Idean and artistic analysis of the poem of Alexander Pushkin "Winter evening. Analysis of the lyrical work A.S.

The poem "Winter Morning" was written by Pushkin very quickly, within one day (November 3, 1829) in the village of Pavlovsky Staritsky County of Tver Province, in the estate of friends A. S. Pushkin.

Indeed, this poem is the sketch of the feelings and thoughts of the poet caused by the beauty and the decele of the winter morning in the village.
We probably feel cheerful, the cheerful mood of Pushkin, who is truly good for which there are ahead and new poems, and new friends, and marriage at Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova.
In the house the poet is clearly not alone. But this poem is a monologue. No words of heroine.
A person who knows how well to persuade, to captivate a pleasant conversation, can hardly refuse.
Pushkin in a conversation with his beloved and intonation chose a special. (with pauses, with a feeling of joyful surprise.)
For the description of A. S. Pushkin uses capacious epithets. The forest is transparent. Standing without foliage trees in jets sunlight seem transparent.
The room is illuminated by glitter. For glitter characteristics, the author uses the epithet "amber"
Rays and fire illuminate the room. But the amber light of fire, we not only can see, but we can hear. Pushkin and words picks up a consignable crackle of dry lane.

Poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter Evening" ("Bulk Bear The Heaven of the Heaven ...") was written in the childbirth of the poet, in the village of Mikhailovsky.

Year of writing a work - 1825.

The history of the creation of the famous poem is associated with a difficult period in the life of Alexander Sergeevich. At this time, Pushkin just returned from the southern link. He was full of hopes and dreamed of reappearing in the raging, free, albeit a fussy, peace. In this life, everything that he was so lacked in the link: Friends, noisy disputes, interesting meetings. There was a sparkling movement of life itself.

What a blow to the poet was the news that instead of the brilliant St. Petersburg and dynamic Moscow, he must be in-free in the deaf village of Mikhailovsky. He had to go through and complete isolation from external world; and control of his own father for the poet's reproach; and state of despair.

After Pushkin's parents left the estate, in an abandoned fate home, there were two recluses - Alexander Sergeevich and his devotee Arina Rodionovna.

How hard it was enjoyed by Pushkina, it is necessary to understand from the lines of the poem "Winter Evening". It quite accurately conveys a storm of feelings in the poet's soul.

This work, the creation of which took place against the background of the aggravated situation of emotions, gave rise to a number of similar poems devoted to the opposition to the outside world.

The main theme of the poem

The main topic of the poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter Evening" is the topic of struggle. Who is this struggle?

In the image of the raging element, the external world is meant, with its spontaneity, rage, pressure. And this world opposes the personality of the poet - free, seeking, unlikely.

And the most amazing, as in this confrontation, the source of spiritual forces is a simple nanny, with her fairy tales, songs and endless folk wisdom.

It is her love and care that Alexandra Sergeyevich is stronger and resistant to the head of the life squall.

main idea

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work is based on the plot. Already in the first line, emotions are felt: "Burning the heaven of the sky ..."

All his life, Alexander Sergeevich was faithful to this principle, remaining a rebel with his own opinion.

Artistic means

Pushkin applies in this product all emotional colorfulness of epithets: gloomy clouds, a kind girlfriend, poor youth.

Revive images help the personally used by the personification: a storm, "how the beast will conquer, then pay as a child."

Size poem and rhyme

The mood of the poet, as it should not be better, transfers the calestopian chorea. In the poem "Winter Evening" there are four stains.

Pushkin used cross-accurate rhyme, female - in the first and third line and men's - in the second and fourth.

The poem was very melodious and easily falls into music.


The genre of poem "Winter Evening" is realistic landscape lyrics. Although literary critics Find in this work and elements of classicism and romanticism.

Analysis of the poem A.S. Pushkin shows that this work It is a reflection of the poet's vital position. His perception of the world was transferred with bright images and expressive means.

The poem "Winter Evening" A. Pushkin (1825) and the "Winter Evening" of D. Melezhkovsky (1895) is a literary dialogue between the epochs. Artistic roll call is reflected in the same title - but each poet creates its winter evening and its vision of this mysterious time.

