The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story two landlords. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Two landlords

I already had the honor to present you, favorable readers, some of my Lords of the neighbors; Let me now, by the way (for our brother of the writer, all by the way), to acquaint you with two landlords, whom I often hunted, with people very mail, well-mounted and enjoying universal than several counties.

At first I will describe the Major's retired Major General Vyacheslav Illarionovich Pohshansky. Imagine a person high and once slim, now somewhat flickering, but not at all a stray, not even outdated, man in adulthood, in the very, as they say, pore. True, once the right and now more pleasant features of the face have changed a little, the cheeks hung, frequent wrinkles are missing about the eyes, there are no other teeth, as Saadi said, according to Pushkin's assurance; Blonde hair, at least all those that remained safe, turned into a purple due to the composition bought at the Romen's equestrian fair from Zhid, who issued themselves to Armenian; But Vyacheslav Illarionovich acts foolo, laughs a ringing, wakes spurs, turns the mustache, finally calls himself an old cavalry, meanwhile, as it is known that the real old people themselves never call themselves old men. Hears usually a fruct, fastened to the top, a high tip with starchy collar and pantalonians gray with a spark, a military cut; The hat puts on the forehead, leaving all the back of the outside. He is very kind, but with concepts and habits rather strange. For example: he can not handle nobles with poor or unkill, as with equal people. Talking with them, he usually looks at them on the side, leaning in a firm and white collar strongly, or suddenly take it to illuse them with a clear and immobile eyes, wipes and move all the skin on her heads on her head; Even the words otherwise pronounces and does not say, for example: "Thank you, Pavel Vasilich", or: "Sick here, Mikhail Ivanovich," and: "Bolddaria, Pall Asilica," or: "Pa-Attal here, Michal Wanch." With the people standing at the lowest steps of society, he costs even more strange: it doesn't look at them and, before they explain their desire or give an order, several times to work, with a concerned and dreamy view, repeat: "What is your name?. . What is your name? ", hitting unusually sharply on the first word" as ", and the rest of the pronouncing very quickly, which gives the entire saying a rather close similarity with the scream of the male-quail. Being troubles and lived terrible, and the owner is bad: I took it in the ruler of the retired Wahmistra, Maloross, an unusually stupid man. However, in the case of housekeeping, no one has yet shared one Petersburg important official, who, seeding from the reports of his cruel, that the Ovin is often exposed to fires, why many bread disappears, - gave a strictest order: forward until then not to plant Sheaves in Aviv until the fire will not go out completely. The same dignitornism was attended by all his poppy fields, as a result, quite, apparently, a simple calculation: the poppy, they say, more expensive than rye, therefore, to sow poppy more profitable. He ordered his fortress women to wear Kokoshnikov in the sample expelled from St. Petersburg; And indeed, the Kokoshnikov worn in the estates of his women ... only on top of a kickek ... But we will return to Vyacheslav Illarionovich. Vyacheslav Illarionovich is a terrible hunter to a beautiful sex and, as soon as he sees a pretty person in the county town on the boulevard, immediately goes after it, but immediately frishes, - this is what a wonderful circumstance. He loves to play cards, but only with people of the lower bed; They are something: "Your Excellency," and they will fasten them and walks how much the soul is pleased. When he happends to play with the governor or with some kind of official face - an amazing thing happens in him: and he smiles, and his head nods, and she looks into his eyes - honey and he carries it ... Even loses and not complains. Reads Vyacheslav Illarionch a little, when reading, incessantly hesitates mustache and eyebrows, first with a mustache, then with eyebrows, as if wave from the bottom up to the face of the face. Especially remarkably, this is a wave-like movement on the face of Vyacheslav Illarionch, when it happens (for a guest, of course), the Zournal Des Debats columns run. In the election he plays the role rather significant, but from the honorary title of the leader on misfortune refuses. "Gentlemen," he says, it is commonly starting to him nobles, and he tells the voice performed by patronage and independence - a lot of grateful for honor; But I decided to devote my job leisure. " And, having affected these words, he will lead his head several times to the right and left, and then with dignity he lies his chin and cheeks on the tape. He consisted in the young years, an adjutant at a significant person, which otherwise does not call both by name and by patronymic; They say that he did not accept any adjutant duties, as if, for example, having a full front-end shape and even fastening the hooks, soared his boss in the bath - yes, not any hearing can be believed. However, he himself doesn't like to say, generally Shahnsky himself, which is generally rather strange: he also seems to be in war. Live General Pohshansky in a small house, one; He did not experience his married happiness in his life and therefore still considered a fiance, and even a profitable fiance. But the keystience is from him, a woman of thirty-five years old, Chernobiaya, Chernobrovaya, full, fresh and with a mustache, on weekdays walks in the starchy dresses, and on Sundays and the rigid sleeves wear. It is good for Vyacheslav Illarionovich on big dinners given by landowners in honor of the governors and other authorities: here he can say, completely in his plate. He sits usually in such cases, if he is not right hand of the governor, then not in the distant distance; At the beginning of the dinner, the feeling of self-esteem is more adhered to, but not turning around the heads, the side of the round heads and standing collars of the guests; But by the end of the table worshiped, it begins to smile in all directions (in the direction of the governor, he smiled from the beginning of the lunch), and sometimes even offers a toast in honor of the wonderful sex, the decoration of our planet, according to him. General Sharbansky general on all solemn and public acts, exams, collected and exhibitions; Under the blessing, too, approach the master. On the roads, crossing and in other ways, the people of Vyacheslav Illarionch do not hurt and do not shout; On the contrary, spreading the people or causing a carriage, they say to a pleasant Gorl Bariton: "Let me allow, let General Pravalynsky pass", or: "General of the Sharnsky crew ..." crew, however, in a puffing form rather old; In the lakes, the livrey is quite loss (about the fact that she is gray with red letters seems to be hardly mentioned); Horses were also pretty eaten and served in their century, but Vyacheslav Illarionch did not even consider even the rank of their eyes to feel even the title to his eyes. There is no special gift of the word pumaxian or, maybe, it does not have the case showing its eloquence, because not only a dispute, but in general, the objects do not tolerate and any long conversations, especially with young people, carefully avoids. It is really true; And then with the current people of the trouble: just from the obedience will be released and the respect will lose. Before the faces of the highest praise, mostly silently, and to persons of the lower, which, apparently, despises, but with whom only it is known, keeps the speeches of a ripple and sharp, indistinguishaously using expressions like as follows: "This, however, you say that you say" ; Or: "I finally have forced, my gracious researcher, you put on the sight"; Or: "Finally you should, however, know who you have", etc., are especially afraid of his postmaster, indispensable assessors and stationary caretakers. At home, he does not accept anyone and lives, as heard, the soul. With all that he is a wonderful landowner. "The old servant, a man's disinterested, with the rules, Vieux Grognard," the neighbors say about him. One prosecutor of the provincial allowed himself to smile when it mentions the excellent and solid qualities of General Sharnsky, - and what does not make envy! ..

