The comma performs a separating function. Punctuation marks


Punctuation is an important means of writing writing. Punctuation marks indicate semantic , structural and intonational articulation of speech. It is known that punctuation marks not only organize the written text to facilitate its perception by the reader, but also directly convey part of the information contained in the text. In particular, sometimes punctuation, by disambiguating, serves as the only available means of choosing the correct interpretation of the text.

According to their functions First of all, the signs separating (separating)(dot; question mark, exclamation mark, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, ellipsis) and highlighting (two commas, two dashes, brackets, quotes).


An ellipsis can be a "pause" in sentence expansion and can end a sentence.

The ellipsis, along with the general separating function, has a number of specific, diverse meanings, which most often reflect the emotional coloring of speech.

The ellipsis conveys understatement, reticence, interruption of thought, often its difficulty caused by great emotional stress.

An ellipsis can convey the significance of what was said, indicate subtext, hidden meaning.

With the help of an ellipsis, the author, as it were, signals the reader about his feelings, impressions, asks to pay attention to the next word or the previous one, to the written (to unexpected or especially important information), conveys the excitement of the hero, etc.

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark in the form of three dots placed next to each other. In most cases, it denotes an unfinished thought or a pause.

Morphology is a section of grammar that studies parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.) and their forms. One cannot do without knowing the parts of speech in Russian.

Firstly, the written literacy of a person depends on the knowledge of parts of speech, because many spelling rules are based on the ability to determine the part of speech of a particular word. For example, the use of a soft sign at the end of a word after hissing depends primarily on what part of speech the given word is. If this is a 3rd declension noun, then "b" is written at the end (daughter, luxury, etc.), and if it is, say, a short adjective, then "b" is not written (mighty, dense). Or the noun "burn" is written with the vowel "o" after the hissing in the root, and the verb "burn" - with the vowel "e".

Secondly, knowledge of the parts of speech forms a person's punctuation literacy. For example, such a part of speech as an interjection (oh, ah, well, etc.) is always separated by commas in writing.

Thus, morphology is a very important branch of the science of language.

General information

In russian language 10 punctuation marks. They play an important role, allow you to correctly understand written speech, provide the writer and reader with an unambiguous understanding of the meaning of the statement and the emotional nuances of the sentence. In general, without punctuation marks, the text would be a collection of words. They have a varied range of uses. At first glance, it is difficult to understand their staging, but you can learn this, you just need to know the punctuation rules.

Functions of punctuation marks

1.Meaning-distinctive(they help to correctly convey the meaning of the statement; without a punctuation mark, the phrase would remain incomprehensible; it gives an unambiguous meaning to the phrase; without them, the text would be equivalent (equal) to an obscure set of characters; they help us make sure that we are understood unambiguously)

2.Intonation-expressive(punctuation at the end of the sentence indicates the purpose of the statement (message, question or motivation for action) and the intonation of the speech, since Z.P. also place emotional accents: admiration, dissatisfaction, joy, surprise, etc.).

Types of punctuation marks

1.Completion signs(dot, question and exclamation marks, ellipsis, combination of characters: question mark with exclamation point; question mark with ellipsis; exclamation point with ellipsis). Meaning of use: a) help to indicate the completeness, completeness of a phrase, expression; b) unambiguously convey the meaning of the statement (narration about something, a question addressed to someone, an incentive to act), i.e. indicate intonation, place emotional accents: admiration, discontent, joy, surprise, etc.

2.Separation marks(comma, colon, semicolon, dash). Meaning of use: help to place semantic accents on a word or phrase in a sentence.

3.Emphasis marks(comma, quotation marks, brackets, dash). Meaning of use: help to place semantic accents on a word or phrase in a sentence.

Punctuation marks


Examples of wording in an essay

Completion sign. A dot unambiguously indicates the end of a sentence that tells about something. It indicates the independence of the completed utterance.

I will give an example of sentence number 3: “It became quiet in the forest.” This is a complete statement, which tells about the onset of evening silence and tranquility. A period marked the end of a sentence.


