White birch under my window. White birch

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Birch"
It is not for nothing that the poet Sergei Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since the image of the motherland is the key in his work. Even in those works that describe mysterious Eastern countries, the author constantly draws a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent charm of his native expanses.

The poem "Birch" was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1913, when the poet was barely 18 years old. At this time, he was already living in Moscow, which impressed him with its scale and unimaginable bustle. However, in his work, the poet remained faithful to his native village of Konstantinovo and, dedicating a poem to an ordinary birch, seemed to be mentally returning home to an old rickety hut.

It would seem that you can tell about an ordinary tree that grows under your window? However, it is with the birch that Sergei Yesenin has the most vivid and exciting childhood memories. Watching how it changes during the year, either shedding withered foliage, or dressing in a new green outfit, the poet was convinced that it was the birch that was an integral symbol of Russia, worthy of being immortalized in poetry.

The image of a birch in the poem of the same name, which is filled with slight sadness and tenderness, is written out with special grace and skill. Her winter outfit, woven from fluffy snow, is compared by the author with silver, which burns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow in the morning dawn. The epithets with which Sergei Yesenin awards birch are amazing in their beauty and sophistication. Its branches remind him of tassels of snowy fringe, and the “sleepy silence” that envelops a snow-covered tree gives it a special look, beauty and grandeur.

Why did Sergei Yesenin choose the image of a birch for his poem? There are several answers to this question. Some researchers of his life and work are convinced that the poet was a pagan in his soul, and for him the birch was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth. Therefore, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, cut off from his native village, where for Yesenin everything was close, simple and understandable, the poet is looking for a foothold in his memories, imagining what his favorite looks like now, covered with a snow blanket. In addition, the author draws a subtle parallel, endowing the birch with the features of a young woman who is not alien to coquetry and love for exquisite outfits. There is nothing surprising in this either, since in Russian folklore birch, like willow, has always been considered a “female” tree. However, if people have always associated willow with grief and suffering, for which it got its name “weeping”, then birch is a symbol of joy, harmony and consolation. Knowing Russian folklore perfectly, Sergei Yesenin remembered folk parables that if you approach a birch tree and tell it about your experiences, then your soul will certainly feel lighter and warmer. Thus, in an ordinary birch, several images were combined at once - the Motherland, the girl, the mother - which are close and understandable to any Russian person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simple and unpretentious poem "Birch", in which Yesenin's talent is not yet manifested in full force, causes the most diverse range of feelings, from admiration to slight sadness and melancholy. After all, each reader has his own image of a birch, and it is to him that he “tryes on” the lines of this poem, exciting and light, like silvery snowflakes.

However, the author's memories of his native village cause melancholy, as he understands that he will not return to Konstantinovo soon. Therefore, the poem "Birch" can rightfully be considered a kind of farewell not only to his native home, but also to childhood, not particularly joyful and happy, but, nevertheless, being one of the best periods of his life for the poet.


White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

At the time of writing the poem “White Birch”, Sergei Yesenin was only 18 years old, so the lines are filled with romanticism and take us to an episode of a fabulous winter, where the poet sees a white birch under the window.

One of the symbols of Russia stands under the window, covered with snow that looks like silver. Not needed here deep Scan to see all the beauty of Yesenin's lines, combined with the simplicity of the rhyme. Yesenin pays tribute to the birch, because this tree has been associated with Russia for many centuries. They remember him on a long journey, they rush to him upon his return. Unfortunately, mountain ash is more glorified in literature - a symbol of sadness and longing. Sergei Alexandrovich fills this gap.

birch image

In order to understand the lines and feel them, it is necessary to imagine a picture in which, in a frosty winter, a birch tree covered with snow stands under the window. The stove is heated in the house, it is hot, and outside the window is a frosty day. Nature takes pity on the birch and covered it with snow, like silver, which is always associated with purity.

Birch reciprocates, revealing in all its glory:

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

The nobility of nature

The sun casts gold on silver, and there is a frosty silence around, which makes the author of the lines dream. The combination of gold and silver is symbolic, they show the purity and nobility of nature in its original form.

Looking at this picture, one thinks about eternity. What does young Yesenin, who has just moved to Moscow from Konstantinovo, think about? Perhaps his thoughts are occupied by Anna Izryadnova, who in a year will give birth to his child. Perhaps the author dreams of publishing. By the way, it was "Birch" that became Yesenin's first published poem. Published lines in the journal "Mirok" under the pseudonym Ariston. It was "Birch" that opened the way for Yesenin to the pinnacle of poetic glory.

