Satellite city of the southern border on the map. Projects of the Decade

Low-rise and mid-rise construction 4 7 Creation of parks and squares, city square 5 7 All necessary infrastructure will be inside the city 5 8 Construction will take 19 years 2 10 Satellite city "Yuzhny" is an investment project for the integrated development of the territory of the Pushkinsky district, located on both sides of the Kievskoye highway in the south of St. Petersburg. Previously, these lands had an agricultural purpose, while in 2009 the management company "START Development" did not buy them for large-scale development. Three companies are now declaring their intentions to develop the territory: Inteko, Su-155 and UNISTO Petrostal. The shares of participation of these companies in the project are still unknown.

The construction of the Yuzhny satellite city is based on the principle of green development - the formation of a full-fledged living space, the creation of parks and places for comfortable leisure activities.

The territory of the "Southern" was conditionally divided into three microdistricts: north, center and south. In the North, a variety of types of housing will be built from private households to apartments in mid-rise buildings. The neighborhood will be adjacent to a large park. Commercial areas are concentrated in the Center, presented here in the form of shops, cafes and entertainment centers. A feature of this part of the city will be the square - a place for meetings and walks of future residents of the South. The Gatchinsky Highway will pass through the Yug microdistrict, which will serve as its central street, along which the urban social infrastructure will be concentrated.

Well-known bureaus of the United States of America and England - Urban Design Associates and Gellespies - worked on the architecture of the satellite city. In addition to housing, Yuzhny will house the Innograd of Science and Technology - scientific and technical centers, laboratories, educational buildings, hostels and residential buildings for specialists.

The developer plans to implement the project within 19 years.


Proximity to the highway 4 4

The satellite city "Yuzhny" will be located in the Pushkinsky district. Most of the mini-city will be located in St. Petersburg, part - in the Leningrad region.

There are no harmful industrial enterprises here. But it is worth paying attention to the proximity to major highways - the Kyiv and Gatchinsky highways, as well as to the St. Petersburg-Pskov railway line, which negatively affect the environment and noise background. However, do not forget that the developer plans to create a lot of parks and squares in the city, which may partially compensate for this problem.

Infrastructure and transport accessibility

Communication with St. Petersburg is provided by the Kiev highway, as well as by the railway. In the future for the development of transport communication, it is planned to extend the Nadzemny Express route from the Zvyozdnaya metro station by 10 km, which will run parallel to the St. Petersburg-Pskov railway line. They plan to reconstruct the highway to Pskov, expanding it by several more lanes. It is about 18 km to the junction of the Ring Road along the Kyiv highway, but traffic on the highway is hampered by traffic jams. To the metro stations "Moskovskaya" and "Star" - 23 km, excluding traffic jams, they can be reached in 20-25 minutes by private transport.

St. Petersburg, November 13 - RIA Novosti. The project of the satellite city "Yuzhny" in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg is almost at the start - on Wednesday, the city parliament in the third reading approved changes to the General Plan, which allow construction to begin. Nevertheless, the project is ambiguously assessed by experts, and discussions about the future of the city do not subside.

The construction of the Yuzhny satellite city, which will take about 13 years, is scheduled to begin in mid-2015. A new city, designed to accommodate 134 thousand people, is planned to be built in the Pushkinsky district on both sides of the federal highway M20 (Kiev highway). The total investment in the project, which is being implemented by Start Development, will amount to about 176 billion rubles.

During the entire period of development of the territory, the implementation of the project will be monitored by a public expert council, which includes, among others, Hermitage Director Mikhail Piotrovsky, Director of the Research and Design Center of the General Plan of St. Petersburg Yuri Bakei.

The public is afraid for the Kondakopshinsky forest

The Parliament of St. Petersburg approved the construction of the satellite city "Yuzhny"The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in the first reading adopted amendments to the master plan of the city, which will subsequently allow the construction of the satellite city "Southern".

Of particular concern to experts and residents of the Pushkinsky district is the impact of the project on the environment of the area where the construction is planned. They fear that the Kondakopshinsky forest will be cut down on this territory, the Taitsky water conduit will be destroyed, and the Kuzminka River may also dry up.

According to Alexander Karpov, director of the Ekom Expertise Center, the future city will capture a significant part of the Kondakopshinsky forest. In this case, instead of it, not only gardens and parks will appear, but also residential buildings, hotels and sports facilities. “All together will lead to the destruction of the swamp, from which the Kuzminka and Popovka rivers still flow. Accordingly, they will be destroyed as natural objects, which will seriously worsen the landscape and recreational properties of both Pushkin and Pavlovsky parks,” he believes.

