In public speaking, you can use forms of speech. Successful public speaking: sample text

The main component of oratory is public speech. It is an element of speech activity that appears in the course of communication between the speaker and the public.

Public speech is necessary for informational impact on the audience, suggestions and beliefs. Public speaking involves the pronunciation of a text or dialogue that passively affects the audience. They have the following features: individual text structure and logical conclusion.

Monologue and dialogue are equally necessary to build a laconic speech. Dialogue elements help to dilute a monotonous text, to lure the listener into a conversation, which is considered a necessary condition for oratorical activity.

To successfully interact with people, a speaker will need the following skills:

  • To be self-confident;
  • be able to continuously talk on one topic;
  • briefly, concisely express thoughts, correctly and competently build words in a sentence;
  • be able to interest the audience;
  • artistry and charisma;
  • the gift of persuasion.

The speaker's text must comply with three rules: comprehensibility, information content and expressiveness. Public speech is characterized by a changeable nature, its success depends on mutual understanding with the audience and establishing psychological contact with it.

Speakers perform at stadiums, stage, television. Public speaking includes the pronunciation of the text in front of company management, potential employer, friends. Public speaking helps to prove yourself in the professional field or other activities. The art of public speaking is not within the power of everyone, but it is easy to learn it by attending public speaking training and performing special speech exercises.

There are the following types of public speech:

  • Social public speaking helps to express family or social relationships. This includes congratulations on the holidays, wedding toasts, memorial speeches.
  • Church eloquence consists in preaching, communicating with the church ministers. This type does not contain logic, arguments, professional terminology, listeners do not look for specific facts in it.
  • Judicial eloquence is present in judicial practice. In contrast to the church, it contains a clear style of presentation and argumentation. Judicial oral public speech consists only of facts, is divided into accusatory and defense. These types of public speaking differ from others in their degree of responsibility, since the content of the speech affects the fate of a person.
  • The academic art of public activity carries a specific speech filled with professional terminology or scientific expressions. This includes the following genres of public speaking: scientific reports, reviews, lectures.
  • Political genres of public speech are the pronunciation of speech on topics of economics, politics, and the social sphere. Political eloquence manifests itself at rallies, campaigning and patriotic events.

In addition to types, there are eloquence methods that help to compose a clear and understandable text as close as possible to the goal. The methods of eloquence were developed many centuries ago and include separate rules for public speaking:

  • Eloquence consists in the use of short texts that are understandable to the audience.
  • The main function of the speaker is to convey useful, reliable information to the audience. Methods or techniques of influencing listeners should not violate their rights. But the psychological characteristics of public speaking do not always correspond to the requirements of ethics.
  • It is not recommended to "stretch" speech in front of a large audience, because people's attention is short-lived, easily scattered
  • Before speaking to an audience, you should learn to distinguish between its emotional mood.
  • The psychology of public speaking is arranged in such a way that the final result of the event depends on the structure of the prepared text, the use of phrases calling for action. Important information is available only at the beginning and end of the speech. Such a specific construction is necessary for a successful and effective delivery of material, since the attention of the public during these periods is maximal.
  • The speaker's speech must comply with ethical standards. The culture of public speech is respected under any condition, it is considered a necessary element of the pronunciation of speech.

These rules are not required for the speaker to speak. The construction of a public speech depends on the type, composition of the audience, its activities and the speaker himself. The techniques and rules of speaking are determined during the preparation of the speech. Only constant diction training, daily exercises will help to achieve success and public recognition.

Features of public speech

There are some psychological characteristics of public speaking. They consist in communication between the speaker and the audience, and follow from the dialogue between them. The relationship between the two sides of communication is objectively subjective, acts as a joint activity or cooperation.

The speaker's speech has a number of features:

  • Audience feedback. During the pronunciation of a speech, the speaker can see the reaction of people to his words, observe the variable mood of the public. Individual words, questions, facial expressions of listeners help to understand their mood and desire. Thanks to the presence of feedback, it is possible to correct your speech. She transforms the monologue into dialogue, establishes a connection with the audience.
  • Oral speech. Features of oral public speech are to establish a lively dialogue between the participants. Oral communication has a goal in the form of a specific interlocutor and is completely dependent on him. An important point of the speech is the organization of speech for the easiest understanding and perception. Oral public speaking is very effective, since, unlike written speech, it assimilates up to 90% of the information.
  • The connection between literature and speech. Before the speech, the speaker prepares and thinks over his speech using scientific, fiction or journalistic literature. Already in front of the public, he transforms the prepared text into an interesting and vivid speech that anyone can understand. Only during a live performance, the speaker builds sentences, taking into account the reaction of others, thereby moving from a book text to a colloquial style.
  • Communication means. In oratory, different methods of influence and means of communication between the participants are used. These are verbal and non-verbal means: facial expressions, gestures, intonation. The culture of public speech and adherence to ethics play an important role.

Requirements and technology of public speaking

In order to be able to perform in different speech genres, you must first learn how to prepare texts in different styles. Different genres of public speaking involve the use of different kinds of techniques and rules to influence the audience.

General techniques and requirements for public speaking:

  • The beginning of the speech is carefully thought out and prepared. An unsuccessfully started dialogue can ruin the speaker's image.
  • Drama. The presence of drama is important in any speech genre. It helps to interest the public through a dispute or conflict, is used in life stories, descriptions of incidents, tragedies.
  • Emotionality in public speech is considered a prerequisite for speaking. The audience should not feel the speaker's indifference to the topic of the speech, his attitude and experience. Monotonous dialogue without expressing emotions will not evoke the proper response from the audience.
  • Summary of thoughts. A short, clear speech is perceived better by listeners, it inspires more confidence. To keep within the allotted time for the speech, you must learn to speak briefly. No wonder they say: "Brevity is the sister of talent."
  • Conversational style of speech. Public speaking requirements include speaking style. It should be conversational, look like a conversation between people. The spoken style of speech helps to assimilate information more easily, to draw attention to the topic. You can not use a lot of foreign, scientific terms, incomprehensible words are replaced with understandable ones.
  • The performances are prepared for the end as carefully as for the beginning. The final stage of the speech must attract attention with bright and understandable phrases. The final words need to be rehearsed to establish the correct intonation of voice and tone.

The Public Speaking Technique includes 12 sequential steps necessary to achieve the best result in public speaking. You will need it to write the correct speech and its successful interpretation.

Public speaking technology:

  • Determine the purpose of the speech.
  • We study the composition of the audience.
  • Create an image for the performance.
  • We determine the role for the performance (idol, master, patron, good, evil).
  • We write a speech.
  • We check it in accordance with the rules for writing a public text, compliance with moral requirements.
  • We build speech according to the rules of visual, kinetic, auditory perception.
  • If necessary, we will prepare the venue for the performance.
  • We are getting ready for a successful outcome of the performance.
  • The performance itself.
  • We listen to criticism.
  • We monitor the reaction of the public, we analyze the impression made.

Having performed in front of the audience, we do not dwell on the result obtained, we analyze the performance. The technique of public speaking includes the following necessary speech analysis: text structure, pronunciation tone, intonation, speech structure, public interest in the speaker.