And by the way, we turn to another landowner now.

MARDARY Apollonch did not resemble in anything on the puffers; He hardly served somewhere and never revered his handsome man. MARDARY Apollonch An old man is low, chubby, bald, with a double chin, soft handles and a decent abdomen. He is a big boss and balagen; Lives, as they say, in his pleasure; Winter and summer walks in the striped slloge on the cotton. In one he just came down with General Sharnsky: he is also a bachelor. He has five hundred shower. MARDARY Apollonich is engaged in its estate quite superficially; I bought, in order to keep up with the century, ten years ago, at the buten in Moscow a thorough car, locked it in a barn, and calmed down. Doesn't it be treading on a nice summer day and go to the bread in the field to look like a daisy. Mardary Apollonich is completely at the old way. And his house has an old building: in the front, as it should, smells kvass, sall candles and skin; there is a right buffet with tubes and rubbing; In the dining room family portraits, flies, a large pot of Erania and sour Fortopians; In the living room three sofas, three tables, two mirrors and a sapper clock, with blackened enamel and bronze, carved arrows; In the office, the table with papers, the shirma of the bluish color with the pasted pictures, carved from different essays of the past century, wardrobes with stinking books, spiders and black dust, chubby armchair, Italian window and a tightly boiled door to the garden ... In short, everything is as approved. Merradaria Apollonian people have many people, and all are dressed in ancient times: in long blue kaftans with high collars, pantalonons of a muddy color and short yellowish vests. Guests they say: "Battyushka". His farm has a burmart from men, with a beard in full Tulup; The house is the old woman, tied by a brown handkerchief, wrinkled and buying. At the stable at Mardaria Apollonic, there are thirty-solubular horses; It leaves in the home-made carriage and a half powder. It takes guests very warmly and treats glory, that is, due to the wonderful properties of Russian cuisine, deprives them until the very evening, any opportunity to do something other than the preference. Itself never does anything and even "dream book" stopped reading. But we still have enough such landlords in Russia; It is asked: why did I start talking about him and why? .. But let me tell you one of my visits to Mardaria Apollonia instead of answering.

