The successes of modern natural science. Theoretical substantiation of the state of physical health of student youth and working students Health problems of modern student youth

Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for cognition of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. Active long life is an important component of the human factor.

Health is not only a personal - individual, but also cultural - cosmic phenomenon, which implies a change in the strategy of human interaction with the world, the formation of a new educational paradigm, in which a person becomes responsible for his health in front of himself, his family, society, and the whole world.

In the charter of the World Health Organization, it is written that health is the correspondence of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects. The problem of preserving the health of each person is closely related to the problem of preserving the national gene pool. The rapid deterioration in the health of citizens of working age is a problem that combines elements of the economy, demography, culture and education, which worries and causes an objective concern for the entire society.

Human health is his full-fledged existence simultaneously in three planes: bodily, mental and social; its main life resource.

The value attitude of an individual to his own health is especially important in the system of his health culture. After all, human health, according to the WHO, is 70-80% determined by his own attitude or the ability to influence factors related to health. An individual's assessment of his own health is not only an indicator, a relative indicator of his health, but also an important motivational determinant of behavior, a regulator of human behavior.

Questions of a healthy lifestyle for people, and especially young people and people of working age, are of exceptional importance. Statistical data and assessments characterizing the health of the population and the current demographic situation in Russia show the seriousness of the situation. That is why the large-scale All-Russian forums (2005, 2006) "The health of the nation is the basis of Russia's prosperity" were devoted to the problems of preserving and strengthening people's health in Russia, which brought together leading scientists, heads of legislative and executive authorities, representatives of public organizations and business circles.

V. A. Sadovnichy, Rector of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Union of Rectors, in his speech at the opening of the forum in 2006, said: the fate of Russia. It seems to me that the main component of this task is to keep our young generation healthy. The current demographic situation in Russia is a demographic crisis. This is partly due to the lifestyle promoted by some media: aggressive advertising of alcohol, tobacco. Over the past 10 years, the number of drug addicts among children and adolescents has increased 10 times. Every second boy and every fourth girl under the age of 16 regularly drink alcohol. Tobacco smoking is becoming a real disaster for Russia, where the age bracket for smokers has dropped to 12 years and below. These phenomena certainly contribute to the growth of mentally retarded adolescents. Many universities in the country already feel this quite fully at the entrance exams.

The population of the country is rapidly aging. For the first time in 1999, the number of persons of retirement age exceeded the number of children under 16 years of age. Between 1989 and 1999, the number of children dropped from 36 to 30.3 million, and the number of retirees increased from 27.2 to 34.4 million.

If we talk about the long-term perspective, then in the event of a slide of Russia towards a demographic catastrophe, indeed, the question will clearly arise, will there be young people who want to study?

Is it any wonder that we are releasing sick students. Approximately 75% of our students after graduation suffer from some kind of serious illness. First of all - in the area of ​​the respiratory system. We passively, but encourage their smoking, beer alcoholism, curtail mass sports work. "

Yes, the state, represented by the heads of its educational institutions, should be responsible for the health of students in education. And what about the young people themselves?

One cannot but agree with the famous pediatrician Leo Bokeria, who, speaking at the same forum (2006), said: “Health is a sphere of mutual interests and mutual responsibility of the state, society and the individual. Without diminishing the interest of the state and society in a healthy citizen and their responsibility for this, it is necessary to recognize that the interests and responsibility of the individual play a decisive role here, since more than 50% of his health depends on a person's lifestyle ”. It is the interests and responsibility of the individual himself.

What is the state of health of students today? A definite picture of the state of health of student youth is given by the results of monitoring carried out annually, in particular, at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after V.I. I.M. Gubkina (A.O. Egorychev et al., 2006). He showed that 7% of students have a safe level of health; 30% - medium; 27% are below average; 36% is low. Over the past 3 years, the BUZ at this university has decreased by 4-6%. By the end of the 2nd year, the level of students' health increases only by 1-2 points (testing according to G.L. Apanasenko, 2000). When you switch to physical exercises once a week, the health level returns to the level of 1 semester. The highest indicators of the level of health are among girls, who go in for aerobics, and among boys, who go in for basketball. But even the most effective means in the scope of the curriculum do not allow reaching the BUZ (12 points). Only students who are additionally engaged in extracurricular activities (in sports sections, independently, in health groups, etc.) can reach the BUZ. Their level of physical activity in the amount of 4-7 hours is sufficient to achieve BUZ.

As you can see, the situation is depressing and it is urgent to change the attitude towards health, and, first of all, by the students themselves.

· In the 2006-2007 academic year, St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) for the first time conducted a comprehensive examination of all freshmen who entered the full-time department. The results were disappointing. This was stated by the Rector of St. Petersburg State University Lyudmila Verbitskaya: “On average, only 9.8% of freshmen who have absolutely no chronic diseases at the university turned out to be absolutely healthy. We are very worried about this situation. I think it is necessary to speak at the next meeting of the State Council. " It's about freshmen. What about the health of non-freshmen students? As the analysis of the state of health of students of many universities in various regions of the country shows, in the process of training they have a negative dynamics of the state of health. (I.V. Efimova et al., 2003).

The state of health of the country's population is closely related to the demographic situation, the features of which in modern conditions (according to V.I. Starodubtsev, 2006) are low fertility and high mortality. The excess of the number of deaths over the number of births in 2004 was 790.1 tons.

If in Russia the mortality rate in the 50s from diseases of the circulatory system was about 220 cases per 100 tons of the population, then in 2004 it was already 892.3. In Europe, this figure is currently 170-250 cases.

As you can see, diseases of the circulatory system (55.8%) occupy the main place in the structure of mortality among the population of Russia. It is very important to note that it is precisely methodically correctly organized physical exercises that are the best prevention of these diseases.

The indicators of life expectancy in modern Russia are not high either. In 2004, the average life expectancy was 65.8 years (for men - 59.1 years, for women - 72.5 years). According to this indicator, we are significantly behind foreign countries, where the average life expectancy is as follows: Japan -81.9 years; France - 79.8; Spain - 79.6; Germany - 78.7; Greece - 78.4; USA - 77.3; Czech Republic - 75.8; Hungary - 72.6. In terms of life expectancy for women, Russia currently ranks 100 in the world, and for men - 134.

In general, the demographic situation in Russia is as follows (Yu.M. Komarov, 2006):

1. The rate of population decline in the Russian Federation is the highest in the world. The country annually loses from 700 thousand to 1 million people, which is tantamount to the disappearance every year of such cities as Kursk and Kostroma and every day - two middle villages. Over the past 13 years, Russia has lost 11 thousand villages, 290 cities (and almost 40% of city dwellers live in small towns) and another 13 thousand villages are close to extinction.

2. With the current trends unchanged and their deterioration, the population of the country will decrease by 40-50 million people. A new threat will arise - how to keep a large territory from encroachment with a small number.

3. By 2016, there will be 52-62 pensioners per 100 working people, which will significantly limit the social opportunities of the state. The most pronounced deficit will be a labor shortage.

4. In the process of depopulation, the greatest contribution is made by the high mortality rate - 62%, while the low birth rate accounts for only 38%.

5. Almost 50% of families have only one child and only 15-16% of families have 2 children. About 17% of marriages are infertile, while abortions are performed in 64% of pregnant women and only a third of pregnancies end in childbirth. Studies show that the current generation of adolescents has significant reproductive limitations and most of them will not be able to reproduce healthy offspring. By 2025, the reproductive potential in the country may be completely exhausted, and with the departure of the increased generation of girls born in the 80s from the reproductive period, the birth rate will fall to the lowest values.

6. Of particular concern is not so much the number of births as their quality. Healthy newborns, according to various sources, account for only 15-30%.

7. Mortality rates in Russia are at the level of the most backward developing countries (over 2 million people die annually). Accordingly, the average life expectancy is extremely low, according to which Russia is thrown back almost 50 years ago.

8. Alcoholism, drug addiction are increasing, the number of smokers is increasing. The opportunity and availability of physical activity has sharply decreased. If about 1000 people die from AIDS a year, then from diseases associated with smoking - 370 thousand. About 350 thousand drug addicts are officially registered, and according to some estimates, there are 17 times more. Over the past 20 years, the number of disabled people has tripled.

9. The overwhelming majority (70%) of citizens live in conditions of prolonged psycho-emotional and social stress, and 3.8 million citizens suffer from various mental disorders and another 14 million are in need of psychiatric care. 10. Massive health problems of the population and medical and demographic problems, the state of which is a challenge to the entire society, pose a threat to the national security of the country.

The given objective data make us think very seriously about finding ways out of this situation.

The prevention of diseases and the formation of a healthy image of young people, as noted above, are an urgent problem today. Young people make up up to 30% of the world's population. It is in youth (16-29 years old) that the foundation of labor, moral positions, as well as human health is laid.

