Liberation of Eastern Europe. Liberation of Europe

In January 1944, as a result of the successful operation of the Leningrad, Volkhov and the 2nd Baltic fronts, the blockade of Leningrad was lifted. In the winter of 1944, the efforts of the three Ukrainian fronts were liberated by the right bank Ukraine, and by the end of the spring, the Western border of the USSR was fully restored.

In such conditions, in early summer, 1944, the second front was opened in Europe.

The bid of the Supreme Commands has developed a grand scale on the scale and successful on tactical ideas a plan for the full liberation of the Soviet territory and the entry of the troops of the Red Army to Eastern Europe in order to release it from the fascist enslavement. This was preceded by one of the major offensive operations - Belarusian, which received the code name "Bagration".

As a result of the onset Soviet army Warsaw came out to the outskirts and stopped on the right bank of the Vistula. At this time, a popular uprising broke out in Warsaw, brutally repressed by the fascists.

In September-October 1944, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia were liberated. In combat actions of Soviet troops, partisan compounds of these states were actively involved, which would then be founded by their national armed forces.

The fierce battles broke out for the liberation of the lands of Hungary, where there was a large grouping of the fascist troops, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Balaton. Two month soviet troops Beaned Budapest, whose garrison capitulated only in February 1945. Only by the middle of April 1945, the territory of Hungary was completely released.

Under the sign of the victories of the Soviet Army from February 4 to February 11, the Conference of the heads of the USSR, USA and England was held in Yalta, on which the issues of post-war reorganization of the world were discussed. Among them, the establishment of the borders of Poland, recognition of the requirements of the USSR on repairing, the question of the USSR entry into war against Japan, the consent of the allied powers to the Accession to the USSR of the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin.

April 16 - May 2 - Berlin Operation - Last large battle Great Patriotic War. Passed in several stages:

Taking Zeelian heights;

Fights at the outskirts of Berlin;

Sturm of the central, most fortified part of the city.

On the night of May 9, the suburb of Berlin Karls-Horste was signed an act of unconditional surrender Germany.

July 17 - August 2 - Potsdam Conference of Heads of Member States of the Antihytler Coalition. The main question is the fate of post-war Germany. The control was created. The Council is a joint body of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France for the exercise of the supreme power in Germany for the period of its occupation. He paid special attention to the policy of the Polish-German border. Germany was subject to complete demilitarization, the activities of the Social Nazi Party were prohibited. Stalin confirmed the preparedness of the USSR to take part in the war against Japan.

President of the United States who received positive test results to the beginning of the conference nuclear weapons, started pressure on the Soviet Union. Accelerated work on the creation of atomic weapons and in the USSR.

On August 6 and 9, the United States was subjected to nuclear bombardment two Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who had no strategic importance. The act was a warning-threatening character, first of all for our state.

On the night of August 9, 1945, the Soviet Union began military actions against Japan. Three fronts were formed: Transbaikalsky and two Far Easterns. Together with the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Military Flotilla, the selected Japanese Quantongy Army was defeated and the North China, North Korea, South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands were liberated.

On September 2, 1945, the second world world war ended on the American military cruiser "Missouri" on the American military cruiser "Missouri".

Liberation territory the USSR and european countries. Victory over Nazism in Europe (January 1944 - May 1945).

Supreme Commanding Put the task before the Red Army soviet land from the enemy, proceed to liberation european countries From the occupiers and finish the war with a complete defeat of the aggressor on its territory. The main content of the winter-spring campaign of 1944 was the implementation of consistent strategic operations of Soviet troops, during which the main forces of the groups of German-fascist armies were defeated and an exit to the state border was opened. In the spring of 1944, he was cleared of the enemy of the Crimea. As a result of the four-month campaign, Soviet Sun freed 329 thousand square meters. KM Soviet territory, crushed over 170 enemy divisions with a number of up to 1 million people.

At these favorable conditions, Western allies, after two-year training, opened the second front in Europe in the north of France. With the support of armed formations of French resistance, the Anglo-American troops on July 25, 1944 launched an offensive to Paris, where an armed uprising began against the occupiers. By the time the troops of the Western allies, the capital of France was already in the hands of patriots. At the same time (from August 15 to 19, 1944), the Anglo-American troops consisting of 7 divisions landed in the city of Cannes in the south of France, where, without meeting serious resistance, quickly moved into depths countries. However, the command of the Wehrmacht in the fall of 1944 was to avoid the environment of his troops and take part of the forces on the western border of Germany. Moreover, on December 16, 1944, having started a counterattack in Ardennes, the German troops inflicted a serious defeat of the 1st American army, putting all the Anglo-American grouping of forces in Western Europe In a difficult position.

