In which year, Tukhachevsky was shot. During the execution of Tukhachevsky shouted: "Long live Stalin! Marshal in suit and laptops ...

On June 11, 1937, nine military headed by Marshal Tukhachevsky were found guilty of organizing a military conspiracy in order to capture power. The death sentence was put in execution immediately. The resulting mass purge among the team and the superior composition of the USSR Navy and the Workers' and Peasant Red Army.

Tukhachevsky was the son of impoverished nobleman and peasantry. His whole life was devoted to the military case - in 1912 he graduated from the Cadet Corps, entered the military school, after him went to the service in the Life Guard. Actively participated in hostilities during the First World War, received five orders of varying degrees for the heroism. He spent two years in German captivity, with the fifth attempt was able to escape and return from Germany to Russia. In 1918, voluntarily joined the Red Army, led the multitude of operations during the Civil War, in the 1920s he led the suppression of anti-Soviet rebellion.

The task for Tukhachev was to participate in the Soviet-Polish war - strategic mistakes led to the defeat of the Western Front in the Warsaw operation. According to historians, this failure became one of the factors determined by his fate in 1937.

Later, being in a senior position, Tukhachevsky sought to reform the Red Army by leaving all the forces to prepare for future wars.

"Neither the Red Army, nor the country to war is ready," he argued in the report "Defense of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics".

Tukhachevsky offered to increase the number of divisions, produce more military equipment - he believed that the massive use of tanks would allow creating a completely sudden for the enemy the conditions for the development of military operations.

By the mid-1930s, the commander gradually split into two camps. Part of the marshals, including Voroshilov, belonged to Tukhachevsky and his ideas very negatively, others were unhappy with the work of Voroshilov himself at the post of defense addict. It came to the point that part of the military command demanded from Stalin to give this position to Tukhachevsky.

By this time, several denunciations were already acted on Tukhachevsky, which referred to opposition sentiments of his and his supporters. The first arrests began in 1936, in prison, the commercials Vitovt Putnom and Vitaly Primakov were in prison. Tukhachevsky himself was arrested on May 22, 1937.

The list of accusations of the arrested addressed the preparation of terrorist acts and the plan of armed seizure of the Kremlin, developing a plan for the Red Army defeat and transfer to the representatives of the General Staff of Germany of classified military information.

According to investigators, all the arrestants were members of the anti-Soviet Trotskyist military organization.

On the recording of confessions of the handwriting of Tukhachevsky, it is even and clear, then suddenly begins to be born. On paper, dark stains - only many years of expertise set that it is blood. However, direct evidence that at the interrogations of Tukhachevsky tortured and force forced to sign the testimony, no. The trial was short-lived: the investigation took less than a month, the meeting passed almost immediately after the approval of the indictment.

From the testimony of Tukhachevsky, it was turned out that he had to contribute to the army with Trotsky, then Germany will attack the USSR and lead Trotsky to power. It was also required to provoke the uprising and overthrow Stalin that Tukhachevsky himself considered it impossible - the military leader was too devoted.

The sentence did not only wait for the Commissioner Jan Gamarnik, he shot himself on the eve of the arrest.

"Former member of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) Ya.B. Guarmarnik, confusing in his connections with anti-Soviet elements and, apparently, the fear of exposure, on May 31 committed suicide, "

- wrote the newspapers then. After death, he immediately declared the enemy of the people.

The Tukhachevsky case gave the launch of a large-scale exposure of conspiracies with subsequent repression and mortal executions. According to historians' estimates, 35-40 thousand people were injured. Someone was shot, someone is exiled to the camp, someone "was lucky" just to lose his position.

"Which lesson! Over the past three years, Stalin has declared all Lenin's associates by Hitler's agents, "Trotsky's Trotsky in 1939. - He destroyed the color of the command staff, shot, dismissed, exiled about 30,000 officers, "all by the same charges: All this is Hitler's agents or Hitler Allies.

Having destroyed the party and decorating the army, Stalin openly puts his candidacy for the role of ... Main Agent Hitler. "

After 20 years, the charges were recognized as falsified. It turned out that the composition of the crime is not, and the testimony was obtained using torture and beatings. The repression was recognized as a direct consequence of the cult of the personality of Stalin, and the reason for the initiation of the case was recognized by conflicts between Tukhachevsky and Stalin.

Until 1964, the Special Commission established was investigated by the circumstances of the case. She concluded that the accused were arrested "in violation of the Constitution of the USSR, contrary to the requirements of criminal and criminal procedural laws, without the sanction of the prosecutor or the court decision, according to the direct arbitrariness of Stalin and Jesov." The Commission recognized that there are no objective evidence confirming the accompanied state crimes in the case. Charges in these crimes, as the final conclusion says, are false and based only on the contradictory "confessional" testimony of the arrested, imposed by the workers of the NKVD criminal methods of investigators in the case.

In 1937, Stalin began global cleaning in the army

Mikhail Tukhachevsky and other red commanders Stalin shot not for the preparation of the coup, but for the collapsed defense budget

In 1937, Stalin began global cleaning in the army. If we speak only about the top, then from 85 leaders of the army and the fleet, which included in the Supreme Council at the People's Commissariat of Defense, repression did not touch only six people. There were three of the five Soviet marshals - Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Vasily Blucher, Alexander Egorov. For some reason, it is believed that all of them suffered insignificantly and, due to the loss of these great commander, our troops had to retreat to the Moscow in 1941.

Myth about genius commander Mikhail Tukhachevsky And others affected by the cleansing of brilliant "cotton comes", appeared in the USSR after the XX CPSU Congress, as part of the Khrushchev criticism of the personality cult. Nikita Sergeevich tried to oppose allegedly regimal genius Stalin His blame for repression of 40 thousand officers. With them Hitler Would be broken in 1942.

In fact, Stalin did not bandage the army, but updated. Militarization of the USSR went unprecedented pace. Despite the repression, the officer corps from 1937 to 1940 increased almost three times! The number of officers with higher and secondary education has grown from 164 thousand to 385 thousand people. Of course, these were new frames, which still did not waste the run. But the upcoming war was also completely not like the first world. Old knowledge and techniques there still did not help.