Completion sign. First, it unambiguously indicates the end of a statement that could be continued. Secondly, it means some kind of reflection, reflection of the author of the speech, may indicate the incompleteness of information, understatement, the desire to keep silent about something, or the uncertainty of the writer. Thirdly, the ellipsis is also used when it is necessary to indicate an unexpected transition from one statement to another. Fourthly, an ellipsis indicates an omission in speech (for example, when quoting).

In addition, the ellipsis is placed to indicate breaks in speech, a hitch caused by various reasons (excitement, for example).

An ellipsis is at the end of sentence No. 17: “How would you explain it more clearly ...” This punctuation mark indicates the end of a completed statement. The ellipsis indicates that the author is thinking, trying to find the right words to continue his speech.

For example, sentences No. 23 and 24: “Dubrovsky was silent ... Suddenly he raised his head, his eyes sparkled, he stamped his foot, pushed the secretary away ...” At the end of both statements there is an ellipsis. On the one hand, this sign marks the end of a complete statement, separates one thought from another. On the other hand, an ellipsis denotes an unexpected transition from one statement to another, a quick change of events.

Take, for example, sentence number 14: "In the department ... but it's better not to say in which department." Gogol put the ellipsis for a reason. This punctuation mark indicates a break in speech, a hitch of the author, apparently pondering whether to indicate the place of action.


body sign

Completion sign. Firstly, it unambiguously denotes autonomy, independence, the end of a statement in which something is told or someone is called (incited) to action. Secondly, they are given an emotional accent, because with the help of an exclamation point, we convey the feeling with which we would like to pronounce the phrase (delight, surprise, discontent, doubt, etc.). The sign indicates emotional tension, emotional coloring of speech.

“What a pity that the birds have flown away!” This sentence (#4) is a complete thought. The author, being in the forest, notes with regret that it has become very quiet. His emotional state is emphasized by an exclamation point at the end of the sentence.

Question mark

Completion sign. First, it unambiguously indicates the end of a statement that contains a direct question. Secondly, it denotes the intonation with which the sentence should be pronounced (it is interrogative).

It can be put in brackets to express doubt or bewilderment of the writer.

Let's look at sentence number 16: "What time is it?" There is a direct question here. The completed statement belongs to Paul, the hero of the story, who is waiting for an answer.

“The latest (?) models of domestic cars were presented at the exhibition.” Reading this sentence, we understand that the author of the statement doubts, is somewhat unsure of the fact being cited.

First, it is a sign of division. Separates: a) homogeneous members of the proposal, while denoting their boundaries; this sign is placed when listing actions, objects, signs, etc.; b) simple sentences as part of a complex enumeration with a meaning, delimits its parts. Secondly, it is a highlight sign. Separate definitions and circumstances (including participial and adverbial phrases), introductory words and sentences, appeals, interjections, clarifying and explanatory members of the sentence are distinguished by commas. Thus, the comma serves to indicate the boundaries of semantic segments that complicate a simple sentence.

The separating comma is used several times in the sentence: "Daisies, dandelions, buttercups, clover - wild flowers." (No. 13) Here homogeneous members (subjects) are listed, connected by an union-free connection. The boundaries between them are marked with commas.

Two simple sentences in the compound non-union (No. 18) are separated by a comma: "Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed." The punctuation mark indicates the boundaries of the parts of a complex sentence, indicates their autonomy, independence.

Here, for example, sentence number 2: "It was raining, slanting and shallow." The comma is not used here by chance. It separates homogeneous single definitions, which figuratively depict autumn rain in the city.


Separation sign. Firstly, it separates simple sentences into complex ones, while the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first one, explains or clarifies something. Secondly, it is used after a generalizing word before homogeneous members. At the same time, the generalizing word includes the entire lexical meaning of a number of homogeneous members that specify it. Thirdly, the colon separates the words of the author and the actual direct speech.

Consider the sentence: “I am sad: I have no friend with me.” (No. 20) This is a complete statement. It is a non-union complex sentence. It has two parts, the second explaining the reason for what the first says. The boundary between two simple sentences is marked with a colon.