Continuing to develop a strategic initiative, Soviet troops in the summer of 1944 launched a powerful offensive in Karelia, Belarus, in Western Ukraine and in Moldova. As a result of the promotion of Soviet troops in the North on September 19, Finland, signing a truce with the USSR, came out of the war, and on March 4, 1945 declared war in Germany.

The victories of the Soviet troops in the southern direction in the autumn of 1944 helped Bulgarian, Hungarian, Yugoslav and Czechoslovak nations in their liberation from fascism. September 9, 1944 to authorities In Bulgaria, the government of the Patriotic Front, who declared the war of Germany. In September-October, Soviet troops liberated part of Czechoslovakia and supported Slovak National uprising. In the future, the Soviet army together with the troops of Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia continued an offensive with the aim of liberating Hungary and Yugoslavia.

"Liberation campaign" of the Red Army in countries Eastern Europe, unfolding in 1944, could not help but cause exacerbations of geopolitical contradictions between the USSR And his Western allies. And if the US administration with understanding belonged to the aspirations the USSR "To establish a positive sphere of influence over your Western neighbors", then the British Prime Minister U. Churchill was extremely concerned about the strengthening of Soviet influence in this region.

The British Prime Minister took a trip to Moscow (October 9-18, 1944), where he held talks with Stalin. During his visit, Churchill proposed to conclude an Anglo-Soviet agreement on the mutual section of spheres of influence in countries Southeast Europe, which has found support from Stalin. However, despite the compromise reached, it was not possible to sign this document, since the American ambassador to Moscow A. Harriman spoke out against the conclusion of such an agreement. At the same time, the "gentleman" secret deal of Stalin and Churchill about the division of spheres of influence in the Balkans played an important role, as evidenced by the further course of events in this region.

During the winter campaign, 1945 received development Further coordination of hostilities of the Armed Forces of Allies on the Anti-Hitler Coalition.
In early April, the troops of Western allies were successfully surrounded, and then spoiled about 19 enemy divisions in the Rura region. After this operation, the resistance of the Nazis on the Western Front was practically broken.
On May 2, 1945, the troops of the German Group of Army "C" in Italy, in the day (May 4), was signed an act on the delivery of German armed forces in Holland, North-West Germany and Denmark.

In January - early April 1945, as a result of a powerful strategic attack on the entire Soviet-German front forces, the Soviet operating army inflicted a decisive defeat by the main forces of the enemy. During the East Prussian, Visol-Oder, West Carpathian and Completion of Budapest operations, Soviet troops created conditions for further strikes in Pomerania and Silesia, and then for the attack on Berlin. Almost all Poland and Czechoslovakia were liberated, the whole territory of Hungary.

Attempts by new germansky governments May 1, 1945 after suicide A. Hitler headed Gross Admiral K. Denitz, to achieve a separate world with the United States and Great Britain (the signing of the preliminary protocol on the surrender took place in Reims on May 7, 1945) failed. The decisive victories of the Red Army in Europe had a decisive impact on the success of the Crimean (Yalta) conference of managers the USSR, United States and Great Britain (from 4 to 11 February 1945), on which the problems of completing the defeat of Germany and its post-war settlement were agreed. the USSR I confirmed my obligations to join the war with Japan 2-3 months after the end of the war in Europe.

In the course Berlin Operation (April 16 - May 8, 1945) Troops captured about 480 thousand people, a huge number of trophy military equipment and weapons. On May 8, 1945, in the suburbs of Berlin, Carre-Chorst, an act on the unconditional surrender of the Armed Forces was signed fascist Germany. The victorious outcome of the Berlin Operation created favorable conditions for the defeat of the last major grouping of the enemy in the territory of Czechoslovakia and to assist the rebels of Prague. Day of the liberation of the city - May 9 - became a day of victory soviet people above fascism.

