Scientists have explained the strange sounds from the sky. Strange deafening sounds are heard around the world. Strange sounds of the earth around the world.

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    Strange Heavenly Sounds: Metallic, Moaning, Trumpet Sounds Around the World in 2016

    Strange sounds in the skies

    Recordings of strange and eerie sounds began appearing on the Internet back in 2008. Occasionally they merited mention in the media, but were generally ignored or explained away as "hoaxes", the result of "secret government weapons", "the launch of HAARP" or "HAARP-like technologies", a side effect of "top-secret construction work on underground bases" , "aliens", etc. and so on.

    Described in various ways - groaning, metallic, clanging, ringing and trumpeting - these (usually loud and pronounced) sounds seem to come from the sky, but in most cases they sound in a way that makes it very difficult for the hearer to determine the direction, where the sound comes from.

    These "strange celestial sounds" have been witnessed across the globe and first came to public attention in 2011, when a spate of events generated such widespread interest that much effort was expended to discredit the phenomenon by disseminating fake audio recordings.

    Some of them are, of course, scams. This is human nature; we mock what we do not understand. But the very spread of “strange sound phenomena” in recent years, the similarities (with minor differences) between them, as well as the variety of places in which they were recorded (sometimes multiple times), speaks of the global reality of this phenomenon. As we've been tracking and reviewing reports of these events on SOTT, we've noticed that they tend to come in waves; there may be a "lull" for some time, and then 4 or 5 "strange noises" occur at various points (perhaps within one region or continent), within a week or crescent. In our opinion, this trend appears to be increasing.

    Here's our selection of the "best" videos of strange sounds, including events from around the planet in 2016. We apologize for the foul language - turning off the sound would have affected the strange sounds themselves. In addition, hearing them curse and swear, you will feel how amazed the observers themselves were.

    We speculate that these sounds are some kind of converted ultra-low-frequency radio or infrasonic waves that we would not hear if not for relatively recent changes in the environment, perhaps in part in the Earth's upper atmosphere. These waves seem to interact with other electromagnetic factors in the planet's interior, on its surface and in nearby space, which amplify them and convert them into audible sound waves.

    If you're interested in the science behind this phenomenon, take a look at the "Addendum" at the end of this article - an excerpt from our colleagues' book Earth changes and the relationship between man and space about this and other phenomena.

    Sound effects"

    In addition to reports of strange sounds, there are also reports of accompanying physical and psychological effects on people.

    One person, hearing these sounds for the first time in February 2012, stated that he subsequently had nightmares for several days:

    I don't remember dreams about aliens or about 2012. Nothing like this. They were most likely related to yesterday's event and the enormous pressure from the community. It was as if a hundred voices were asking questions at the same time. People screamed in my ears that I was lying, or that they were very scared and wanted to know where they should go to keep their family safe. It got to the point where I started shouting back at them myself. And at that moment I woke up.

    In March 2014, another eyewitness said he was "thrown inside out" after he went outside to listen to the noise. Another witness said that after hearing the sounds in October 2010, he had an "out-of-body experience" that caused him physical discomfort, including sensitivity to "electrical noise/interference." The effects on this man's health were so severe that he sought medical attention. Another person reported a "severe headache" after hearing the sounds in August 2012, as well as feeling "heat waves" in his body for "almost 3 hours." And throughout the entire event, the woman March last year I had a headache during this noise.

    Along with obvious anxiety and stress from the strange sounds, these witnesses may have experienced a physical reaction to the infrasound, which can literally make people very sick (headaches, nausea, dizziness) and have other adverse health effects. A 2004 study found that a person exposed to infrasound may experience headaches and feel tired and irritable; Exposure to infrasound can also change blood pressure and heart rate.

    In 2003, at a British Scientific Association conference, scientists reported some of the effects and responses to low-frequency sound waves embedded in music:

    Lord and Weissman played four pieces of contemporary music at a London concert hall, including some with added infrasound, and asked the audience to describe their reaction to the music.
    The audience did not know which of the passages included infrasound, but 22 percent reported rather unusual sensations when it was included in music.
    Their unusual experiences included feelings of anxiety or sadness, chills, or irritable feelings of disgust or fear.
    "These results suggest that low-frequency sound may cause unusual experiences in people even if they can't hear it," says Weissman, who presented his findings at a British Scientific Association conference.

    New phenomenon? Not really

    What we do know is that there is historical evidence from ancient chroniclers of "strange heavenly sounds" that contain descriptions similar to those heard by people around the world today. For example, in The Book of Miracles: After 505 Rome Julius Obsequence writes:

    In the consulate of Tiberius Gracchus and Mania Luventius - 163 BC.
    The sun was visible over Capua at night. On the Stellate Plain, part of a herd of sheep fell dead from a lightning strike. Triplets of boys were born in Terracina. Two suns were seen over Formia during the day. The sky was on fire. In Anzio, a man is burned by a ray of light reflected from a mirror. It was raining milk in Gaibiyi. Several objects were struck by lightning in the Palatine. A swan slipped into the Temple of Victory and evaded those who tried to grab it. A girl without arms was born in Priverno. In Cephalonia, the sound of trumpets seemed to be heard from the sky. It was raining earth there. The storm destroyed houses and crushed crops in the fields. Lightning struck there often. At night the visible Sun shone over Pisaro. In Aker a pig was born with human arms and legs, and children were born with four legs and four arms. On the Esi forum, the bull remained unharmed after the flames burst out of his mouth.