In the last quatrain, the poet shows the eternity of beauty. The dawn, which goes around the earth every day, sprinkles the birch every day with new silver. In winter it is silver, in summer it is rain crystal, but nature does not forget about its children.

The poem "Birch" shows the poet's love for Russian nature and reveals his ability to subtly convey natural beauty in lines. Thanks to such works, we can enjoy the beauty of winter even in the middle of summer and expect the approach of frost with yearning in our hearts.

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

I propose to listen to the poem "White Birch" performed by Sergei Belyaev.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

It is not for nothing that the poet Sergei Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since the image of the motherland is the key in his work. Even in those works that describe the mysterious eastern countries, the author always draws a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent charm of his native expanses.

The poem "Birch" was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1913, when the poet was barely 18 years old.

Sergei Yesenin, 18 years old, 1913

At this time, he was already living in Moscow, which impressed him with its scale and unimaginable bustle. However, in his work, the poet remained faithful to his native village of Konstantinovo and, dedicating a poem to an ordinary birch, seemed to be mentally returning home to an old rickety hut.

The house where S. A. Yesenin was born. Konstantinovo

It would seem that you can tell about an ordinary tree that grows under your window? However, it is with the birch that Sergei Yesenin has the most vivid and exciting childhood memories. Watching how it changes during the year, either shedding withered foliage, or dressing in a new green outfit, the poet was convinced that it was the birch that is an integral symbol of Russia, worthy of being immortalized in poetry.

The image of a birch in the poem of the same name, which is filled with slight sadness and tenderness, is written out with special grace and skill. Her winter outfit, woven from fluffy snow, is compared by the author with silver, which burns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow in the morning dawn. The epithets with which Sergei Yesenin awards birch are amazing in their beauty and sophistication. Its branches remind him of tassels of snowy fringe, and the “sleepy silence” that envelops a snow-covered tree gives it a special look, beauty and grandeur.

Why did Sergei Yesenin choose the image of a birch for his poem? There are several answers to this question. Some researchers of his life and work are convinced that the poet was a pagan in his soul, and for him the birch was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth.

Sergei Yesenin at the birch. Photo - 1918

Therefore, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, cut off from his native village, where for Yesenin everything was close, simple and understandable, the poet is looking for a foothold in his memories, imagining what his favorite looks like now, covered with a snow blanket. In addition, the author draws a subtle parallel, endowing the birch with the features of a young woman who is not alien to coquetry and love for exquisite outfits. There is nothing surprising in this either, since in Russian folklore birch, like willow, has always been considered a “female” tree. However, if people have always associated willow with grief and suffering, for which it got its name “weeping”, then birch is a symbol of joy, harmony and consolation. Knowing Russian folklore perfectly, Sergei Yesenin remembered folk parables that if you approach a birch tree and tell it about your experiences, then your soul will certainly feel lighter and warmer. Thus, in an ordinary birch, several images were combined at once - the Motherland, the girl, the mother - which are close and understandable to any Russian person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simple and unpretentious poem "Birch", in which Yesenin's talent is not yet fully manifested, evokes a wide range of feelings, from admiration to slight sadness and melancholy. After all, each reader has his own image of a birch, and it is to him that he “tryes on” the lines of this poem, exciting and light, like silver snowflakes.

However, the author's memories of his native village cause melancholy, as he understands that he will not return to Konstantinovo soon. Therefore, the poem "Birch" can rightfully be considered a kind of farewell not only to his native home, but also to childhood, not particularly joyful and happy, but, nevertheless, being one of the best periods of his life for the poet.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

White birch under my window...


“It's already evening. Dew…"

It's evening. Dew
Shines on nettles.
I'm standing by the road
Leaning against the willow.

Big light from the moon
Right on our roof.
Somewhere the song of a nightingale
In the distance I hear.

Good and warm
Like in the winter by the stove.
And birches stand
Like big candles.

And far beyond the river
Apparently, behind the edge,
Sleepy watchman knocks
Dead beater.

“Winter sings - calls out ...”

Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.

“Mother went to the bathhouse through the forest ...”

Mother went to the Bathhouse through the forest,
Barefoot, with podtyki, wandered through the dew.

Herbs were pricked by the fortune-telling legs,
The darling was crying in kupyry from pain.

Unbeknownst to the liver, seizures seized,
The nurse gasped, and here she gave birth.