Hunter Notes -

"I.S. Turgenev. "Hunter's Notes" ": Folk Asvet; Minsk; 1977.
"It was rarely connected to such an extent that in such a complete equilibrium two difficult to combined elements: sympathy for humanity and artistic feeling," F.I. admired "notes Tyutchev. The cycle of the essays "Notes of the Hunter" mostly developed in five years (1847-1852), but Turgenev continued to work on the book. To twenty two Early Sketches of Turgenev in the early 1870s added three more. Another two dozen plots remained in sketches, plans and evidence of contemporaries.
Naturalistic descriptions of life DoreForm Russia in the "Notes of the Hunter" will develop in reflections on the riddles of the Russian Soul. The peasant world germinates in the myth and opens in nature, which turns out to be the necessary background almost every story. Poetry and prose, light and shadows intertwined here in unique, bizarre images.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Two landlords
I already had the honor to present you, favorable readers, some of my Lords of the neighbors; Let me now, by the way (for our brother of the writer, all by the way), to acquaint you with two landlords, whom I often hunted, with people very mail, well-mounted and enjoying universal than several counties.
At first I will describe the Major's retired Major General Vyacheslav Illarionovich Pohshansky. Imagine a person high and once slim, now somewhat flickering, but not at all a stray, not even outdated, man in adulthood, in the very, as they say, pore. True, once the right and now more pleasant features of the face have changed a little, the cheeks hung, frequent wrinkles are missing about the eyes, there are no other teeth, as Saadi said, according to Pushkin's assurance; Blonde hair, at least all those that remained safe, turned into a purple due to the composition bought at the Romen's equestrian fair from Zhid, who issued themselves to Armenian; But Vyacheslav Illarionovich acts foolo, laughs a ringing, wakes spurs, turns the mustache, finally calls himself an old cavalry, meanwhile, as it is known that the real old people themselves never call themselves old men. Hears usually a fruct, fastened to the top, a high tip with starchy collar and pantalonians gray with a spark, a military cut; The hat puts on the forehead, leaving all the back of the outside. He is very kind, but with concepts and habits rather strange. For example: he can not handle nobles with poor or unkill, as with equal people. Talking with them, he usually looks at them on the side, leaning in a firm and white collar strongly, or suddenly take it to illuse them with a clear and immobile eyes, wipes and move all the skin on her heads on her head; Even the words otherwise pronounces and does not say, for example: "Thank you, Pavel Vasilich", or: "Sick here, Mikhail Ivanovich," and: "Bolddaria, Pall Asilica," or: "Pa-Attal here, Michal Wanch." With the people standing at the lowest steps of society, he costs even more strange: it doesn't look at them and, before they explain their desire or give an order, several times to work, with a concerned and dreamy view, repeat: "What is your name?. . What is your name? ", hitting unusually sharply on the first word" as ", and the rest of the pronouncing very quickly, which gives the entire saying a rather close similarity with the scream of the male-quail. Being troubles and lived terrible, and the owner is bad: I took it in the ruler of the retired Wahmistra, Maloross, an unusually stupid man. However, in the case of housekeeping, no one has yet shared one Petersburg important official, who, seeding from the reports of his cruel, that the Ovin is often exposed to fires, why many bread disappears, - gave a strictest order: forward until then not to plant Sheaves in Aviv until the fire will not go out completely. The same dignitornism was attended by all his poppy fields, as a result, quite, apparently, a simple calculation: the poppy, they say, more expensive than rye, therefore, to sow poppy more profitable. He ordered his fortress women to wear Kokoshnikov in the sample expelled from St. Petersburg; And indeed, the Kokoshnikov worn in the estates of his women ... only on top of a kickek ... But we will return to Vyacheslav Illarionovich. Vyacheslav Illarionovich is a terrible hunter to a beautiful sex and, as soon as he sees a pretty person in the county town on the boulevard, immediately goes after it, but immediately frishes, - this is what a wonderful circumstance. He loves to play cards, but only with people of the lower bed; They are something: "Your Excellency," and they will fasten them and walks how much the soul is pleased. When he happends to play with the governor or with some kind of official face - an amazing thing happens in him: and he smiles, and his head nods, and she looks into his eyes - honey and he carries it ... Even loses and not complains. Reads Vyacheslav Illarionch a little, when reading, incessantly hesitates mustache and eyebrows, first with a mustache, then with eyebrows, as if wave from the bottom up to the face of the face. Especially remarkably, this is a wave-like movement on the face of Vyacheslav Illarionch, when it happens (for a guest, of course), the Zournal Des Debats columns run. In the election he plays the role rather significant, but from the honorary title of the leader on misfortune refuses. "Gentlemen," he says, it is commonly starting to him nobles, and he tells the voice performed by patronage and independence - a lot of grateful for honor; But I decided to devote my job leisure. " And, having affected these words, he will lead his head several times to the right and left, and then with dignity he lies his chin and cheeks on the tape. He consisted in the young years, an adjutant at a significant person, which otherwise does not call both by name and by patronymic; They say that he did not accept any adjutant duties, as if, for example, having a full front-end shape and even fastening the hooks, soared his boss in the bath - yes, not any hearing can be believed. However, he himself doesn't like to say, generally