Nietzsche is not like you me. Best quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most quoted philosophers. His lively and inquisitive mind managed to give birth to teachings that are relevant to this day. Nietzsche's aphorisms are thoughts that will be ahead of more than one generation of people.

Nietzsche is a philosopher?

He is sometimes called a reluctant philosopher. The brilliant musician, philologist and poet eventually became the creator of a whole philosophical doctrine, the postulates of which are still cited. Why are Nietzsche's sayings so common? Such popularity of original teaching can be explained by the fact that all its postulates are permeated with the denial of all generally accepted rules. The philosopher himself called himself "the only complete nihilist."

He spoke of morally indignant people as liars who do not understand their own malice. For such radical views, Friedrich Nietzsche, whose quotes were often not understood by his contemporaries, more than once succumbed to harsh criticism from the philosophical community. At the beginning of his career, the lack of recognition led the writer to serious disorders, aggravated by mental and physical ailments. Later, Nietzsche will say about this: “What does not kill me makes me stronger,” denoting with this aphorism his attitude to misunderstanding and denial from his colleagues.

Steps to the Superman

The philosopher's doctrine of the superman stands apart in his work. It contains the most daring ideas that Friedrich Nietzsche preached. Quotes about the life of man as an evolving being became the basis of his idea. In part, the works of the philosopher are associated with the birth of National Socialism. The ideologists of fascism distorted Nietzsche's views beyond recognition, thus discrediting his name for many years.

However, the true superman was still present in the works of the philosopher. And the real people of Nietzsche's time had nothing to do with him. According to the writer, an ordinary person is something that needs to be overcome, a kind of period of evolution, "a bridge between a monkey and a superman." The book brainchild for the philosopher himself was a fickle phenomenon. He then denied the possibility of the birth of a superman, then he said that his features were becoming more visible.

This crazy plan seemed to the philosophers an impossible fairy tale, but Friedrich Nietzsche himself, whose quotes were quite radical, believed in him and was ready to die for his idea. He urged everyone to do this: do not feel sorry for yourself for the good of the superman. Friedrich Nietzsche's idea was ahead of its time, and perhaps still ahead of its time. His contemporaries struggled with the problem of preserving man, and Nietzsche said that man must be surpassed - jumped over.

Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche about love

Many writers and historians, touching upon the life of Nietzsche in their work, recognized him as an ardent misogynist. There really were few women in the philosopher's life: his mother, sister and girlfriend Lou Salome, whom he called the smartest of women. However, bad luck in love did not lead to her denial. The love of the great writer is sacrificial and accusatory. A loving but not beloved person, in his opinion, sooner or later discovers the most disgusting qualities in himself. The writer Friedrich Nietzsche, whose quotes are built on the denial of established norms, saw only a lie in excessive moralism.

He believed that a wonderful feeling is incompatible with marriage. He did not despise the family institution, but argued that many more couples could remain happy without living together. Nietzsche's words that the freer a person, the greater the ability to love and be loved in him, can be considered an epigraph to his personal life. However, at the end of his years, the writer admitted that he was wrong about this, as evidenced by his words: “Now I passionately desire any woman.”

Friedrich Nietzsche: quotes about life

Many philosophers have no doubts about their own beliefs. Nietzsche is not one of them. Perhaps it is for his habit of questioning his teachings that everyone is called irrational. However, the writer never doubted his own greatness, although he said that not a single thinker has yet turned out to be completely right, even he himself.

All Nietzsche's thoughts are permeated with the freedom of the spirit, and that is what he strived for all his life. He took this idea to the extreme, for which he was criticized more than once. Nietzsche himself called himself "the philosopher of unaccepted truths."

Freedom is an unattainable ideal

According to Nietzsche, the freedom of the spirit imposes more and more obligations on a person. He denied that the infinity of thought can be where everything is allowed or nothing is allowed. It can only be where the boundaries of what is permitted and forbidden are clearly defined. But how to define these limits of the possible and the impossible? The philosopher said that only under the fear of death can a person understand: "Damocles dances well only under a hanging sword."

This is how the great thinker Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche saw a person, whose quotes are a legacy "for everyone and for no one." They do not just make you think, they give a person an inexhaustible incentive for self-improvement. Perhaps this was one of Nietzsche's presumptuous thoughts - to convey his words to people at any cost, even at the cost of his own doubts, which cost him personal happiness.

Sources(books, films, we, pro-from-ve-de-ni-i, etc.) with Friedrich Nietzsche's qi-ta-ta-mi

about the author

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche , Prussia - August 25, 1900, Weimar, Germany) - German philosopher, poet, composer, culturologist, representative of irrationalism. He sharply criticized the religion, culture and morality of his time and developed his own ethical theory. Nietzsche was a literary rather than an academic philosopher, and his writings are aphoristic in nature. Nietzsche's philosophy had a great influence on the formation of existentialism and postmodernism, and also became very popular in literary and artistic circles. The interpretation of his works is quite difficult and still causes a lot of controversy.

