Canonical equations of a line in space - theory, examples, problem solving. The equations of a line in space are the equations of two intersecting planes 3 write the canonical equations of a line

Canonical equations of a line in space are equations that define a line passing through a given point collinear to the direction vector.

Let a point and a direction vector be given. An arbitrary point lies on a line l only if the vectors and are collinear, i.e., the condition is satisfied for them:


The above equations are the canonical equations of the straight line.

Numbers m , n And p are projections of the direction vector onto the coordinate axes. Since the vector is non-zero, then all numbers m , n And p cannot simultaneously be equal to zero. But one or two of them may turn out to be zero. In analytical geometry, for example, the following entry is allowed:


which means that the projections of the vector on the axis Oy And Oz are equal to zero. Therefore, both the vector and the straight line defined by the canonical equations are perpendicular to the axes Oy And Oz, i.e. planes yOz .

Example 1. Write equations for a line in space perpendicular to a plane and passing through the point of intersection of this plane with the axis Oz .

Solution. Let's find the point of intersection of this plane with the axis Oz. Since any point lying on the axis Oz, has coordinates , then, assuming in the given equation of the plane x = y = 0, we get 4 z- 8 = 0 or z= 2 . Therefore, the point of intersection of this plane with the axis Oz has coordinates (0; 0; 2) . Since the desired line is perpendicular to the plane, it is parallel to its normal vector. Therefore, the directing vector of the straight line can be the normal vector given plane.

Now let’s write down the required equations of a straight line passing through a point A= (0; 0; 2) in the direction of the vector:

Equations of a line passing through two given points

A straight line can be defined by two points lying on it And In this case, the directing vector of the straight line can be the vector . Then the canonical equations of the line take the form


The above equations determine a line passing through two given points.

Example 2. Write an equation for a line in space passing through the points and .

Solution. Let us write down the required equations of the straight line in the form given above in the theoretical reference:


Since , then the desired straight line is perpendicular to the axis Oy .

Straight as the line of intersection of planes

A straight line in space can be defined as the line of intersection of two non-parallel planes and, i.e., as a set of points satisfying a system of two linear equations

The equations of the system are also called the general equations of a straight line in space.

Example 3. Compose canonical equations of a line in space given by general equations

Solution. To write the canonical equations of a line or, what is the same, the equations of a line passing through two given points, you need to find the coordinates of any two points on the line. They can be the points of intersection of a straight line with any two coordinate planes, for example yOz And xOz .

Point of intersection of a line and a plane yOz has an abscissa x= 0 . Therefore, assuming in this system of equations x= 0, we get a system with two variables:

Her decision y = 2 , z= 6 together with x= 0 defines a point A(0; 2; 6) the desired line. Then assuming in the given system of equations y= 0, we get the system

Her decision x = -2 , z= 0 together with y= 0 defines a point B(-2; 0; 0) intersection of a line with a plane xOz .

Now let's write down the equations of the line passing through the points A(0; 2; 6) and B (-2; 0; 0) :


or after dividing the denominators by -2:


In a rectangular coordinate system on a plane, a straight line can be given by the canonical equation of a straight line. In this article, we will first derive, write down the canonical equations of lines on the plane that are parallel to the coordinate axes or coincide with them, and also give examples. Next, we will show the connection between the canonical equation of a line on a plane and other types of equations of this line. In conclusion, we will consider in detail the solutions to typical examples and problems of composing the canonical equation of a line on a plane.

Page navigation.

Canonical equation of a line on a plane - description and examples.

Let Oxy be fixed on the plane. Let us set ourselves the task: to obtain the equation of a line a, if is some point of the line a and is the direction vector of the line a.

Let be a floating point of the line a . Then the vector is the direction vector of line a and has coordinates (see article if necessary). Obviously, the set of all points on the plane defines a line passing through the point and having a direction vector if and only if the vectors and are collinear.


Write the canonical equation of a line that, in the rectangular coordinate system Oxy on the plane, passes through two points and .


Using the known coordinates of the start and end points, we can find the coordinates of the vector: . This vector is the direction vector of the line whose equation we are looking for. The canonical equation of a line passing through a point and having a direction vector.


Normal line vector has coordinates , and this vector is the direction vector of the line, the equation of which we are looking for due to the perpendicularity of the lines. Thus, the desired canonical equation of a line on a plane will be written as .



