Chelyabinsk region, village Sugoyak. Elias Church

Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

Villages, towns, hamlets

Alexandrovsky, village. Belongs to the Karagai rural settlement (Verkhneuralsky district). Located in the northwestern part of the region, at the source of the river. Uzelgi. 3 km to the west is the border with the Republic...

Alexandrovsky, village. Belongs to the Izmailovsky rural settlement (Kizilsky district). Located in the eastern part of the region, on the right bank of the river. Big Karaganka. The relief is semi-plain...

Alekseevka, village, center and only settlement of Alekseevsky rural settlement (Varna district). Located in the northeastern part of the region, at the confluence of the river. Upper and Middle Toguzak (here...

Alekseevsky, village. Belongs to the Magnitny rural settlement (Agapovsky district). Located in the south-eastern part of the area...

Altyrka, village. Refers to Pokrovsky village. settlement (Varna district). Located in the eastern part of the region, near the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The relief is plain...

Amambaika, village. Belongs to the rural settlement “Path of October” (Kizilsky district). Located in the north parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Amambikes (hence the name). Relief -...

Aminevo, village, center of the Aminevo rural settlement (Uysky district). Located in the eastern part of the region, on the banks of the river. Ouch. Relief - transition of a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain) into a plain...

Amursky, Amur, village, center of the Amur rural settlement (Bredinsky district). Located in the southern part of the area, on the banks of the river....

Andreevsky, village, center of the Andreevsky rural settlement (Bredinsky district). Located in the eastern part of the area, on the banks of the river. Sintashty. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain);...

Andreevsky, village. Belongs to the Borisov rural settlement (Plastovsky district). Located in the south-eastern part of the region, on the banks of the river. Kamenki. Relief -...

Annenskoye, village, center of the Annenskoye rural settlement (Kartalinsky district). Located in the central part of the region, near the confluence of pp. Karatals and Ayat. Relief - semi-plain (Trans-Ural...

Arsinsky, village, center of the Arsinsky village. settlements (Nagaybak district). Located in the north-east. parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Achakul. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 443, 436...

Vaganovo, Lebyazhka, village. Refers to Nikolskoye village. settlement (Okt. district). Located in the north-west. parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Lebyazhye. The relief is plain...

Varlamovo, village, center of Varlamovskoe village. settlements (Chebarkul district). Located in the southeast. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Uvelki. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 293 and 342...

Varna, village, center of Varna village. settlement and Varna region. Located in the central part of the area, in...

Varshavka, village, center of Varshavskoe village. settlements (Kartal district). Located in the south parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Karagaily-Ayat. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 336, 341,...

Vakhrushevo, village. Located in the north-east. parts of the territory Kopeisk mountains district, on the shore of the lake. Fourth. Relief - plain (West-Siberian lowlands); the nearest heights are 195 and 197 hp. Landscape -...

Velikopetrovka, village, center of Velikopetrovsky village. settlements (Kartal district). Located in the north. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Kisinet. Relief - east. part of the Ural-Tobolsk interfluve; the nearest heights are...

Verkh-Katav, village, center and only settlement of the Verkh-Katav rural settlement (Katav-Ivanovanovsky district). Located in the south parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Katav (hence the name). The terrain is mountainous;...

Verkhnekizilskoye, village. Belongs to Primorsky village. settlement (Agapov district). Located in the north-west. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ural, 4-5 km north of the confluence of the M. Kizil. The relief is semi-plain...

Verkhnyaya Kabanka, village. Refers to Kochkar village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located west of the city of Plast, on the banks of the river. Kabanki (hence the name). The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); immediate...

Verkhnyaya Luka, village. It is part of the Ust-Katavsky mountains. districts. Located 36 km north of Ust-Katav, on the banks of the river. Yuryuzani (to the top, its bend - the bow, hence the name). 1.5 km to W.-N.-W. from V.L....

Upper Sanarka, village. Refers to Borisov village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located in the southwest. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Sanarki (hence the name). The terrain is mountainous; the nearest heights are 309, 318, 329 and 336...

Verkhnyaya Sosnovka, village. Refers to Bogdanovsky village. settlement (Kizilsky district). Located in the south parts of the region, in the upper reaches of the river. Sosnovki (hence the name). The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); immediate...