We are often asked about why we do not print student work. There were no time in our newspaper even a special heading "Learning from students", where children's compositions regularly appeared on literary themes. No, we did not give up the idea to learn from our students and everything is also rejoicing their successes. Just recently the complaints are constantly sounding that the work is written off that the Internet kills the idea of \u200b\u200bwritings, because everything is already written, and just press the button to search system I gave you the desired text. Recorded works regularly and we are in our post office.

It seems to us that there is a way out of such a situation: you need to change the approach to themes. Not everyone is written and investigated. The task of the teacher is to offer such a literary material, such a turn of the topic so that the disciple of the Volia-Neils would have to face the road himself. So Vladislav Valeryevna Nikolaev from Lyceum No. 39 of Ozersk Chelyabinsk Region is received. The work of her student, tenth-grades Darya Teplyakova - the best confirmation of this.

Comparative analysis poems (one - almost read, the other - almost unknown) will help us, teachers, refresh traditional lesson, Suggest a non-standard task (including for the Olympics). And it is possible to use it when studying Pushkin's creativity, and when meeting poetry Silver century: In one and in another case, the subject of the conversation will be a literary tradition, its preservation and development.

In 1824, Pushkin, arriving in Mikhailovskoye, is experiencing a sharp, oppressive sense of loneliness. After a noisy, the living south of the village seems to him a real reference. Having survived a serious quarrel with his father (autumn 1824), Pushkin remains in the estate with the old nanny - and the salvation from the mental void becomes creativity. The poet rethinks the values \u200b\u200bof a person in general and determines its ideal - gaining home, security and internal equilibrium. This problem is reflected in the cycle of the poems of 1825-1826 ("Winter Evening", the "swollen song", "Winter Road") and later - in "Beams" (1830).

The poem "Winter Evening" opens a string similar to how to howling blizzards: The storm of the heaven of the sky ...Darkness appears in the text, more precisely - the blame, the collision of light and darkness. Outside the window "Old Towjok" triumphs chaos - in it is heard and crying ("it will pay, like a child"), and knock ("to us will go to the window"), and howling ("how the beast she will win"), And rustle ("suddenly straw covert"). Elements in the poem of Pushkin is characterized by sound verbs - a sense of constant movement is created. Therefore, the rhythmic and sound organization of the text becomes very important.

The poem is written by a four-star choree, "descending" size in which there is a "dance ... solemn or violent" (K. Balmont), - the rhythmic drawing emphasizes the chaotic nature of the storm, its belonging to the world of darkness.

The collision of light and darkness takes place in the Fonik of the poem: "Theme" storms like "belong to" muddy, dreary sounds "y", "sh", "t" and slow, broach "o", "l", "n". Such a sound creates a feeling of anxiety, anxiety and empty, hopeless longing. But the "leitmotif" poem changes in the third stubble - the darkness disappears for a moment, and the "sounds" of light becomes solid ringing "b", "d", "r".

The nanny song also becomes a symbol of home and creativity, which protect the lyrical hero from the chaos of the elements. It is built as a Russian folklore lyrics (anaphor, syntactic parallelism) and sounds gentle and melodious ("E" sounds, sonorous "M", "N").

In the fourth stubborn, the vague again returns to the artistic world of the poem - therefore, there is a connection of the "sounds" of the elements and at home, "Old Town". Darkness and confusion are overcome by a person - despite the fact that the heart is only " will be Veleering. "

The sound composition determines the composition of the text: the poem is divided into four parts (built). It opens with a "common" plan: in the text there are cross-cuts of storms, blizzards, beasts, travelers. They fill the world of chaos that surrounds the "Old Toggy". The storm and blizzard in the work of Pushkin are associated with the power of fate (the story "Blizzard"), which becomes stronger than a person. But the element is not only rock, but also a homeless ("traveler"), eternal wanderings. And the fear "lists the heart" ("demons"), turning his pity ("Create as a child").

