Tests for accreditation in the specialty of dentistry. Stages of implementation of the accreditation procedure

Accreditation of dentists in 2017 continues the rules introduced by the legislator to verify the suitability of medical specialists for future positions.

The process of implementing the new rules is gradual, and dentists and pharmacists have been allowed to practice since 2016 after passing the accreditation procedure.

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Accreditation of dentists in 2017

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has provided for a phased implementation of the new rules, which is recorded in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 127n dated February 25, 2016.

And the accreditation procedure itself was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 334n dated June 2, 2016.

In accordance with these rules, students who studied in the specialties “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy” have been undergoing the accreditation procedure upon graduation from the university since 2016.

But already in 2017, all other persons receiving higher medical education will be required to undergo accreditation.

Stages of implementation of the accreditation procedure

In total, the program provides for 4 stages of implementation. These are briefly discussed in the table below.

Implementation timeframe

Groups of medical specialists

From 01/01/2016

Those who received higher medical education in the areas of “Pharmacy” and “Dentistry” after 01/01/2016

From 01/01/2017

Medical specialists who received higher education in other areas in 2017

From 01/01/2018

Medical specialists who received higher education in residency areas after 01/01/2017

Medical specialists who received higher education in master’s and bachelor’s degrees after 01/01/2017

Medical specialists who received secondary vocational education on January 1, 2018

Medical specialists who have completed additional professional programs, as well as professional retraining courses after 01/01/2018

Medical and pharmaceutical specialists who received their education outside the territory of the Russian Federation after 01/01/2018

Specialists who received higher education in other areas of training after 01/01/2018

From 01/01/2021

Medical and pharmaceutical specialists who were not included in the previous stages.

Types of dental accreditation

Accreditation of doctors in 2017 can be of different types, among which are:

  • accreditation for all graduates of medical schools - primary.

All graduates who have completed professional training programs at the specialist, master's and bachelor's levels must undergo such accreditation.

Dentists and pharmacists began to undergo primary accreditation in 2016.

  • accreditation for resident specialists – specialized.

This type of accreditation applies to all those specialists who have completed additional professional programs, highly qualified training, etc.

Thus, from 2018, in order to be allowed to work, all medical specialists who have successfully completed professional retraining or residency will have to undergo specialized accreditation.

  • accreditation for current specialists is repeated.

This type of accreditation is provided for active pharmaceutical and medical specialists who have already completed their education. It will be valid for all health workers at the last stage of accreditation implementation - from 2021.

It is worth noting that if a medical specialist’s certificate expired in 2016 and beyond, then such an employee will undergo certification, not accreditation.

Further, a health worker will be able to undergo re-accreditation only after he has completed a 5-year program of continuous professional development. During this time, the specialist will have to collect his own, which will present the techniques he has mastered, studied complex treatment cases, etc.

Accreditation of dentists in 2017 and in subsequent years must be organized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 334n dated June 2, 2016.

Next, we will talk in more detail about the accreditation procedure itself - about the necessary documents that a health worker must collect, as well as about the timing and stages of accreditation and some procedural issues that have already been prescribed by the legislator.

Set of documents for accreditation

In order to obtain access to accreditation, a health worker must collect a certain set of documents, which are enshrined in clause 26 of the Regulations on Accreditation, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The required documents include:

  1. For initial accreditation:
    • copy of the applicant's SPILS;
    • documents confirming the education of a medical worker - a diploma of secondary or higher medical education.
  2. For repeated and specialized accreditation:
    • a copy of the health worker’s identity document;
    • application from a specialist for admission to the procedure;
    • copy of the applicant's SPILS;
    • a copy of the applicant’s work record;
    • documents confirming secondary or higher education in the specialty;
    • the latest medical specialist certificate or certificate of accreditation according to the new form;
    • a report from a medical professional, including information about professional activities over the past 5 years.

The regulations also note that the applicant must provide the specified documents to the commission in person for specialized and specialized accreditation, and for repeated accreditation they can be sent by registered mail.

Afterwards, in the organization that will carry out accreditation, they will be transferred to the members of the commission for consideration. This process takes up to 7 calendar days.

Documents will not be accepted if any documents from the sent set do not meet the requirements of the Regulations. In this case, the medical worker will be sent a written refusal to undergo accreditation.

In the response, the commission will definitely indicate what errors were made when drawing up the documents and what needs to be corrected in them. After correcting the comments, the health worker will be able to send the documents to the accreditation commission again.

After the commission meeting itself, its members have up to 10 days to make a final decision on the admission of a medical specialist to the accreditation procedure.