As noted by A.G. Sukharev today, among modern youth, one can conditionally distinguish two mutually opposite groups: some limit their physical activity and ignore the means of physical education, while others are obsessed with high sports results and the desire to use maximum training and competitive loads for this. Both of these do not contribute to the strengthening of health, harmonious human development and readiness for a variety of activities. Therefore, it is necessary to creatively comprehend the theoretical and practical foundations of the existing system of physical education, taking into account the need to strengthen the health of young people. In this regard, it should be noted that the theory and methodology of physical education up to now mainly considered the issues of sports training, and obviously not enough attention was paid to the issues of the use of physical exercises for the purpose of health improvement.

The decline in the level of health has led to a reduction in the life expectancy of the population in Russia, in particular men to 57-59 years, which is on average 10-15 years less than in economically developed countries, the life expectancy of women in the country is 72 years, which is also less ( for 6-8 years) level in Western European countries.

According to I.A. Yakovleva, the decline in the level of health of the modern population is reflected in the constitution of the Federal Target Program for the Protection of the Health of the Population of the Russian Federation for the period of 2010 as a social problem. The deterioration in the health status of young and middle-aged people (i.e., the main working part of the population) in Russia is due to the socio-economic crisis, declining living standards, health deficiencies and internal causes of the education system. Therefore, one of the priority tasks of modern education is the preservation and strengthening of the health of young people, the formation of their value attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle.

A person considers the government, the ongoing reforms, local authorities, the mafia, businessmen, doctors, and rarely himself to be guilty of his illnesses, first of all. Many students are not interested in the state of their health, and therefore have no real or no idea about it and do not take any measures to protect it. These are mainly young people under the age of 30.

Prevention of diseases through a healthy lifestyle is 25 times cheaper than treatment, not to mention the moral and psychological side. In developed countries, people have realized that a lot depends on their personal lifestyle, therefore, individual activities to preserve and strengthen their health came to the fore, a healthy lifestyle has become the norm for most people. The result is well known: a high level of health, a significant increase in life expectancy.

Recently, the scientific press has published the results of an extensive international study on health problems in the 21st century. The state of health of the population in 100 countries was studied by 500 factors. After processing the material, the scientists came to the conclusion that at present, health and life expectancy at any social status depends on the person's lifestyle by 70%. Consequently, in the 21st century, the impact of lifestyle on health has increased even more. These provisions open up tremendous opportunities without high costs to significantly improve the level of health of the population by developing a style of behavior that will contribute to its preservation and strengthening.

Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone; he has no right to pass it on to others. Indeed, it often happens that a person, by the wrong way of life, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating, brings himself to a catastrophic state by the age of 20-30 and only then remembers about medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Man himself is the creator of his own health, which must be fought for. From early childhood, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, temper, engage in physical culture and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene, in a word, to achieve in reasonable ways a genuine harmony of health. A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, laborious, tempering and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until a ripe old age. In general, we can talk about three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social) health:

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators:

1. Indicators of physique (length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts, the amount of fat deposition, etc.), which are characterized, first of all, by biological forms, or morphology of a person.

2. Health indicators reflecting morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body (the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms has a decisive effect on human health).

3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, coordination abilities, flexibility).

· Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities. Mental health is a person's ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance oneself with the environment. The psyche is understood as the sphere of emotions, feelings and thinking. Mental health, along with physical health, is a component of overall health. In these conditions, the question of the criteria of mental health itself acquires special relevance. In its most general form, it should be understood as the normal course of mental processes. A person realizes himself in society only if he has a sufficient level of mental energy that determines his performance, and at the same time, sufficient plasticity, harmony of the psyche, allowing him to adapt to society, to be adequate to its requirements.

Mental health is an important part of human health, so it comes as no surprise that physical and mental health are closely related.

· Moral health is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of a person's social life, i.e. life in a particular human society. Distinctive features of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict the normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral monster if he disregards the norms of morality. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health. A number of common human qualities are inherent in morally healthy people, which make them real citizens.

· Social health is a measure of social activity, an individual's active attitude to the world. Social health consists in the ability to form and use for self-preservation the subjective ideas of people about the external world and their role in it. This component of health reflects social connections, resources, and the ability to communicate. Social health is measured by the ability to survive in a socio-economic and political environment and can be expressed by the ratio of what an individual receives from society and what he gives to society.

Social health is determined by moral principles that are the basis of a person's social life, i.e. life in a particular society.

· Professional health - characterized by the state of a person in terms of physical and mental indicators in order to assess his ability to a certain professional activity, as well as resistance to adverse factors accompanying this activity.

The main indicator of professional health is human performance.

In medical practice, when selecting people for professional activity, they are most often limited to the phrase: "For health reasons, fit (not fit)." The validity of this conclusion is highly questionable. Professional performance is determined by three groups of indicators: physical status, psychological status and social factors. Physical status is most commonly referred to as physical performance. The leading ones here are: 1. Physical development, i.e. anthropometric data - height, weight, volume of the chest, waist, vital capacity of the lungs. 2. Physical fitness - strength (in its various manifestations), speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility. 3. Indicators of vegetative support of physical activity. The most common ones that have international standards are aerobic performance as measured by maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), aerobic performance as measured by maximum oxygen demand (MOC). Psychological status (often referred to as mental performance).

The analysis of scientific and methodological literature showed that during their studies at the university, the level of somatic health of student youth deteriorates, which is necessary for successful professional activity, including in the specialty "Physical education teacher". The main reasons for such a deplorable state are: a decrease in physical activity, a high intensity of training and an unorganized mode of work and rest.


1.1. Sociological analysis of scientific ideas about health from the standpoint of the socio-value approach.

1.2. Social conditioning of students' health as a subject area of ​​research.

1.3. Regional factors and their impact on changes in the health status of student youth.


2.1. Sociological analysis of the value attitudes of students towards their health.

2.2. Attitude to health in individual strategies and behavioral practices of students.

2.3. The role of higher education in the formation of an effective health care system.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • The value of health in the structure of orientations of student gamers 2010, candidate of sociological sciences Gainullina, Elina Nurovna

  • Self-preserving behavior practices of student youth: sociological analysis 2010, candidate of sociological sciences Ushakova, Yana Vladimirovna

  • The social value of a healthy lifestyle of student youth in modern Russian society 2007, candidate of sociological sciences Kirilyuk, Oksana Georgievna

  • Physical culture and health-improving activity as a social factor in the formation of health of modern student youth 2007, candidate of sociological sciences Kozina, Galina Yurievna

  • Specificity of the attitude of Russian students towards health in a socio-structural context 2007, candidate of sociological sciences Gafiatulina, Natalia Khalilovna

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Health of student youth as a social value: regional aspect: on the materials of the Khabarovsk Territory"

Relevance of the research topic and problem statement. The transformation of modern Russian society, a change in the basic principles of life, form new social practices of modern student youth, adequate to the nature and content of the loads associated with the complication of social life, a change in its rhythm. The diversity and diversification of modern patterns of behavior initiate a change in basic values, orientations and strategies of behavior in the student environment. Priority social values ​​are high income, education, professional career. The interests, value attitudes of young people are currently associated mainly with technology, information technologies that form an artificial environment.

Possession. These attributes seem to be a kind of socio-psychological phenomenon of the consciousness of actors, acquiring the features of a kind of utopia, which is based on high material well-being and1 life success achieved at any cost, while significant natural and vital values, including health, are supplanted.

At the same time, health remains the most important value, and its integral indicator is the end result of the effective functioning of all social systems. The health status of student youth is one of the most important generalizing parameters of the nation's health, the high status of which, among other indicators, is determined on the following grounds: students represent the potential of the country's qualified labor resources, and is also the intellectual potential of society. Student youth is also considered as a population resource, which is a factor not only of well-being, but also of the security of the country and its regions. So, for example, in the context of the demographic specifics of the Khabarovsk Territory, the health of young people is considered not only as a value, but also as a geopolitical resource for the preservation of this region of Russia.

At the same time, according to the statistical indicators of medical examinations, from 2008 to 2010, the incidence of students in universities in the Khabarovsk Territory increased by 37.7%. Among freshmen, 85.2% have health problems. The number of detected chronic diseases has increased 1.6 times over the past three years1.

The analysis of sociological studies of the value attitude of students of the Khabarovsk Territory to their health and healthy lifestyle showed that 70.3% of the respondents consider health to be a determining factor in the life support of a modern personality. Despite the fact that health occupies a dominant position in the hierarchy of student youth values, 52% of respondents assessed its condition as satisfactory or poor. Every third student has 2-3 diseases, 86.1% would like to improve their health by choosing for this behavior that corresponds to a healthy lifestyle.2

Determination of social attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle involves taking into account the heterogeneity of the studied cohort, which includes groups with a peculiar structure of motivations and perception of reality. Modern social realities require a qualitative understanding of the place and role of health in the value system of student youth. In assessing health as a social value, its vital significance and biological content dominated. Socio-cultural factors of the XXI century, their development put forward the social component to the leading place in the assessment of health. Underestimating this trend at the individual and social levels leads to a devaluation of health. The sociological theory of values ​​is of great importance for ensuring a systematic and integrated approach to the problem of health. Such a view of the problem will open up the possibilities for a comprehensive analysis of the value determinants of the studied category of young people.

