What to do when everything in life is good. Mood Quotes

Based on the best-selling book by Elizabeth Gilbert, the Hollywood film Eat Pray Love is a recipe for peace of mind. However, expensive.

Having reached the peak of a mental crisis at another secular party, New York journalist Liz (Julia Roberts) turns to God with a request to explain why everything in her life is so good, and she is so bad. Having not received a definite answer, she, however, divorces her stunned husband (Billy Crudup), gets a young lover (James Franco), but this does not help - and leaves on a trip to the countries of the three "I": Italy, India, Indonesia. In Italy, she eats a lot - a lot - she learns sign language and just Italian - to the extent that she can order in a restaurant, feeds Italian friends a Thanksgiving turkey, more or less masters the art of dolce far niente and leaves for India. At the local ashram, she scrubs floors, sleeps on a narrow bed, meditates in an air-conditioned room, and listens to the advice of an annoying Texan (Richard Jenkins), a former drug addict who came to the ashram to forgive himself - which he recommends to her.

After praying, she departs for Bali, where she is finally waiting for the final destination of the journey: a meeting with the sentimental Brazilian businessman Felipe (Javier Bardem), to whom her heart opens - after some effort, of course.

Elizabeth Gilbert's book "Eat, Pray, Love", which still holds the first places in various bestseller lists, has become something of a guide to finding the meaning of life for women of different ages and social status, but the main consuming contingent is still the same , as in "Sex and the City": prosperous young ladies from thirty and above. The only difference is that they are trying to know themselves not through copulation, but through travel. The option, of course, is much more broadening one's horizons, but, alas, it is also more expensive, which makes the process of self-discovery a luxury available mainly to the upper-middle class.

Gilbert is not Tolstoy, so it was not necessary to expect that the director would experience a special thrill, transferring her work to the screen, but the indifference shown by director Ryan Murphy looks very strange. Everything that was interesting in Gilbert's book, he chose not to notice, as if on purpose he left the most common places: Italy, India, Bali look like average pictures from a guidebook, people are defiantly sketchy, and everything divine, spiritual is generally reduced to how the heroine Roberts learns not to fall asleep during common prayer.

Julia Roberts, who is still the cutest actress on the planet, is limited to just this function: her eyes can shine, her smile is delicious, and she is all immediacy itself, but nothing more certain can be said about the heroine she played. Unfortunately, there is nothing special in it, except for the ability to masterfully swallow pasta, and since it is filmed close-up, the process is rather repulsive, although some critics tend to believe that Roberts' gluttonous scenes are destined to become cult.

It is clear that the young, as yet untrustworthy director, most likely simply was not given the slightest chance to make something out of the film, except for another example of a castrated Hollywood hit. That Julia Roberts, perhaps, is only really interested in the family, and she has a movie instead of a hobby. But the disappointment is too great this time. In the book, no one touched the special heights of the spirit, and the film version is completely an ordinary consumption allowance. A recipe for finding peace of mind, where all the ingredients are strictly dosed: so much food, so much prayer, so much sex. A rational age and all that - but you also need to have a conscience.

One of the ingredients of the recipe for finding peace of mind is love. Julia Roberts' lover is played by Javier Bardem, who in real life is crazy about Penelope Cruz.

According to some critics, the gluttony scenes performed by Julia Roberts have a chance to become a cult.


"Eat Pray Love". USA. 2010. Directed by Ryan Murphy. Cast: Julia Roberts, Javier Bardem, Billy Crudup, James Franco, Viola Davis, Richard Jenkins.

Philosophical question: is life possible without struggle?

Topics of the article: life without struggle.

I regularly come across the idea that one should strive for harmony in life. To harmony with oneself and in relations with the outside world.

In my opinion, harmony is possible when there is no struggle in life, that is, there is peace and tranquility everywhere. Both with oneself and with others.

Harmony in life is possible if you do not strive for anything transcendental, because high ambitions are the reason for the struggle, both with yourself (the transcendental demands to surpass yourself) and with others (high ambitions affect the spheres of interests of others, far from weak people).