I was born with songs in a grass blanket.
Spring dawns twisted me into a rainbow.

I grew up to maturity, the grandson of the Kupala night,
Witchcraft turmoil predicts happiness for me.

Only not according to conscience, happiness is at the ready,
I choose the prowess of the eyes and eyebrows.

Like a white snowflake, I melt in the blue,
Yes, I’m sweeping my trail to the fate-razluchnitsa.

“The bird cherry is throwing snow…”

Bird cherry sprinkles with snow,
Greenery in bloom and dew.
In the field, leaning towards shoots,
Rooks are walking in the band.

The silk grasses will vanish,
Smells like resinous pine.
Oh you, meadows and oak forests, -
I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news
Glow in my soul.
I think about the bride
I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,
Sing, you birds, in the forest.
Unsteady run across the field
I will spread the color with foam.

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Grandma's tales

IN winter evening backyard
rollicking crowd
On snowdrifts, on hillocks
We're going, we're going home.
The sleds are disgusting,
And we sit in two rows
Listen to grandmother's tales
About Ivan the Fool.
And we sit, barely breathing.
The time is running towards midnight.
Let's pretend we don't hear
If mom calls to sleep.
All stories. Time for bed...
But how can you sleep now?
And again we roared,
We start to get on.
Grandma will say timidly:
“Why sit until dawn?”
Well, what do we care -
Speak to speak.


Kaliki passed by villages,
We drank kvass under the windows,
At the churches before the gates of the ancients
Worshiped the most pure Savior.

Wanderers made their way across the field,
They sang a verse about the sweetest Jesus.
Nags with luggage stomped past,
Loud geese sang along.

Wretched hobbled through the herd,
Suffering speeches were made:
“We all serve the Lord alone,
Laying the chains on the shoulders.

They took out the kaliki hastily
Saved crumbs for cows.
And the shepherds shouted mockingly:
"Girls, dance! The buffoons are coming!”

I'm going. Quiet. Ringing is heard
Under the hoof in the snow.
Only gray crows
Made a noise in the meadow.

Bewitched by the invisible
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.
Like a white scarf
The pine has tied.

Bent over like an old lady
Leaned on a stick
And under the very crown
The woodpecker hammers at the bitch.

The horse gallops, there is a lot of space.
Snow falls and spreads a shawl.
Endless road
Runs off into the distance.


"The dormant bell..."

Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

Blows rushed
To blue skies
loudly heard
Voice through the woods.

Hid behind the river
White moon,
ran loudly
Rough wave.

Silent Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere across the road
The call fades.


"Lovely land! The heart is dreaming ... "

Beloved edge! Dreaming of the heart
Stacks of the sun in the waters of the womb.
I would like to get lost
In the greens of your bells.

Along the border, at the crossroads,
Reseda and riza porridge.
And call the rosary
Willows are meek nuns.

The swamp smokes with a cloud,
Burn in the heavenly yoke.
With a quiet secret for someone
I kept my thoughts in my heart.

I meet everything, I accept everything,
Glad and happy to take out the soul.
I came to this earth
To leave her soon.

“The Lord went to torture people in love…”

The Lord went to torture people in love,
He went out as a beggar.
Old grandfather on a dry stump, in an oak tree,
Zhamkal gums stale donut.

The grandfather saw the beggar dear,
On the path, with an iron club,
And I thought: “Look, how miserable, -
To know, it sways from hunger, sickly.

The Lord approached, hiding sorrow and torment:
It can be seen, they say, you can’t wake their hearts ...
And the old man said, holding out his hand:
"Here, chew ... you will be a little stronger."

“Goy you, Rus', my dear…”

Goy you, Rus', my dear,
Huts - in the robes of the image ...
See no end and edge -
Only blue sucks eyes.

Like a wandering pilgrim,
I watch your fields.
And at the low outskirts
The poplars are languishing.

Smells like apple and honey
In the churches, your meek Savior.
And buzzes behind the bark
There is a cheerful dance in the meadows.

I'll run along the wrinkled stitch
To the freedom of the green lekh,
Meet me like earrings
A girlish laugh will ring out.

If the holy army shouts:
"Throw you Rus', live in paradise!"
I will say: “There is no need for paradise,
Give me my country."

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Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin
White birch under my window...


“It's already evening. Dew…"

It's evening. Dew
Shines on nettles.
I'm standing by the road
Leaning against the willow.

