Speaking beautifully: how to develop your vocabulary. Vocabulary

Learning is an ongoing process. You can become an erudite person both in your teens and in retirement, when you are already in your eighties, simply by expanding your vocabulary. Develop habits that help you memorize and use the most accurate words in your language. And it will become easier for you to communicate, write and think. After you've read more specific tips for expanding your vocabulary, read on to the end of this article.


Part 1

Learn new words

    Read avidly. When you graduate from school, you will no longer be given word exercises, and in general there will be no homework at all, which at one time forced you to learn new words. You can just stop reading. But if you want to expand your vocabulary, make yourself a reading plan and stick to it.

    • You can try reading one book a week, or just reading the newspaper every morning. Choose a reading pace that suits you and create a reading program that fits into your schedule.
    • Try to read at least one book and a couple of magazines every week. Be consistent. You will not only increase your vocabulary, but you will also be in the know, you will know about what happened. You will expand your general knowledge and become an educated, well-rounded person.
  1. Read serious literature. Challenge yourself to read as many books as you have the time and desire. Read the classics. Read old and new fiction. Read poetry. Read Herman Melville, William Faulkner, and Virginia Woolf.

    Read also Internet sources and "low-standard tabloid" literature. Read online magazines, essays, and blogs on a variety of topics. Read music reviews and fashion blogs. True, this vocabulary does not apply to high style. But to have a wide vocabulary, you need to know both the meaning of the word "inner monologue" and the meaning of the word "twerking". Being well-read means being familiar with both Jeffrey Chaucer's and Lee Child's.

    Look in the dictionary for every word you don't know. When you see an unfamiliar word, don't pass it over with annoyance. Try to understand its meaning from the context of the sentence, and then look it up in a dictionary to clarify its meaning.

    • Get yourself a small notebook and immediately write down in it all the unfamiliar words that you will come across, so that later you can check their meaning. If you hear or see a word that you don't know, be sure to look it up in a dictionary.
  2. Read the dictionary. Immerse yourself in it with your head. Read vocabulary articles about those words that are not yet familiar to you. A very good vocabulary is needed to make this process more fun. Therefore, look for a dictionary that provides detailed explanations of the origins and uses of words, as this will help you not only remember the word, but also enjoy the vocabulary.

    Read a dictionary of synonyms. Look for synonyms for words you use a lot and try to use them.

    Part 2

    Use new words
    1. Set a goal for yourself. If you are determined to expand your vocabulary, set a goal for yourself. Try to learn three new words a week and use them in speaking and writing. Through conscious effort, you will be able to learn several thousand new words that you will remember and use. If you can't correctly use a particular word in a sentence, then it is not part of your vocabulary.

      • If you can easily memorize three words a week, then raise the bar. Try to learn 10 words next week.
      • If you look up 20 new words a day in the dictionary, it will be difficult for you to use them correctly. Be realistic and develop a practical vocabulary that you can actually use.
    2. Use flashcards or sticky notes throughout your home. If you're going to get in the habit of learning new words, try some simple memorization techniques, as if you were preparing for a test. Hang a sticker over the coffee maker with the meaning of the word you hope to remember so you can learn it while you make yourself your morning coffee. Attach a new word to each houseplant and that way you will learn as you water them.

      • Even when you're watching TV or doing other things, keep a few flashcards close at hand and learn new words. Expand your vocabulary in any circumstance.
    3. Write more. Start keeping a journal if you haven't already, or start a virtual journal. Intensely flexing your muscles while writing will help you memorize words better.

      • Write letters to old friends and describe everything to the smallest detail. If your letters tend to be short and simple, change that: start writing longer letters or emails than you used to. Spend more time composing letters, as if you were writing a school essay. Make informed choices.
      • Complete more written assignments for work. If you usually avoid writing orders, writing collective emails, or participating in group discussions, change your habits and write more. Plus, you may get paid to expand your vocabulary.
    4. Use adjectives and nouns correctly and accurately. The very best writers strive for brevity and precision. Get an explanatory dictionary and use the most accurate words in your sentences. Don't use three words where you can easily get by with just one. A word that shortens the total number of words in a sentence will be a very valuable addition to your vocabulary.

      • For example, the phrase “dolphins and whales” can be replaced with the single word “cetaceans”. Thus, "cetaceans" is a useful word.
      • A word is also useful if it is more expressive than the phrase or word it replaces. For example, many people's voices can be described as “pleasant”. But if someone very pleasant voice, then it would be better to say that he has a voice that “caresses the ear”.
    5. Don't flaunt it. Inexperienced writers think they will improve their writing by using the thesaurus function in Microsoft Word twice in each sentence. But actually it is not. The use of pretentious vocabulary and the correct spelling of words will make your written speech pomp. But what's worse is that it will make your writing less accurate than more common words. Proper use of words is a hallmark of a true writer and a sure sign of a large vocabulary.