That is, a harmonious life is a sign either of an already reached peak (the level of "inaccessibility" - the highest levels of skill, for example, JK Rowling, the Author of "Harry Potter") or a complete sign of the absence of any ambitions and an established life of an average level.

It can be said that:

    Life without struggle is impossible, because the peaks have not yet been reached (the level of "inaccessibility" has not been taken).

    And life without struggle is possible if an average, comfortable and not very problematic social level is reached.

Struggle is an effort aimed at overcoming, eradicating something. Clash of different opinions and interests. The desire to suppress or destroy an opponent, an adversary. The interaction of opposite sides, traits, tendencies inherent in all phenomena and processes of nature, society and thinking, which is the source of their development.

That is, if there is no struggle in life, then:

There are no high ambitions (transcendental goals) that require you to surpass yourself and others. There are no clashes of one's own opinion with the opinion of others (either I agree with everyone or there is no one to collide with - there is dullness around). There is no desire to suppress or destroy the opponent, the enemy (because there is no enemy). What you are doing does not affect anyone's interests. It's so small that no one sees it. (Writing stories "on the table" is an example of this). There are no contradictions in the personality, which are the stimulus and motive for development. The personality ossified, bronzed, or simply died.

In short, life without struggle is not possible, because personally I have not yet reached the level of "out of reach". Simply put, I haven't written my Harry Potter yet. Therefore, my life is a struggle, both with myself and with others. And I like this kind of life. Another simply cannot be :-). Bye.

It was an invitation to a free-form discussion that I sent to the mailing lists. Below are my thoughts on the letters that came in, and then the letters themselves.

You have to choose something.

Let's start with the fact that I can't be right or wrong :-). The question was asked provocatively :-))) I can have an opinion similar to yours or different from it, but this has nothing to do with being right or wrong. I can consider myself right, just like you yourself, but this is just a personal subjective opinion, nothing more.

Yes, based on life experience, personal, of course, it can be argued that this opinion is justified, but, again, this is subjective, because everyone's experience is different. You can be interested in whose life experience is more correct, and whose less, and this will be a good question.

The answer is simple - look at the results of a person's life and the forecasts of future results. Not expectations, not goals, but forecasts based on today's actions. Whoever has more success in life, that and the cards in hand. We listen to that, in other words.

Considering that there are three areas in life:

    Personal - everything that concerns me personally - my hobbies, hobbies and inner world.

    Social - love, friendship and other social connections

    Public - work, creativity and other achievements in society,

If these areas are remembered, then anyone can be assessed in terms of success. True, a difficult question will arise - what kind of success will be the standard? What will we compare with to draw a conclusion?

I propose this idea: life can be "the life of a tit" and "the life of a crane."

    The life of a tit is when everything is good in life, and therefore nothing more is needed. The main thing is that it was good and it was!

    The life of a crane is when it does NOT happen well in life, because ambitions. You constantly want something more, but what you have is nice, but not enough.

The life of a tit is a very comfortable and good life. The tit, by and large, does not cause problems for anyone. If necessary, substitute a shoulder. The main thing is not to overexert yourself.

The life of a crane is a very hectic and changeable life. And there are many problems from such a person. He constantly tries to jump over himself and everyone who is nearby, with pleasure leaning on the heads that come across.

We look at the life of these characters by spheres. And we find evaluation criteria - how to find out that life is a success.

The life of a tit.

The personal sphere is a mess in the soul, but not so much. Because it interferes, and therefore, must be eradicated.

The social sphere is all right. Friends, love, family. All right. Nothing extra. And everything is there.

Public life - everything is at the level - work, income, achievements. Everything is like the "middle class".

Crane life.

The personal sphere is in complete disarray. Because constant shake-ups and revisions. Ambition again and again makes you reconsider your own views, so they are never finished (and for a tit once and for a lifetime).

The social sphere is a complete mess. People change like in a kaleidoscope. Long-term relationships are possible, but the companion is required to be truly a titan of patience. And then he will be rewarded. And there are few such people. Therefore, the lot of cranes is loneliness. But, with due perseverance, this problem is solved.

