Coordination center of Guise to China city. Guis Personal Cabinet - Center Coordination Center



On the procedure for implementing state official institutions of the city of Moscow with engineering services of areas of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings *

Document with changes made by:
by order of the Government of Moscow of June 8, 2009 N 1183-RP (Journal of the mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 35, 06/23/2009);
(Journer of the mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 40 (Volume 3), 07/24/2012);
(Official site of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 09/07/2016).
* Name in the editorial office. - See previous edition.

In accordance with :

1. To approve the Regulations on the procedure for implementing state official institutions of the city of Moscow with engineering services of areas of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings (annex) (clause as amended by the order of the Government of Moscow of July 10, 2012 N 360-RP, - see Previous edition).

2. Control over the fulfillment of this order to impose on the deputy mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the issues of housing and communal services and landscaping Biryukova P.P., Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the issues of economic policy and property and land relations Sergunin N.A.
Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

Mayor of Moscow

Application. Regulations on the procedure for implementing by state institutions of the city of Moscow by engineering services of areas of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings

Regulations on the procedure for implementing state official institutions of the city of Moscow with engineering services of areas of functions on the representation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings

(Application of the application as amended by the order of the Moscow Government of July 10, 2012 N 360-RP, - see the previous edition)
(as amended on September 6, 2016)

This provision was developed pursuant to C.3.1.1 of the Resolution of the Moscow Government of April 24, 2007 N 299-PP "On measures to bring the management system of apartment buildings in Moscow in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" and establishes the procedure for the interaction of state government agencies of the city Moscow regional engineering services (in the Zelenograd administrative district of the city of Moscow of the state government institution of the city of Moscow "Directorate of the Customer of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement in the Zelenograd Administrative District") with the Department of Urban Property of Moscow and the Support of the District of the City of Moscow on the issues of representing the interests of the city of Moscow related With the realization of the rights of the owner in apartment buildings in which there are residential and non-residential premises located in the state ownership of the city of Moscow.
(Preamble, as amended by the order of the Government of Moscow of July 10, 2012, N 360-RP; as amended, entered into force the order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

1. Functions of government agencies of the city of Moscow Engineering Services of districts

1. Functions of state government agencies in Moscow of engineering services of districts

(title of the section in the editors of the order of the Government of Moscow of July 10, 2012 N 360-RP, - see the previous edition)

1.1. State regional institutions of the city of Moscow Engineering services of districts (in the Zelenograd administrative district of the city of Moscow, the state state institution of the city of Moscow "Directorate of the Customer of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement in the Zelenograd Administrative District") (hereinafter - the GKU of the district) are authorized by the Government of Moscow by organizations that follow the following Functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings:
(Clause as amended by the order of the Moscow Government dated July 10, 2012 N 360-RP, - see the previous edition)

1.1.1. Concluding contracts for management of apartment buildings and contracts for the provision of services and (or) work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, support, accounting and storage of these treaties, sending copies of such contracts to the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow, as well as control over the execution of these contracts.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

1.1.2. Participation in the general meetings of the owners of the premises in apartment buildings: Initiation of general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings on management of apartment buildings, as well as on the choice of members of the Council of the Apartment House and Chairman of the Council of the Apartment House.

Representatives of the GKU of IP areas cannot be nominated by candidates for election by members of the Council of the apartment building and the chairman of the Council of the Apartment House.

Paragraph has lost strength. - See previous edition.
(Clause as amended by the order of the Moscow Government dated July 10, 2012 N 360-RP, - see the previous edition) Voting in general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings on all matters submitted for consideration of such meetings, including on the decrease in the size of the common property in an apartment building through its reconstruction (clause as amended by the order of the Government of Moscow of June 8, 2009 N 1183-RP - See previous edition). Participation in the counting of votes and summarizing the voting on the agenda of the general meeting of the owners of the premises in an apartment building and bringing the results of the voting to the owners of the premises in an apartment building (the point is additionally included by the order of the Government of Moscow of July 10, 2012 N 360-RP).

1.1.3. Participation in the activities of property owners (hereinafter - HOA): Entry into members of the HOA. Initiation of general meetings of members of the HOA. Participation in the Board of HOA (in the presence of relevant decisions of the general meetings of the owners of the premises and members of the HOA).