Veselovka, village. It is part of the Zlatoust Mountains. districts. Located 35 km south of Zlatoust, on the bank of the Ai River. The terrain is mountainous; not far from the southeast. on the outskirts there is a ridge. Zvezdin, 2-3 km to...

Vitamin village. Belongs to Poletaevsky village. settlement (Sosnov. district). Located in the south parts of the area. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitude is 256 m. Landscape is...

Vishnegorsk, workers' village, center of the Vishnegorsk Mountains. settlements (Kaslinsky district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Sungul. The relief is mountainous (foothills of the Urals, ridge); to the southwest located hr. Cherry...

Vishnevka, village. Belongs to the Nizhneuustselemovsky village. settlement (Uysky district). Located in the east parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ouch. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitude is 285 m....

Vishnevy, village. Belongs to the South Steppe village. settlement (Kartal district). Located in the center, part of the district, on the banks of the river. Sukhoi, tributary of the river. Archagly-Ayat. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain);...

Vladimirovka, village. Belongs to the Kulevchinsky village. settlement (Varna district). Located in the southwest. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Archagly-Ayat. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitudes are 250...

Vozdvizhenka, village. Belongs to the Svetlogorsk village. settlement (Agapov district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ural. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 372 and 376...

Vozdvizhenka, village, center of Vozdvizhenskoe village. settlements (Castle district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Sinara. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitudes are 266 and 309 m....

Voznesenka, village. Belongs to Zlokazovsky village. settlement (Kusinsky district). Located in the north-west. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Misaelgi. The terrain is mountainous. 5 km to the north-east. The town of Ryabinikha is located (504 m), 1 km to...

Voznesenka, village, center of Voznesensky village. settlements (Sosnovy district). Located in the southeast. parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Sineglazovo. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitude is 278 m....

Volkovo, village. It is part of the Minyar Mountains. settlements (Asha district). Until 1995 it was the center of the Volkovsky village council. Located in the center, part of the district, near the east. the foot of the ridge Adzhigardak. The nearest heights are...

Volkovsky, village. Belongs to Stepnoye village. settlement (Verkhneural district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ural. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest height is Bolshaya...

Voronino, village. Refers to Borisov village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located west of the city of Plast, in the upper reaches of the river. Kabakki. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are...

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Very few. And no one, by and large, has seriously studied this problem, with the exception of only a few local historians. In this article we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about the deserted towns and villages of this region.

So, where are the abandoned villages in the Chelyabinsk region? And how many are there in total? Let's figure it out.

Sad stories of Ural villages

Cities grow, villages disappear. This sad process is commonly called urbanization in the scientific community. Brutal, predatory word... In some states these processes are less active, in others - more intense. Russia is one of the world leaders in the rate of rural extinction. Just think: every year the country loses three of its villages!

If a couple of centuries ago villages disappeared as a result of floods, fires and epidemics, today purely economic aspects come to the fore. Lack of jobs, minimal infrastructure and an uncomfortable living environment - all this drives people to nearby cities. And first of all, young people. As a result, only old people and people with limited mobility remain in the villages.

Fortunately, it is not yet among the leading regions in terms of the number of villages abandoned by humans. There really aren't very many of them here. But they still exist. According to Chelyabinsk ethnographer Vladimir Teplov, over the past hundred years the total number of villages in the region has almost halved. At the same time, the Troitsky, Oktyabrsky, Uvelsky, Sosnovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts suffered the most.

There are more and more abandoned villages in the Chelyabinsk region every year. Solving this extremely pressing problem requires significant efforts from both local authorities and higher-ranking officials.

Abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region: list and map

The most reliable data on the demographic situation in a particular region is provided by population censuses. In the Russian Federation, the last such census was conducted in 2010. She counted 22 completely empty villages in the Chelyabinsk region. Interestingly, 20 of them were empty between 2001 and 2010. It is impossible to say exactly what their total number is today.

