An essay on the topic "Characteristics of the Theme from the story" Childhood of the Theme. An essay on the topic "Characteristics of the Theme from the story" Childhood of the Theme

"The Childhood of Themes" is an autobiographical story. In it, the writer told about his own childhood, about his childhood joys, misdeeds and dreams that he experienced and remembered for his whole life.

The main character of the work can be identified already by the title of the story. The theme is a child in the Kartashev family, the eldest of the boys.

So the acquaintance with the hero occurs through the description of the feelings of the boy who stands in the garden over “Daddy’s favorite flower”: “What a sharp, sharp line, what terrible, inexorable, merciless force suddenly tore him away from everything at once!

That from the fact that the birds sing so cheerfully, that the sun breaks through the dense foliage, playing on the soft ground with cheerful light spots, that a carefree midge crawls along a petal, it stops, inflates, releases its wings and is going to fly somewhere, towards the tender, clear day?

What of the fact that someday it will sparkle again the same cheerful morning, which he does not spoil, as today? Then there will be another boy, happy, intelligent, contented. To get to this other, one must pass the abyss separating him from this other, one must experience something terrible, terrible. Oh, what would he give so that everything would suddenly stop, so that there would always be this fresh, bright morning, so that Papa and Mama would always sleep ... My God, why is he so unhappy? Why does some kind of eternal inexorable fate gravitate over him? Why does he always want so good, but everything comes out so bad and disgusting? .. Oh, how much, how deeply he tries to look into himself, to comprehend the reason for this. He wants to understand her, he will be strict and impartial towards himself ... He is really a bad boy. He is guilty and he must atone for his guilt. He deserved to be punished, and let him be punished. What to do? And he knows the reason, he found it! It's all the fault of his nasty, nasty hands! After all, he did not want to, his hands were done, and always his hands. And he will come to his father and tell him directly:

Dad, why do you need to be angry for nothing, now I know well who is to blame - my hands. Cut them off for me, and I will always be a kind, good boy. Because I love you and my mother, and I love everyone, and my hands make it so that I don't seem to love anyone. I don’t feel sorry for them.

It seems to the boy that his arguments are so convincing, so sincere and clear that they should work. " This passage contains not only a description of the boy's feelings, but also his perception of the surrounding reality, thoughts, reasoning.

Throughout the story, N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky vividly conveys the feelings and inner state of the Theme. Let's take an example from a scene when a father punishes a boy: “Is this something new ?! Horror grips the boy's soul; his hands, trembling, search hastily for the buttons of his trousers; he experiences a kind of painful fading, painfully rummages in himself, what else to say, and finally, in a voice full of fright and entreaty, quickly, incoherently and fervently says:

My dear, dear, dear ... Dad! Dad! Daddy ... Daddy, daddy, wait! Dad?! Ah ah ah! Ayayayai! ..

The blows are pouring in. Tyoma wriggles, squeals, catches a dry, sinewy hand, passionately kisses it, prays. But something else, next to the prayer, grows in his soul. Not kissing, but hitting, biting, he wants this nasty, disgusting hand. Hatred, some kind of wild, burning anger seizes him.

It breaks wildly, but the iron vice grips it even tighter.

Nasty, nasty, I don't love you! he shouts with impotent anger.

Love it!

Tyoma fiercely bites her teeth into her father's hand.

Oh, you little snake ?!

And with a clever twist of Tyoma on the sofa, his head is in the pillow. One hand holds, and the other continues to whip the wriggling, snarling Tyom. "

In the next chapter, “Forgiveness,” the reader also plunges into the boy’s grief, experiencing him with him: “He again lives with all the nerves of his body. All the grief of the day rises before him. He is completely imbued with the consciousness of the evil inflicted on him by his sister. The offensive feeling that no one wants to listen to him, that they are unfair to him, seizes him.

Everyone just listens to Zina ... Everyone attacks me all day, no one loves me and no one really cares about you ...

And Tyoma is crying bitterly, covering her face with her hands.