Representatives of the GKU of the IC of Areas cannot nominate candidates for the election of the Chairman of the Board of the HOA and the Chairman of the Audit Commission of the HOA (paragraph is additionally included by the order of the Government of Moscow of July 10, 2012 N 360-RP).

1.1.4. Ensuring the conduct of accounting and statistical accounting of residential and non-residential premises in the state ownership of the city of Moscow.

2. The procedure for the interaction of GU of Isractions, the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow, when performing functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings

Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.1. GU is entitled:

2.1.1. Request from the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow information and documents necessary for the implementation of GU areas of areas established by this provision of functions.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.1.2. Request from the managing organization (including HOA) information and documents necessary to implement GU of the areas established by this provision of functions.

2.1.3. Interact with the management organizations (including with the HOA) and the owners of the premises in apartment buildings on the implementation of contracts for the management of apartment buildings or contracts for the provision of services for maintenance and (or) work on the repair of common property in apartment buildings, ensuring the safety of premises in property of the city of Moscow.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

Based on which the size of the fee for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building;

Based on which the debts of users are owned by the city of Moscow.

2.2. GU of IP areas are required:

2.2.1. Perform functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises (paragraph 1 of this Regulation) in the manner prescribed by this Regulation.

2.2.2. Represent monthly (until the 10th day of the next month) in the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow information on accounting and statistical accounting of respectively residential and non-residential premises owned by the city of Moscow, according to the form approved by the specified Department.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.2.3. Implement cooperation with managerial organizations on the implementation of contractual agreements by apartment buildings.

2.2.4. Implement cooperation with HOA on management of apartment buildings.

2.2.5. To submit to the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow at its request information and documents on the performance of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.2.6. Eliminate violations of the requirements of the legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legal acts of the city of Moscow, of this Regulation, revealed by the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.2.7. Once a quarter, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, submit a report to the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow and in the management of the district about the work carried out related to the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.3. Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow has the right:
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.3.1. Request information and documents on the performance of the functions in the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings in multi-family houses.

2.3.2. To send information about violations of the requirements of federal legislation and legislation of the city of Moscow, this provision to eliminate violations of violations to the District Center of the District.

2.4. Every year until February 1 of the current year, the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow, in coordination with the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the city of Moscow, approves recommendations on issues related to the implementation of the GKU areas of the functions in the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in multi-unit Houses (hereinafter referred to as recommended).

Every year, the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow, no later than February 15 of the current year, directs the approved recommendations to the GKU of the AC regions. The direction of other information and documents necessary for the implementation of the functions specified in Section 1 is carried out by the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow at the request of the GKU of the IC of Areas.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

2.5. The performance of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings is carried out by the leaders of the GU of IC of areas or specialists authorized by the leaders of GU areas, in the prescribed manner.

3. The procedure for the conclusion of the GU of the AP regions of management agreements of apartment buildings

3.1. GKI of the areas of the areas are concluding contracts for the management of apartment buildings, taking into account the recommendations approved by the Department of City Property of the city of Moscow (paragraph 2.4 of this Regulation).
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

3.2. The IC of Areas within 10 days from the date of concluding contracts for the management of apartment buildings are sent in electronic form a copy of the relevant treaties to the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow for accounting in the prescribed manner.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

4. The procedure for the participation of GU of IC of districts in the general meetings of the owners of the premises in apartment buildings

4.1. Voting in general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings (if there is a residential and (or) non-residential premises, which are the property of the city of Moscow), the GKU of the areas are carried out taking into account the recommendations (paragraph 2.4 of this Regulation).
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

4.2. During the term no later than 5 days before the date of the general meetings of the owners of premises or to the date of the end of the admission of written decisions of the owners of the premises (when voting on the agenda of the general meeting of the owners of premises in an apartment building through written decisions of owners on issues posed on the vote) of the GKU IC district sends a copy of the notification and a copy of the draft decision on issues made to the vote of the General Assembly, information about an apartment building, indicating the share of Moscow in residential and non-residential premises, the proposed voting option on issues posed on the vote, justification of the proposed voting option , Project of the Charter of the Association of Housing owners (in case of creation).
Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

If necessary, representatives of the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow and the Office of the district have the right to attend the general meeting of the owners of premises in an apartment building.
(Abzatz as amended, enacted by the order of the Moscow Government of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

4.3. The GU of the areas has the right to initiate general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings in which there are residential and / or non-residential premises that are in state ownership of the city of Moscow. In this case, before the convening of such assembly, the GU of the areas are sent to the management of the district to match the notification containing:
(Abzatz as amended, enacted by the order of the Moscow Government of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

Project notice with the agenda of the General Assembly;

The rationale for the reason for the specified meeting and the proposed voting option;

Information about an apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow on residential and non-residential premises;

Project of the charter of the partnership owners of housing (in the case of creation).