Analysis is needed to further correct speech or behavioral errors, as well as to hone skills.

10 common mistakes aspiring speakers make

The mastery of public speaking lies in studying the common mistakes of other masters of oratory. Over the centuries-old history of eloquence, experts have studied the common mistakes of public speaking by experienced and novice speakers. Learning professional public speaking using techniques and advice in communicating with experienced people is much more than going through a long way of trial and error on your own.

There are 10 mistakes of a beginner speaker:

  • The difference in intonation and tone of speech with its content.
  • It is unacceptable to use an excuse, it looks unprofessional.
  • Don't apologize to the public.
  • Inappropriate facial expressions.
  • Wrong choice of words and particles "not".
  • A boring monologue without humor.
  • Omniscient look of an orator, arrogance.
  • A lot of unnecessary fussy movements around the stage.
  • Monotonous non-emotional speech.
  • Incorrectly placed pauses in a sentence.

In order to better study the art of public speech for a novice speaker, the works of the following authors will come in handy:

  • Dale Carnegie "How to Build Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public."

Dale Carnegie released the book in 1956. It became a companion to the published works on the skill of public speaking. The book contains techniques, rules, exercises for successful professional public speaking. Dale Carnegie is an American writer, a connoisseur of eloquence, his book is useful for both a beginner and an experienced orator.

  • Igor Rodchenko "Master of the Word".

Igor Rodchenko is a speech communications specialist, director of a well-known speech training company, conducts public speaking training, is the head of the department of stage speech and rhetoric at St. Petersburg University. The book “Master of the Word. The Mastery of Public Speaking ”by Igor Rodchenko contains the main questions on the psychology of public speaking, as well as the interaction of communication participants and influence on the audience.

  • Ivanova Svetlana "Specificity of Public Speech".

In her book, Ivanova S.F. reveals issues in communication between the public and the orator, describes the strategy, methods of speech, its linguistic means. The book will help you learn how to speak correctly, how to behave in front of an audience, reveals the features of public speaking.

The art of public speaking can come in handy at any time, even if it is not related to your professional activity. Every day we tell each other some stories or try to convince someone of something. The ability to competently and clearly express your thoughts and desires indicates that you are a developed and sociable person who is interesting to listen to.


One talk - one thought. Sounds clear. But how to find that most important thought, if there are so many of them?

Experts often fall into this trap. They have many ideas in their heads, each of which seems important. “I have to tell about everything, otherwise they won't understand me,” such people think. They want the best, but the performance is too confusing and fails.


Take a piece of paper and a pen. You need:

  1. Determine the purpose of the speech: to inspire, sell or increase the number of fans of your personal brand (followers on Instagram).
  2. Write down what people will remember after the performance. It should be one clear thought. For example, after a motivating presentation, the audience will remember that it is not scary to stumble on the way to a dream.
  3. Divide the sheet into two parts. In the left column, write down the most important thing you wanted to tell. Usually these are interesting details and facts. Record in the right column, without which the speech will lose its meaning. Written down on the right are steps to achieving the goal, and the left column is filled with details-amplifiers. Your goal was filled with meanings and became the main idea of ​​the speech.

After the speech, people memorize 1–2 topics. Filter meanings and don't overdo it.

2. Pack a thought into a storytelling format


72 hours after the performance, people remember only the stories told. If they are not there, then you were in vain.

It's the art of telling compelling stories. A complex thought turns into an understandable one if it is beautifully packaged. You become master of storytelling after practice.


There are two types of storytelling.

1. Motivating storytelling. It is structured like this: thesis, history, repetition of the thesis, call to action.


History: I got a job on television, and after six months I wanted to become the face of the TV channel. I was told that my eyes are too narrow, and I will never become a leader. I began to work on myself, to stay in the office until the night. Now I got this position.

Repetition of the thesis: do not trust people who say that you cannot do anything.

Call to action: do more and better than others. Then you will be successful.

Every story has a hero. He wants to achieve something. For the sake of the goal, he goes on a journey and meets a monster. In my case, it was the CEO. The hero fights against him and comes out victorious.

2. Classic storytelling. We tell a story where the thesis is spoken at the end.

History: as a child, the doctor gave me a disability and forbade me to go in for sports. The maximum that I could lift was a kettle of water. I didn't believe it and trained at home with dumbbells, then swam. As a result, now I am doing a lot to take part in the most difficult endurance test - the triathlon.

Thesis: never believe those who say that you cannot do something. Then you will be successful.

Your personal experience and world practice are endless sources for stories. At the center of the story should be a hero who is going through a change. It cannot be business or something abstract. Only a person.

3. Defeat stage fright


Most of all, the speaker is worried 10-15 minutes before the speech. This is a trait of all speakers, there is no escaping it. Humble yourself.


Self-control lies in three planes:

  1. Body. The day before the performance is good. Don't teach or prepare a visual presentation, just sleep. Eat 2-3 hours before your performance.
    Drink 0.5 liters of cool, still water an hour before going on stage. Red spots will appear on the face from adrenaline. The audience will see this and think that you are not sure of yourself. Water will prevent this from happening.
  2. An experience. We learn to swim and ride a bike. The story is the same with performances. Experience is important, I call it synttime. This is the time spent on stage. The more, the better. The optimal level is 10 hours. That is why many trainings do not work. The presenter speaks, the rest sit and write, but there is no practice. If the syntime is not worked out, practice live streaming on Instagram. Four live broadcasts for half an hour, and the level of performance will increase significantly. You can then delete the ethers. The main thing is to start doing.
  3. Techniques and chips. For everyone, take a deep breath and exhale 10 times. For introverts - fighting stress through fine motor skills. Take a rosary or Rubik's cube. Twirl or fiddle with your fingers. For extroverts, talk to someone 10-15 minutes before speaking. At least by phone.

Observe these rules, then the experiences will recede.

4. Fix common mistakes


The speakers repeat the same mistakes. But they can be fixed.


Here are my top 5 common mistakes:

  1. To hammer in preparation or to prepare the night before the show.
  2. Joke on stage if you've never done so. Jokes are a separate instrument of influence. It is prepared at the script level and tested many times. No improvisation. Very few are capable of joking really funny and without preparation.
  3. Talk to the presentation, not to the audience. Do not turn your back or half-turned to people.
  4. For the first 10 minutes, talk about yourself, list certificates and regalia. The main thing on the stage is the spectator. Talk about him and for him.
  5. Do not set a goal for the speech. Newbies just go out and perform. A great goal to start with is to have three people come over and take a picture with you.

Check your performances against a checklist of common mistakes.

5. Make the listeners happy


The first performances are going smoothly. Then there is less fire and less enthusiasm in the eyes of the audience, although you are doing everything right.


