Honoring Chernobyl. Scenario of the event dedicated to the day of radioactive safety "bound by one chain, connected by one goal" Scenario for the day of the liquidator on December 14

Requiem Hour Scenario


dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the accident

at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

On April 26, 1986, at 1:24 am, an explosion occurred at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which completely destroyed the reactor. The building of the power unit partially collapsed, a fire broke out in various rooms and on the roof. As a result of the accident, radioactive substances were released.

Reader: That, friends, is not a fairy tale - it's a true story,

There is a city of Chernobyl in the world.

From x-rays there is a pine forest

Everything rings, there are no louder places in the world.

But the people gathered in the city,

They do not need slogans "forward".

And do not wait here for the end of shifts,

They don't care how many X-rays there are.

I will bow to these people in the belt,

Only sadness comes to my heart, Only a tear in my eyes,

They went, although there - it is impossible.

"Do not shine", please, pine forest,

The nuclear power plant is working here again,

And the reactor is hidden behind a wall,

There is one question: "At what cost?"

My fire burned there

and no one's fire burns there,

only the wind stirs the grass

and knocks, crumbling, raspberries

in the silence of the eternal day,

and the aspen rustles: - Get away from me!

Leading: The territories of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia suffered the most, since the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was located near the intersection of the borders of the three countries.

The consequences of the disaster are global. For the first time in the history of mankind, an industrial accident has reached such a scale that its consequences can be found anywhere on Earth:

The death of people who were there at the time of the explosion... ...Evacuation of people from contaminated areas...

Loss of land...

Industrial enterprises, construction organizations were put out of action ...

Lost hundreds of thousands of square meters of housing, private houses...

According to the organization Union "Chernobyl", out of 600,000 liquidators, 10% died and 165,000 became disabled ...

There are 10,000 cases of malformations in newborns, 10,000 cases of thyroid cancer ...

The accident is regarded as the largest of its kind in the history of nuclear power.

"The fourth reactor, called the Shelter object, still stores

in its lead-reinforced concrete belly about 200 tons of nuclear


Moreover, the fuel is partially mixed with graphite and concrete. What's up with

them happening today, no one knows.

A sarcophagus is a dead person who breathes. Breathe death. How much more

enough? No one will answer this, it is still impossible to get close to

many nodes and structures to find out what their margin of safety is.

But everyone understands: the destruction of the "Shelter" would lead to consequences even

scarier than in 1986..."

Reader: Chernobyl ... One word is enough -

And the heart, like a painful lump,

Will shrink, waiting for new news,

And the breeze smells of bitter dust.

And the pain did not fall from the stars of heaven,

And not on the firmament of insensitive stones -

And in the chest of the earth penetrated with an evil fuse

And treacherously settled in it.

And took possession of human souls

Spring night blown up when

We learned, who did not know the limit,

That we are in danger of disaster.

What is a fertile layer of black soil

hitherto covered fields

Sick deadly fear unfamiliar,

That the earth is mortal and immortal.

Nor those who fell for her in continuous ruins,

Neither obelisks can explain them:

Like the dead, in slow cars

They take this land to bury.

The very one, native, on which

Fiery blood was shed...

The one that is not soon

Forget how our first love...

The one that blazed with gardens

And gold ears of bulk, -

Now we take away to bury ourselves,

Having mastered the role of earthly grave-diggers.

A pinch of trouble broke free -

And it won't take so many years in a row ...

What a terrible pain will spread

All over the earth - the remaining charge!

Leading: The point of view of those who believe that Chernobyl is a thing of the past is vicious: “What is there to talk about when the emergency block has long been buried? It's time to stop talking about Chernobyl...” No, it's not time! If everything terrible, difficult to explain, little justified, we begin to easily forget, amnesty for the prescription of years, the lesson of Chernobyl, like any other lesson of history, will not be exhaustive. The way the time itself requires it to be made. Forgetting quickly means, in the future, to smash your face against the unlearned, to repeat not just a mistake, to commit a new crime. Chernobyl is a tragedy and a feat. The tragedy of people - hundreds of thousands of victims of the accident cannot be conveyed.