Accreditation of dentists in 2017: stages

In order to successfully complete primary or specialized accreditation, a medical specialist will need to go through all the successive stages prescribed by the Ministry of Health.

These include:

  • passing the task in the form of a test. The specialist is given 60 minutes to solve the test. Only after successfully passing the test can he be admitted to the next stage.
  • completing special tasks on a simulator to assess practical skills. Each task lasts no more than 10 minutes; there are 5 tasks in total, which are designed to evaluate the practical skills of a specialist.
  • solving situational tasks. The health worker is given 60 minutes to complete this stage. During this time, he must answer 5 situational questions, each of which contains 3 tasks.

Other stages are provided for re-accreditation:

  • at the first stage, the commission evaluates and studies the portfolio provided by the medical professional;
  • in the second stage, a medical specialist must undergo testing.

During the passage of all the stipulated stages, the commission members keep an evaluation protocol in which they record the results obtained by the applicant at each stage.

Also, the final protocol records the final decision made by the commission members on whether the medical worker has passed accreditation or not.

Next, the commission members sign the protocol, after which its contents are posted on the information stands of the educational institution, as well as on its official website. The results must be published within 2 days after the commission makes its decision.

In addition, all results of the accreditation must be sent to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, for which the executive secretary of the accreditation commission is responsible.

This topic continues to raise numerous questions from specialists in 2017.

For example, it is not entirely clear whether dentists and pharmacists who did not have time to receive, but have successfully completed the procedure itself, can work.

The Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation gave its explanations on this matter in letter No. 7294/30-5/3448 dated August 15, 2016. It says that such specialists can continue their work on the basis of an extract from the protocol of the accreditation commission, if the specialist has it in hand.

Actions in case of refusal of accreditation

It may happen that a specialist will not be able to pass all stages of professional accreditation the first time. In this case, you will need to send a statement to the commission indicating which stage the specialist did not complete.

Accreditation will not be received by a specialist if any of its stages are not passed for 3 times in a row.

In this case, resubmission of documents is provided only 11 months after unsuccessful completion of accreditation tasks.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation maintains a general register of health workers who have successfully passed accreditation.

If a health worker does not agree with the negative accreditation results, he has the right to appeal them.

The application for appeal must be sent to the appeal commission within 2 days after receiving the accreditation results.

The appeal is considered within 5 days. Next, the commission can make one decision:

  • leaving the decision made earlier without change, refusing to satisfy the complaint;
  • cancellation of the decision by the accreditation commission and satisfaction of the applicant’s complaint.

If the decision of the accreditation commission is cancelled, the medical specialist will be able to continue going through the stages of accreditation.

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"Interregional service center for additional professional medical and pharmaceutical education at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution PIMU and Perm State Medical University"
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Do I need to join a CME?

Do I need to get loans?

How does accreditation work?

Colleagues, since the topic of continuing medical education (CME) is so confusing that it is not easy to understand, I decided to answer the main questions.

Do I need to join a CME?

No. There are currently no legal grounds for entry into the system of continuing medical education (CME) and are not expected in the near future. Currently, in order to have the right to work as a doctor, you must undergo advanced training in the old fashioned way once every 5 years, and now you need to complete either once a year for 30 hours, or once every 5 years 150 hours (not 144 hours, as before = that makes all the difference).

Do I need to get loans?

No. There is no need to accumulate or collect any loans, there are no legal grounds. Everything according to the traditional scheme, once every 5 years, in traditional advanced training cycles.

When will I need to be accredited?

Since 2018 all graduates automatically undergo accreditation, and working doctors will need to do this only from January 1, 2021 (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2017 No. 1043n “On approval of the terms and stages of accreditation of specialists, as well as categories of persons with medical, pharmaceutical or other education and specialists subject to accreditation”). Thus, doctors will be able to once again receive a certificate before January 1, 2021, which will be valid for 5 years, that is, until 2026, thereby postponing the moment of accreditation.

How does accreditation work?

Accreditation consists of two parts: testing + portfolio (report) on professional achievements for 5 years (in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 2, 2016 N 334n (as amended on May 19, 2017) “On approval of the Regulations on the accreditation of specialists”). Therefore, there is nothing special, complicated or different from the existing certificate renewal system.

Why will I need the documents issued at the seminars?

For advanced training (achieving 150 hours over 5 years), participant certificates, loans, points, certificates, certificates and other documents that are issued at such events and seminars are not taken into account, but for compiling a portfolio for accreditation they are just right.

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