“Birds chirped on the rocks: frigatebirds, guillemots, skuas.” This simple sentence lists homogeneous members. These are the subjects that denote the names of birds. The generalizing word "birds" is used before them. A colon is used to separate it from homogeneous members.

The text contains sentence No. 15. It consists of the words of the author of the text (“He asked”) and direct speech (“What time is it?”) Belonging to the hero of the story, Vladimir. A colon is placed between these statements to indicate their separation.


Separation sign. A semicolon is placed between simple sentences as part of a complex non-union with the value of the enumeration, if one of the simple sentences already has a comma (i.e. parts of the sentence are already distributed by homogeneous or isolated members, introductory words, appeals, clarifying members, etc. ).

The author uses a semicolon in the sentence: “Emerald frogs jump underfoot; between the roots, raising his golden head, lies already and guards them. (No. 16) The statement is a non-union complex sentence. It consists of two independent, independent parts. The second simple sentence is complicated by a participle turnover, which is isolated. Therefore, a semicolon is placed between the parts of a complex sentence.

Separation sign. First, it is put in a non-union complex sentence in the following cases: a) the first part has the meaning of time or condition, b) the second part indicates a consequence, result, b) the content of the parts is opposed. Secondly, a dash separates direct speech from the words of the author (together with a comma, exclamation mark or question mark), denoting the end of someone else's words and the beginning of a statement indicating who is their author. Thirdly, it can separate the explanatory members of the sentence. Fourthly, a dash is used at the place where the link between the subject and the predicate is skipped (incomplete information). Fifthly, this sign stands before the replica when transmitting a dialogue. Sixth, after the homogeneous members of the sentence, a dash is also placed before the generalizing word.

Before us is an all-union complex sentence: "The morning will come - let's move on." It has two parts (simple sentences), the first of which indicates the time when the alleged events will take place. Therefore, inside a complex sentence, a dash is placed between relatively independent statements.

The dash is used in sentence number 17: "The smoky sun rises - it will be a hot day." This is a non-union complex sentence, consisting of two simple ones, representing complete statements. The second part indicates the consequence (result). Therefore, a dash is placed between simple sentences.

First, quotation marks are used when quoting to indicate that the given statement (complete or part of it) belongs to some person or is an excerpt from some source. Secondly, direct speech, transmitted on behalf of its author, is enclosed in quotation marks. In these cases, quotation marks indicate a change in the author of the statement. Thirdly, quotation marks indicate words used in an unusual, conditional or ironic meaning.

The author, analyzing the poems of the Russian poet, cites the following lines: “As Blok wrote, “and the eternal battle, we only dream of peace.” (sentence No. 29) The quote from the work is enclosed in quotation marks, thereby indicating a change in the author of the speech.

For example, sentence No. 27 is a statement by the 19th-century Russian critic V.G. Belinsky: “In literature, we honor the “table of ranks” and are afraid to talk about “high personalities.” In the words of the writer, we hear irony, and therefore some of the words are enclosed in quotation marks.

Selection sign. It is used when we want to clarify, clarify something, add additional information to the statement.

“In the summer (most likely in July) we will go on a cruise on the Black Sea.” After reading this sentence, we see the circumstance of time "in the summer", which is specified by the words "most likely in July." Clarifying members of the proposal, introducing the necessary information, are enclosed in brackets.

Combining an exclamation point with an ellipsis

A combination of termination signs. First, it (combination) unambiguously denotes the end of the statement. Secondly, an emotional emphasis is placed, because with the help of v.z. we convey the feeling with which we pronounce the phrase, and with an ellipsis we indicate some kind of reflection, reflection of the author of the speech, it may indicate understatement, the desire to keep silent about something, or a quick transition from one statement to another (placed at the end of the paragraph).

Suggestion example: Unlikely!..

Combining a question mark with an ellipsis

A combination of termination signs. First, it (combination) unambiguously denotes the end of the statement. Secondly, v.z. indicates the intonation with which the sentence should be pronounced (it is interrogative). Thirdly, the author, combining v.z. with an ellipsis, indicates some kind of reflection, reflection, understatement.