4.4. The item has failed - the order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition.

4.5. On issues, submitted to the general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings, GU of areas make decisions, guided by recommendations (paragraph 2.4 of this Regulation).
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

4.6. All those adopted at the general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings of the GU solutions are notified by the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow and the district government within 10 days from the date of registration of the Protocols of the General Meetings of the Owners of the premises in apartment buildings.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

5. The procedure for the participation of the GU of Isractions in the activities of the HOA (with the entry of GU of the areas of the TSZH)

5.1. Voting in general meetings of members of the HOA GKU of the GKU areas are carried out with the recommendations (paragraph 2.4 of this Regulation).
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

5.2. During the date no later than 5 days before the date of the meeting of members of the HOA, the GKU of the IC of the region send a notice from initiative groups (initiators) to hold a general meeting of members of the HOA, a copy of the written decision on the vote, information about the apartment building with An indication of the share of the city of Moscow on residential and non-residential premises, the proposed voting option on issues supplied to the vote, justification of the proposed voting option.
(Paragraph in the editorial office, entered into action. - See. - See the previous edition.

5.7. All those adopted in general meetings of members of the HOA decisions of the GU PRIs are notified by the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow and the District Management District within 10 days from the date of registration of the Protocols of General Meetings of HOA members.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

5.8. The GU of Isractions inform the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow on the entry of the GU IP of the district to the members of the owners of housing for a three-day period from the date of signing the relevant statement.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

6. The procedure for the conclusion of the GU of IP of the Contracts for Service Contracts and (or) implementation of work on the repair of common property in apartment buildings

(The name in the editorial office enacted the order of the Moscow Government of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

6.1. In case the GU of the areas are not members of the owners of the owners of the housing, GU of the areas of the maintenance and (or) contracts for the repair of common property in apartment buildings with homeowners' partnerships are concluded.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

6.2. The GKU of the IC of the Areas enter into contracts for the provision of services for maintenance and (or) work on the repair of common property in apartment buildings in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the recommendations (paragraph 2.4 of this Regulation).
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

6.3. The GKU of the Areas of Areas within 10 days from the date of the conclusion of contracts for the provision of services for maintenance and (or) work on the repair of common property in apartment buildings are sent in electronic form a copy of the relevant treaties in the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow to account in the prescribed manner.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

6.4. The item has failed - the order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition.

7. Control and coordination of activities of the GU of Isractions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings

7.1. Control over the implementation of the functions established by this provision on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings and the coordination of the activities of the GU is carried out by the Department of Urban Property of the city of Moscow and the management of the relevant district.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

7.2. The adoption of the adoption of the GU of the areas of decisions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings in the general meetings of the owners of the premises and members of the owners of the owners of housing in accordance with the recommendations approved by the Department of City Property of the city of Moscow is carried out by the management of the relevant area.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Order of the Government of Moscow of September 6, 2016 N 461-RP. - See previous edition)

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Codex"

Jobs GKU "Center coordination center"

Chief Legal Counsel Legal Department



Working conditions:

Leading legal advisory department


  • higher professional (legal) education;
  • work experience in the field of housing and communal services in the position of a specialist, legal adviser at least 3 years;
  • knowledge of civil, housing, administrative law and otherwise existing legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow in the field of housing and communal services;
  • experienced PC user: MS Office, reference legal systems;
  • the experience of negotiation and claim work with counterparties;
  • the ability to conduct cases in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction;
  • knowledge of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the Contract System in the Sphere of Procurement of Goods, Works, Services for State and Municipal Needs";
  • performance, responsibility, punctuality, ability to make decisions, teamwork.