Public life is either all or nothing. Because the middle is not interesting in principle. So they toil, the poor. As long as "shedefffr has not been created" (whether in business or in creativity), they have the minimum necessary and no more, since the life credo is to get a lot at once. We do not take pieces! :-).

Tits are usually referred to as a "normal person". About cranes "ugly" or "I don't understand him (her)" :-).

Why is it all?

To the fact that the life of a titmouse is, naturally and of course, life WITHOUT struggle. Because the main desire of the titmouse is to improve life in such a way that there are no problems in it.

But the life of a crane is a constant struggle with difficulties, and each time these difficulties are on an increasing scale, however, they concern the crane less and less, and more relate to tits.

So, Dear Friends, there is no life without problems if you want to do something really grand in life. And life can be fabulously simple if you don’t want anything like that.

At this point, logically, you need to say: "Now make your choice!".

I will not say.

Do you know why?


You only have to receive its consequences.

Education Friends. Upbringing.

If you are lucky, and you were practically not brought up as a child, you were not taught how to live and all that, it is likely that you have the inclinations of a crane. However, since the rest of the world is brought up in the right traditions, you have no one to look up to and you are trying to be a titmouse. But it doesn't work, right? On the one hand, you want everything to be fine, and on the other hand, you understand that it can only be good when ...

Personally, it can be good for me when I realize my ambitions. And nothing else. Until now, this whole life is "not bad, but not what I want!". Therefore, in my life there can be no harmony simply by definition. There is no reason for her.

Every state of mind needs a reason. If there is a storm in the soul, then there are reasons - internal or external. If harmony, it also needs a reason. Usually it is "everything is fine, everything is fine. There are no problems." Or there are problems, but they are harmoniously solved.

But personally, unfortunately or fortunately, harmony lulls me to sleep, so I am constantly in a state of movement somewhere :-). And this movement is NOT harmonious, because there is no reason for harmony. The problems are new. How to solve them is not clear. Whether it is worth deciding is not doubly clear, because the income is always hypothetical and not guaranteed by anyone. In general, life is on a powder keg, which is what I wish you!

And now we read the letters.

Dear Gennady!

I do not want to start with the words "Gena, you are wrong, because...." and I do not want to say that you are right, because I am also overcome and the question of harmony in general and in particular is always relevant. Today I can say that in my family, in my relationship with my husband, I have somewhere reached the so-called harmony, but this does not mean that it is "complete calm." We understand each other perfectly, we meet and see each other off with a smile and always provide the support that one of us expects at the moment when it is needed. These are trifles, but I consider this a very important stage in my life and this is our achievement! We hear each other at the subconscious level and guess each other's desires. I am grateful to you, Gennady, you also contributed to this. The "Recall Everything" course that I took (yes, it was truncated for me - the part that was free, but it also gives tremendous results !!!), was not in vain for me, I took it in 2005.

The fact that Life is a struggle and struggle every day, yes it is. Fight with yourself first of all! While I am at war with myself, who I really am and how my subpersonalities behave in this or that situation, what my Ego wants and where is "MY INNER SELF", the same me that LOVES and is LOVED and where is the edge of LOVE that leads to harmony. I think when I learn to love myself, then I will be close to that very harmony, but I do not think that this is an established life and lack of ambition.

Yes, "Struggle is an effort aimed at overcoming, eradicating something."

And I am against "The desire to suppress or destroy the opponent, the enemy", I want to learn how to accept and not suppress and destroy. Then the question arises: What does it mean to ACCEPT? What do you say to me?


Answer: I will say that acceptance is only a TEMPORARY MEASURE. That is, to accept always - it is NOT NECESSARY. You need to be able to accept in order to UNDERSTAND. And then OR win over to your side OR go over yourself OR disperse.

Because "acceptance" is necessary for life in the world, and if life is a struggle, what kind of acceptance is there?

If you don’t know how to accept, you need to learn, but don’t make acceptance a lifestyle.

Hello Gennady!