1 Results of medical examinations of university students in Khabarovsk for 2008-2010 // Current archive of the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory

2 Analytical report of the results of sociological research "Students' health", 2009 (n = 646) gen. the aggregate - students of universities of the Khabarovsk Territory (DVLGS, FESGU, PNU). The type of the sample is quota in the context of four characteristics: Iol, course, specialty, form of education. Scientific adviser - Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor Bankov N.M. Far Eastern Academy of Civil Service

In general, when analyzing health in the value system of university students, a contradiction emerged between, on the one hand, the need to improve it, reflected in the main state program documents, and on the other hand, a real situation demonstrating that the expected improvement does not occur, but, on the contrary, the health of all categories the country's youth is steadily getting worse.

The analysis of the problem under study also shows that there is a dissonance between the declared value of health, as well as the value perceived by students, and real behavioral practices that are poorly oriented towards its preservation and strengthening.

Thus, the relevance of the topic is determined by the demand for sociological analysis and research of new approaches to understanding the essence of health as a universal value based on its high importance, responsibility for preserving, substantiating the regularity of the relationship between the individual's health and the health of society as a single system.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the topic.

An analysis of the literature, publications devoted to the problems of the value of public health shows that interest in this topic has arisen among scientists for a long time, and has been increasing recently.

Such scientists as M. Weber, E. Durkheim, T. Parsons, R. Merton, P. Sorokin and others have made a significant contribution to the development of the sociological understanding of the values ​​of the individual, of various social groups.

In our country, V.A. Vasilenko, I.S. Narsky. Also, among domestic scientists, it is necessary to note V.P. Tugarinova, V.A. Ddova, O. G. Drobnits-someone, N.I. Lapin, A.G. Zdravomyslova, and others. Various methods of researching values ​​were proposed by M. Rokich, V.А. -Yadov, S. Schwartz.

3 Weber M. Selected Works / translated from English. M .: Progress, 1990. 808 f .; Durkheim E. Sociology. Its subject, method, purpose / lane. with French M.: Canon, 1995.352 f .; Parsons T. Functional theory of measurement // American sociological thought: texts / ed. IN AND. Dobrenkov. M.: Moscow State University, 1994.496 f .; Merton R Social structure and anomie // Sociology of crime (Modern bourgeois theories). M.: Progress, 1996. pp. 299-313; Sorokin P.A. Causes of War and Conditions of Peace // Sociological Research. 1993. No. 12. S. 140-148. 5

The object of sociological understanding of health is presented in the works of the classics of sociology T. Parsons, E. Durkheim, R. Merton and others.

Assessing the degree of scientific elaboration of the topic, we note that in the literature there have been many attempts to define the concept of "health". Currently, many definitions and approaches to understanding it, different in orientation, structure and content, have been formed, which is due to the complexity of this phenomenon, the characteristic and significant aspects of which are difficult to express unambiguously. A number of scientists such as S.Ya. Chikin, G.I. Tsaregorodtsev, Yu.P. Lisitsyn, adhere to a functional approach to understanding "health", which assumes the need for health to effectively perform their roles and functions. Others (A.M. Izutkin, V.D. Zhirnov, PD Tshtsenko, L.G. Matros) - consider health from the point of view of a biosocial approach through the dialectical unity of biological and social. A.F. Serenko, V.V. Ermakov, V: P. Petlenko; HELL. Stepanov, O.A. Egorov and others understand health as a state of norm, the absence of disease, pathologies. This category is also considered as a dynamic balance of the organism and environmental factors (V.P. Kaznacheev, M.S.Bedny, D.D. Venediktov, I.I: Brekhman

The value-social approach, according to which health is a fundamental value, and is necessary for the successful existence of an individual and society as a whole, was formulated by M. Popov and M. Mikhailov, as well as domestic experts A.M. Izutkin,

A.F. Polisom, A.B. Sakhno, Yu.P. Lisitsyn, V.P. Petlenko, I.S. Larionova,

B.M. Dimov 4.

Considering various factors affecting the health of the population (socio-economic: Yu.V. Shilenko, I.V. Korkhova, Yu.I. Borodin, D.D. Venediktov, V.S. Tapilina, M.S. behavioral: A.I. Antonov, I.V. Zhuravleva, L.S. Shilova, N.V. Lakomova, A.E. Ivano

4 Lisitsyn Yu.P., Sakhno A.B. Human health is a social value. M.: Thought, 1988; Larionova I.S. Health philosophy. M.: Gardarnki, 2007.233 f .; Shchedrin, A.G. Ontogenesis and health theory: methodological aspects / A.G. Shchedrin. Novosibirsk, 1989 .; Dimov V.M. Health as a social problem // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 1999. No. b. wa; ecological: Sosunova I.A., E.I. Shevaldin; cultural, demographic: I.B. Nazarova, O.S. Kopina, A.E. Korolkov), recently scientists have almost unanimously identified social factors as the main ones. At the same time, the impact on the health of the population of various types of factors is adjusted depending on regional conditions. The role of social institutions in the field of health is reflected in the works of I.V. Zhuravleva, E.V. Dmitrieva, O.A. Shapovalova5 and others.

The need to study a person's attitude to their health, self-preserving behavior was posed by such scientists as A.I. Antonov, E.M. Andreev, V.P. Tugarinov, M.S. Poor, Yu.P. Lisitsyn, V.M. Dimov, I.V. Zhuravleva, L.S. Shilova, E.V. Dmitrieva, V. Ya. Shklya-ruk, etc. 6. All authors came to the conclusion about a relatively low level of health preservation among young people and knowledge about it. In this regard, issues related to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the upbringing of a value attitude to health (T.A. Kotova, V.A. Medic, AM Osipov, Z.N. Litvinova, O.G. I. Belova, O. N. Mikhailova) 7.

In domestic sociological science, such researchers as V.I. Chuprov, Yu.A. Zubok, V.I. Dobrynina, I.M. Ilyinsky, Yu.R. Vishnevsky, V.T. Lisovsky, T.M. Polyakova, I.N. Staroverov, V.N. Tkachev, A.I. Kovaleva, T.V. Kovaleva, S.I. Grigoriev, V.N. Shubkin and others 8. Singling out student youth as a specific socio-demographic group, B. Rubin, Yu. Kolesnikov, A.N. Semashko, L. Ya. Rubina, T.V. Ishchenko, A.C. Panarin presents her as a reserve

5 Zhuravleva I.V. Attitude towards the health of the individual and society. - M .: Nauka, 2006 .-- 238 p .; Dmitrieva E.V. Sociology of health: methodological approaches and communication programs. - M .: Center, 2002.

6 Antonov A.I. Experience in researching attitudes towards health and life expectancy // Social problems of health and life expectancy - M., 1989.; Zhuravleva I.V. Self-preservation behavior and health // Problems of demographic development of the USSR. - M., 1988.

7 Medic, V.A. University students: lifestyle and health / V.A. Medic, A.M. Osipov. - M.: Logos, 2003. - 200 p .; Kirilkzh O.G. Social value of a healthy lifestyle of student youth in modern Russian society: Diss. Candidate of Social Sciences M., 2007.160 p.

8 Chuprov V.I., Zubok Yu.A. Youth in social reproduction: problems and prospects. M., 2000 .; Lisovsky, V.T. They live in the XXI century. / V.T. Lisovsky // Aurora. 1996. No. 11-12. S. 21-29. intelligentsia 9. Passing a special stage of socialization, students develop a certain system of values. The value system of student youth has been analyzed by many researchers: M.E. Dobruskin, V.T. Lisovsky, H.A. Zhuravlev and others 10. N.M. Baikov, Yu.V. Berezutskiy and others. Sociological research on health problems among young people is reflected in the works of I.V. Zhuravleva, L.S. Shilova, N.Kh. Gafiatulina, G.A. Ivakhnenko, O. G. Kirilyuk, G.Yu. Kozina, A.A. Kovaleva and others 11.

With all the variety of works devoted to the health of the entire population in general, and student youth in particular, the issues of the formation of a value-based attitude to health among young people have not been sufficiently reflected. And in the context of regional specifics, in order to form full-fledged labor and population resources of the region in the future, its further successful development, it is necessary to search for effective mechanisms for the formation of not a declarative value of health, but supported by appropriate behavior. Allocation of various life strategies of students, analysis of value orientations and attitudes will allow to develop a system of influences on the social parameters of their lifestyle.

The purpose of the dissertation research is to identify the attitude of student youth to health as a social value, taking into account regional characteristics.