Elements in the poem "Active" (Yu.M. Lotman) - It is no coincidence that the head of the speech in the first stanza becomes the verb. And the lyrical hero involuntarily conquers the overflow of the blizzards - in the "Old Tagged" - sadness and darkness. The poet focuses on specific, objective images ("Roof Edge", "buzz of spindle") - they fill fragile (" old tree Lacuger "), carefully stored world at home. But the characters of the poem are sad: winter evening - this is a sudden silence ("added by the window"), and Dunda ("dormant under the buzz"), and fatigue from life ("You, my friend, tired ..."). These images bring together the "Winter Evening" with the artistic world of the poem "Winter Road" (1826).

Sad, Nina: My Way is boring
Dund migrated my rocket ...

The life of the lyrical hero is slow - the storm brings not horror before the elements, but boredom, which is harder than fear.

But in " Winter Road"Light almost does not remain -" Removed Lunar Lick. " In the "winter evening", longing is overcome - the desire is emotionally brightly live, keep the house becomes stronger than the Celebration of Darkness. The motive of a feast ("drink from grief ...") refers to the reader to the poem of the "Scaffed Song" (1825).

Further the glass pour!
On ringing bottom
In dense wine
Covenate rings throw ...

But the central symbol of light and at home and in the "swollen song", and in the "winter evening" the poetry becomes ("Song").

Long live muse, Long live the mind!("Scaffed Song");

Sing me a song…("Winter evening").

Pushkin fills the third storm with folklore motifs, gives her the sound of a folk song. A biographical context is again in the poem: it is in Mikhailovsky Pushkin for the first time turns to Folklore, "fixes the shortcomings of his damned education" (Letter to L. Pushkin), listening to the fairy tales of Arina Rodionovna. Creativity remains for the poet the main "defense" from MGLL, the elements, non-equilibrium.

In the last stanza storm again returns to the world of poem - the first four verses repeat the beginning of the text. But the house becomes stronger than chaos, the light is stronger than darkness: the poem is completed by the moth of the feast, the home hearth. Faith in the triumph of light, the inner persistence of a person, the "alighty" allow the poet to overcome fatigue and loneliness, despite the fact that it is seriously overcoming for the lyrical hero ("Let's drink with burning”).

And the painting of the world develops in the poem of D.S. Meriazhkovsky "Winter Evening" (1895). The title refers to the reader to Pushkin's poem - and there is a literary roll ring between poets of different eras and directions.

The world of Pushkin poem, despite the raging of the elements in it, is harmonious and holistic. In the "winter evening" of Merezhkovsky, on the contrary, as if "fragmented" - the look of the lyrical hero is not delayed on the "plans", as in the text of Pushkin, the point of view is constantly changing. This is reflected first of all on the form of a poem - it is astrophic and indivisible to composite parts, although there is clear logic inside the text.

Unlike the "Winter Evening" of Pushkin, where the end of the eight-stroke coincides with the end of the sentence, the Mererykovsky verse is "breaking" - the default figure (ellipsis) becomes the main syntax. In proposals often encounter elliptical structures ("What silence - over the winter fields!") - In the world of the poem, the feeling of disharmony, destruction appears.

Landscape in the poem of Meriazhkovsky Static - the world is taken as if in the photo. In twenty-two lines, the verb is found only twice ("Droke") - Pushkin has the main movement and power becomes. Asymmetric verse of the Text of the Merezhkovsky - a three-star Yamba, too short for Russian poetry, creates a feeling of emptiness and silence: these states determine the main intonation - mystery and fear.

The poem opens with a rhetorical appeal: "About the pale moon ..." - pain and flour sounds in it. Unlike the poem of Pushkin, where the images are specific ("Old Toggy", spindle), the landscape of the Merezhkovsky consists of symbols - and the moon becomes the center of the world.