The inner characteristics, as we have already said, are the dreams of the heroes. The author uses this technique to create an image of a child: “The dream is light, then heavy, nightmare. He flinches every now and then. He dreams that he is lying on a sandbank of the sea, in the place where they are taken to swim, lying on the seashore and waiting for a big cold wave to roll over him. He sees this transparent green wave, how it comes to the shore, sees how its top boils with foam, how it suddenly grows as if it rises in front of him as a high wall; he waits with sinking and delight for her spray, her cold touch, waiting for the usual pleasure when she picks it up, rushes swiftly to the shore and throws it out along with the mass of fine prickly sand; but instead of the cold, that living cold that Tyoma's body, inflamed from an incipient fever, so craves, the wave hits him with some kind of suffocating heat, pours heavily on him and chokes ... "," Tyoma clearly remembers how he tied the rope to the post and, holding on to this rope, he began to carefully descend down the felling; he had already reached halfway, when his legs suddenly slipped, and he flew headlong to the bottom of the stinking well. He woke up from this fall and shuddered again when he remembered the impression of a fall. "

N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky also uses portrait characterization, describing individual details of the boy's appearance at different moments: "Little Tyoma, pale, with wide eyes, stood in front of a broken flower" - this is how the reader meets the Theme. “When Tyoma first appeared on the terrace, thinner, grown up, with short-cropped hair, it was already a warm autumn in the yard” - this is how the boy appears before the readers after an illness. We see that there is no detailed portrait in any of the above excerpts: “Putting on his boots, he went to the sink, splashed water in his face twice, wiped himself off somehow, grabbed a comb, made a careless section on the side - crooked and uneven, several times combed his thick hair; without finishing, he smoothed them impatiently with his hands and, having dressed, buttoning his coat on the go, entered the dining room. "

“- Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! he says in a voice trembling with horror. - It's a shame to be afraid! Cowards are only afraid! Whoever does something bad is afraid, but I don’t do anything bad, I’m pulling out the Bug, and my mom and dad will praise me for it. Dad was at war, it's scary there, but is it scary here? Not a bit scary here. I’ll rest and climb further, then I’ll rest again and climb again, and I’ll get out, then I’ll pull out the Beetle. The bug will be glad, everyone will be surprised how I pulled it out ”- the Theme evaluates itself and its actions, this is how the author uses self-characterization.

“Suddenly, the Fraulein’s skirt is torn in half with a noise, and the enraged bonna shouts:

Dummer Knabe! .. * * Stupid boy! .. (from German dummer Knabe) "- Fraulein gives an assessment to the Topic - this is a mutual characteristic.

Evaluates the boy and his mother: “- Well, it will, it will be ... mom is not angry anymore ... mom loves her boy ... mom knows that he will have a good, loving one when she understands only one small, very simple thing. And Tyoma can already understand it. You see how much grief happened to you, but why do you think? And I'll tell you: because you are still a little coward ... "

Sister Zina and Tema's father give an assessment.

Sweet bug! Sweetheart, honey, I'll get you out now, ”he shouted to her, as if she understood him.

The bug responded with a new joyful squeal, and Tyoma thought that she was asking him to hurry up to fulfill his promise.

Now, Zhuchka, now, - Tyoma answered her and began to fulfill his dream with the consciousness of all the responsibility of the undertaken obligation to the Zhuchka. That sympathizes with Abrumka: “Tyoma has lost all fear of Abrumka. The sincere, genuine grief that sounded in his words turned Tyoma's heart towards him. He decided to immediately go to his mother and confess everything to her.

He found his mother reading.

Tyoma warmly embraced his mother.

Mom, give me thirty kopecks.

Why do you need?

Tyoma hesitated and said in confusion:

I feel sorry for Abrumki, he has nothing to bury Khimka with, I promised him.

It's good that you feel sorry for him, but still, you had no right to promise him. Do you have your own money? You can only have your own money.

Tyoma listened tensely, embarrassedly, and when Aglaida Vasilievna brought him the money, he hugged her and warmly answered her, tormented by remorse for his lie:

My dear mother, I will never again ... ”.

When Tema enters the gymnasium and Vakhnov shows him his "trick" in the drawing lesson, the hero does not betray his classmate.