I want to say that life without struggle is quite possible, and it is not necessary that a person has stopped or reached an average level of dullness. I believe that a person can fully strive for his creative manifestation and creativity. Those. he creates and thereby lives. He does not prove anything to anyone, but he creates in the best way. This is his life - his creative manifestation. I think that constantly fighting and proving is somehow not normal, unnatural. And to live in constant harmony with oneself, with the world around and people, with love to treat oneself and others is great, and at the same time be in constant creativity. This is life! And you create, and you carry love both in yourself and in the world around you.

How do you think?


Answer: TOTALLY AGREE! Thanks for the great addition. This is the level of development "skill", when ALREADY NEVER fight. There are only stars around, and the sky is enough for everyone. And that's why you're unreachable. You are a star. And the one who initially tries to surpass you, win, eventually ends up here, in the sky, and understands that he, the sky, is really enough for everyone.

That is, life is a struggle only until you become a Star.

Hello Gennadij.

I won't say, "Gena, you're wrong...". Just my observations and results..

In my opinion, harmony is allowing yourself to live the way you want and at the same time not to spread rot on yourself with "checks", like I did the right thing, but this is not right. Everything you do is right! Harmony is the confidence that you can do everything (for no particular reason), I will achieve everything I want. But if I want! Harmony to want here and now and receive it almost immediately. Harmony - do not look far ahead. do not think about how to come to this, but simply confidently stomp in that direction, without straining, without craving a quick return (it comes faster if you don’t wait). Harmony is not to agree and put up with what is, but to accept what is, with the confidence that you can change it if you want. And if it is not possible to change - accept with joy and find a "high" in this. You can see the positive in everything! If you set such a goal. And you need to put it - it's easier to live, it's more pleasant to live, it's more efficient and effective. And most importantly, no stress. And yet, setting high standards for yourself is no longer harmony! If you have to "set" the bars, then they are not yours! And if this is a need, desire and confidence that you can do it, then there is nothing to put, it goes by itself. So this is yours. Everything you need to do in this life is easy. Everything with effort is someone else's, which you want to take by force!

And any struggle is disharmony, it is not natural, it is resistance to the whole world! And he is big and strong and it is clear who will lose here. Why obviously become a loser? The world is very fair and harmonious! He is so right! We just didn't understand it... "To live in the world" is an interesting phrase. To live in the world of people, to live in the world, i.e. in the universe, to live in peace with oneself... there is no struggle here! It should not be in a person's life! If there is a struggle in life - reconsider your attitude towards it, towards yourself, towards others ... Reorient yourself ... find a path, a path - your own! Then you begin to like life, you begin to receive satisfaction and deviants from your talents! The path leads with amazing methods to where you have been striving all your life ... It is a pity that I am already 40 years old and I have only just begun to feel this gift - to live in harmony!

Answer: In order to agree with Liliana or not, you need to know what kind of life Liliana lives. I do not know, therefore, I have no position in relation to the Author, but I have an opinion about the letter.

Unfortunately, life circumstances do not always turn out the way a person wants. This can lead to depression or stress. It is better not to allow such a state and try to bring yourself to a positive attitude.

What to do?

What to do when life is bad? Not every person can easily overcome life's difficulties and solve any problem situations. Some people need practical guidance on what to do when everything in life is bad. Sometimes a person waits out such periods when it seems to him that everyone is opposed to him. In these situations, it is important to remember that people's thoughts have such a property as implementation into reality. Therefore, when a person thinks that everything is bad with him, it actually happens. Even the weather can be inclement during these life periods. Troubles haunt a person everywhere: at home, at work and even on vacation.

In order to get out of this state, you need to pause and reflect on whether everything is really so bad. Ideally, you need to look at yourself from the outside. It should also be remembered that, therefore, you can pay attention to the life difficulties of other people. Then, perhaps, their problems will not seem so significant and large-scale.

How to fight and what to do when everything in life is bad? First you need to understand what life situation provoked a bad mood and depressive mood. As a rule, all the incidents that lead to a breakdown have long been known. These include: personal experiences with the opposite sex, material difficulties, conflicts at work. Of course, this list is incomplete. For example, depression can begin because of the death of a loved one. But here we do not touch on such a serious problem, but on the simpler experiences of people.