Big light from the moon
Right on our roof.
Somewhere the song of a nightingale
In the distance I hear.

Good and warm
Like in the winter by the stove.
And birches stand
Like big candles.

And far beyond the river
Apparently, behind the edge,
Sleepy watchman knocks
Dead beater.

“Winter sings - calls out ...”

Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.

“Mother went to the bathhouse through the forest ...”

Mother went to the Bathhouse through the forest,
Barefoot, with podtyki, wandered through the dew.

Herbs were pricked by the fortune-telling legs,
The darling was crying in kupyry from pain.

Unbeknownst to the liver, seizures seized,
The nurse gasped, and here she gave birth.

I was born with songs in a grass blanket.
Spring dawns twisted me into a rainbow.

I grew up to maturity, the grandson of the Kupala night,
Witchcraft turmoil predicts happiness for me.

Only not according to conscience, happiness is at the ready,
I choose the prowess of the eyes and eyebrows.

Like a white snowflake, I melt in the blue,
Yes, I’m sweeping my trail to the fate-razluchnitsa.

“The bird cherry is throwing snow…”

Bird cherry sprinkles with snow,
Greenery in bloom and dew.
In the field, leaning towards shoots,
Rooks are walking in the band.

The silk grasses will vanish,
Smells like resinous pine.
Oh you, meadows and oak forests, -
I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news
Glow in my soul.
I think about the bride
I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,
Sing, you birds, in the forest.
Unsteady run across the field
I will spread the color with foam.


White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Grandma's tales

Backyard on a winter evening
rollicking crowd
On snowdrifts, on hillocks
We're going, we're going home.
The sleds are disgusting,
And we sit in two rows
Listen to grandmother's tales
About Ivan the Fool.
And we sit, barely breathing.
The time is running towards midnight.
Let's pretend we don't hear
If mom calls to sleep.
All stories. Time for bed...
But how can you sleep now?
And again we roared,
We start to get on.
Grandma will say timidly:
“Why sit until dawn?”
Well, what do we care -
Speak to speak.



Kaliki passed by villages,
We drank kvass under the windows,
At the churches before the gates of the ancients
Worshiped the most pure Savior.

Wanderers made their way across the field,
They sang a verse about the sweetest Jesus.
Nags with luggage stomped past,
Loud geese sang along.

Wretched hobbled through the herd,
Suffering speeches were made:
“We all serve the Lord alone,
Laying the chains on the shoulders.

They took out the kaliki hastily
Saved crumbs for cows.
And the shepherds shouted mockingly:
"Girls, dance! The buffoons are coming!”


I'm going. Quiet. Ringing is heard
Under the hoof in the snow.
Only gray crows
Made a noise in the meadow.

Bewitched by the invisible
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.
Like a white scarf
The pine has tied.

Bent over like an old lady
Leaned on a stick
And under the very crown
The woodpecker hammers at the bitch.

The horse gallops, there is a lot of space.
Snow falls and spreads a shawl.
Endless road
Runs off into the distance.


"The dormant bell..."

Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

Blows rushed
To blue skies
loudly heard
Voice through the woods.

Hid behind the river
White moon,
ran loudly
Rough wave.

Silent Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere across the road
The call fades.


"Lovely land! The heart is dreaming ... "

Beloved edge! Dreaming of the heart
Stacks of the sun in the waters of the womb.
I would like to get lost
In the greens of your bells.

Along the border, at the crossroads,
Reseda and riza porridge.
And call the rosary
Willows are meek nuns.

The swamp smokes with a cloud,
Burn in the heavenly yoke.
With a quiet secret for someone
I kept my thoughts in my heart.

I meet everything, I accept everything,
Glad and happy to take out the soul.
I came to this earth
To leave her soon.

“The Lord went to torture people in love…”

The Lord went to torture people in love,
He went out as a beggar.
Old grandfather on a dry stump, in an oak tree,
Zhamkal gums stale donut.

The grandfather saw the beggar dear,
On the path, with an iron club,
And I thought: “Look, how miserable, -
To know, it sways from hunger, sickly.

The Lord approached, hiding sorrow and torment:
It can be seen, they say, you can’t wake their hearts ...
And the old man said, holding out his hand:
"Here, chew ... you will be a little stronger."

“Goy you, Rus', my dear…”

Goy you, Rus', my dear,
Huts - in the robes of the image ...
See no end and edge -
Only blue sucks eyes.

Like a wandering pilgrim,
I watch your fields.
And at the low outskirts
The poplars are languishing.