Suggestion example: What is his charm? In his mind?.. In his eyes?..

Essay Sample

Period and ellipsis are important punctuation marks in written speech

The period and ellipsis are important signs of written speech. A period is one of the signs of completion; it denotes the intonation of the end of a statement and is placed at the end of a declarative sentence that expresses a complete thought. Without this sign, we would not pause between statements, and therefore would not understand where one thought ends and another begins. The dot indicates the intonation of the end. An ellipsis can also end a phrase, but the function of the punctuation mark is different. Arguing on any topic, telling about something, the author of the speech, sometimes, does not dare to express his thought completely, he is silent about something. An ellipsis is needed to express this understatement and reflection. However, it can be combined with both question and exclamation marks. In the first case, the author asks about something, in the second he expresses emotions (surprise, joy, etc.). In addition, it happens that this sign is also used inside a sentence when quoting
someone's statement is incomplete. We put ellipsis in place of missing words.
Let's look at an excerpt from the text. Drawing his hero, the author describes his speech (sentence No. 24), pays special attention to his voice (sentence No. 25), the manner of communicating with people. Having spoken, N. Heinze completes his thoughts, which are narrative sentences, so at the end we see dots. Talking about the impression Berseniev made on those around him, the writer cites the words of some of them as an example: “How can I tell you ... I don’t know ... but he is charming.” The dots here are no coincidence. With its help, it is emphasized how women reflect, try to understand what the hero attracted to himself. Yes, and N. Heinze himself, immersed in his thoughts, wonders what is the charm of Berseniev: “In his mind? .. In his eyes? .. Or in his voice? ..” These questions he, thinking, asks himself, but not immediately ready to answer them, and therefore here the ellipsis is combined with a question mark.
So, dot and ellipsis are important signs of written speech.

There are 10 punctuation marks in Russian. (do not describe them)
1. Remember the use of punctuation marks:
a) What punctuation marks are placed at the end of sentences?
b) what punctuation mark<<живет>>in a sentence?

1. What punctuation marks can be placed on the border of the parts of an allied compound sentence? 2. In what complex sentences are semantic connections between

parts are more clearly expressed - in allied or non-union? 3. Do the exercise. Find among the sentences given with the preservation of the author's punctuation, one in which the placement of punctuation marks does not correspond to modern rules. 1. I began to read, study - science was also tired ... 2. I hesitated - I am not a fan of sentimental walks on the sea ... 3. I understood him: poor old man, for the first time in his life, maybe he quit his service for my own use, speaking paper language... 4. After a few moments I pick them up and see: my Karagyoz is flying, waving his tail, free as the wind... (M.Yu. Lermontov).

Fill in all the missing punctuation marks

Unfortunately, I cannot say exactly when I first learned about the rules for punctuation marks in introductory words. I seem to have always known that this is one of the most difficult sections of punctuation, but I really did not even suspect that it was so difficult. Remembering that commas are placed on both sides of the introductory words seemed not very difficult, however, by the way, it turned out that there are a number of features that, in turn, must be specially remembered. Firstly, it turned out that the list of introductory words is surprisingly huge and there are whole groups of introductory words. First of all, it was necessary to memorize these groups and then learn how to classify the actual introductory words. It is in the process of classification that the first and most importantly unpleasant errors occur. Many tend to either remember not all words, but only the easiest ones, or vice versa, greatly increase these lists for themselves. Secondly, to my amazement, it turned out that there are words that can be either introductory or not. In the text of the textbook, I found a lot of clarifications and, most importantly, special notes to which, by the way, I had not paid attention before. To master this section of the rule, by the way, I simply made up a series of sentences in which I used the words indicated in the reference books, for example, "finally", "actually", "means". It was a very fun job and therefore useful. Even now I don't remember all of Rosenthal's examples, but I remember very well my own, mostly funny ones. Thirdly, no less than 20 words that were not introductory were listed in small print, among which, in turn, I found 15 that I always isolated in writing. Armed with sheets of paper, I naturally rewrote these words in large print in the amount of 10 copies and hung them on the most visited points of the apartment, in particular on mirrors. Now, even looking at myself in the mirror, I will repeat the rules of the Russian language. Not once, but probably five times a day, I had to look through my notes and finally memorized both the text of the rules and the introductory words themselves.
So now I can be considered a real expert in the field of introductory words. On the one hand, it was pleasant, but on the other hand, it became much more difficult for me. Indeed, in our newspapers, quite often come across illiterate articles, which are certainly interesting to read, but certainly unpleasant. It really seems to many journalists that the rules of the Russian language are set only for passing exams when entering the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, therefore, after admission, they stop repeating them, which ultimately leads to the appearance of articles that, in my opinion, violate the rights of every educated person in the country.