The south of St. Petersburg will be developed regardless of the decision on the "Southern"The current general plan of St. Petersburg provides for the development of the southern part of the city, regardless of the decision to build the satellite city "Southern", vice-governor Sergei Vyazalov told deputies of the legislative assembly of the northern capital on Monday.

Andrey Nazarov, general director of the Start Development company, assures that these claims are greatly exaggerated. "That part of the forest that is full-fledged will be preserved. The part of the forest where construction is possible will be built up with cottages and townhouses located at a considerable distance from each other, and not high-rise buildings," he noted, adding that in the northern, southern and the central part of the satellite city "Yuzhny" it is planned to create boulevards with views of the parks and the lake.

According to Nazarov, the Kuzminka River, for which the public fears, is protected by protected areas, and in the future a special examination will be carried out to study the influence of the satellite city on the aquatic environment. The Taitsky and Orlovsky water conduits are also designated as protected zones.

Infrastructure needs to be considered

Experts predict traffic jams at the entrances to the satellite city "Yuzhny"The emergence of satellite cities is a characteristic stage in the development of a metropolis. But if the majority of the population of Yuzhny goes to work in St. Petersburg, they will have to deal with traffic jams.

The infrastructure of the future satellite city also causes a lot of controversy. According to experts, "Yuzhny" may encounter transport problems, and this issue needs further study.

"Despite the expansion and reconstruction of the Kyiv highway, the construction of a junction at the Pulkovsky and Petersburg highways, the presence of an alternate highway through Shushary, the transport system has not yet been sufficiently developed. The satellite city will most likely face such a phenomenon as a "pendulum" in the migration of the population to work and back, since it is unlikely that the entire population of the district will work at those enterprises that, according to the plans of the investor, will be built here. This means that a thorough study of public transport, including the metro, is necessary, "says the head of research at Colliers International in St. Petersburg Veronika Lezhneva.

Construction of the satellite city "Yuzhny" may begin in mid-2015The construction of the Yuzhny satellite town in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg is scheduled to begin in mid-2015, Andrei Nazarov, general director of the START Development company, which is implementing the project, told reporters.

There are also fears that Yuzhny will become only a densely populated sleeping area. Andrei Boikov, director of investment sales at NAI Becar in St. Petersburg, is in favor of "thinning" the development. "This area has a large number of advantages. For example, it is located near the city and the airport, but, nevertheless, it is located in an ecologically clean place - near parks. The launch of the project will entail the development of this area in terms of infrastructure. The main thing is that the developer can to avoid compacted development during the construction of a new district," he said.

Igor Kokorev, head of the strategic consulting department at Knight Frank SPb, is sure that the satellite city needs large commercial, social and cultural facilities. At the same time, according to him, the project of the satellite city as a whole will help to avoid excessive centralization of St. Petersburg. “Potentially, the city needs settlements in the immediate environment, relatively autonomous, but connected to its center. This will enhance the decentralization of the city,” the expert said.

Search engines examine the site where the satellite city "Yuzhny" will be builtWork to search for possible unregistered military graves of the Great Patriotic War begins on the territory of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg, where it is planned to build a satellite city "Yuzhny", the Start Development company, which is implementing the project, said in a statement.

According to Lezhneva, creating jobs in the satellite city requires a systemic solution. Moreover, the developers will have to solve the problem of how to attract to the satellite city precisely those residents who will be in demand at the enterprises built here. “If it is possible to gradually implement at least a few high-tech enterprises, then the likelihood that residents of the satellite city will work there will increase. However, here, too, a skillful balance of different components will be required: the quality and price of housing, the quality of the population, the availability of social infrastructure and the availability of actual jobs ", - she said.

Oleg Pachenkov, director of the Center for Sociological Research, believes that the creation of centers of polycentricity, one of which could be Yuzhny, claims to be the basic model for the development of St. Petersburg. Yuzhny is turning from a private project of the developer into a tool for the development of the city and agglomeration and creates a model of a new approach to the development of territories and cities on a national scale,” he notes.

Is the satellite city Yuzhny destroying an ancient settlement?

The village and station Alexandrovskaya (Pushkinsky district) runs the risk of being in the middle between the future ring road and the whole city of new buildings, which are going to be built south of the highway. Local residents fear that sooner or later they will be asked to make room for the sake of punching a new road to new buildings. To avoid this, local activists are asking for the master plan to be adjusted.