The boy's mischievous behavior is also described: “The subject suddenly feels such a surge of joy that he wants to throw out something so that everyone, everyone - both sisters, and Bonn, and Nastasya, and Ioska - gasped. He stands there, looking for something suitable in his mind for a few moments, and can think of nothing else how to run headlong into the street and cut the road to some rushing carriage. There is a general desperate cry:

Subject, Subject, where ?!

Subject! - the shrill cry of Bonne rushes and reaches the sensitive ear of the mother. "

Together with the writer, we follow with interest and ardent sympathy the unequal struggle of little Tyoma against the cruel educational principles of his father, against the official-routine system of education and the generally accepted and generally recognized mores and habits of those around him. Truthful, sincere, kind Tyoma resists the destructive effects of violence, indifference, and hypocritical morality. The reader can feel all this thanks to the author's talent.

Along with the main child character, other children are also present in the work - these are Temy's sisters, his younger brother, his classmates in the gymnasium, and Ivanov's best friend. The author creates their image, using more external characteristics, namely the description of their behavior, but at the same time other ways of depicting are used to a lesser extent.

Conclusions for chapter 2

As a result of the work done, we can conclude that all authors use all the main ways of depicting characters to create the image of a child: external characteristics (portrait characteristics, description of the subject situation, speech characteristics, description of the "hero's behavior", author's characteristics, self-characterization, mutual characteristic characterizing the name) and internal characteristics (internal monologue, a description of the character depicted from the point of view of this character, the character's worldview, the character's imaginations and memories, the character's dreams, letters and personal diaries), as well as the hero's biography. But naturally, the authors have their own differences.

A.P. Chekhov often uses the internal characteristics of characters, revealing the external world through the child's vision, with the help of his perception. KM Stanyukovich uses all methods of character creation in equal measure.

A.I. Kuprin uses a variety of depictions and characteristics of child characters. But it is the description of the behavior and actions of the characters that makes a significant contribution to the images, as well as the transmission of the hero's feelings and thoughts, especially in those moments when children perform these feats.

The image of the child L.N. Andreev creates with the help of a description of behavior, while in some cases the description of the hero's behavior can be attributed to an external characteristic, and in some to an internal one. Sometimes the behavior reveals the inner state of the hero. The author also uses portrait characteristics. The portrait of the boy in the story is dynamic, it changes with the change in the environment surrounding the child.

N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky portrays the child character mainly as an internal characteristic, conveying feelings, thoughts, and the theme's worldview.

Along with the main child character, other children are also present in the work - these are Temy's sisters, his younger brother, his classmates in the gymnasium, and Ivanov's best friend. The author creates their image, using more external characteristics, namely the description of their behavior, but at the same time other ways of depicting are used to a lesser extent.

An essay on the topic "Characteristics of the Theme from the story" Childhood of the Theme "

The great work "The Childhood of the Theme" went down in history as a story about the most important period in the life of every person - about childhood. It tells the story of a boy growing up, about how he learns from life and gains wisdom. The characterization of the main character of Themes is rather complex and contradictory. He is a multifaceted person who, like everyone else, makes mistakes.
The story takes place in the family of retired general Nikolai Kartashev. The harsh character acquired as a result of military service leaves an imprint on the upbringing of his son. The topic is the oldest of the large Kartashev family, and close attention is paid to his actions and pranks, because he can serve as an example for younger children.
But the mother of an eight-year-old boy has her own vision of raising children. She condemns the brutal measures of the general's upbringing, and tries to reach out to the children with the help of kindness. Thus, the Theme is between two fires, on the one hand, he must obey the strict orders of his father, and on the other, he wants to reach out to the kindness of his mother.
The topic appears to the reader as a kind and playful boy who makes mistakes from time to time and does not find the courage to correct them. The upbringing of the father makes the boy somewhat cowardly. Having broken his favorite flower, the main character is afraid to admit what he had done. The rest of his misdeeds in the form of a broken chest and stolen sugar also do not find the sincere confession that his mother taught.
The father's severe punishments make the boy bitter and hostile. Even after many years, returning to his home, he keeps only unpleasant memories of his father. And only the love of Aglaida Vasilievna could melt the boy's heart. The main character constantly commits rash acts, after which he bitterly regrets.
The theme is capable of courageous deeds, which is clearly manifested in the rescue of the dog Bug. Despite the fact that his feat later turned into a serious illness for the hero, he does not regret his salvation at all and was ready to do it again and again.
The personality of the Tema boy is close to any boy who has difficulties in upbringing, the tough upbringing of his father affected his character, but still he remained a kind and sympathetic child.