  • Bugrov Ya.S., Nikolsky S.M. Higher mathematics. Volume one: elements of linear algebra and analytical geometry.
  • Ilyin V.A., Poznyak E.G. Analytic geometry.

Let Oxyz be fixed in three-dimensional space. Let's define a straight line in it. Let us choose the following method for defining a straight line in space: we indicate the point through which straight line a passes, and the direction vector of straight a. We will assume that the point lies on the line a and - directing vector of straight line a.

Obviously, a set of points in three-dimensional space defines a line if and only if the vectors and are collinear.

Please note the following important facts:

Let us give a couple of examples of canonical equations of a straight line in space:

Drawing up canonical equations of a straight line in space.

So, the canonical equations of a straight line in a fixed rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in three-dimensional space of the form correspond to a straight line that passes through the point , and the direction vector of this straight line is the vector . Thus, if we know the form of the canonical equations of a line in space, then we can immediately write down the coordinates of the direction vector of this line, and if we know the coordinates of the direction vector of the line and the coordinates of some point of this line, then we can immediately write down its canonical equations.

We will show solutions to such problems.


A straight line in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in three-dimensional space is given by canonical straight line equations of the form . Write the coordinates of all direction vectors of this line.


The numbers in the denominators of the canonical equations of a line are the corresponding coordinates of the direction vector of this line, that is, - one of the direction vectors of the original straight line. Then the set of all direction vectors of the straight line can be specified as , where is a parameter that can take any real value except zero.



Write the canonical equations of the line that, in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in space, passes through the point , and the direction vector of the straight line has coordinates .


From the condition we have . That is, we have all the data to write the required canonical equations of a line in space. In our case



We considered the simplest problem of composing the canonical equations of a line in a given rectangular coordinate system in three-dimensional space, when the coordinates of the directing vector of the line and the coordinates of some point on the line are known. However, much more often there are problems in which you first need to find the coordinates of the directing vector of a line, and only then write down the canonical equations of the line. As an example, we can cite the problem of finding the equations of a line passing through a given point in space parallel to a given line and the problem of finding the equations of a line passing through a given point of space perpendicular to a given plane.

Special cases of canonical equations of a straight line in space.

We have already noted that one or two of the numbers in the canonical equations of a line in space of the form may be equal to zero. Then write is considered formal (since the denominators of one or two fractions will have zeros) and should be understood as , Where .

Let's take a closer look at all these special cases of the canonical equations of a line in space.

Let , or , or , then the canonical equations of lines have the form



In these cases, in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in space, the straight lines lie in the planes , or , respectively, which are parallel to the coordinate planes Oyz , Oxz or Oxy , respectively (or coincide with these coordinate planes at , or ). The figure shows examples of such lines.

At , or , or the canonical equations of lines will be written as




In these cases, the lines are parallel to the coordinate axes Oz, Oy or Ox, respectively (or coincide with these axes at, or). Indeed, the direction vectors of the lines under consideration have coordinates , or , or , it is obvious that they are collinear to the vectors , or , or , respectively, where are the direction vectors of the coordinate lines. Look at the illustrations for these special cases of the canonical equations of a line in space.

To consolidate the material in this paragraph, it remains to consider the solutions to the examples.


Write the canonical equations of the coordinate lines Ox, Oy and Oz.


The direction vectors of the coordinate lines Ox, Oy and Oz are the coordinate vectors and correspondingly. In addition, coordinate lines pass through the origin of coordinates - through the point. Now we can write down the canonical equations of the coordinate lines Ox, Oy and Oz, they have the form and correspondingly.


Canonical equations of the coordinate line Ox, - canonical equations of the ordinate axis Oy, - canonical equations of the applicate axis.


Compose the canonical equations of a line that, in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in space, passes through the point and parallel to the ordinate axis Oy.


Since the straight line, the canonical equations of which we need to compose, is parallel to the coordinate axis Oy, then its direction vector is the vector. Then the canonical equations of this line in space have the form .


Canonical equations of a line passing through two given points in space.

Let us set ourselves a task: to write the canonical equations of a line passing in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in three-dimensional space through two divergent points and .