Here's how in my memoirs, comments the consequences of Stalinist repressions The most advertised diversifier in the world - Obersbankanfurr Otto Sorrow: "The gigantic cleaning among the military misled our political intelligence. She was convinced that we achieved a decisive success, Hitler adhered to the same opinion. However, the Red Army, contrary to general opinion, was not weakened, and strengthened ... Posts of repressed commanders of armies, buildings, divisions, brigades, regiments and battalions were taken by young officers - ideological communists. After the total cleaning of 1937, a new Russian army appeared, capable of transferring the most cruel battles. Russian generals carried out orders, and not engaged in conspiracies and betrayal, as it often happened in our highest posts. "

According to the official version, the cause of cruel cleansing in the Red Army is called the revealed plot against Stalin. But this is a very strong simplification. The struggle between several clans of the military was not against Stalin, but for the proximity to his body.

At that time, large-scale re-equipment of the army went to the USSR. A military-industrial complex was created, which later became the economic foundation of the country. The army command perfectly understood his meaning and fought for the right to control financial flows. It was at this intersection that the interests of the Deputy Commissar of Defense for Arming Mikhail Tukhachevsky and People's Commissar Clement Voroshilov.

Both Marshal were far from technology and chairs were grabbed for any invention, which seemed to be ingenious. Here, for example, some inventor Baranov Offered to adopt electromagnetic installation for trapping shells. The essence of the mechanism was that several heavy duty magnets were installed around our battery, which deviated enemy shells, and the battery became invulnerable.

Academician Abram Ioffe At the same time, he proposed the installation of the "rays of death", which was to mortarly affect people with radiation at a distance of 400 meters from our trenches.

Tukhachevsky engaged in the promotion of magnets, and rays - Voroshilov. Whether both needed for three years in order to understand the intact projects. And how much time and millions of rubles went to such idiotic ventures, you can only guess, since most similar projects are stored in archives under the vulture "Top Secret."

The head of Ostekhburo Vladimir Bekauri promised to create a radio-controlled weapon for the Red Army. Having spent a bunch of time and money, the inventor admitted that he does not work ...

The black hole of the defense budget for these Marshalch was their favorite brainchild "Special Advanced Military Inventions" engineer Vladimir Bekauri. By proposing to lead the war exclusively with radio-controlled tanks, ships and aircraft, he was much ahead of his time, but the technical means did not allow to realize his "brilliant" ideas.

Under the guidance of Bekauri, the design of the "Hurricane" radio-controlled motorcycles was launched. The car was to break into the arrangement of the enemy's troops and release several hundred kilograms of a strong poisoning substance. In 1936, they conducted the tests of the telemechanical tank TT-TU intended for the speed approach to the opponent's strengthen and discharge the subversive charge. However, nothing of the creation of "Ostekhbuo" was not adopted, as radio control constantly denied, and boats, tanks, aircraft began to behave completely unpredictable. The only project that can be called half is successful is a miniature, 16 meters long and 2.62 meters wide, Pigmey submarine. The leadership of the Navy of the Republic of Kazakhstan asked her to remake it from the radio-controlled in the usual and decided to accept it into service. In the process of reconstruction it turned out that it is impossible to place the crew normally, which led Stalin to rabies.

Bekauri was arrested. In the basements of Lubyanka, he admitted that all these years was engaged in "graduating", and his activity was covered by Tukhachevsky and Voroshilov.

At the same time, Tukhachevsky began to actively criticize Voroshilov and his environment. It has reached the point that he raised the question of replacing Voroshilov as a defense addict, as an incompetent manager. In the army there was a clear split. Stalin had to urgently make a choice between the two clans of the military. And he decided to appoint the German spies of Marshal Tukhachevsky and his team.

For example, a miniature submarine "Pigmey" knew how to dive, but I could not pop up

Blucher refused to fight with the Japanese

The second shot Marshala Vasily Bluchra. The rarest case in the Epoch of Stalinist Cleaning, when all sentence points, including "Japanese intelligence agent," practically corresponded to reality.

In the 1930s, the air flashed with a new world war. Among those who were preparing to take an active part in the next height of the world was Japan, who had already had the experience of victory over the Russian army in 1905. They had to find out if the western neighbor was learned to fight or not. To verify the strength of Soviet borders, a section of the boundary of Lake Hassan was chosen.

By the time the Far Eastern Front, Blueer commanded for many years.

The legendary Hero of the Civil War, the first bank of the orders of the Red Banner and the Red Star, feeling the one-chased ruler of the extensive edge, accustomed to peaceful and fellow life away from the Moscow authorities. As then they said, morally decomposed.

The Hero of the Civil War was addicted to the abundant closer to the company of Podkhalimov and the halter. In 1932, he, by changing the fifth tent, married the third time. His chosen was the 17-year-old girl Glafira pulled up. However, in itself this fact was not particularly reprehensible - the main thing is that the entrusted case does not suffer. And in this case it suffered, - says the historian and publicist Igor Payalov. - For nine years, the Blucher's command did not bother to build a road along the Trans-Siberian Highway, which made the supply of troops very vulnerable.

On the morning of June 13, 1938, the head of the NKVD department for the Far Eastern Territory was fought to the Japanese Heinrich Lushkov. Chekist managed to transfer two bag of operational cards across the border and other secret documents. The Japanese got access in fact to all Soviet military secrets in the Far East. Two days later Japanese attorney in the USSR NIS Officially demanded the withdrawal of Soviet border guards from heights in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Hassan and the transfer of the territory of the Japanese.

The colonical talent of many repressed generals and, in particular, Marshal Tukhachevsky was best manifested during the suppression of peasant uprisings and the exversman. He cranked thousands of people in concentration camps and "buried" dozens of villages and villages in gases

Narcar Defense Voroshilov immediately gave the directive to bring the Far Eastern Front into combat readiness. However, such a turn of events did not cause enthusiasm from Blucher. He secretly from Moscow, began negotiations with the Japanese, where he asked them to find a way to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way.

Meanwhile, two Japanese companies attacked our border post. During the fierce battle, they managed to master the height of Unnamed.

The time when it was possible to beat off the opponent's offensive, was missed, but it was too late to attack the forehead. The assault failed. All the slopes of the height and shore of the lake were covered by the bodies of our soldiers. Only on August 6, having adjusted additional forces, the Soviet troops switched to a decisive offensive and by August 9, they cleared our territory from the Japanese, "says Pyhalov. - Analyzing the course of hostilities, it should be noted that the Soviet troops spoke to the border of the combat alarm completely unprepared. A number of artillery batteries turned out to be in the war zone without shells, spare trunks to machine guns were not fitted, the rifles were issued untold, and many fighters arrived at the front at all without rifles.

