The longest railway world. The longest railway in the world where is it? New Silk Path

The first rails for the railways were laid almost two centuries ago. Today, the journey even in the superior high-speed train is not the fastest way of movement on the planet, but remaining one of the most convenient and safest. And freight rail transportation will still long be the main type of trade between countries and regions.

Developed network railway tracks and including the longest railway in the world, which has long been considered Trans-Siberian Magistral - Mandatory conditions for the progress of any economically developed area and the entire global economy.

Historical reference

After a very short time after in England in 1825, a movement was opened on the first railway ross, it became clear that this is the optimal way of transporting goods and passengers. Railways of the world began to lunge the landing of the rail web. The number laid paths began to visually reflect the level economic Development States and its potential, including military.

Russian Empire in full compliance with national Character The title nation has long groaned and drove loads for a long time on horseback. Although the first railway communication between the metropolitan St. Petersburg has been established in 1837, the operation of railways in Russia has long been conditional due to their absence.

National feat

The specifics of Russian spaces dictated the need for the accelerated development of the railway network - this was understandable to the most backward retrograde in the royal government. In May 1891, the heir to the throne, the future of the last autocrat, Nicholas II personally poured the wheelbarrine in the foundation of the railway embankment under Vladivostok. And the construction of the eastern transmission site began. In 1904, in 1904, the first train passed from the coast of Atlantic to Vladivostok, a tremendous amount of money and human strength was spent.

The distance from Europe to the Russian Far East is that after the end of construction, Russia inevitably turned out the longest railway in the world. The construction of the Great Siberian Way, as was called at the beginning of the highway, many were called (especially in the days of the celebrations about the opening of the movement) by a joint feat of a single Russian people who united to achieve the result and lead engineer, and simple excavation. I remove excessive pathos, you can find a large proportion of truth in this statement.

Trans-Siberian Magistral

Formally, the Transsiber was completed when a portion of the path from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok was built, but the reconstruction continued for a very long time. Docted in the form of a plate at the Yaroslavl station of Moscow The length of the Trans-Siberian highway is 9298 km. In 2012, the complete electrification of the Transsib was over, and today the train from Moscow to Vladivostok goes only 6 days and 13 hours.

RUSSIAN NATURE CAN NOT LEAVE INTRODUCED ENERGY PURPOSE PROZEICAL AND ECONOMIC CONCEPT. A long journey through Russian railways is not just moving in space, it impresses any person, giving birth to deep experiences. The longest railway in the world is the Trans-Siberian Mainer - the heroine of numerous poetic and prosaic texts of different genres, songs are made about it and shoot movies.

Great Silk Path

China for a long time is a leader in economic growth. The trade turnover, the economic, political, social and public relations of modern China with Russia and Europe require the establishment of highly populic ways to communicate. Railways of the world and Europe are becoming an important part of such a process.

Historical traditions in the establishment of contacts to many modern businessmen and politicians are seen in laying on a modern basis of the Great Silk Road, known since ancient times. The caravanways connected to the East and Europe have had a huge intensity that is reflected in the wide distribution of orientalism in Europe, visual and applied art. Shinazri - Chinese Rococo, which has become a decisive course for leading European architects and decorators at the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries - in many respects the result of the heroic efforts of merchants, which brought rich caravans from China.

An important direction of the economy

In modern economy, component is significant. The need to associate remote areas of the country with the Industrial and Economic Center, the high need for interstate transport was made by China leader in the railway industry. The length of the railways for which the superior trains move is constantly growing.

In 2012, a new movement was opened railway track From Beijing to Guangzhou. The Chinese capital and major megalopolis in the south of the country connected the longest and speedy branch in the world. According to it, at a speed of about 300 km / h, supercomforphort and reliable compositions will move, which has been triggered three times, which was spent on this road earlier. The largest railways The world comes precisely on such a way of development.

Madrid - IU

Today, to deliver goods from China to Europe, there are no multi-month dangerous travel on camels and horses for difficult trails. But investing serious means needed. The desire to make a similar way fast, profitable, reliable Chinese proclaimed a long time ago, inviting Russian specialists to cooperate.