What to do when everything is bad? Secrets of success in personal life and career

So, now let's talk about personal experiences associated with the opposite sex. Both men and women can experience the end of a relationship. In this case, you should treat this problem philosophically and think about what would be better: continue the conflict relationship and be in an uncomfortable state for yourself, or let go of the person and try to improve your personal life on your own. You also need to know that life is tuned according to the principle of a pendulum, that is, you need to remember that if a person is now experiencing a crisis, then after a short period of time the Universe will give him positive moments, from which he will be joyful and light in his soul. Often there are cases when a problematic situation turns into a good denouement. At this point, it is worth thinking about the fact that if it were not there, then the further favorable development of events would not have happened.

Financial difficulties are also one of the most common sources of bad mood in people. Especially because of this, men are worried. They think they are unable to provide for their families. The wife can also "add fuel to the fire." Instead of supporting the spouse, he begins to demand money from the husband for the family, children and household expenses. Women should not be blamed in this situation, since by their very nature they want their children not to need anything, to be beautifully dressed, shod, attend good schools and sections. Men need to calm down and think about the possibility of changing the scope of their professional skills. Or change to make new acquaintances and so on.

Professional environment

How to behave if a black streak has come in life? What to do when everything is bad in the professional field? If we talk about conflict situations that occur at work, then the following rule should be followed here: you should not take them to heart. Everything that happens in the work team should be left there. We need to look for ways to resolve, and not delve into the conflict and the situation itself. You should not strive to please everyone in the work team.

People come there to make money. Therefore, communication with colleagues should be built in a business-like manner. Of course, there are friendly teams that move to a closer level of communication. Still, it would be better if relations with employees remain neutral.

Reflect on what's happening

What to do when life is bad? Now let's give some practical advice. First of all, you should decompose your feelings, that is, figure out what is the cause of the depressive state, and what to do if everything is bad. Next, you need to think about whether there is a possibility of resolving this situation. If yes, then you need to take action in order to solve this problem. If there is no opportunity to turn the situation in your direction, then it is better to refuse to solve it and let it go.

For example, when a person has a personal conflict with some employee in a team, the option of dismissal and job change should be considered. You should not think that, having quit one large company, it will not be possible to get a job in another. It is better to think that there is a better offer for the implementation of professional skills. And then you will not need to think about what to do when everything in life is bad.

positive thinking

You need to learn, that is, to look at all life's troubles through the prism of a smile and good mood. You need to be able to turn any problem in your favor and extract positive aspects from it.

For example, if a person has financial difficulties, and for his life, it is worth considering that perhaps he should change his field of activity and do something else. There is a possibility that he is not in his niche, and the current work does not bring him moral or material satisfaction.

Forget bad habits

Do not get addicted to bad habits. Common is such behavior of people as the abuse of alcohol and tobacco during the period of experiencing any difficulties. Should not be doing that! Since bad habits will not solve those tasks that require attention. In addition, they will take away a person's vitality and health. Time will also be lost, which would be better spent on solving the necessary tasks.


Sport is an excellent support for getting out of depression. Firstly, physical exercises help to improve blood circulation in the human body. And this is directly related to the stimulation of the brain. Secondly, the load on the body allows you to escape from the accumulated experiences. People can sensibly look at and assess the situation in which they find themselves. In addition, an excellent physical shape will allow you to feel confident and free in any situation.

Good deeds

Good deeds also help to get rid of a depressive or stressful condition. Currently, there are many charitable foundations and volunteer organizations that provide assistance to people in need. Joining such movements is quite simple.

They will welcome any help that is offered to them. As mentioned above, everything is known in comparison. When a person sees with his own eyes what life situations other people are in, then their problems will seem ridiculous and insignificant to him.