Below is a list of the most interesting non-residential settlements in the Chelyabinsk region (abandoned villages, deserted villages and former settlements, among others):

  • Korolevo (Kaslinsky district).
  • Capes (Sosnovsky district).
  • Anfalovo (Krasnoarmeysky district).
  • Adishchevo (Krasnoarmeysky district).
  • Malyshevo (Sosnovsky district).
  • Selki (Verkhneufaleysky urban district).
  • Svoboda (Kasli district).
  • Old Muslyumovo (Kunashaksky district).
  • Hardware site (Magnitogorsk).
  • Shevchenko (Troitsky district).

Below on the map you can see the location of all the abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region (photos and descriptions of the most famous of them can be found later in our article). It is curious that most of them are concentrated in the northern part of the region.

Hardware platform

Where to start reviewing the abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region? The hardware site is a village that is very popular among all the “stalkers” of the region. It is located in the vicinity of Magnitogorsk, right in the middle of the old industrial zone.

The village appeared in the first half of the 1940s simultaneously with hardware and calibration production, which, in turn, arose on the basis of equipment evacuated from the western regions of the USSR. However, it later turned out that such close proximity of the plant and residential areas was not the best idea. Plus, the village ended up in the sanitary zone of a metallurgical plant located near it. At the end of the 80s, residents of the Metiznaya site began to be relocated to other settlements. In just a few years, the population of the village dropped from 3,500 to zero.

Today the Hardware site looks extremely deplorable. Most of the buildings have already lost their floors and roofs. The highlight of the abandoned village is the Palace of Culture from Stalin times with still-preserved columns and sculptures at the main entrance.


The village of Malyshevo is located in the Sosnovsky district. This is an ancient village, which was founded in the middle of the 18th century by Cossacks and peasants. Named after one of the first settlers. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were about 200 residents, and there was a primary school. After the war, a branch of the Mitrofanovsky state farm was organized in the village. Malyshevo was completely deserted in the early 2000s. Near the village, only an array of garden plots has survived, belonging mainly to residents of Chelyabinsk.


Another abandoned village in the Sosnovsky district has a colorful and unusual name - Capes (emphasis on the first syllable). Like Malyshevo, it was also founded in the 18th century as a Cossack farm. The maximum population here was recorded in 1926 (580 inhabitants). The village was officially removed from the list of existing settlements in 1995.


The almost extinct village of Selki is located in the northern part of the region, just a few kilometers from Lake Itkul and ten kilometers from the city of Verkhny Ufaley. It grew from a small security post founded in 1774. At the beginning of the 19th century, the development of one of the local mines began here. In Soviet times, wood was harvested in Selki.

The village consists of only three small streets. Today it is a series of dilapidated wooden huts. According to the results of the 2010 census, only 9 people lived in Selki - six men and three women.


Another abandoned village is located in the Kaslinsky district, in the north of the Chelyabinsk region. Its name is pretentious and loud - Freedom. True, today this settlement is free only of inhabitants.

The village was deserted after the so-called Kyshtym disaster of 1957 - radiation emissions at the Mayak chemical plant. Like most other neighboring villages, it was completely evicted and destroyed. Only one building survived - the stone temple of Simeon of Verkhoturye. The church, according to archival data, was founded in the middle of the nineteenth century. Today the shrine stands alone in the middle of a field, overgrown with trees and bushes.

Abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region: where can you live?

Many people today strive to move from big and noisy cities to small villages with clean air, no traffic jams and fresh food. Among them there are even originals who want to hide in an abandoned village. There are plenty of such places in the Chelyabinsk region. For example, Korolevo near the village of Bagaryak, Kasli district. Here there is everything you need for a full-fledged hermit life: a forest, a river with picturesque rocks on the banks and a complete absence of people.

Of course, before moving to such a wilderness, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of such a step. After all, you will have to come to terms with such unpleasant moments as:

  • Lack of electricity, gas supply, mobile communications.
  • Lack of nearby grocery stores, hospitals and police stations.
  • Possible lack of a normal access road to your place of residence.
  • Neighborhood, as well as possible encounters with wild and dangerous animals - bears, wolves, foxes, lynxes.
  • Difficult weather and climatic conditions (in summer in the Chelyabinsk region the air temperature can rise to +30 degrees, and in winter it can drop to 30-40 degrees, but with a minus sign).