Alexandrovskaya (population - 2.6 thousand people) is located between the Kyiv highway and Pushkin's Alexander Park. As we have already told, to the south of the village they are going to build a satellite city, known under the project name Yuzhny (whose population, according to calculations, by 2035 can reach 134 thousand people). It will be located in the fields between the village of Doni, Novokondakopshino and the Pushkin military airfield.

At first, Yuzhny will be connected with St. Petersburg only by the Kyiv Highway and the Warsaw Railway. But, in accordance with the master plan, one more exit should appear - an understudy of the Kyiv highway. The highway will lead from the new buildings to the north, through Alexandrovskaya, and will come out on the not yet existing southern latitudinal highway (which is planned to be named Ust-Slavyanskoe highway).

On the territory of Aleksandrovskaya, this understudy is drawn in a narrow corridor along the Warsaw railway. Local activists believe that there is not enough free space there to build a six-lane road without taking land. This applies, in particular, to homeowners on Novye Mesta Street, which runs along the rails.

If, in order to avoid land disputes, the authorities decide to build a multi-kilometer flyover, this option will also not be the best. The project will be very expensive. And he will still destroy the usual way of life of the villagers. And for what? The public activist of the Pushkinsky district, Alexander Belyaev, in an interview with the correspondent of Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti, noted that the new highway is needed primarily to serve the satellite city. “Why do the residents of Alexandrovskaya have to move somewhere for the sake of new settlers in Yuzhny?” - the public asked a question.

At the same time, he does not quite understand the effectiveness of the new road, because, judging by the general plan, in the coming years they are going to build the Southern Latitudinal only in the western part, which will not allow it to become a full-fledged bypass road for the southern suburbs, and it is still pointless to divert traffic to it. It would be much more useful for the city now to focus on the South Latitude, including the construction of an overpass across the Vitebsk railway line in the nearest plans, our interlocutor believes.

Activists from Oleksandrovskaya tried to convey their ideas to the authorities at a June hearing on changes to the master plan. "This decision (with the construction of a highway - an understudy of the Kyiv highway through the village. - Ed.)will only aggravate the transport situation on the key, radial highways of the Pushkinsky district due to the pendulum migration and traffic flows from the satellite town of Yuzhny", - the explanatory note prepared by the villagers says.

Citizens filed an amendment, according to which a strip of land in the village along the Warsaw Railway is transferred from the highway zone for recreational purposes (after which, for example, it is simply planted with trees). If we imagine that the proposed changes are suddenly approved (note that the decision is unlikely to be made before the end of this year), this will not allow building a highway here. Local residents are asking to provide an alternative route for this understudy of Kievskoye Highway in the section from Krasnoselskoye Highway to Saritskaya Street (bypassing Aleksandrovskaya).

Andrey Semchankov, Acting Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure, in response to the appeal of residents, noted that the capacity of the Kyiv highway is almost exhausted. The new route will reduce the load on the existing road network, "including the development of the satellite city Yuzhny." Indeed, as a result of its construction, the population of the territories south of the village of Aleksandrovskaya will grow significantly, the official drew attention. He did not rule out that when the road was punched, the sections "directly falling into the development zone" could be withdrawn. But it is too early to talk about this before the design, the timing of which has not yet been determined. Semchankov did not say whether other options for the passage of the new highway are possible.

The investor in the construction of the South is the Start Development company, which, according to the website, is controlled by the offshore Teriks Associates Holding Limited (registered in the British Virgin Islands) and CEO Sergey Khromov. As told to "Sankt-Peterburgskiye Vedomosti" in this firm, construction has not started today, design and survey work continues. They plan to enter the site in 2019.

The company does not agree with the point of view that the understudy of Kievskoye highway, laid through Aleksandrovskaya, is intended to solve the transport problems of Yuzhny (the investment project is being implemented not so close to the village, according to the company). First of all, it will be an important route for the city, which will facilitate travel to the suburbs, businessmen say. The new development project itself is focused on railways, high-speed trams (which, we note, do not yet exist) and the internal road network.

That is, according to the investor, people will not create large flows on the outskirts of new buildings in St. Petersburg, but on the contrary, the inhabitants of the surrounding area will rush to this suburb to work. This will happen as if due to the fact that many innovative enterprises will be built in the South. As for the punching of the route through Aleksandrovskaya, its route is still approximate and will be specified. And in general, modern technologies make it possible to build roads in dense buildings, entrepreneurs assure.