Firefighters were the first to arrive at the burning nuclear power plant. Many of them received terrible doses of radiation and died a painful death after spending 15-20 minutes at the top.

Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant Vladimir Pravik

Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant Viktor Kibenok

Sergeant Nikolai Vasilyevich Vashchuk

Senior Sergeant Vasily Ignatenko

Senior Sergeant Nikolai Titenok

Sergeant Vladimir Tashchura

Six portraits in black frames, six beautiful young guys look from the wall of the Chernobyl fire station, and it seems that their eyes are mournful, that bitterness, reproach, and a dumb question have frozen in them: how could this happen?

Reader: Remember those who are on fire

I ran to the fire, swallowing smoke,

Who knew - death is possible,

But he did not consider his duty otherwise.

Let's remember those who drove the cascades,

On the roof was rafter shields.

Let's remember those who were on the cranes,

Lead loaded, concrete drove.

We will not forget the foremen:

Karelin, Pavlov, Rudakov.

We will always be happy to remember the soldiers of the Chernobyl regiments.

My country and my people can be proud of their sons!

And on this day, proud of her sons, the Earth bows to the heroes.

Leading: If it were not for the heroism of the station personnel, firefighters, and the liquidators of the accident, who gave their lives, the consequences would have been much worse.

Reader: But only the people, apparently special - All have one soul.

Chernobyl alone shuddered in alarm, The whole country responded.

Came here without orders

And I didn't even send a debt.

For everyone and for everyone, somehow at once

The whole city became a brother.

Opened hearts, opened all the doors,

Providing warmth and shelter.

Can't be expressed in words, can't be measured

What kind of people live here.

How I want everything on the planet

That's how they took hands

So that both mothers and children sleep peacefully,

Our life was happy.

Leading: Chernobyl is a tragedy, a feat, a warning is the last

warning to humanity

So that Chernobyl with its tragedy really remains forever

If it were in the past, there is one - the only way out: to remember it constantly.

April 26 - in our country - is the Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation accidents and disasters.

It is also the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes.

In 2014 humanity will celebrate 28 years since the Chernobyl accident!!

28 years!

Black anniversary of the tragedy.

An anniversary that is not celebrated, but which must be remembered

I ask you today to honor the memory of people who, at the cost of their lives, did everything to minimize the consequences of this accident.

A moment of silence.

Thank you for your attention.

On December 14, Ukraine celebrates the Day of honoring the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Decree No. 945/2006 on the establishment of this memorable date was signed by the President on November 10, 2006.

The fact is that on November 30, 1986, the construction of the sarcophagus over the destroyed fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was completed, and on December 14, the Pravda newspaper published a message that the state commission had put into operation a complex of protective structures.

Those who consider December 14 their holiday have long called this day Liquidator's Day. Back in 1986, the participants in the liquidation got together to celebrate their first victory. In 1994, public organizations of Chernobyl victims of Ukraine addressed a letter to the leaders of the state, in which they proposed to establish in the calendar a day for the participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster. At that time, no official decision was made, but the liquidators independently began to celebrate this date. The celebration was officially allowed, a guard of honor was allocated from various law enforcement agencies, wreaths were laid from the leaders of the state, foreign embassies and public organizations, but there was no recognition of this day at the state level.

More than 650,000 people from all over the Soviet Union took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster, of which more than half represented the then Ukrainian SSR.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On events in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster” No. 702/2015 dated December 14, 2015, the Nikolaev Regional State Administration developed and approved the Action Plan for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster in the Nikolaev region.