The beginning of 1944 was marked by large offensive operations of Soviet troops in the southern and northern sections of the Soviet-German front. Ukraine and Crimea were liberated, 900 days of the blockade of Leningrad were removed.

In the spring of this year, Soviet troops reached the USSR state border for more than 400 km, approached the turns of Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania. Continuing the defeat of the enemy, they began to liberate Eastern Europe. Next to the Soviet soldiers for the freedom of their peoples, part of the 1st Czechoslovak Brigade under the command under the command of L. Freedom and the 1st Polish division were fighting on the territory of the USSR. T. Kestubo under the command of 3. Berling7.

At this time, the allies finally opened the second front in Western Europe. On June 6, 1944, American and British troops landed in Normandy, on the northern coast of France.

The bridgehead between the cities of Cherbourg and Kan occupied 40 divisions with a total number of up to 1.5 million people. Commanded allied forces American General D. Eisenhower. After two and a half months after the landing, the Allies began to promote into the departure of French territory. They were opposed about 60 impact-filled German divisions. At the same time on the occupied territory, the open struggle against german army Deployed the detachments of resistance. On August 19, the rebellion of the German garrison troops began in Paris. Arriving in France with the allies of the Allies General de Gaulle (by that time he was proclaimed by the head of the Provisional Government of the French Republic), fearing the "anarchy" of a mass liberation struggle, insisted that the French tank division lecture was sent to Paris. On August 25, 1944, this division entered into the Paris rebels practically liberated by that time.

Freeing France and Belgium, where in a number of provinces resistance strength also made armed performances against the occupiers, the Allied troops by September 11, 1944 came to the border of Germany.

At the Soviet-German front at this time, the frontal offensive of the Red Army occurred, as a result of which the countries of Eastern and Central Europe were liberated.

Dates and events

Fighting in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe in 1944-1945. 1944

July 17 - Soviet troops crossed the border with Poland; Helm liberated, Lublin; On the liberated territory, the authorities of the new government - the Polish Committee of National Liberation began to be approved.

August 1 - the beginning of the uprising against the occupiers in Warsaw; This presentation, prepared and led by the emigrant government, who was in London, was defeated by the beginning of October, despite the heroism of his participants; By order of the German command, the population was expelled from Warsaw, and the city itself was destroyed.

August 23 - the overthrow of the Magazine of Antonescu in Romania, a week later, Soviet troops joined Bucharest.

september - Soviet troops entered into the territory of Bulgaria. nine

september - Anti-Fascist uprising in Bulgaria, coming to power of the government of the Patriotic Front.

October 6 - Soviet troops and parts of the Czechoslovak Corps have entered the territory of Czechoslovakia.

On October 20 - the troops of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and the Red Army liberated Belgrade.

january - the troops of the Red Army and the Polish troops freed Warsaw. January 29 - Soviet troops switched to the border of Germany in the Poznan area. February 13 - the troops of the Red Army took Budapest.

april - American parts entered the territory of Czechoslovakia.

Analyze the chronicle of events. Determine which military and political forces standing for them participated in the liberation of Eastern and Central Europe.

For liberation european countries Many thousand Soviet soldiers gave life. In Romania, 69 thousand soldiers and officers were killed, in Poland - about 600 thousand, in Czechoslovakia - more than 140 thousand and about the same in Hungary. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in others, including those opposed, armies. They fought on different directions of the front, but were similar in one thing: no one wanted to die, especially in recent months and days of war.

In the course of liberation in Eastern Europe countries, paramount importance acquired the issue of power. The pre-war governments of a number of countries were in emigration and now sought to return to the leadership. But new governments and government bodies appeared on the liberated territories. They were created on the basis of organizations of the national (folk) front arising from the war years as unification of anti-fascist forces. The organizers and the most active participants of the National Fronts were the Communists and Social Democrats. The programs of new governments provided not only the elimination of occupying and reactionary, protashist regimes, but also broad democratic transformations in political life, socio-economic relations. eight.

No matter how the events of the Second World War interpreted now and its history has not been rewriting, the fact remains a fact: freeing the territory of the USSR from the German fascist invaders, the Red Army fulfilled the liberation mission - returned freedom to 11 countries of Central and Southeastern Europe with a population of 113 million people .