As a result, the Soviet side lost killed, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences and missing 960 people, wounded and sick - 3279 people. Japanese losses amounted to 650 people killed and about 2500 wounded. If we consider that the Soviet troops used aircraft and tanks, and the Japanese no, the loss ratio was to be completely different.

Of course, the Soviet people, of course, announced the brilliant and unconditional victory of the Red Army. Only this news did not fit at all with the Arrest of Blucher and the message about his execution. Although most historians are confident that Marshal was scored to death during the investigation.

From the point of view of the Japanese command, the battle intelligence was successful. It turned out that the Russians are still fighting badly, even in conditions of numerical and technical superiority. The consequences of the collision of Lake Hasan were much harder than it seems, Puffy believes. - Above the Soviet army in the world was openly laughing. The consecration of Japanese intelligence about the more than weak coordination of Soviet troops was transferred to Germany and played a very important role in making a decision on war against the USSR.

The auditory command of Bluchber during border battlements with the Japanese showed the Germans that the USSR will be easy to be looting

Egorov requested permission to shoot his wife

Point in repressions Put the execution of February 23, 1939 Marshal Alexandra Egorova. The formal cause of his arrest is considered a statement. George Zhukov Commissar Voroshilov. Zhukov writes: "In 1917 in November, ... I heard the speech of the former right Esera of Lieupparte Egorova A. I., who in his speech called the comrade Lenina Adventurer, messenger of the Germans. "

What or who forced Zhukov to embar it in this way for Lenin, is unknown. Egorov, a former officer of the Tsarist army, a brave, on whose body after numerous wounds there is no living place, was not alone in any of the clans. He always tried to avoid intrigue and decided too late to join the winning "conspiracy" side. Once upon arrest, Egorov perfectly understood that he was required from him, and wrote detailed testimony for all day, where he was eagerly identified the data on conspirators.

According to his testimony, 138 people were arrested and shot, but the improvements in their destiny did not feel and then decided on the last step. Marshal writes a letter to Stalin, where he begs that "give any position", and in confirmation of his full loyalty, he asks for permission to personally shoot his wife Galina Tseshkovskaya - German and American spy.

Could such people if they stood at the head of the Red Army, somehow have a positive effect on the course of the Second World War? Historians consider it hardly. And not only because of their personal and professional qualities. The two remaining Marshal - Voroshilov and Week Not in the war did not distinguish. The reason for the first lesions and three and a half million prisoners for six months of war lies completely in the other. The country has completely absent defensive doctrine. The soldiers and generals studied only to step up, "beat the enemy on its territory," and this is about a completely different level - on political.

Where are the ears of Torky

Cleaning the highest commander of the armed forces began with Dmitry Schmidta (real name David Aronovich Gutman). Full St. George Cavalier, he was a legendary personality. He commanded the "Wild Division" of Highlanders, and at the time of arrest headed the only tank brigade in the Red Army.

Like many military, he highly appreciated the merits of the Creator of the Red Army Lion Trotsky. In 1927, after the exclusion of the party, Schmidt, with witnesses, said Comrade Stalin: "Look, Coba, ears."

Joseph Vissarionovich well remembered this comic threat and ten years repressed all officers who began her career under the guidance of Trotsky.

Renaming to the Soviet Army and the second round of repression in the Soviet army and the second round of repression against the military who doubted the commander of the "Father of Peoples" was the final of the deliverance from the Trotskyist heritage in February 1946.

In July 1936, the former Tsarski General Skoblin, who worked at the German intelligence, handed two sensational messages to Berlin: among the leadership of the Red Army, the conspiracy against Stalin led by the Deputy Commissar of Defense Mikhail Tukhachevsky; The conspirators are in contact with the leading generals of the German High Command and the German intelligence service.

The head of the Security Service of the SS Heydrich ordered his agents to secretly penetrate the secret archives of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht and copy the dossier on Tukhachevsky. This dossier was kept documents of special management "K" - a camouflated organization of the Reichsver, which was engaged in issues of production of weapons and ammunition prohibited by the Versailles. The dossier contained the conversations between the German officers and representatives of the Soviet command, including the negotiation protocols with Tukhachevsky. Operation began with these documents under the conditional name "Conspiracy General Turguev" (pseudonym Tukhachevsky, under which he at the beginning of the 30s came to Germany with the official military delegation), as a result of which, as some historians believe, the massacre cleaning was triggered In the Red Army on the eve of the Second World War. In particular, on June 11, 1937, Marshal Tukhachevsky was shot on June 11, 1937.

Different versions

For the age of 75, dozens of most different versions of the conspira were nominated. In my opinion, the most reliable three.

According to the version, the most common in the West, Stalin was the victim of provocation of the special services of fascist Germany, rushing the fabricated documents on the "conspiracy in the Red Army". It is assumed that Heydrych ordered the falsifies received in the vermograph of a dossier on Tukhachevsky (Turgueva): additional phrases were included in the recording and correspondence, new letters and notes were added, so that at the end it turned out a solid dossier with "genuine" documents and seals, quite convincing, To transfer any general in any country in the hands of a military tribunal on charges of state treason.

It is possible to consider reliable and evident here that in mid-May 1937, on the table, Stalin really appeared a dossier on Tukhachevsky, which, as a result of a specially organized (or unauthorized) leakage of information from Hitler's special services, became the property first of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia, and then the USSR . In particular, there were records of conversations of German officers with representatives of the Soviet command, including Tukhachevsky. As well as a letter to Tukhachevsky, German like-minded people, where it was about the desire to get rid of the guardianship of the party apparatus and seize the state power into their hands. Supporters of this version believe that the dossier as a result of a very thin operation of the Hitler's special services was embarrassed by Stalin. Purpose: provoking it on mass repressions in the officer's environment.

Another version was formulated in the Western press back in 1937: the military conspiracy really existed, but was not directed against the Soviet power, but personally against Stalin.