Timely provision of benefits and compensations under the state program "Social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster" was ensured in the region. In order to effectively use public funds, monthly analysis is carried out for each direction of the program in the context of the administrative-territorial units of the region, if necessary, changes are made to the distribution of appropriations between the budgets of cities and districts of the region. UAH 10.2 million was used in 2015, as of November 1, 2016 – UAH 9.8 million, or 84.1% of the appropriations approved for 2016, there are no payables on payments.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster", the Procedure for organizing the rehabilitation of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 27, 2013 No. . Information and explanatory work is constantly carried out among the affected citizens about the right to the implementation of these benefits and the procedure for obtaining them. The departments of social protection of the population ensured a thorough record of applications for a sanatorium-and-spa voucher. Every year, the appropriate application is formed in a timely manner in the whole region and submitted to the Ministry of Social Policy.

In 2016, payment for the services of sanatorium and resort treatment is carried out by the departments of social protection of the population of district state administrations, executive committees of city councils on the basis of agreements concluded with those sanatorium and resort institutions in respect of which the affected citizens made a free choice.

By order of the head of the Nikolaev Regional State Administration dated 10/18/2012 No. 356-r, a regional commission was created in the region to determine data on the wages of workers for work in the exclusion zone in 1986-1990. Since 2012, the commission has considered 34 written applications.

The implementation of the right of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster to free travel by urban, suburban transport and intercity routes was ensured in 2016 at the expense of local budgets for compensation for preferential travel of citizens of certain categories, including those affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

There are 21 public organizations in the region that deal with the social and legal protection of citizens affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, of which: regional - 1, city - 7, district - 13. solving urgent issues of social protection of affected citizens, making proposals for financing individual programs at the expense of local budgets, charitable funds.

Every year, the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, to the Day of honoring the liquidators of the accident, are jointly carried out.

"Round tables" are held with the participation of representatives of executive authorities, local self-government, public organizations to address the pressing problems of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

On April 25, 2016, at a meeting of the chairman of the regional state administration, the chairman of the regional council with the chairmen of the public organizations "Chernobyl Union of Ukraine" of cities and districts of the region affected by the Chernobyl disaster, another memorandum was signed on interaction and cooperation between the regional state administration, the regional council and the Nikolaev public organization of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization of the Disabled " Chernobyl Union of Ukraine.

Work was carried out to improve the territories near the monuments to those who died and died as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the cities and districts of the region (in total - 22 memorial signs, of which 3 signs were opened in 2016).

The region has a comprehensive program of social protection of the population “Care”, which, at the expense of the regional budget, provides one-time material assistance to citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster, classified as category 1, and disabled children whose disability is associated with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. In 2015, assistance in the amount of 1331 UAH. provided to 334 persons for a total amount of UAH 444.6 thousand. In 2016 in the amount of UAH 1500.0. - 328 persons for a total amount of UAH 492.0 thousand. In addition, at the expense of the budgets of cities and districts of the region, one-time material assistance was provided to citizens classified in categories 1,2,3 and the wives of deceased participants in the liquidation for a total of UAH 1,730.5 thousand.

The issue of providing social guarantees to affected citizens is under constant control of the leadership of the regional state administration.

Department of social protection of the population of the Nikolaev regional state administration

"Chernobyl zone"

Evening requiem before the Day of the liquidator

HOST 1: Chernobyl is our wounded souls,

Chernobyl - both at sea and on land,

Chernobyl is both a lesson and a lesson,

He brought a lot of grief and deprivation.

(O. Konovalova)

PRESENTER 2: Human memory ... What are we without it, who are we then, if

won't she be with us forever? The answer is simple, he
in full view…

MODERATOR 1: People need history to remember and big

events, and what touched one
specific person.

PRESENTER 2: The drama of Chernobyl is huge and, in turn, is divided into

thousands of episodes that touched the fate of many
people entered

into their privacy like bright flashes
heroism, and

tragedies associated with suffering and pain

LEADER 1: How I want to scream so loudly to me,

That you were at war, at war,

Where the enemy is not visible, the more terrible it is.

You did not know that there is no one stronger than him.

There were no thunder peals

And the machine gun did not whistle a dashing song,

And the silence was so familiar to you -

Fields, forests, geese flying.

HOST 2: And the beauty that you can't take your eyes off.

What to do and how to save the world?

How can you take people's sorrows off your shoulders?

How to destroy the catastrophe formidable sword?