You can take the vector as the direction vector of a given straight line (if you like the vector better, you can take it). Using the known coordinates of points M 1 and M 2, you can calculate the coordinates of the vector: . Now we can write down the canonical equations of the line, since we know the coordinates of the point of the line (in our case, even the coordinates of two points M 1 and M 2), and we know the coordinates of its direction vector. Thus, a given straight line in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in three-dimensional space is determined by canonical equations of the form or . This is what we are looking for canonical equations of a line passing through two given points in space.


Write the canonical equations of a line passing through two points in three-dimensional space And .


From the condition we have . We substitute these data into the canonical equations of a straight line passing through two points :

If we use the canonical straight line equations of the form , then we get



Transition from the canonical equations of a line in space to other types of equations of a line.

To solve some problems, the canonical equations of a line in space may turn out to be less convenient than parametric equations of a straight line in space of the form . And sometimes it is preferable to define a straight line in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in space through the equations of two intersecting planes as . Therefore, the task arises of transition from the canonical equations of a line in space to the parametric equations of a line or to the equations of two intersecting planes.

It is easy to move from the equations of a line in canonical form to the parametric equations of this line. To do this, it is necessary to take each of the fractions in the canonical equations of a line in space equal to a parameter and resolve the resulting equations with respect to the variables x, y and z:

In this case, the parameter can take on any real values ​​(since the variables x, y and z can take on any real values).

Now we will show how from the canonical equations of the straight line obtain the equations of two intersecting planes that define the same line.

Double equality is essentially a system of three equations of the form (we equated the fractions from the canonical equations to a straight line in pairs). Since we understand the proportion as , then

So we got

Since the numbers a x , a y and a z are not equal to zero at the same time, then the main matrix of the resulting system is equal to two, since

and at least one of the second-order determinants

different from zero.

Consequently, it is possible to exclude from the system an equation that does not participate in the formation of the basis minor. Thus, the canonical equations of a line in space will be equivalent to a system of two linear equations with three unknowns, which are the equations of intersecting planes, and the line of intersection of these planes will be a straight line determined by the canonical equations of the line of the form .

For clarity, we provide a detailed solution to the example; in practice everything is simpler.


Write the equations of two intersecting planes that define a line defined in the rectangular coordinate system Oxyz in space by the canonical equations of the line. Write the equations of two planes intersecting along this line.


Let us equate in pairs the fractions that form the canonical equations of the line:

The determinant of the main matrix of the resulting system of linear equations is equal to zero (if necessary, refer to the article), and the minor is of second order is different from zero, we take it as the basis minor. Thus, the rank of the main matrix of the system of equations is equal to two, and the third equation of the system does not participate in the formation of the basic minor, that is, the third equation can be excluded from the system. Hence, . Thus we obtained the required equations of two intersecting planes that define the original straight line.



  • Bugrov Ya.S., Nikolsky S.M. Higher mathematics. Volume one: elements of linear algebra and analytical geometry.
  • Ilyin V.A., Poznyak E.G. Analytic geometry.

How to write equations of a straight line in space?

Equations of a straight line in space

Similar to a "flat" line, there are several ways in which we can define a line in space. Let's start with the canons - the point and the directing vector of the line:

If a certain point in space belonging to a line and the direction vector of this line are known, then the canonical equations of this line are expressed by the formulas:

The above notation assumes that the coordinates of the direction vector not equal to zero. We'll look at what to do if one or two coordinates are zero a little later.

Same as in the article Plane equation, for simplicity we will assume that in all problems of the lesson, actions are carried out in an orthonormal basis of space.

Example 1

Compose canonical equations of a line given a point and a direction vector

Solution: We compose the canonical equations of the line using the formula:


And it’s a no brainer... although, no, it’s a no brainer at all.

What should you note about this very simple example? Firstly, the resulting equations DO NOT need to be reduced by one: . To be more precise, it is possible to shorten it, but it unusually hurts the eye and creates inconvenience when solving problems.

And secondly, in analytical geometry two things are inevitable - verification and testing:

Just in case, we look at the denominators of the equations and check - is it right the coordinates of the direction vector are written there. No, don’t think about it, we are not having a lesson at the Brake kindergarten. This advice is very important because it allows you to completely eliminate inadvertent mistakes. No one is insured, what if they copied it incorrectly? Will be awarded the Darwin Prize in Geometry.

The correct equalities are obtained, which means that the coordinates of the point satisfy our equations, and the point itself really belongs to this line.