At the end of 2014, China was solemnly held in China, and in Madrid, in Madrid, a railway train was met in Madrid, overcoming the way from the Chinese city of IU, located on the Pacific Coast. So it starts to function the longest railway in the world with a length of about 13,000 km. Although its condition does not yet allow to establish the movement of comfortable passenger compounds, and the passage of trains depends on the weather and other local factors, it can be said that the development transport network The world has entered a new, impressive stage of development.

The Trans-Siberian Highway or the Great Siberian Way, which connects the capital of Russia in Moscow with Vladivostok, until recently wore the honorable title in the world in the world of the railway. But when the "new silk path" was launched, he pushed the Transsib to the second place, since it became noticeably longer than the previous record holder. The longest railway routes include unique tracks that have a length of many thousands of kilometers, during the journey through which a person can learn a lot about our planet.

1. Madrid-IU, or "New Schill Way" (13,052 km)

Many people would be happy to swell on a cable car to test all the extraordinary sensations caused by this way moved ...

Nowadays, for delivery of goods from the Middle Kingdom to Europe, it is not necessary to make dangerous multi-month roadways on horseback and camels. However, to avoid this, gigantic investments are required. The Chinese historically dreamed of making the direction to the West favorable, rapid and reliable, and at some point they attracted to cooperation and Russian specialists.
The length of the railway highway with loud name The "new silk path" amounted to 13,052 kilometers. It is so much the railway canvase that it took to connect the capital of Spain with a small Chinese town of Ei. After the construction is completed, this railway has become a record holder in the world throughout. The Chinese government did not praise and spent about 40 billion dollars to improve the infrastructure of the railway and increase the tonnage of goods transported on it.
At the end of 2014, the railway composition from the Chinese city of Yu, located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, was solemnly moved on the road, and after 21 days he finished in distant Madrid. It was the beginning of work the most extended railway line. Unfortunately, the quality of the path does not allow to let the comfortable passenger expressings on it, the weather and other natural factors have a strong influence on the movement of trains, but despite this, the beginning of the functioning of this highway allowed the global economy to get one step higher.

2. Moscow-Vladivostok, or Trans-Siberian Railway Highway (9,289 km)

This road is held exclusively in Russian territory, it is the first globally tied Europe and Asia. The start of the Transsib laying was 1891. The heir to the throne Nikolai Romanov returned from the Multifeciac Sea Cruise from Japan (the future last emperor Nicholas II) laid the first stone of the Ussuri railway in the vicinity of Vladivostok. Long railway in Russia as if beads riding 87 cities, 5 federal districts and 8 time zones. 81% of the length of this path falls on the Asian part, and the rest is on the European one.
Soviet builders of Bama could envy the speed of building this railway line - the path from Kotlas and Miass to Port Arthur and Vladivostok appeared in just 13.5 years (1891-1904). Basically, the "cast-iron" was held in unauthorized lands, sites of permafrost. Through major rivers were transferred many bridges. The construction of Transsib was completed on October 1 (according to the old style) of 1904. But after the official completion, construction lasted for many years. For example, only in 1938 the second rut was completed. This legendary railway, having a length of 9289 kilometers, was launched in the midst of the First World War - in 1916.
To get from the capital to Vladivostok, a traveler will need to spend on a train of 167 hours, which will make 120 stops during this time. Traveling on a transussiba is akin to a long-term tourist warning - passengers will be seen during the path of many well-known settlements, natural sights of incredible beauty and intactness. In addition, wining kilometers, the train gradually crosses 8 time zones.

3. Moscow-Beijing (8,984 km)

Russia and China are long-standing partners who have common interests not only in politics and economics, but also in culture. It is not surprising that the capitals of these huge countries connected the direct railway line, which stretches at 8984 kilometers. Traveling from one capital to another lasts about 145 hours. A significant part of the train route is overcome by the already mentioned Transsib, but in Chita, the wagons are as follows in China towards the Chinese border. This is followed by a 6-hour stop in Zabaikalsk, where border control and change of wheel steam is carried out, since the rut width in two countries is different.

