The archaeologists of the Amur region made important discoveries during the excavations at the place of the future of the HRC. How are archaeological excavations during archaeological excavations in

Numerous gold and silver jewelry are detected during the excavations of the unique prisoner time.

During the excavations at the Sevastopol section of the construction of the federal highway Tavrid in the village of the village of the front archaeologists of the Crimean new building expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences found a unique object - untouched by modern Marauders a burial ground of the II-IV centuries of our era.

Located on the left bank of the Belbek River, necropolis was called front-line-3. The head of the expedition, Sergey Grandchildren, stressed that this find is a huge luck, because similar excavations of the burial grounds in this region of the Crimea were carried out only in the 50-70s of the XX century. But unlike the necropolis discovered in 2018, they were not fully studied and have been looted by now.

"The front-line-3 necropolis-3 trail discovered during the construction of the track is fully preserved and therefore is of particular interest to scientists who have the opportunity to explore intact burial at the current scientific level.

The necropolis dates back to the II-IV centuries of our era. He was at the junction of influences, on the one hand, Chersonesos, who was the outpost of the Roman Empire in the Crimea, and on the other - the so-called Crimean Scythian - Barbarian state Educationwho prevailed in the II century BC and existing before the first half of the III century an era, "said the head of the expedition.

In the early burials found a lot of seryl, necklaces, bracelets, glass vessels, buckles, ceramics.

Among the findings are especially highlighted with golden piercing and pendant pendant with a red insert and edging grain. Similar products were previously found in Chersonese necropolis. Also distinguished with a ring with carved insert from carnelian. The magnitude of division on the lineup is 1 centimeter.

During the excavations, scientists found that the necropolis was expanded to the south and east. Most of the graves that belong to the second half of the III century and the IV century, are underbid (well with a gravestone of large sizes). But among them there are also other funeral structures - ground graves with ledge, which rest stone plates or other overlaps. Most of the ground crypts fall on the IV century. These are rectangular underground break chambers With the leading to the surface with a narrow corridor-dromos with steps. The entrance to the chamber was laid by a stone. Several people were buried in such crypts.

Top view

In the late burials found a lot of weapons, including swords, weapons, fragments of shields. An ax was found in one of the graves.

In the skulls, archaeologists have discovered vessels. Some of them have remnants of clock food.

Unturated burials allowed scientists to accurately reproduce the details of the funeral rite.

"So, in one of the crypts, where an adult man was buried, there were several ceramic and one glass vessels near the skull, the eggs and bones of the bird remained in the bowl, the right shoulder lay the blade, probably from the ride, on the left side of the legs - Sword. A shield was leaning against the wall, from which handle and Umbon (pad to the central part) were preserved, "the grandchildren told.

In the late burials, the Pontic red-headed dishes were also found, glass jugs, a lot of buckles and a flibul (metal clashes for clothing). Already now, the archaeologist notes, it can be said that the collection of "Inkerman" flibul from the front-line excavation - 3 is one of the most expressive both by the number of instances and by the number of different options.

During research of necropolis, scientists apply modern techniques - geomagnetic studies (to search for iron items and clarifying the zone of the propagation of burials) and photogrammetry (to create a three-dimensional model of funeral complexes and refine them architectural features). Simultaneously with archaeological ones, anthropological and osteological studies are also carried out. Samples are selected for radiocarbon analysis. All this allows you to get additional information and refine the dates of the monument.

Now scientists are completing excavations in the southeastern plot and continue research on the northwestern, where earlier burials can be. After the end of the work, the plot will be commissioned to builders, and the excavation materials will be transferred to the Chersonesin Museum-Reserve (Sevastopol).

"In the course of the excavations, more than 200 graves were investigated, where at least 300 burials were committed. The burial ground is of exceptional interest for the study of the culture of the barbarians - the nearest neighbors of Chersonesos. Excavations of the Mogilnik front-line-3 - a vivid example of a successful organization of rescue archaeological studies at large new buildings of the Crimea, evidence of a responsible attitude towards the preservation of heritage in the implementation of large projects creating a new transport infrastructure, "the grandchildren stressed.