Try these four recipes:

  1. Study as much professional literature as possible. Books, webinars, or chatting with colleagues are fine. The higher the professionalism, the higher the ability to make clear recommendations.
  2. Try a negotiation presentation. Come, film the audience's request and build your presentation on its basis. Prepare a visual presentation on general topics. Audience questions tend to be repeated. This format develops flexible thinking. In addition, the audience is not ready for it, so it reacts more actively.
  3. Watch your skin, hair, and physical condition while performing. It is always more pleasant to look at a healthy person.
  4. People come to personality. Content is secondary. Find and surrender to him. There must be something other than the main job. You will be recognized by this additional trait. "O! This is the one who loves fishing / collecting stamps / swimming. "

Develop. Then you become more interesting to the audience.

6. Be human


You prepared yourself, found the main idea, overcame it and took to the stage. And then a new misfortune: the movements are constrained, the posture is unnatural, and you look like a robot.


People are natural when they are happy with themselves. They are satisfied with their social status, the amount of money, their position in society, they are healthy and look good.
If a speaker looks unnatural on stage, it means that he is dissatisfied with himself.

I worked with a speaker girl. She felt uncomfortable on stage. We started to figure it out. It turned out that she had long dreamed of an expensive accessory, but did not dare to buy it. She bought it and wore it to every performance. She liked herself with him.

Unnatural is dissatisfaction with oneself. Naturalness is when you don't need to prove anything to anyone.

Cover basic needs.

The rules seem simple, but few follow them. Work on yourself, prepare for performances in advance, be confident in your strengths, stand out, train, increase your synttime, then everything will work out for you.

The first and last information is best remembered - the law of the edge

The way the speaker starts and ends his speech is the easiest way to check his experience, skill or lack of skill. In the theater environment there is even an old saying about actors: "They are judged by how they appear and how they leave the stage." Beginning and the end! This is the most difficult thing in almost any business. But, at the same time, and the most important, including in oratory.

In this article, we will talk with you about how to start a public speaking. As a result of working through this material, you will have a lot of options for how you can start speaking to the public on any topic and in front of any audience.

One day, Dale Carnegie asked the rector of a university what the most important lesson he learned as a speaker from his many years of practice. After thinking for a minute, the rector replied: "Find a spectacular beginning in order to immediately grab the attention of the audience." No one will argue that the beginning of a speech is a very difficult and, at the same time, a crucial stage of speech, when the listener catches our every word.

Back in the 19th century, Hermann Ebinghaus established the law of the edge: information located at the beginning and at the end of a speech is best remembered. That is why, no matter what topic your speech is devoted to, its beginning should not be left to chance. Keep in mind that the success of your speech largely depends on how you start speaking and how much you manage to interest the audience!

The purpose of the introduction is to tune the listeners to the perception of information and immediately grab their attention. Therefore, the first words should be simple, accessible, understandable and interesting in order to hook the listeners. Of course, the opening words should not only be sharp, folding, catching the attention of the audience, but, in fact, correspond to the subject of the speech.

The introductory part of the speech is the ideal moment for the speaker to:

1. Show yourself as a person you can trust, interested in the case, convinced.

2.Tune yourself and set up the audience for communication:

a) arouse the audience's interest in yourself, seize attention;

b) establish eye contact with the audience;

3. Prepare a favorable psychological atmosphere for speech perception:

a) explain the intention;

b) formulate the task;

c) list the main issues that will be discussed, that is, communicate a speech plan.

There is one more point worth noting. This is the problem of the "pre-speech" presentation of the speaker. As Dale Carnegie wrote "... even before we started talking, we are approved or censured ..." Therefore, be prepared, due to circumstances, to say a few words that are not directly relevant to the matter, but necessary for the listeners in order to tune in to communication. To do this, you can use positive comments about the composition of the audience, the circumstances of the meeting, attitude to the topic, etc.

In order not to get lost and not be tormented by guesses, what to say in each specific case, have in your "speaker's piggy bank" several of these options, which from the outside will seem like graceful improvisations.

But the main thing in the introduction is to attract attention, establish contact, prepare for the perception of speech.

WITH where to start the performance

So the beginning ... What could it be? Do not be confused by some "academic" of the material presented below, just take note of the introduction option, which in your case will be the most organic and acceptable, when preparing your speech.

1 the usual start

It immediately, without preliminary preparation, introduces the audience to the essence of the matter. The content of this introduction is directly related to the content of the speech, it represents it. This option is good for a business speech in a well-disposed audience:

Reason message

Communication of the reason compelling the speaker to come to the podium

Friends! The desire to reveal the principles of effective work in our company made me ascend to this podium.

Speech goal message

Respectable partners! I came to this rostrum in order to give some explanations of the marketing plan of our company.

Justification of the topic of the speech

Recently, more and more people come to work in our company, and this can be explained by the fact that ...

Problem statement

This type of opening is good when the speaker brings up a new aspect of the issue under discussion or finds that the audience is underestimating the seriousness of the issue. Some employees do not pay attention to their personal development, but it is their own improvement, mastering of new knowledge and skills that allow us to achieve great success in our company.

Pointing to like-minded people and supporters

Sometimes the speaker has to oppose the prevailing opinion, object to high-ranking leaders, etc. In this case, he can rely on the opinion of a large group of people, emphasize the weight of his speech by referring to the instructions of the company and its employees. Dear friends! Today here I represent about ten thousand residents of the Republic of Tatarstan who are employees of our company.

Historical overview

This type of introduction is resorted to in cases where an excursion into the history of the issue can help to better resolve it or indicate a long way to make a decision, emphasizes its thoughtfulness, weight. Our company is one of the fastest growing companies in the city. In the last year alone, a thousand people came to work in our company, several tens of thousands became consumers of our company's products ...

2 a thoughtful start

In this case, for a while, forget about extraneous comments about the composition of the audience or the weather, each proposal must be verified. More suitable for an unfriendly, critical audience, or in cases where the audience is very inattentive, uncoordinated. Such an introduction can help focus the public's attention, or more importantly, try to find a common platform that brings together the interests and views of the speaker and the audience.

Parable, legend, fairy tale

Here it should be remembered that this should not be any legend, but related to the topic of your speech. That is, its morality and meaning should help to resolve the problem posed in the speech. Moreover, the speaker is obliged to substantiate this connection himself, and not leave this work to the listeners. A medieval legend tells of a bell that had a magical property: in its ringing, every traveler heard the melody that he wanted to hear. How often the debates of the parties resemble this bell from the legend: the same facts, the same faces, but how differently, how dissimilar they are seen by people.


It can fulfill the same role as a parable, or flatter the pride of the audience, which is also important if you are speaking to a critical audience. There is something remarkable about the fact that one of the first international meetings of scientists dedicated to the protection of life takes place in a city that inscribed on its shield: "He hesitates, but we do not sink" - a proud motto that in our time could become the motto of the entire planet ...

One of the leaders of network marketing began his speech about the need to work with a sponsor as follows: "The best sponsor goes to the distributor who gets it."


In this case, the speaker uses an analogy to interest the audience, attract its attention, and emphasize an important point. Dear friends! I would like to congratulate you on the start of the year. We have a good start. And the proverb says: "A good start - half the job." In order for its second half to be no worse, and we will work, I think, not a day, not two, and not a year, I have two proposals ...