Born in Röcken (near Leipzig, eastern Germany), the son of a Lutheran pastor, Carl Ludwig Nietzsche (1813-1849). While studying at the gymnasium, he showed considerable talent for philology and music. In 1864-69 Nietzsche studied theology and classical philology at the Universities of Bonn and Leipzig. In the same period, he became acquainted with the works of Schopenhauer and became an admirer of his philosophy. Nietzsche's development was also favorably influenced by his friendship with Richard Wagner, which lasted for many years. At the age of 23, he was drafted into the Prussian army and enrolled in horse artillery, but, having received an injury, was demobilized. Three years later, he will enthusiastically accept the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) and volunteer to go to the front.

Nietzsche was a brilliant student and gained an excellent reputation in scientific circles. Thanks to this, already in 1869 he received the post of professor of classical philology at the University of Basel (at the age of only 25 years). There he worked for about 10 years, despite numerous illnesses. The issue of Nietzsche's citizenship still causes sharp controversy. According to one source, he remained stateless after renouncing his Prussian citizenship in 1869; however, other sources state that Nietzsche became a Swiss citizen.

Good day to all! And we continue the line of quotes of great people. Today we will talk about Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - thinker, philologist, composer. Nietzsche's philosophy includes a special assessment of the present, which called into question the basic principles of existing forms of morality, religion, culture and generally accepted forms of communication, which were subsequently reflected in the philosophy of life. Most of Nietzsche's writings are not amenable to unambiguous understanding, and therefore cause a lot of controversy.

If God wanted to become an object of love, then he should first renounce the position of judge administering justice: a judge, and even a merciful judge, is not an object of love.

If you want to get high, use your own legs! Do not let yourself be carried, do not sit on other people's shoulders and heads!

He who fights monsters should take care not to become a monster himself. And if you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks into you.

We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves.

Independence is for the few. She is the privilege of the strong

We are more sincere towards others than towards ourselves.

Better an enemy from a single piece than a friend lightly glued.

Truth is not wordy, words are never enough for a lie.

Either you move up one step today, or gather your strength to climb that step tomorrow.

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he aspires upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots go into the earth, downward, into darkness and depth - to evil.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

There is nothing attractive about herds, even if they run after you.

There is no kinship, no friendship, no enmity between religion and real science: they are on different planets.

Only those who have felt fear in their hearts have courage; who looks into the abyss, but looks with pride in his eyes.

The smartest people, like the strongest, find happiness where others would only find disaster: in the labyrinth, in harshness towards themselves and others, in difficulties. They enjoy power over themselves: for them, asceticism becomes second nature, a necessity, an instinct.

No winner believes in chance.

Fact is always stupid.

Be who you are!

Pure spirit is pure lies.

Woman is the second mistake of God.

You go to a woman - take a whip.

The martyrs only harmed the truth.

Need new ears for new music.

Without music life would be a mistake.

Faith saves, therefore it lies.

A philologist is a teacher of slow reading.

No winner believes in chance.

What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.

There is no beautiful surface without terrible depth.

Facts do not exist - there are only interpretations.

You have to worship proudly if you can't be an idol.

In every religion, the religious person is an exception.

A real man hides a child who wants to play.

To laugh means to be malevolent, but with a clear conscience.

When skepticism and languor mate, mysticism arises.

Long and great sufferings bring up a tyrant in a person.

The dogma of the “immaculate conception”?

Death is close enough to not be afraid of life.

Very smart people are distrusted if they see their embarrassment.

Moral people are self-satisfied with remorse.

Majestic natures suffer from doubts about their own greatness.

There is a degree of inveterate deceit, which is called "clear conscience."

For a stupid forehead, a clenched fist is rightfully needed, in the form of an argument.

We grow cold towards what we have learned as soon as we share it with others.

Whoever feels the lack of free will is mentally ill; whoever denies it is stupid.

When the gratitude of many to one casts aside all shame, glory arises.

Buddhism does not promise, but keeps its word; Christianity promises everything, but does not keep its word.

A bad conscience is a tax that the invention of a good conscience has imposed on people.

Spiritualizes the heart; but the spirit sits and inspires courage in danger. Oh, this language!

Belief in cause and effect is rooted in the strongest of instincts: the instinct for revenge.

The danger of the wise is that he is most susceptible to the temptation to fall in love with the unreasonable.

The desire for greatness gives out with the head: whoever has greatness, he strives for kindness.