The scientist noted that the studies started in the spring of 2017 became the largest in the archaeological history of the Crimea: the almost 300-kilometer plot of the future route was examined and more than 60 monuments of history leaving for 10 thousand years were found - from the Mesolite era until the XIX century.

The artifacts found during the excavations will allow the history of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Roman period and recreate many parties to the culture of the population of the region of this time.

I am a student of Easta, and we have such a practice - to travel to archaeological excavations. Many people think that this is romance: nature, fire, unique finds. Now I will try to open the mystery curtain.

We traveled in 2015 in the village of Borisovka, Belgorod region. There is a Borisov settlement (Scythian, about 2.5 T. from back), the size of approximately 200h300.

Borisov town found in 1948. Settlement of 5-4 centuries BC. There had three strengthening lines, which defended its inhabitants from Nomad Scythians.
The first day of practice is the most difficult. You need to put the tents, the kitchen, the "refrigerator", the host tents:

It's a kitchen. According to rumors, one student did not want whether to work out practice, or I did a bad thing, and her father welded us such a kitchen. Food meals were three - at 7.30, at 14.30, at 19.00. The duty officers (guy and the girl) remain all day in the camp. The diet is cereals, stew, pasta, tea, cookies, condensed milk. It is the harder to pull it out in the morning - on the street, raw and want to sleep.

This is a host. It stores dishes and products. The photo is not visible, but behind it - the "refrigerator".

"Refrigerator" is a pit a few meters deep, where perishable products are stored. By the way about temperatures - in the afternoon under the sun, it reached 35 degrees, lowered to 20-25 in the rain.

I do not know how this tent is called correctly. It weighs about 400 kg, a metal frame. We collected it for several hours of inexperience. It was planned that there would be a headquarters, but because of the heat, we used it to keep the tools, finds, entered it during the rain of the belongings.

Now about the excavations themselves. We started working at 8.00, finished at 14.00 (we dug in the forest, and the heat was not so scary). Every hour - a break for 10 minutes to relax, and one for 20 minutes - the "second breakfast" - a sandwich with mayonnaise and saury:

In the first days we dug and immediately learned all the subtleties. Excavations are carried out in accordance with the documentation, we were taught to use the level.

Squared 5x5 depth 20-25 cm (1 bayonet shovel). Then the layer is cleaned - a smooth neat slice is made, so that the "earth glitter". In a pile of land, finds are searched for:

It is mainly ceramics and bones. The first days delight indescribable, then already sick of this. But! All finds are folded and brought to the camp, where in the subsequent ished and sorted.

To the ground "glitter", cleaning is made by barefoot. On the second photo, due to the rain, the excavation poured (:. It is used mainly two shovels - bayonet (for coppe) and the Soviet sharp "bison (for stripping).

Sometimes stumbled on the foci. They dig a neat little shovel under the supervision of scientists. All layers are photographed and sketched, foci, too. Finds from the hearth - in a separate package.

The depth of our lamp was 50-90 cm, digging to the natural layer, i.e. Before clay in our case.

We were on the excavations for three weeks. One day off a week, Saturday was abbreviated. Regarding the San.Uzla - we were lucky, and our camp was located on the territory of the reserve administration - washbasins 200 m, shower, toilet. The second luck - before the excavation, we traveled on the cars through the village, on foot to the village - 20 minutes. Fresh chicken was for lunch, if the duty officer is not lazy. And in general, stocks can be easily fill.


1) at the end of the excavations, all the pits fall asleep the same land, as if we were not here
2) During the archaeological intelligence, I found ceramics of the 18th century, and the wagism cartridges. Where found - left there. These items will be their excavations.

At the end, the first yearrs are dedication. It keeps in the secret, but at his end I looked like this:

All the clothes had to throw out (yes, right up to panties), and in the waters nearby all half an hour was laundered.

Is it worth going to the expedition - to solve everyone. If you are ready to be without communication, amenities, to see the same faces constantly (we were 12 students all) ... and however, decide for yourself.