      • You could say that "Iron Mike" is Mike Tyson's "nickname", but the word "nickname" would be more accurate and appropriate in this sentence. Therefore, the word "nickname" is less useful in your vocabulary.

    Part 3

    Improve your vocabulary
    1. Subscribe to the Word of the Day newsletter in one of the online dictionaries. You can also create a Word of the Day calendar for yourself. Remember to read the words on that page every day, try to memorize the words of each day, and use them in your speech throughout the day.

      • Go to word-building sites (like freerice.com) and expand your vocabulary while satisfying your hunger or doing something else useful.
      • There are so many online sites dedicated to making alphabetical lists of unusual, strange, outdated and difficult words. Use a search engine to find these sites and learn from them. This is a great way to pass the time while waiting for the bus or standing in line at the bank.
    2. Solve word puzzles and play word games. Word puzzles are a great source of new words because their creators often have to use a huge amount of underused words to make all the words fit into their puzzles and make them interesting for those who solve them. There are many varieties of word puzzles including crosswords, Find the Word and Hidden Word puzzles. Along with expanding your vocabulary, puzzles will also help improve your critical thinking skills. In terms of word games, try games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to expand your vocabulary.

      Learn some Latin. Although it seems like a dead language, a little knowledge of Latin is a great way to learn about the origins of many English words, and it will also help you understand the meaning of those words that you do not already know without looking in the dictionary. There are educational resources in Latin on the Internet, as well as a huge amount of texts (check out your favorite old book store).


    • Keep in mind that you may use words that other people may not know. This can create barriers to communication and understanding. So be prepared to use simpler synonyms in different contexts to mitigate this problem. In other words, don't be boring.

Quest Source: Decision 3640. USE 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the highlighted word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Only a few years later, the scientist managed to PRESENT to the scientific community convincing facts confirming his discovery.

After completing the compulsory program, the gymnast took the INITIAL position.

A rich WORD stock is an indicator of a person's intellectual development.

The first REFERENCE about Smolensk in written sources dates back to 863.

The dancer was dressed in a bright shirt, silk trousers and PATENT boots.


Let's define the lexical meaning (meaning) of the selected words.

Only a few years later, the scientist managed to PRESENT (show, demonstrate) to the scientific community convincing facts confirming his discovery.

After completing the compulsory program, the gymnast took the INITIAL (initial) position.

The first REFERENCE (words concerning someone, spoken not on purpose, but in passing) about Smolensk in written sources refers to 863.

The dancer was dressed in a bright shirt, silk trousers and LACQUERED (varnished) boots.

Let's find the word that is used incorrectly.

A rich VERBAL (oral) stock is an indicator of a person's intellectual development.

Let us recall the word paronym.

Vocabulary - pertaining to a dictionary or work of creating dictionaries.

Examination. Remember the words-paronyms for all the highlighted words in the assignment. When these paronyms were substituted, the sentences lost their meaning? If yes, then the answer is correct.

Only a few years later, the scientist managed to PROVIDE (give the opportunity to use or own something) to the scientific community convincing facts confirming his discovery.

After completing the compulsory program, the gymnast took the OUTCOMING (document flow term) position.

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A rich vocabulary is the key to success

It is generally accepted that tongue-tied and wretched speech are signs of a narrow-minded mind and a low position of a person in society. And on the contrary - a rich vocabulary, the ability to build complex phrases are considered an attribute of a solid, decent, successful person. It seems that such a belief is not unfounded.

The more vocabulary a child has, the more likely they are to succeed in life. According to American pediatrician Susan Canisares, a rich vocabulary promotes faster development of reading and writing skills; it will be easier for such a child to study at school and communicate with both peers and adults.

A person with high intelligence will grow out of him, and therefore with good prospects in life. To expand the child's vocabulary, parents need to make their speech as rich and expressive as possible. You need to communicate with children as much as possible and read books aloud to them - poetry is especially useful.