Punctuation- it:

  1. Punctuation system
  2. A branch of linguistics that studies punctuation marks and the rules for their use in writing
The general education program studies 10 punctuation marks: dot ( . ), question mark ( ? ), Exclamation point ( ! ), dots ( ... ), comma ( , ), semicolon ( ; ), colon ( : ), dash ( - ), brackets (round) () , quotes ( " " ). Punctuation marks serve to indicate in the sentence and in the text the boundaries of semantic segments, the meaning of which is especially emphasized by the writer. Punctuation marks provide the writer and reader with an unambiguous understanding of the sentence and text.

Punctuation rule

Punctuation rule- this is an instruction that indicates the conditions for choosing a punctuation mark (i.e. its use or non-use). The conditions for choosing a punctuation mark are the grammatical, semantic and intonational features of sentences and their parts.


The place in the sentence where punctuation is required can be found by identification signs (signs). Identification signs of the application of punctuation rules:

  1. morphological: the presence of participles, gerunds, interjections, conjunctions, individual particles;
  2. syntactic: the presence of two or more grammatical bases, appeals, foreign words, isolated members of a sentence, homogeneous members, someone else's speech;
  3. sound: pronunciation with vocative and other types of intonations;
  4. semantic: expression of reason, etc.

Functions of punctuation marks

Punctuation marks serve to separate sentences from each other in the text, to separate and highlight semantic segments in a sentence. They are divided into three groups: separating(in the text), separating and excretory(in a sentence).

Separating punctuation marks

These include dot, question mark, exclamation point, ellipsis. They are used:

  1. to separate each word of the sentence from the next in the text;
  2. to complete a separate proposal.
The choice of one of the four separating characters is determined by the meaning and intonation of the sentence.

Punctuation at the end of a sentence


  • At the end of the declarative and incentive sentences, a period is put if emotions (feelings) are not additionally expressed in them.
  • Question marks are placed at the end of interrogative sentences.
  • An exclamation mark is placed at the end of any sentence for the purpose of the statement if a feeling is additionally expressed in them.
  • An ellipsis is placed at the end of a sentence if the writer makes a long pause.

Separating punctuation marks

These include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Separating punctuation marks serve in a simple sentence to indicate the boundaries between homogeneous members (comma and semicolon), in a complex one - to separate simple sentences that are part of it.

The choice of separating punctuation marks is determined by morphological, syntactic, semantic and intonational conditions.

Emphasis punctuation marks

Emphasizing punctuation marks serve to indicate the boundaries of semantic segments that complicate a simple sentence (addresses, introductory words, phrases, sentences, isolated secondary members), as well as direct speech.
Emphasizing punctuation marks are a comma (two commas); dash (two dashes); Exclamation point; brackets are double; colon and dash used together; double quotes.

The choice of highlighting punctuation marks is determined by syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.

Cases where a punctuation mark is not put

  • Between the subject and the predicate, which is attached by a conjunction how.
  • Between homogeneous members connected by single unions and, or.
  • Before application if union how used to mean " as».
  • After a participial turnover, if it stands before the noun being defined and has no causal meaning.
  • Before adverbs formed from adverbs.
  • Between simple sentences in a compound sentence with a union and if there is a common member.
  • Between homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by a union and.
  • Between agreed definitions, if they characterize the subject from different sides.
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