Mystical explanations are considered profound. The truth is that they are not even superficial.

Only man resists the direction of gravity: he constantly wants to fall - up.

On the other side of the North, on the other side of the ice, on the other side today is our life, our happiness.

Whoever wants to justify existence must also be able to be God's advocate before the devil.

Each church is a stone on the tomb of the God-Man: it certainly wants Him not to rise again.

The supreme thesis: "God forgives the penitent" - the same in translation: forgives the one who submits to the priest.

The word "Christianity" is based on a misunderstanding; in fact, there was one Christian, and he died on the cross.

There is already not enough love and goodness in the world to be lavished on imaginary beings.

Love, perhaps, your neighbor as yourself. But above all, be those who love themselves.

A person forgets his guilt when he confesses it to another, but this latter usually does not forget it.

Blood is the worst witness of truth; they poison the purest teaching with blood to the point of madness and hatred of hearts.

Whoever wants to become a leader of people must for a good period of time be known among them as their most dangerous enemy.

A man who has never thought about money, about honor, about acquiring influential connections - how can he know people?

Whose thought at least once crossed the bridge leading to mysticism does not return from there without thoughts not marked with stigmata.

I distinguish among philosophizers two kinds of people: some are always thinking about their defense, others about attacking their enemies.

And truth requires, like all women, that her lover become a liar for her sake, but it is not her vanity that requires it, but her cruelty.

Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the superman, a rope over an abyss. What is valuable in a person is that he is a bridge, not a goal.

Philosophy opens to man a refuge where no tyranny can penetrate, a valley of the inner world, a labyrinth of the heart, and this irritates tyrants.

We praise what pleases us: that is, when we praise, we praise our own taste - isn't that a sin against all good taste?

Perfect knowledge of necessity would eliminate all "must" - but it would also comprehend the necessity of "should" as a consequence of ignorance.

In the heat of the struggle one can sacrifice one's life: but he who conquers is devoured by the temptation to throw his life away from himself. Contempt for life is inherent in every victory.

You lovers of knowledge! What have you done so far out of love for knowledge? Have you already committed theft or murder to find out what is in the soul of a thief and a murderer?

The love of life is almost the opposite of the love of longevity. All love thinks of the moment and eternity, but never of duration.

Fever sufferers see only the phantoms of things, and those with a normal temperature see only the shadows of things; while both need the same words.

God Himself cannot exist without wise men," said Luther, and rightfully so; but "God can exist even less without foolish men" - Luther did not say this!

Heroism - such is the mood of a person striving for a goal, in addition to which he no longer counts at all. Heroism is the good will to absolute self-destruction.

Without the dogmas of faith, no one could live even a moment! But these dogmas have by no means been proved by this. Life is not an argument at all; among the conditions of life could be delusion.

An evil god is needed no less than a good one - after all, you owe your own existence by no means to tolerance and philanthropy. What is the use of a god who does not know anger, envy, cunning, mockery, vindictiveness and violence?

Teaching and the apostle who does not see the weakness of his teaching, his religion, etc., blinded by the authority of the teacher and reverence for him, usually has more power than the teacher. Never has the influence of man and his works grown without blind disciples.

Marriage is invented for mediocre people who are mediocre both in great love and in great friendship - therefore, for the majority: but also for those quite rare people who are capable of both love and friendship.

Whoever is able to strongly feel the look of a thinker cannot get rid of the terrible impression that animals make, whose eye slowly, as if on a rod, bulges out of the head and looks around.

Whoever has an aversion to the sublime, not only "yes", but also "no" seems too pathetic - he does not belong to the negative minds, and if he happens to be in their way, he suddenly stops and runs away - into the thicket of skepticism.

There is nothing in my head but personal morality, and to make myself entitled to it is the essence of all my historical questions about morality. It is terribly difficult to create such a right for yourself.

Weird! As soon as I keep silent about some thought and stay away from it, this very thought will certainly appear to me embodied in the form of a person, and now I have to be nice to this "angel of God"!

To hurt the one we love is sheer hell. In relation to ourselves, this is the state of heroic people: extreme violence. The desire to fall into the opposite extreme applies here.

Virtue only gives happiness and a certain bliss to those who firmly believe in their virtue - not at all to the more refined souls, whose virtue consists in a deep distrust of themselves and of all virtue. In the end, here, too, "faith makes blessed"! - and not, carefully note this, virtue!

The founder of Christianity believed that people did not suffer more from anything than from their sins: this was his delusion, the delusion of one who felt himself without sin, who lacked experience here.

If God wanted to become an object of love, then he should first renounce the position of judge administering justice: a judge, and even a merciful judge, is not an object of love.

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