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A development plan for a site with a total area of ​​48.5 hectares near the village of Lesnoye was submitted for discussion. This is a small part of a gigantic project, within the framework of which it is planned to develop more than 2 thousand hectares.

48 hectares for a new life

The territory planning project near the village of Lesnoye was presented by Konstantin Kovalev, Deputy General Director for Development of START Development LLC. Here's what he said.

Seven mid-rise apartment buildings (the maximum height will be 33 meters, 220 thousand square meters), a school for 825 students, three kindergartens for 423 places in total will be built here. Also, as part of the reconstruction of the existing facility, an outpatient care center with an area of ​​​​more than 700 square meters will be created. m, MFC (200 sq. m), social protection center (300 sq. m), post office (300 sq. m), passport office (150 sq. m) and a stronghold for law enforcement (100 sq. m).

In addition, a shopping complex is planned, which will house a library and a teenage club under the same roof (total area of ​​about 700 sq. m.).

Photo report from public hearings (13 photos)

“Starting the construction of the satellite city of Yuzhny on the site under consideration, we are solving two problems at once,” said Konstantin Kovalev. - Firstly, this territory can be transformed for the better thanks to new investments in the development of this part of the Pushkinsky district. This will create new jobs and improve nearby land: build roads, plant hundreds of trees, organize vast public recreational areas. Secondly, the project provides for the creation of modern social facilities, the services of which will be available not only to new residents, but also to about one and a half thousand people living in the village of Lesnoye. Today, the situation with the existing social infrastructure in this area leaves much to be desired: one overcrowded kindergarten and a school for nine grades of education. There are problems with electricity and sewerage.”

From here the South begins. The area where the first stage of the project will be implemented

Parking lots, roads and other infrastructure

It is assumed that the construction of social and road infrastructure facilities will be carried out simultaneously with the construction of residential buildings.

The PPT also provides for the creation of parking lots on the territory of the quarter (about 4.4 thousand parking spaces), including the construction of five separate multi-level parking lots for 1.25 thousand cars.

A public transport depot will also be needed, as new routes to St. Petersburg will appear. The road network, of course, will also fall on the shoulders of the developer. But the main roads are the concern of the city.

From the point of view of transport accessibility, the territory also has a reserve in the form of a railway connection. Today, electric trains do not stop near Lesnoy, but when the population begins to arrive, both the platform and additional flights will appear in the schedule of the same “swallows”. The developer is already negotiating this in advance with Russian Railways.

Jozef Parkman, head of the urban planning department of the LenNIIproekt, spoke in detail about the engineering support of the quarter: “For each section of the territory, the loads were calculated in the most detailed way. In terms of electricity, this is 11 MW. In total, two distribution points and 13 substations will be built in the satellite town of Yuzhny. This guarantees an uninterrupted power supply. There will be no problems with water supply, everything complies with the standards and is agreed with the relevant departments.”

Nobody is forgotten

Speculations around the project of the Yuzhny satellite city began quite a long time ago. One of them is absolutely beyond the bounds: allegedly, the construction will go on the bones of our soldiers who died during the war years and are still not buried.

Yevgeny Ilyin, commander of the Ingria search detachment, Associate Professor of the Faculty of History at St. Petersburg State University, gave a peculiar report on this subject. He cited archival data that in the Kondakopshino region the losses were not as great as some claim: not thousands or even hundreds, but dozens (in 1944) or even a few (in 1941) of the defenders of the Fatherland. The search detachment "Ingria" explored the entire territory of the first quarter of the South. And two years ago, the remains of four of our soldiers were discovered not far from the future construction site and reburied at the military cemetery. Since then, work has continued, but apart from shell casings, rifles and unexploded shells, there have been no finds. Some local activists advised to expand the circle of searches, to explore the nearest swamps... But there will be no construction there.

Searches around the village of Lesnoye, Ilyin noted, were hampered by a large number of garbage dumps: tin cans, metal scraps, reinforced concrete slabs with reinforcement. It's hard to work with a metal detector.

At public hearings there is always a place for both demagogy and emotions. These were quite typical. However, some interesting details emerged. For example, residents of Pushkin, who are very worried about places in their schools and prepared to repel the offensive of the Varangians, found out that it is from Pushkin that children are being taken to Lesnoye today and the school is overcrowded there.