The test is very easy (and quick!) to perform orally.

In a number of problems it is required to find some other point belonging to a given line. How to do it?

We take the resulting equations and mentally “pinch off”, for example, the left piece: . Now let's equate this piece to any number(remember that there was already a zero), for example, to one: . Since , then the other two “pieces” should also be equal to one. Essentially, you need to solve the system:

Let's check whether the found point satisfies the equations :

The correct equalities are obtained, which means that the point really lies on the given line.

Let's make the drawing in a rectangular coordinate system. At the same time, let’s remember how to correctly plot points in space:

Let's build a point:
– from the origin of coordinates in the negative direction of the axis we plot a segment of the first coordinate (green dotted line);
– the second coordinate is zero, so we “do not jerk” from the axis either to the left or to the right;
– in accordance with the third coordinate, measure three units upward (purple dotted line).

Construct a point: measure two units “towards you” (yellow dotted line), one unit to the right (blue dotted line) and two units down (brown dotted line). The brown dotted line and the point itself are superimposed on the coordinate axis, note that they are in the lower half-space and IN FRONT of the axis.

The straight line itself passes above the axis and, if my eye does not fail me, above the axis. It does not fail, I was convinced analytically. If the straight line passed BEHIND the axis, then you would have to erase with an eraser a piece of the line above and below the crossing point.

A straight line has an infinite number of direction vectors, for example:
(red arrow)

The result was exactly the original vector, but this was purely an accident, that’s how I chose the point. All direction vectors of a straight line are collinear, and their corresponding coordinates are proportional (for more details, see Linear (non) dependence of vectors. Basis of vectors). So, vectors will also be direction vectors of this line.

Additional information on creating three-dimensional drawings on checkered paper can be found at the beginning of the manual Graphs and properties of functions. In a notebook, multi-colored dotted paths to the points (see drawing) are usually thinly drawn with a simple pencil using the same dotted line.

Let's deal with special cases when one or two coordinates of the direction vector are zero. At the same time, we continue the training of spatial vision, which began at the beginning of the lesson. Plane equation. And again I will tell you the tale of the naked king - I will draw an empty coordinate system and convince you that there are spatial lines there =)

It’s easier to list all six cases:

1) For a point and a direction vector, the canonical equations of the line break down into three individual equations: .

Or in short:

Example 2: let's create equations of a straight line using a point and a direction vector:

What kind of line is this? The direction vector of the straight line is collinear to the unit vector, which means that this straight line will be parallel to the axis. The canonical equations should be understood as follows:
a) – “y” and “z” permanent, are equal specific numbers;
b) the variable “x” can take any value: (in practice, this equation is usually not written down).

In particular, the equations define the axis itself. Indeed, “x” takes on any value, and “y” and “z” are always equal to zero.

The equations under consideration can be interpreted in another way: let’s look, for example, at the analytical notation of the abscissa axis: . After all, these are equations of two planes! The equation specifies the coordinate plane, and the equation specifies the coordinate plane. You think correctly - these coordinate planes intersect along the axis. We will consider the method when a straight line in space is defined by the intersection of two planes at the very end of the lesson.

Two similar cases:

2) The canonical equations of a line passing through a point parallel to the vector are expressed by the formulas.

Such straight lines will be parallel to the coordinate axis. In particular, the equations specify the coordinate axis itself.

3) The canonical equations of a line passing through a point parallel to the vector are expressed by the formulas.

These straight lines are parallel to the coordinate axis, and the equations define the applicate axis itself.

Let's put the second three in the stall:

4) For a point and a direction vector, the canonical equations of the line break down into proportion and plane equation .

Example 3: let's compose the equations of a straight line using a point and a direction vector.

One of the types of equations of a line in space is the canonical equation. We will consider this concept in detail, since knowing it is necessary to solve many practical problems.

In the first paragraph, we will formulate the basic equations of a straight line located in three-dimensional space and give several examples. Next, we will show methods for calculating the coordinates of the direction vector for given canonical equations and solving the inverse problem. In the third part we will tell you how to construct an equation for a line passing through 2 given points in three-dimensional space, and in the last paragraph we will point out the connections between canonical equations and others. All arguments will be illustrated with examples of problem solving.