Burn the bad

Force yourself to get rid of negative thoughts. Don't constantly think about how bad everything is. In order to tune in to a positive perception, you can write on a piece of paper what brings you dissatisfaction, and then burn this piece of paper. You also need to learn not to cling to bad thoughts. But it also makes no sense to push them away from you, since in this case they are also emphasized. You just need to ignore the negative, skip it past. But if a positive thought comes to mind, from which a smile appears, then you can twist it in your imagination, imagine yourself in different situations that bring satisfaction, give harmony and delight.

Contact a professional

What to do if everything is bad? The recommendations of a psychologist should help in solving this problem. If you can not cope with the problem on your own, then you should consider the possibility of seeking help from professionals. Psychologists, priests, confessors, as well as friends and relatives can help. You should choose the one from the conversation with whom it will become better at heart. It is necessary to believe that if you share your experiences with other people, they will decrease. Perhaps someone will help with good advice or action.

Positive thoughts will help you get out of a difficult situation faster, so force yourself to think that everything will be fine tomorrow. Then there will be no question of what to do if everything in life is bad. There is a practice that comes down to the fact that you need to learn to think about the good as if it had already happened to you. You can practice on simple desires, which are not difficult to fulfill, and then move on to more complex tasks. The first time will take more time to implement the plan. But in the future, the application of such a practice will give positive results in a shorter time.


What if everything in life is bad? The action will lead to a quick resolution of the problem. You should not wait for the weather by the sea and think that everything will be resolved by itself. It is better to take all possible actions to resolve the conflict. This applies to both working moments and personal experiences. Everything possible should be done to get out of this situation.

Accept what's happening

If a situation occurs that cannot be influenced, then you need to come to terms with it and accept it. This is about the death of a loved one. It is also worth learning to treat life philosophically, you should not blame anyone or anything for your problems. If that's the case, then that's the way it should be. We cannot influence any situations that happen to us. Therefore, it will be better to learn how to overcome the trials that fate has prepared for us.


A pleasant morning smile cheers you up for the whole day, at that time, and an oblique and unkind look can ruin it for a week.

We will be more appreciated if we care less about our own emotional experiences. - John of Damascus.

If you are not able to control your mood, then it will control you. - Horace.

A cheerful smile suits any woman, and a smiling woman adorns a man. To look good and successful, a man must make his woman happy with everything.

Women, do not waste time on exhausting diets, stingy men and blues, because life is not long enough to be wasted on such trifles!

Unfortunately, even smart people do stupid things depending on how bad their mood is. - L. Vauvenargues.

Many claim that chocolate improves mood. Do not believe it, they just did not try the vodka!

A bad mood fences us off with an impregnable wall from the people around us. — Wilhelm Fischer.

A big and kind heart always experiences more severe spiritual pain than a callous heart.

In order for everything to succeed in life, you need to treat everything positively and with a great mood. - B. Spinoza.

The mood tends to change frequently, and in diametrically opposite directions.

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

Don't take life so close to your heart, in the end you won't get out of it alive anyway.

I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another - Baltasar Gracian y Morales

A light knock was heard. It dropped the mood.

Everything that fate sends us, we evaluate based on the mood. – F. de La Rochefoucauld

It's a shame when your dreams come true for others!

A spiritualized and generous husband, although he will not live long, is counted among the long-livers, and the one who exists with worldly vanity and wretchedness, who is not able to bring benefits to himself or to others, will be short-lived and unhappy, even if he lives to a ripe old age - Thomas Jefferson

You look, it seems like summer on the street, and the mood is autumn ...

A good mood is near when the right words are spoken.

Maybe the one who does the most, dreams the most

A good mood is kindness and wisdom together. — O. Meredith

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness itself will find you - Johann Schiller

Mood is a complex thing. That it is, and that it is not.

As the body grows, the soul shrinks more and more. I myself feel it myself ... Ah, I was a great man when I was a little boy! - Dale Carnegie

Since you are not even sure of one minute, do not waste even one hour - Gilbert Sesbron

I fell ill with a good mood ... I will not take sick leave! Let people get infected.

Nothing spoils a good mood like its absence.

The key to success is a good mood with which you walk through life. A big step towards failure is to be a hostage to the mood.