But I am glad that I have such an eye shoulder)
Thanks to all!

Among the main finds - a cupcake with raisin age 100 years, ancient man Modern species, many skulls and gold, several drawings, two inscriptions, one sword and cruiser.

The Archaeology Scientific and Popular Magazine (Edition of the Archureological Institute of America) published his annual list of the main finds of the outgoing year. "Science and Life" by tradition complements this rating by the most important Russian discoveries.

I. Skull "Puzzled Hill".
Göbekley-Tepe ("Puzzled Hill") is not just one of the most famous archaeological monuments, but also one of the most mysterious. 10-12 thousand years ago residents of Anatolia (modern Turkey) built there ring structures from large stones. In these structures, they were collected for some religious or public needs.

Fragment of the skull with Göbekley-Tepe. Photo: Julia Gresky/ Archaeology.

In the past year, the researchers found that human skulls suspended in antiquity in such structures. Fragments found during excavations belong to the turtles of three people. They were separated after death, were solidly cut, engraving were applied to them, they were painted. There is obvious (sorry for the invalid pun) some kind of unknown rite. But whose skulls deserved such attention - especially revered people or, on the contrary, enemies, while it is unclear.

II. Lost cruiser.
At the bottom Pacific Ocean Detected the American heavy cruiser "Indianapolis" of the Second World War. He is sad known because of several circumstances. The cruiser became the last large wodger of the US Navy, dried during the war. Its collapse entered the history of the American fleet as the most massive death of the personnel (883 people) as a result of one flooding. In addition, it was "Indianapolis" delivered to the island of Tinian, where the base of the Air Force was located, critical parts of the first atomic bombs (then they dropped it on Hiroshima).

The heavy cruiser "Indianapolis". Photo: U.S. NAVY./ Archaeology.

The ship died shortly after the fulfillment of this ambiguous mission. His Skilled Japanese submarine. For the past decades, the exact location of the residues of the cruiser was unknown, and all attempts to find it turned out to be vain. By comparing the location of another ship, the crew of which the latter saw the "Indianapolis", with the route of the latter, historians calculated the likely area of \u200b\u200bthe crash. Surveys with the help of an autonomous underwater apparatus confirmed their assumptions.

III. Antarctic cupcake.
A cupcake with raisins of 106 years old lay in a rusty bank on the edge of the world (in Antarctica). He was found in the hut at Cape ADER. The house built in 1899 and abandoned, apparently, in 1911. The cupcake left someone from the participants of the expedition of Robert Scott. Modern researchers say that outwardly the cake looks good and even smells good. Only if the cupcake sniff is completely close, it becomes clear that there is not worth it. It is probably so well preserved due to cold and dry air.

Cupcake from Antarctica. Photo:Antarctic Heritage Trust./ Archaeology..

IV. Aztec "Golden" Wolf
In Mexico City at the excavations at the foot of the Aztec Temple Major ("Big Temple") found a large number of Gold objects and a skeleton of a young wolf brought sacrificing. Among the finds - decorations for ears and nose, as well as a bib. The latter is usually part of the soldier's equipment, and the wolf decorate in the open complex. The head of the beast looks at the West, which symbolizes his following the sun, into the world of others. The sacrifice was committed during the Board of Ausotl (1486-1502), during the period of wars and expand the Aztec Empire. The complex found in 2017 is the richest of the 50th year of the temple excavation.

Wolf and gold from Mexico City. Photo: Mirsa Islas / Templo Mayor Project / Archaeology.

V. Dawn of the Egyptian letter
A large inscription carved on the rock north of the ancient Egyptian city of El-Kab, sheds light on the formation of writing of this civilization. Four hieroglyphs appeared about 3250 BC, during the period of the so-called zero dynasty, when the Nile Valley was divided into several kingdoms, and writing only nascent.

DODINASTIC inscription from Egypt. Photo: ALBERTO URCIA, ELKAB DESERT SURVEY PROJECT / Archaeology.