Garage owners who have been using garages for decades have suddenly found out that they have no legal right to do so. Approximately 500 of these buildings, which have turned into warehouses, cellars and outbuildings, are doomed to demolition. Yuri Bochkov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, told the audience about this, and was forced to admit: “There are no legal grounds for the existence of these garages. You will be demolished, I won't lie."

By the way, the representative of "START Development" Konstantin Kovalev was not as categorical as the people's choice from the city of Pushkin. He proposed to create a working group and deal with each specific case separately. In general, the law is harsh, but there is also the good will of the developer. And the developer, fortunately, is ready for dialogue.

After the public hearings, four days are allotted for the submission of reasoned objections and proposals. The course of the discussion in the building of the administration of the Pushkinsky district suggests that they will not be. This means that by the end of this year, the first ATP for the satellite city of Yuzhny will be approved, which can be considered the start for the entire project (by the way, only after the approval of the ATP can social facilities be included in targeted investment programs). In 2018, it is planned to submit the next quarter CCA for 230 ha.

Help BN

The satellite town Yuzhny is a projected new district of St. Petersburg. One of the main stimulators of urban development is the Innograd of Science and Technology - a joint project of RUSNANO, St. Petersburg, Sputnik City Yuzhny LLC and ITMO University. The innovation center will be located on an area of ​​100 hectares.

The satellite city of Yuzhny is a strategic project of St. Petersburg and is included in the short list of priority projects of the Russian Federation. The construction of the satellite city should begin in 2018 and last 15 years. In the South will be 4.3 million square meters. m of housing (for 134 thousand people). The area of ​​commercial real estate will be more than 1 million square meters. m. Also, more than 60 thousand jobs will be created in the new district. Investments in the project are envisaged in the amount of about 219 billion rubles.

Text: Vasily Filimonov Photo: Maxim Dynnikov

The new satellite of St. Petersburg - the city of Yuzhny should become the largest development project in Russia and one of the alternative centers of St. Petersburg, capable of providing work for more than 100 thousand citizens. On June 13, the concept of its development was presented by a strategic investor - the Start Development company Zakhara Smushkin. About 180 billion rubles and 15 years are expected to be spent on the project implementation. The plan will succeed if the administration of St. Petersburg can create reasonable rules of the game for developers and ensure timely investment in infrastructure. As it turned out, the investor will not control the progress of construction - the engineered sections will be put up for sale.

The new satellite of St. Petersburg - the city of Yuzhny should become the largest development project in Russia and one of the alternative centers of St. Petersburg, capable of providing work for more than 100 thousand citizens. On June 13, the concept of its development was presented by a strategic investor - the Start Development company Zakhara Smushkin. About 180 billion rubles and 15 years are expected to be spent on the project implementation. The plan will succeed if the administration of St. Petersburg can create reasonable rules of the game for developers and ensure timely investment in infrastructure. As it turned out, the investor will not control the progress of construction - the engineered sections will be put up for sale.

UK Start Development LLC presented a concept for the development of the satellite town of Yuzhny, which should appear on the border of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region by 2028. The document was developed by a working group of experts from the Center for Applied Research at the European University. The new settlement should be drawn to the south, where on the border of the city and the region there are territories suitable for integrated development, part of the functions of the historical center of St. Petersburg and become an agglomeration center along with the Lakhta Center, Pulkovo-3 and the Expoforum project. The satellite city should add 0.4% to the megalopolis to the gross regional product, Andrey Nazarov, CEO of Start Development, added.

The population of the satellite with an area of ​​1910 hectares will be 134 thousand people. For comparison: about 140 thousand live in neighboring Gatchina, and about 220 thousand in total in Pushkin and Pavlovsk. About 180 billion rubles will be invested in the implementation of the investment project, which has also received support at the federal level, of which approximately 150 billion are investments from Start Development, banks and developers. Regional and federal investments are preliminary estimated at 33 billion rubles. They will be used to create the necessary transport and social infrastructure not only for the satellite city, but for the entire southern suburbs. The corresponding investment agreement between St. Petersburg and UK Start Development was signed last July.

To work from St. Petersburg to Yuzhny

The concept of the development of the South is based on the idea of ​​"first jobs - then housing." This model has already shown its effectiveness in creating satellite cities in England, the USA, South Korea and other countries. According to the plan of the European University, about 116,000 jobs should be created in the city, which will provide jobs for almost 29,000 residents of the South, or 45% of the able-bodied population of the satellite city. The remaining 87 thousand jobs will be filled by residents of the south of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. However, the process of pendulum migration from the new settlement to St. Petersburg and back is inevitable, Oleg Pachenkov believes. According to his calculations, 35.5 thousand people living in the satellite city will go to work in the metropolis.

