Judgment - quotes and aphorisms. Quotes on the topic “Do not judge others Proverbs about judging other people

We are accustomed to judging others by ourselves, and if we willingly forgive them for our shortcomings, we severely condemn them for being deprived of our virtues.
O. Balzac

By deeds, I judge only those people to whom I feel antipathy.
B. Bardo

A person must be judged by both his friends and his enemies.
D. Conrad

It is necessary to judge a person, based mainly on his everyday actions, observing his daily existence.
M. Montaigne

Let the shoemaker judge no higher than the boot.

Everyone needs to have their own opinion.
Cicero Mark Tullius

If you knew from what source people's judgments and interests flow, you would cease to seek the approval and praise of people.
Marcus Aurelius

All people judge us by our appearance and manners, and only a few by our spiritual qualities.
F. Chesterfield

Every man must be judged by his deeds.
M. Cervantes

Refraining from judgment is a state of mind in which we neither deny nor affirm anything.
Sextus Empiricus

In disputed matters, judgments are different, but the truth is always the same.
Francesco Petrarca

Our enemies are much closer to the truth in their judgments about us than we are ourselves.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Judge a man more by his questions than by his answers.

There is no such false judgment that would not be the result of either our passions or our ignorance.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

Friends and foes alike must be judged equally.

It's great to have your own judgments, but in the end what matters is what those judgments are.
Matthew Arnold

A judgment is just a judgment, even if it is expressed with extraordinary certainty.
Elias Canetti

Ignorant people judge, and they often need to be deceived so that they do not err.

Judge the case by the outcome.

And for a normal person making a judgment under normal circumstances, the vast majority of possibly correct judgments are devoid of evidence.
Edmund Husserl

In the era of three hundred basic words, the ability to make an effort to form a judgment and, thereby, to distinguish between true and false, disappears.
Theodor Adorno

A proposition whose falsity cannot be detected is not necessarily true.
Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron

Expression implies someone who expresses himself, the truth he expresses, and other people before whom he expresses himself.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

The dialectic of phrases always carries contradictions.
Gilles Deleuze

It is rightly said in all respects: every man is judged according to his faith. And in disbelief.
T. Carlyle

Only by actions do we judge internal movements, thoughts, actions, other feelings.
K. Helvetius

Judge not by the dress -
Who honestly feeds on labor,
Such I call nobility.
R. Berne

Narrow-minded people usually condemn everything that is beyond their understanding.
François de La Rochefoucauld

People sometimes judge vices and virtues only on the basis of what they do not like or what is beneficial to them.
François Fénelon

“Before you judge others, look at yourself.
One who throws mud cannot have clean hands.”

Condemnation of other people

In this article, I would like to touch on the topic of judging other people. The topic, on the one hand, is simple and understandable, but, as practice shows, it is far from always being understood correctly.

So, a simple example.

I ride a bike. Not on the road, but on the sidewalk. I drive up to a pedestrian crossing across the road. The red light is on. Quite naturally, I stand, waiting for the green light to turn on.

A mother with a child walks past me, with a brisk step, and, almost without stopping, begins to cross the street at a red light. The traffic is not too busy, in principle, you can safely cross without an emergency.

A familiar situation, you can often see this on our streets. And with strollers, and with children, and on their own, our people calmly cross the road at a prohibitory traffic signal.

Violation, wrong action? Naturally, you and I know very well that the Laws must be observed even in the most insignificant situations. And they, apparently, have not yet learned this simple truth. So they walk, not thinking about the consequences.

But, for the time being, we will not discuss these people, let's see what occurs in our head while observing such a picture.

Personally, in my time, such actions caused "righteous indignation" and, so to speak, legal condemnation. A series: “What are they doing! The children are with them! What are they teaching them? and so on. This is me, of course, voicing the softest options. I think everyone can add to this list with their "fighting" expressions.

We return to our traffic light. There is still time, and here I am standing in front of a zebra, looking down on my correctness at this mother, and “indignant expressions” gush in my head, condemnation works to its fullest.

And then, suddenly, a kind of light, sarcastic question appears in my head: “Young man, what are you doing at the moment?”.

It's a simple question, but it made me think. And the answer is not the most joyful:

And at that moment, I was so good, high-quality, powerful, with all my heart, that I singled out the negative in the back, an unsuspecting woman.

Well, at least, honesty was enough to be able to stop and look at their actions without emotions. Yes, and the wording immediately appeared - elementary condemnation of another person.

Not the best option, to be sure. I think it makes no sense to explain about the consequences, and about the internal state, and about the presence of Love in the heart at this moment.

This is how the mechanism of JUDGING other people works. A banal, ordinary, simplest case suddenly becomes "strong argument" so that a person himself, without external influences, switches to a state of dislike. And he filled himself with negative energy, and sent a good, solid portion to another person.