The implementation of this goal presupposes the solution of a number of research tasks:

Analysis and systematization of theoretical approaches to the study of the socio-value attitude of students to their health and orientations towards a healthy lifestyle;

9 Rubin B, Kolesnikov Yu. Student through the eyes of a sociologist. Rostov-on-Don, 1997. - 571 p .; Semashko A.H. Artistic needs of students: ways and means of their formation: abstract of candidate's thesis. Dnepropetrovsk, 1969.34 p .; Ishchenko T.B. The place of students in the social structure of society. Tomsk, 1970.143 p.

10 Zhuravleva H.A. Dynamics of personal life orientations in Russian society. - M.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2006. - 335 p .; Dobruskin, M.E. Student - who is he? / M.E. Dobruskin // Sociological Research. - 1994. -.No.8-9.-0.79-88.

11 Zhuravleva I.V. Adolescent health: a sociological analysis. M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2002.240 p .; Gafiatulina N.Kh. Health as a social value among students. Yuzh.-Ros. state University of Economics and Ssrpsa, Rostov Academy of Service. Rostov-n / D, 2009.166 p.

Identification of the main factors affecting the health of university students at the regional level in the context of increasing socio-economic differentiation of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

Research of the peculiarities of value orientations of students of universities of the Khabarovsk Territory, determination of the place of health in their structure, identification of types of behavioral strategies and practices in the context of the culture of self-preserving behavior;

Determination of the priority directions of the development of universities in the formation of students' needs for health improvement and physical improvement in the context of the transition of regional universities to a two-level system of higher professional education.

The object of the dissertation research is the students of the universities of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The subject of the research is the formation of the value attitude of students of higher educational institutions to their health, taking into account social changes and regional characteristics.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of the classics of sociology, who made a great contribution to the development of the problems of the values ​​of the individual and social groups, as well as works whose object is the theoretical understanding of health (M. Weber, E. Durkheim, T. Parsons, R. Merton, P. Sorokin, R. Merton, I. Goffman).

When studying the attitude of young people to health, self-preserving behavior, the author based on modern sociological concepts presented in the works of I.V. Zhuravleva, L.S. Shilova, A.I. Antonova and DR

The theoretical basis of the dissertation work was modern research material: monographs, articles of scientific and practical conferences, Internet resources dedicated to the significance of the problem of the state of health of the population and student youth.

The empirical basis of the dissertation was formed by the results of sociological research obtained personally by the author or with his direct participation, as well as a secondary analysis of research:

1. Research "Students' health", 2009 (n = 646) gene. the aggregate - students of universities of the Khabarovsk Territory (DVAGS, FESGU, PNU). The type of the sample population is quota in the context of four characteristics: gender, course, specialty, and form of education. Scientific adviser - Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor Baykov N.M. Far Eastern Academy of Public Administration. Field research leader - G.C. Khalikova

2. Sociological research "Students' attitude to health" May-June 2010. Sample population: students of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern Academy of Public Service" n = 297, sample type: quota according to the course characteristics. Far Eastern Academy of Public Administration. Scientific adviser Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Shkurkin A.M. The head of the field research is S. S. Khalikova.

3. Youth of the Khabarovsk Territory: Problems and Prospects (1997, 2000, 2005, 2007 and 2009) The general population was made up of young people. The Khabarovsk Territory of three age groups - 17, 24 and 29 years old. The sample size was 550-700 respondents. Sample type - multistage, quota - in the context of three main characteristics (gender, age, territory of residence), random, at the stage of selecting respondents. Scientific advisers - Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor N.; M. Baikov, Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.V. Be-rezutsky.

4. Research "Specificity and problems of the state of youth potential in the Khabarovsk Territory", 2008 (students n = 649, students n = 580). The general population consisted of two social groups of young people: high school students (grades 10-11) of educational schools in the Khabarovsk Territory and undergraduate students (1-3 courses) of universities in the Khabarovsk Territory. Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Yu.V. Berezutsky. Far Eastern Academy of Public Administration.

The reliability and validity of the data obtained is confirmed by their compliance with theoretical and methodological provisions, revealing the social conditioning of students' attitude to health as a social value by modern methods of sociological analysis, as well as repeated scientific and practical approbation of the work.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation research:

1. It has been established that the construct "students' health" contains a value basis, which makes it possible to reveal the interdependence of the health of an individual and the health of society under the condition of a gradual transition from the dominance of its physical component to the social one.

2. A system of factors has been identified that determine the value attitude of students to health in the physical, spiritual and social aspects of life, taking into account regional characteristics.

3. ". The hierarchy of value orientations of student youth * of the Khabarovsk Territory has been determined, the types of health-preserving behavior strategies in the context of the culture of self-preservation have been identified: active preserving, risky, indifferent.

4. Conceptual approaches have been identified, in which higher educational institutions most fully ensure the implementation of the health preservation of students in the context of the transition to a two-level education system in such areas as: theoretical training, practical training, cultural, physical culture and health-improving work and the creation of a system of constant assessment and analysis health of students in the form of monitoring.

The main provisions for the defense:

1. Health, being a universal value, allows a person to satisfy physical, spiritual and social needs, to realize his human potential. The value-based approach requires taking into account the individual's motivational-personal attitude to health, which is not always recognized as a value by a person and, as a rule, has a latent nature. The systematization of various approaches made it possible to propose an algorithm for the formation and study of health as a social value, which includes three main blocks: 1 - system-forming (social institutions, social structure, territorial characteristics); 2 - individual value (the individual's attitude to health and individual strategies); 3 - information and analytical unit (measurement and analysis of information).

2. The institutional environment influencing health and attitudes towards it as a social value is under the corrective influence of the region's external environment. The reflected indicator of the quality of the natural environment is the health of the population, which to a certain extent is a complex indicator of the development of the socio-economic potential of the territory. Environmental pollution, the quality of drinking water and food, a lower level of development of health care and social infrastructure in comparison with most constituent entities of the Russian Federation do not allow to fully realize the needs for maintaining health as the highest social value; create a deficit of such opportunities. This peculiarity of the regionalization of the institutional environment increases the migratory moods of students, which practically devalues ​​the very possibility of solving the problem of forming a stable population in the Far Eastern territories, which is currently dominant.

3. In the structure of life values, health takes the first place, first of all, as an instrumental value. Despite this, the analysis of the behavioral practices of students of Khabarovsk universities reveals a contradiction between the declared values ​​and real behavioral strategies. The dominant individual strategy of behavior related to attitudes towards health among students is risky, which was formed in the absence of stable stereotypes of a healthy lifestyle.

4. One of the directions of the successful transition of Russian higher education to a two-level system of professional training is the development by universities of an integral concept of lifelong health-preserving education, where the process of maintaining and strengthening health should be considered in two directions: in the implementation of external socio-cultural needs for health as a condition of physical, psychological and social well-being and in the realization of the internal needs of the individual, associated with the responsibility for the existence of the integrity of his being, taking into account the age and individual-typological characteristics.

Theoretical and "practical significance of the research. The paper considers theoretical approaches to the concepts of" value "," health "; systematized regional factors that influence student youth. The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation research can be used in the educational process of universities in the preparation of general education curricula and organizations dealing with youth problems. And also taken into account when drawing up programs at the municipal, regional levels aimed at developing the youth potential of the region. Scientific and practical results and methodological tools of the dissertation can also be used in teaching academic disciplines: "Sociology of Youth", "Sociology of Education "," Sociology of Health ".

Approbation of the results obtained. The results of the dissertation research were discussed at international, all-Russian and regional scientific and practical conferences, including the International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Personnel Training in a Modern University: Russian and Foreign Experience" (Khabarovsk, 2009), US All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference young researchers, graduate students and applicants "Economics, management, society: history and modernity" (Khabarovsk, 2010), KhP competition of young scientists "Scientific potential of young scientists - the development of the region" (Khabarovsk, 2010), IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Youth East of Russia: history and modernity "(Khabarovsk, 2009, 2011), regional scientific and practical conference" The state of health and lifestyle of students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions "(Khabarovsk, 2009), All-Russian scientific and practical conference" Teacher of higher education in the context of the modernization of Russian education "( Khabarovsk, 2010), IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Researchers, Postgraduates and Applicants (Khabarovsk, 2011); International scientific-practical conference "State, politics, society: challenges and strategic priorities" (Yekaterinburg, 2011).