At the same time, without challenging the contribution of allies to the victory over German Nazism at the same time, it is obvious that the Soviet Union and its Red Army played the decisive contribution to the liberation of Europe. This is evidenced by the fact that the most fierce battles in 1944-1945, when, finally, on June 6, 1944, the second front was opened, it was still on the Soviet-German direction.

Within the framework of the liberation mission of the Red Army, 9 strategic offensive operations were conducted, the beginning of which was laid by the Yasso-Chisheven (August 20-29, 1944).

In the course of the operations conducted by the Red Army, significant forces of the Wehrmacht were defeated in the territory of European countries. For example, in Poland - over 170 enemy divisions, in Romania - 25 German and 22 Romanian divisions, in Hungary - more than 56 divisions, in Czechoslovakia - 122 divisions.

The beginning of the liberation mission put the recovery on March 26, 1944 State border The USSR and the transition of the Red Army of the Soviet-Romanian border in the River Prut River on the results of the Uman-Botoshanskaya Operation of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. Then the Soviet troops restored a small one - only 85 km - the segment of the border of the USSR.

It is noteworthy that the regiment began to protect the liberated part of the border, whose border guards took the first fight on June 22, 1941. And the next day on March 27, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front passed the Soviet-Romanian border, thereby proceeding to the immediate liberation of Romania from the Nazis .

About seven months, the Red Army liberated Romania - it was the longest stage of the liberation mission. From March to October 1944, over 286 thousand Soviet soldiers were shed here, of which 69 thousand people died.

The meaning of the Nazo-Khishchevsky operation on August 20-29, 1944, in the liberation mission is due to the fact that during it the main forces of the South Ukraine army group were defeated and removed from the war on the side of the Hitler Germany Romania, real prerequisites were created to liberate her Also, as well as other countries of Southeast Europe.

It is noteworthy that the operation itself is called the Yasso-Chisinean Cannes. It was so brilliantly carried out, which testified to the commander talent of the Soviet military leaders who managed this operation, as well as high qualities, including professional and moral, commanders, and, of course, His Majesty is a Soviet soldier.

The Yassevskaya Operation had a great influence on the further course of the war in the Balkans. Although the liberation of Romania itself continued until the end of October 1944, in early September 1944, the Red Army began to liberate Bulgaria. The results of the operation had a demoralizing impact on its then manual. Therefore, on September 6-8, the power in most cities and towns of Bulgaria passed to the Anti-Fascist Domestic Front. On September 8, the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front of General F. Tolbukhina switched to the Romanian-Bulgarian borders and actually without a single shot moved through its territory. On September 9, the release of Bulgaria was completed. Thus, in fact, the liberation mission of the Red Army in Bulgaria was met in two days.

Subsequently, Bulgarian troops participated in hostilities against Germany in Yugoslavia, Hungary and Austria.

Bulgaria's liberation has created prerequisites for the liberation of Yugoslavia. It should be noted that Yugoslavia is one of the few states who dared to challenge the Nazi Germany back in 1941. It is noteworthy that it was here that the most powerful partisan movement in Europe was deployed, which distracted the significant forces of the Nazi German and Collaborationists of Yugoslavia itself. Despite the fact that the territory of the country was occupied, a significant part of it was under the control of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia under the leadership of ITITO. Turning initially to the British for help and not having received her Tito on July 5, 1944 wrote a letter to I.Stalin with the wish that the Red Army helped Noah to expel the fascists.

This became possible in September - October 1944. As a result of the Belgrade offensive operation, the troops of the Red Army in cooperation with the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia defeated the German army group "Serbia", liberated Eastern and North eastern regions Yugoslavia with its capital Belgrade (October 20).

Thus, favorable conditions were created for the preparation and holding of Budapest operation, which began 9 days after the liberation of Belgrade (October 29, 1944) and lasts until February 13.

Unlike Yugoslavia, Hungary, as well as Romania, and Bulgaria, was actually a satellite Nazi Germany. In 1939, she joined the Anti-Comintern Covenant and participated in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, attacking Yugoslavia and the USSR. Therefore, a significant part of the country's population had concerns about the fact that the Red Army would not be released, but to conquer Hungary.

In order to dispel these concerns, the command of the Red Army in a special appeal assured the population that she joins the Hungarian land "Not as a conqueror, but as the liberator of the Hungarian people from the German fascist yoke."