Fearlessly you stood up as a shield for all of us,

But what are the heroes, you did not know yet.

(L. Danshina)

Video clip "Ode to the Heroes of Chernobyl"

PRESENTER 1: Chernobyl - anger and pain.

Salt does not blind your eyes,

And bitter despair tears

That dreams and dreams can die.

And suddenly I wanted to shout to the traveler,

And the echo scattered everywhere ...

About this pain heard in the world

All at once people on the planet.

What have you done man?!

With what did you come to us in the 21st century?

Chernobyl you left us as a legacy -

Do not take away a cloudless childhood!

(M. Savostina)

PRESENTER 2: All liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 1986-1990

years are worthy of their disinterested
debt example

was an example for our descendants, about this
knew the feat

remembered and gratefully remembered them

PRESENTER 1: The floor is given to the participant in the aftermath
accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to the deputy of the city council Matyash Nikolai

PRESENTER 2: You can't be intimidated

And no need to regret

You managed to stand up for yourself.

Time has chosen you

We don't regret it at all.

HOST 1: From the first days of the liquidation of the consequences of the accident on

Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the most dangerous areas
worked hard

miners. A significant part of them -

Donbass, including Snezhny.

HOST 2: Our city was represented by miners of all enterprises

Association "Snezhnoeanthracite".

HOST 1: Drummer Mine: Matyash Nikolai Vasilyevich,

Shcherbakov Nikolay Vladimirovich,

Sidorenko Sergey Anatolievich.

HOST 2: Zarya mine: Timoshchuk Nikolay Maksimovich,

Kutsenko Igor Vladimirovich,

Popov Vladimir I.

HOST 1: Miusskaya mine: Yury Fedorovich Prochankin,

Nasikovsky Yuri Yulianovich.

HOST 2: Removskaya mine: Biryukov Nikolai Vasilievich,

Ivanchenko Volodymyr Fedorovich

HOST 1: mine "Severnaya": Lysenko Anatoly Aleksandrovich,

Kotenko Yuri Fedoseevich.

HOST 2: Snezhnyanskaya mine: Rayushkin Viktor Petrovich,

Lisin Vladimir Vasilievich

LEADER 1: My brothers,

From spring to spring

Let's live in spite of


Liquidators You

That invisible war.

assigned to you

Life is a calling.

HOST 2: Fitters, welders, locksmiths - everyone came to the rescue.

From Construction Department No. 3 were sent:

Pronin Vladimir Mikhailovich,

Mozgovenko Leonid Dmitrievich.

Mine construction department No. 7: Belous Nikolay

Lazorenko Sergey Vladimirovich.

PRESENTER 1: Courage…. For firefighters, this is an integral,

professional feature, without which
it is forbidden.

They are called "fire front" fighters.

HOST 2: Severe exam passed: head of PC No. 57 captain

Kolesnikov Oleg Vladimirovich, commander

PCh No. 48 Ensign Shpak Vladimir Anatolyevich,

senior fireman Kuzmenko Dmitry

LEADING 1: The grin is terrible for death,

But no one murmured

You did not lie down with your chest

For bunkers.

Peaceful atom fired

What is not a day, then - emergency:

To bloody calluses work.

PRESENTER 2: Employees answered the call for help

Snezhnyansky city administration of internal

Ukraine in the Donetsk region:

lieutenant colonel Kislyakov Nikolai Valentinovich;

Major Chaika Vladimir Nikolaevich,

Major Chertkov Andrey Evgenievich

HOST 1: Art. Lieutenant Petunin Sergey Vladislavovich

Art. Lieutenant Pilyagin Oleg Vladimirovich,

foreman Zhokhov Gennady Nikolaevich;

Ensign Nazarenko Leonid Nikolaevich.

HOST 2: Art. Sergeant Gerbut Sergey Viktorovich,

Sergeant Vladunsky Genrikh Anatolyevich,

Sergeant Stepovik Evgeny Anatolyevich.

HOST 1: Doctors, nurses stayed in those terrible hours

true to their duty.