I happened to familiarize yourself with the criminal case of Tukhachevsky, but there for some serious confirmations of the antistaline version was not found. The first written statement of Marshal after the arrest was dated May 26, 1937. He wrote to the People's Commissioner of the internal affairs hero: "Being arrested on May 22nd, arriving in Moscow on the 24th, for the first time he was interrogated on the 25th and today, on May 26, I declare that I recognize the presence of an anti-Soviet military-trotsky conspiracy and what I He was heading him. I undertake to independently state a consequence of a conspiracy, without hiding any of his participants, not a single fact and document. The basis of conspiracy refers to 1932. Participation in it took: Feldman, Alafuz, Primakov, Putna, etc., I will show more in detail. "

At the interrogation of the Commissar of the Interior, Tukhachevsky told: "Back in 1928, I was drawn by Yenukidze into the right organization. In 1934, I personally contacted Bukharin; With the Germans, I installed spyware since 1925, when I went to Germany for teachings and maneuvers ... When traveling in 1936, London, Putna, made me a date with Sedov (son L.Dtretsky. - S.T.) ... "

I do not put my task to answer the question that Tukhachevsky wrote and spoke sincerely, and what "was" from him in the NKVD. Speech about a friend. In his testimonies, there is no hint of the antistali nature of the conspiracy, an imaginary or really had a place.

The third version to some extent unites the previous ones, but puts the cunning of Stalin to the head of the corner. In accordance with it, the dossier on Tukhachevsky was born in the walls of the NKVD, it was asleep by the German special services in the hope that they were interested in the "beading" of the Red Army will play rise to Stalin and help him deal with the Trotsky's fifth column in the army before the hardest war.

"Case" on the royal officer

Complete confidence in Tukhachevsky Soviet power, one can say, never had. Former nobleman, a former officer of the Tsarist Guard, who fell into German captivity

during the First Mirrie War, who easily switched after the revolution on the side of the Bolsheviks, he did not use the respect in the working and peasant environment. "Observatory" in Tukhachevsky security officers began to lead from 1922. By this time, the testimony of two officers who served in the tsarist army belong to the testimony. Inspired by his anti-Soviet activity, they called ... Tukhachevsky. Copies of interrogation protocols were reported to Stalin, who sent them to Ordzhonikidze with such a meaningful note: "I ask you to get acquainted. As this is not excluded, it is possible. " The reaction of Ordzhonikidze is unknown, but most likely he pressed the case. In another case, the People's Commissariat of the Military and Maritime Affairs complained about the Tukhachevsky secretary of the part of the Western Military District (incorrect attitude towards the Communists, immoral behavior). But the People's Commissar of M. Frunze imposed the resolution: "The party believed. Tukhachevsky, believes and will believe. "

You can only assume what this faith was based on. If you objectively evaluate the military talents of Tukhachevsky, then it must be said that they were not so great as it is sometimes considered. As a team, he fully lost the battle of the legendary General Kappel, thoughtfully blocked the Polish campaign. But he showed himself a cruel and ruthless premiere of anti-Soviet riots - Skilled in the peasant blood, the Tambov uprising, fire and lead was packed by the Kronstadt rebellion. Perhaps such "dedication" of the revolution case for representatives of the Lenin Guard and was the main proof of the loyalty of Tukhachevsky.

However, judging by some documents, Stalin did not really believed in this Wareside. In the personal archive of Clement Voroshilov, I had a chance to remove photocopy of the letter of the leader of the Relicar of Defense. Then in the newspaper "Red Star", the totalitarian regime suffering from the lack of publicity, led the discovered discussion on how to reform the armed forces. In particular, the story expressed in the article, as the story has now showed, frightened responses began. Stalin watched the discussion. And Voroshilov expressed his opinion, this is a letter.

"OV. Secret

Tov. Voroshilov

Klim, you know that I very much respect the Tuh, as an unusually capable comrade. But I did not expect that Marxist, who should not break away from the soil, can defend such a fantastic "plan" from the soil (the creation of a 11-Millin army - S.T.). In his "Plan" there is no main thing, i.e. There is no accounting for real opportunities of economic, financial, cultural order. This "plan" violates all the imaginable and permissible proportion between the army, as part of the country, and the country, as a whole, with its loans of economic and cultural order. The "plan" is shot on the point of view of the "pure military" people who often forgetting that the army is derived from the economic and cultural state of the country.

"Implement" such a "plan" means for sure to ruin the economy of the country and the army. It would be worse than any counterrevolution.

It is gratifying that the headquarters of the Red Army, with all the danger of the temptation, clearly and definitely dissociated from the "Plan" t. Tuh.

Your I. Stalin. "

But I do not think that such "mistakes" of Tukhachevsky could cost him life. There is probably more good reason. Today it has already been documented that the emigrant circles and the "inner" opposition "looked after" to Tukhachevsky as a possible Bonaparte, which could turn the neck of the "leader of peoples". It can be assumed that Stalin did not wait for the development of the situation on this hypothetical channel. Pucked Tukhachevsky, and with him a military trotsky opposition.

What came of it

Despite the fact that, as everyone knows, the story does not loose the subjunctive inclination, some modern analysts argue: if there were not pre-war cleaning in the army, we would win fascism with smaller blood. Do not take to guess this topic. I will give only opinions on this expense of our enemies, which there was no reason to reveal Stalin.

For example, in his speech in October 1943, the Reichsführer SS Himmler said: "When there were big demonstration processes in Moscow, and the former royal cadet was executed, and later the Bolshevitsky General Tukhachevsky and other generals, all of us in Europe, including us, members Parties and SS, the opinions were adhered to that the Bolshevik system and Stalin here made one of their biggest mistakes. Assessing the situation, we were very deceived. We can truthfully and confidently declare it. I believe that Russia would not stand all these two years of war - and now she is already on the third, if he had retained the former royal generals. "

Very eloquent diary record of the Minister of Propaganda of Hitler Germany Goebbels dated May 8, 1943: "The conference of Reichslights and Gaulyakers was going ... The Führer remembered the case with Tukhachevsky and expressed the opinion that we were completely wrong when they believed that in such a way Stalin will destroy the Red Army. It was faithful to the opposite: Stalin got rid of the opposition in the Red Army and, thus put an end to the defeat. "

From the dossier of the SP.

On March 5, 1921, Tukhachevsky was appointed commander of the 7th Army, aimed at suppressing the uprising of the garrison of Kronstadt. By March 18, the uprising was suppressed.

In 1921, the RSFSR was covered by anti-Soviet uprisings, the largest of which in European Russia had a peasant uprising in the Tambov province. Regarding the Tambov rebellion as a serious danger, the Politburo of the Central Committee at the beginning of May 1921 appoints Tukhachevsky commander of the Tambov District with the task of fulfilling it in the shortest possible time. According to the Tukhachev plan developed, the uprising was mainly suppressed by the end of July 1921.


1. Forests where bandits are hidden, to be cleaned with poisonous gases, accurately calculate the cloud of suffocable gases to spread throughout the forest, destroying everything that hidden in it.