Researchers saw four symbols: the head of the bull on the pole, two storks and Ibis. In later inscriptions, such a sequence contacted a sun cycle. She could also express the power of Pharaoh over ordered space. The inscriptions of the zero dynasty period known before 2017 were solely business and were small in size (no more than 2.5 cm). The height of newly open signs is about half a meter.

Vi. "Cave" genetics
The remains of early Homo, such as Neanderthal and Denisovtsy, are open only on the limited number of monuments in Europe and Asia. For a long time, this fact brought with archaeologists a continuous disappointment: the parking lots without human bones is much greater than with them.

Denisova Cave. Photo: Sergey Zelensky / Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences /Archaeology.

In the outgoing year, a group of researchers presented with its colleagues a new hope: they managed to trace the genetic markers of the presence of ancient Homo in ordinary ones of cave sediments. The team of genetics studied samples of soil from seven monuments from the territory of France, Belgium, Spain, Croatia and Russia. They managed to detect the DNA of Neanderthals on three parking age of up to 60 thousand years, and in Denisovaya cave - DNA not only Neanderthals, but also Denisovsky.

The age of samples from this monument is about 100 thousand years. In most cases, genetic traces occur from the layers, where they used to have found human remains. I wonder what new technique It works even with soil samples that were produced on the excavations of the decade ago. Thus, to get new samples, it is not necessary to hold new excavations at all.

VII. Gold the era of "Bessenkrenikov"
In the bastard (Northern Staffordshire, England) found four Tarques - cervical hryvnias. The decorations are dated time from 400 to 250 years. BC, making them the most ancient gold objects of the early Iron Age, ever found in the UK. Nakhodka is interesting not to the very fact of their antiquity, but by the fact that it is not at all typical for his time.

Golden hryvnias from lycfritis. Photo: Joe Giddens / PA Archive / Pa Images /Archaeology.

For the people of the bronze century, gold jewelry was not unusual, but with the development of iron they (decorations, not people) for some reason disappear. Why it happened, it is not known. Perhaps the fact is that trading connections were interrupted with places where gold came from. If earlier, the inhabitants of Britain imported tin and copper necessary for the smelting of bronze, then with the transition to black metallurgy, the need for imports dropped (iron on the islands there is its own).

When trading with raw materials for bronze, it was possible to stop the other trade with the continent. In addition, a role and social factor could play: people began to pay more attention to the preservation of their communities, and not their own status (why, not very clear).

Torques, which, most likely, fell into a libertine from the continent, show the return of fashion for personal decorations. Probably hryvnias were in Britain as gifts or goods. But it is impossible to exclude that the hostess brought them with them (she was tracked from Licfritis, most likely a woman).

It should be noted that the items discovered lovers with metal detectors. Because of this, so many assumptions: the context of the find (in which struggle they lay) remained unknown, and the date is established on the style of products. Science, as always, in such cases, lost a significant amount of information.

VIII. Ancient Roman Aqueduct
Metro builders opened part of the ancient Roman aqueduct. Most likely, this is a plot of Aqua Appia, the oldest aqueduct, among those known to us. It was built in 312 BC. The remnants of the facilities found not far from the Colosseum, at a depth of 17-18 meters, which is usually unattainable for archaeologists (first of all, due to the danger of the collapse of the excavation board).

The plot of ancient aqueduct in Rome. Photo: Bruno Fruttini /Archaeology.

The aqueduct is composed of gray tuff blocks, it has been preserved at a height of about 2 meters. The length of the open area is about 30 meters. The construction is likely to continue outside the construction site, but to explore it is completely there is no possibility. The fact that during the construction of the aqueduct did not use limestone, according to specialists, means that the design "lived" for a long time.

Earlier it was believed that Eyvbury was built from the external rings to the inner. Now it turns out that it is not. In the very center of the monument, as the authors of the discovery, there was some kind of house. When the dwelling for an unknown reason was abandoned, the place where it was, noted by a giant stone, and the shape and orientation of the house were celebrated by a square design. And already around it arose rings, as if the circles on the water. From the moment the house was abandoned, could pass to 300 years. And only after that, people decided to turn him into a monument. It was probably the place of departure of some kind of truths.
Is it worth saying that only excavations can be confirmed or refute this beautiful theory.