Smells like apple and honey
In the churches, your meek Savior.
And buzzes behind the bark
There is a cheerful dance in the meadows.

I'll run along the wrinkled stitch
To the freedom of the green lekh,
Meet me like earrings
A girlish laugh will ring out.

If the holy army shouts:
"Throw you Rus', live in paradise!"
I will say: “There is no need for paradise,
Give me my country."

Good morning!

Golden stars dozed off,
The mirror of the backwater trembled,
Light shines on the river backwaters
And blushes the grid of the sky.

Sleepy birches smiled,
Tousled silk braids.
Rustling green earrings,
And silver dews are burning.

The wattle fence has an overgrown nettle
Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl
And, swaying, he whispers playfully:
"Good morning!"


"Is my side, my side ..."

Is it my side, side,
Hot stripe.
Only the forest, yes salting,
Yes, the river scythe ...

The old church languishes
Throwing a cross into the clouds.
And sick cuckoo
Does not fly from sad places.

For you, my side,
In the flood every year
With a pillow and knapsacks
Praying sweat pours.

Faces are dusty, tanned,
Eyelids gnawed out the distance,
And dug into a thin body
Save the meek sadness.

bird cherry

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Fragrant bird cherry,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.


“You are my abandoned land ...”

You are my abandoned land,
You are my land, wasteland.
hay uncut,
Forest and monastery.

The huts are concerned
And all five.
Their roofs are foaming
Into the glowing path.

Under the straw
Rafter rafters.
Wind mold blue
Sprinkled with the sun.

They hit the windows without a miss
crows wing,
Like a blizzard, bird cherry
Waving his sleeve.

Didn't I say in the twig,
Your life and reality
What in the evening traveler
Whispered feather grass?

"Swamps and swamps ..."

Swamps and swamps
Blue boards of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest is ringing.

Tit tit
Between forest curls,
Dark firs dream
The hubbub of mowers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is stretching -
Dryish linden
Smells like wheels.

Willows are listening
Wind whistle…
You are my forgotten edge,
You are my native land! ..


I weave a wreath for you alone,
I sprinkle gray stitch with flowers.
Oh Rus', a quiet corner,
I love you, and I believe in you.
I look into the expanse of your fields,
You are all near and far.
Akin to me the whistle of cranes
And the slippery path is not alien.
The swamp font blooms,
Kuga calls for a long vespers,
And drops ring through the bushes
Dew cold and healing.
And even though your fog drives away
The stream of winds blowing with wings,
But all of you are myrrh and Lebanese
Magi, secretly sorcerers.



Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes
Swans and do not look for a trace.
With a sheaf of your oatmeal hair
You touched me forever.

With scarlet berry juice on the skin,
Gentle, beautiful, was
You look like a pink sunset
And, like snow, radiant and bright.

The grains of your eyes crumbled, withered,
The thin name melted like a sound,
But remained in the folds of a crumpled shawl
The smell of honey from innocent hands.

IN quiet time when the dawn is on the roof,
Like a kitten, it washes its mouth with its paw,
I hear a meek talk about you
Water honeycombs singing with the wind.

Let sometimes the blue evening whisper to me,
That you were a song and a dream
All the same, who invented your flexible camp and shoulders -
He put his mouth to the bright secret.

Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes
Swans and do not look for a trace.
With a sheaf of your oatmeal hair
You touched me forever.

"The distance was covered with fog..."

The distance was shrouded in mist,
The lunar crest scratches the clouds.
Red evening behind the kukan
Spread curly nonsense.

Under the window from slippery winds
Quail wind chimes.
Quiet dusk, warm angel,
Filled with unearthly light.

Sleep hut easily and evenly
With grain spirit he sows parables.
On dry straw in firewood
Sweeter than honey is the sweat of a man.

Someone's soft face beyond the forest,
Smells like cherries and moss...
Friend, comrade and peer,
Pray for cow breaths.

June 1916

"Where the mystery always slumbers ..."

Where the secret always slumbers
There are other fields.
I am only a guest, a random guest
On your mountains, earth.

Wide forests and waters,
Strong flutter of air wings.
But your centuries and years
Clouded the run of the luminaries.

I'm not kissed by you
My fate is not connected with you.
A new path has been prepared for me
From going east.

I was originally destined
Fly into the silent darkness.
Nothing at the hour of farewell
I won't leave it to anyone.