    In the consulate of Gaius Maria and Lucius Valerius - 100 BC.
    A flaming meteor falling in a vertical direction was seen from everywhere over Tarquinia. At sunset, a flaming and sparkling shield was seen flying across the entire sky from west to east. In Picenum, houses were destroyed by the earthquake, while other houses, torn from their foundations, were left standing vertically. The clang of weapons was heard from the depths of the earth. A gilded chariot with four horses rushed through the square. In Sicily, fugitive slaves were killed in battles.

    Without a doubt, these sounds are mysterious. In our era of “exact science,” they are “asking” to be investigated (like other phenomena, both “new” and already “known”), and not simply dismissed as “quackery.” We live in “interesting times”, when the dominant public discourse is most often a complete fake, that is, directly opposed to reality. With such "omens" Mother Nature is perhaps asking humanity to reconsider something more than just our belief in a socio-political reality dictated by established power, namely the boundaries of our "reality"...


    We include here an excerpt from Chapter 29 of Earth Changes and the Human-Space Relationship, written by our colleagues, which examines the strange sounds in more detail:

    Over the past few years, "strange noises from the sky" (described as trumpet-like, metallic, whistling, cracking, buzzing and rustling sounds) have been reported from all corners of the planet. Their origin is unknown, but eyewitnesses always describe them as coming “from the sky” or “from under the earth”; they have a short duration of only a few minutes; their distribution is limited, although they are likely to occur simultaneously in different locations or in clusters.

    One of several scientists whose quotes on this topic can be found in the media is Azerbaijani geophysicist Elchin Khalilov:

    In our opinion, the source of such a powerful manifestation of gravitational-sound waves should be energy processes of colossal scale. These processes include powerful solar flares and the high-energy flows they create, rushing to the earth's surface and destabilizing the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper layers of the atmosphere. Thus, collisions of shock waves in the solar wind, particle flows and flashes of electromagnetic radiation arising as a result of powerful solar flares are the main causes of the emergence of gravitational-sound waves, which are preceded by a period of increased solar activity.
    Taking into account the significant increase in solar activity, as evidenced by the increase in the number and energy of solar flares since mid-2011, we can with a high degree of probability assume that a significant increase in solar activity is influencing the occurrence of this unusual hum coming from the sky.

    While there is certainly some truth to Khalilov's claims, he also misleads readers by claiming that the cause of these strange sounds is "a significant increase in solar activity, as evidenced by the increase in the number and energy of solar flares since mid-2011." Note that Khalilov refers to solar flares, not sunspots. So let's look at solar flare activity in recent years.

    Rice. 163: Monthly sunspot numbers, 1998–2013

    As you can see from the graph above, the intensity of solar flares has been rising (timidly and erratically) since 2011 (green vertical line), despite the fact that, as we already know, we are in an unusually weak solar cycle (SC24), which also preceded by a weak solar cycle (SC23).

    Strange sounds began to be reported in 2009. Since then, from 0 to 450 flares have occurred on the Sun every month. If, as Khalilov claims, an increase in the number of flares causes these strange sounds, then why were they not reported in 2000, when the number of solar flares varied from 400 to 800 per month?

    In addition to pointing out false reasons for this phenomenon, Khalilov also does us a disservice by claiming that the Sun was unusually active at that time, when the facts point to the exact opposite.

    However, the “[destabilization] of the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere” mentioned by Khalilov appears to be a reliable and useful observation. These “strange sounds” seem to be a type of electrophonic phenomenon after all.

    This is not a hum or rumble that propagates acoustically, such as the sounds heard seconds or minutes after observing meteorites. Electrophonic sounds should also not be confused with electrophonic audibility, which is produced by the passage of an electric current (of a certain frequency and intensity) through the human body.

    Electrophonic sounds were first described by astronomer Edmund Halley, who collected eyewitness accounts of a large meteorite observed over England in 1719. Numerous eyewitnesses reported hissing sounds as the meteorite fell, as if it were very close. However, according to triangulation calculations, made by Halley, this meteorite flew at an altitude of 97 km. At this altitude, sound takes approximately 5 minutes to reach the earth's surface. Then, how can we explain the fact that eyewitnesses simultaneously heard and saw this meteorite? Halley dismissed this as pure eyewitness fantasy due to a "frightened imagination", and his conclusions became the generally accepted opinion for many centuries, despite repeated observations of electrophonic sounds accompanying meteorites.

    In the 1940s, some scientists began to reconsider the problem from a physics perspective, and by the 1980s, Australian physicist Colin Keay demonstrated that meteorites could indeed produce electrophonic sounds. Kay discovered that in addition to light, meteorites also emit very long waves (VLF), which travel at the speed of light, hence the simultaneous visual and acoustic observations described above. In 1988, Watanabe et al first detected an ultra-long wave signal emanating from a meteorite.