When K.A. Timiryazev gave a lecture at the Royal Society of London in April 1930, he began his speech as follows: “When Gulliver first examined the Academy in Lapun, the first thing that struck him was a lean-looking man who was sitting with his eyes fixed on a cucumber sealed in a glass vessel. To Gulliver's question, the outlandish man explained to him that for eight years now he had been immersed in the contemplation of this subject in the hope of solving the problem of capturing the sun's rays and their further application. For the first acquaintance, I must frankly admit that in front of you is just such an eccentric. I spent more than thirty-five years staring, if not at a green cucumber sealed in a glass dish, then at something quite equivalent - at a green leaf in a glass tube, puzzling over the question of storing the sun's rays for future use.


It consists in attracting a vivid intriguing episode, an unusual fact that grabs the attention of the audience and makes it worry with you; it is desirable that it be combined with the emotional manner of presenting the text.

A lecture on the law of universal gravitation usually begins like this: "The great English physicist Issac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, which is formulated as follows ...." Although one could begin solemnly and mysteriously: “On Christmas night in 1642 in England, there was a lot of confusion in the family of a middle-class farmer. A boy was born, so small that he could be redeemed in a beer mug. This child was Isaac Newton. The same Newton, on whose head a big apple fell in the garden, which led him to the idea of ​​the law of universal gravitation. I think that if from a two-meter height an apple fell on the head of someone sitting in the hall, he could think of not such a law. "

Appeal to the direct interest of the audience

Connect the topic of your talk to the vital interests of your audience. Start with a comment that directly affects the interests of your audience. It is no secret that we have a keen interest in what deeply concerns us personally. True, using this technique, the speaker should know well what exactly excites the audience, and heighten interest in the problem raised. An example from Dale Carnegie's book: “Do you know what your estimated life span is? Life expectancy, according to the statistics of the insurance service, is two-thirds of the difference between your real age and eighty years. For example, if you are 35, this difference is 45. Your life expectancy is two-thirds of this period, that is, another 30 years. is that enough? No! We all yearn to live longer. However, this data is based on statistics of millions of dollars. Then do we have a chance to refute them? Yes, if you take the necessary precautions, and the very first step on this path will be a thorough medical examination ... "

Humorous remarks, anecdote

Directly related to the topic of the speech. So, for example, one speaker begins his lecture on goals as follows: “The righteous man goes to heaven after death. Meets an angel. The angel says to him: “Look, you see a house on the seashore - this is what you could have. And over there, you see, the 600th Mercedes drove - this is what you could have ”. - "Why didn't I have this?" - asked the righteous. - "Well, you yourself set it up:" Zaporozhets "," Zaporozhets ".

One hot summer day (the temperature was +32), the speaker began his speech as follows: “ What a warm atmosphere in our hall ... " Naturally, everyone present laughed and the lecture began successfully.

In a cold room, one speaker began his speech as follows: “Yes, it’s very cool today. Well, then none of you will spoil. " This opening caused smiles on their faces and the introduction attracted the attention of all listeners from the first minutes.

Statement of the problematic question

Ask a question. It encourages the audience to think and reason along with the speaker while grabbing the audience's attention.

“Life showered us with gifts - money and honors, but on one condition, - said Elbert Hubbard. - And this condition is initiative. What is an initiative? I will answer you: it means to act correctly and without prompts "

One speaker began his talk on leadership with a statement: “Who wants to get $ 100? Come to the stage. " Most sat in confusion, some hesitantly moved, and only one person walked towards the stage. " He received this money. It is impossible to think of a better illustration for the theme of "Leadership".

Appeal to authorities

Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases. The reference to the statement of a great man is always of great interest. For example, like this: "As Harvey McKay said, 'Little things don't mean anything - they decide everything.'

Narrative, personal story, case study

An excellent example of the beginning of the introduction is demonstrated by K.I. Chukovsky in his famous Oxford speech. He was the first Soviet writer to come to England during the Khrushchev Thaw after several decades of complete absence of unofficial contacts. The writer begins his speech at Oxford University with a simple and kind story about his first meeting with English literature: how in childhood he received a book in English as a reward for a caught parrot, how he could hardly parse the text, constantly looking into the dictionary, how, in spite of this, with Each page fell more and more in love with the hero, with the author, with literature, with the country, and with what came of it: English literature firmly entered his life, influencing his fate. This performance allowed the speaker to gradually gain the confidence of the English public.

Visual material

The easiest way to grab attention is to show the audience an object. Once a friend of mine at a conference began by holding up a five-dollar bill and asked: "What's in my hands?" This immediately attracted the attention of all those present in the hall.

3 an unexpected start

When an orator, excited by some event, begins a speech unexpectedly, revealing to the audience the feeling that has gripped him: “I have to speak, but I am still listening ... Recently I attended a summarizing of the results of a year in a company. I was shocked, pleasantly shocked by the atmosphere in which all this happened. In addition to this, there was also a solemn ball. The next day I gave training. And he began by openly speaking about his feelings and emotions. Thus, I attracted attention and united with the training participants.

One speaker began his public address as follows: “Some say that innetwork marketingthere are the following advantages: no bosses, free time, free work schedule, and so on. And I declare that this is a big minute and a disadvantage in our business. And that's why…" Then he began to reveal his topic of speech and everything ended as necessary - everyone was aware of the real advantages of network marketing. But most importantly, they listened to him from the very beginning. With the help of an unexpected beginning, he managed to attract the attention of the audience and held it until the very end.

A kind of unexpected introduction can be to start your speech with intrigue. Once, at a public speaking training I held in Crimea, one participant began his presentation as follows: "Good morning! I am very glad to meet you here again. The last century. Cold Petersburg. A young man is in the office of the Sovremennik editor. He is wearing an old coat. His hands are so accustomed to chill that he does not hold them normally, but keeps pressing them all the time. And this man came to Panaev in order to later, subsequently, become a great poet-writer, one of the leading figures of Russian literature, who will be called "the singer of the people's grief." This man said: "The will and labor of man are wondrous divas create." You may have already guessed that we are talking about Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov ... Today we will talk about how will, work and an irresistible desire will help us create a wondrous miracle and help others to acquire it ... "

What mistakes are made in the introduction

Do you want the audience to be disappointed in you as a speaker from the very first seconds of your speech? Then feel free to start your speech with phrases like “I’m not an orator…”, “I didn’t have time to prepare…”, “I have nothing to say to you…” and other “apologies”. However, there are other options for failed introductions:

- I want to start my speech (you have already started your speech, so if you please speak to the point);

- If you will allow, then I will begin to speak (you ask permission? Then why are you continuing your speech without waiting for the reaction of the listeners?)

- I want to tell you (I want to say so, especially since they have already begun to speak)

- Here, as you heard, many said that (how many weedy words, but they all talk about the speaker's uncertainty and act almost hypnotically to dampen the audience ...)

- Almost everything I wanted to say has already been said here, but once I went to the podium (the worst version of the beginning, since most of the listeners will say to themselves that it would be better not to come out).