We have already discussed what the canonical equations of a straight line are in general in the article devoted to the equations of a straight line on a plane. We will analyze the case with three-dimensional space by analogy.

Let's say we have a rectangular coordinate system O x y z in which a straight line is given. As we remember, you can define a straight line in different ways. Let's use the simplest of them - set the point through which the line will pass, and indicate the direction vector. If we denote a line by the letter a and a point by M, then we can write that M 1 (x 1, y 1, z 1) lies on line a and the direction vector of this line will be a → = (a x, a y, a z). In order for the set of points M (x, y, z) to define a straight line a, the vectors M 1 M → and a → must be collinear,

If we know the coordinates of the vectors M 1 M → and a → , then we can write in coordinate form the necessary and sufficient condition for their collinearity. From the initial conditions we already know the coordinates a → . In order to obtain the coordinates M 1 M →, we need to calculate the difference between M (x, y, z) and M 1 (x 1, y 1, z 1). Let's write down:

M 1 M → = x - x 1 , y - y 1 , z - z 1

After this, we can formulate the condition we need as follows: M 1 M → = x - x 1 , y - y 1 , z - z 1 and a → = (a x , a y , a z) : M 1 M → = λ · a → ⇔ x - x 1 = λ a x y - y 1 = λ a y z - z 1 = λ a z

Here the value of the variable λ can be any real number or zero. If λ = 0, then M (x, y, z) and M 1 (x 1, y 1, z 1) will coincide, which does not contradict our reasoning.

For values ​​a x ≠ 0, a y ≠ 0, a z ≠ 0, we can resolve all equations of the system with respect to the parameter λ x - x 1 = λ · a x y - y 1 = λ · a y z - z 1 = λ · a z

After this, it will be possible to put an equal sign between the right sides:

x - x 1 = λ · a x y - y 1 = λ · a y z - z 1 = λ · a z ⇔ λ = x - x 1 a x λ = y - y 1 a y λ = z - z 1 a z ⇔ x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z

As a result, we got the equations x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z, with the help of which we can determine the desired line in three-dimensional space. These are the canonical equations we need.

This notation is used even if one or two parameters a x , a y , a z are zero, since in these cases it will also be correct. All three parameters cannot be equal to 0, since the direction vector a → = (a x, a y, a z) is never zero.

If one or two parameters a are equal to 0, then the equation x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z is conditional. It should be considered equal to the following entry:

x = x 1 + a x · λ y = y 1 + a y · λ z = z 1 + a z · λ , λ ∈ R .

We will analyze special cases of canonical equations in the third paragraph of the article.

From the definition of the canonical equation of a line in space, several important conclusions can be drawn. Let's look at them.

1) if the original line passes through two points M 1 (x 1, y 1, z 1) and M 2 (x 2, y 2, z 2), then the canonical equations will take the following form:

x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z or x - x 2 a x = y - y 2 a y = z - z 2 a z .

2) since a → = (a x , a y , a z) is the direction vector of the original line, then all vectors μ · a → = μ · a x , μ · a y , μ · a z , μ ∈ R , μ ≠ 0 . Then the straight line can be defined using the equation x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z or x - x 1 μ · a x = y - y 1 μ · a y = z - z 1 μ · a z .

Here are some examples of such equations with given values:

Example 1 Example 2

How to create the canonical equation of a line in space

We found out that canonical equations of the form x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z will correspond to a straight line passing through the point M 1 (x 1 , y 1 , z 1) , and the vector a → = ( a x , a y , a z) will be a guide for it. This means that if we know the equation of a line, we can calculate the coordinates of its direction vector, and given the given coordinates of the vector and some point located on the line, we can write down its canonical equations.

Let's look at a couple of specific problems.

Example 3

We have a line defined in three-dimensional space using the equation x + 1 4 = y 2 = z - 3 - 5. Write down the coordinates of all direction vectors for it.


To get the coordinates of the direction vector, we just need to take the denominator values ​​from the equation. We find that one of the direction vectors will be a → = (4, 2, - 5), and the set of all such vectors can be formulated as μ · a → = 4 · μ, 2 · μ, - 5 · μ. Here the parameter μ is any real number (except zero).

Answer: 4 μ, 2 μ, - 5 μ, μ ∈ R, μ ≠ 0

Example 4

Write down the canonical equations if a line in space passes through M 1 (0, - 3, 2) and has a direction vector with coordinates - 1, 0, 5.