2. Inspector of artillery immediately submit a need for places the number of cylinders with poisonous gases and the necessary specialists.

3. Head of combat sites persistently and vigorously fulfill the present order.

4. On the accepted measures to convey.

Commander Tukhachevsky,

Head of Kakurin headquarters.

The experience of the first wage shows a greater suitability for rapid purification from the banditism of well-known areas according to the following method of cleaning. The most gangitated volosts are scheduled, and representatives of the prevention of the prevention, individuals, RWT and command branches, together with parts appointed for cleaning are going on there. Upon arrival at the place, the parish is clarified, 60 - 100 of the most prominent hostages are taken and a siege position is introduced. Departure and entry from the parish must be prohibited during operation. After that, the full volost gathering is convened, the orders and written sentence for this will are read on [Ask.] Residents are given two hours for the issuance of bandits and weapons, as well as gangster families, and the population is informed that in case of refusal to give the mentioned information, the hostages will be shot after two hours. If the population did not indicate the bandits and did not issue weapons after the 2-hour period, the gathering is going to be secondary and taken hostages in the eyes of the population is shot, after which new hostages are taken and the gangs and gangs and weapons take the gathering. Those who wish to execute it separately, divided by hundreds, and each hundred is being passed to a survey through a polling commission [from] representatives of the RWT. Everyone should give indications without discarding ignorance. In case of persistence, new executions are made, etc. For the development of material mined from surveys, expeditionary detachments are created with the obligatory participation of persons who have given information and other local residents in them, [which] are directed to catching gangsters. At the end of cleaning, the siege position is removed, weaving the revolution and the militia is planned.

Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Commission of the Central Executive Committee Antonov-Ovseenko

The commander of the troops Tukhachevsky

Crumpled gangs are hidden in the forests and take out their powerless malice in the local population, burning bridges, daming of the dam and other popular weighing. In order to buy bridges, the full-time VCIK orders: 1. To immediately take the village from the population, near which important bridges are located, at least five hostages, which in the event of damage to the bridge should be immediately shifted. 2. Local residents to organize under the leadership of the Revivors the defense of bridges from the gangster raids, as well as impress the population to the duty of the correction of destroyed bridges no later than in a 24-hour period. 3. This order is widely extended to all villages and villages.


Tomber Tukachevsky

Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky (February 16, 1893 - June 12, 1937) - Soviet military leader, military leader of the RKKKI of the Civil War, Military Theorist, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935). Repressed in 1937 on the "Military Case", rehabilitated in 1957.

Born in the family of the impoverished Smolensk hereditary nobleman Nikolai Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky, Mother - Mavra Petrovna, a peasant. The origin of the Tukhachevsky name is reliably determined. Biographer M. Tukhachevsky B. V. Sokolov reports that the origin of the Tukhachevsky region (from the group of alleged descendants of Indian) is shut-off legends no less than the death of M. Tukhachevsky. The version of the Polish origin of Tukhachevsky does not have documentary justifications.

Voluntary joined the Red Army, he worked in the military department of the WTCIK, joined the RCP (b) early in the early spring of 1918, appointed military commissioner of the Moscow Distribution District.

In June 1918, he was appointed commander of the 1st Army of the Eastern Front created by the 1st Army. Almost he was shot during the July insurgency raised by the commander of the Eastern Front of M. A. Muravyov. In August, he commanded the 1st Soviet army who was attempted to take the White Simbirsk and in a fierce battle 27 (14) - 30 (17) on the approaches to the city was defeated by the parts of the Colonel of the General Staff V. O. Kappel, as a result of which 1 "The Soviet army was forced to retreat at 80 wools of West Symbirsk. In early September, he prepared and conducted a successful operation for the capture of Simbirsk, which first showed a colonical qualities. Military historians celebrate "a deeply thought out plan of surgery, bold and rapid focusing of the main forces of the army in the decisive direction, timely bringing tasks to troops, as well as decisive, skillful and initiative actions." For the first time in the civil war, one regiment (5th Kursk Symbirian Division) was transported to the area of \u200b\u200bfocus on cars.

As in subsequent army and front operations, Tukhachevsky demonstrated the "skillful use of decisive forms of maneuver during surgery, courage and rapid action, the right choice of the direction of the main strike and focus on it superior forces and means."

From July 25, 1921, Tukhachevsky - Head of the RKKA Military Academy, from January 1922 to March 1924 - again commander of the Western Front. After the conflict between Tukhachevsky and partner of the ZF, the head of the RKKKA headquarters M. V. Frunze appoints it with his deputy, and in November 1925, after the death of Frunze, Tukhachevsky becomes the head of the headquarters of the Red Army.

On December 26, 1926, Tukhachevsky, Deputy Commissar for Military and Maritime Affairs, stated the absence of an army and rear in the country in the report "Defense of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics":

Tukhachevsky believed that, unlike the First World War, aviation and tanks cease to be an auxiliary means of conducting infantry-artillery battle and saw the "possibility of mass introduction of tanks to change the methods of fighting the battle and operation, ... the ability to create for the enemy the sudden conditions for the development of the operation by these innovations. " He offered "a completely new one to plan the planning of the entire system of weapons, organizations, tactics and training of troops. The abuse of these opportunities may cause even greater shocks and defeats in the future war. "

Tukhachevsky developed a deep battle theory, the theory of continuous operations in one strategic direction, already in 1931 he speaks of the actions of mechanized compounds. Tukhachevsky - Supporter of an offensive strategy, he defended the uniqueness, independence and initiative of the smallest units and criticized the "Waiting of Orders", considered a chemical weapon as a full-fledged means of warfare (apparently, on the experience of the First World War). He critically assessed the role of linkers in the future war and positively - the role of aircraft carriers.

Tukhachevsky "Back in November 1932, I achieved the start of the construction of rocket engines on liquid fuel, and in September 1933, he achieved the creation of reactive research on the development of missile weapons in the USSR."