    These ultra-long waves are formed due to turbulence in the geomagnetic field (i.e., in the Earth's magnetic field) caused by the magnetic influence of meteorites. This is not a mechanical, but an electromagnetic phenomenon: a meteorite creates not only turbulence in the air surrounding it (i.e. a sonic boom), but also electromagnetic radiation that creates oscillations in the surrounding geomagnetic field (ultra-long waves). Ultra-long radio waves, of course, are inaudible for people. However, ultra-long sound waves are partially within our auditory range.

    The electrophonic sounds produced by meteors are usually described as hissing or crackling sounds, but they can cover a variety of frequency ranges. Kay demonstrated in laboratory experiments how meteors are capable of producing ultra-long waves, as well as how they can be converted into audible sounds. The human body itself can serve as a signal converter, but external conversion caused by a nearby object (such as a pair of glasses or an antenna) is more efficient than conversion occurring inside the human ear.

    In addition, the already mentioned “opening” of the Earth can also be a source of electrophonic sounds. Much of the Earth's crust can become highly conductive when it is subjected to mechanical stress or shock, and this high conductivity is quite capable of causing turbulence in the Earth's electromagnetic field, both underground and in the atmosphere. Is it possible that when stones “wake up”, they not only sparkle and glow, as Freund pointed out, but under the right conditions they also “sing”?

    This could explain why numerous eyewitness accounts indicate that the sound "came from ground level," from multiple locations, from a nearby region, from the sky, or "from everywhere and nowhere." Kay also mentions that human sensitivity to electrophonic sounds is variable, which may explain why some eyewitnesses report hearing electrophonic sounds, while other eyewitnesses report hearing nothing, despite hearing were in the same place.

    Some Christian fundamentalists identify these sounds with the "Trumpets of Jericho." This explanation may indeed have some truth in light of the fact that the story of Jericho involves a mystical meteorite event. In such a scenario, the electrophonic sounds caused by the meteorite may have been remembered as "trumpet sounds", and the subsequent destruction of the city walls by earthquake and fires caused by comet bombardment may well have been transformed over time in biblical legend into an attack by the Israelite army.

    The story of Jericho from the Old Testament is not the only example of this. From the Revelations of John the Divine to Ovid's Metamorphoses, scenes from the New Testament, Homer's Iliad, the historical chronicles of the Roman Empire and numerous myths and legends, ancient and historical evidence has linked blaring horns and trumpets with mass destruction.

    "...All the same, undoubted signs of future sorrows are revealed: Black clouds began to thunder, they say, with weapons; A horn was heard in the heavens and terrible trumpet sounds - they proclaimed Sin..."
    ~ Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book 15 (8 AD)

    “They rushed with noisy alarm; the earth groaned deeply; The great sky resounded around us like a trumpet."
    ~ Homer, Iliad, Canto XXI

    These sounds were often associated with images of “fire-breathing” dragons and gods, bringing death and destruction from lightning, falling stones, fire and brimstone. According to Clube and Napier, they, among others, were likely descriptions and memories of comet sightings from antiquity, a period when such divine acts were much more frequent and dramatic.

    In addition to eerie sounds, electrophonic phenomena can also cause mutations in living organisms, including humans, even in the absence of mutagenic radiation, as explained in the following excerpt from a study of the 1908 Tunguska event:

    Some genetic abnormalities have been noted in plants, insects and inhabitants of the Tunguska region. It is noteworthy that an increased frequency of biological mutations was found not only at the epicenter of the explosion, but also along the trajectory of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. In these regions no traces of radioactivity were found, which could be attributed to a meteorite. The main hypotheses about the nature of the Tunguska meteorite: a stony asteroid, a cometary nucleus or a carbon-containing chondrite - can easily explain the lack of radioactivity, but do not answer the question: what to do with a genetic anomaly? Choosing between these hypotheses, in light of the presence of a genetic anomaly, is akin to choosing between “blue, green and spotted devil,” as academician N.V. said. Vasiliev. However, if we look at this from the point of view of another mystical phenomenon - electrophonic meteorites, then the origin of the Tunguska genetic anomaly will become more clear.

    In conclusion, in addition to atmospheric dust, impacts with the earth's surface, electromagnetic pulses and airborne viruses, electrophonic sounds are another confirmed effect of meteorites.

    As noted, meteorites are not the only phenomenon that can cause electrophonic sounds. Earthquakes, lightning and northern lights ( Aurora Borealis) are also confirmed sources of electrophonic sounds. They exhibit strong electromagnetic activity, which explains the destabilization of the geomagnetic field and the emission of ultra-long waves. In a broader context, any significant change in the planet's electromagnetic environment can cause turbulence in the geomagnetic field.

    The connection between electrophonic sounds and catastrophes in general (and cometary activity in particular) was mentioned many times in ancient texts. One gets the impression that what we are dealing with today is not something new, but just another wave of cosmic changes and subsequent destruction on Earth.

    Once again, we see that the ruling elite is trying to present this phenomenon as man-made, harmless and not having any significance at all, when in fact these sounds are closely related to the ongoing cosmic changes and very destructive natural phenomena.

    Military exercises, earthquakes or something more terrible - witnesses from all over the Earth talk about deafening sounds, reminiscent of either the roar of a powerful engine, or thunder of enormous force. “360” tried to figure out where the mysterious noise came from, which is sometimes not only heard, but also felt.