We have data that x 1 = 0, y 1 = - 3, z 1 = 2, a x = - 1, a y = 0, a z = 5. This is quite enough to immediately move on to writing canonical equations.

Let's do it:

x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z ⇔ x - 0 - 1 = y - (- 3) 0 = z - 2 5 ⇔ ⇔ x - 1 = y + 3 0 = z - 2 5

Answer: x - 1 = y + 3 0 = z - 2 5

These problems are the simplest because they have all or almost all the initial data for writing the equation or vector coordinates. In practice, you can often find those in which you first need to find the required coordinates, and then write down the canonical equations. We analyzed examples of such problems in articles devoted to finding the equations of a line passing through a point in space parallel to a given one, as well as a line passing through a certain point in space perpendicular to a plane.

We have already said earlier that one or two values ​​of the parameters a x , a y , a z in the equations may have zero values. In this case, the notation x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z = λ becomes formal, since we get one or two fractions with zero denominators. It can be rewritten in the following form (for λ ∈ R):

x = x 1 + a x · λ y = y 1 + a y · λ z = z 1 + a z · λ

Let's consider these cases in more detail. Let us assume that a x = 0, a y ≠ 0, a z ≠ 0, a x ≠ 0, a y = 0, a z ≠ 0, or a x ≠ 0, a y ≠ 0, a z = 0. In this case, we can write the necessary equations as follows:

  1. In the first case:
    x - x 1 0 = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z = λ ⇔ x - x 1 = 0 y = y 1 + a y · λ z = z 1 + a z · λ ⇔ x - x 1 = 0 y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z = λ
  2. In the second case:
    x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 0 = z - z 1 a z = λ ⇔ x = x 1 + a x · λ y - y 1 = 0 z = z 1 + a z · λ ⇔ y - y 1 = 0 x - x 1 a x = z - z 1 a z = λ

    In the third case:
    x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 0 = λ ⇔ x = x 1 + a x · λ y = y 1 + a y · λ z - z 1 = 0 ⇔ z - z 1 = 0 x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = λ

It turns out that with this value of the parameters, the required straight lines are located in the planes x - x 1 = 0, y - y 1 = 0 or z - z 1 = 0, which are located parallel to the coordinate planes (if x 1 = 0, y 1 = 0 or z 1 = 0). Examples of such lines are shown in the illustration.

Therefore, we can write the canonical equations a little differently.

  1. In the first case: x - x 1 0 = y - y 1 0 = z - z 1 a z = λ ⇔ x - x 1 = 0 y - y 1 = 0 z = z 1 + a z λ , λ ∈ R
  2. In the second: x - x 1 0 = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 0 = λ ⇔ x - x 1 = 0 y = y 1 + a y λ , λ ∈ R z - z 1 = 0
  3. In the third: x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 0 = z - z 1 0 = λ ⇔ x = x 1 + a x · λ , λ ∈ R y = y 1 = 0 z - z 1 = 0

In all three cases, the original straight lines will coincide with the coordinate axes or be parallel to them: x 1 = 0 y 1 = 0, x 1 = 0 z 1 = 0, y 1 = 0 z 1 = 0. Their direction vectors have coordinates 0, 0, a z, 0, a y, 0, a x, 0, 0. If we denote the direction vectors of coordinate lines as i → , j → , k → , then the direction vectors of the given lines will be collinear with respect to them. The figure shows these cases:

Let us show with examples how these rules are applied.

Example 5

Find the canonical equations that can be used to determine the coordinate lines O z, O x, O y in space.


Coordinate vectors i → = (1, 0, 0), j → = 0, 1, 0, k → = (0, 0, 1) will be guides for the original straight lines. We also know that our lines will definitely pass through the point O (0, 0, 0), since it is the origin of coordinates. Now we have all the data to write down the necessary canonical equations.

For straight line O x: x 1 = y 0 = z 0

For straight line O y: x 0 = y 1 = z 0

For straight line O z: x 0 = y 0 = z 1

Answer: x 1 = y 0 = z 0 , x 0 = y 1 = z 0 , x 0 = y 0 = z 1 .

Example 6

A line is given in space that passes through the point M 1 (3, - 1, 12). It is also known that it is located parallel to the ordinate axis. Write down the canonical equations of this line.