Shahnsky himself, which is generally rather strange: he also seems to be in war. Live General Pohshansky in a small house, one; He did not experience his married happiness in his life and therefore still considered a fiance, and even a profitable fiance. But the keystience is from him, a woman of thirty-five years old, Chernobiaya, Chernobrovaya, full, fresh and with a mustache, on weekdays walks in the starchy dresses, and on Sundays and the rigid sleeves wear. It is good for Vyacheslav Illarionovich on big dinners given by landowners in honor of the governors and other authorities: here he can say, completely in his plate. He sits usually in such cases, if he is not right hand of the governor, then not in the distant distance; At the beginning of the dinner, the feeling of self-esteem is more adhered to, but not turning around the heads, the side of the round heads and standing collars of the guests; But by the end of the table worshiped, it begins to smile in all directions (in the direction of the governor, he smiled from the beginning of the lunch), and sometimes even offers a toast in honor of the wonderful sex, the decoration of our planet, according to him. General Sharbansky general on all solemn and public acts, exams, collected and exhibitions; Under the blessing, too, approach the master. On the roads, crossing and in other ways, the people of Vyacheslav Illarionch do not hurt and do not shout; On the contrary, spreading the people or causing a carriage, they say to a pleasant Gorl Bariton: "Let me allow, let General Pravalynsky pass", or: "General of the Sharnsky crew ..." crew, however, in a puffing form rather old; In the lakes, the livrey is quite loss (about the fact that she is gray with red letters seems to be hardly mentioned); Horses were also pretty eaten and served in their century, but Vyacheslav Illarionch did not even consider even the rank of their eyes to feel even the title to his eyes. There is no special gift of the word pumaxian or, maybe, it does not have the case showing its eloquence, because not only a dispute, but in general, the objects do not tolerate and any long conversations, especially with young people, carefully avoids. It is really true; And then with the current people of the trouble: just from the obedience will be released and the respect will lose. Before the faces of the highest praise, mostly silently, and to persons of the lower, which, apparently, despises, but with whom only it is known, keeps the speeches of a ripple and sharp, indistinguishaously using expressions like as follows: "This, however, you say that you say" ; Or: "I finally have forced, my gracious researcher, you put on the sight"; Or: "Finally you should, however, know who you have", etc., are especially afraid of his postmaster, indispensable assessors and stationary caretakers. At home, he does not accept anyone and lives, as heard, the soul. With all that he is a wonderful landowner. "The old servant, a man's disinterested, with the rules, Vieux Grognard," the neighbors say about him. One prosecutor of the provincial allowed himself to smile when it mentions the excellent and solid qualities of General Sharnsky, - and what does not make envy! ..
And by the way, we turn to another landowner now.
MARDARY Apollonch did not resemble in anything on the puffers; He hardly served somewhere and never revered his handsome man. MARDARY Apollonch An old man is low, chubby, bald, with a double chin, soft handles and a decent abdomen. He is a big boss and balagen; Lives, as they say, in his pleasure; Winter and summer walks in the striped slloge on the cotton. In one he just came down with General Sharnsky: he is also a bachelor. He has five hundred shower. MARDARY Apollonich is engaged in its estate quite superficially; I bought, in order to keep up with the century, ten years ago, at the buten in Moscow a thorough car, locked it in a barn, and calmed down. Doesn't it be treading on a nice summer day and go to the bread in the field to look like a daisy. Mardary Apollonich is completely at the old way. And his house has an old building: in the front, as it should, smells kvass, sall candles and skin; there is a right buffet with tubes and rubbing; In the dining room family portraits, flies, a large pot of Erania and sour Fortopians; In the living room three sofas, three tables, two mirrors and a sapper clock, with blackened enamel and bronze, carved arrows; In the office, the table with papers, the shirma of the bluish color with the pasted pictures, carved from different essays of the past century, wardrobes with stinking books, spiders and black dust, chubby armchair, Italian window and a tightly boiled door to the garden ... In short, everything is as approved. Merradaria Apollonian people have many people, and all are dressed in ancient times: in long blue kaftans with high collars, pantalonons of a muddy color and short yellowish vests. Guests they say: "Battyushka". His farm has a burmart from men, with a beard in full Tulup; The house is the old woman, tied by a brown handkerchief, wrinkled and buying. At the stable at Mardaria Apollonic, there are thirty-solubular horses; It leaves in the home-made carriage and a half powder. It takes guests very warmly and treats glory, that is, due to the wonderful properties of Russian cuisine, deprives them until the very evening, any opportunity to do something other than the preference. Itself never does anything and even "dream book" stopped reading. But we still have enough such landlords in Russia; It is asked: why did I start talking about him and why? .. But let me tell you one of my visits to Mardaria Apollonia instead of answering.
I arrived at him in the summer, watches at seven in the evening. He just walked out the vigil, and the priest, a young man, apparently, a very timid and recently released from the seminary, sitting in a living room near the door, on the very sewing stool. MARDARY Apollonch, as usual, it took me extremely affectionately: he was unrefined to every guest, and he was generally a request. The priest got up and took the hat.