Try to avoid these mistakes, and it will be useful to think about what other errors specific to your topic are possible on the eve of your speech. Of course, in order to prevent them.


So, the first and last information is best remembered. The way the speaker starts and ends his speech is the easiest way to check his experience, skill or lack of skill. In the theater environment there is even an old saying about actors: "They are judged by how they appear and how they leave the stage." Beginning and the end! This is the most difficult thing in almost any business. But, at the same time, and the most important, including in oratory.

In this article, we talked about how to start a public speaking. As a result of working through this material, you now have a lot of options for how you can start speaking to the public on any topic and in front of any audience. Spectacular performances for you.

And if you want to practice "pumping" your public speaking skills, then follow the link here:

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Founder of the business community "New Generation of Speakers"

P. S. Remember, speakers are not born, they become speakers!


1. The concept of public speech

3. Speaker and audience




There are quite a few classifications of public speaking. For practical training in the art of public speaking, it is most expedient to subdivide public speaking into types according to their function, i.e. according to the goal set by the speaker in his speech. This classification is sometimes referred to as the classification of genres of public speaking.

Types of public speaking by purpose:


Protocol and etiquette



The goals that the speaker sets for himself can be combined, as a result of which the speeches can become complex. You can, for example, talk about information and etiquette, information and entertainment, information and persuasive performances, other mixed types are also possible.

In rhetoric, the types of public speech are also distinguished according to the form:



The performance is usually built according to the traditional three-part composition: introduction, main part, conclusion. This composition is traditional, the audience is waiting for just such a composition. It is this construction of the speech that makes it easier for the audience to perceive the oral presentation.

1. The concept of public speech

"It is not given to us to predict / How our word will respond ...", - said the great Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev. After all, a good word heals, a harmful one hurts the soul, the right word makes you act, make decisions.

Public speech is a creative and complex phenomenon. To achieve the desired effect, the speaker needs to work hard. Whether it is a well-prepared speech or a brilliant improvisation, it is always the result of accumulated experience, knowledge and skills. The speaker should be able to prepare a speech on a given topic, be able to present the material, establish contact with the audience, answer questions, be ready for any surprises (3, p. 56).

Public speaking is a process of communicating information, the main purpose of which is to convince listeners of the correctness of certain provisions.

Good speech has ten elements: objectivity, clarity, imagery, purposefulness, increased attention, repetition, surprise, richness of meaning, laconicism, humor.

Oratorical speech is called an influencing, persuasive speech that is addressed to a wide audience, is delivered by a professional speech and has as its purpose to change the behavior of the audience, its views, beliefs, moods. The speaker's desire to change the listener's behavior can relate to various aspects of his life: to convince him to vote for the right deputy, to persuade him to make the right decision, to induce him to buy certain goods. There are countless such specific goals, but in any case, the influencing speech is aimed at extra-linguistic reality, in the sphere of vital interests, needs of the listener. The ability to persuade has always been valued by society. The role of a speech professional is especially important in the field of politics and social activities. The growing role of influencing speech in society led to the emergence of doctrine, which developed the theory of this type of speech activity. This teaching is called rhetoric.

For society as a whole, the main goal of language learning is to teach each member of society to clothe any socially significant information in the appropriate speech form.

Preparation of the speech begins long before the speech and consists of several stages, for example, at the suggestion of the German scientist H. Lemmermann, such (4, p. 34):

collection of material,

selection of material and its organization,

thinking about the material,

preparation of abstracts or plan,

stylistic design,

writing the text of the speech,

mental development,

test of speech.

In addition to the first, preparatory stage, the next stage is preparation for a specific performance. It is determined by the type of oratory, depends on the topic, goals, audience composition.

Preparing a speech begins with defining its topic. The topic should not be abstract, but clear and understandable for the audience, precise and concise. The topic can be chosen by the author himself or it can be determined by a case, situation.

The topic is disclosed, if all the selected aspects are covered, a sufficient number of necessary facts are given, when the conclusion logically follows from the content of the lecture and everything is clear to the audience. Then the purpose of the speech is determined, since in one case the goal is to inform the listener, in the other - to make the listener worry, in the third - to accept the position of the author. So, the task of an informational speech is to give listeners new knowledge. Information speech contains facts, events, reflections and conclusions. Entertaining speech is designed to please listeners, relieve stress. Promotional speeches convince listeners, inspire, encourage action. These goals are often combined. An essential element of preparation is an assessment of the audience and the environment. The speaker must find out in advance what is the estimated number of listeners, the social composition of the audience, age, educational and cultural level, nationality, in some cases - religion. It is also necessary to find out where the performance will take place - in a large hall, in a small room, what is the acoustics of the chosen room, and whether the audience will be cramped. The next stage of work is the selection of material for a specific performance.

The speaker should study official documents, reference and popular science literature, summarize observations and reflections. In the course of this work, it is recommended to make notes, write out quotes, figures, facts, keep a card index. No matter how skillfully the speaker is, the text of the speech must be prepared in advance. Preparing pre-written text has many advantages. You can check it, correct errors, make additions and changes, you can show it to someone for checking. In addition, when a speaker is working on a speech, he carefully thinks through all the details of the speech. In order for the speech to sound, to reach the audience, so that the speaker does not deviate from the topic, you need to arrange the material in a certain way. Therefore, the composition of the performance is very important - the composition, arrangement of the performance material. Five parts can be distinguished in the composition: the beginning, the introduction, the main part, the conclusion, the ending of the speech. But some parts of it may be missing.

2. Types of public speaking

Oratorical speech can be entertaining, informational, inspiring, persuading, calling for action.

Public speech in different communication situations pursues different goals, but, as a rule, it is pragmatic, therefore it should be thoughtful, logically structured. In business communication, the professional sphere, certain types of speeches are traditionally used (1, p. 89).

1. Information speech.

Its purpose is to enrich the audience with new knowledge, to awaken curiosity. The ways to create informational speech are description, narration, reasoning. Information speech should awaken attention to the problem raised, there should be no controversial points in it, modern material with examples and illustrations should be selected. In the practice of the university, informational speeches of students are often used at a seminar, when defending an essay, term paper and thesis. These usually include: definition of the topic, subject of research, method of work, review of the available literature on the topic, novelty and practical application.

One of the most common types of public speaking at the university is a scientific report - a message about the formulation of a problem, about the course of research, about its results. It contains new information, largely determined by the presence of the author's point of view. A student speaks with him at a seminar or, for example, at a scientific conference. It is prepared in the same way as other oral presentations, in addition, it is imperative to read the text aloud before the speech, draw up a plan.

The defense of the abstract is prepared in the same way. The speech includes: announcement of the topic and purpose of the work, indication of sources, content of the work, including quotes, facts, significance, existing points of view.

Information speech aims not only to awaken curiosity, but also to give a new understanding of the subject. It can be a narrative, a description, an explanation. It must meet the following requirements (1, p. 90):

There should be nothing controversial about it;

It should evoke curiosity;

It must satisfy the needs of the listener;

The message must be up-to-date.