X. Under the mask of Neanderthal, Sapirens hid (?)
For the first time, the remains of the ancient people were digging in Jebel-Irhud back in 1962. The jaw found then considered Neanderthal, and then they were transferred several times. Dating scatter was quite large: from 30 to 190 thousand years. Now the layers in which the jaw and the jaw and several new bones were significantly reduced - up to 240-378 thousand years. Moreover, the researchers believe that these are no Neanderthal, but the most real sapyes, that is, our ancestors with you.

Jaw from Jebel-irhud. Photo: Jean-Jacques Hublin / MPI Eva Leipzig /Archaeology.

The authors of the discovery decided to call them, although, according to their Russian colleagues, people from Jebel-Irhud cost exactly in the middle between the "modern us" and our ancestors and relatives. So it's rather "Protosapians" than the most ancient representatives of our species.

Residents of Jebel-Irkhood were flat and short faces like modern people, but the teeth are larger, and the skull is longer. That is, the facial department of the Irchudtsev skull was significantly progressive than the brain. "We see that the appearance at all times was more important than the mind," S.V. wore witty Drobyshevsky (K.B.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology of Moscow State University).

Now that (and if) we defeated the list of major world finds according to the American publication, it's time to turn to the list of the most important discoveries of Russian archaeologists:

1. "Cave" camel
In the cap of the cave cleared the image of the camel. It was part of the drawing, known since the late 80s as "horses and signs", but cleared only now. The camel drew paint from ocher and coal. The most likely date of drawing is from 13 to 26 thousand years. Experts from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences believe that the harsh climate of that time could contribute to the spread of camels in the Southern Urals.

Clearing drawing in the cap of the cave. Photo: Press Service of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Vladislav Zhytenov, Head of the Moscow State University Expedition, which works for many years in the Kapova Cave, considers otherwise. In his opinion, in the upper Paleolithic

Archeology - Science is incredibly interesting and allows the past researchers, look through the depths of the centuries and try to understand how life was arranged an ancient community.
Numerous archaeological finds of scientists exhibited in all major world museums, hundreds of thousands of visitors who want to touch the ancient history every year.
But some findings are simply unique, by virtue of their most ancient age. Many of them were found in places archaeological excavationsAnd others found quite by chance.

1. Crystal Zircon (4.4 billion years)

Zircon - mineral subgroups of island silicates, and this pebble in the photo, at the moment the most ancient material discovered on the planet. Scientists date the age of crystal formation approximately 4.4 billion years ago.
Mineral was found in 2001 in the arid region north of Perth, in Australia.

This translucent red crystal, when bombarding electrons, changes the color to blue, and its length is only 400 μm - for comparison, it is about the thickness of four human hair together.
Scientists suggest that the found crystal will help better understand how our planet was formed, because the age of the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and the crystal was formed by only 100 million years later.

2. Prostesta of the finger (3000 years)

Wooden finger found on the foot of the Mummy, the age of which is more than 3000 years old, is considered an ancient prosthetic on the planet. Scientists from the University of Manchester created a copy of the prosthesis and asked for a volunteer with a missing finger for some time to displacing him, shown in the sandals in which people went in ancient Egypt.
It turned out that the subject actually serves as a practical device helping when walking, and not just a cosmetic finger replacement.

3. Ancient universal knife (1800 years old)

Is the first Swiss knife invented another 1800 years ago? But this may well be true. At least this universal tool It is amazingly similar to its more modern fellow and served at least for six useful features.
But this knife is not Swiss, it was created by the Blacksmith in the Roman Empire about 200 of our era.

The double-edged blade, the ancient gourmets most likely opened the shells with oysters, and the hook discoupped the bottles with sauces. The tool also includes a spoon, fork, knife and toothpick. And all these devices are easy and compact in shape, like a modern Swiss knife. The tool found archaeologists in the Mediterranean in the early 1990s, he precedes the Swiss knife invented in 1897, almost 1800 years.

