Alba italy on the map. Alba, Piedmont, Italy

The main attractions of Alba are

  • Palazzo Comunale - Built in the 13th century.
  • several towers 14th - 15th centuries Alba It was once famous as “the city of hundreds of towers”.
  • town hall XIII century,
  • gothic church San Domenico(San Domenico, XIII-XIV centuries) is the most significant church in the city from an artistic point of view. Prominent triple arch portal, polygonal apse. During the Napoleonic Wars, the church was used as a stable.
  • tasty Cathedral of San Lorenzo ( Duomo di Alb a, XII - XV centuries) - built in the Romanesque style in the 12th century, most likely on the site of an ancient Roman temple. In the 15th century, the cathedral was rebuilt by Bishop Andrea Novelli, and after that it was reconstructed several times. The cathedral received its present appearance after restoration in the 19th century, and the crypt and three portals were preserved from the original construction. The cathedral is famous for its carved wooden choirs, created in 1512 by Bernardo Fossati. The current bell tower of the cathedral, dating from the 12th century, includes elements of the original construction.
  • baroque church of st. John the Baptist, which contains the image of the Madonna by Barnaba da Modena (1377) and "Madonna with Saints" (1508) Macrino d'Alba.
  • Museum of Archeology and Natural Sciences F. Uesebio.

In addition, Alba known as a center of extraction Piedmont truffle.

Alba city map:

Alba(Italian and we drink. Alba, local. Arba) is the main city of the Langhe region on the border of Liguria and Piedmont, along the Tanaro River, in the Italian province of Cuneo. The area is famous for its peaches, white truffles and dry wine. Saint Lawrence is considered the patron saint of the city. The city festival is celebrated annually on August 10.


Foundation of the settlement of Alba Pompeia ( Alba Pompeia) on the road from Akkvi Terme to Turin is attributed to the consul Pompey Strabo. One of the Roman emperors, Pertinax, was born in this city. Since the IV century, Alba had its own bishop under the command of the Archbishop of Milan. Since the XI century - a free commune of the Lombard League, in later times - an apple of discord between the Montferrat Aleramichi, the Milan Visconti and the Gonzaga house. As a result of the War for the Mantuan Succession (1631), it went to the House of Savoy, after which it lost its former significance.

In 1946 a confectionery company was established in Alba Ferrero which specializes in the production of sweets Raffaello and other similar sweets.


Monuments of antiquity - the Romanesque cathedral of St. Lawrence (completed in 1486, reconstructed in the 19th century), the Gothic church of St. Dominica, the medieval episcopal palace, offices of the 13th century, as well as some towers of the 14th-15th centuries.


Territory Albs has been inhabited since time immemorial. It was once inhabited by tribes of nomads who settled in one place, built huts, they began to hunt and grow vegetables. Later, these tribes merged with the Ligurs or Celts.
The city received its name during the time of the Romans, the consul Gneo Pompey Strabo issued an edict on the formation of a city with the name Alba Pompeia... Already in the Roman era it was of great strategic and commercial importance. In the city, city buildings were erected, among which there was an aqueduct, along which water flowed from the Tanaro River, supplying the necessary moisture Albu.
Government in the city was autonomous and consisted of a magistracy, which included five orders: decurions, priests of the augustals, horsemen, contractors and freedmen. The entire nation was divided into colleges of artisans. Agriculture and animal husbandry were the main occupations in Roman Albe.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the city was destroyed by the Burgundians, later in 640 the Lombards and Franks invaded, the Saracens raided. It all weakened Albu, forcing them to unite with Asti and Savona.
A two-meter fortress wall with towers was erected around Alba.
Monasteries and hospitals were built, including a hospital for lepers and infectious patients. At this time on the coat of arms Albs a red cross appeared on a silver field.
In 1259 Alba entered into an alliance with Charles of Anjou, against neighboring Asti. It was a period of rivalry and struggle between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, who argued over territories. Asti became an "enemy" due to the fact that he wanted to deprive Alba of dominance in the Tanaro Valley. The towers, which were used as prisons, became the symbol of this struggle.
In the XII century. the city became a commune and joined the Lombard League.
In the centuries that followed, Alba acted as a battlefield between the French and the Spaniards. Churches, palaces and art have been damaged in numerous battles.
After the Cato-Cambresian peace in 1559, Alba was transferred to the Gonzaga family of Matuya. It was a period of peace and tranquility, broken only by earthquakes. After the death of Francesco IV Gonzaga, Albu was besieged by Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy, and in 1623 he managed to capture the city.
In 1630, the city and surrounding areas were seized by a plague that claimed many lives.
End of the 17th century brought a literary and artistic dawn. The Academy of Philharmonic and Literature opened in Alba. At this time, new buildings were being erected: the hospital of San Lazzaro, the Church of St. Cosmas and Damian and the Church of St. Mary Magdalene.
At the end of the 18th century. Alba took part in French Revolution, gladly meeting the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1796.But, not accepting all French innovations, seeing the attitude of the French to architectural and art monuments (this is how a stable was built in the Church of St. Dominic), the ardor of the inhabitants Albs calmed down. When the French authorities announced that the city should give an unheard-of sum of 123 thousand lire for military purposes, two ambassadors were sent to discuss the situation, but one of the ambassadors was simply shot.
The French period brought devastation and ruin to the city. The restoration of Alba was started by Karl Felix of Savoy. He built the Magdalene Monastery. Paved new road connecting Albu with Savona. The architect Giorgio Busca was invited to design new buildings such as the theater, the Miroglio palace, and new streets and squares.
After World War I, in Albe, as in the whole of Italy, the era of fascism began.
During the Second World War, it was proclaimed a "free republic". For 23 days (from October 10 to November 2, 1944) it became a partisan republic, receiving a gold medal for military valor.
In 1948 and 1994 there were severe floods that damaged the city.
After the second world war in Albe there was no industry, but now the situation has changed radically. Now it produces textiles, food, clothing. World famous candy factory Ferrero was opened in Albe.