Confrontation in the command of the Red Army

The activities of Tukhachevsky on the reform of the armed forces and his views on the preparation of the army to the future war were met by resistance and opposition in the defense addict. For various reasons, Tucachevsky treated the dislike Marshals of Voroshilov, Budyannoye, Egorov, Commander of Shaposhnikov, Dybenko, Belov. In turn, a number of military leaders (Tukhachevsky, Gamarnik, Kalievich, Yakir) developed a sharply critical attitude towards Voroshilov's activities at the post of defense addict. Marshal Zhukov told the writer Simonov: "It must be said that Voroshilov, then the people, in this role was a small person. He remained to the end and remained an amateur in military matters and never knew them deeply and seriously ... And almost a significant part of the work in the People's Commissariat was at that time on Tukhachevsky, who was truly a military specialist. They had clashes with Voroshilov and in general there were hostile relationships. Voroshilov really did not love Tukhachevsky ... During the development of the charter, I remember such an episode ... Tukhachevsky, as chairman of the Commission on the Charter, reported Voroshilov as a drug addict. I was present at the same time.
And Voroshilov on some of the points ... began to express discontent and offer something not sown to business. Tukhachevsky, having heard him, told his usual calm voice:
- Comrade People's Commissar, the Commission cannot accept your amendments.
- Why? - asked Voroshilov.
- Because your amendments are incompetent, comrade.

The relations between the two groups aggravated in May 1936, the opponents of Voroshilov put the question about the replacement of Voroshilov as a commander.
"Tukhachevsky and his group in the struggle for influence on Stalin fell on his fishing rod. During the frequent meetings with Stalin Tukhachevsky criticized Voroshilov, Stalin encouraged this criticism, calling her "constructive", and loved to discuss the options for new appointments and displacements ... Tukhachevsky case materials contain different types of documentary evidence regarding shuffling plans in the country's military leadership.

Stalin took the side of the Voroshilov absolutely devoted to him, and in August 1936 the first arrests of military leaders were followed in the framework of the large cleaning of the Armed Forces: the commercials of V. M. Primakov and V. K. Putna were arrested. On May 10, 1937, Tukhachevsky was transferred from the post of First Deputy Completion of Defense for the position of commander of the Troops of the Volga Military District.
On May 22, he was arrested in Kuibyshev, on May 24 transported to Moscow, on May 26, after full-time bets with Primakov, Putut and Feldman gave the first confessions.

During the preliminary investigation, Tukhachevsky recognized himself guilty to the preparation of a military conspiracy in the Red Army, the purpose of which was the violent overthrow of power and establish a military dictatorship in the USSR. To implement success, it was planned to prepare the defeat of the Red Army in the future war with Germany and possibly Japan. Also Tukhachevsky acknowledged that they, as well as other participants in the Herman intelligence conspiracy, information that makes a state secret, about the number and places of concentration of the Red Army in the border areas.

June 11, 1937. The case on charges of Marshal of the Soviet Union Tukhachevsky, Comandarm of the 1st rank of Korka and Yakir, Comkormarm of the 2nd rank of Cork, Comkorov Feldman, Eideman, Primakov and the Prett in espionage, treason, the homeland and the preparation of terrorist acts was considered in closed The court session without the participation of defenders and without the right to appeal against the sentence.

"The progress of the trial Ulrich informed I. V. Stalin. I told me Ulrich about this. He said that there are instructions of Stalin on the application to all defendants of the highest penalties - execution.
I. M. Zaryanov, Court Secretary

At 23 hours of 35 minutes, a sentence was announced - all the eights sentenced to the death penalty. Immediately after that, Tukhachevsky and the rest of the accused were shot in the basement of the Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court. Whether it happened before or after midnight, it is definitely not known, therefore the date of the death of Tukhachevsky may be indicated both 11 and June 12. According to memories of one of the shooting Tukhachevsky, I supposedly managed to exclaim: "You are not shooting at us now, but in the Red Army!".

The process in the case of Tukhachevsky marked the beginning of mass repression in the Red Army 1937-1938.


In 1956, the main military prosecutor's office and the Committee of State Security at the Council of Ministers of the USSR checked the criminal case of Tukhachevsky and others with him convicts and found that the accusation against them was falsified.
USSR Supreme Court Military College, examined on January 31, 1957. For the lack of crime in their actions, the production is discontinued.

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia.

The task of this article is to find out how the tragic death of Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky is laid in his full name code and determine the exact date of death.

Watch pre-"Logical" about the fate of man. "

Consider the full name code tables. \\ If on your screen will be offset numbers and letters, put an image to match the scale.

19 39 61 62 86 92 95 113 124 134 144 157 167 189 190 200 212 226 236 247 262 274 275 281 284 294 318
T in x and che e in with to and y m and x and l n i k o l a e v and h
318 299 279 257 256 232 226 223 205 194 184 174 161 151 129 128 118 106 92 82 71 56 44 43 37 34 24

13 23 45 46 56 68 82 92 103 118 130 131 137 140 150 174 193 213 235 236 260 266 269 287 298 308 318
M and x and l n and k about l and e v and h t u x and ch e in with k and y
318 305 295 273 272 262 250 236 226 215 200 188 187 181 178 168 144 125 105 83 82 58 52 49 31 20 10

Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolaevich \u003d 318 \u003d 223-killed shots in ... + 95-heads.

318 \u003d 92-killed in ... + 226-headed shots.

318 \u003d 187 killed in the back of + 131-shots.

318 \u003d 134 deprivation of life + 184-death penalty.

137 \u003d killed bullet in go \\

187 \u003d killed bullet in the head

(At 23 hours 35 minutes, the sentence was announced - all the eights sentenced to the death penalty. Immediately after that, Tukhachevsky and the rest of the accused were shot in the basement of the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court. Whether it happened before or after midnight, it's not exactly known, so the date The death of Tukhachevsky may be indicated both 11 and June 12).

We have the opportunity to accurately determine the time and date of execution:

Twelve \u003d 98 \u003d in the back of the back \u003d 87-hour + 11-K \\ one.

318 \u003d 87-one hour + 69-end + 64-bullets + 98-in the head.

318 \u003d 98-twelfth + 87-hour + 64-execution + 69-end.

318 \u003d 151- \\ 87-one hour + 64-execution \\ + 167- \\ 98-twelfth + 69-end \\.

318 \u003d 185-Twelfth June, Covering + 64-execution + 69-end.

189 \u003d 87-one hour + 102-shot \u003d shot to rose \\ k \\

189 \u003d Humanity
151 \u003d 87-one hour + 64-execution

92 \u003d twelve \\ e \\ \u003d killed in \\ head \\
232 \u003d killed in the end

The code of the number of full years of life \u003d 76-forty + 100-four \u003d 176 \u003d shot in go \\.

176 \u003d 87-one hour + 89-killed.

We look at the column in the top table:

226 \u003d shot into the head
106 \u003d forty che \\ tyra \\

226 - 126 \u003d 120 \u003d end of life \u003d mortal \\ execution \\.