But for your world, from the starry heights,
In the peace where the storm sleeps
In two moons I will light over the abyss
Irresistible eyes.

* * *

In the transparent cold, the valleys turned blue,
The sound of shod hooves is distinct,
Grass, faded, in the spread floors
Collects copper from weathered willows.

From empty hollows creeps a skinny arc
Raw mist curled curly into moss,
And the evening, hanging over the river, rinses
Water of white toes of blue feet.

* * *

Hopes are blooming in autumn cold,
My horse wanders, like a quiet fate,
And catches the edge of the waving clothes
His slightly wet brown lip.

On a long journey, not to battle, not to rest,
Invisible traces attract me,
The day will go out, flashing the fifth gold,
And in the box of years the works will settle down.

* * *

Loose rust blush on the road
Bald hills and clotted sand,
And the dusk dances in jackdaw alarm,
Bending the moon into a shepherd's horn.

Milky smoke shakes the wind of the village,
But there is no wind, there is only a slight ringing.
And Rus' slumbers in its merry anguish,
Clutching your hands in the yellow steep slope.

* * *

Beckons overnight, not far from the hut,
The vegetable garden smells of sluggish dill,
On the beds of gray wavy cabbage
The horn of the moon pours oil drop by drop.

I reach for the warmth, I breathe in the softness of the bread
And with a crunch I mentally bite cucumbers,
Behind the smooth surface of the shuddering sky
Brings the cloud out of the stall by the bridle.

* * *

Overnight, overnight, I have long been familiar
Your passing fuzziness in the blood,
The hostess is sleeping, and the fresh straw
Crushed by the thighs of widowed love.

It's already dawning, cockroach paint
The deity is circled in the corner,
But a fine rain with his early prayer
Still knocking on the cloudy glass.

* * *

Again in front of me is a blue field,
The puddles of the sun sway the ruddy face.
Others in the heart of joy and pain,
And a new dialect sticks to the tongue.

Unsteady water freezes the blue in the eyes,
My horse wanders, throwing back the bit,
And with a handful of swarthy foliage the last heap
Throws the wind after from the hem.

"O Mother of God..."

Oh Mother of God,
Fall down like a star
In a deaf ravine.

Spill like oil
Vlas moon
In a man's manger
My country.

The night is long.
Your son sleeps in them.
Lower like a canopy
Dawn on blue.

throw a smile
worldly whole
And the sun is unsteady
Attach to the bushes.

And let it jump
In it, glorifying the day,
earthly paradise
Holy baby.

"O arable land, arable land, arable land..."

Oh arable land, arable land, arable land,
Kolomna sadness.
Yesterday in my heart
And Rus' shines in the heart.

How birds whistle miles
From under the horse's hooves.
And the sun splashes with a handful
Your rain on me.

O edge of formidable spills
And quiet spring forces
Here by dawn and stars
I went through school.

And I thought and read
According to the bible of the winds
And pass with me Isaiah
My golden cows.

"Oh Rus', flap your wings ..."

Oh Rus', flap your wings,
Put another support!
With other names
Another steppe rises.

Through the blue valley
Between heifers and cows
Walks in a golden row
Your Alexey Koltsov.

In the hands - a loaf of bread,
Mouth - cherry juice.
And starred the sky
Shepherd's horn.

Behind him, from snow and wind,
From the monastery gates
Walks dressed in light
His middle brother.

From Vytegra to Shuya
He hauled the whole region
And he chose the nickname - Klyuev,
Humble Nicholas.

The monks are wise and kind,
He is all in the carving of rumors,
And quietly descends Easter
With a headless head.

And there, beyond the tarry hill,
I go, the path is melting,
Curly and cheerful
I'm such a robber.

Long, steep road
Mountain slopes are innumerable;
But even with the mystery of God
I am secretly arguing.

I knock down the month with a stone
And on dumb shivers
I throw, hanging into the sky,
Knife from the shaft.

Behind me an invisible swarm
There is a ring of others
And far from the villages
Their lively verse rings.

From herbs we knit books,
We shake words from two floors.
And our relative, Chapygin,
Melodious, like snow and dol.

Hide, perish, you tribe
Festering dreams and thoughts!
On a stone top
We carry stellar noise.

Enough to rot and whine,
And glorify the take-off rotten -
Already washed away, erased the tar
Resurrected Rus'.

Already moved the wings
Her dumb support!
With other names
Another steppe rises.

"Fields are compressed, groves are bare ..."