The second point is the quality of the jobs created. In accordance with the directive of Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, it is planned to develop innovative, research enterprises and pilot production on the territory of the satellite city. More than half of jobs should be designed for highly skilled labor. According to Andrey Nazarov, negotiations on attracting the first employers are already close to the final stage, and soon, perhaps, the first contracts will be announced.

Also, "southerners" will work in the Doni-Verevo industrial zone with an area of ​​183 hectares, which is also being developed by Start Development. It is planned to locate warehouses and production facilities of a low hazard class there: assembly, processing enterprises, enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, and the production of building materials. Now the company is working on the engineering support of the territory. The project of its layout has already been approved, Andrey Nazarov said.

In total, 56% of the area under construction, or 4.1 million square meters, will be given over to housing. m building. The remaining 3.1 million sq. m - commercial real estate. The lion's share, 1.3 million square meters, will be occupied by parking lots. The area of ​​office real estate and technology parks will be 475 thousand square meters. m, retail - 200 thousand square meters. m. A theme park will be located on 10 hectares of the Kondakopshinsky forest. Hotels, sports facilities and catering infrastructure are also planned in the satellite city.

The responsibility lies with the city

The construction of both the infrastructure and the buildings themselves in Yuzhny are going to start in mid-2015, Andrey Nazarov said. Until this time, all permits should be ready - amendments to the General Plan and Rules for Land Use and Development approved by the Legislative Assembly and. The company is currently developing outlines for these documents.

The first, according to Nazarov, will be developed on a plot of 209 hectares. According to the authors of the concept, the one-time commissioning of real estate should be at least about 150 - 200 thousand square meters. m of housing, designed to accommodate 5 - 7 thousand people, and 200 - 300 thousand square meters. m of non-residential areas, including buildings of enterprises that create jobs, retail real estate, entertainment and guest infrastructure.

Build the entire volume of the planned development - 7.2 million square meters. m independently the company does not intend to. The land will be sold to developers in accordance with their "appetite". The investor expects to attract not only large construction holdings, most of which have already formed their own land banks, but also medium and even small companies. How exactly the plots will be put up for sale is still unknown.

The architectural appearance, as well as the frequency of commissioning of housing, business development, commercial space and all necessary infrastructure, should regulate the city and the market. Similar mechanisms now control development in Shushary, in the south of the city and in the Primorsky district. As practice shows, the construction of social and transport infrastructure in these areas lags significantly behind the pace of housing construction, and the quality of the urban environment and the appearance of neighborhoods often leave much to be desired.

The creation of a transport connection between the South and St. Petersburg also depends on the city. If the existing infrastructure is not developed, not only home buyers in the new city, but also residents from Gatchina, Pushkin and Pavlovsk will get stuck in traffic jams on the Kievskoye and Pulkovskoye highways. The city will inevitably develop the transport infrastructure in a southerly direction in connection with the development of major projects in Gatchina, Andrey Nazarov hopes.

Plans for the development of public transport from St. Petersburg and Pushkin to the South are also only being developed. “The cheapest option is to run a high-speed bus to Pulkovo along a dedicated lane, from where it will be possible to get to the city by metro or aeroexpress,” said Oleg Pachenkov. However, he considers the optimal option to extend the Aeroexpress line to Yuzhny and Gatchina.

Local residents expressed concern about the future of the Kondakopshinsky forest. Start Development owns about 130 hectares of green spaces, of which about 30 hectares are planned to be built up with low-rise buildings. In response to claims, the investor company responds that green areas occupy about a quarter of the area of ​​the satellite city - more than 500 hectares. In addition, mass felling is not planned - cottages will be built right in the forest, at a distance from each other.

In a similar debate over the impact of the project on the future of the Kuzminka River, which feeds the ponds of Pushkin and Pavlovsk parks, and over the preservation of the Taitsky and Orlovsky water conduits, the company claims to preserve water bodies.

As for the part of the project located on the territory of the Leningrad region, which is about 1.5 thousand hectares, the company has no plans to build it up yet. "It's too early to talk about housing development in this part of the territory," Andrey Nazarov said. The head of "Start Development" limited himself to saying that the solution of infrastructure, engineering issues and the creation of building plans must be coordinated between the regions.

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