The moon appeared in poetry in the era of romanticism as a "companion" of mystical forces (for example, in the ballads of Zhukovsky): romantic poets combined ordinary and surreal, creating a terrible, mysterious landscape. In the lyrics of Pushkin ("Winter Road", "Demes") of the Moon - a symbol of sorrow, a plaintive longing and presence of the other world - this intonation brings the poem of Merezhkovsky with a cycle of Pushkin. But the Merezhkovsky highlights the image of the moon compositionally - it is in the very center of the text, and the whole world of poem seems to be concentrated around it.

The moon becomes evil, devilish features: pale - Dusty - Unknown Othmy - Moon Damned Lick - Criminal. At the end of the text, the author writes a noun "moon" from the capital letter (earlier - with the line), as the name of the Divine, and the feeling of horror is enhanced. The moon becomes really alive, a mystical creature in front of which the reed reed, // Naked, dry and skinny ... "

Violating winter landscape, a symbol of not only a lyrical hero appears in the poem, but also humanity is generally reed. This image may be borrowed from Tyutchev's poetry ("the soul doesn't sings that the sea, // and the thinking reed") is a man over the abyss, "no time", deprived of all supports.

Rows are repeated twice as refrain - the lyrical hero can not resist mystical strength. The "Nagy" reed becomes "patient" - in the soul of the poet of emptiness and belligea.

The poem is increasingly filled with symbols (for example, the crows of a hoarse cry "- a precursor of death, a sign borrowed from folklore). The world in the poem of Meriazhkovsky came into decay - in the universe, the dead silence reigns ("and in the sky - silence, // as in the desecrated temple ..."), a person remained without the protection of God. Suffering does not lead to salvation - the lyrical hero is "closed" in them. Winter evening is death for man and the celebration of the other world.

Pushkin and Mererykovsky are combined with a single topic - but for each poet, it has its own interpretation. Between the two "winter evenings" - almost a century, the change of literary views and worldviews.

Pushkin's poem is wisdom and simplicity. A person overcomes pain and fatigue from life, because it feels support: a sense of history, past, friendship and inspiration. He is protected from the celebration of Chaos - the poet has gained the house, and gore It is not authority over it.

Winter evening Meriazhkovsky is mirroring opposite in the evening of Pushkin. The poem reflects the mindset of the era - the premonition of the catastrophe, the extinction of the universe. The poet, located on the verge between Being and Neva, is doomed to eternal loneliness and gloominess - only the "criminal moon" looks from the sky - a new deity. The topic affected by Pushkin, rethought in the traditions of symbolism: the lyrical hero dies in the mystical world, which has become stronger than him.

Dmitry Merezhkovsky


Oh, pale moon
Over pale fields!
What silence -
Over winter fields!
Oh, dull moon
With unkind eyes ...
Circle - peace is great.
To the ground, the reed is Droke,
Naked, dry and skinny ...
Moon Cursed Lick
Performed by evil power ...
To the ground Flood Reed,
Big, dry and skinny ...
Ravens hoarse cry
Grove is heard from bare.
And in the sky silence -
As in a desecrated temple ...
What silence -
Over winter fields!
Criminal moon
You are horror full -
Over bright snow! ..


Winter evening in the work of A.S. Pushkin and music.

Objective: to acquaint with the poem "Winter Evening" and teach to read expressively.

Tasks: 1. Using: - to learn expressively read the poem;

- form the ability to see and understand the purpose of the means artistic expressiveness;

- Learning to watch, compare and analyze.

2. Developing: - develop speech students, imagination, ability to perceive works different species Arts.

3. Raising: - to educate careful attitude to the word, enrich spiritual world Baby.


Portrait of A.S. Pushkin. Artist V. and Tropinin.

Portrait of Arina Rodionovna Ya.P. SERAKOV.

Views of Mikhailovsky.

Pictures of children.

During the classes.

1. The organizational moment.

-Good morning. Started day
The first thing is to drive lazy.
In the lesson, do not yawning
And to work and read.

2. Checking homework.

1. Outside the window is still autumn, and in our class frosty sunny morning, sparkling snow carpet in the sun, clear blue sky. All this thanks to your drawings that you drew at home.

- We now turn to the verses of A.S. Pushkin to extend the raised, enthusiastic mood.