- Wait, wait, the father, - Mardary Apollonich spoke, not letting my hand, "don't leave ... I ordered you vodka to bring.
"I don't drink," the priest muttered and blushed to the ears.
- What kind of trifles! How do not drink in your title! - Mardary Apollonist answered. - Bear! Yushka! Vodka Pathushka!
Jushnaya, a tall and thin old man of eighty years, entered with a glass of vodka on a dark painted tray, dotted spots of corporal color.
The priest began to refuse.
"Pey, father, don't break," not good, "said the landowner with a ukriznaya.
Poor young man obeyed.
- Well, now, the father, you can go.
The priest began to bow.
- Well, well, good, go ... A beautiful person, - continued Mardary Apollonch, looking after him, - I am very pleased with it; One thing is still young. All sermons keeps, but I do not drink wine. But you are how, my father? .. What are you, how are you? Come on the balcony - hang, what a nice evening.
We went to the balcony, sat down and started talking. Mardary Apollonch looked down and suddenly came to a terrible excitement.
- Whose chickens are it? Whose chickens are it? He shouted. - Whose chickens do it go on the garden? .. Yushka! Yushka! Come now, whose chickens do it go on the garden? .. Whose chickens? How many times have I forbidden how many times he said!
Yushka ran.
- What kind of riots! - Served Mardary Apollonch, is horror!
Unhappy chickens, as I remember, two cracked and one white with a kerching, quietly continued to walk under the apple trees, occasionally expressing their feelings to lasting Krechtanya, as suddenly, Yushka, without a hat, with a stick in his hand, and three other adult yard, all together ringed together on them. I went to fun. The chicken shouted, clapped the wings, jumped, deafeningly clucking; Yard people ran, stumbled, fell; Barin from the balcony shouted as an inflated: "Catch, catch! catch, catch! catch, catch, catch! .. Whose chickens, whose chickens are it? " Finally, one yard man managed to catch a crested chicken, giving her a breast to the ground, and at the same time through the garden's woven, from the street, the girl of the age of eleven, the whole disheveled and twig in his hand.
- And here's whose chickens! - exclaimed a landowner with a celebration. - Yermila-Kucher Kury! Won, he expelled his natal told them ... I suppose Paras did not send, "the landowner sat down in a low voice and grinned significantly. - Hey, Yushka! Throw the chickens: I'll catch a natalka.
But before the breathtaking Yushka managed to reach the frightened girl - wherever I will take the key, I grabbed her hand and slapped my poor time on the back ...
- That's how it was the fuel and fuel and fuel. Those, those! .. And hesitone, Avdotya, - he added a loud voice and turned to me with a bright face: - What, was the father, the tramol was? Potted even, look.
And Mardary Apollonch looked around.
We stayed on the balcony. The evening was really unusually good.
We got tea.
- Tell me, - I started, - Mardary Apollonch, your yards are evicted, out there, on the road, for the ravine?
- My ... What?
- How are you, Mardary Apollonch? After all, it is sin. Epoles are allocated by men, close; County Circle will not see: there are no sunels; The well one, and the little one is not suitable anywhere. Did you really find another place? .. And, they say, do you even have old hemps from them?
- What are you going to do with squeezing? - Mardary Apolloch answered me. - I have this sits that is sitting. (He pointed to his head.) And I can't foresee from this scholars. And what am I cannoplenki from them and the sourzki, or they did not dig up there, "I know about it, I know myself. I am a simple man - in the old way. In my opinion: Kolya Barin - so Barin, and if a man is so man ... That's what.
To such a clear and convincing argument, there was nothing to answer.
- Yes, moreover, he continued, - and the peasants are bad, larger. Especially there are two families; Still the deceased father, God forbid him the kingdom of heaven, did not complain, they did not feel painful. " And I will tell you, such a sign: if the father is the thief, then the son's son; already there as you want ... oh, blood, blood - a great thing! I, confess to you frankly, from the two families and without a queue in the soldiers gave, and so cared - Koy-Kuda; Yes, do not translate, what will you do? Plodes, damned.
Meanwhile, the air is completely completely. Only occasionally the wind raided jets and, for the last time, having flown around at home, to our hearing the sound of dimensional and frequent strikes, driving in the direction of the stable. MARDARY Apollonich has just been brought to her lips a dishes and already expanded the nostrils, without which, as you know, no indigenous Rusak draws tea, "but he stopped, listened, nodded his head, looked and, putting a saucer on the table, said with A kind smile and as if unwittingly, the second strikes: "Chyuki Chyuki Chyuk! Chyuki Chyuk! Chyuki Chuk! "
- What is that? I asked with amazement.
"And there, in my order, a chalubnik punish ... Vasya-Buffetchik learn to know?"
- What Vasha?
- Yes, that's why I served me at dinner. Still with such large bundlebards.
The most pressing resentment would not be against the clear and meek gaze of Mradaria Apollich.
- What are you, young man, what are you? He spoke, shaking his head. - What am I, the villain, what are you staring at me so much? Lyuboy yes punishes: You yourself know.
After a quarter of an hour I said goodbye to Mardarius Apolloch. Driving through the village, I saw a bucket with Vasya. He went on the street and gnawing nuts. I ordered the Kumor to stop horses and called him.
- What, brother, have you punished today? I asked him.
- Do you know how much you know? - answered Vasya.
- I told your barin.
- Barin himself?
- For what he ordered you to punish?
- And the fetche, father, befolding. We do not punish on trifles; We have no such institution - nor. We have a barin not like that; We have a barin ... such a barina in the whole province will not be ourselves.
- went! - I told Kumor. "... Here it is, the old rus!" - I thought on the return path.