We look at the column in the bottom table:

213 \u003d Killed bullet in the grounds \\ Lock \\ \u003d 69-end + 144-shooters \\ y \\
125 \u003d forty even \\ s

213 - 125 \u003d 88 \u003d Mortal \\ I execute \\.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky and other red commanders Stalin shot not for the preparation of the coup, but for the collapsed defense budget
In 1937, Stalin began global cleaning in the army.
If we speak only about the top, then from 85 leaders of the army and the fleet, which included in the Supreme Council at the People's Commissariat of Defense, repression did not touch only six people.
There were three of the five Soviet marshals - Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Vasily Blucher, Alexander Egorov.
For some reason, it is believed that they all suffered innocently and, including because of the loss of these great commander, our troops had to retreat to Moscow in 1941 ...

When Marshals of Semyon Bulk, Vasily Blucher, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Klim Voroshilov, Alexander Egorov did not find a common language, Stalin decided three of them to shoot

The myth of the genius commander Mikhail Tukhachevsky and others affected by the cleansing of brilliant "cotton comes", appeared in the USSR after the XX CPSU Congress, as part of the Khrushchev criticism of the cult of personality. Nikita Sergeevich tried to oppose allegedly to the regimental genius of Stalin his blame for repression of 40 thousand officers. With them, Hitler is set ... would be broken already in 1942.

In fact, Stalin did not bandage the army, but updated.

Militarization of the USSR went unprecedented pace. Despite the repression, the officer corps from 1937 to 1940 increased almost three times! The number of officers with higher and secondary education has grown from 164 thousand to 385 thousand people. Of course, these were new frames, which still did not waste the run.

But the upcoming war was also completely not like the first world. Old knowledge and techniques there still did not help.

"Giant cleaning among the military misled our political exploration. She was convinced that we achieved a decisive success, Hitler adhered to the same opinion. However, the Red Army, contrary to general opinion, was not weakened, and strengthened ... Posts of repressed commanders of armies, buildings, divisions, brigades, regiments and battalions were taken by young officers - ideological communists. After the total cleaning of 1937, a new Russian army appeared, capable of transferring the most cruel battles. Russian generals carried out orders, and not engaged in conspiracies and betrayal, as it often happened in our highest posts. "

According to the official version, the cause of cruel cleansing in the Red Army is called the revealed plot against Stalin. But this is a very strong simplification. The struggle between several clans of the military was not against Stalin, but for the proximity to his body.

At that time, large-scale re-equipment of the army went to the USSR.

A military-industrial complex was created, which later became the economic foundation of the country. The army command perfectly understood his meaning and fought for the right to control financial flows.

It was at this intersection that the interests of the Deputy Completion of Defense for Arming Mikhail Tukhachevsky and the People's Commissar of Clement Voroshilov collided.

Both Marshal were far from technology and chairs were grabbed for any invention, which seemed to be ingenious.

Here, for example, a certain inventor of the Baranov proposed to adopt electromagnetic installation for trapping shells. The essence of the mechanism was that several heavy duty magnets were installed around our battery, which deviated enemy shells, and the battery became invulnerable.

Academician Abram Ioffe then offered the installation of the "Rays of Death", which was to mortarly affect people with radiation at a distance of 400 meters from our trenches.

Tukhachevsky engaged in the promotion of magnets, and rays - Voroshilov.

Whether both needed for three years in order to understand the intact projects.
And how much time and millions of rubles went to such idiotic ventures, you can only guess, since most similar projects are stored in archives under the vulture "Top Secret."

The head of Ostekhburo Vladimir Bekauri promised to create a radio-controlled weapon for the Red Army. Having spent a bunch of time and money, the inventor admitted that he does not work ...

The black hole defense budget with these Marshalch was their favorite brainchild "Special Technical Bureau for Special Administration" engineer Vladimir Bekauri.

By proposing to lead the war exclusively with radio-controlled tanks, ships and aircraft, he was much ahead of his time, but the technical means did not allow to realize his "brilliant" ideas.

Under the guidance of Bekauri, the design of the "Hurricane" radio-controlled motorcycles was launched. The car was to break into the arrangement of the enemy's troops and release several hundred kilograms of a strong poisoning substance. In 1936, they conducted the tests of the telemechanical tank TT-TU intended for the speed approach to the opponent's strengthen and discharge the subversive charge. However, nothing of the creation of "Ostekhbuo" was not adopted, as radio control constantly denied, and boats, tanks, aircraft began to behave completely unpredictable. The only project that can be called half is successful is a miniature, 16 meters long and 2.62 meters wide, Pigmey submarine. The leadership of the Navy of the Republic of Kazakhstan asked her to remake it from the radio-controlled in the usual and decided to accept it into service. In the process of reconstruction it turned out that it is impossible to place the crew normally, which led Stalin to rabies.

Bekauri was arrested. In the basements of Lubyanka, he admitted that all these years was engaged in "graduating", and his activity was covered by Tukhachevsky and Voroshilov.

At the same time, Tukhachevsky began to actively criticize Voroshilov and his environment. It has reached the point that he raised the question of replacing Voroshilov as a defense addict, as an incompetent manager. In the army there was a clear split. Stalin had to urgently make a choice between the two clans of the military. And he decided to appoint the German spies of Marshal Tukhachevsky and his team.

... for example, a miniature submarine "Pigmey" knew how to dive, but did not know how to pop up

Blucher refused to fight with the Japanese

The second was shot by Marshal Vasily Blucher. The rarest case in the Epoch of Stalinist Cleaning, when all sentence points, including "Japanese intelligence agent," practically corresponded to reality.

In the 1930s, the air flashed with a new world war. Among those who were preparing to take an active part in the next height of the world was Japan, who had already had the experience of victory over the Russian army in 1905. They had to find out if the western neighbor was learned to fight or not. To verify the strength of Soviet borders, a section of the boundary of Lake Hassan was chosen.

By the time the Far Eastern Front, Blueer commanded for many years.

The legendary hero of the Civil War, the first bank of the orders of the Red Banner and the Red Star,

feeling himself with a single ruler of the extensive edge, accustomed to calm and fellow life away from the Moscow authorities. As they talked, it was morally decomposed ..., and at current times and in general became an ordinary pedophile ...

