continuing the offensive in difficult conditions of mountainous and wooded terrain in the Carpathians, the 241st Rifle Division on January 27 captured the city of Wadowice in battle, on January 28 the city of Vepsh, Wadowice district of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, and by February 6 from the north came close to the city of Bielsko-Biala - the administrative center of Bielsko- Byala Voivodeship (now Belsky Poviat, Silesian Voivodeship).
During the offensive from January 15 to January 30, 1945, the 332nd Samborsky Rifle Regiment under the command of Major Tyagney P.E. fought 250 km, liberated 46 settlements, destroying up to 350 Nazis, 2 guns, 4 vehicles, 3 mortar batteries, 30 machine guns and 40 rifles. The divisions of the regiment captured 65 German soldiers and officers, captured trophies: 200 wagons and platforms, 7 warehouses with military equipment, 2 cars, 20 horses, 7 machine guns, 27 machine guns and 54 rifles. The regiment was marked three times in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, many of its soldiers were awarded government awards, and the regiment commander, Major Tyagney Pyotr Efimovich, was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
On February 12, 1945, the 241st Rifle Vinnitsa Order of the Red Star Division, Major General Ivanovsky S.A. as part of the 52nd Rifle Lvov Corps of the 38th Army, she took part in the liberation of the city of Bielsko-Biala, a major communication center and a powerful stronghold of the German defense on the outskirts of Moravian Ostrava, which was taken by storm.
The troops participating in the battles for the liberation of Bielsko-Biala were thanked by the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of February 12, 1945, and salute was given in Moscow with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns.
By February 18, 1945, the 52nd Rifle Corps was stopped by the enemy at a pre-prepared defensive line of the cities of Strumen - Zywiec of the current Silesian Voivodeship of Poland.
The 241st Vinnitsa Rifle Division of the Order of the Red Star, as part of the 52nd Rifle Lvov Corps of the 38th Army, took part in the Moravian-Ostrava offensive operation, carried out by the 4th Ukrainian Front from March 10 to May 5, 1945 with the aim of capturing the Moravian-Ostrava industrial region of Czechoslovakia.
Bad weather conditions, as well as the measures taken by the German command, which revealed the preparation of the front for the offensive and set the exact time for its start, did not allow breaking through the enemy defenses. The fighting took on a protracted character. On March 17, the offensive had to be stopped. On the morning of March 24, 1945, after a 45-minute artillery preparation, the troops of the 38th Army resumed the offensive from the area of ​​​​the city of Zorau (now the city of Zhory in the Silesian Voivodeship of Poland) bypassing the Moravian-Ostrava region from the north. With the support of aviation, the attackers relatively quickly broke the enemy's resistance and in the first days of April reached the Odra River, crossed it in separate sections and started fighting for the expansion of bridgeheads. The stubborn resistance offered by the German troops, and the configuration of the front line that took shape in early April, forced the Soviet command to adjust their plans. On April 5, the 38th Army was ordered to go on the defensive in preparation for a further offensive.
The offensive began on the morning of April 15 with artillery preparation. At the end of the artillery fire, the infantry units went on the attack. In the afternoon, under the onslaught of the Soviet troops, the German command began to withdraw its formations across the Odra River in order to gain a foothold on its southern bank, using previously prepared positions. On April 17, formations operating on the adjacent flanks of the 60th and 38th armies, together with the 31st tank corps, reached the Opava River near the town of Kravaře. Having crossed the river, they started fighting on its southern bank. The next day, the attackers expanded the bridgehead to 10 km along the front, and came close to the zone of long-term fortifications with a developed network of reinforced concrete pillboxes. After several days of heavy fighting to overcome the line of long-term fortifications, the front troops reached the city of Troppau (now Opava - the center of the eponymous region of the Moravian-Silesian region of the Czech Republic) and on April 22 cleared it of the enemy.
The 241st Vinnytsia Rifle Division of the Order of the Red Star, under the command of Colonel Vrutsky Valentin Apollinarovich, broke through the long-term enemy defenses on the southern bank of the Opava at the turn of the settlements of Gai ve Silesku and Khabichov in the Opava region and, repelling all counterattacks of the enemy, who sought to delay the offensive of the division, bypassing the city of Moravska-Ostrava from west, took possession of a number of settlements, including Studenka, Fulnek, Hermsdorf (now Gerzhmanki) of the Nowy Jicin district of the Moravian-Silesian region.
On April 30, 1945, troops of the 38th Army completely liberated the city of Moravska-Ostrava. The troops that participated in the battles for the liberation of the cities of Moravsk-Ostrava and Zhilina were thanked by the order of the All-Russian Supreme Command on April 30, 1945, and 20 artillery volleys from 224 guns were saluted in Moscow.
Having lost Moravska-Ostrava, the German troops were nowhere else able to create a sufficiently strong and stable defense.
During the Prague offensive, troops of the 38th Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front on May 6, 1945 captured the city of Sternberk in the Olomouc region and reached the approaches to the city of Olomouc, the administrative center of the Olomouc region of the Czech Republic, which was completely liberated on May 8, 1945.
The troops that took part in the battles for the liberation of Olomouc were thanked by order of the All-Russian Supreme Command on May 8, 1945, and saluted in Moscow with 12 artillery salvoes from 124 guns.
For active participation in the battles at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War and the mass heroism of the personnel, the 241st Rifle Division was awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, the 332nd Rifle Regiment - the Order of Suvorov III degree.
The 241st Rifle Vinnytsia Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the Red Star Division completed military operations on May 11, 1945 as part of the 52nd Rifle Lviv Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Corps of the 38th Red Banner Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front.
The 241st Vinnitsa Rifle Division of the Orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the Red Star was disbanded in the summer of 1945.

Regiment commanders:
- Major Boyko Nikolai Alekseevich (after 01/21/1942 - October 1942)
- Lieutenant Colonel Chipashvili Alexander Yasonovich (May 1944 - August 1944)
- Major Tyagney Petr Efimovich (January 1945 - 02/26/1945)

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