    Sound for no reason

    A mysterious buzz in the air worries people from all over the world. Social media users write about inexplicable sounds that seem to come from nowhere. Sometimes they are not only heard, but also felt - palpable tremors pass through the windows and shake buildings. This year alone, 64 cases of “sound eruption” were recorded, The Sun reports. Residents of the United States, Australia, Great Britain, the Middle East and Finland heard deafening bangs with no apparent source.

    In some cases, the sources of noise have been identified - powerful sound waves can be created by a meteorite “burning” through the Earth’s atmosphere or a combat aircraft accelerating to supersonic speed, but most of the incidents remained unsolved.

    Back in May, the nightly peace of residents of the small Welsh town of Abergavenny was disturbed by strange bangs, and one of the women who heard the sound almost died of a heart attack, wrote the local newspaper Abergavenny Chronicle.

    I almost had a heart attack. At first it seemed like fireworks or a shotgun blast. But no, the sounds were even louder. Maybe like a tank rushing at full speed. My husband said that these are mini meteorites falling to the ground - have you ever heard such nonsense?

    - resident of Abergavenny.

    The sounds in Wales have still not been explained - military pilots did not fly over the city, and an object from space, according to local government services, also did not fly over.

    Louder than anything in the world

    On November 14, the story of the mysterious cotton was repeated, first in the American state of Idaho, and the next day at the other end of the country - in Alabama.

    A particularly powerful noise disturbed residents of Alabama. It was so strong that some houses shook, and in other places windows shook from the sonic boom, the Metro newspaper reported. Around 21:00 local time, police in the small town of Lakewood received reports of a loud explosion. The patrol went to the scene, but found no traces of the incident.

    Government departments acknowledged the fact of the cotton, but could not give an exact answer as to what caused it. A nearby U.S. Air Force base reported no overnight flights, and satellite surveillance showed no evidence of an explosion or fire.

    As the local branch of the US National Weather Service noted, their sensors did not show even a small earthquake in the area. “We don’t have an answer, we can only guess with you,” the department added on its Twitter, again suggesting that everything should be attributed to a supersonic plane or a meteorite.

    The latest “sonic attack” in the United States occurred on Monday night in Colorado. Some of the eyewitnesses considered what they heard to be a test of a new secret weapon or the coming of aliens, CBS reports. This time, one of the local departments responsible for oil and gas production in the region put forward a working theory: supposedly the bang happened due to an incident with an empty oil storage tank - due to pressure overload, its hatch was torn off, which could lead to a loud noise.

    The Creak of the Earth

    At the end of September, abnormal noises invaded the lives of residents of Slovakia, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote. It was as if a thousand-voice brass band was playing in the heavens or “the trumpets of Jericho were singing,” the newspaper’s journalist Vladimir Lagovsky described the strange phenomenon. According to him, he personally observed a similar anomaly in Russia.

    Yes, I heard something myself several times. In the Moscow region, at the dacha. I've heard different things. The sound was as if a huge jet engine had suddenly been turned on at full power. It was as if some gigantic reservoir had burst, from which compressed air was escaping with a whistle. It seemed as if somewhere nearby a pile of stones was being dumped out of the car. But there was nothing like that in the area

    - Vladimir Lagovsky.

    Experts, including specialists from the NASA space agency, are trying to pinpoint the cause of the “sonic attacks.” Possible explanations include controlled explosions, unusual weather events such as electrical storms or lightning squalls, and large meteorites high in the atmosphere. All theories are not yet supported by any evidence. The most popular versions are some kind of heavy-duty aircraft or vibrations of the earth's surface.

    But there have been no tremors capable of causing such a sound recently. This was confirmed to the 360 ​​website by the head of the laboratory of continental seismicity and seismic hazard forecasting at the Institute of Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexey Zavyalov. The seismologist is inclined to believe that such sounds can be heard by not very adequate people. Mass auditory hallucinations have indeed occurred in history, although in this case there is no reason to doubt the mental health of eyewitnesses.

    The sound of an airplane is usually smooth, most often it is clear where it comes from, besides, such noise is familiar to most people, sound engineer David Kazaryan dismissed the “supersonic theory” in a conversation with 360.

    “All flying objects have their own specific sound, some decibels, more than which it cannot be. We hear them everywhere, everywhere, always,” the specialist explained. In his opinion, abnormal noises may be of natural origin.

    The mysterious sounds are caused by processes in the bowels and oceans of the Earth, Alexander Semenov, president of the Ecology of the Unknown association, told 360.

    “The structure of the Earth is changing. Roughly speaking, it starts to creak. This is especially noticeable in geologically intense points such as the craters of ancient volcanoes. When the Earth begins to make such a sound, this phenomenon is very powerful, someone may mistake it for a trumpet voice from the sky - because the sound comes from different directions. These are probably harbingers of some kind of disaster.” - Semyonov summarizes.

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    Since the summer of 2011, unusual low-frequency sounds have been recorded in different parts of the world. They were almost immediately dubbed the “Sounds of the Apocalypse.” Reports of them come from Britain, the USA, Russia, Australia and many other countries. The website contains the opinion of scientist Elchin Khalilov, who tried to understand the nature of these sounds.