Taking into account the parallelism condition, we can say that the vector j → = 0, 1, 0 will be a guide for the desired straight line. Therefore, the required equations will look like:

x - 3 0 = y - (- 1) 1 = z - 12 0 ⇔ x - 3 0 = y + 1 1 = z - 12 0

Answer: x - 3 0 = y + 1 1 = z - 12 0

Let's assume that we have two divergent points M 1 (x 1, y 1, z 1) and M 2 (x 2, y 2, z 2), through which a straight line passes. How, then, can we formulate a canonical equation for it?

To begin with, let's take the vector M 1 M 2 → (or M 2 M 1 →) as the direction vector of this line. Since we have the coordinates of the required points, we immediately calculate the coordinates of the vector:

M 1 M 2 → = x 2 - x 1, y 2 - y 1, z 2 - z 1

x - x 1 x 2 - x 1 = y - y 1 y 2 - y 1 = z - z 1 z 2 - z 1 x - x 2 x 2 - x 1 = y - y 2 y 2 - y 1 = z - z 2 z 2 - z 1

The resulting equalities are the canonical equations of a line passing through two given points. Take a look at the illustration:

Let's give an example of solving the problem.

Example 7

in space there are two points with coordinates M 1 (- 2, 4, 1) and M 2 (- 3, 2, - 5), through which a straight line passes. Write down the canonical equations for it.


According to the conditions, x 1 = - 2, y 1 = - 4, z 1 = 1, x 2 = - 3, y 2 = 2, z 2 = - 5. We need to substitute these values ​​into the canonical equation:

x - (- 2) - 3 - (- 2) = y - (- 4) 2 - (- 4) = z - 1 - 5 - 1 ⇔ x + 2 - 1 = y + 4 6 = z - 1 - 6

If we take equations of the form x - x 2 x 2 - x 1 = y - y 2 y 2 - y 1 = z - z 2 z 2 - z 1, then we get: x - (- 3) - 3 - ( - 2) = y - 2 2 - (- 4) = z - (- 5) - 5 - 1 ⇔ x + 3 - 1 = y - 2 6 = z + 5 - 6

Answer: x + 3 - 1 = y - 2 6 = z + 5 - 6 or x + 3 - 1 = y - 2 6 = z + 5 - 6.

Transformation of canonical equations of a line in space into other types of equations

Sometimes using canonical equations of the form x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z is not very convenient. To solve some problems, it is better to use the notation x = x 1 + a x · λ y = y 1 + a y · λ z = z 1 + a z · λ. In some cases, it is more preferable to determine the desired line using the equations of two intersecting planes A 1 x + B 1 y + C 1 z + D 1 = 0 A 2 x + B 2 y + C 2 z + D 2 = 0. Therefore, in this paragraph we will analyze how we can move from canonical equations to other types, if this is required by the conditions of the problem.

It is not difficult to understand the rules for transition to parametric equations. First, we equate each part of the equation to the parameter λ and solve these equations with respect to other variables. As a result we get:

x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z ⇔ x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z ⇔ ⇔ x - x 1 a x = λ y - y 1 a y = λ z - z 1 a z = λ ⇔ x = x 1 + a x · λ y = y 1 + a y · λ z = z 1 + a z · λ

The value of the parameter λ can be any real number, because x, y, z can take on any real values.

Example 8

In a rectangular coordinate system in three-dimensional space, a straight line is given, which is defined by the equation x - 2 3 = y - 2 = z + 7 0. Write the canonical equation in parametric form.


First, we equate each part of the fraction to λ.

x - 2 3 = y - 2 = z + 7 0 ⇔ x - 2 3 = λ y - 2 = λ z + ​​7 0 = λ

Now we resolve the first part with respect to x, the second - with respect to y, the third - with respect to z. We will get:

x - 2 3 = λ y - 2 = λ z + ​​7 0 = λ ⇔ x = 2 + 3 λ y = - 2 λ z = - 7 + 0 λ ⇔ x = 2 + 3 λ y = - 2 λ z = - 7

Answer: x = 2 + 3 λ y = - 2 λ z = - 7

Our next step will be to transform the canonical equations into an equation of two intersecting planes (for the same line).