2. Speeches addressed to feelings (speeches on a special occasion)

As a rule, they are divided into protocol speech (framework), mourning speech, solemn speech, speech in a friendly circle. Making such speeches usually causes difficulties due to the fact that it is necessary to choose the right moment, to be able to catch the mood of the listeners at that very moment, to be able to express the feelings and expectations of the listeners. It is necessary to speak briefly and clearly, but at the same time expressively. The speech should be original and memorable.

In all areas of activity, protocol (framework) speech is widespread; it is not the center of the event, but, as it were, frames the event. Protocol speeches include presentations, welcoming and gratitude speeches, all kinds of openings (exhibitions, buildings, memorials, etc.).

At the beginning of the welcoming speech, it is necessary to open the event, about which the audience and listeners have gathered, to greet all those present, greet the speaker and introduce him to the audience.

At the end of the welcome speech, they thank the speaker and speakers, justify the gratitude and say goodbye to the audience. Thus, at the beginning and at the end of the event, the framework speech consists of three points, and it would be completely superfluous to consider the content of the report or characterize the speaker, speak at length and stencil.

The purpose of the speech is to create a festive mood. As a rule, it is created in advance and should be short, original and memorable. A speech on an anniversary or birthday may contain a greeting, an occasion, a listing of crucial moments, a brief description of the activity, it may provide examples from life, express gratitude and wishes for the future.

Speech in a friendly circle, in business communication and in personal communication, has different forms. For example, when preparing to speak in front of colleagues, you need to provide the following points:

a greeting and an indication of the meaning of the event,

review of the work done by colleagues, preferably with some kind of story or humorous commentary,

expression of hope for further cooperation,


For such performances, there are the following recommendations:

remember that the listeners are more important than their goals, not the goals of the speaker;

do not start your presentation with a funny story if it does not carry any information;

you should not speak too slowly;

there should be unexpected transitions in the speech;

summarize not only at the end, but also during the speech;

let your audience argue with you;

don't forget about humor.

Entertaining speech contains no purpose other than its own. It itself should entertain and amuse the listener. You will often hear it at a banquet, or in any other place where people meet to have a good time.

Inspirational Speech - Advocacy speeches generally fall into 3 groups: Inspirational Speeches; speeches to convince; speech in order to provoke an active reaction. In fact, these three subspecies often overlap. Most persuasive speeches generate actionable impulses.

Persuasive speech - to convince - means to prove or disprove any position with logical arguments. Such speech seeks to define the way of thinking and behavior, but does not constitute a call to direct action.

Call-to-action speech - the listener is called to a new one, to continue or end the previous one. Call to action can be direct or indirect. The action can come, someday or immediately. Eloquence also has its own division into genders and happens (3, p. 78):

1. Socio-political eloquence (political speech, rally speech, campaign speech)

2. Academic eloquence (lectures, scientific report, scientific communication)

3. Judicial eloquence (speech of accusation, defense speech, speech of the accused in his own defense)

4. Social eloquence of everyday life (speech of commendation, table speech, memorial speech)

5. Theological and ecclesiastical eloquence (sermon, speech at the council).

3. Speaker and audience

Public speaking is an oral monologue with the aim of influencing the audience. In the field of business communication, the most commonly used genres are presentation, informational, welcome and sales speech.

S.F. Ivanova in her work "The Specificity of Public Speech" (M., 1978) identified individual speech types:

1) Rational - logical. Speakers of this type are prone to the analysis of phenomena, to reasoning and strict argumentation of their own and others' actions. Their preparation for any statement is distinguished by a consistent selection and strict systematization of materials, thinking over and developing a detailed plan. This well-worn plan "sits inside them", as it were, and the speakers do not use it during their speech. They are often concerned about something else: how to make their speech brighter, more emotional, what examples to choose to interest the audience. Sanguine people are most often "logicians".

2) Emotionally - intuitive. Representatives of this type speak passionately, enthusiastically, sprinkling their speech with witticisms, puns, but they cannot always follow the rigid logical sequence of speech and "make ends meet." The plan of their performances is not always written, considering that it fetters them. There is a coincidence of the emotional speech type with choleric temperament.

3) Philosophical. Orators - "philosophers" are more or less emotional, prone to analysis, sometimes they are very organized in their work, and sometimes, without any visible organization, they reveal one question, get to the root, and suddenly, like a ray of light, they illuminate everything with the found idea ... Their common feature is the desire for research, deep understanding of phenomena right in front of the audience, the desire and ability to involve the audience in this process. Most often, this group is made up of people of phlegmatic temperament. Lyrical, or artistically figurative. Deep emotionality, lyricism, inner excitement, acute impressionability, penetration are the features characteristic of the type. Most often, it is based on a refined, melancholic character.

Scheme. Audience assessment criteria

Scheme. Audience cues

Scheme. "Image of the audience" and its socio-psychological parameters

The highest manifestation of the mastery of public speaking is contact with the audience, that is, the community of the mental state of the speaker and the audience. This community arises on the basis of joint mental activity, similar emotional experiences. The speaker's attitude to the subject of speech, his interest, conviction evoke a response from the listeners. As the proverb goes, the word belongs half to the speaker and half to the listener.

You need to feel the audience and be able to adjust your speech depending on its reaction.

The speaker should have a wide range of knowledge on many issues, and be able to lead a discussion on any topic.

The main indicators of mutual understanding between the communicants are a positive reaction to the speaker's words, the outward expression of attention from the audience (their posture, focused gaze, exclamations of approval, nods, smiles, laughter, applause), "working" silence in the hall. Contact is a variable quantity. It can be complete (with the entire audience) and incomplete, stable and unstable in different fragments of the speech. To win over an audience, you need to establish with it and constantly maintain eye contact.

The presenter usually glances around the audience slowly. Before the beginning of the speech, there is a short psychological pause - 5 - 7 seconds. The speaker's speech should not be monotonous. Phrases should be pronounced with different intonations. They are separated by pauses. There is a grosspause, it is done during a semantic transition, for emotional effect, and to emphasize the importance of a previous or subsequent phrase.

It is necessary to infuse as much strength and energy as possible into each word of speech. For modern oratorical speech, a combination of logical-analytical and emotional-figurative linguistic means is characteristic.

The practice of the best speakers shows that dry business speech, reduced to the transmission of "naked" information to a modern, well-informed audience, as a rule, is ignored, and often causes boredom and even irritation. No matter how interesting the topic is, the attention of the audience dulls over time. It needs to be supported by the following public speaking techniques:

Question-answer reception. The speaker asks questions and answers them himself, raises possible doubts and objections, clarifies them and comes to certain conclusions. The transition from monologue to dialogue (polemics) allows individual participants to be involved in the discussion process, thereby activating their interest. Reception of creating a problem situation. The listeners are offered a situation that raises the question: "Why?", Which stimulates their cognitive activity.

Reception of the novelty of information, hypotheses makes the audience guess, reflect.

Reliance on personal experience, opinions that are always interesting to listeners.

Demonstration of the practical value of information. Using humor allows you to quickly win over your audience.

