Moscow State University Vorobyovy Gory house 1. The history of construction and architecture of the building of Moscow State University - a high-rise building of the Stalin era

The main building of Moscow State University is one of the "", one of the buildings of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University).

Address: Leninsky mountains, house 1.

🚇 metro station Lomonosovsky prospect, metro station Universitet, metro station Sparrow Hills.

The building is sometimes abbreviated as GZ MGU or simply GZ.

Moscow State University is the main Russian university. Founded on the initiative of a Russian scientist (1711 - 1765) in 1755.

In the Main Building (MC) of the University, in addition to classrooms, there are hostels for students, apartments for professors, libraries, shops, canteens, cafes, a cinema, a House of Culture, etc.

The main building of Moscow State University has 34 floors and a spire. The height of the MGU GZ without a spire is 183 m, and with a spire - 240 m.

Main building of Moscow State University

How to get to Moscow State University

From the metro station Lomonosovsky Prospect on foot to the entrance to the building is about 10 minutes, and from the stations "Universitet", "Vorobyovy Gory" - 10 - 15 minutes.

From the Universitet metro station to the DK MGU stop, you can take buses or minibuses No. 1, 4, 57, 113, 119, or 661.

DK MGU - House of Culture of Moscow State University, the name of the main entrance used by students, which is located on the side opposite the main entrance to the building.

How to get to Moscow State University

The entrances to the building are guarded by the police. Graduates of Moscow State University are allowed to enter the building if they have a passport and diploma with them. The rest can get to Moscow State University with an excursion to.

Structure of the MSU GC

The main building of Moscow State University is divided into buildings (sectors, zones), which are assigned the letter of the Russian alphabet:

Sector "A" (the main part of the building, on which the spire is located) - there is a dining room (the so-called professor's) and a cafe, the Faculty of Geology (3-8 floors), the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (12-16 floors), the Faculty of Geography ( 17-22 floors), administration (9-10 floors) and administration, scientific library, Museum of Geosciences (24-31 floors), assembly hall for 1500 people and the Palace of Culture of Moscow State University with a large hall for 640 seats (2nd floor), "rotunda » (31st and 32nd floors: meeting room on the 31st floor, observation deck on the 32nd floor), 33rd floor - gallery, 34th floor - technical and spire.

Zones "B", "C" - hostels for students, canteens.

Zones "G", "D", "E", "G" - dormitories for graduate students.

Buildings "I", "K", "L", "M" - apartments of the teaching staff.

The main building of Moscow State University is decorated with sculptures and symbols of the Soviet period.

Main entrance to GZ MSU Stone student at the main entrance to the Moscow State University

Inside the building are beautiful interiors.

Hall 2nd floor

Near the Moscow State University, you can find a commemorative tile installed in Soviet times.

Commemorative tiles on the alley near the building of Moscow State University

Near the Moscow State University complex there is a large sports complex, several parks, the Moscow State University library (built in 2005), the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University.

On the side of the main entrance is Alley of Academicians- along this alley there are busts of famous academicians related to Moscow State University. So, you can see the busts of Lomonosov, Pavlov, Michurin, Lobachevsky, Lebedev, etc. Moving from the Moscow State University building along the alley of academicians, you can come to the observation deck on Sparrow Hills.

From the side of the Palace of Culture (house of culture) a monument to Lomonosov was erected (1953, sculptor N.V. Tomsky).

The statue is surrounded by four "fountains". But in fact, these are not fountains, but air intakes for ventilation of buildings.

Fountain shaped air intakes

Stories, legends about Moscow State University

The State Building of Moscow State University was built during the Stalinist period. Naturally, the decision to build and the construction itself was covered with a veil of secrecy. Here are some stories and legends.

1) They say that when the GZ plan was brought to Stalin for approval, he pointed to the alleys around the building. “And what trees are you going to plant here?” the leader asked. The architects were not ready to answer the question, since they did not determine the types of trees for planting. Then Stalin said, "Why not plant apple trees here?" Since then, numerous apple trees have been growing around the university, and students are often happy to supplement their meager diet with free apples.

2) They say that on one of the basement floors, there is a 5-meter bronze statue of Stalin. She was supposed to stand in front of the main entrance to the GZ. But Stalin died in 1953 and this statue was left in the basement of the still unfinished GZ.

3) Many people think that the GCs were built by convicts. But in fact, the building was mainly built by German prisoners of war. They say that once, one of the prisoners, flew off the spire on a piece of plywood in Ramenki. He was later caught by the NKVD. This rumor came from an article published in Komsomolskaya Pravda in 1989. The accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed.

Lomonosov Moscow State University has long ceased to be only the center of Russian culture and science. Its building on the Lenin (Sparrow) Hills and the surrounding area is a full-fledged landmark of Moscow, which every guest of the capital should admire.

History of the Main Building of Moscow State University

Without the Stalinist skyscrapers that have become the face of Moscow, it is no longer possible to imagine the appearance of the city. They reflected the era and were the pride of both the Soviet government and ordinary citizens. The seven skyscrapers also include the main building of Moscow State University, which for a long time was among the tallest buildings not only in Moscow, but also in Europe. It was built on the highest place in the city and is visible from everywhere, as it should be the main Soviet and Russian temple of science. After all, it was science that was the driving force that made our country a leading world power.