If all of the above does not scare you, then all that remains is to expand a large-scale map of the region and select a suitable settlement.

Those people who are not yet ready for complete isolation and loneliness can choose a village for themselves that is not yet completely empty. There are also many such settlements in the region. For example, in the village of Bolshie Teregusty, near Kyshtym, only about fifty people live. The nature in the surrounding area is incredibly beautiful: river, mountains, wild taiga. Another excellent option is the village of Ilek, Ashinsky district, with a population of about one hundred people. There are many empty and good-quality houses here.


The extinction of the village is one of the most pressing problems of modern Russia. And it needs to be resolved immediately. After all, abandoned villages are not only devastation and depression. It is also a beautiful virgin nature, fertile land, lush green meadows, silence and tranquility.

The number of abandoned villages in the Chelyabinsk region is not yet catastrophic. But every year several empty and abandoned villages appear on the map of the region. Bringing people back to the countryside requires a comprehensive and well-thought-out government program, as well as an injection of significant financial resources.

Almost every big trip involves a section of the route that takes place in a place remote from civilization. Usually this section of a hundred or so kilometers takes a whole day, and whether there is anything to shoot there or not depends on luck.
The trip to the Southern Urals was no exception. All of today's photographs were taken away from large populated areas and roads. The coordinates (in case you are going there too) can be viewed in the photo properties.

The entrances to Voznesenka delighted the residents with their political flair. Who said that the election results do not reflect reality?

Voznesenka itself is famous for its large old church. The church is in good condition and functioning. Nearby there is a monument to the abolition of serfdom.

There are traces of a huge collective farm all around. There is no collective farm, the hangars are being destroyed, the canteen is closed. Everything is the same as everywhere else.

The places are very beautiful, people live.

Little Bashkir

And these are already residents of the village of Muldashevo. Somewhere here there must be abandoned buildings of a factory from tsarist times.

Despite the remoteness, about a hundred people live in the village and there are not many abandoned houses.

The village, by the way, is quite old and has preserved century-old houses and gates.

Hearing the sound of an ax, he followed the sound. The men are cutting down an extension to the house.

The population here is mostly Bashkir, they speak a mixture of Russian and something. It's not always clear.

I still don’t understand how to find the plant; there doesn’t seem to be a road to the Chelyabinsk region either.

Local cowboy. The boy practically didn’t speak Russian, but he really wanted to help. Yes, there is a factory, but there are only walls and you can’t get there now. So what if it’s summer, you won’t make it through. What else is interesting? Never mind. There is an abandoned village nearby. Yes, you can drive through. But you can’t get through on horseback, and wolves live there now.

Brother. Cowboy Junior.

Summer holidays are in full swing. By the way, I saw the store, but didn’t notice the school. Maybe I didn't look well.

We set out, almost burying ourselves in clay, back in our footsteps and arrived at a stele on the local road. Purely theoretically, if you go further, you can go straight to Leninsk. In practice, the road ends in the nearest village, and then there is a broken path. We were unlucky, it rained all day, the paths were washed away and we turned around in search of a more civilized passage.

There is a memorial stone next to the stele. From this crossroads, residents of the surrounding villages escorted their men to two wars.

This is Leninsk. The village is absolutely not interesting, there is not even a monument to Ilyich.

A resident of another village on the next border of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region.

Why do children love to put their shoes on backwards?

About the same place. There is an old wooden church in Muratovka, but in very poor condition. Very much.

Despite the close proximity to civilization, the village makes a depressing impression. Old rickety houses, dirty cows, a bunch of dogs, a collapsed church and a clubhouse...

Local farmer. He bought land, two tractors, and with his wife he raises pigs and sows something. The house is good, strong, and cheerful. For a photo, he put the piglet in the tractor for us without asking questions.

For a snack, the lord of ducklings at the spontaneous market of poultry houses and livestock breeders near Ufa.

That's all. That day we still got lost in search of roads, but nothing worthy of attention was discovered.

Studying maps of the Chelyabinsk region, winding on my two-wheeled vehicle along the roads around Chelyabinsk, I suddenly discovered that the village of Shcherbaki had disappeared very close to the city limits.