The story "Childhood" became the first work of 24-year-old Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy and immediately opened the way for him not only to Russian, but also to world literature. The young writer sent it to the editor-in-chief of the most famous literary magazine Sovremennik at that time, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, along with money in case the manuscript was returned, but the poet could not help but see that he had a creation of real talent. Although Tolstoy's subsequent books brought him even greater fame, Childhood did not in the least fade in comparison with them. The work had depth, moral purity, and wisdom.

The main character of the work is 10-year-old Nikolenka Irteniev. The boy grows up in a noble family in a village estate, he is surrounded by his closest and beloved people: a teacher, brother, sister, parents, nanny.

Readers get acquainted with the world of Nikolai through his story, and many actions are analyzed by an already grown young man, but for whom childhood memories are so vivid that he carried them through many years. But they also shape the personality. Already in the early stages of growing up, it becomes quite clear what you will be like.

What can you say about Nikolenka? He's smart but lazy, so learning doesn't always go smoothly. However, the boy's conscientiousness and kindness fully compensate for the lack of diligence. He is very attached to close people, subtly feels their mood. Especially touching is his tenderness for his mother. In addition, he is prone to prudence and reflection: he likes to delve into himself, sort out thoughts and feelings on the shelves. But a firm character has not yet developed in him: for example, he follows a friend's lead and commits a low deed.

Little Nicholas had all the best that later formed an adult personality. But he laments, where are the purity and sensitivity that were in abundance in childhood, and which he does not find in himself today? Have they disappeared without a trace? No, it's just that in a world where emotions are usually held back, sincere impulses were locked deep in the soul.

Karl Ivanovich

Tolstoy devotes the first chapter of the story to his teacher, Karl Ivanovich, whom little Nikolai loves very much, although sometimes in a childish way he is angry with him. The boy sees the kind heart of the mentor, feels his great affection, he describes him as a person with a clear conscience and a calm soul. The pupil regrets his dear teacher and sincerely wishes him happiness. His heart responds in response to the old man's feelings.

But Kolya is not at all ideal, it happens that he gets angry, scolds his teacher or nanny to himself, does not want to study, thinks a lot about himself and puts his “I” above others, participates in bullying Ilenka Grap together with others. But who did not do the same as a child? The reader recognizes himself in many ways: how he wants to grow up as soon as possible and stop doing his homework, how he dreams of becoming a handsome man, because then this is very important, like any mistake is perceived as a tragedy. Therefore, the teacher was characterized by patience and restraint, as well as a sense of humor and sincere affection for the boy.


Nikolai is a very sensitive child, he loved his mother very much, but he only remembers her kind eyes, affection and love. Just being next to her, feeling the touch of her hands, falling in love with her tenderness was real happiness for him. She died early, it was then that his childhood ended. The matured hero thinks that if he could see the smile of maman in the most difficult moments of his life, he would never know grief.

A ten-year-old boy has a very rich inner life, egoism and love for loved ones, good and evil, often struggle in him, and yet the already laid down morality helps to make the right human choice already in the subconscious. There is a lot of conscience and shame in him. He analyzes his feelings very deeply, any of their external manifestations are often backed up by an internal contradiction. Nikolai notices that his tears bring him pleasure, that, having lost his mother, he grieves as if for show. His prayers are always for the health and well-being of loved ones, for mama and papa, for poor Karl Ivanovich, he asks God to give happiness to everyone. It is in this compassionate impulse that the influence of the mother is manifested, to whom the writer pays little attention. He shows her through his son, a kind soul did not sink into oblivion, when the body died, she remained on earth in a child who took over her responsiveness and tenderness.


Nikolenka also loves her father very much, but this feeling is different from tenderness to her mother. Dad is an undoubted authority, although we see a man with many flaws in front of us: he is a player, a mot, a womanizer.