  • develop and participate in the development of documents of legal, analytical, information;
  • to prepare informed answers and legal conclusions;
  • represent the interests of the institution in the courts, as well as in state and public organizations when considering legal issues;
  • conduct monitoring current legislation in part of the establishment;
  • take part in the preparation of conclusions on legal issues arising in the activities of the institution;
  • develop projects of local regulations, to conduct a legal expertise of existing local regulations for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • monitor the current legislation of the Russian Federation in part concerning the activities of the institution.

Working conditions:

Work schedule: 5/2 (Mon-Thu: from 8.00 to 17.00; PT: from 8.00 to 15.45).

Registration in accordance with the TC RF.

Contact the Frame Department of the State University "Center for Coordination of the GU IP", tel. 221-39-30 (ext. 1012), Alekseeva Natalia Nikolaevna.

Specialist of the department for working with non-residential premises


  • unfinished higher, secondary special education;
  • experienced PC user: MS Office, reference legal systems;
  • steps, responsibility, punctuality;
  • teamwork skills.


  • maintaining the database under contracts of owners / tenants of non-residential premises;
  • keeping accounting for accruals and payments for non-residential premises for utility and other services to tenants and owners of non-residential premises in EIRC ACS;
  • formation and reporting.

Working conditions:

Work schedule: 5/2 (Mon - Thu: from 8.00 to 17.00; PT: from 8.00 to 15.45).

Registration in accordance with the TC RF.

Contact the Frame Department of the State University "Center for Coordination of the GU IP", tel. 221-39-30 (ext. 1012), Alekseeva Natalia Nikolaevna.

Specialist of the monitoring department and coordination of the operation of ACS in areas of activity


  • Higher or unfinished higher (student of the last courses, but without active day learning);
  • PC experienced user: MS Office, reference and legal systems;
  • Experience from the year in the housing and communal services (desirable);
  • Responsibility, punctuality, accuracy, operational;
  • The ability to work in a team, perform the tasks set in a short time;
  • Compliance with the principles of information security.


  • Collection, generalization and analysis of information;
  • Formation of reports in Excel;
  • Drawing up business letters;
  • Business negotiations.

Working conditions:

Work schedule: 5/2 (Mon-Thu: from 8.00 to 17.00; PT: from 8.00 to 15.45).

Registration in accordance with the TC RF.

Contact the Frame Department of the State University "Center for Coordination of the GU IP", tel. 221-39-30 (ext. 1012), Alekseeva Natalia Nikolaevna.

Deputy Head of the Department for working with non-residential premises in the Tinao city of Moscow


  • Higher education;
  • Experienced PC user: MS Office, reference legal systems;
  • Knowledge of the EIRC ACS is preferably;
  • Organizational abilities and skills;
  • Knowledge of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the regulatory framework in the field of housing and communal services.


  • Control of the work of the Department for the accrual of payments on non-residential premises for utility and other services to tenants and owners of non-residential premises in the EUCS ACS;
  • Control over the formation and provision of reporting;
  • Interaction with suppliers of housing and communal services.

Working conditions:

Schedule: 5/2 (Mon-Thu: from 8.00 to 17.00; PT: from 8.00 to 15.45).

In accordance with paragraph 3.1.1 of the Resolution of the Government of Moscow of April 24, 2007 N 299-PP "On measures to bring the management system of apartment buildings in Moscow in line with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation":

1. To approve the Regulation on the procedure for implementing by government agencies of the city of Moscow with engineering services of areas of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings ().

2. Control over the fulfillment of this order to impose on the first deputy mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow Schwetov L.I. and deputy mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow Silkina V.N.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

on the procedure for implementing government agencies of the city of Moscow with engineering services of areas of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings

This provision has been developed pursuant to clause 3.1.1 of the Resolution of the Government of Moscow dated April 24, 2007 N 299-PP "On measures to bring the management system of apartment buildings in Moscow in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" and establishes the procedure for the interaction of government agencies of the city Moscow of the engineering services of districts with the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow, related to the implementation of the rights of the owner in apartment buildings in which there are residential and non-residential premises in the state ownership of the city of Moscow.

1. Functions of government agencies of the city of Moscow Engineering Services of districts

1.1. Public institutions of the city of Moscow Engineering services of districts (hereinafter - GU of Isractions) are authorized by the Government of Moscow by organizations that perform the following functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings:

1.1.1. Conclusion of contracts of management of apartment buildings and contracts for the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, support, accounting and storage of these treaties, sending copies of such agreements to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow and the Department of Property of the city of Moscow, as well as control over the execution of the specified contracts.