The main results, provisions and conclusions of the dissertation research were published in 13 scientific publications, including three in the journals Power and Management in the East of Russia, Social and Human Sciences in the Far East, recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, including six paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and scientific literature, applications.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Social structure, social institutions and processes", 22.00.04 code VAK

  • Sociological analysis of youth health: the example of youth in the Murmansk region 2010, candidate of sociological sciences Kovaleva, Alexandra Alexandrovna

  • Improving management of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students 2007, candidate of sociological sciences Kozlov, Vadim Yurievich

  • Features of the formation and management of self-preserving behavior of students: the example of students of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia 2011, candidate of sociological sciences Vyalov, Igor Sergeevich

  • Public health in a social context: The example of FER employees 2005, candidate of sociological sciences Sokolova, Tatiana Borisovna

  • Attitude towards health as a sociocultural phenomenon 2005, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Zhuravleva, Irina Vladimirovna

Conclusion of the thesis on the topic "Social structure, social institutions and processes", Khalikova, Svetlana Sergeevna


The analysis of the attitude of students to health as a social value, taking into account the characteristics of the region (Khabarovsk Territory), allows us to draw some conclusions.

The considered theoretical approaches to the study of the value attitude to health made it possible to single out a number of characteristics that express the essence of values: values ​​satisfy the needs of the individual; determine the normative standard of behavior ;: express the significance of an object or phenomenon; often awareness of values: objects or phenomena - occurs in a situation of their deficit; values ​​ensure integration; society; arise as a result of practical activities; they are historically and individually determined. The value of health is formed when there is a need for health, which manifests itself? in the form of a need for self-preservation, is transformed as a person is socialized; is expressed in self-preservation? behavior: individual and orientation ^ to a healthy lifestyle1-.

Conditionality of the formation of social values: features; historical and cultural development of society; place and role of the individual in public life, his belonging to a social: group; general level; culture of a person who "is the result of the acquisition of social experience, the assimilation of moral principles and norms; age and psychophysiological characteristics of human development, allowed the author to highlight the features of student attitude; youth to health as a social value 1.

The relevance of the study of this particular social group is determined by the general negative trends in the state of health of students with the unconditional importance of preserving this potential for; successful development of the region.

The conditions of the Khabarovsk Territory necessitate a more attentive attitude to health, both at the level of the individual and at the level of society, the formation of the value of health and the habits of a healthy lifestyle. The negative factors are: harsh natural and climatic conditions; remoteness from the central regions of the country; weaker infrastructure development; the lag in living standards from the average Russian; environmental problems associated with poor drinking water quality, frequent forest fires, etc. For students, the above factors are exacerbated by specific occupations and lifestyles.

Among the factors that affect the health of students, in addition to the general ones, which determine the health status of the entire population of the region, there are specific ones that directly interact with the educational process. Among them, one can single out the low level of physical culture and valeological education of students; logistical problems associated with the learning process; heavy teaching loads; the presence of stressful situations, such as self-determination in the future profession, social adaptation, examination sessions; non-observance of diet and sleep regimes; high risk of bad habits.

Health in the system of values ​​of students of higher educational institutions of the Khabarovsk Territory takes the first place. However, the analysis of their behavioral practices and individual strategies of behavior indicates a low actual value of health, which is instrumental in nature, and not terminal. Beliefs existing during this period in the inexhaustibility of their own physical and mental resources lead to the fact that such bad habits as tobacco smoking, the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs are quite common in the student environment. underestimation of many risk factors.Lack of regular preventive measures, physical education, sexual literacy negatively affects their health.In general, we can talk about a low culture of self-preservation and responsibility for their own health among university students.

The lack of sufficient attention to the formation of the value of health and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle on the part of the social institutions of the region leads to a decrease in their importance and influence on the formation of self-preservation behavior of student youth. Only an informed person who has the skills to take care of health, who has a need for this and who understands his own responsibility will be able to ensure the preservation of his health.

The role of higher education in the formation of the value of health, its preservation and strengthening is not high enough. Often, the lack of financial and technical capabilities, the interest of the university leads to the fact that the adopted program measures remain only at the document level and are not implemented. And the ongoing one-time events, conversations, lectures are ineffective.

To improve the current situation, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive systematic work aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the value of health, a responsible attitude towards it. The proposed monitoring of the health of "students" will create a high-quality information base for the development of program and other activities at the level of each individual university and the region as a whole.

Thus, the goal of the dissertation research has been achieved, the tasks set have been revealed.

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Sobyanina Galina Nikolaevna

Candidate of Sciences in Biology Head of the Department of Physical Culture Sevastopol Institute of Economics and Humanities (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V.I.

Vernadsky "

Shuvalova Irina Nikolaevna

Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Professor of the Department of Health and Rehabilitation

Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy (branch) FGOAU VO "Crimean

Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky "



The article shows that when introducing innovative technologies into the educational process, it is necessary to carry out physiological and dynamic monitoring of the health status of students. Control of the basic physiological parameters of the body allows you to obtain objective information necessary for making effective management decisions. The analysis of the state of health of students of a pedagogical profile indicates a significant spread of deviations in the state of health and a decrease in the main indicators of somatic health.

Key words: physiological monitoring, students, somatic health, educational space, morbidity structure.

Galina sobyanina

Ph.D. (Biology science) Head the Department of physical culture V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Sevastopol economic-humanitarian Institute (branch)

Doctor of medical science Professor of the Department of health and rehabilitation V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Humanitarian pedagogical

University (branch)


Ag-ticle it is shown that the introduction of innovative technologies in educational process it is necessary to carry out the physiological and dynamic monitoring of the health status of students. Monitoring basic physiological parameters of the organism allows to get objective information necessary for making effective management decisions. The analysis of the health status of students indicates a significant distribution of deviations in health status and reduction of the main indicators of physical health.

Keywords: physiological monitoring, students, somatic health, educational space, the structure of morbidity.

In recent years, scientific research related to the problem of preserving the health of student youth in the higher education system has not lost its relevance. The subject of professional interest of specialists actively working in the field of pedagogy, medicine, physical culture and sports is the search for methods, techniques, technologies that can preserve and increase the health of students, optimally socialize them and adapt them to the new conditions of modern life.

As you know, the leading tasks of higher education are: the formation of the basis of a comprehensively, harmoniously developed personality; the possibility of realizing unique human capabilities; preparing him for the coming life, increasing social and psychological adaptation and self-improvement. The formation of students' needs, skills and

skills to acquire, to apply in practice the system of knowledge in their future profession.

However, it must be admitted that the success of studying at a university is achieved at a high cost - a significant deterioration, and sometimes even loss of health. The objective reasons for such an unfavorable situation are the colossal volume, novelty and complexity of the educational material that a student must master in a short period of time. To the intensification of labor should be added the widespread introduction in educational institutions of innovative technical means, which are the reasons for the negative impact on the young organism. At the same time, a violation of the optimal balance between the training load and the adaptive capabilities of the body is revealed, which eventually leads to functional disorders of the body, to the formation and progression of chronic diseases. The imperfection of compensatory mechanisms reveals a tendency to nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular disorders, a decrease in adaptation to various environmental influences, to physical and mental factors. It should also be remembered that yesterday's schoolchildren who do not have a high level of somatic health become students. Thus, further layering of a number of unfavorable didactogenic factors leads to disruption of the motor-visceral regulation of the body, to a violation of the fundamental parameters of the constitution, to a deep destruction of physical health.

Today, more than ever, higher education needs new non-standard approaches to solving the problem of preserving the health of student youth. High quality education can be achieved only when certain conditions for organizing the educational process are created. The modern education system is in constant search of effective programs, pedagogical technologies. Higher educational institutions are faced with a difficult task: to form students' health-preserving behavior that can restore the psychophysical state after a difficult

school day, to motivate students to systematic physical education and sports, to cultivate a healthy lifestyle.

Despite a fairly large number of scientific studies, it must be admitted that clear, unambiguous pedagogical recommendations for the implementation of health-developing programs in a higher educational institution have not yet been fully developed, the scientific base has not been determined, which allows to determine the level of formation of students' health-saving skills. When introducing innovations of a practice-oriented nature into the educational process, it is necessary to carry out physiological and dynamic monitoring, which allows to predetermine the behavioral risks for the life and health of students. The study of the characteristics of the state of health of students will reveal the reasons for their violation, both objective (genetic diseases, predisposition to a particular disease, acquired diseases under the influence of unfavorable environmental and social factors) and subjective ones (ignorance, non-observance of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, lack of value attitudes , a tendency towards negative social preferences).

The aim of the work was to assess, analyze the level of somatic health of students studying at a higher educational institution of a pedagogical profile.

Materials and research methods. The study was carried out on the basis of the Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky ". The study involved 254 students enrolled in 1-3 courses. The assessment of the level of health, physical development of students was carried out using somatoscopic and somatometric methods. The study of the external respiration system was carried out using the spirometric method. The actual morbidity of students was assessed on the basis of a preventive medical examination.

Statistical processing of the research results was carried out using the professional program STATISTICA v.6.0.

Discussion of the results obtained.