Naturally, I made the necessary conclusions, but quite often one has to observe this on the streets of the city. Typical automatic response. That's why I decided to voice it, you see, someone will rethink this internal setting.

Yes, and here, it is desirable to take into account such a small, but rather important point. If you think you are doing absolutely the right thing in a situation. Like me with a traffic light, for example. I decided for myself to cross the street only on the green light. It makes sense not to raise this knowledge to an absolute, that's the only way, everything else is wrong. Options are always possible, life is quite diverse and multifaceted.

And what seems absolutely correct to you today may, after a while, undergo certain adjustments. If you learn something new and important, you will naturally change both your attitudes and your behavior in certain situations. Do not limit, first of all, yourself, leave room for these changes and new knowledge. And, moreover, it is not desirable to impose this understanding on other people, as the only correct one at all times.

This approach is also flexibility It is said that any process, like a person, must have the necessary reserve of this very flexibility.

Reason for judging others

What is the reason for judging others?

A person sees the wrong actions of another. Quite naturally, I want to help, to make this person understand about the mistake he made.

If you have the ability to do it with love and light, great. If not yet, the standard version of negative multiplication is obtained. The circuit of condemnation of other people is included. And what kind of correctness can we talk about?

A lot of people have a question: “And what, just watch how they break the rules? And if a bully sticks to a girl? And if so, what worse is going on?"

And here, it makes sense to see the difference between the two approaches.

First- This is the usual highlighting of the negative. To say something more significant, to look more contemptuously, as a last resort, and to go on the face if you don’t understand at all.

Here, everything is clear, on the external negative, we give out our negative. Multiplication is obvious, the situation is rarely resolved in a good way. majority approach. Judgment works.

Second is the approach STRONG MAN. Of course, you understand that this is not about physical strength, but about the strength and ability of a person to manage processes. Here, the mechanism of condemnation of other people failed to turn on.

How might it look?

For example, with the same hooligans. If this happened, you can calmly approach and do so, then they will lose all desire to continue their actions. No assault, no pressure, no rudeness, no negativity. Someone knows how to do it even without direct contact.

At the same traffic light. You can just stand and lead by example. Those who do not need it will slip through and not notice, those who have matured will pay attention and make the necessary conclusion, first of all, for themselves. If one in a hundred pays attention, it will already be better than pressing condemnation with unpredictable consequences both for oneself and for the world.

If the completely "reckless" mother continues her actions. You can send an internal message in her direction with good, correct, necessary information. There are chances that he will hear, or it will be postponed in the subconscious. And there is still a chance that this message can cover up from an accident. Look, next time you'll come to your senses. Or maybe it is this information that will be that drop in the common bowl, which was so lacking for the formation of this skill. Who knows?

If desired, you can fantasize a similar approach in different situations. As you may have guessed, for this skill you need to know and be able to do a lot of things. These are not fairy tales, and not excerpts from serials, these are the very opportunities that open up for a person ABILITY TO LOVE.

The choice, of course, is yours. You can train to turn off the mechanism of judging other people anywhere, there are plenty of situations around each of us.

And for a more correct conclusion, I recommend looking at yourself from the outside. Each of us already knows something, knows how, realized, worked out. But, there are a lot of things that we have no idea about. Remember the diagram from the article about. One way or another, we act, one way or another, we commit wrong deeds, one way or another, we violate the Laws. This is normal, we still have a lot to learn and master.

I think that it would not be very pleasant for each of us, for each such action, not yet conscious, to receive powerful negative energy blows from those who have already worked on this topic. Correction - yes, support - yes, hint - yes, example - required. But not pressure, not condemnation, not manipulation, not forced introduction of the correct truths. To hammer and condemn a person is not right, not according to the Laws. A good level implies the ability to interact correctly.

So, there is something to think about. It makes sense to feel how the mechanism of judging other people works. Again, if there is a desire, of course.

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Do not judge - then, that we are all people,
All are weak, weak, entangled in sin;
Passion stirs our breasts;
We are born and live in sin.
Do not judge, to be a judge of your neighbor,
Ask your conscience, are you better than them?
Oh, brother, who is definitely pure in soul,
He is good to the faults of others!
Do not judge, because the word has no return!
See that, as the Savior said, it is not equal.
You will see a needle in the eye of a brother,
And look through your log.
Do not condemn - then, so that by denunciation
That stone from on high would not fall on you,
Heavy stone of condemnation
Which you threw at your brother.
Don't judge! Not people are evil in soul,
And people's lives are often evil,
First find out what their path
She led to death.
Don't judge! Do you dare to vouch
That you will not be addicted to addiction?
Don't judge! You may be wrong.
Don't judge! - You will not be condemned!