By December 25, 1944, the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts were surrounded in Budapest 188,000-thousand enemy grouping. On January 18, 1945, the eastern part of the city was liberated, and on February 13 - I will.

As a result of another strategic offensive operation - Boloton (March 6 - 15, 1945), the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, with the participation of the 1st Bulgarian and 3rd Yugoslav armies, was defeated by the north of the north. Balaton Grouping of German troops. 195 days the liberation of Hungary continued. As a result of heavy battles and battles, the loss of Soviet troops here amounted to 320,082 people, of which 80,082 are irretrievable.

Even more significant losses, Soviet troops suffered when the liberation of Poland. For her liberation, more than 600 thousand Soviet soldiers gave their lives, 1,416 thousand people were injured, almost half of all the losses of the Red Army under the liberation of Europe.

The liberation of Poland was overshadowed by the actions of the Polish Emigrant Government, initiating the uprising in Warsaw on August 1, 1944.

The rebels were counting on the fact that they would have to fight with police and figs. And I had to fight with experienced front-line and SS troops. The uprising was brutally suppressed on October 2, 1944. Such is the price that I had to pay Polish patriots for the ambitions of politicians.

To the liberation of Poland, the Red Army was able to proceed only in 1945. Polish direction or more precisely, the Warsaw-Berlin direction was the main since the beginning of 1945 and up to the end of the war. Only on the territory of Poland in the modern borders, the Red Army held five offensive operations: Volo-Oderskaya, East Prussian, East Pomeranian, Upper-Silesian and Nizhne-Silesian.

The largest offensive operation in the winter of 1945 was the Vorol-Oder Operation (January 12 - February 3, 1945). Her goal was to complete the liberation of Poland from the fascist occupiers and create favorable conditions for holding a decisive attack on Berlin.

For 20 days of the offensive, the Soviet troops completely defeated 35 enemy divisions, and 25 divisions suffered losses from 60 to 75% of the personnel. An important result of the operation was released on January 17, 1945 by the joint efforts of the Soviet and Polish troops of Warsaw. On January 19, the troops of the 59th and the 60th armies freed Krakow. The Nazis intended to turn the city into the second Warsaw, reinforcing it. Soviet troops rescued architectural monuments of this ancient City. On January 27, Auschwitz was liberated - the largest factory for the destruction of the people who created the Nazis.

The final battle of the Great Patriotic War - the Berlin offensive operation - belongs to the number of the largest and bloody battles of World War II. Here they folded more than 300 thousand soviet soldiers and officers. Do not stop on the analysis of the operation itself, I would like to note a number of facts that emphasize the liberation nature of the Mission of the Red Army.

On April 20, Reichstag's assault was launched - and on the same day, the facilities of the Population of the Population of the Population of the Population of the Population of the Population of the Population of the Berlin were deployed. Yes, the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed, but Germany itself, today, Germany barely considers himself a loser side.

On the contrary, for Germany - it was the liberation from Nazism. And if you conduct an analogy with the events of another great war - the first world, when in 1918 Germany was actually put on his knees, then it is obvious here that, according to the results of the Second World War, Germany, although it was divided, nevertheless he was not humiliated and she It was not covered by unbearable reparations, as was the results of the Versailles Agreement.

Therefore, despite the entire severity of the situation after 1945, the fact that more than half a century in Europe " cold War"So not transformed into the" hot "third world, it seems to be a consequence of decisions taken on the Potsdam Conference and their implementation in practice. Well, of course, the liberation mission of our Red Army also contributed to this.

The main result of the final operations of the Red Army on the territory of a number of Central, Southeast and Northern Europe countries was the restoration of their independence and state sovereignty. Military success of the Red Army provided political conditions in order to active participation The USSR was created by the Yalta-Potsdam system of international legal relations, which determined the world orders for many decades, guaranteed the irrevocability of borders in Europe.

Bocarnikov Igor Valentinovich
(From the speech at the International Scientific Conference "Yaszo-Chisinau Operation: Myths and Realits" September 15, 2014).

Liberation of the countries of Southeast and Central Europe

Transported by S. V., Volkov V. A.

During 1944-1945 on the final stage The Great Patriotic War, the Red Army liberated the peoples of Southeast and Central Europe from the totalitarian regimes of their own rulers and the German occupying troops.The Red Army was assisted in the liberation of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria and Norway (FinMark Province).