    According to him, recordings with them were analyzed, revealing that most of the spectrum is in the infrasound range, which the human ear cannot hear. And the fact that we still hear only a small part of the real power of anomalous sounds. Modulation of these low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range from 20 to 100 Hz is carried out using ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. Geophysicists call them acoustic-gravity waves, the formation of which occurs in the upper atmosphere, at the boundary between the atmosphere and the ionosphere. These waves can be caused by many reasons: volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, storms, etc. However, scientists also note that the scale of current sounds in terms of area coverage and power is much higher than is usually observed for waves caused by these phenomena.

    What then could be the cause of the strange buzzing in the sky?

    Only very large-scale energy processes could cause such powerful manifestations of acoustic-gravitational waves. They include powerful solar flares that generate huge flows of energy that reach the Earth's atmosphere, causing destabilization in the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. It turns out that the effect of powerful solar flares, namely the impact of light waves, particle flows and bursts of electromagnetic radiation, became the main reason for the appearance of acoustic-gravitational waves that appeared after an increase in solar activity.

    If we take into account the surge in solar activity, it becomes clear that the likelihood of its impact on the process of generating an unusual hum in the sky has increased significantly. It is worth noting the fact that since the beginning of 2011, a constant increase in solar activity has been recorded; the increase in its amplitude exceeded the forecasts of a number of scientific institutions for 2010 and 2011. But at the same time, the observed increase in solar activity is fully consistent with the forecast of the International GEOCHANGE Committee, published in the Committee’s report for June 2010. It also notes that if the growth rate of solar activity continues, then by the end of 2012 its amplitude will reach the peak of the 23-year solar cycle, exceeding the average over the past 23 years by 1.7 times.

    Also, among the possible causes of these sounds, there is one that lies in the core of the Earth. It lies in the fact that the drift of the Earth’s north magnetic pole is accelerating, which has already increased more than 5 times between 1998 and 2003, and is currently entrenched at this level, intensifying the energy processes taking place in the core, since the magnetic core of our planet is formed by both external and internal processes. On November 15, 2011, many of the ATROPATENA geophysical stations involved in monitoring three-dimensional variations of the planet’s gravitational field almost at the same time noted the emergence of a powerful gravitational pulse. The stations are located in Istanbul, Baku, Kyiv, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, despite the fact that the distances between them reach 10 thousand kilometers. This phenomenon is possible only if the cause of all these emanations is located in the core of the Earth. Such a powerful release of energy from the planet’s core at the end of 2011 became a kind of signal that indicates the transition of the Earth’s internal energy into an active phase.

    An increase in the intensity of energetic processes in the earth's core can begin to modulate the geomagnetic field, which, through a chain of physical processes occurring in the ionosphere, launches acoustic-gravity waves in the audible range, which take the form of an eerie low-frequency sound heard by people in many parts of the world. Although acoustic-gravity waves have an explainable geophysical nature, they show that an increase in solar activity and the geodynamic activity of the planet is expected. Without a doubt, the processes in the core are controlled by the internal energy of the Earth, so the end of 2012 may be marked by strong earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. The peak of all this activity will be in 2013-2014.

    January 27. Unusual very low sounds have been recorded by many people in various parts of the planet since the summer of 2011. Many people call them the "Sound of the Apocalypse". Information about strange sounds from the sky comes from all over the world: USA, UK, Costa Rica, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia.

    Research by the International Committee on Global Changes in the Geological and Environmental Environment (GEOCHANGE, Munich) together with the Global Network for Earthquake Forecasting (GNFE, London) has shed light on the origin of strange, frightening low sounds emanating from the sky, which have been recorded repeatedly in various parts of the planet.

    Some are inclined to mystify these sounds, which allegedly indicate the approach of Judgment Day.

    According to the Chairman of the International GEOCHANGE Committee, Professor Elchin Khalilov, these sounds are well known to him and they are associated with acoustic-gravitational waves arising at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary. Meanwhile, according to the famous geophysicist, the reasons that generate these waves can be located both in the Earth’s core and in the Sun, reports

    According to the professor, the source of such powerful and large-scale manifestations of acoustic-gravitational waves should be very large-scale energy processes. Such processes may include powerful solar flares and the gigantic energy flows they generate, rushing to the Earth’s surface and destabilizing the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Thus, the consequences of powerful solar flares - the impact of shock waves in the solar wind, flows of corpuscles and bursts of electromagnetic radiation are the main causes of the occurrence of acoustic-gravitational waves caused by an increase in solar activity. The reason for the “heavenly hum” may also lie in the Earth’s core.

    Professor Khalilov explained that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth’s north magnetic pole, which increased from 1998 to 2003 by more than 500%, and remains at this level to this day, indicates the activation of energy processes in the Earth’s core, since it is the processes in the internal and The outer core forms the Earth's geomagnetic field.

    On November 15, 2011, all ATROPATENA geophysical stations recording three-dimensional variations in the Earth’s gravitational field recorded a powerful gravitational pulse almost simultaneously. The stations are located in Istanbul, Kyiv, Baku, Islamabad and Jokjakarta, while the distance between the first and last stations is about 10,000 km.

    This phenomenon is only possible if the source of this radiation is located at the level of the Earth's core. A powerful energy release from the Earth's core at the end of last year was a kind of starting signal, indicating the transition of the Earth's internal energy into a new active phase.