4. Far Eastern Railway (6,826 km)

The length of this route is 6826 kilometers. Railway management is located in Khabarovsk. Throughout the path, the train follows 416 stations, as well as 3 points of intersection state border. Traveler sitting in the train will not get bored, because they can admire the nature of the reserves and the view of the zones of many years of marbles.

5. Gorky Railway (5,296 km)

In 1936, Gorky railway was formed with a length of 5296 kilometers. This highway is still upgraded all the time, for example, in 2010 it began to run "Sapsan" - high-speed electric train, produced by the German company Siemens, which began to deliver passengers in a shorter time. For example, with it to get from Moscow in Nizhny Novgorod It became possible in 3.5 hours. Every year, over 52 million passengers pass in the Gorky Railway. For Russia, this direction has long been an important economic and political factor, on its way there are historical citiesOn the way you can look at large forest arrays and picturesque landscapes.

6. Lhasa Guangzhou (4,980 km)

Inside China, there is another long railway on which 4980 kilometer pillars are located. It is connected by the port city of Guangzhou and Continental Lhas, located in Tibetan Highlands. Train T264 overcomes this grand path for 54.5 hours. Conductors tell the passengers about the attractions on the windows on three languages. The train around the clock there is a restaurant, where you can enjoy Tibetan and Chinese cuisine.
China in recent decades has reached the leading position in the world to organize modern railways. The Chinese apply the latest building technologies, modern high-speed trains are allowed on the rails that can rush much faster than ordinary cars.

7. Inino-Shanghai (4,742 km)

In 2014, a movement was opened on a new railway route connecting Shanghai and Annin 4742 kilometers long. Passenger trains are moving on it, while they consistently cross 7 Chinese provinces in which 32 stops are made. The time on the way is 56 hours, for which the passengers cross most of China and have the opportunity to admire its beauty, which are really quite a lot.

8. Urumchi-Guangzhou (4,684 km)

This railway connects the northwestern lands of China with its southeast regions, its length amounted to 4684 kilometers, and to overcome them, it will take 49.5 hours. There are three trains here, in which businessmen, politicians and just travelers are most often sitting, who seek to get to Guangzhou.

9. Toronto Vancouver (4,466 km)

In Canada, Via Rail trains on a route 4466 kilometers long run between Vancouver and Toronto. In the way, they make 66 stops. But passengers sitting in comfortable cars are not bored, because the snowy peaks of the rocky mountains are rushed outside the windows, a Canadian taiga and a variety of natural sights. Frequently, the passengers can not only admire landscapes, but also see deer, elk or bears.

Currently, over a billion people twists the pedals of bicycles, which makes it particularly this vehicle is the most popular in the world. In Europe itself ...

10. Chicago - Los Angeles (4,390 km)

The transcontinental American highway connects Los Angeles and Chicago, which are on the opposite sides of the North American mainland. This route serves the state company "AMZA". The path length is 4390 kilometers, which trains overcome an average of 65 hours. During the trip, they cross 7 states and make 40 stops on the way. For the convenience of travelers, trains trains have a special design - windows here are not only in their sides, but also on the roof.

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The railway is that in due time turned the world from his legs on his head, allowed people to travel faster than usual, delivering goods inaccessible earlier for the carriage of mass. And most importantly - the railways allowed to get to the most distant places. Actual railway transport remains today. After all, the railways in the world are a lot. Some of them differ not only by their age, but also length.

1. New Silk Road

The unique railway, which begins in the Chinese city of IU and ends in the capital of Spain - Madrid. The road connects Europe and Asia, passes through 8 countries, is the largest in the world. The trip on it takes on 21 days, and its total length is 13,026 km.

2. Trans-Siberian Magistral

The construction of this road began in 1981, and she became the first railway, connected Europe and Asia. The road was repeatedly upgraded, which allows it to be used today. Its length is 9,288 km. From Moscow, Vladivostok can be reached in 6 days.

3. Moscow-Beijing

Another long railway, which intersects with the trans-gable. It is on it that the well-known train "East" goes. The length of the road is about 9 thousand kilometers. You can overcome them in 145 hours of a continuous path. Also around 6 hours the train is on the border. This is a necessary delay, because the train changes the wheeled pairs.