Cardiologist Kazakov Alexander Petrovich,

Neurologist Rassamakha Nikolai Alexandrovich,

Therapists Baranovsky Nikolay Ivanovich,

Nikolyuk Oleg Ivanovich, Baban Raisa

HOST 2: Nurses Veryutina Valentina Alekseevna,

Dankovtseva Natalya Gennadievna, Suprunova

Sergeevna, Burtseva Maria Ivanovna and more
far from

a complete list of our snowmen.

PRESENTER 1: And this anthem sounds,

Liquidators, to you,

For children and grandchildren to remember

What was black April

And what happened to you

For the sake of life, accept this torment.


HOST 1: A participant in the aftermath of an accident sings for you
Chernobyl NPP deputy of the city council, major of the medical service
Nikolyuk Oleg Ivanovich - "In memory of the liquidators."

LEADER 1: It was not the block that burned, not only the block: the fire is a lesson,

Tough lesson! God forbid us such lessons!

God forbid us such epochs!

PRESENTER 2: We will remember all the Chernobyl brothers by name,

who have not survived to this day. They
they deserve it

human feat, defending their native land
from terrible

HOST 1: We bow before the feat of the participants in the liquidation

consequences of the Chernobyl accident, which lost their
life, your

health in order to obscure the atomic

for life on earth to continue.

We ask you to honor the memory of the untimely departed

Chernobyl residents with a moment of silence.

(A moment of silence is announced.) Metronome.

HOST 1: Chernobyl pain lives in me.

The soul is black and the heart stops.

Chernobyl alarm knocks in the temples.

And I can't understand

Why do I need this pain?

Why is this grief for me?

How sad to know

That life goes on

And I walk with her...

…But without you…

HOST 2: We invited relatives to our evening - a requiem

untimely deceased Chernobyl victims.

The floor is given to Natalia Smolyakova

Video clip "Union. Chernobyl. Ukraine"


Do not atone for and do not correct us for the mistakes and troubles of that April.

All life to bear bent shoulders

a harsh conscience is a painful burden.

After all, it is impossible to overpower, how to relocate, pain at home, believe me.

She will live in the hearts of the beating,

impregnated with disturbing memory.

April 26, 1986 in the Soviet Union at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the largest man-made disaster in the history of mankind occurred - Chernobyl accident. Thanks to the dedication of the liquidators of the consequences of the disaster, many of whom paid for it with their lives and health, the accident was localized. On November 30, 1986, the construction of a sarcophagus over the destroyed power unit was completed, and two weeks later, on December 14, the main newspaper K PSS Pravda and other central publications of the USSR published a Notice of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers that the state commission had put the complex into operation. protective structures of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It was the date of publication of this message, after reading which the country was able to breathe easy, and became the "Day of honoring the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident."

Chernobyl liquidators are heroes who went through a war with an even more dangerous - invisible enemy - radiation. This enemy has no smell, no taste, no appearance... There is only crackling. Dosimeter crackle

The liquidators extinguished the fire, walled up the reactor, caught and slaughtered the now dangerous radioactive animals. There were also those specialists who restored communications and repaired broken rescue equipment. All participants, about 600,000 people, became irreplaceable "cogs" of one huge "rescue machine". But they not only carried out orders, but also, saving people, took the initiative.

From the book "Liquidators"

The most difficult thing was to break the ordinary consciousness of people, to make them understand that the main enemy is not seen or heard, but it strikes everything. Most of them spent two years of the army in special forces. But that was study, and now they are in a real environment that does not allow carelessness.

Initially, radiation safety violations were everywhere, - says Vladimir Tyunyukov. - The processing of clothes and people was carried out poorly. Washed away invisible dirt under the shower anyhow. Then they went to bed. Once we checked the pillows with instruments. Fonilo so that they had to be destroyed. Hair, despite the means of protection, strongly absorbed radiation. People, not knowing it, harmed themselves. It was forbidden to eat in the risk zone, smoke and drink water. And it was hot. They brought bottled water. The soldiers opened them with belt buckles. The soldier is all in a chemical protection suit, all exposed parts were wiped. But when we were driving in the KAMAZ, the dust rose. It seeped everywhere and under the belt buckle. Then he opened a flask of water, and radioactive particles fell into the water from the buckle...