Liberation Romania happened mainly as a resultYaszo-Chisinau strategic offensive operation. It was held from 20 to 29 August 1944 by the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts with the assistance of the forces Black Sea Fleet and Danube military flotilla. The operation participated 91 divisions in the amount of 1 million 315 thousand people. The Red Army as a result of the Sassene-Chisinau operation defeated the main forces of the South Ukraine Army Group, destroyed 22 German and almost all Romanian divisions, located on the Soviet-German front. Moldova was liberated and the Royal Romania was removed from the fascist block.

The losses of the Red Army and Fleet in the Yas-Chisinau operation amounted to 13,200 people killed, 54 thousand wounded and sick. The loss of military equipment amounted to: 75 tanks and self-propelled-artillery plants, 108 guns and mortars, 111 aircraft, 6,200 small arms units. In total, with the liberation of Romania, the Red Army lost about 70,000 people killed.

In the liberation of Bulgaria, the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front took part, about 260 thousand people with a number. The Bulgarian army of combat actions against the troops of the Red Army did not led. On September 5, 1944, the Soviet Union broke the diplomatic relations with Bulgaria and announced the state of the war between the USSR and Bulgaria. The Red Army joined the territory of Bulgaria. September 6, Bulgaria appealed to Soviet Union With a request for truce. On September 7, Bulgaria decided to break his relations with Germany, and on September 8, 1944 declared the war in Germany. In Sofia, as a result, the September uprising of the people came to power the government of the Patriotic Front. The Red Army in connection with this stopped on September 9 hostilities in Bulgaria.

In Yugoslavia, from September 28 to October 20, 1944, a Belgrade Strategic Offensive Operation was held in the Red Army. It was attended by the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian and 2nd Ukrainian fronts together with the parts of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and the troops of the Russian Front of Bulgaria. Danube military flotilla also participated in the operation. The total number of troops of the Red Army in the Belgrade operation - 300,000 people. As a result of the Belgrade operation, the Red Army in close cooperation with the partisan army Marshal Tito defeated the Army group "Serbia". The Germans lost 19 divisions, more than 100,000 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed and captured. On October 20, 1944, Belgrade was released. The front of the German troops on the Balkan Peninsula was overloaded by more than 200 km, the main communication of Thessaloniki-Belgrade is cut, which forced the German command to hastily allocate troops from the south of the Balkan Peninsula on mountain and hard-to-reach roads, which were controlled by Yugoslavian partisans.

The liberation of Poland occurred as a result of the second stage of the Belarusian operation, Lviv-Sandomir, Vorol-Oder and East-Pomeranian strategic offensive operations.From the second half of 1944 to April 1945 The territory of Poland from the German troops was completely cleared. The Red Army defeated most of the troops of the Army Group "Center", the Army Group "Northern Ukraine" and the Army Group "Vistula".

Over 3.5 million people participated in Poland's liberation operations. In the continued over 9 months of battles, about 170 enemy divisions were defeated. With the liberation of Poland, the Red Army and the Polish army lost 265,000 people killed in combat offensive operations, 850,000 people were wounded and patients. The loss of military equipment and weapons amounted to: 5 163 tanks and self-propelled-artillery installations, 4,711 guns and mortars, 2,116 aircraft, 286 thousand small arms units. Freeing Poland, the Red Army and the Polish army came out to Oder and to the coast of the Baltic Sea, creating the conditions for a wide attack on Berlin.

The liberation of Czechoslovakia followed as a result of the East Carpathian, West Carpathian and Prague strategic offensive operations.The East Carpathian operation was conducted from September 8 to October 28, 1944. Participated in the operations of the 4th and 1st Ukrainian fronts in the amount of 33 divisions with 363,000 people. The purpose of the operation was to help the Slovak national uprising and the liberation of the territory of Czechoslovakia. The 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps as part of 15 thousand people took part in the operation. The Red Army defeated the army group of troops of the enemy "Heinritzi", and, overcoming the Carpathians, joined Czechoslovakia. Having touched a significant part of the enemy's troops, the Red Army assisted as Slovak's uprising.