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Fog and damp from the water.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.

The blasted road is slumbering.
She dreamed today
What is very, very little
It remains to wait for the gray winter.

Oh, and I myself am often ringing
I saw yesterday in the fog:
Red month foal
Harnessed to our sleigh.

"Wake me up early tomorrow..."

Wake me up early tomorrow
O my patient mother!
I'll go for the road mound
Meet a dear guest.

Today I saw in the forest
Trail of wide wheels in the meadow.
The wind blows under the cloud
His golden arc.

At dawn he will rush tomorrow,
Hat-moon bent under a bush,
And the mare will playfully wave
Above the plain with a red tail.

Wake me up early tomorrow
Shine a light in our upper room.
They say that I will soon be
Famous Russian poet.

I will sing for you and the guest,
Our stove, rooster and blood ...
And it will spill on my songs
The milk of your red cows.

"I left my home..."

I left my home
Blue left Rus'.
Three-star birch forest over the pond
The mother's old sadness warms.

golden frog moon
Spread out on still water.
Like apple blossom, gray hair
My father spilled in his beard.

I won't be back soon!
For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard.
Guards blue Rus'
Old maple on one leg.

And I know there's joy in it
To those who kiss the leaves of the rain,
Because that old maple
Head looks like me.

"A blizzard sweeps..."

Snowstorm sweeps
white path,
Wants in soft snows

The wind fell asleep
On a way;
Don't drive through the forest
Neither pass.

A carol ran
to the village,
I took white in my hands

Gay you, non-human people,
Get out of the way

The blizzard got scared
On the snows
I ran quickly
To the meadows.

The wind is also awake
jumped up
Yes, and a hat with curls

In the morning the raven to the birch
And hung up that hat
On the bough.



The rain cleans with wet brooms
Willow droppings in the meadows.
Spit, wind, armfuls of leaves, -
I'm just like you, bully.

I love when the blue thickets
As with the heavy gait of an ox,
Stomachs, wheezing leaves,
Trunks are dirty on the knees.

Here it is, my flock is red!
Who could sing it better?
I see, I see the twilight lick
Traces of human feet.

My Rus', wooden Rus'!
I am your only singer and herald.
Animal poems of my sadness
I fed mignonette and mint.

Breezy, midnight, moon pitcher
Scoop up birch milk!
Like he wants to strangle someone
Graveyard with the hands of crosses!

Black horror roams the hills,
The malice of the thief flows into our garden,
Only I myself am a robber and boor
And by blood steppe horse thief.

Who has seen how it boils in the night
Boiled bird cherry army?
I would like at night in the blue steppe
Somewhere with a flail to stand.

Ah, my bush withered my head,
Sucked me song captivity.
I am condemned to hard labor of feelings
Turn the millstones of poems.

But don't be afraid, crazy wind
Spit calmly leaves in the meadows.
The nickname "poet" will not erase me,
I'm in songs, like you, a bully.

"Joy is given to the rude..."

Joy is given to the rude.
Gentle is given sadness.
I need nothing,
I don't feel sorry for anyone.

I feel sorry for myself a little
Pity the homeless dogs.
This straight road
She took me to a tavern.

Why are you arguing, devils?
Am I not a son of the country?
Each of us pledged
For a glass of your pants.

I dimly look at the windows.
In the heart of longing and heat.
Rolling, wet in the sun,
Street in front of me.

And on the street the boy is snotty.
The air is fried and dry.
The boy is so happy
And picks his nose.

Pick, pick, my dear,
Stick your whole finger in there
Only now with ephta force
Don't get into your soul.

I'm ready. I am timid.
Look at the bottles!
I collect corks -
Shut up my soul.

“I have only one thing left…”

I have only one fun:
Fingers in the mouth and a cheerful whistle.
Bad fame swept
That I am a brawler and a brawler.

Oh! what a ridiculous loss!
There are many funny losses in life.
I am ashamed that I believed in God.
I'm sorry that I don't believe it now.

Golden, distant distances!
Everything burns worldly dream.
And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

The poet's gift is to caress and scratch,
Fatal seal on it.
White rose with black toad
I wanted to get married on earth.

Let them not get along, let them not come true
These thoughts of pink days.
But if the devils nested in the soul -
So the angels lived in it.

That's for this fun turbidity,
Going with her to another land,
I want last minute
Ask those who will be with me -

So that for everything for my grave sins,
For disbelief in grace
They put me in a Russian shirt
Under the icons to die.