When studying the state of health of students, it is necessary to take into account the socio-hygienic, medico-demographic indicators, conditions and way of life, the structure and level of morbidity. For this purpose, at the initial stage of the study, an analysis of the state of health of students at the time of their admission to the university was carried out (based on the assessment of outpatient medical records and according to the medical certificate 086 / y). As can be seen from the data in Table 1, at the time of admission to a higher educational institution, a significant number of students have chronic diseases of various etiologies. So, of the number of students enrolled in the 1st year, practically healthy students make up 76 people. (55.5%), 61 people with various diseases. (44.5%). The incidence of 2nd year students upon admission to the university was, respectively, 41 people (54.7%) and 34 people (45.3%). The incidence rate of 3rd year students was similar to that of junior students and amounted to the following indicators: practically healthy - 36 people. (56.3%), 28 people with various diseases. (43.7%). An analysis of outpatient medical records revealed that a significant number of students (4.6%) have serious deviations in their health status. As can be seen from table 1., in the structure of the revealed pathology, the leading place is occupied by eye pathology (14.1%) and disorders of the musculoskeletal system (16.3%). Among the surveyed, a fairly high proportion are diseases of the digestive system (2.9%), cardiovascular system (3.6%), ENT pathology (2.9%).

Table 1

Distribution of students of a pedagogical profile by nosological forms of diseases (according to medical certificate No. 086 / y)

Number of hens Number of students Number of practically healthy х Revealed pathology

(according to certificate No. O86 / y, outpatient cards)

ODE Heart defects Eye diseases Gastrointestinal tract MPS ENT CNPD VSD Diabetes mellitus

I 137 76 19 5 22 5 - 4 2 4 -

II 75 41 14 1 9 1 3 1 4 1

III 64 36 12 2 8 2 - 1 2 1

Total 276 153 45 8 39 8 - 8 3 10

100% 55,4% 16,3% 2,9% 14,1% 2,9% - 2,9% 1,2% 3,6% 0,7%

In order to objectively assess the somatic health of students, an analysis of the actual morbidity of students was carried out (based on a medical examination). Preventive examination covered 92% of students (Table 2). An in-depth analysis of the state of health of students revealed a significant spread of deviations in the state of health and a decrease in indicators of somatic health. When carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, it should be noted that a significant part (57.4%) are students with deviations in the state of health. An analysis of the morbidity of young people in school revealed a wide range of diseases. As can be seen from Table 2., in the structure of the identified pathology, the leading place is occupied by eye diseases (19.3%) and disorders of the musculoskeletal system (18.9%). Among the surveyed, a fairly high proportion are diseases of the digestive system (4.3%), cardiovascular system (3.9%), ENT pathology (3.5%). The survey revealed that many students had the initial signs of chronic diseases.

table 2

Distribution of students of a pedagogical profile by nosological forms of diseases (according to the results of a medical examination)

Course No. of students No. of students who passed the med. examination Number of practically healthy Diseases detected (according to medical examination data)

ODE CVS B-no eyes Gastrointestinal tract MPS ENT CNPD VSD Diabetes mellitus

I 137 130 68 20 5 22 5 - 4 2 4 -

II 75 69 25 16 1 14 2 2 3 1 4 1

III 64 5 15 12 2 13 4 3 2 1 2 1

Total 276 54 108 48 8 49 11 5 9 4 10 2

100% 92% 42,6% 18,9% 3,1% 19,3% 4,3% 2,0% 3,5% 1,6% 3,9% 0,8%

Thus, the increase in the number of students suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system with vision pathologies reflect the general trend towards an increase in this pathology among young students. It should also be noted that a comparative analysis of medical documentation upon admission of students to a university with their actual state of health (with a comprehensive medical examination) showed almost identical results (r = 0.85).

The study of the physical development of student youth was carried out using somatoscopic, anthropometric methods. The main anthropometric characteristics were used as the studied indicators. On the basis of the obtained indicators, a number of indices were calculated, allowing for a comparative assessment of the level of physical health of student youth. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the predominant number of students have an asthenic body type (Table 3): among first-year students this was observed in 59.9% of cases, among second-year students - in 52.0%, among third-year students - in 26 , 6%. It should be noted that a significant number of the surveyed have a pronounced deficit in body weight, mainly due to a reduced muscle mass. The study also revealed that in the learning process

students, as they grow older, there is an increase in body weight. However, it must be stated that the increase in the weight parameters of students was carried out not due to an increase in muscle mass, but mainly due to fat deposits. It should also be noted that the studies carried out revealed an alarming tendency - the suppression of the morphogenetic growth expression of the learning youth was revealed. Thus, 81.8% of first-year students, 78.8% of second-year students, 59.4% of third-year students are subject to retardation processes. This reaction, most likely, should be associated with neuroendocrine discoordination of the organism and functional retardation of physical development.

Table 3

Distribution of students of pedagogical profile by type


Course No. of students Body type Retardation Quetelet index

asthenic normosten. hypersthene. (<23) (>23)

people % people % people % people % people % people %

I 137 82 59.9 43 31.4 12 8.7 112 81.8 131 95.6 6 4.4

II 75 39 52 20 26.7 16 21.3 59 78.7 61 81.3 14 18.7

III 64 17 26.6 28 43.8 19 29.6 38 59.4 46 71.9 18 28.1

Total 276 138 50 91 32.9 47 17.1 209 75.7 238 86.2 38 13.8

When calculating the Quetelet index, it was revealed that 86.2% of students are underweight. So, in 95.6% of first-year students, this indicator was registered at the level< 20 единиц, недостаточность массы тела у студентов 2-3 курсов составила, соответственно, 81,3% и 71,9%.

At the same time, a pronounced weight deficit of the subjects is noted, mainly, due to a decrease in muscle body mass, indicating, thereby, insufficient physical activity of young students. In the course of the study, it was also revealed that in the process of teaching students, as they grow older, there is a statistically significant increase in body weight (p<0,05). Необходимо обозначить также, что прибавка весовых параметров студентов осуществлялась преимущественно за счет подкожно-жировых отложений.

The dynamometry indicators obtained during the examination also indicate a decrease and weakening of muscle strength. Extremely low results were obtained among first-year students in 16.1% of cases, among second-year students were recorded at the level of 11.6%, among third-year students in 5.5% of cases. Below average, dynamometry indicators were found in 66.2% of first-year students, 66.7% of second-year students, and 74.5% of third-year students. Unfortunately, the results of the study of the assessment of vital capacity of the lungs (VC) were not high enough. According to spirometry data, VC (up to 2000 ml) was detected in first-year students - 11.5%, in the second - 14.5%, in the third - 9.1%. Average VC indicators showed: 66.9% - first-year students, 63.8% - second-year students, 70.9% - third-year students. The data obtained indicate a decrease in VC due to the exclusion of the diaphragm from the act of breathing and a decrease in chest excursion. Under such breathing conditions, the entire body, and primarily the cerebral cortex, experience a state of hypoxia, leading to decreased performance, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy.

Thus, the carried out dynamic monitoring and control of the main physiological parameters ensured the receipt of objective information about the level of students' health. Assessment of the structure and level of morbidity will make it possible to develop further scientifically grounded recommendations for the improvement and organization of medical and social assistance to student youth of a higher educational institution.

1. The study of the characteristics of the state of health of students allows us to identify the reasons for their disorders, both objective and subjective. Undergoing regular medical examination, the student receives reliable information about changes in the functional state of his body.

2. Analysis of the state of health of students of a pedagogical profile indicates a significant spread of deviations in the state of health and a decrease in the main indicators of somatic health. Monitoring the current state of students revealed a significant increase in the pathology of the eyes, musculoskeletal system and digestive organs.

3. Taking into account the unfavorable level of health of student youth, it is imperative to create optimal conditions in a higher educational institution for the implementation of preventive and health-improving measures.


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UDC - 796.378.172





Annotation.The article deals with the health status and medical and social problems of student youth. The analysis of the morbidity structure has been carried out. The importance of rationally organized physical education at the university is considered.

Keywords:health, negative trends, health status.

E. I. Perov,



Abstract . The article deals with issues of health and medical and social problems of students. The analysis of patterns of disease. Discusses the importance of rationally organized physical education in high school.

Keywords : health,negative trends, health status.

Health is one of the most important human values. Good health is a prerequisite for creativity and the fullest self-expression of the individual.

Negative trends in the health status of the population of the Russian Federation are constantly noted in government reports of recent years. The state of health of children, adolescents and young people is alarming. The problem of student health is especially urgent. Students are among the least socially protected groups of the population, while the specifics of the educational process and age characteristics make increased demands on almost all organs and systems of their body. Analysis of scientific literature on the health of student youth shows that during their studies at the university, the health of students not only does not improve, but in some cases worsens.

A significant decline in health is observed at the age of 18-25, when that difficult, independent period of life is just beginning, requiring the activity of all internal reserves of the personality, for which all previous years were preparing. According to experts (doctors, psychologists, teachers), the state of physical and mental health of young people is a matter of serious concern. More than 50% of boys and girls who graduated from school already have 2-3 chronic diseases. Only 15% of graduates can be considered healthy. More than 30% of young men cannot be drafted into the army.