Central square Albs is an piazza Risorgimento... Here is the City Palace and Cathedral (Duomo).

Cathedral. Alba

The cathedral is dedicated to the patron saint Albs- Lorenzo. The cathedral received its modern look in the 19th century. in the late Gothic style. The bell tower of the cathedral is one of the tallest in Italy, it includes an older bell tower dating back to the 12th century. Another Negri tower was opposite the facade, but it was demolished in 1867. The facade of the cathedral depicts the figure of Saint Lorenzo, the patron saint Albs, the work of Luigi Cochio in 1878. There is a valuable sprinkler in the cathedral, dating back to 1503.

From Piazza Risorgimento read Via Vittorio Emanuele- the main street Albs crossing the whole historical Center, there are medieval buildings, arches, filling the streets with a special atmosphere of the old city. And among the numerous shops and cafes, locals love to walk so much.
But before we go down the street, let's turn on piazza E. Pertinace.
Here is located Church of San Giovanni (Chiesa di San Giovanni), which contains various works of art, including the Madonna and Child (1377) by Barnaba da Modena, "Adoration" (1508) by Macrino d "Alba.

Church of San Giovanni. Alba. Piedmont. Italy.

Opposite the church - next to palazzo marro you can see what remains of the ancient Roman temple the time of Alba Pompey.

Palazzo Marro.

There is a historic truffle shop in Piazza Pertinace, 3 - Tartufi morra... This shop was opened in 1930 by Giacomo Morra, thanks to whom truffle from Alba became famous all over the world. The store is now owned by Morr's heirs. Throughout the year, you can buy canned delicacies with truffles from them, and fresh in the harvesting season.

Every Saturday, a farmers' market is set up on the square, where you can buy any gastronomic gifts, be it fragrant truffles, cheeses and sausages, sweets and famous wines.

Alba. Piedmont. Italy.

On the other side via Vittorio Emanuele located church of San Domenico (via Calissano)... Church founded in the XIII century. not active now, exhibitions and concerts are held here. Archaeological excavations showed that a Roman domus was located under the church.

Church of San Domenico.

Alba = "" align = "left" width = "450"> One of the important events is the International Truffle Fair, which takes place every autumn. (Fiera Nazionale Tartufo Bianco d'Alba).
The fair was first held in 1928, since then many famous characters have visited Albu for fragrant white truffles. The collection of these valuable mushrooms takes place in the fall (from September to January), and the fair is timed to coincide with it.
Fresh truffles are stored for no more than a week at a temperature of 3 to 6 degrees, after heat treatment, they are used to make sauces and pastes that are stored much longer. But it is not advised to freeze truffles, since when frozen they lose all their properties and aromas, the same thing happens when salting.
Fresh truffles are thoroughly washed without removing the skin, cut into thin slices (grating is considered bad manners) and eaten raw along with pasta, scrambled eggs and other dishes.
Truffle fair website:

The truffle fair is preceded by historical holiday - costume procession and palio on donkeys.

The history of the palio is as follows: in 1275 and Asti were at war. The inhabitants of Asti approached the city walls of Alba and brought with them the banners, won at the races, a sign of future victory. And then the inhabitants of Alba, as a mockery of the enemy, decided to arrange horse races on donkeys inside the city walls.
Now this day is remembered on the first Sunday in October.
Every area of ​​the city is preparing for this important event: they sew medieval costumes, make decorations, put on mini-performances in which children, adults, and even horses participate.
Colorful columns march through the streets of the city, carrying the banners of their area, to the central square, where short performances with scenes from medieval life take place. Here, brave seniors fight for castles, and peasants sell vegetables and wine, burn witches, organize uprisings, and at the end the judges will choose the best team, evaluating costumes and stage skills.
Teams of jugglers will not leave indifferent with flags that simultaneously toss, twist, catch the developing banners.
The second part of the holiday - palio on donkeys... Donkey Races with District Representatives Albs... Stupid animals refuse to go to the start, start running in the other direction, or suddenly stop, throwing the rider off. The winner is the one who manages to find the key to the wayward donkey and reach the finish line first. Positive emotions and funny laughter for the audience are guaranteed!

*** You have to buy a ticket for palio and performances. The cost depends on the category of tickets: the most expensive seats are with a well-defined seat, then there are seats without a specific seat and the cheapest standing seats. Tickets can be bought a few days before the holiday or on the day of the holiday.

Another popular holiday taking place in Albe autumn - wine festival (Festa del vino).

All the central streets of the city are turning into a large wine cellar. Local winemakers bring their wines to the festival, sausages with wine are sold, the atmosphere of celebration and carelessness reigns.
Visited buy a ticket (10 euros) and get a glass in a pocket, which is hung around the neck. Now you can go around all the tables, taste wines, walk along the city streets with a glass of great wine and enjoy a celebration of wine in Alba.
Organizers website:

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