Kamil Sharifulin was a health officer in the Rostov regiment. His specialty is radiologist, radiologist. Now he is an expert in training comrades in misfortune at VTEK. He was called to Chernobyl from the reserve. Suitable in all respects: 37 years old, two children. And although he could easily refuse a business trip - he worked as the director of a complex of enterprises that produced vaccines and serums, he went on call without hesitation.

The Rostov regiment in 1986 was not taken to a nuclear power plant. We were localized in Belarus, Petkovschina farm in the Braginsky district. We cleared villages, buildings, bases that remained in the resettlement zone. They helped the population, as now the Ministry of Emergency Situations - they repaired roofs, cleaned wells, roads, - recalls Kamil. - Then there were not enough people at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and they attracted us. The entire regiment was urgently thrown into Ukraine, camped 20 kilometers from the station. 250 people were sent there every day.

During the explosion of the fourth power unit, pieces of concrete, steel, reinforcement, and fragments of the graphite masonry of the reactor literally permeated with radiation were blown throughout the station and even beyond it. A human anthill swarmed on this territory - people almost manually collected radioactive trash. And we were given the task of replacing the roof at Unit 3. They took it off and put on a new one. But first it was necessary to remove pieces of highly radioactive graphite from the roof.

Everyone who was sent to this was supposed to have two exits to the roof. Only 45 seconds worked on the roof itself. By stopwatch. The fighter changed into a protective suit, they pointed out to him: there is a piece of graphite. The roof is like a football field. Two or three with shovels had to run to the graphite in 15 seconds. Pick it up on a shovel and in the next 15 seconds bring it to the edge of the roof, where there was a huge container of radioactive waste. Throw a lethal weight into its mouth - and run back for another 15 seconds."

Every year, December 14th in our country is the Day of honoring the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Because exactly December 14 is the day of completion of the construction of the sarcophagus over the destroyed fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The date of December 14, when the Day of honoring the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident is celebrated, is not directly related to the process of constructing the Shelter object over the Chernobyl power unit damaged by the accident. However, it was on this day that the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers announced that the "sarcophagus" had been built and safely covered the destroyed power unit in the central publications of the USSR.

Most of the work was done from the moment of the accident until 1987. About 240,000 people took part in the events. The total number of liquidators (including subsequent years) was about 600,000.

We remind you that 26 years ago on April 26, 1986, at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, not far from Kiev, the Chernobyl accident occurred. According to eyewitnesses, at that time there were two powerful explosions with the destruction of part of the reactor block and the turbine hall, a fire broke out at the power unit No. 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. By 3 pm on the same day, it was reliably established that the reactor was destroyed, and a huge amount of radioactive substances was released into the atmosphere from its collapse (in total, about 520 dangerous radionuclides, 190 tons of radioactive substances were released).

As a result of the accident, the strongest radioactive contamination occurred within a radius of 30 kilometers. The explosion was so powerful that pollution of varying degrees of intensity spread to large areas of the territory of the Soviet Union (primarily Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) - an area of ​​160 thousand square kilometers. More than 400 thousand people were resettled. Thanks to the courage of the liquidators of the consequences of the disaster, the accident was localized. However, many of the liquidators of the consequences of the disaster lost their lives or lost their health and suffer from the consequences of exposure to this day.

The idea of ​​the Liquidator's Day is to once again remind the society about the problems of Chernobyl liquidators. Only the first 5 thousand of those who liquidated the accident officially began to be called liquidators, having received the appropriate certificates, and since 1992, everyone else was given the "crust" of the victims of the Chernobyl disaster.

Chernobyl protesters are currently taking place. They recall that the state took the trouble to be responsible for the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. The state must ensure social protection of people. People say that they were in the aftermath, they received appropriate guarantees from the state that today it will enable them to take care of their health and buy medicines.

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