4. Transcontinental Railway

According to the total length of railways, the United States is ranked first in the world. They have their own giants. Transcontinental railway was built in 1869. Today it is included in the largest transcontinental network, the total length of which exceeds the figure of 107 thousand km.

5. Chicago-Los Angeles

One of the longest roads of the United States. Its length is 4,390 km. The road passes through seven states. To completely drive it, it will take 67 hours. The train does stop at 40 stations!

6. Toronto Vancouver

Another very long road, this time being in Canada. Its length is 4,466 km. It connects such cities like Toronto and Vancouver. To get from one city to another will need 86 hours by train. On the road there are 66 stations.

7. LXAs - Gyangzho

Boast a long railway web can also China. On the country's internal routes, this road is one of the longest. Its length is 4,980 km. The train passes this way for only 54 hours. On the path of the train, you can find a huge number of attractions.

In continuation of the topic in our time!

In Moscow on the Yaroslavl railway station there memorial signThe two digits are applied - 0 and 9298. The sign is an exact copy of the cast-iron vest pillar of the beginning of the century and denotes a zero kilometer in the world in the world of the railway line - Transsiba, and the figure on it is its length in kilometers.

It is interesting that in fact the length of the road is slightly smaller, namely 9288.2 kilometers (about 5772 miles). It is this figure that is indicated on the sign installed in Vladivostok, where the highway ends. On the Moscow Sign (specifically or by misunderstanding) indicated ... Tariff length. It is calculated by the prices of railway tickets, and with the real length of the road, it does not coincide a little.

But even during the length of 9288.2 km, the Trans-Siberian Highway, or Transsiber, is the longest railway on the planet. Its importance for Russia is difficult to overestimate. The gigantic highway connects the European part, Urals, Siberia and the Far East of Russia. If it is widely, she connects the Russian Western and southern ports, as well as railway exits to Europe (St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk) with Pacific ports and railway outputs in Asia (Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vanino, Zabaikalsk).

The Trans-Siberian Highway crosses eight time zones, connects 87 Russian cities and passes through the territory of 5 federal districts and two parts of the world. It accounts for about 19% of the Transsib length, Asia - 81%. The conditional border of Europe and Asia adopted the 1778th km of the highway.

The question of the construction of this giant was being called in the country for a long time. After the exit of Russia to Pacific OceanShe had an unexpected problem: the country's length from the West was so huge that it began to slow down its socio-economic development. It's hard to believe, but to get from the capital to Eastern Okrain, given the seasonality, it was required to three years!

In the Petrovsk Epoch, the rate of life of the empire accelerated, but even at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the government courier overcomed six thousand litters from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk for 35 days.

The official date of the start of construction of Transsib is considered to be 19 (31) May 1891, when the heir to the Russian throne and the future emperor Nicholas II returning from around the world travel, laid near Vladivostok the first stone of the Ussuri railway to Khabarovsk on Amur. Subsequently, this segment was part of the Great Siberian Railway, but then, at the time of his bookmark, it was not about such a large-scale state project. The construction of the century was later, after Witte expressed the emperor in the report. Alexander III His dream about creating a railway from European Russia to Vladivostok.

This grand idea did not meet sympathy in the highest state areas, and only thanks to the personal support of the emperor, its incarnation was possible. A special committee for the Siberian Railway with broad powers, who was prescribed by Witte, Jesarevich Nikolai was appointed on recommendation. This choice was solely successful for the implementation of the Great Project - the future king Nicholas II, who made a trip from the shores of the Pacific Ocean in his young years, realized the magnitude of the length of the empire and gave geopolitical priority Far East Compared to the west and south directions.

As a result, in the decision of the Committee on the construction of the highway, it was said that "The Siberian Railway, this is a great national business, should be carried out by Russian people and from Russian materials."

Work on the construction of the railway began simultaneously on both sides - from Chelyabinsk and Vladivostok and was carried out at the same time in several sites. The speed of construction shocked contemporaries, especially if you consider the most difficult conditions in which workers worked. The highway passed through undeveloped places, passes and plots of permafrost, engineers had to solve the most complex tasks - to build bridges through powerful Siberian rivers, lay long tunnels.