    Activation of energy processes in the Earth's core can modulate the geomagnetic field, which, through a chain of physical processes at the level of the ionosphere-atmosphere boundary, generates acoustic-gravitational waves, the audible range of which is recorded by people in the form of a frightening low-frequency sound in different parts of our planet.

    In both cases, the reasons that generate acoustic-gravity waves, although of a completely understandable geophysical nature, indicate an expected significant increase in solar activity and geodynamic activity of our planet. Processes in the core, of course, control the internal energy of the Earth. Employees of the World Organization for Scientific Cooperation believe that by the end of 2012 we should expect a sharp increase in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and atmospheric disasters.

    The maximum levels of natural disasters may occur in 2013-2014.

    88 comments “Scientists explain strange sounds from the sky”

      maybe, maybe not, both in the core of the Earth and in the Sun, maybe hidden in the core of the Earth, or maybe not hidden, these scientists have no choice but to guess on the coffee grounds...

      If the hour of the shift can be confused - in the case where the night sky or the Moon or Sun is hidden by clouds, there are other clues to determine the moment of the crustal shift. There will be sounds coming from the Earth that are different from the moaning that will be heard during the shutdown week, when the crust will experience the stress that arises from the tendency of the rotating core underneath it to move during the shutdown. The groaning, during which only the extremely tired will be able to sleep, will cease, replaced by the sounds of explosions, jerky movements as the crust begins to separate, and combined with observing the position of the Sun, or any star on the night side of the globe, this will become the key.

      In my opinion, the explanation is the most reasonable, not like there are “locomotive whistles”

      The explanation, at least, fits into the processes taking place around us...

      Whether the processes will intensify or not, only God knows. But what happens is already happening!

      Now let's return to the explosion crater of the city of Sasovo. There are many mysteries associated with this explosion. The explosion occurred on the night of April 12, 1991 at 1 hour 34 minutes. However, 4 hours before this (April 11, late in the evening), large (according to evidence - huge) luminous balls began to fly in the area of ​​​​the future explosion. Such a bright white ball was seen above the railway station. He was observed by station and depot workers, numerous passengers, and the driver of the shunting diesel locomotive (it was he who raised the alarm). Unusual phenomena in the sky were seen by cadets of the civil aviation flight school, railway workers, and fishermen. An hour before the explosion, a strange glow spread over the site of the future crater. Half an hour before the explosion, residents of the city outskirts saw two bright red balls above the site of the future explosion. At the same time, people felt the shaking of the earth and heard a rumble. Immediately before the explosion, residents of the surrounding villages saw two bright blue flashes that lit up the sky above the city.

      The explosion itself was preceded by a powerful, growing roar. The ground shook, the walls shook, and only then a shock wave (or waves?) hit the city. Houses began to sway from side to side, televisions and furniture fell in apartments, and chandeliers shattered into pieces. Sleepy people were thrown from their beds, showered with broken glass. Thousands of windows and doors, as well as roof sheets, were uprooted. Due to incredible pressure changes, manhole covers were torn off, hollow objects burst - clogged cans, light bulbs, even children's toys. Sewer pipes burst underground. When the roar died down, the shocked people again heard the roar, now as if it was moving away...

      All this bears little resemblance to an ordinary explosion. According to experts (explosive experts), in order to cause such damage to the city, it was necessary to explode at least 30 tons of TNT.

      But why then such a small funnel? Such a crater can be made with two tons of TNT (this says V. Larin, a blaster with many years of experience, who after field seasons had to detonate one and a half to two tons of explosives, since they would not take them back to the warehouse).

      It also seems extremely strange that in the immediate vicinity of the crater the grass, bushes and trees remained undamaged (neither by shock nor by high temperature). For some reason, the pillars standing nearby were tilted towards the funnel? And why were the covers torn off the hatches, and for what reason did the hollow objects burst?

      And, finally, why did the “explosion” seem to be extended in time, and was accompanied by a rumble, shaking of the Earth and unusual light phenomena (in addition to luminous balls and bright flashes observed before the explosion, the resulting crater itself glowed at night until it was filled water).

      The reason for the mysterious “attack” on the city remained unclear (experts came to the conclusion that neither people nor nature could have done such a thing).

      If this is due to solar flares, why has no one heard such sounds before, although there were many hundreds of flares. If this is connected with the solar wind copuscules, then the very essence of the Sun is changing. If neutrinos begin to influence even at the level of sounds, then the scenario of the film “2012” is fully revealed, where these corpuscles suddenly began to act like microwaves, heating the already hot core of the Earth. Then it’s clear why the earth is “burning” in numerous videos.

      And by the way, if it does come from the Sun, then how is this related to acoustic waves, if between the Sun and the Earth there is a vacuum, according to science. So it's time to recognize the existence of “ether”? Or, after all, these neutrinos suddenly acquired the necessary density so that, when crashing into the atmosphere, they cause sound vibrations. Then why low frequencies?

      Well, if it's connected to the planet's core...

      In any case, we are all finished, we will all die. So make peace not war. Freshly squeezed juice to everyone, boys and girls!

      • Someday, yes, we will “die.”

        The next round of life in the dense world of everyone will end

        Until...the next round!