Science is beneficial only when we accept it not only with the mind, but also with the heart.

I want to go back to the times when the cruelest disappointment in life was the kinder toy that you already have…)))

My mood is like a mirror. Be kind and friendly with me - I will definitely answer the same!

A bad mood is one of the varieties of laziness. – I.V. Goethe

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood !!!

I'm in the mood. Shitty some, but in the mood.

I can reassure and convince others that everything will work out, that everything will be fine. But there is one person with whom this number does not work ... This is me

We are moving to live on a rainbow ... tired of living on a zebra :)

To secretly torment your envious people is to be in a good mood. – Diogenes

A good mood makes all things tolerable. – G. Beecher

The mood changes like the weather. Now the sun is shining, then it is raining!

Contrary to appearances, it is winter that is the time of hope - Konstantin Ushinsky

Moods 0. I want to say a big thank you to all those who took part in this!

The favorite human occupation is to make a black spot out of a black dot. — Wilhelm Fischer

The favorite human occupation is to make a black spot out of a black dot.

I love! Kiss! I believe you!

A person with an open soul has an open face - Erich Remarque

The best decoration of life is a good mood. – Alexey Batievskiy

Arrows pierce the flesh, and evil words pierce the soul - Carl Burne

FRIDAY... the word that makes the whole planet smile =))))

A courageous person has no right to feel miserable. — Wilhelm Fischer

The truth is that life is never as bad as it seems to you when you are in a bad mood.

If cats scratch your soul, do not hang your nose, the time will come and they will purr loudly with happiness!!!

Never put a sad status, because every bitch wants to see how lousy you are))))

Since you cannot be externally what you want to be, become internally what you should become - Victor Hugo

Western people, when they feel bad, go to a psychologist, Eastern people go into themselves, and Russians go to visit ...;)

It's amazing what a single ray of sunshine can do to a person's soul! — Francesco Petrarch

A small lonely man is very easy to break, but when his soul draws strength from God, he becomes invincible - Oscar Wilde

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood ...

The human mind has three keys that open everything: a number, a letter, a note. Know, think, dream. Everything is in this - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

The dreams that are most easily realized are those that are not doubted.

Damn it, what a beauty! Get up in the morning, wash your face! And, hoping for the best, it's easy to set foot on a new day! To drink coffee! Dress up! Apply some makeup! And don't whine! And don't get angry! Bloom with joy! Not playing hide-and-seek with someone, not being cunning, not melting ... Tell everyone that EVERYTHING IS OK!!! EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT FOR ME!!!

The most important thing is to have a good mood, the rest is a matter of money.

A good mood is joy over the deeds of a prudent person. – Unknown Platonist

Open your eyes and stop whining that it's hard for you.

The mood comes unexpectedly and leaves without warning.

The best decoration of life is a good mood.

Good morning!… Wake up from the smell of HAPPINESS, Push obedient curtains, Find beautiful bad weather. Sip coffee in a cozy bathrobe. Wash, tidy up, get dressed - And leave the apartment, Purring your favorite song. Do not think what was and will be, And live - every day - as for the first time In the magical TODAY ...

The tragedy of old age is not that a person grows old, but that he remains young in soul - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Got sick! Diagnosis: An acute insufficiency of fabulous events in my life.

Before reading this text, I must warn you: deterioration in life does not occur overnight, they are the result of gradual and sometimes imperceptible processes for a brain deceived by illusions. It doesn't happen that time! and everything in life became very bad. A person himself prepares the ground for this - he strengthens inadequate realities and unviable attitudes by faith, makes strategically erroneous decisions, ignores facts, etc. etc.

To begin with, one simple thing should be understood and accepted as an axiom, which is that there are no unsolvable problems, there are unpleasant solutions. It is difficult to accept it, because in the minds of many people dominated by the woman’s attitude instilled from childhood on the perception of reality “what is true is pleasant”, “I will close my eyes and all bad things will disappear.” It is with its elimination, eradication, that the process of getting out of that ass into which a person has driven himself begins.