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Undoubtedly, a rich vocabulary is an indicator of a person's high intellectual development. If you have a beautiful speech, then in the modern world you will be perceived as a person with a good education and culture, a creative person. People who have an extensive vocabulary, in society, as a rule, command more respect than those who cannot "connect a couple of words". Even if you are already out of childhood, this does not mean at all that you cannot enrich your speech - this is possible at any age. Read books developing speech You probably know that reading books is beneficial for many reasons. This process can help improve memory, diction, and, of course, can have a positive effect on the quality of your vocabulary. Start with those writers whose work is close and understandable to you. Over time, move on to more complex pieces. Pay attention to text that contains interesting expressions that you would like to remember and use later. Re-read these expressions by ear - this way you will remember them better. The most interesting of them can be written down in a separate notebook. Expand vocabulary in communication with smart people If you want to replenish your vocabulary with interesting adverbs or just clever words, then, of course, you should not neglect communication with intellectuals. If you notice that the speech of the people around you is very poor, then, of course, you should understand that you will not learn the necessary skills from communicating with them. Moreover, you yourself can lose the acquired vocabulary. Do not be afraid to seem stupid, starting to communicate with people who know a lot of interesting information - this is one of the most effective ways to improve your intellectual level, and it was unwise not to use it. Improve your speech and vocabulary by learning new words When you hear or notice a new word while reading, in no case try to "slip through" it - look up the definition in the dictionary. In addition, it is important to note for yourself in which particular turn of speech this word is used. Then try to mentally replace it with a suitable synonym. Subsequently, having fully understood the meaning of a previously unfamiliar word, you can replenish your vocabulary with it. To make it easier to remember, try to visualize it in your mind, adding images related to this word. Let the picture in your imagination be as saturated as possible. What literature to read for the development of literate speech For our time, the standard speech can be called the mid-twentieth century - it is as close as possible to the modern one, but has not yet absorbed various jargon and barbarism that appeared later. Therefore, it is desirable to give preference to the literature predominantly of this period. The most effective will be the books of Russian and English classics. It is also worth noting that there are special books that help in the development of speech. Let's name some of them. First of all, pay attention to "The Mastery of On-air Performance" by B. D, Gaimakova. First of all, the book will be of interest to people who plan to work on television and radio. However, this work will be useful to everyone else. Includes three parts that tell about the rules of public speaking, technique and culture of speech. We advise you not to ignore the book by N. Gal "The Word Living and Dead". The author is a well-known translator, but her work will be of interest not only to her colleagues. The piece will help you find your own style, avoiding the "dead" language.

Learn a new word every day If you enrich your vocabulary with a new word every day, then, of course, after a while you will be able to show off new knowledge very effectively. There are many applications and sites on the web that offer you to learn new words. There are also communities with this focus in VK. It is important to remember that you don't just need to learn unfamiliar words - they should be used in everyday life. In the evening, learn some new concept for yourself, and the next day try to apply it in a conversation with someone. This will make memorization much more efficient. Hearing an unfamiliar word, be sure to "google" its meaning As soon as you happen to hear a word, the meaning of which you do not know or has a rather vague character for you, remember it. To be sure, you can write it down on a piece of paper. Subsequently, at the first opportunity, look on the Internet for the meaning of this word. Read aloud, retell, learn poetry Reading aloud, as well as memorizing poetry, is doubly useful. In this way, you not only develop your memory, but also learn vocabulary and syntax. In Russian, the order of words in a sentence can be called quite free, but not everyone uses this freedom to the fullest. Almost every one of us has the usual syntactic constructions ready at the ready, thereby limiting the lexical range. If you have a task to expand this range, then you should be creative when constructing phrases. For example, if you are used to using the phrase “I want”, then try to replace it with others - “I wish”, “I would like to” and the like. Of course, reading certain works will help you easily replace your favorite phrases. Nevertheless, often, starting to read, we plunge into the plot, practically not focusing on vocabulary. As a result, the linguistic abundance of the work often passes us by. To avoid this, use this psychological trick: read books that the author wrote in the first person. When you study them without haste and thoughtfully, ready-made phrases will be stored in your memory, which you can later use when talking about yourself. Replace simple words with complex ones that broaden the horizons Try to use more complex words in your speech, replacing them with those simple words that you used to use earlier. To do this, look for synonyms for any words that you regularly use. This will greatly enrich and diversify your vocabulary. Do not treat this task as something very difficult and requiring serious energy expenditures - this is a natural process that can continue for the rest of your life. Solve crosswords Solving crosswords is not just fun, but also a great way to increase your vocabulary. Do not neglect this opportunity on vacation, at home, on the road. Pay attention to crosswords that are published in well-known, well-established publications.