On the site of the former village there are three mighty ancient poplars, which are difficult to grasp even with a small group. There is another poplar tree standing to the side.

Having gone on a short journey through Shagol, the stopping point "226 km" and Zavarukhino, I crossed the Sorochiy Log stream,

arrived at the proposed settlement site. On the site of the village, built back in the 18th century, only four poplars and barely noticeable hills remained, overgrown with quinoa and nettles. From the hill where the clay quarry is located, Bukharino to the West and Zavarukhino to the North are clearly visible. The Zyuzelga in this place flows in small loops, is very picturesque and quite rich in small fish.

In some places you can simply step over it, in others it spreads up to 3 meters with clearly visible swirls.
In ancient maps, Shcherbaki was already marked on the general survey plan of 1800-05.

On the map of the gold mines of the early 20th century, Shcherbaki is also there

When did this village disappear, located just a few kilometers from the high-rise buildings of the North-West, located by the way in a beautiful place, with a relatively clean Zyuzelga. After all, Bukharino has not disappeared; moreover, it is now being built up with cottages for Chelyabinsk residents. Maybe someone knows, please share the information. The favorite source of information, the Chelyabinsk Region encyclopedia, says absolutely nothing.

The village of Popovka is located in a picturesque corner of the Chebarkul region - in the middle of the Varlamovsky pine forest, by the way, a difficult forest area, and a regional natural monument classified as a forest reserve. It was here that an industrial facility of national importance was built in the early 70s - workshop No. 11 for the extraction and enrichment of uranium concentrate. The production enterprise was part of a mining association -...

Ruins of the Sinaro-Ural distillery The plant is an L-shaped building, consisting of a three-story administrative (in the corner part) and two-story production parts (in the wings). Before the revolution, it produced alcoholic products, including “Erofeich” and “Spotykach” liqueurs. The drinks were of high quality, in beautiful bottles covered with a complex pattern, the stickers were of high printing quality. Snezhinsky lovers...

The facility is a huge warehouse for sorting and storing grain with many underground and above-ground conveyors. Everything is intact and in working order, down to the regular light bulbs. A railway line enters the territory, although, judging by the rails, it has not been used for a long time. Also on the territory there is a whole fleet of abandoned agricultural machinery, drilling rigs, etc. We did not encounter security, but there were traces of presence...

The Troitsk Diesel Plant is a huge complex of buildings. The aluminum alloy casting workshop is located in three separate buildings with a total area of ​​4,500 sq. m. The perimeter of the plant is surrounded by a two-meter fence, which is very easy to climb because metal rods stick out from it in places. There is a heap of iron throughout the plant and inside the buildings. The fact that the so-called “throwers” ​​have not yet reached him...

The fat plant, located in the city of Troitsk, during its lifetime produced mayonnaise, vegetable fats, glycerin soap, household soap, and laundry soap. Completely abandoned presumably in 2009. There are about ten buildings of various preservation on the territory. There are buildings built a long time ago, for example, an electrical substation, while other workshops are modern. There are two small cooling towers. There is almost no “stuffing” left in the workshops. Near...

Former cement factory thresher. Located outside the city. Built around 1940s. Previously, this was a whole area, there were houses - plant workers lived in them. Now there are only ruins there. In all buildings, walls and some ceilings remained. The thresher had 3 floors, but it was no longer possible to get there. There were 2 workshops and a warehouse on the territory. There were also 2 storage bins for finished cement. There were 2 capital 2-story apartment buildings and...

The plant in Zlatoust, which is now called “Bulat”. On its territory, everything that is for sale is being actively dismantled. The territory of the plant is huge - there is a large boiler room, impressive workshops, and warehouses. In the largest workshop, all the machines were removed, leaving only bare walls. In the boiler room everything is in its place, but they will soon get to it. There is a warehouse across the river, the doors of which are sealed. The only guards are dogs.

An abandoned workshop near an existing enterprise in the city of Kyshtym. Small in area, it consists of a production facility and several rooms. There was no equipment left inside, only some furniture in the administrative area. On the walls are the remains of Soviet-themed posters. It is located in close proximity to the fence of an existing enterprise, so there is a risk of being barked at by dogs.

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