Next step
is a sober view of reality. You cannot fix the situation / solve the problem without recognizing the facts. This is usually made difficult by the fact that the individual is used to lying to himself. Freud also proved that most of our words and thoughts serve to hide the truth. First of all, from ourselves. It is difficult to figure out your own lies and false interpretation of facts on your own, so smart people turn to those who know how to separate reality from shiza for help.

In fact, after this step, we can consider that half of the path has already been completed. Since an honest and conscious view of reality automatically puts everything in its place and a fat (if not a large) part of the problems falls off by itself. By the way, Allen Carr's methods for overcoming drug addictions are based on this (“the easiest way to quit smoking” and others).

Third step
is decision making. It seems to be a simple action, but it stalls in the swamp of childish infantilism, generated by women's upbringing. The average representative of society does not have the desire and ability to live independently, that is, to live freely - he is used to the fact that others decide everything for him: first his parents, then the school with the institute, then the authorities with the government and money, which the bablophilly educated layman perceives as "universal problem solver”, they say, I’ll bring it where it’s necessary, I’ll pay and there’s no need to strain myself.

And this is where a mistake comes out, because an active, that is, a subjective life position ALWAYS involves the application of effort, and any effort requires a certain amount of effort. Otherwise, it turns out, as in that vulgar joke: “And what did you understand, Vovochka? - Do not relax, otherwise you # but! True, one must also strain according to the mind, and not like the horse Boxer from Animal Farm, who, in the situation of the onset of another ass, constantly said the same thing, “I will work even harder.” As you know, the horse ended badly - he was sent to the slaughterhouse-soap factory. Yes, you have to work not for 18 hours, but with your head.

The degree of tension, by the way, directly depends on the coolness of the solution. You won’t have to work hard to correct, but slightly tint a leaky fence, though the result will not be particularly beautiful and not so hot as durable. But for a little man with small goals, in general, it is quite acceptable. For a complete reconstruction of a dilapidated house (this is if everything is really bad in life), all forces and resources must be concentrated into a fist. And, of course, you need to know WHAT EXACTLY do. Because, as the classic bequeathed, “a specific analysis of a specific situation is the very essence, what is the living soul of Marxism.”

Actually, the development and assistance in the implementation of a detailed strategy for overcoming the crisis is the subject of coaching and consulting work. Since it requires operations that are very problematic to do alone - honestly look at yourself and your life from the outside, clarify your true goals and desires (understand your real, and not fictitious purpose / vocation) and discard false ones, subject them to critical analysis and revision of beliefs and the attitudes that were previously guided in life and which eventually led to the ass (after all, our destiny is neither more nor less, but the deployment in time of our unconscious attitudes and “game packages”). Well, and other important things.

"Having deceived the emperor, cross the sea"

Another dissatisfied reader will grumpily say: so, they say, everything is bad, there is no health, life is not going well, there are debts, loans, there is no home, there is no job, in general, I don’t want to live, and then a lot of money to spend on the help of a coach-consultant. I would like some free actionable advice.

Only here and free and effective advice, unfortunately, does not happen. You have to pay for everything in life. And often not with money (a virtual and renewable resource), but with much more expensive resources - time, energy, health ..

There is a thing that I called "last money theory" and which has numerous confirmations in world practice (for example, the biography of the former poor man Peter Daniels or Edison Miranda, a homeless man who became a famous boxer). Its essence is to put yourself in a hopeless situation, when "either pan or gone."

The fact is that any person always has money, even if he believes that they do not exist (here, as a rule, we are dealing with a perverted form of lying to oneself). The issue is priorities. If survival is a priority, then all the money is spent on it. And a person will do only one thing all his life - to survive. If the priority is a breakthrough and development, then all his actions will be subordinated to precisely these goals. Therefore, when a person invests all his money in himself, then he has no other acceptable options but to win.

The problem, however, is that the absolute majority of people have an unconscious ban on victory by upbringing (hence the life-survival according to "Victim Philosophy"). But it is also curable. The main thing is to overcome your own fear. Fear of finally becoming yourself, strong and free!

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