2. There are told by heart the poem "Winter Morning", which they learned at home.

3. Preparatory work.

- Today we will get acquainted with another poem of Pushkin. It is called "Winter Evening". It is written in the village of Mikhailovsky, the generic estate (house) of the poet, where he was in reference 2 years, not having the right to leave (1824-1826).

-What means generic estate? Choose single words? (Rod, native, parents).

-How otherwise to say a generic estate? (Parents' estate.)

-A.S. Pushkin came to the village of Mikhailovskoye many times, to the estate of his parents. He was inspired by a simple Russian nature, a small lake, river, special silence and transparent air.

From 1824 to 1826 Pushkin was located in Mikhailovsky in the link. Hope for liberation was lost; The shoot plan disregard did not succeed, the poet seriously quarreled with his father, after which the whole family of Pushkin went to St. Petersburg, leaving him alone. In this hard time with him was the only close, loving soul - the nanny of the poet.

-How called the nanny of the poet? (Arina Rodionovna).

- With what poem dedicated to Nian Poet, we already met? ("Nyan").

-How Pushkin calls his nanny in this poem? ("Friend of my harsh days ...")

- Together they Corotal long winter evenings in the village. In winter, it rake early. Arina Rodionna took spine or needles and went to the room Alexander Sergeevich. The candle cracked on the table, the vague shadows rushed along the walls. The poet seemed that only in the world only he had nanny. Let us now imagine such a winter evening. And the music of PI Tchaikovsky will help us.

Listen to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "At Kamelka" from the album "Seasons". She will help you to feel warmth, the comfort of Pushkin Cabinet in Mikhailovsky, to hear a quiet, unhurried conversation of a nanny and poet.

Music sounds.

- What evening music drawn? (Kind, cozy, warm, homemade, dreamy, as if someone behaves sincere conversation.)

-How sound a melody? (The melody sounded sincerely and singing, like a Russian folk song.)

Camelka cozy, calmly, you can sleep and listen to the nannies of fairy tales.

The image of a nanny, separated by the loneliness of the poet, his feelings to it are revealed in the poem "Winter Evening".

3. Acquaintance with the poem.

The teacher expressively reads the poem.

Detection of primary perception of poem:

- Did you have a poem?

-What feelings caused you?

- What time of year says in the poem? (About winter.)

-What picture did you pretend?

4. Suitable learning task.

5. Analysis poem.

- How many semantic parts can be divided by a poem?(on 2 parts.)

What are these parts?(Weather description and conversation with nanny.)

-And these parts. (1 part: "The storm of the heaven of the sky ... cares ..."; 2 part "Our Old Toggy ...".)

Read about yourself the first part.

- What was the weather in that winter evening? (Weather Bucheval.)

-How describes the poet of the storm?(Like a living creature).

What a means of artistic expressiveness uses the poet so that the storm "came to life"? (Personification.)

Find the personification in 1 part? (Storm will challenge, the heaven with the sky, the storm will pay).

What does the word "Croot" mean? (Covers.)

What does the word roof mean? (Roofing, what covers the house, roof.)

What does the word dilapidate mean? (Dilapidate - old, collapsed.)

Remember what is called comparison? (One object is compared with another, similar to something.)

-What compares the poet to the uphold of the wind in the storm?(With the beast)

Find more comparisons in this part? (Create as a child; as a trace pedestal.)

-Why does the poet resort to such comparisons?(Comparisons help to present the power of a snow storm, the sad mood of the poet, whose heart compressed from longing and loneliness. The state of nature transmits the spiritual experience of the poet)

-What evening appeared before us? (Cold, blinking.)

-Heat as if he looks into the dark window, followed by anything, and listens, what is being done there, in the open snowfield.

-What does the blizzard? What verbs use the poet? (She "covered the sky", "turns vortices", "howl", "crying", "noise straw", "knocks on the window.")

Stand in words fall on what sounds? (o, a, y, e, and.)

-What are they depicting? (Will down the blizzard.)

-What strings allow you to hear the rustle of straw, noise outside the window.