- The Hero of the Civil War was addicted to the abundant vapor in the company of Podkhalimov and the halter. In 1932, he, by changing the fifth tent, married the third time. His chosen was his 17-year-old girl of Glafira Leeper. However, in itself this fact was not particularly reprehensible - the main thing is that the entrusted case does not suffer. And in this case it suffered,

- Says the historian and publicist Igor Poyhalov. -

For nine years of command, Blucher did not bother to build a road along the Trans-Siberian Highway, which made the supply of troops very vulnerable.

On the morning of June 13, 1938, the head of the NKVD department for the Far Eastern Territory of Heinrich Lushchkov ran to the Japanese. Chekist managed to transfer two bag of operational cards across the border and other secret documents. The Japanese got access in fact to all Soviet military secrets in the Far East. Two days later, the Japanese attorney in the USSR NSi officially demanded the withdrawal of Soviet border guards from heights in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Hassan and the transfer of the territory of the Japanese.

Narcar Defense Voroshilov immediately gave the directive to bring the Far Eastern Front into combat readiness. However, such a turn of events did not cause enthusiasm from Blucher. He secretly from Moscow, began negotiations with the Japanese, where he asked them to find a way to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way.

Meanwhile, two Japanese companies attacked our border post. During the fierce battle, they managed to master the height of Unnamed.

The time when it was possible to beat off the opponent's offensive, was missed, but it was too late to attack the forehead. The assault failed. All the slopes of the height and shore of the lake were covered by the bodies of our soldiers. Only on August 6, having adjusted additional forces, the Soviet troops switched to a decisive offensive and by August 9, they cleared our territory from the Japanese, "says Pyhalov. - Analyzing the course of hostilities, it should be noted that the Soviet troops spoke to the border of the combat alarm completely unprepared. A number of artillery batteries turned out to be in the war zone without shells, spare trunks to machine guns were not fitted, the rifles were issued untold, and many fighters arrived at the front at all without rifles.

As a result, the Soviet side lost killed, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences and missing 960 people, wounded and sick - 3279 people. Japanese losses amounted to 650 people killed and about 2500 wounded. If we consider that the Soviet troops used aircraft and tanks, and the Japanese no, the loss ratio was to be completely different.

Of course, the Soviet people, of course, announced the brilliant and unconditional victory of the Red Army. Only this news did not fit at all with the Arrest of Blucher and the message about his execution. Although most historians are confident that Marshal was scored to death during the investigation.

From the point of view of the Japanese command, the battle intelligence was successful. It turned out that the Russians are still fighting badly, even in conditions of numerical and technical superiority. The consequences of the collision of Lake Hasan were much harder than it seems, Puffy believes. - Above the Soviet army in the world was openly laughing. The consecration of Japanese intelligence about the more than weak coordination of Soviet troops was transferred to Germany and played a very important role in making a decision on war against the USSR.

The auditory command of Bluchber during border battlements with the Japanese showed the Germans that the USSR will be easy to be looting

Egorov asked permission to shoot his wife ...

The point in the repressions put the execution of February 23, 1939 by Marshal Alexander Egorova. The formal reason for his arrest is considered a statement by Georgy Zhukov addicts Meroshilov. Zhukov writes: "In 1917 in November, ... I heard the speech of the former right Esera Lieupparte Egorova, A. I., who in his speech called the comrade Lenin an adventurer, messenger of the Germans."

What or who forced Zhukov to embar it in this way for Lenin, is unknown. Egorov, a former officer of the Tsarist army, a brave, on whose body after numerous wounds there is no living place, was not alone in any of the clans. He always tried to avoid intrigue and decided too late to join the winning "conspiracy" side. Once upon arrest, Egorov perfectly understood that he was required from him, and wrote detailed testimony for all day, where he was eagerly identified the data on conspirators.

One of the denunciations on A.I. Egorova addressed I.V. Stalin, Loe on the table K.E. Voroshilov. Then followed the report from the head of the construction and apartment department of the Red Army and the Deputy Completion of Defense, in which A.I. reported Egorov during the conversation expressed "dissatisfaction with the wrong lighting and liquefaction of him, Egorova, roles in the period of civil war and the undeserved exaltation of the role of Stalin and Voroshilov". On January 25, 1938, the decision of the USSR SCS and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was published, in which T. Egorov A.I. It was accused of being in the period of his work as the headquarters of the RKKK headquarters worked extremely unsatisfactory, the work of the General Staff went out, handing over to her mattress spies ... Further, he obviously knew about the conspiracy in the army and tried to organize "his own anti-party character Group. In total, it was enough to relieve it from the post of 1 Deputy Commissar Defense and in January to appoint the commander of the Transcaucasian Military District.

On February 4, 1938, he began to fulfill the responsibilities of the commander, but in March, he was called to Moscow and March 27, 1938, alone, although the order for his arrest was dated a month later.

According to his testimony, 138 people were arrested and shot, but the improvements in their destiny did not feel and then decided on the last step.

Marshal writes the repentant letter to Stalin, where he begged to "give any position", and in confirmation of his full loyalty... requests permission to personally shoot his wife Galina Tseshkovskaya - German and American spy.

Could such people if they stood at the head of the Red Army, somehow have a positive effect on the course of the Second World War?

Historians consider it hardly.

And not only because of their personal and professional qualities.

The two remaining Marshal - Voroshilov and the Budyannoye did not differ in the war.

The reason for the first lesions and three and a half million prisoners for six months of war lies completely in the other.

The country has completely absent defensive doctrine. The soldiers and generals studied only to step up, "beat the enemy on its territory," and this is about a completely different level - on political ...

The colonical talent of many repressed generals and, in particular, Marshal Tukhachevsky was best manifested during the suppression of peasant uprisings and the exversman. He cranked thousands of people in concentration camps and "buried" dozens of villages and villages in gases

Where are the ears of Torky

Cleaning the top command of the Armed Forces began with Dmitry Schmidt (Present Name David Aronovich Gutman).

Full St. George Cavalier, he was a legendary personality. He commanded the "Wild Division" of Highlanders, and at the time of arrest headed the only tank brigade in the Red Army.

Like many military, he highly appreciated the merits of the creator of the Red Army of Lion Trotsky. In 1927, after the elimination of the party Schmidt, with witnesses, said Comrade Stalin: "Look, Coba, my ears will abandon."

Joseph Vissarionovich well remembered this comic threat and ten years repressed all officers who began her career under the guidance of Trotsky.

Renaming to the Soviet Army and the second round of repression in the Soviet army and the second round of repression against the military who doubted the commander of the "Father of Peoples" was the final of the deliverance from the Trotskyist heritage in February 1946.

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