The story "Two landlords" from the "Hunter's Notes" cycle should be printed in the "contemporary" number 10 for 1847, but was not missed by censorship. So it appeared only in a separate edition of the Hunter Notes (1852).

The initial name is "two neighbor." The story was rejected by censorship for another twice in 1851 in the Illustrated Almana and in the Comet collection. The censor of Lviv, which allowed to print "two landlords," was removed "for the lack of office."

Literary direction and genre

The story is written in Gogol traditions of realism. Not without irony and even with some shares of sarcasm Turgenev describes two "wonderful people", which are morally insignificant to verification. Their personalities have become a natural source of serfdom.

The story has the features of a portrait essay. Images of two landlords are associated only by the neighborhood with a storyteller-hunter. They show their true character in communicating with a neighbor.


The main problem of the story is the influence of serfdom that kills human dignity is not only in serfs, but also in landowners who either strive for the honors, or live in the old manner, thoughtlessly adopted by the Sami Fathers.

Plot and composition

The story begins with the appeal of the storyteller to readers. He immediately informs about the intention to tell about two landowners and begins with the story about the retired Major-General Major. Turgenev first lists the features of the landowner are cute and even funny, such as, for example, the lilac color of the hairpiece, which built them with the composition purchased from a fraudster ("Zhid, who issued themselves for Armenian"). In this initial deception - the whole essence of the duality of the characters of the story.

The reader knows about the patchwork that he speaks more or less rich and officials in different ways, reads only at the guest, and he did not know in the war, albeit General. The story about the keystriction is very close to the story about one of Gogol Ivanov, who was not married, but the key to him had many children who call his toas.

In general, General Sharnsky corresponds to his speaking surname, that is, it wants to seem much better than it really is, but the man is empty.

The second landowner, slagunov, at first, is opposed to the first, including appearance, life and classes. The reader already seems to be that this landowner will be more cute. But then the hunter tells how he stayed at the milestone hospitable Stegun, and "we still have enough such landlords in Russia." Upon the near future, the Dobryak predicker turns out to be inhumanly cruel, able to strive a person like a forest beast that is not careful about his fortress. It is painted with serfs for the slightest guide and gets true pleasure from it.

Thus, the second landowner turns out to be much worse than the first, because, although he does not show his contempt for rooted peasants, but humiliates their human dignity.

The climax and the story of the story - a conversation with just a spray with a bucket of Vasya, who considers his Barin the best in the whole of the province. His human dignity has already disappeared, turn the good Barin.

The last words of the story - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe narrator about the old Russia - were inspired by many contemporaries, which were considered that the heroes of the story are a big rarity.


Turgenev gives a detailed description of its heroes, describing their appearance, house, habits, actions, character and speech. Like Gogol, who created the gallery of landowners, Turgenev in the "dead souls", based on their task, makes the second landlord more disappearance and hopeless in moral terms than the first. It is difficult to even understand whether Turgenev grotesque uses as a reception of setting landlords or such asian people really watered in Russia in the middle of 19 century.

Appearance of puffing dual. On the one hand, the author calls him a man "in a mature age, in the ... Por." On the other, it is reported that he has no some teeth, the cheeks walked, he himself walked, and rare hair changed the color. By clothes, the hero can conclude that he seeks to look like a scale.