The West Carpathian operation was conducted from January 12 to February 18, 1945. The troops of the 4th and 2nd Ukrainian fronts as part of 60 divisions, a number of 482,000 people. The 1st and 4th Romanian Army and the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps took part in the operation. As a result of the West Carpathian operation, most of Slovakia and the southern regions of Poland were released.

The final operation of the Red Army in Europe was the Prague strategic offensive operation, which was conducted from 6 to 11 May 1945 by the troops of the 1st, 4th and 2nd Ukrainian fronts, with a number of 151 divisions in the amount of 1 million 770 thousand people. The 2nd Army of Polish Troops took part in the operation. 1st and 4th Romanian Army, 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps with a total number of 260,000 people. During the rapid occurrence of the 1st, 4th and 2nd Ukrainian fronts, Czechoslovakia and its capital Prague was liberated, the 860-thousand group of the enemy's troops was eliminated, which continued resistance after signing the act of surrender to Germany. On May 11, parts of the Red Army met with the advanced parts of the American army.

With the liberation of Czechoslovakia, 122 enemy divisions were defeated, 858,000 people were captured. The troops of the Red Army and their allies on the Soviet-German front lost about 140,000 people killed.

Hungary's liberation was achieved mainly during the Budapest and Vienna Strategic Offensive Operations. Budapest operation was conducted from October 29, 1944 to February 13, 1945 by the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts and the Danube military flotilla. As part of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, the 1st and 4th Romanian army acted. In the Budapest operation from the Red Army, 52 divisions participated, with a number of 720 thousand people. As a result, the Budapest operation, Soviet troops liberated the central regions of Hungary and its capital Budapest. A 190 thousand enemy grouping was surrounded and destroyed, more than 138,000 people were captured.

The losses of the Red Army amounted to 80,000 people killed and 240,000 wounded and sick. Losses of military equipment and weapons: 1,766 tanks and self-propelled-artillery installations, 4,127 guns and mortars, 293 aircraft, 135 thousand small arms units,

Hungary was removed from the war on the side of Germany.With the end of Budapest operation, significant forces were released and favorable conditions were created for the development of the offensive in Czechoslovakia and Austria,

The liberation of Austria occurred during the Vienna Strategic Offensive Operation, which was held from March 16 to April 15, 1945 by the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, part of the forces of the 2nd Ukrainian Front and the Danube Military Flotilla. 61 Divisions of the Red Army, 645,000 and the 100-thousand 1st Bulgarian Army, participated in the operation for the liberation of Eastern districts of Austria.

During the rapid offensive, Soviet troops defeated the main forces of the German group of Army "South" and were completely freed from the German troops of Hungary, the southern regions of Czechoslovakia and the eastern part of Austria with its capital Vienna. In Austria, 32 German divisions were defeated, 130,000 people were captured.

The losses of the Red Army and the 1st Bulgarian Army under the liberation of Austria amounted to 41,000 killed, 137,000 wounded and sick. Losses of military equipment and armaments: 603 tanks and self-propelled-artillery installations, 764 guns and mortars, 614 aircraft, 29,000 small arms units.

The successful attack in the Viennese direction and the exit of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front to the eastern regions of Austria accelerated the liberation of Yugoslavia.

The liberation of the northern regions of Norway was achieved as a result of the Petsamo-Kirkenes strategic offensive operation, held from October 7 to 29, 1944.The operation was carried out by the troops of the Karelian Front and the forces of the Northern Fleet, the total number of 133,500 people.

As a result of active hostilities, the troops of the 14th Army in cooperation with the 7th air army and the Northern Fleet in the harsh conditions of the Polar region were defeated by the enemy and liberated the occupied part of the Murmansk region, Petsamo district (Pechengi) and the northern regions of Norway, including the city of Kirkenes . Thus, it was assisted by the Norwegian people and the movement of the Norwegian resistance in the defeat of the remnants of the troops of the German Wehrmacht. As a result of the Petsamo-Kirkenes strategic offensive operation, German troops lost in the area of \u200b\u200bPetsamo and Northern Norway, the 19th Mining and Rifle Corps, with a number of 23,000 people. The losses of the troops of the Red Army and the fleet amounted to 6,084 people killed and 15 149 people were injured.

Mastering the units of the Red Army and the Northern Fleet Petsamo and Kirkenes abruptly limited the actions of the German fleet on the Northern Marine Communications and deprived Germany's supplies of strategically important nickel ore.

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