A short digression from the topic gives the audience an opportunity to "rest".

Slowing down with a simultaneous decrease in the strength of the voice is able to draw attention to important places in the speech (reception "quiet voice").

Reception of gradation - an increase in the semantic and emotional significance of the word. Gradation allows you to enhance, give them emotional expressiveness to the phrase, the formulated thought.

Reception of inversion is a speech turnover, which, as it were, unfolds the usual, generally accepted course of thoughts and expressions to the diametrically opposite.

Receiving an appeal to your own thoughts.

Among the methods of oratorical speech, which significantly increase its effectiveness and persuasiveness, lexical methods should be especially highlighted.

In almost all public speaking guides, the so-called tropes are recommended among vocabulary techniques.

Paths are speech turns and individual words used in a figurative sense, which allow you to achieve the necessary emotional expressiveness and imagery. Tropes include comparisons, metaphors, epithets, hyperboles ...

Comparison is one of the most frequently used techniques, which has great persuasive power, stimulates associative and imaginative thinking in listeners and thereby allows the speaker to achieve the desired effect.

Metaphor is the transfer of the name of one object to another, it is the verbal convergence of 2 phenomena by similarity or contrast. For example:

"The locomotive of history cannot be stopped ..."

An epithet is a figurative definition of an object, a phenomenon that reveals its essence. For example: "A student is not a vessel to be filled with knowledge, but a torch to be lit!"

Allegory - allegorically depicts something. For example: “One day a passer-by asked the builder:“ What are you doing? ”He thought and answered:“ Don't you see? I drive stones. ”The second builder answered the same question:

"Making money!"

Hyperbola is a kind of path, consisting in deliberate exaggeration of the properties, qualities of objects and phenomena. For example: "A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper".

Special words and phrases that provide feedback are effective means of contact. These are personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons (I, you, we, you and I), verbs in the 1st and 2nd persons (let's try to understand, make a reservation, note, please, mark yourself, think, concretize, etc.), appeals (dear colleagues, my dears), rhetorical questions (do you want to hear my opinion?). The specificity of oral speech is manifested in the construction of phrases and whole sentences. It is believed that in public speaking, preference should be given to shorter sentences, they are better perceived by ear and remembered. In addition, a short sentence allows a more varied approach to changing intonation. The listed linguistic means of contact help to overcome the "barrier", serve to unite the speaker with the audience.


It is hardly necessary to prove that all types of public speaking need comprehension, ordering, and self-control. This is the culture of communication, i.e. speech. The scientific understanding of some species already has its own centuries-old history, others are new: for example, the culture of inner speech, which, by the way, in a person's life is the largest, most difficult and longest block in time.

The culture of mental speech is the key to the success of external, sounding or written speech.

Relatively recently, everyday speech has become the subject of rhetoric, in addition to friendly conversation, to which Aristotle paid attention.

Perhaps, in the future, some other types of speech will be highlighted, their spheres, for example, medical eloquence, speech in the service sector - hospitality, tourism ...


1.Alexandrov D.N. Rhetoric. - M .: 1999.

2.Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Culture and art of speech. - Rostov-n / D, 1996.

3. Deletsky Ch. Workshop on rhetoric. - M .: 1996.

4. Ivanova S.F. Specificity of public speech. - M .: 1978.

5.Lvov M.R. Rhetoric. Culture of speech: Textbook. manual for students of humanitarian faculties of universities. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.


Study your topic carefully. Take four sheets of paper and head them: "What is required?", "What else would be useful to say?", "What can be mentioned in passing?" All thoughts that come to mind about the upcoming speech, attach to one of the categories. This will help you structure all your content and choose the best one for your introduction.

Define goals and objectives. Answer clearly to yourself the questions: "What do I want to get as a result of the speech?", "How to understand that the goal has been achieved?", "How quickly should the goal be achieved?"

Study your audience. It is impossible to achieve without understanding who is in the audience and hears your speech. The smaller the audience, the more complete the information about it should be. Everything is important: composition, competence, interests and needs, attitude towards you, questions that may be asked.

Prepare visual materials and techniques with which you will demonstrate all this. Take the time to check everything, extension cords and compatibility of different devices. There is nothing more destructive to a successful performance than the hassle at the beginning.

Prepare your performance venue and provide clean drinking water. Think about your look in advance. Target your audience, you have to inspire trust and a sense of "your person" without saying a word.

The tie is very important. It should be such that the audience would certainly want to sit out until the end of your speech.

Greet the audience, remind who you are, why and why you are standing in front of them. Immediately tell how long you intend to take the public's attention. This will allow the audience to relax.

There are several ways to grab attention. Joke according to the moment, and prepare the joke in advance. No impromptu.

Surprise. To do this, cite a paradoxical fact at the beginning of your speech and explain how it relates to the topic of your speech.

Scare. Describe the situation and problem facing humanity, and then spontaneously communicate how you can save the world with the product you are about to share.

Make me think. Ask the audience a few questions, ask them to answer them, and write these questions on the chalkboard. Then start answering the questions yourself. During your speech, compare your presentation several times with the opinions of people in the audience.

Don't be afraid of excitement. Even professional actors feel jittery before a performance. But they know how to deal with it.

Reduce hand tremors by firmly squeezing your thumb and forefinger on both hands alternately.

If the fear of performing reaches a state of panic, try grabbing your nose twenty-five times, alternating between your right and left hands. The effect is guaranteed for the next 25-30 minutes. Do it behind the scenes, of course.

Many of us are afraid to speak in public - we believe that it is better to stand on the sidelines, to be in the background, but not in the center of attention.

But some periods of the professional career of many employees are accompanied by the fact that he must speak in public, whether it be a presentation of a new product, or his views and ideas, a recommendation to someone, etc. Such situations require the speaker not to be afraid of public speaking.

Do not worry, you need to type a little and soon you will not be able to go out with a presentation. How well you perform may affect your career.

Try to communicate politely with everyone, without exception, even if the person is unpleasant to you. Do not under any circumstances demonstrate your superiority, dismissive attitude towards subordinates, service personnel in hotels, shop assistants, etc. You are not humiliating them - you are humiliating yourself.

In the case when two people approach the door from both sides at the same time, the rule applies: the one who wants to enter, lets the one out. Don't forget about it.

If you are going to visit or a performance, try to arrive in advance so that you can calmly, without disturbing anyone, find and take your place in the hall. In the event that your row is already full, you must, before you start squeezing to your seat, apologize to the sitting spectators for disturbing you.

Even if you really liked the film or play, you should not share your impressions with your neighbors during the action: after all, you can interfere with other viewers.

When you are in a subway car or a bus, tram, you should prepare in advance to get off at your stop. Ask the passenger in front of you if he will also get off on it. If the answer is no, ask him to move over and let you pass.

Of course, do not forget to make way for the elderly, disabled and pregnant women. In a word, try to behave according to the commandment: "Do with others the way you want them to do with you!"

For your presentation to an audience to be successful, you need to learn how to properly build a dialogue with her. Listeners must be involved in your story, otherwise they are unlikely to remember the information that you want to convey to them.