But the hero talks about all this without any condemnation, he is proud of his father, considering him a knight. Although dad is undoubtedly stricter, tougher than mom, but he has the same kind heart and boundless love for children.

Natalia Savishna

This is an elderly woman who is in the service of Nikolai's family (she was his mother's nanny). She is a peasant serf like the other servants. Natalya Savishna is kind and modest, her gaze expressed "calm sadness." In her younger years, she was a plump and healthy girl, and in old age she was hunched over and haggard. Its distinctive feature is dedication. She devoted all her strength to caring for the noble family. Nikolai often speaks of her hard work, diligence, and kindness.

The main character trusted the old woman with his feelings, because her sincerity and honesty were beyond doubt. She is only proud of the fact that she has never stolen from the masters, so they entrust her with the most responsible affairs. The heroine's love for the whole family was all the more surprising, because Nikolenka's grandfather forbade her to marry her beloved. However, she did not harbor resentment.

Sonya, Katya and Seryozha

Kolya is still at the age when playing Robinson, where you can swim on an imaginary river, go hunting in the woods with a stick-gun, brings pleasure, without such childishness it is difficult for him to imagine his life.

The hero describes a not very long period of his childhood, but manages to fall in love three times: with Katenka, Seryozha and Sonya. These are completely different feelings, but they are childishly pure and naive. Love for Seryozha made me imitate him and bow before him, and this led to a very cruel act. Nikolai did not intercede for Ilenka Grapa, whom they unjustly offended, although he could sympathize even with the wounded bird. As an adult, he considers this to be the most unpleasant memory of a bright, happy childhood. He is very ashamed of his callousness and rudeness. Love for Katya was a very tender feeling, he kissed her hand twice and burst into tears from overflowing emotions. She was something very sweet and dear to him.

The feeling for Sonya was very bright, made him different: confident, handsome and very charming. It instantly overwhelmed him all, everything that came before her became insignificant.

Nikolai's childhood immerses each reader in his bright memories and gives hope that the kindness, love, purity that was there cannot completely go away. She lives in us, you just have to remember that happy time.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

There is nothing more interesting than the story of an intelligent and talented person about his life.

The writer Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. He became a writer only at the age of 40. He was an engineer by profession and worked for a long time on the railway. He traveled all over the country, lived in the Urals, Batumi and Bessarabia. By the middle of his life, Nikolai Georgievich tried himself in the role of a landowner - he bought a large estate and took up agriculture.

The economy went bankrupt, but this incident made a writer out of the landowner. He described his experience in the essays "Several years in the village" (under the pseudonym Garin). The success of the essays inspired Mikhailovsky to continue writing.

All of his essays and stories are based on events that actually happened, in each of which the wise eye of the writer was able to see a certain moral idea, to generalize what was typical for Russian society of that time.

The story "The Childhood of the Theme" is the best book from the autobiographical "Family Chronicle". It consists of twelve short stories.

This is not just a description of childhood, the joys and troubles of a little person, but a chronicle of spiritual growth, moral development and growing up.

The reader gets acquainted with the Topic at the age of eight. In the morning in the greenhouse Tema noticed that his father's favorite orchid had blossomed. The topic looks forward to how at breakfast he will delight his family with the news, but suddenly with an awkward movement he breaks a flower.

A whirlwind of thoughts rushes through Tema's head! He knows that it would be right to honestly confess an act, but he is afraid of his father, because he, being convinced of the need for a harsh male upbringing (he is a retired general), applies corporal punishment to the boy. And Themes do not have the heart to confess. He hastily hides the "traces of the crime."

The day is ruined. Trying to calm, first of all, his conscience, Tema embarks on adventures, one worse than the other. He is heroic, climbing on a horse and almost breaking his head, tearing the governess's skirt, stealing sugar for his friend, the yard boy Ioska.

In the evening, the punishment catches up with the Theme.

This is something new?! Horror grips the boy's soul; his hands, trembling, search hastily for the buttons of his trousers; he experiences a kind of painful fading, painfully rummages in himself, what else to say, and finally, in a voice full of fright and entreaty, quickly, incoherently and fervently says:

- My dear, dear, dear ... Dad! Dad! Darling ... Daddy, daddy, wait! Dad?! Ah ah ah! Ayayayai! ..