        I really want to hope that in better conditions.

        Or maybe, as we have done now, we will remove the stones after the rubble... prepare a site for a new construction site :))))

        Epochs do not change from evening to morning -

        You'll have to work hard here!

        Take two ultrasonic emitters, modulate one of them with a signal (any). You won't hear it separately. But when two signals meet on a surface (for example, the eardrum), a frequency range conversion occurs. Both the difference and the sum of frequencies are formed (as in radio mixers). In this way, the modulating signal, the beat, is isolated. If it was low frequency, you will hear it. The low-pass filter in humans is a naturally limited sound range.

      • Right now I’ve taken up the books of the dead, Tibetan and Egyptian... I’m connecting with my knowledge))))

        Yes, yes. those who realized that he died do not always believe that they are dead - and behave quite coolly))))

        Many interesting things await those who have gone there in consciousness. The only thing is that the laws of karma are not observed there either... Some degenerate through the astral plane can rape your wife. And most importantly, don’t be scared, you idiot...

        But this is for the time being... And many “non-humans” already know about this... Isn’t it? ;)))))

        Don't be afraid of death. Death is a change of measures. And we begin to measure the world differently there. If only because of a different way of perceiving information...

        Death with unfulfilled karma for the current incarnation is shameful. Believe me... The reason the trial is terrible is that there is nothing you can replace shame with. It's a shame there. If you remember something for which you were most ashamed, imagine that you are ten times more ashamed... It’s painfully ashamed...

        And those who have lost shame - do not think that this is forever...

        Everything has its time...

      I certainly don’t want to challenge anyone’s academic degree, but the expression “in my opinion” does not in any way indicate knowledge or confidence, it is only an opinion.

      And of course, I am not for the Day of Judgment, because then even the bravest will cry. Although this day will happen, whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not. It will happen!! I am for repentance!!!

      According to the foreknowledge of God and His destruction, what is now happening on the planet was predicted 2 thousand years ago in the Wise Book of the Bible;

      "...You will also hear about wars and rumors of war. See, do not be horrified, for all this must happen, but this is not the end:

      For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in places;

      after all, this is the beginning of illness...

      And suddenly, after the sorrow of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken;

      Then............... "And what “then” read for yourself, it is very important for everyone living on earth. Here is the address where to find what “then” Matthew chapter 24 Bible

      As much as Khalilova has read, he doesn’t seem like any kind of swindler to me. At least he doesn’t contradict himself, and reasonably explains the processes that are actually taking place. Of course, he makes forecasts, and forecasts cannot be 100% correct; they are just forecasts. He was still saying everything correctly.

      • Yes? Does it explain reasonably? And how is this rationality expressed? Did he name at least one reason for what was happening? He only points his finger at already known and ongoing events, but does not even say a word about what caused these events! Same as on the Extinction Protocol website. They talk there and don’t keep silent about the facts that are happening, but they push in such nonsense as the reasons for what is happening that it makes you sick. NOT ONE of their theories can withstand even a simple test of logic. Apparently, the establishment still treats the public as hopeless rednecks who can neither think nor analyze...

      Khalilov is great. One thing is not clear: “Some are inclined to mystify these sounds, which allegedly indicate the approach of the Day of Judgment.” in what way the physical explanation of the phenomenon excludes the possibility of mentioning them in predictions. Or does the author of the article think that the Bible should be expressed in scientific terms?

      Only one thing is clear from the article. There is a problem, you need to say something about it, show your scientific self. They muttered something incomprehensible, drew a conclusion “finger-to-the-sky” (well, this is as usual) and, I think, they will hush up the topic. Through the lines it reads “we don’t know what it is, and we don’t know what it threatens us with. We don’t know at all.” But for the masses, an injection of science will do.

      • Scientists??? Well, you give it! In general, scientists look for cause-and-effect relationships, conduct experiments, and use logic and scientific analysis to analyze factual material and test theories. And there is not a single item listed here. So you got really excited with the “scientist”!

        • So far, the Scientists have not gone far with their delusional explanations “about the locomotive.”

          Despite the attempts to carry out an analysis and “wiggle” the logic. What kind of experiments do you propose to conduct? Fly to the sun or climb into the core of the planet and take a look?

          Khalilov at least tried to figure it out somehow, rather than worrying about “normal phenomena” for us.

          • There is a very simple experiment: look at the images of the SOHO satellites, you will see an object resembling a winged bird or a winged ball, mentioned in almost all religions of the world, ask NASA what kind of object this is, you will receive a “no comment” answer from it, look at There are hundreds of stories on YouTube that tell and show that the Sun and other celestial bodies in the area of ​​the authors of these stories are not in their place, that is, the stellarium programs show one thing, but in fact there is something completely different. Think about why scientists refer to the Sun, this is despite the fact that, for example, the flare in 2000 was simply disproportionately larger than any of the strongest flares of this solar cycle, but there were no mass observations of strange sounds like trumpets or drums or anything else then, in 2000 (not to mention other really strong solar cycles in the past) was not observed. Compare the statistics of earthquakes in those years and compare them with solar cycles, while getting almost zero correlation. In the end, look at photographs of the earth from NASA, for example, analyze the appearance of water areas there in problem countries (such as the Southeast Asian region and, for example, the countries of Central America), see how they grow in size despite NASA’s comments, and make your own conclusions. Do you really need to go into the core of the earth to do this? Is it really necessary to fly to the Sun in order to find out the “official” and real positions of celestial bodies in the sky? There are still a lot of other data that are worth analyzing on your own, and not listening to all sorts of Khalilovs who refer to their opinions, or describe real geophysical processes with mythical (oooh, now all sorts of esoteric cacklers will come at me 🙂) concepts... I understand that a person doesn’t know much, and that in reality there really are such processes, such as, for example, flows of a huge number of elementary particles, about which a person has not even the remotest idea, and that there are again such concepts as telepathy, brain waves and other psychic things, to which Official science treats it with disdain or even barely concealed disgust, but there is also simple logic, scientific analysis and common sense. And with these friends of the brain, the people are experiencing some kind of terrible deficit.