It turns out that by this moment the health of most young people is severely undermined, and a third of them have protracted, chronic diseases and even disability. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the process of education, students' diseases of the digestive system, circulatory system, impaired refraction of vision (myopia) become more frequent, motor activity decreases, and working capacity deteriorates.

According to many authors, students themselves practically do not take any measures to improve their health, although in the rating of values ​​they put health in second place after education, fully understanding that a high level of health gives competitive advantages in the labor market. According to (2011), by the second year of study, the number of cases of diseases increases by 23%, and by the fourth year - by 43%. A quarter of students, when determining health groups for physical training, goes to a lower medical group.

The number of pupils and students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons is increasing annually. By the end of the educational institution, the number of young people belonging to a special medical group can reach 30-40%. At the moment, about a million students study in Moscow, 30% of whom have various deviations in health, temporary or permanent diseases (2005).

Analysis of the morbidity structure also reveals a wide range of diseases and a trend towards an increase in the number of students with chronic diseases. The highest average annual growth rates in terms of morbidity and appealability of young people are noted for diseases of the nervous (34.8%) and genitourinary (30.4%) systems. Myopia (20%), diseases of the digestive system (17.8%), musculoskeletal system, connective tissue (8.5%) and circulatory system (8.3%) rank next in terms of average annual growth rates. A significant increase in morbidity in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, genitourinary and nervous systems is noted during its study in the dynamics of education from I to IV courses.

The younger generation, especially students, are socially one of the most vulnerable part of the population. The study and protection of the health of students is one of the main measures for reducing the incidence of diseases in subsequent age groups.

Table 1

Analysis of the health status of students


% of the entire group of students

% of students with diseases

1. Neurocirculatory dystonia



2. Vegetovascular dystonia



The end of the table. 1

3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract



a) chronic gastritis



b) gastroduodenitis



c) chronic enterocolitis



d) duodenal ulcer



e) chronic pancreatitis



f) biliary dyskinesia



g) chronic hepatitis



4. Myopia


5. Congenital heart defects



6. Mitral valve prolapse



7. Bronchial asthma



8. Allergic diseases



9. Chronic bronchitis



10. Kidney disease



11. Euthyroid goiter 1 tbsp



Note: n is the number of cases.

The first place among diseases was occupied by neurocirculatory dystonia (37.5%). Students complained of stabbing pains in the heart, headaches, dizziness. Students suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia (20.0%) complained of headaches and dizziness. In third place are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (21.66%), and 18 students have chronic gastritis. They complained of moderate pain in the epigastric region almost immediately after eating; nausea, bloating, constipation, followed by diarrhea. Chronic gastroduodenitis occurred in 3 students. Complaints of epigastric pain, nausea, heartburn were characteristic. Duodenal ulcer, chronic enterocolitis, chronic pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia and chronic hepatitis occurred in a single case, respectively.

Congenital heart defects (non-closure of the foramen ovale, mitral defect, etc.) were observed in 7 students. These defects were formed during the embryonic period and cause various hemodynamic disturbances. The main complaints are shortness of breath on exertion, fatigue, pain in the region of the heart. Mitral valve prolapse occurred in 3.33% of cases. Main complaints: pain in the region of the heart, stitching, aching, discomfort in the region of the heart, increased fatigue. Visual impairment occurred in 20.0% of cases.

Health and illness are socially determined categories that are influenced by risk factors, living conditions, the external environment, and environmental disturbances. Emotional stress during study, physical inactivity, inappropriate nutrition - all this adversely affects the health of students. Students experience physiological changes associated with the maturation process, mental stress, adaptation to new living conditions associated with separation from parents and at home. A significant number of students are forced to work, due to an unsatisfactory financial situation, which creates an additional burden on the body.

Most often, students deal with acute respiratory viral infections (73.1%). When analyzing the incidence of temporary disability (TD), the frequency of issuing certificates is 25–35%. There is a seasonal trend in the incidence with the highest rates in September, March and April. The incidence rate with disability averages 32.8 cases (per 100 students). At the same time, about 60% of diseases occur in 1st and 2nd year students.

Among senior students, the increase in the number of diseases is due to diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system and injuries, which is most likely due to malnutrition, overstrain and disruption of adaptive systems due to longer studies at the university. Sore throat and acute bronchitis occupy the second place in terms of appealability; fewer senior students come with diseases of the genitourinary system.

The analysis of the functional state made it possible to reveal that the state of health of students is characterized by the following indicators:

Ø a high level of health is noted in 1.8%;

Ø medium - 7.7%;

Ø low - 21.5%;

Ø very low - 69%.

A significant contribution to the formation of a high level of chronic morbidity and morphological and functional abnormalities is made by diseases of the musculoskeletal and connective tissue, the circulatory system and the nervous system, the average annual growth rate for which is 18-24.8%. Moreover, as the research results show, there is a tendency towards an increase in the incidence, both in general and for certain types of diseases.

According to (2012), at present, psychosomatic health affects the success of educational and work activities, the attitude in the family and the team, the stability of mood and the vitality of the individual.

The main occupation of students is mental work. Knowledge of how mental work affects the physical condition of young people is of great importance for the prevention of possible deviations in physical and psychophysiological development in order to increase the efficiency of students. Mental work affects the cardiovascular system, which is expressed in an increase in heart rate and an increase in blood pressure, and mental overload causes unfavorable changes in the work of the heart and hemodynamics, which can have a negative effect on the health of students (1975; 1982). This fact is confirmed by the fact that arterial hypertension is quite widespread among university students (from 5% to 10%) and can reach 25% of students by the end of the academic year (1977; 1979; 1982).

According to other data (1981), there is a multidirectional change in blood pressure: a significant increase in blood pressure by the end of the first semester is replaced by a sharp decrease by the end of the year. Students with high blood pressure are characterized by faster fatigue, headaches, which affects their performance and academic performance. At the same time, in the absence of overload, adverse functional changes in the activity of the cardiovascular system do not exceed, on average, 2% of students. A different picture is observed during the examinations. According to a number of authors, the increase in students' performance during the examination session is due to the activation of higher nervous activity.

The constant complication of educational programs in universities, the use of various technical means of teaching and control of the level of knowledge leads to an intensification of the learning process and, naturally, makes increased demands on the body of students. It has been established that the teaching load in junior courses is 42–45 hours per week. With an increase in the period of study, the number of students spending time preparing for classes is even more normalized: from 10% in the first to 17% in the third year. The duration of sleep from 1 to 5 courses decreases. The diet changes with the increase in the duration of study at the university. Starting from the 3rd year, only 4–6% of students receive hot food once a day. The physical activity of students is lower than the physical need and is 11-12 thousand steps per day. At the same time, the existing forms of physical education do not contribute to the improvement of morphological and functional indicators of physical development.

In the light of modern ideas about human health, the importance of rationally organized physical education at the university increases, which becomes the most important factor in ensuring a high functional state of the body and optimal mental performance of students.

So, in the course of a scientific experiment (, et al., 2012), they came to the conclusion that students are not motivated to improve their health. Although, in the course of sociological research, health values ​​are placed second after education, citing the fact that good health provides them with a competitive advantage in the labor market.

The number of young people assigned to a special medical group for health reasons is increasing every year. So, in Moscow, the number of students with impaired health, which does not allow them to engage in physical education according to the general university curriculum, is 16.5%.

The picture of the state of health of student youth is confirmed by the joint research carried out by the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Physical Culture of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FNTs VNIIFK and the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after V.I. (et al., 2012). The results of the medical examination showed that only 7% of students have a safe level of health; 30% - medium; 27% are below average; 36% is low.


The article presents the data of a literary review on the problem of the health status of students of higher educational institutions. The teaching load of medical students is on average 2 times higher than the load of students from humanitarian and technical universities, and the health indicators of medical students are lower. Poor nutrition, frequent stress, material and everyday living conditions that do not meet the standards, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol, psychoemotional tension, a low level of active rest lead to a state of pre-illness. At the present stage of development of university education, one of the priority tasks should be the prevention of pathological conditions of students. Improvement of existing methods of health improvement and medical rehabilitation, as well as an increase in the level and quality of training of personnel involved in treatment and prophylactic activities among young people is possible only with the joint efforts of government agencies, teaching staff of universities and the students themselves.

Keywords: students



health status

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The state of health of students - one of the representative groups of the country's youth, is an urgent problem of modern society.

Successful training of highly qualified personnel, ensuring the sustainability of the economic development of the state, is closely related to the preservation and strengthening of health, increasing the efficiency of student youth. At the same time, the ever-increasing requirements for the level of training of top-level medical specialists, due to an increase in the flow of scientific information, the introduction of innovative educational technologies, lead to an overload of students. Their psychoemotional tension increases, the adaptive reserves of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems are depleted, and the likelihood of diseases increases.