1.1.2. Participation in the general meetings of the owners of the premises in apartment buildings: Initiation of general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings on management of apartment buildings.

1.1.3. Participation in the activities of property owners (hereinafter - HOA): Entry into members of the HOA. Initiation of general meetings of members of the HOA. Participation in the Board of HOA (in the presence of relevant decisions of the general meetings of the owners of the premises and members of the HOA).

1.1.4. Ensuring the conduct of accounting and statistical accounting of residential and non-residential premises in the state ownership of the city of Moscow.

2. The procedure for the interaction of GU of Isractions, the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow when performing functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings

2.1. GU is entitled:

2.1.1. Ask at the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow and the Department of Property of the city of Moscow information and documents necessary to implement the GU of the areas established by this provision of functions.

2.1.2. Request from the managing organization (including HOA) information and documents necessary to implement GU of the areas established by this provision of functions.

2.1.3. Interact with managing organizations (including with HOA) and the owners of premises in apartment buildings on the implementation of contracts for management of apartment buildings or contracts for the content and repair of common property in apartment buildings, ensuring the preservation of premises owned by the city of Moscow.

Based on which the size of the fee for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building;

Based on which the debts of users are owned by the city of Moscow.

2.2. GU of IP areas are required:

2.2.1. Perform functions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises (of this Regulation) in the manner prescribed by this Regulation.

2.2.2. Represent monthly (until the 10th day of the next month) in the Moscow Department of Housing and Housing Fund and the Department of Moscow's property of the city of Moscow information on accounting and statistical accounting of respectively residential and non-residential premises owned by the city of Moscow, according to the form approved by the specified departments.

2.2.3. Implement cooperation with managerial organizations on the implementation of contractual agreements by apartment buildings.

2.2.4. Implement cooperation with HOA on management of apartment buildings.

2.2.5. To submit to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow at their request information and documents on the performance of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings.

2.2.6. Eliminate violations of the requirements of the legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legal acts of the city of Moscow, this Regulation, identified by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow and the Department of Property of the city of Moscow.

2.2.7. Once a quarter, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, to submit a report to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow, the Department of Property of Moscow and the Governance of the District on the work performed related to the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises.

2.3. Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow, the Department of Property of the City of Moscow has the right:

2.3.1. Request information and documents on the performance of the functions in the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings in multi-family houses.

2.3.2. To send information about violations of the requirements of federal legislation and legislation of the city of Moscow, this provision to eliminate violations of violations to the District Center of the District.

2.4. Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow, the Department of Property of Moscow is submitted by the information and documents necessary for the implementation of the functions specified in these positions.

2.5. The performance of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings is carried out by the leaders of the GU of IC of areas or specialists authorized by the leaders of GU areas, in the prescribed manner.

3. The procedure for the conclusion of the GU of the AP regions of management agreements of apartment buildings

3.1. Before concluding contracts for the management of apartment buildings, the GU of the Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow in the relevant administrative district (hereinafter referred to - the Department's Office) and the territorial agency of the Department of Property of Moscow in the relevant Administrative District (hereinafter - the territorial agency) . Together with the treaties, documents are a basis for their conclusion (Minutes of the General Meeting of Owners of Premises in an apartment building on the choice of a method of management and management organization or decision of the Competition Commission).

Department Management and Territorial Agency for 10-day term consider presented contracts and in the absence of comments coordinate them. If there are comments, they send their suggestions to the GU area.

The GU of Isractions decide on the conclusion of contractual agreements with apartment buildings, taking into account the proposals for the Office of the Department and the Territorial Agency.

3.2. In 10 days from the moment of concluding management agreements, multi-family houses are sending copies of the relevant treaties to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow for accounting in the prescribed manner.

4. The procedure for the participation of GU of IC of districts in the general meetings of the owners of the premises in apartment buildings

For this GU area of \u200b\u200bareas no later than 5 days before the date of general meetings of the owners of the premises, the Department is sent to the Office of the Department, the territorial agency (in the house of residential and / or non-residential premises, respectively, which are the property of the city of Moscow) and the management of the district:

A copy of the notification and a copy of the draft written decision on issues set on the vote of the General Assembly;

4.2. Department Management and Territorial Agency for a three-day period After receiving the documents specified in these provisions, send a written conclusion in the Government, containing consent or reasonable objections against the proposed voting version.