Holyshnsky is called a very kind person, but his habits talk about something else: in a conversation with the lower ranks, he disruptively swobs words, seeks to honor, but from the title of the leader refuses, because it requires actions! In short, General Silen where it is necessary to impress.

Turgenev skeptically responds about the mind of Muchhansky, which books reads only with guests, and disputes, especially with young people, avoids. The puffy miser, the economy does not know how, but the neighbors consider him an excellent landlord, a man selfless, "with the rules".

On his background, the slagunov (his surname also speaking, he is happy to quit his fortress) seems open and sincere. He is the naturalness itself, does not try to seem something else. Stagunis did not serve anywhere, it is a low chubby old man with a belly. His clothes are a striped sludge on the cotton. The life of his patriarchal. His house is similar to many houses of other landowners, where the books are betrayed by fell, people are dressed in an old one, according to traditions they turn to guests. Stegunov Babe Cheren.

Turgenev is no wonder several times emphasizes that his hero does not do anything. Such a lavender leads to moral perversions, which and are manifested in catching foreign chickens on their plot (the landowner is asked five times in a row, whose chickens walk along his site), the etching of serfdom or corporal punishment.

Stylistic features

In the story of "two landlords", Turgenev showed itself as a veneer and follower of Gogol traditions. The story was supposed to cause laughter from readers through tears. In the description of the landowners, Turgenev uses hyperbole, irony, grotesque. Or maybe there really were such landlords in his times? It is to this conclusion that the reader should come and awake.

I already had the honor to present you, favorable readers, some of my Lords of the neighbors; Let me now, by the way (for our brother of the writer, all by the way), to acquaint you with two landlords, whom I often hunted, with people very mail, well-mounted and enjoying universal than several counties.