Use simple and understandable language. This is especially important if the topic of your speech is the disclosure of plans for the future of the company, its marketing strategy, analysis of the technical characteristics of a new product. You need to be sure that everyone in the audience understands your every word.

Don't use a lot of terms and long sentences when addressing your audience. Try to make your speech so that it is understood by a fourteen-year-old child. If your speech is difficult to comprehend, listeners, at best, will simply stop delving into its meaning, and at worst, they will begin to communicate with each other.

When speaking to your audience, fragment the information. Try to divide it into blocks that logically flow from each other. It is best to familiarize the audience with the outline of your presentation before you start. This will make the perception of information easier, and therefore more accessible.

Engage your audience. An effective appeal to the audience becomes when it turns into two-way. If the listener himself is directly involved in the process of presentation or seminar, he is more successful in remembering information and does not regret wasted time.

Ask questions of your audience. Moreover, their form should be closed, i.e. assume only a yes or no answer. Based on the fact that the main purpose of addressing the audience is often to convey a message to it, you should ask questions not in order to ask the audience's opinion, but in order to support your words. Therefore, your message should be structured in such a way that the audience answers yes to all your questions. This will create a more conducive environment and tune in to the desired mood.

Respect your listeners. Even if someone starts to argue with you, in no case be rude or lose your temper, be restrained and competent. Then you will remain a true professional in the eyes of other people.

One day an acquaintance of mine said that public speaking was something terrible for her. "The heart goes to the heels, the mouth dries up, and the maximum I can say is, uh ...". The situation is dire. And the most interesting thing is that thousands of people face such a problem. Scary, but necessary! After all, we have to deal with public speaking so often, even if you are not a director or a boss. At school, at university, at work, we often have to say something ...

3. Immediately before the actual performance, breathe deeply and slowly: deep breath, exhale; grimace for a minute (this will make your facial expressions livelier and cheer you up); move (squat, run a couple of meters), this will noticeably invigorate you.

4. Walk confidently on your own. Literally the next second after meeting him, you will understand that he is nothing.

5. Learn to enjoy the performance. It will come with experience. But it is when you master it that you will perform really well.

For effective public speaking, you need to master the techniques of capturing the audience's attention:

1. Constantly ask the public questions. It may be that it doesn't really require a response from the audience. You ask it and immediately answer yourself, but the audience has already caught on and gives an answer to itself too. These can be common questions as well. “Is that convenient for you? Or should I write bigger? Will it go like this? " Ask what you can easily fix. Those. do not ask the question: "are you hungry there yet? .." What will you do if the audience answers "yes" ?! Run for some buns?

2. Be unpredictable. Get the audience to follow your constantly changing movements. Now walk, then freeze, change the trajectory. Make your voice louder and quieter.

3. Engage your audience in action: ask for help. "Young man, wave your hand at me when 17 minutes pass, okay?"

4. Make eye contact with the audience and maintain it constantly. Of course, it is impossible to look at everyone. So choose 3 points in such a way that it seems like you are looking at everyone from time to time. Make eye contact. And in no case look over the heads or at one point!

5. Humor. Don't be afraid to be funny. Made a mistake, laugh at yourself.

Composition of your performance:

1. Introduction (20% of the speech). Greet the audience, introduce yourself, state the topic. So far, not a single word about the case. Tune the hall to the emotions you need, warm it up with charm and humor.

2. The main part (60%). Here you can talk about problems. The culmination of the main body is your way of solving the problem. This method is often used in politics. For example: tired of low salaries and high prices? Ruin and corruption? Crime and lawlessness? Vote for our party!

3. Completion (20%). Finally, you need to tune the room in your favor. Summarize positively.

One of the most important ingredients to a successful performance is to become your own in the audience.

1. Dress according to the situation. You should not come to students with the topic of teenage drug addiction, dressed in a formal suit and tie. They won't believe you! Plain jeans, a jumper are another matter for this situation. Dress in a way that you can get closer to your audience.

2. Don't be smart. Speak in the language of your audience. You should not, of course, stoop to obscenities, jargon, etc. Speak in a way that the audience will understand. If you come to people with little education, you should not present them with information too cleverly. Put it simply. Otherwise they will feel stupid. It will only cause negativity.

3. Compliment. Only right! A compliment shouldn't be flattery. It should be sincere, concise and unambiguous.

4. Smile sincerely. Don't look down on people.

Another important thing: visual effect. A person perceives information by 60% by how we say, and not what we say.

1. Use presentations, handouts, brochures, etc.

2. If this is not possible, use visualization verbs. For example, "let's see how we can solve this problem." Use gestures to show what you are saying, but don't exaggerate.

3. Make gestures, don't be afraid to make big gestures. This creates the effect that you are confident in yourself and in what you say.

4. Show your palms more often - this is a sign of openness.

5. Posture: the center of gravity should be shifted forward (as if you are moving a little forward), the heels should be 20-25 cm apart, the toes should be separated. It is not necessary, of course, to keep this pose all the time. She acts as a starting or pose for those moments when you freeze.

6. Move! Static objects attract a lot less attention than those that move. Move throughout the scene, changing speed and trajectory.

Remember before you start talking:

1. Look around the room with an open and sincere gaze. Make eye contact.

2. Pause for 3-6 seconds, achieve silence and attention, but in no case say "shhhh!" and don't wave your hands.

3. Remember, the performance starts as soon as you get up. On the way, do not straighten your hair, clothes, do not pull anything, do not cough nervously, do not fuss, walk confidently and calmly.

There are many different speech structures. The most common:

1. Tree - when a person talks about something and suddenly starts to insert some facts, comes back, adds something else ... A very complex structure.

2. Rope - when everything is straightforward and predictable.

3. But the best structure is a staircase. The speech is divided into small parts, united by one thought, steps. Each step ends with a small conclusion, a pause, a joke or a question whether the audience understands everything on this point. With this structure, the possibility of your failure is noticeably reduced. If you stumble on one step, you will not fly all the way down. You will fail only one step, the rest are fixed.

4. Speak only the main thing, do not strive to say everything, have pity on the audience.

Big little things:

1. Do not stand too close to the audience, do not climb into your personal space - do not frighten people.

2. Only positive!

3. Talk about your audience in the first person. “I thank the audience for ..” - no! "I am grateful to you for .." - yes!

4. Give direct answers. In which case, admit that you do not know something.

5. The last is remembered! Do not end with the words: "hehe .. no questions? .. well, everything .. I went ..". Leave spectacularly!

6. While you are on stage, you are in charge!

7. Do not speak on a piece of paper. The audience won't believe you! If you find it very difficult to speak without preparation, draw pictograms for yourself - drawings that remind you of exactly the emotions that you wanted to convey to the public.

8. If you come up with a controversial issue, make the audience a friend: tell her their stereotypes. For example: “Yes, I am your doubts .. someone might say that it is not safe at all. Yes, maybe someone will suffer ... ”. And that's it! You are a friend! You understand the problems that worry them, there is nothing to object.

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