At the same time, the level of technical equipment was then incomparably lower than modern. In fact, the main tools were shovels, pickles and cars. It is not surprising that the construction was attracted a large number of People, the work of soldiers and prisoners used in many heavy sites. It will help to evaluate the scope of construction, for example, such a figure: in 1895-1896, up to 90 thousand people worked on the facilities of Transsib.

In 1898, the Western line approached Irkutsk. But a few years later passengers were shipped through Baikal on the ferry. In winter, temporary rails were paved from Baikal Station. But, despite all the difficulties, it was a great economic achievement: travel time from Moscow in Vladivostok decreased from three months to two weeks.

It is interesting

From 1900 to 1904, the train through Baikal transported 4000-ton steamer "Baikal". The cars rolled directly to the main deck, on which there were three railways.

The vessel was a cross between a ferry, a cruise liner and an icebreaker.

It was built in english city Newcastle and transported to Russia, for which it took 7,000 containers. 2 years left on his assembly.

The continuous rail route between St. Petersburg and Vladivostok appeared after the start of the work movement along the 1904 1904 railway railway (October 1). It is this date that the birthday of the Transsiba is the birthday, although work on the highways continued for many more years, and the second track of the road was completed in soviet time - In 1938.

The construction of the Trans-Siberian highway demanded tremendous funds. According to preliminary calculations of the Committee on the Construction of the Siberian Railway, its value was supposed to be 350 million rubles in gold. To speed up and reduce the cost of construction, in 1891-1892. For the Ussuri line and the West Siberian line (from Chelyabinsk to the r. Ob), we took simplified technical conditions - reduced the width of the earthenware in the mounds, recesses and on mountain sites, as well as the thickness of the ballast layer, laid lightweight rails and shortened sleepers, reduced The number of sleepers per 1 km of way, etc.

As a result, the speed of construction (for 12 years), in length (7.5 thousand km), was overcome during the construction of the difficulties and volumes of work performed by the Great Siberian Railway did not have equal in the world. In order to list all its records, it would take to introduce a separate chapter in the Guinness Book of Records.

Today, the Trans-Siberian Highway is a modern two-way fully electrified railway line. The most "fast" train of Transsiba - No. 1/2 "Russia" by the report of Moscow-Vladivostok passes the Transsib for 6 days 2 hours.

Time is coming, and the world is changing according to the laws of economic development. New movement routes are opened, modern highways and railway branches are designed and implemented. One of these rail routes is the path laid in China - from the province of IU to the city of Madrid, crossing all Central Asia. As a result, it turned out the longest railway line in the world acting at this time.

The length of the new railway route is 6200 miles or 13 thousand kilometers, and this can be seen even on the map, more than our Trans-Siberian Railway Railway (the length of which is slightly more than 9 thousand kilometers).

The longest railway planet - development plans

The small city of IU in the east of China is known worldwide as one of major centers Foreign entrepreneurs prefer to cooperate in wholesale of different levels. For a more complete development of the economy of China and the export of various kinds of goods to other countries, a new railway line was originally conceived.

Although many experts associate its appearance with the geopolitical orientation of the state, it seems that this innovation lacked the Chinese economy to revitalize intercontinental trade. The project was symbolicly called a "new silk path", and the Government of China was allocated $ 40 billion to improve the infrastructure and the development of freight through trading trains.

Railway Silk Road from China to Europe

China has long been located in the center of world trade, but seeks to cover all large squares. We can say that the main driving power This railway project is a sense of historical primaryness.

Trains, following the route IU-Madrid, intersect China, and then - Kazakhstan in Central Asia, reminding how many centuries ago practically moved caravans with goods. Time on the way is 21 days.

In addition, other options for the "New Silk Road" were developed - and on land and at sea. According to the Chinese media card, there is an option for the development of trade routes even through Turkey. The Chinese government is ready to invest consonants in the construction projects of ports in countries Indian Ocean, developing the scope of marine trade as much as possible.

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