How often do we judge people
Not seeing the log in my own eye,
How fiercely we judge, hating
For the sake of your own passions.

How often do we make our judgment
Having tried on the face of God,
Forgetting that at this time
Someone is judging us too...

A lady appeared before the court
She is slim, not young,
In the past - husband's wife,
Slightly loose temper.

Her husband was strict and faithful.
He loved his family: wife, children,
He was full of good ideas.
He lived by honor, did not hypocrite.

She lives behind a stone wall
It seemed nice at first.
But the years went by and got sick
Consent, peace of mind.

And once you have fulfilled your duty,
Hateful act of intercourse
She told her husband: “That's enough!
I'm leaving, forget me."

The neighbors all judged her,
Friends yelled at her: “Wake up!
Come back to your family
Ask for forgiveness - forgive

And the children whined endlessly
And they couldn't understand
Why did you leave your father
Their crazy mother.

She smiled at everyone
And she looked good on the eyes.
Her soul, having lived in the dark
Waking up away from her husband.

The days went by in a frenzy of pleasures,
Beautiful bodies and pleasures.
To overcome all beliefs.
She didn't feel sin.

So do we have the right to judge her?
Perhaps in secret everyone wants
With soul to live all days and nights?
Is everything else just a lie?

We often make our own opinions or judgments about other people, with little or no awareness of this. There are people who understand this and, moreover, they like it, because in this way they improve their self-esteem and feel more significant. However, regardless of the reason, we do not have the slightest right to judge anyone. Most people often do not notice their own mistakes, instead they seek to find and point out the mistakes of others. Analyze the following reasons why you should get rid of this unpleasant habit (if you have it, of course).

1. Incomplete information

Before judging someone, make sure you know all the information about that person. Perhaps you are not aware of its history, problems and concerns. Instead of drawing superficial conclusions, try to help such a person or just leave him alone.

2. We are all different

If you really don't like something, well, others don't have to share your point of view at all. For example, you consider tattoos to be a terrible sight, so let it remain your private opinion, you should not tell about it to another person who loves them. If someone cannot get a diploma, this does not mean that he does not strive to study, maybe he simply does not have the means to pay for his education. We are all different and we all have different life situations.

3. Nobody is perfect

Perfectionists tend to judge every person they come across in their lives. They do not admit their own faults, but they love to point out the faults of others. It is very important to realize that no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, and we do it always and constantly. Before criticizing someone's actions, consider whether those actions are actually harmful. Maybe other people have good motives for doing what they do.

4. Do to others the way you would like them to do to you.

Before making a value judgment on someone, put yourself in his (her) place. We often judge others unfairly, but we hate it when people judge us. Your words and actions can destroy any relationship within minutes. But can you build trust and human relationships again in the same few minutes?

5. Tolerance

Tolerance or tolerance is especially needed in the modern world. People do so many not always reasonable actions and actions that it is sometimes very difficult to keep silent, especially when it is necessary. Train your tolerance. This will help you understand people better and judge them less. If you can’t understand someone in any way, then just stop thinking about it. Focus on your problems, not someone else's.

6. Appearances are often deceiving.

Don't judge by appearances and never make fun of people. They may not be able to buy expensive clothes and lead a luxurious lifestyle, but they can do a lot of good deeds. Well, remember point 2: we are all different. Some people can't buy the groceries they need, while others spend tons of money on things they don't need. Rich people tend to judge poor people, but they don't know, for example, how poor people help others without expecting anything in return.

7. You characterize yourself

When you judge other people, you are not characterizing them, but yourself. Do you want people to think you are intolerant and unpleasant? Ask your family or friends what they think of you, and if they say that you often judge other people, then maybe it's time to stop being subjective.

Have you ever wanted to just sit next to someone and listen to everything that person can say because you just love their face, their voice, and just their existence?

It is interesting to remember how you met a person, how you saw him for the first time and what you felt, what you thought about him, it was somehow indifferent to him at first, and then ... and then he became the meaning of your life.

I will love the one who will give me the most beautiful stone.
- No, everything will be different. First you will love him, and then he will put an ordinary stone in your hand, and you will call it the most beautiful stone ...

If you love a person for who he is, then you love him. If you are trying to radically change it, then you love yourself. That's all.

Before expressing your opinion to a person, think about whether he is able to accept it.

Trust is a bridge that everyone builds himself, in the hope that they are waiting for him on the other side.

The moment you wonder if you love someone, you've stopped loving them forever.

It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him.

While you are thinking about how to breathe correctly, you will not be able to think about anything else. That is, about the crisis too. And when you don’t think about something, it’s like it doesn’t exist.

Before you speak, listen.
Think before you write.
Earn before you spend.
Feel before offending.
Before you hate, love.
Try before you give up.
Before you die, live!!!

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