(Then on the root dilapidated
Suddenly straw covers,
How the traveler traveler
To us in the window will knock.)

-What words fall logical emphasis? (On the verbs: Croot, turn, will conquer, pay, borrowing, causing.)

- Sew two melodies and think which one will suit the first part of the poem.

The first sounds already listened at the beginning of the lesson a melody from the Album of Tchaikovsky "Seasons", the second fragment "November" "Seasons".

Does the first melody come true? (No. She is calm, affectionate, home, and in the first part the weather rages. A person is unable to influence the weather. From this it becomes very sad.)

-And the second melody? (Yes. She is hectic, rapid, a little frightening.)

- Do not express the first part. Try to convey the condition of nature.

One or two student read the first part.

-What tried to convey?

5. Fizkultminutka.

We are a little rest.
Stand up, deeply sigh.
Children in the forest walked,
Observed for nature.
Up the sun looked at the sun
And their all rays were warmed.
Wonders in our light
The children became dwarfs.
And then everyone got together,
We became giants.
Well we walked
And tired little!

- do the second part of the poem about yourself.

-What does the word laccho? (An old hut, small.)

-Ifly replace the word lacching with a word-shaped word shack, will the meaning change? (Yes. Lachjack is small, it is hard to withstand the onslaught of storms.)

-Why does the poet call the nanny house with a sad and dark straw? (Nanny house, this "Old Toggy," opposes the Burea, but against the elements he is an unreliable defender).

- I would like to penetrate into the house, its uplightening is heard inside the house. And at the same time, "dilapidated lach tune" is not only poor, but also dark. Darkness hoses behind the walls of the house, but also in the house itself is not light. Such and the mood: in the "Old Town" sad. Dark sadness lives here.

What is the second part dedicated to? (She faces nyan.)

-How does he call a nanny? (Kind girlfriend, my old woman.)
"The nanny also thoughtfully, the face and Alexander Sergeevich tries to cheer her, shake with her soul a sad burden of the winter evening.

-And these lines.

("What are you, my old woman,

Did a window at the window?

Or storms overestimated

You, my friend, tired,

Or dormant under the buzz

His spindle? ")

-What is this spindle? (Manual spinning gun in the form of a wooden stick with a pointed end.)

-What mood is permeated by this part of the poem? (She is sad, gentle sad.)

- Pot alone in the village, therefore speaks of his poor youth. Nannine Caring, Nanny songs and fairy tales asked the life of the poet.

With tenderness, he calls the nanny with a good girlfriend, being confident that she is able to divide his feelings.

-What words of the poet creates a picture of loneliness, describing his dwelling? / Old, sad, dark /

- These words emphasize, they must be read with a special expression.

-What words help to convey a sad mood? (Croins, wars, pay, dilapidated roofing, dilapidated, sad, dark, tired, grief.)

- However, not in nature Pushkin obey sadness. He needs a live voice of nanny. Together it is easier to survive sadness.

- What does he ask for a nanny?

(Sing me a song like a tit

Quietly over the sea lived;

Sing me a song like a maid

For water in the morning she walked. ")

-What do these lines remind? (Russian folk song)

-How it seems to you, why Pushkin used these lines?

Reading these lines, you just remember the folk song, in which the girl was walking down the Water Mostovoy. " Apparently, the Arina Rodionov sang this or similar song. Niannino singing made life more comfortable even when the storm was thrown outside the window.

How to read 2 part of the poem, how tone? (Calm, singing, dyed sadness, affectionate appeal to the nurse. It is necessary to read so that the listeners also imbued with sympathy to the bitter fate of the poet).

- Put out the words:my friend, my old woman, good girlfriend.Pause design.

- Up the second part of the poem expressive.

-Corganize the first and second part of the poem. Are they similar? (No. The second part is permeated with love, tenderness, caress. She is implanious and very sad.)

-How ends poem? (Again we see the description of the storm.)

- It is not by chance. Let the blizzard, catches the longing, we will not agree to her and friendly conversation to her vigor.

- Do not expressively all the poem.

Reads one person.

- Do you have something melodiclamation. (Reading to the music.)