The blows are pouring in. The theme wriggles, squeals, catches a dry, sinewy hand, passionately kisses it, prays. But something else, next to the prayer, grows in his soul. Not kissing, but hitting, biting, he wants this nasty, disgusting hand.

Hatred, some kind of wild, burning anger seizes him.

Horror fills the mother's soul.

- Enough, enough! She shouts, bursting into the office. - Enough !!.

- Admire what your little animal is! Her father thrust his bitten finger into her.

But she does not see this finger. She looks with horror at the sofa, from where a disheveled, pitiful, fenced animal is climbing down and wildly, with the instinct of a beast that has been forgotten for a minute, makes its way to the exit. An excruciating pain penetrates the mother. Her words sound bitter when she says to her husband:

- And this is upbringing ?! Is this knowledge of the nature of a boy ?! To turn a child into a miserable idiot, to snatch his human dignity - is this upbringing ?!

A person who has read these lines will never say that corporal punishment is permissible.

The image of the mother, Aglaida Vasilievna, stands out in the book. A trusting relationship, deep and tender affection between mother and boy have a beneficial effect on the Theme. She, like no one else, understands her living, like fire, open to the world, a kind and active child.

She sees the goal of upbringing in the development of the good that is in the son, and such development that does not humiliate his human dignity. She helps Tema to realize her shortcomings, teaches to treat herself and people in a Christian way.

So Tema threw a stone at the butcher because he kicked his ears. His mother never misses an opportunity to visually teach him a lesson: "To whom much is given, much will be demanded from him" (The topic of the social status of his family was higher than the commoners).

Here is Tema betrayed a friend in the gymnasium, he acted meanly. The mother experiences with him all the humiliation and longing from a bad deed and teaches him to turn to God so that he would give strength in difficult times, help him to be an honest person. “Those who have not fallen will not be able to get up,” Tema understands.

Many more adventures await the Theme. Children will be able to experience them together with the boy. And adults - to think about what reasons turn a pure child into a child full of problems and fears.

Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky "The Childhood of the Theme"

  1. Who helped Tyoma to become interested in reading books? In what class did this happen?
  2. A classmate Ivanov very quickly interested Tyoma with his fascinating retellings of books that he had not even heard of. This hobby made Cho-mu start reading books, which very soon became one of his favorite activities for him. He read Gogol, Mine Reed and Wagner. Now the children's writer of those years Wagner is neither published nor read. But Gogol and Mine Reed are read by many sixth-graders.

  3. Why is the ninth chapter of the book called "Yabeda"?
  4. The chapter "Yabed" tells about Tyoma's most humiliating and grave offense: he failed to hide from the director the culprit of the incident in the classroom. Ivanov did not give a comrade, and he had to leave the gymnasium. The word "sneak" still sounds like an insult to a student, and it was perceived in the same way before.

  5. What event broke the friendship between Tyoma and Ivanov? Who was to blame for this? Why did Ivanov suffer and was not expelled from the Tyoma gymnasium? How do you explain the behavior of each of your friends?
  6. Vakhnov's evil trick had to be revealed. Ivanov, evaluating Vakhnov's actions as "vile muck", did not name his name, being guided by the "rules of partnership." Tyoma betrayed Vakhnov under severe pressure from the director. Therefore, Tyoma received a small punishment, and Ivanov, who did not give a friend, was ordered to be taken from the gymnasium. Removal of Ivanov from the gymnasium was the reason that their friendship faded.

  7. Why did Tyoma feel "depressed, humiliated, dumb"?
  8. Not only Tyoma, but also his kind mother felt humiliated, because they all recognized betrayal as a bad act. Probably, Vakhnov's meanness was not worth such torment - this evil schoolboy fully deserved his punishment. But here the matter was in principle, from which none of the participants in the incident could disregard. Tyoma had a feeling that he had committed meanness.

  9. Have you noticed that in difficult times Ivanov's very strong influence on Tyoma continues? Why?
  10. Many views and judgments of Tyoma were formed under the beneficial influence of Ivanov, and therefore Tyoma often remembered his friend when he needed to decide something. This influence was not superficial and temporary, it probably remained for life.