If necessary, representatives of the Department of Department, the Territorial Agency and the Office of the district have the right to attend the general meeting of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

4.3. The GU of the areas has the right to initiate general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings in which there are residential and / or non-residential premises that are in state ownership of the city of Moscow. In this case, before the convening of such assembly, the GU of IP areas are sent to the Office of the Department, the territorial agency and the district management to match the notification containing:

Project notice with the agenda of the General Assembly;

Information about an apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow on residential and non-residential premises;

Project of the charter of the partnership owners of housing (in the case of creation).

4.4. Department Management and Territorial Agency for a 7-day term after receiving the notification specified in these Regulations, send a written conclusion in the Government of the Writer, comprising consent or reasonable objections to the initiation of general meetings.

4.5. On issues, submitted to the general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment buildings, GU of areas of areas make decisions taking into account the conclusion of the management of the Department and the Territorial Agency.

4.6. All those adopted at the general meetings of the owners of the premises in apartment buildings of the GU solutions are notified by the department of the Department, the territorial agency and the management of the district within 10 days from the date of registration of the general meetings of the owners of the premises in apartment buildings.

5. The procedure for the participation of the GU of Isractions in the activities of the HOA (with the entry of GU of the areas of the TSZH)

5.1. Upon receipt of notifications from initiative groups (initiators) on the conduct of general meetings of members of the HOA in full-time or in the form of correspondence voting of the GU of the RIPs on the period not later than 5 days before the meeting date, these notifications are sent to the Department Management, the territorial agency and the district government.

Simultaneously with the notification of the GU of the areas of the region, they guide:

A copy of the notification and a copy of the written decision on the issues posed on the vote;

Information about an apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow on residential and non-residential premises;

5.2. Department Management and Territorial Agency upon receipt of notifications of general meetings of HOA members no later than 3 days before the date of general meetings or before the date of the end of the admission of written decisions of members of the HOA are sent to GU of areas and the management of the District of Written conclusions containing consent or reasonable objections. against the proposed vote version.

5.4. If it is necessary to initiate general meetings of members of the TSZH GU of the IC of areas, to harmonize the Department of Department, the territorial agency and the district management to initiate general assembly notification containing:

The rationale for the reason for the specified meeting and the proposed voting option;

Information about an apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow on residential and non-residential premises;

The draft agenda of the General Assembly (notice and written decision on issues posed on the vote).

5.5. Department Management and Territorial Agency for a 7-day term after receipt of notifications are sent to GU of areas of the district and the management of the District Written conclusions containing consent or reasonable objections to the initiation of general meetings of members of the HOA.

The GU of IP areas initiate general meetings of members of the HOA and voting, taking into account the proposals of the Department and Territorial Agency Office.

5.6. On issues submitted to the general meetings of members of the HOA, the GU of the areas of the district make decisions taking into account the written conclusions of the Department and Territorial Agency.

5.7. About all those adopted in general meetings of members of the HOA decisions of the GU RIPs notify the department of the Department, the territorial agency and the district government within 10 days from the date of registration of the protocols of the General Meetings of the members of the HOA.

5.8. GU of Isractions inform the Department's Office and the territorial agency on the entry of GU IP of the district to members of the owners of housing for a three-day period from the date of signing the relevant statement.

6. The procedure for the conclusion of the GU of the Treaties of Contracts on the Content and Repair of General Property in Apartment Houses

6.1. If the GU of the areas are not members of the owners of the owners of the housing, GU of the areas are contracts for the content and repair of common property in apartment buildings with accessories of housing owners.

6.2. Before concluding contracts for the content and repair of common property in apartment buildings with partnerships of the owners of Housing GU, IC areas, send to the Department of Department, the territorial agency and the management of the District projects of contracts, as well as documents that are the basis for their conclusion (Protocol of the General Meeting of Members of the Housing Ownership Partnership Establishment of payments and contributions to the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building; information about an apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow on residential and non-residential premises), for approval.

6.3. Department Management and Territorial Agency within a 10-day term consider the presented projects of contracts and in the absence of comments coordinate them. If there are comments, they are sent to the GU of areas and the management of the area of \u200b\u200btheir proposals.