The equality x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z must first be represented as a system of equations:

x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y x - x 1 a x = z - z 1 a x y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z

Since we understand p q = r s as p · s = q · r, we can write:

x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y x - x 1 a x = z - z 1 a z y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z ⇔ a y (x - x 1) = a x (y - y 1) a z · (x - x 1) = a x · (z - z 1) a z · (y - y 1) = a y · (z - z 1) ⇔ ⇔ a y · x - a x · y + a x · y 1 - a y · x 1 = 0 a z · x - a x · z + a x · z 1 - a z · x 1 = 0 a z · y - a y · z + a y · z 1 - a z · y 1 = 0

As a result, we got this:

x - x 1 a x = y - y 1 a y = z - z 1 a z ⇔ a y x - a x y + a x y 1 - a y x 1 = 0 a z x - a x z + a x z 1 - a z · x 1 = 0 a z · y - a y · z + a y · z 1 - a z · y 1 = 0

We noted above that all three parameters a cannot be zero at the same time. This means that the rank of the main matrix of the system will be equal to 2, since a y - a x 0 a z 0 - a x 0 a z - a y = 0 and one of the second-order determinants is not equal to 0:

a y - a x a z 0 = a x · a z , a y 0 a z - a x = a x · a y , - a x 0 0 - a x = a x 2 a y - a x 0 a z = a y · a z , a y 0 0 - a y = - a y 2 , - a x 0 a z - a y = a x · a y a z 0 0 a z = a z 2 , a z - a x 0 - a y = - a y · a z , 0 - a x a z - a y = a x · a z

This gives us the opportunity to eliminate one equation from our calculations. Thus, the canonical straight line equations can be transformed into a system of two linear equations that will contain 3 unknowns. They will be the equations of two intersecting planes we need.

The reasoning looks quite complicated, but in practice everything is done quite quickly. Let's demonstrate this with an example.

Example 9

The straight line is given by the canonical equation x - 1 2 = y 0 = z + 2 0. Write an equation of intersecting planes for it.


Let's start with pairwise equation of fractions.

x - 1 2 = y 0 = z + 2 0 ⇔ x - 1 2 = y 0 x - 1 2 = z + 2 0 y 0 = z + 2 0 ⇔ ⇔ 0 · (x - 1) = 2 y 0 · (x - 1) = 2 · (z + 2) 0 · y = 0 · (z + 2) ⇔ y = 0 z + 2 = 0 0 = 0

Now we exclude the last equation from the calculations, because it will be true for any x, y and z. In this case, x - 1 2 = y 0 = z + 2 0 ⇔ y = 0 z + 2 = 0.

These are the equations of two intersecting planes, which, when intersecting, form a straight line defined by the equation x - 1 2 = y 0 = z + 2 0

Answer: y = 0 z + 2 = 0

Example 10

The line is given by the equations x + 1 2 = y - 2 1 = z - 5 - 3 , find the equation of two planes intersecting along this line.


Equate fractions in pairs.

x + 1 2 = y - 2 1 = z - 5 - 3 ⇔ x + 1 2 = y - 2 1 x + 1 2 = z - 5 - 3 y - 2 1 = z - 5 - 3 ⇔ ⇔ 1 · ( x + 1) = 2 (y - 2) - 3 (x + 1) = 2 (z - 5) - 3 (y - 2) = 1 (z - 5) ⇔ x - 2 y + 5 = 0 3 x + 2 z - 7 = 0 3 y + 7 - 11 = 0

We find that the determinant of the main matrix of the resulting system will be equal to 0:

1 - 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 1 = 1 0 1 + (- 2) 2 0 + 0 3 3 - 0 0 0 - 1 2 3 - (- 2) 3 · 1 = 0

The second-order minor will not be zero: 1 - 2 3 0 = 1 · 0 - (- 2) · 3 = 6. Then we can accept it as a basic minor.

As a result, we can calculate the rank of the main matrix of the system x - 2 y + 5 = 0 3 x + 2 z - 7 = 0 3 y + z - 11 = 0. This will be 2. We exclude the third equation from the calculation and get:

x - 2 y + 5 = 0 3 x + 2 z - 7 = 0 3 y + z - 11 = 0 ⇔ x - 2 y + 5 = 0 3 x + 2 z - 7 = 0

Answer: x - 2 y + 5 = 0 3 x + 2 z - 7 = 0

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