Listen to audiobooks If you spend a lot of time driving, and you have little free time to read fiction and study dictionaries, then listen to audiobooks. Also, this technique is useful for those people who better perceive information by ear. Do not even doubt that if you while away the time in traffic under the sound of a good audiobook, these minutes will be of benefit to you. Watch the video Sometimes, the enrichment of vocabulary can occur while watching a variety of videos. We are talking about all kinds of quizzes, intellectual talk shows, documentary projects. Also, do not discount the special courses that contribute to the replenishment of the vocabulary. Thus, you can not only have a good time, but also benefit your own self-development. Of course, it is important to distinguish between worthwhile materials and unnecessary ones. For example, if you see on a television program that the time of the next youth reality show or stupid action movie of the 90s with the appropriate translation is approaching, then it is better to devote time to something else, because such viewing will not only not benefit you, but can also harm ... Scrapbook method Perhaps you are faced with the fact that it is very difficult for you to memorize new terms. The already mentioned "method of notes" will help in this situation. Get a pack of stickers, then write a new word on one side of the piece of paper, and its meaning on the other. Now place the stickers around the apartment. Now "difficult" words will constantly catch your eye, and you can re-read their meanings over and over again until they are fully assimilated and included in your usual vocabulary. Write You will quickly learn how to correctly use new expressions if you take up writing. To do this, of course, you don't have to be a writer - just set aside at least half an hour a day to write some small text. This can be a simple statement of your own thoughts on a particular occasion, for example, you can write what you dream about, what kind of people you dislike, what you can admire in another person, and so on. You can even write a multi-page article on a topic that interests you. When you start writing a text, you will have some time to think over your thoughts, thanks to which you will have the opportunity to learn how to correctly apply new phrases, succinctly inserting them into the text in the right place. Writing is definitely a creative activity that activates your mental potential. Naturally, this is great for training the brain, allowing you to remember words that you previously hardly used in speech.

- this is not a myth. At the time when I was in school, I did not know why we need such subjects as Russian literature. I was not interested in the classic books of Pushnikin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and other Russian classics. To the same extent, I did not understand such subjects as philosophy, rhetoric, the Tatar language (I live in Tatarstan). And only when you become an adult, you realize that such things as a rich vocabulary are very important for achieving success in life and plays, if not the role of the main factor of victories, but this is another contribution of your parents to your future competitiveness. When we become adults we are willing to pay big money to teach what we were taught in school for free.

Vocabulary Shakespeare according to philologists was 12 thousand words. To communicate more or less fluently in English, you need to know and understand about 1000 words in the lexicon and know some fixed expressions and constructions. But this vocabulary will obviously not be enough to express yourself fluently and have a rich speech.

You need to improve your vocabulary

To express your thoughts well, you need to have a serious vocabulary. Many experts agree on this. It often happens that a successful person shows himself well in business, but at a business meeting he cannot connect a few words. How to improve your vocabulary? There are different ways. Many advise to read more various literature and thereby you indirectly increase your vocabulary and literacy and the quality of your oral speech.

by the way , know a lot of interesting words and speak beautifully Are not the same thing. Your vocabulary should be supplemented with a broad outlook and knowledge, beautiful speech, expressiveness. Here it is worth paying attention to such a thing as rhetoric. They teach to speak beautifully there. Try listening to other people, and also try public speaking yourself. Your speech quality will improve very quickly.

Having a rich vocabulary - you will become a stronger negotiator... This is a real business skill that exploits philology for capitalist ends. You will really be simpler, when you finally learn how to tie together at least a few words, and not speak in abrupt sentences.

Ways to improve your vocabulary

3. Read specialized and fiction, as well as popular science books. It would not hurt to learn something from the series "non fiction"

Sidebar: non fiction - nonfiction- This is a special genre of nonfiction, where the presentation is based on real events. Documentary prose... The amount of fiction in this genre is small and is needed only to give more brightness to the presentation. The style of presentation is journalistic. The story is told from eyewitnesses, based on real documents. In documentary prose, the subjective view of the author is also traced, which may not coincide with the generally accepted point of view.

4. Watch on Youtube cultural Petersburg authors... In general, the fact that in such cities as St. Petersburg human capital is more developed, which means that speech is also true. I look at Konstantin Zarutsky, a famous auto video blogger, and it turns out that familiar words can be used in very interesting formats. Recommend.

5. Each a new word - type in google and watch, what does it mean. This will help in developing vocabulary. For example, I just learned what nonfiction is and became the owner of a slightly richer speech.

6. They say that vocabulary can be improved by writing your articles or by listening audiobooks... Useful for those who take a long commute to work. The player is in your ears. I think that going to graduate school, starting to write a dissertation, or at least studying for several years at a good university will greatly expand your vocabulary.

7. Learning foreign languages also greatly expands your ability to speak beautifully, for example, using borrowings.

8. Use new phrases, words and sayings in speech. It is useful to study poetry.

In the dry residue rich vocabulary is of great importance for a person and his success. This is an indicator of the intellectual and social level of your personality and your professionalism.

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