At first I will describe the Major's retired Major General Vyacheslav Illarionovich Pohshansky. Imagine a person high and once slim, now somewhat flickering, but not at all a stray, not even outdated, man in adulthood, in the very, as they say, pore. True, once the right and now more pleasant features of the face have changed a little, the cheeks hung, frequent wrinkles are missing about the eyes, there are no other teeth, as Saadi said, according to Pushkin's assurance; Blonde hair, at least all those that remained safe, turned into a purple due to the composition bought at the Romen's equestrian fair from Zhid, who issued themselves to Armenian; But Vyacheslav Illarionovich acts foolo, laughs a ringing, wakes spurs, turns the mustache, finally calls himself an old cavalry, meanwhile, as it is known that the real old people themselves never call themselves old men. Hears usually a fruct, fastened to the top, a high tip with starchy collar and pantalonians gray with a spark, a military cut; The hat puts on the forehead, leaving all the back of the outside. He is very kind, but with concepts and habits rather strange. For example: he can not handle nobles with poor or unkill, as with equal people. Talking with them, he usually looks at them on the side, leaning in a firm and white collar strongly, or suddenly take it to illuse them with a clear and immobile eyes, wipes and move all the skin on her heads on her head; Even the words otherwise pronounces and does not say, for example: "Thank you, Pavel Vasilich", or: "Sick here, Mikhail Ivanovich," and: "Bolddaria, Pall Asilica," or: "Pa-Attal here, Michal Wanch." With the people standing at the lowest steps of society, he costs even more strange: it doesn't look at them and, before they explain their desire or give an order, several times to work, with a concerned and dreamy view, repeat: "What is your name?. . What is your name? ", hitting unusually sharply on the first word" as ", and the rest of the pronouncing very quickly, which gives the entire saying a rather close similarity with the scream of the male-quail. Being troubles and lived terrible, and the owner is bad: I took it in the ruler of the retired Wahmistra, Maloross, an unusually stupid man. However, in the case of housekeeping, no one has yet shared one Petersburg important official, who, seeding from the reports of his cruel, that the Ovin is often exposed to fires, why many bread disappears, - gave a strictest order: forward until then not to plant Sheaves in Aviv until the fire will not go out completely. The same dignitornism was attended by all his poppy fields, as a result, quite, apparently, a simple calculation: the poppy, they say, more expensive than rye, therefore, to sow poppy more profitable. He ordered his fortress women to wear Kokoshnikov in the sample expelled from St. Petersburg; And indeed, the Kokoshnikov worn in the estates of his women ... only on top of a kickek ... But we will return to Vyacheslav Illarionovich. Vyacheslav Illarionovich is a terrible hunter to a beautiful sex and, as soon as he sees a pretty person in the county town on the boulevard, immediately goes after it, but immediately frishes, - this is what a wonderful circumstance. He loves to play cards, but only with people of the lower bed; They are something: "Your Excellency," and they will fasten them and walks how much the soul is pleased. When he happends to play with the governor or with some kind of official face - an amazing thing happens in him: and he smiles, and his head nods, and she looks into his eyes - honey and he carries it ... Even loses and not complains. Reads Vyacheslav Illarionch a little, when reading, incessantly hesitates mustache and eyebrows, first with a mustache, then with eyebrows, as if wave from the bottom up to the face of the face. Especially remarkably, this is a wave-like movement on the face of Vyacheslav Illarionch, when it happens (for a guest, of course), the Zournal Des Debats columns run. In the election he plays the role rather significant, but from the honorary title of the leader on misfortune refuses. "Gentlemen," he says, it is commonly starting to him nobles, and he tells the voice performed by patronage and independence - a lot of grateful for honor; But I decided to devote my job leisure. " And, having affected these words, he will lead his head several times to the right and left, and then with dignity he lies his chin and cheeks on the tape. He consisted in the young years, an adjutant at a significant person, which otherwise does not call both by name and by patronymic; They say that he did not accept any adjutant duties, as if, for example, having a full front-end shape and even fastening the hooks, soared his boss in the bath - yes, not any hearing can be believed. However, he himself doesn't like to say, generally Shahnsky himself, which is generally rather strange: he also seems to be in war. Live General Pohshansky in a small house, one; He did not experience his married happiness in his life and therefore still considered a fiance, and even a profitable fiance. But the keystience is from him, a woman of thirty-five years old, Chernobiaya, Chernobrovaya, full, fresh and with a mustache, on weekdays walks in the starchy dresses, and on Sundays and the rigid sleeves wear. It is good for Vyacheslav Illarionovich on big dinners given by landowners in honor of the governors and other authorities: here he can say, completely in his plate. He sits usually in such cases, if he is not right hand of the governor, then not in the distant distance; At the beginning of the dinner, the feeling of self-esteem is more adhered to, but not turning around the heads, the side of the round heads and standing collars of the guests; But by the end of the table worshiped, it begins to smile in all directions (in the direction of the governor, he smiled from the beginning of the lunch), and sometimes even offers a toast in honor of the wonderful sex, the decoration of our planet, according to him. General Sharbansky general on all solemn and public acts, exams, collected and exhibitions; Under the blessing, too, approach the master. On the roads, crossing and in other ways, the people of Vyacheslav Illarionch do not hurt and do not shout; On the contrary, spreading the people or causing a carriage, they say to a pleasant Gorl Bariton: "Let me allow, let General Pravalynsky pass", or: "General of the Sharnsky crew ..." crew, however, in a puffing form rather old; In the lakes, the livrey is quite loss (about the fact that she is gray with red letters seems to be hardly mentioned); Horses were also pretty eaten and served in their century, but Vyacheslav Illarionch did not even consider even the rank of their eyes to feel even the title to his eyes. There is no special gift of the word pumaxian or, maybe, it does not have the case showing its eloquence, because not only a dispute, but in general, the objects do not tolerate and any long conversations, especially with young people, carefully avoids. It is really true; And then with the current people of the trouble: just from the obedience will be released and the respect will lose. Before the faces of the highest praise, mostly silently, and to persons of the lower, which, apparently, despises, but with whom only it is known, keeps the speeches of a ripple and sharp, indistinguishaously using expressions like as follows: "This, however, you say that you say" ; Or: "I finally have forced, my gracious researcher, you put on the sight"; Or: "Finally you should, however, know who you have", etc., are especially afraid of his postmaster, indispensable assessors and stationary caretakers. At home, he does not accept anyone and lives, as heard, the soul. With all that he is a wonderful landowner. "The old servant, a man's disinterested, with the rules, Vieux Grognard," the neighbors say about him. One prosecutor of the provincial allowed himself to smile when it mentions the excellent and solid qualities of General Sharnsky, - and what does not make envy! ..

The classic of Russian literature describes in its work two absolutely different people at one stage in the social hierarchy of Tsarist Russia. Two landlords from the province are completely different to their lives, to their estates and serfs. The only factor that unites them is the fact that they are both bachelors.

The first hero is the Major Major General Vyacheslav Illarionovich. Never who ordered in hostilities, who earned his chin serving a certain person and top ranks. Its feature you can read the arrogant attitude towards people equal to him. To a simple fortress, he generally treated as non-existent people. With the books, this landowner was not friends, the word did not own, there was a stingy and ignorant. These descriptions corresponded to the majority of retired military rated landowners in Tsarist Russia.

The second character is the old landowner of the designers Mardary Apolloovich, who uses in his estate of the Middle Ages and is constantly punishing his serfs for any propulsion. And although he had a tough discipline among the peasants, in fact, the estate itself was controlled superficially and all the economy "breathed to incense"

A description of the vital activity and the characteristic features of these two characters in general, describes the situation in the Russian province during the time before the cancellation of serfdom.

Picture or drawing two landlords

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