4. Barn marijuana (2700 years)

The world's oldest cache with a marijuana in a weight of 900 grams, was discovered in an ancient grave, which is more than 2700 years old, in the Gobi desert in 2008.

A number of tests conducted by the researchers proved that the drug has not yet lost its powerful psychotropic properties and questioned the theory that ancient people have grown hemp only for clothing, ropes and other household items.

The cache was discovered by archaeologists in a wooden tableware, in a leather basket near the man's head, which died at the age of about 45 years, and was allegedly a tribe shaman. In the grave, the researchers did not find items intended for smoking, and scientists concluded that the ancient lovers of "grass" injected a drug in the body orally, or emphasized them like Kadyl.

5. Stone guns (3.3 million years)

In the photo, the stone looks nubble and similar to an ordinary piece of rock. But in fact, the chromine cobblestone is one of the most sensory archaeological finds. This is one of the oldest stone weapons from ever found, created for 500,000 years before the appearance of a person skillful (Homo Habilis), which scientists consider, the first began to use the tools.

Archaeologists found an ancient instrument near Lake Turkana, in Kenya. In this area, a huge number of historical artifacts have already been discovered, helping to better understand the history of the origin and evolution of humanity.

The tool is made by the method of passive upholstery, when a stone blank beat on a more solid surface and most likely was created by an early ancestor of a person - Australopitecom, who first appeared in Africa about 4 million years ago.

6. Ancient dildo (28,000 years)

German archaeologists in 2005 in the Hohle Fels cave near the old town of Ulm, found the world's oldest artificial 20-centimeter phallus, diligently made and polished from aleurolite.

Stone member was made almost 28,000 years ago and was found by a team of scientists from the University of Tubingen. Professor Nicholas Konard suggested that judging by the fact that the tool was polished almost to the brilliance, at one time he was very actively used.

7. DNA sample (150,000 years)

About 150,000 years ago, the ancient Neanderthal fell unsuccessfully in the cave and crashed, not far from the modern city of Altaimura in southern Italy. In 1993, speleologists discovered his remains and reported finding archaeologists.

But it was not possible to extract the skull and the bone, since they are for tens of thousands of years under the influence of moisture, literally threw into the rocks and were under the layer of calcite.

For more than 20 years, the remains lay intact and only in 2015 researchers finally managed to extract the bone fragment of the right blade. The material was sent to the laboratory and the result of the study confirmed that the remains belong to Homo Neanderthalensis - a man Neanderthal. Scientists hope that studying the DNA chain consistently, will learn much more about the evolution of humanity.

8. Ancient song (3,400 years)

Clay plates containing clinox signs of the ancient Khurritsky language, excavated in the early 1950s near the old Syrian city of Ugarit (the modern name of Ras Shamra). Scientists have deciphered cligins and realized that in front of them the text of the anthem, which is currently an ancient famous musical work.

In 1972, after a 15-year study of the artifact, Professor Assyriology Ann Kilmer, from California University was able to create an audio track of an ancient musical work.
You can listen to the audioist below:

9. Oldest chewing gum (5000 years)

In 2007, a piece of chewing gum was discovered in Finland, a student from the British Institute of Archeology, which is more than 5,000 years old. A tooth imprint remained on the era of the neolithic era of the neolithic resin. Scientists believe that birch resin contains phenols with antiseptic compositions, and ancient people chewed resin to cure infections affecting gums.

10. Ancient artificial eye (4,800 years)

In 2006, Iranian archaeologists found an artificial eyeball, manufactured 4.800 years ago. The eye prosthesis belonged to a woman from 25 to 30 years at the time of death and was made of vegetable resins mixed with animal fat.
Studies have shown that a woman before death began to develop an abscess in the field of the eyelids due to the contact of the prosthesis with the eye.

11. Ancient mask (9,000 years)

This stone mask made by the Master from the Neolithic era dates back to 7,000 years before our era and you can see it in the Museum of the Bible and the Holy Land in Paris.

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