        • All science is already a dead end. Precisely because it obeys only logic and laws written by us... humans. Many phenomena on Earth cannot be explained scientifically for this reason alone. And what is happening now cannot be explained by science. There is no need to criticize scientists. It's not their fault. They do and say what they know.

    1. but it seems to me that the atmosphere of the earth has become thinner and therefore you can hear for many hundreds of miles how an airport or factory is working.

      ^%@and yet I don’t understand, if 12 planets ± 5 revolve around the sun, if we consider the planets to be similar to electrons, and the sun to be a core, then why do scientists think that the sun contains helium, which is barely friendly with one or two electrons?#$ %

      Khalilov: “According to the calculations of specialists from the Global Earthquake Forecasting Network, in 2011 we will experience three more periods of high seismic activity: with a maximum in the second half of June, October, and the most dangerous in terms of strength - from the end of December 2011 to January 2012.” —

      January 2012 is almost over. And where is this “most dangerous period of high seismic activity”? And I also didn’t notice the other two “with a maximum in the second half of June and October”...

      This man has long since completely discredited himself as a forecaster. So why repeat his fraudulent horror stories once again?

      If from the Sun, then how to explain the fact that sounds are not heard throughout the entire planet at the same time, but somehow pointwise, selectively. I personally heard and even recorded such a sound at night (I live in Rostov-on-Don). If sound is somehow connected with the sun, then it is clearly not in a direct relationship.

      A man walks towards the changing wind...

      “a change in a person’s inclination indicates the activation of energy processes inside the body, and this is evidenced by a powerful explosion of flatulence that occurred with this individual”... 😉

      It’s not for nothing that they say that people initially think egocentrically))))

      I can imagine how they put pressure on this Khalilov - “Explain it as you want! People are asking questions!” So he explained. Or he explains so many things, his job may be like this - to hang noodles and so without question :)

      From the book of Azhazhi, a military submariner, now a ufologist

      “We are concerned about the aggressive mistrust of many serious people, and primarily scientists, who stand aside from ufological issues, although it has long become a layer of human culture. It is hardly worth forgetting Schopenhauer’s: “The coincidence of many independent evidence is proof of its truth” - or the statement of UN Secretary-General U Thant in the New York Post on June 21, 1967: “I believe that since the Vietnam War the most serious problem facing before the UN, is the UFO problem."

      As we know, there is discord between the Secretary General and the Secretary General. Our secretaries general and scientific orthodoxies have done everything to disavow the UFO problem, thereby opening the floodgates for the media, which in our time have become the determining factor of progress.

      Therefore, we are no less concerned about the pernicious influence on the minds of the media, which demonstrate “extraordinary lightness in thoughts” regarding ufology and lead the population away from the correct understanding

      reality." (book 700 pages - HARD!

      The fresh Italian doc explains a lot more to me personally. the movie “The Story of Friendship” - it’s about these underground processes. It's on YouTube.

      ask “strange sounds in Lviv”. Look carefully. The sounds are made by alien creatures, they clearly don’t like the rain, one is calling the other or the other. You can see steam from the mouth of one of them, they look like in the movie “War of the Worlds”, look closely, you can see , but it’s bad, I was looking for information on the Internet about this video, some American did an analysis and said that this is not a setup, many more contactees say that many people, especially children, will be saved during cataclysms? aliens, there’s no saving, but along the way it’s them, the magnetic field has become thinner and we are in full view for them, but because of their protection we don’t see them, they only allow us to listen to them, but the day will come and we’ll suddenly see them.. .I don’t smoke weed, I don’t swallow tires, I’m of a sober mind and sound memory. Watch the video for yourself

      Cayce already said in 1936 that the earth’s axis became unstable and began to gradually “slip out of its gravitational grip,” and, gradually, this process would lead to a displacement of the Earth’s inner core, which would manifest itself as a rumble heard in the bowels of the planet. As the American seer said, if it seems to you that something is moving and rumbling in the bowels of the Earth, then the displacement of the Earth’s inner core has begun.

      It would be great if someone created a kind of map with marks and dates where these sounds of the Earth were noticed, which are not typical for this region (earthquakes occur throughout Russia in many cities: swaying furniture, etc., etc., but they blame military). Marine animals washed up on the shores of rivers, seas, lakes. (Peace of fish, etc., etc.) I think little by little the general trend of what is happening, a “picture” so to speak, will begin to emerge.

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