  11. How do you explain the emergence of Tyo-me's friendship with Danilov and Kasitsky?
  12. It was excruciatingly difficult for Tema to come to terms with the fact that he betrayed his comrade. He suffered both from the pangs of conscience and from the loneliness that arose around him primarily because Ivanov was not around. Recall that Tyoma was sitting at the same pair with Vakhnov and Ivanov, and now he was left alone. But after a few days, first Kasitsky, and then Danilov, move to the Tyoma's desk. The boys were united by a common attitude to the events that had taken place, and by new impressions of school life.

  13. Why did Tyoma remember Robinson while preparing to escape?
  14. The stories of Danilov, carried away by the sea, attracted Tyoma and Kasitsky. They, like Danilov, regretted that they could not devote themselves to the sea, but must "spend this expensive time on sleep, and on food, and on the gymnasium." At the same time, Danilov asserted that “there are people with a strong will who, even without gim-naziya, knew how to make their way in life,” Tyoma sighed and recalled Ro-binzon. Apparently, Tyoma imagined Robinson's life on a desert island.

  15. What role did Kasitsky play in preparing the escape to America?
  16. Danilov was the son of a port captain and from childhood he loved the sea and knew how to do everything that was required of a sailor. Kasitsky, on the other hand, was very mobile, restless, loved all kinds of changes and novelties, and therefore without much hesitation he accepted the idea of ​​flight to America and rather amused himself with the whole process of preparation than seriously preparing for this event. He kind of turned a collective venture into a fun game and drastically reduced the tension that his friends were experiencing.

  17. Why were the fugitives happy when the escape failed?
  18. The fugitives were glad when the escape failed, because they themselves secretly wanted to stay at home. The purpose of the escape was a journey, but the comrades did not even think about what they would do in a distant country.

    All their forces were concentrated on the boat, leaving home, on the opportunity to get on the passing ship. And when this ship sailed past, and the fat passengers cheerfully waved to the boys on the boat, the fugitives realized how ridiculous their thought was, and were glad how it ended well. The only thing left was that they were nicknamed Americans at the gymnasium.

  19. How did Tyoma prepare for the exams and why did he pass them so badly?
  20. Going to flee to America, Tyoma, of course, did not prepare for the exams in any way. When the examinations began, he was most concerned about signs: he was baptized into all the churches he passed by, “he didn’t go around the block around the counter, or, in extreme cases, when he met, he grabbed his left ear and spoke quickly:“ Chur, chur, not me! ", Or diligently twisted in the same place three times." He did not succeed in passing the exams, but at home he successfully hid it.

  21. How did the hero manage to turn himself around and start preparing for the re-examination?
  22. The topic was given a great deal of the decision to prepare for the re-examination. Realizing that he could stay for a second year, the boy tried to poison himself. Fortunately, he was frightened, he was immediately given milk to drink, so there were no particular consequences for his health. But, seeing the grief of his mother, Tyo-ma promised to pass the re-examination, asking her to get permission from the headmaster of the gymnasium as soon as possible. It was his completely independent and serious decision. Material from the site

  23. How do you assess the chapter "Examinations" in an auto-biographical work - as a story about a substitution and re-examination, or as a story about a man who managed to cope with his weakness, a story about the formation of a boy's character?
  24. The chapter "Examinations" tells about the events of Tyoma's life, but at the same time it gives the reader an idea of ​​how a teenager can cope with his weakness. This chapter can also be viewed as a chapter on the formation of the character of a teenager.

  25. How did the parents feel about their son's trouble? What caused the tragic attempt at poisoning at Tyoma? When did he realize his mistake? Why was Tyoma so happy when he managed to pass the re-examination?
  26. The poisoning attempt was almost accidental - it suddenly seemed to the boy that he had no way out. The father - a decisive and direct military general - could not understand and accept his son's deed. The mother was in despair. And it was then that Tyoma decided at all costs to pass the re-examination and prove that he was able to quickly reverse what he had missed. The happiness that he experienced when he passed the re-examination was caused not only by the joy that he had fulfilled his promise, but also by the feeling of satisfaction from the ability to overcome himself.

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  • childhood topics review
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