"I've never been so tired..."

I have never been so tired.
Into this gray frost and slime
I dreamed of the Ryazan sky
And my unlucky life.

Many women loved me
Yes, and I myself loved more than one,
Isn't this the dark force
Made me feel guilty?

Endless drunken nights
And in revelry, longing is not the first time!
Isn't it sharpening my eyes,
Like blue leaves, worm?

No betrayal hurts me
And the ease of victories does not please, -
That hair is golden hay
Turns to grey.

Turns to ashes and water
When the autumn haze sifts.
I do not feel sorry for you, the past years, -
I don't want to return anything.

I'm tired of torturing myself aimlessly,
And with a smile of a strange face
I liked to wear in a light body
Quiet light and peace of the dead...

And now it's not even hard
Waddling from den to den,
Like a straitjacket
We take nature into concrete.

And in me, according to the same laws,
The furious ardor subsides.
But still I treat with a bow
To those fields that once loved.

To those parts where I grew up under a maple,
Where he frolicked on the yellow grass, -
I send greetings to sparrows and ravens,
And an owl sobbing into the night.

I shout to them in the spring gave:
"The birds are cute, in blue shivers
Tell me what I scandalized -
Let the wind now begin
To bludgeon rye under mittens.

"Do not swear. Such a thing!..”

Do not swear. Such a thing!
I'm not a trader in words.
Tilted over and weighed down
My golden head

There is no love for either the village or the city,
How could I get it across?
I'll drop everything. I'll grow my beard
And I will go as a vagabond in Rus'.

Forget poems and books
I will throw a bag over my shoulders,
Because in the fields the bastard
The wind sings more than to whom.

I stink of radishes and onions
And, disturbing the evening surface,
I will blow my nose loudly in my hand
And play the fool in everything.

And I don't need better luck
Just forget and listen to the blizzard
Because without these eccentricities
I can't live on earth.

"I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…"

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,
Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.
Withering gold embraced,
I won't be young anymore.

Now you won't fight so much
Cold touched heart
And the country of birch chintz
Not tempted to wander around barefoot.

Wandering spirit! you are less and less
You stir the flame of your mouth.
O my lost freshness,
A riot of eyes and a flood of feelings.

Now I have become more stingy in desires,
My life? did you dream of me?
Like I'm a spring echoing early
Ride on a pink horse.

All of us, all of us in this world are perishable,
Quietly pouring copper from maple leaves ...
May you be blessed forever
That came to flourish and die.

"I won't deceive myself..."

I won't deceive myself
Concern lay in the misty heart.
Why am I known as a charlatan?
Why am I known as a brawler?

I am not a villain and I did not rob the forest,
He did not shoot the unfortunate in dungeons.
I'm just a street rake
Smiling at the faces.

I am a Moscow mischievous reveler.
All over the Tver region
In the lanes every dog
Knows my easy gait.

Every wretched horse
He nods his head towards me.
For animals, I'm a good friend,
Every verse heals my soul of the beast.

I wear a top hat not for women -
In a stupid passion, the heart is not strong enough to live, -
It is more comfortable in it, reducing your sadness,
Give the gold of oats to the mare.

Among people I have no friendship,
I submitted to another kingdom.
Every dog ​​here on the neck
I'm ready to give away my best tie.

And now I won't get sick.
The slough in the heart cleared up like a mist.
That's why I was known as a charlatan,
That's why I was known as a brawler.

mother's letter

Are you still alive, my old lady?
I'm alive too. Hello you, hello!
Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light.

They write to me that you, concealing anxiety,
She was very sad about me,
What do you often go to the road
In an old-fashioned ramshackle.

And you in the evening blue darkness
We often see the same thing:
Like someone is in a tavern fight for me
He put a Finnish knife under the heart.

Nothing, dear! Calm down.
It's just painful bullshit.
I'm not such a bitter drunkard,
To die without seeing you.

I'm still just as gentle
And I only dream about
So that rather from rebellious longing
Return to our low house.

I'll be back when the branches spread
In spring, our white garden.
Only you me already at dawn
Don't wake up like eight years ago.

Don't wake up what you dreamed
Don't worry about what didn't come true -
Too early loss and fatigue
I have experienced in my life.

And don't teach me to pray. No need!
There is no return to the old.
You are my only help and joy,
You are my only inexpressible light.

So forget your worries
Don't be so sad about me.
Don't go to the road so often
In an old-fashioned ramshackle.

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