- Music will sound. Try again to read the poem.

Sounds "December" from the album "Seasons".

6. Generalization.

-Ma is the poem dedicated to? (Nyan.)

Is the mood for a poem? (No. It is sad.)

- Create this poem with the poem "Winter Morning". What about them in common? (They about winter: winter morning and winter evening.)

-What is the difference? (Poems differ in mood. In the poem "Winter morning the mood is changing, and in the poem" Winter Evening "- sad from beginning to end.)

-What is the winter in the poem? (Harsh, belugling.)

-What mood was at the poet when he wrote this poem? (Sad, sad, dreary.)

-Yes. The poem "Winter Evening" is the saddest. Did we manage to transfer the mood of the poet when reading the poem?

- Is this a poem musical? If you were composers, what kind of music wrote on these verses? (Excited, alarming, twisted ... and at the same time sad.)

7. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

"How did you get acquainted in the lesson?"

-What music listened to?

- Will music be better understood to understand the poem?

-What new learned in the lesson?

-What did you remember most?

10. Homework.

1. An illustration to the poem "Winter Evening".

2. High a poem at will.

The poem "Winter Evening" is written in Mikhailovsky, in the link. An opaired poet was at that time away from friends who were separated by his thoughts and feelings. About every step, he was obliged to inform the provincial authorities. The poet's days were busy with work and reading. Especially difficult was given a long and harsh winter. In the snow listed, Mikhailovsky was only one native soul - Nanny Arina Rodionovna.

In one of these winter evenings Pushkin and wrote a poem addressed to her. It begins with a very bright and figurative description of a snow storm, which would seek a poet from the entire outside world. That is so Pushkin felt under house arrest. It is easy to imagine a picture depicted in the poem: Late Winter Evening, the blizzard is working on the yard, and in the room cracks the stove flooded nanny.

Composite poem can be divided into four parts (according to Stanodam):

The first part is entirely dedicated to the blizzard (or, as the author calls it, Bure). How many different shades use the poet to describe it! It is not content with ordinary words: "Leda Blizzard," he found bright visual and auditory images. This is what kind of visual impressions: the sky is covered with a mole, a frantic wind turns in a snow whirlwind. The author's hearing distinguishes many shades: then the wolf of the wild beast (probably, the wolf), then crying a child, then the rustling of the straw roof, then a knock in the blunt man's window.

The whole first part is filled with a variety of blizzard movements. This is achieved by using numerous verbs: the storm "Crook the sky", "turns vortices", "crying", "howl", "rustling straw", "knocks in the window." In this part, the poet uses sound resistance: the downlink of the blizzard imitates frequently encountered sounds of y, p: (storm, whirlwinds, beast). The emphasis in words falls mainly on the sounds of a or oh - it also perfectly transmits the wings of the blizzard.

The second and third part of the poem is fully facing nyan, to "good girlfriend". They are together in the house listed house, their mental state is very similar. Question: "What are you, my old woman, / attacked by the window? "- The lyric hero, probably, could turn to him.
The poet expresses various assumptions why Niana is sad:
Or storms overestimated
You, my friend, tired,
Or dormant under the buzz
His spindle?

We see the confrontation of the world of external and internal - the world of raging elements and the world "Old
Lacuzzles. " The image of the "Old Towney" or "Huts" was traditional for Russian poetry 19 - early 20th century. In the work of Pushkin, the image of the house is unusually significant. The poet's house is such a place where the lyrical hero is protected from all the blows of fate and any adversity.

The outer world is chose and cold, there is a lot of disharmony in it: the storm crying and howls, as a beast, probably trying to penetrate the house. Maybe a storm is not only a phenomenon of nature? Maybe the bold and evil circle of blizzard outside the window - the image of the fate, which is a kindling poet for loneliness? But not in the character of Pushkin to indulge in sorrow. And although the house is just "Old Toggy",
But there is a means to stand out and do not fall in spirit:
Let's drink a good girlfriend
Poor youth my
Drink with grief; Where is the mug?
Heart will be fun.

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