A group of lifestyle factors, according to WHO, affects the human body in 50-55%. In particular, these are inappropriate nutrition, frequent stress, material and everyday living and working conditions that do not meet the standards, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol, drug use, uncontrolled use of drugs, family fragility, loneliness, low cultural and educational level. The share of healthcare accounts for only 10-15%, which includes the timeliness of medical care, the effectiveness of preventive measures, and the quality of medical care.

For a long time, the scientist I.R. Shagin, who in many of her works indicates the personal nature of the impact on the body of students, determining this by the adaptive capabilities of the body. The author in her work substantiated that the deterioration of health directly depends on genetic components, that is, hereditary predisposition to pathologies, however, this activation is due to the influence of lifestyle. During their studies at the university, the health of students objectively deteriorates; by the time they graduate from the university, only 20% of graduates can be considered practically healthy.

As you know, a decrease in the level of students' health occurs when they do not follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. During the period of study, under the influence of the factors mentioned earlier, there is a weakening of the state of health, most of the students are in pre-morbid (premorbid) states.

Monitoring of Kazakhstani, Russian, and international databases (Scopus, Pub Med, Elsevier), proved that the teaching load of medical students is on average 2 times higher than the load of students from technical universities. It is known that health indicators of students of medical specialties are low when compared with health indicators of students of humanitarian and technical specialties.

Russian researcher V.B. Mandrikov indicates a decrease in physical performance, as well as general activity and endurance of the body of medical students.

Authors A.V. Popov, V.B. Mandrikov, I.A. Ushakova, M.P. Mitsulina, cite data that medical students have lower health indicators compared to students of other universities. According to A.V. Popov, the number of students classified in health group I ranges from 23.8 to 30.0%, to II - from 32.8 to 40.0% and to III - from 30.0 to 43.4%.

The studies carried out on the dynamics of morbidity indicate an increase in the number of students with chronic pathology. There is a tendency towards an increase in morbidity, both in general and for individual nosologies. Most often, students deal with acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), tonsillitis and bronchitis, tonsillitis. The structure of chronic pathologies is as follows, indigestion and metabolic disorders (40.3%), a high prevalence of diseases of the endocrine system (35.8%), respiratory system (35%), eye diseases (28%), systemic blood circulation (26.3%), bone, muscle and connective tissue (23%), genitourinary system (7.6%).

Thus, the specifics of teaching at a medical university makes even higher demands on the initial state of students' health. However, most of the research work is devoted to the study of the health status of students of non-medical universities: pedagogical, agricultural, technical, etc.

Physical development is a direct indicator of health, according to the author A.V. Shilovskaya, the analysis of her works determined that in 54.6% physical development is harmonious, disharmonious - in 31.4%. Despite this, about 30% of medical university students belong to a special group for physical education, and 4% are completely exempt from physical education.

A survey conducted by a Kazakh researcher S.A. Batrymbetova, made it possible to establish that in the city of Semey, only 10.6% of first-year students are assigned to the group of healthy students, and in the city of Aktobe, the number of healthy first-year students is 32.6%.

The analysis of the pathologies of 1st year students revealed the presence of several pathologies. 44.7% had one disease, 38.9% had a combination of two, three, four or more diseases. Analyzed the work of Russian scientists, which noted a change in the health status of students towards deterioration, to the second year. The number of cases of referrals, in terms of morbidity in the 2nd year, increased by 23%, and by the fourth - by 43%. The dynamics from 1 to 6-7 courses indicates a decrease in the percentage of students with health groups I and II from 48.7 to 25.2%, an increase in the number from III from 51.3 to 74.8%.

Analysis of the structure of students' visits to a doctor showed that the maximum number of visits among 1st and 2nd year students, in the most important way with diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, and genitourinary systems.

A study of the literature on this issue made it possible to identify the main diseases encountered in students, and also determined a high degree of risk for the development of the following diseases: myopia, bronchitis, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as an increase in morbidity with an increase in the duration of training. It is important that an increase in the morbidity among students reduces the effectiveness of the educational process; untreated diseases, as well as those not detected during medical examinations, can be the basis for the formation of chronic pathologies that can limit the future professional activities of a young specialist.

The specific features of the lifestyle of students most often include reading, preparation for classes at night 51.3%, late dinners, before bedtime, 48.6%, problems in personal life 48.9%. A feature of gender tendencies is a large percentage of girls with insufficient motor component 46.9 - 63.6%, bad habits are present in 41.4 - 45.1% compared to boys. The lifestyle of young men is characterized by the presence of psychoemotional stress 87.5 - 87.8%, little being in the fresh air 88.9 - 90.6%, non-compliance with sleep patterns 37.5 - 44.4%, insufficient medical initiative 19.8 - 26 , 3%. Above 70% of girls and about 45% of boys do not take part in sports activities, physical activity is mainly determined by physical education at the university. Every third student suffering from a chronic disease attends an exercise therapy group. 64.7% of the studied students do not go in for sports at all.

Adequate and balanced nutrition is an important aspect of student life. So, according to the definition of the founder of the science of nutrition, academician A.A. Pokrovsky, nutrition in a timely manner and fully satisfies the physiological needs of the body for nutrients, energy, strengthens health from various kinds of diseases, improves efficiency, ensures high activity, cheerfulness for many years. A search for data in the literature on student nutrition revealed problems in this area. Only a third of students follow the diet. A significant part of the students eat "snacks" on the way to the university or other places, ie. on the go, dry 1-2 times a day. Basically, the nutrition of students is supplemented by carbohydrates, since they most easily replenish energy costs. 25% of students adhere to the diet, but the maximum food intake occurs in the evening hours.

According to the literature data, students' bad habits are associated with stress, the complexity of the curriculum, the lack of conditions for organizing life, an established mechanism of rest, which is needed during hard work to master modern educational programs.

According to research by N.P. Gorobey and N.I. Zhernakova, the incidence of tobacco smoking among students of a medical university was 41.5% per 100 respondents; alcoholic beverages were consumed by 88.5% of 100; 22% of 100 respondents had experience of drug use. Of 41.9% of freshmen who smoke, 33.5% are girls. It was found that 49% of students use alcohol from 3 times a month to 2 times a week.

When analyzing the literary works of the researcher A.V. Shilovskaya identified the main components of a healthy lifestyle and the percentage of their use by students, that is, systematic prevention of fatigue, and only a quarter of students carry out daily recovery after school, only 22.15% of students adhere to the correct daily regimen, hardening procedures are used by 18%. Active forms of recreation - sports, outdoor recreation, games and walks in the fresh air attract 5.3% of students. Modern students prefer passive forms of leisure to a greater extent. They listen to music, watch films, communicate on social networks, play computer games. The relaxation mechanisms and forms of leisure preferred by students are extremely inadequate to compensate for the costs of nervous and mental energy necessary for successful study.

The value orientations of maintaining a healthy lifestyle have not yet received their due place in the student's value system. A healthy lifestyle is not the norm for the majority of students in our state. Most of the students do not eat properly, do not show the physical activity necessary at their age, do not follow the daily routine, do not use hardening elements, most often I relieve stress through bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction). Persistent hypodynamia is observed. This is a cause for concern, since the lack of proper orientations in behavior leads to the formation of habits fixed during their studies at the university. It forms a gap between the real status and lifestyle of a young person, on the one hand, and the demands of life, on the other. Poor health negatively affects the abilities of student youth to be resistant to environmental factors, to be efficient and competitive in the conditions of the chosen professional activity. Therefore, it is necessary to activate and stimulate the influence of factors that have a positive effect, since they strengthen the state of health, and neutralize the effect of factors that have a detrimental effect on health.

The study of students' health, the factors that determine it, health care identifies not only the medical, but also the social aspect, and also determines one of the priority tasks of university education. Nevertheless, at present, most often the work associated with the prevention and health improvement of student youth is haphazard in nature, there is no clear methodology, new technologies for warning and health improvement, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation are poorly used, the level of the material and technical base of universities is low.

The success of students' health improvement and rehabilitation treatment largely depends on the organizational forms of work, methods of health improvement and medical rehabilitation, the level and quality of training of personnel involved in medical and preventive activities in the youth environment. This requires the adoption of urgent effective measures and rules to create conditions for the transition to a healthy lifestyle for each student. For the development and implementation of which joint significant efforts of state bodies, all pedagogical collectives of universities and the students themselves are required.

Currently, methods of prenosological diagnostics should take an important place in the practice of doctors and be applied to those students whom doctors consider to be practically healthy, but in fact they may be in a borderline state between health and disease. The ability to diagnose these conditions, prevent and eliminate is the most important task of medical science and practical health care.

Conflict of interests.

No conflict of interest declared.

Bibliographic reference

Meermanova I.B., Koigeldinova Sh.S., Ibraev S.A. HEALTH STATE OF STUDENTS TRAINING IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2017. - No. 2-2. - S. 193-197;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"
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