The history of the new building of Moscow State University began in 1947, when, by order of I.V. Stalin, a decision was made to build high-rise buildings. A year later, several decrees were issued regarding the project. The first was accepted in 1948 - this date is officially considered the birthday of the university. The design and construction works were entrusted to the architect Boris Iofan. It was he who conceived the design of the main building, but due to a number of disagreements, the design was entrusted to the architects Chernyshev, Rudnev, Khryakov and Nasonov. The carrier system of the entire structure was developed by Nikolai Nikitin. He proposed new solutions that made it possible to build a high-rise building in difficult geological conditions and provide it with the necessary strength.

In 1951, I. V. Stalin personally endorsed the projects for landscaping the territories and building roads, the general estimate, the number of storeys, the height of the spire and the technical design. And, just 6 (!) years after the end of the most destructive war in history, construction began ...

The opening of the renovated University took place in the fall of 1953. On the same day, September 1, classes began.

Interestingly, at the time of opening, the Main Building of Moscow State University was a record high by European standards. Its height exceeds 183 meters, and together with the spire - 240 meters. Interestingly, the university held this title for 37 years, until 1990. And until 2003, the building was the tallest in Russia.

For information: in the central sector - "A" - the rector's office, mechanics and mathematics, geological and geographical faculties, assembly hall and administration are located. The side sectors are a residential area with student dormitories and teachers' apartments.

It is very interesting that in terms of everyday life the building of Moscow State University is self-sufficient. There is a library, canteens, a post office, a hairdresser's, a sports center with a swimming pool, shops and an atelier. It is worth noting that the services and services of the infrastructure of the Main Building (in the local jargon, simply “GZ”) are such that for all 5 years of study you can not go out.

Inspection of the Main Building of Moscow State University.

First of all, at MSU, the main interest is the building itself. Moreover, from the spire crowned with a star, which can be seen from afar, to the deepest basement. Both the cellars and the spire are shrouded in so many legends that it is impossible to retell them...

It seems that the star and the spire are covered with gold. But they were faced with more durable plates of yellow glass that sparkles in the sun...

The main building of Moscow State University, both inside and outside, is richly decorated with many sculptural compositions. Eminent artists worked on their creation: Georgy Ivanovich Motovilov, the creator of the design of many Moscow metro stations, Sergey Mikhailovich Orlov, the author of the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, the famous Vera Mukhina and many others.

All sculptures and bas-reliefs personify science and enlightenment, as well as the abundance that education brings...

By the way, the Museum of Earth Science operates at Moscow State University, which is located on the last 7 (!) floors of the building. Its extensive collection consists of thousands of exhibits. Among them - rocks, minerals, samples from the bottom of the oceans, meteorites. The museum offers interesting thematic excursions, including those for schoolchildren.

There are also a lot of interesting things around the Main Building of Moscow State University. First of all, these are the buildings of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, built simultaneously. They stand on opposite sides of the square and are twin buildings. Between them stands a monument to Lomonosov, with which a curious story is connected. For many years, students of Moscow State University argued about which faculty the monument is closest to. Using a laser rangefinder, they calculated that the "victory" was for the Chemistry Department. Naturally, physicists did not recognize the accuracy of the device as sufficient, and the dispute continues.

There is a complex of fountains in front of the Main Building of Moscow State University. Classical fountains are also installed in the park near the entrance - urban legends are also associated with them. According to rumors, there is a secret underground city under the fountains.

A significant attraction on the territory of Moscow State University is the alley of scientists. It leads from the Main Building to the slope of the Sparrow Hills. Along the alley are granite busts of 12 great Russian scientists: N. I. Lobachevsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, M. V. Lomonosov, A. I. Herzen, D. I. Mendeleev, I. P. Pavlov, N. E. Zhukovsky, K. A. Timiryazev, P. L. Chebyshev, V. V. Dokuchaev, A. S. Popov, I. P. Michurin.

One of the newest monuments of Moscow State University is a monument to construction teams. This is no coincidence - the first student construction team was formed precisely at Moscow University in 1959.

It is impossible to pass by the rich Botanical Garden - one of the most interesting parks in Moscow. It was created in 1953 for scientific purposes, and now the collection consists of 2.5 thousand plants from around the world. You can visit the Moscow State University Botanical Garden only as part of an excursion. It involves familiarity with the arboretum, rock garden and a collection of ornamental crops. There are also workshops on caring for plants and making floral postcard designs.

All these sights can be seen by combining sightseeing with a walk along the picturesque shady alleys. At the same time, it is worth visiting the Sparrow Hills observation deck, from which the whole city and its sights are visible at a glance.

How to get to Moscow State University

The nearest metro stations to Moscow University are Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Universitet. From each station to the Main Building of Moscow State University is about 1.5 kilometers and 20 minutes on foot. You can also drive three bus stops - routes 1, 113, 661.

By the way, the address of the Main Building of Moscow State University is Moscow, Leninskiye Gory, 1.

Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov on the map of Moscow.

  1. Main building of Moscow State University;
  2. Monument to M. V. Lomonosov;
  3. Entrance to the Botanical Garden;
  4. Fountain and alley of scientists;
  5. Observation deck on Sparrow Hills;
  6. Monument to construction teams;
  7. Big Moscow State Circus;
  8. Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

Photos of the Main Building of Moscow State University

The main entrance of Moscow State University is decorated with a bas-relief "The People-Creator", and bronze sculptures "Athletes" are installed on the sides.

The main entrance is considered to be looking at Moscow. The opposite one is usually called "Club" because next to it is the House of Culture of Moscow State University. By the way, “home” is a relative concept. This is the name of the complex of "cultural premises" in the Main Building.

The illumination of the Main Building is most impressive on a winter evening.

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