The GU of Isractions make decisions on the conclusion of these treaties, taking into account the proposals of the Department and territorial management proposals.

The management of the Department, the territorial agency and the district office, notify the decisions of the GU.

6.4. In 10 days from the moment of the conclusion of contracts for the content and repair of common property in apartment buildings, copies of the relevant treaties in the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow for accounting are sent.

7. Control and coordination of activities of the GU of Isractions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings

7.1. Control over the implementation of the functions established by this provision in the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings and the coordination of the activities of the GU of IP of the district is carried out by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow, the Department of Property of the city of Moscow and the management of the relevant area.

7.2. Control over the adoption of the GU areas of decisions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings in the general meetings of the owners of the premises and members of the owners of housing in accordance with the conclusions of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow and the Department of Property of the city of Moscow relevant area.

Order of the Government of Moscow dated May 14, 2008 N 1040-RP "On the procedure for implementing state institutions of the city of Moscow with engineering services of areas of functions on the presentation of the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises in apartment buildings"

GKU "Center for Coordination Center GU" is deciphered as a state state institution "Center for the coordination of government agencies of engineering services of administrative districts and the districts of the city of Moscow." This engineering service was created to coordinate and activities of the GU of OC and GU of Isractions, as well as for the information and analytical support of the Moscow City Economic Complex. GKU "Center for Coordination Center" is absolutely free of charge the following types of services for managers of all organizational and legal services Forms:
1. settlement service;
2. All types of services of the passport table;
3. 24-hour uninterrupted service of residential buildings and communications as part of the activities of the United Dispatch Services (ODS);
4. The content of the local area in its pure form.
GKU "Coordination Center GU IP" also carries out information and methodological activities: develops standard contracts, provides operational forms of reporting of various periodicity, and also works on one-time assignments of the Government of Moscow.
The center coordination center has its own official website, on which anyone can find detailed information about the organization itself, and can also go through the necessary consulting. On the organization's website you can find addresses of the district or district guis. In addition to the above, the official website is given the opportunity to use the online service called "Guisa Personal Account".
You can go to your personal account from the official site of Guice. To do this, it is necessary to initially enter the address of the site in your browser address bar: Then you find yourself on the main page of the site, where there are various active tabs. Using these tabs, you can navigate through the site in search of the required information. Among the available tabs of the official site, on the main page you will see the "Personal Account" tab.

Main page

By clicking on this tab, you will go to the new page of the site. On the page that opens, the form for entering the guis is a personal account. In this form, you must select your neighborhood from the list of the proposed and specify the login and password. You can get the data to the entry in Guis, you can get from the employee of the user of your district.

Login form

When you enter the GUIS Personal Account, you can independently carry out the following actions:
1. To make an indication of individual hot water consumption accounting devices;
2. To make an indication of individual consumption of cold water consumption;
3. Get information on tariffs;
4. Print a unified payment document at home;
5. Check the amount of accruals and pay for consumed water resources;
6. In cases where to change the password to log in.
Guisa Personal Cabinet has a simple and understandable interface, while working with superfluous questions. If you want to transmit the testimony of cold water meters, then you need to click on the button, which is called "Cold Water". After that, a new window will open, where all previous readings will be indicated. In the window that opens, you need to enter the latest meter reading and the input date.

Enter the meter reading

Introducing the readings of the accounting devices is preferably in a certain period, namely from the 20th day of the current month to the 3th day of the next month. Enter the readings of the meters is necessary in meters of cubic. The transfer of the readings of the device for taking into account hot water is carried out by the same principle. Only in the GIS's personal account you need to click on the "Hot Water" button.
If for some reason you indicated the wrong meter reading, then you can remove the last value. This operation is available only in the first 24 hours after the input of the testimony.
Guisa Personal Cabinet is an Internet service center of the Coordination Center of GU IP, with the help of which any resident of the city of Moscow can remotely exercise the necessary operations for payment for consumed water and transferring the indications of the corresponding meters.
We recommend that you often view the heading "News", which is posted on the official website of GKU "Center coordination center". Here you can find a lot of useful information and always be aware of any innovations of the organization.
If you have any difficulties associated with the incorrect work of the Guisa of the Personal Cabinet, then you can call the hotline and ask the question of interest that is in the competence of the organization. You can ask your question through a personal account by writing a letter with a complete description of your problem.

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