Existing characters. The acting characters Edmond finds a treasure, giving smugglers

On February 27, 1815, a trip-mahl ship "Pharaoh" is returned to Marseille from the next navigation. Captain Leekler was not destined to stand on his native land: he died from the warmth of the open sea. The young sailor Edmond Danced accepted the command, fulfilling the other will of the captain: "Pharaoh" enters the island of Elba, where Dantes transfers the package received from the hands of a lecturer, Marshal Berran and meets with the Opt Emperor himself. Dantesu is awarded a letter that should be delivered to Paris, Mr. Nārier - one of the conspirators who are preparing to return to the throne of Napoleon.

The owner of Pharaoh Morril offers Dantesu officially join the post of captain of the ship. The Jewish Judge of the Judge Company of the ship company Danglar decides to remove Dantes. Together with the retired soldier, and now with a simple fisherman Fernal Mondego, who competes with Dantes for the right to marry the beauty of Mercedes, and the tailor cadruss, who entered Edmon's father during the sailing, Douglars comprises an anonymous letter to the assistant Prosecutor of Marseille de Wilfore. The meaning of the denunciation: Dantes is a secret agent of Bonapartists. At the interrogation of Dantes without a rustle, everything was as it was, tells Wilfor about his visit to Elbe. No crime composition; Vilor is ready to let go of the Arrestant, but by reading the letter Marshal Berran, realizes: happiness and life itself depend on this champion of the case. After all, the addressee, Mr. Nurtier, a dangerous conspirator, is his father! Little to burn a damned letter, you need to get rid of Dantes, who can unwittingly announce this story - and as a result, De Villegor will lose not only the place, but also the hands of his bride Rene de Saint-Meran (she is the daughter of the old royalist; G-O Norytier, his relationship with the fiance for them is mystery). Dantes sentenced to life imprisonment in the castle of the IF, a political prison among the sea, not far from Marseille ...

Pass five years. Dantes is close to despair, he decides to die a hungry death. Suddenly somehow in the evening until his hearing comes a deaf grop over the wall. He is not alone here, someone clearly digs a LAZ in the direction of his dungeon. Edmond is taken to dig counter tunnel. Many days of work are rewarded by the joy of meeting with a comrade in misfortune. Abbot Faria is so calling the prisoner from the next chamber - spent four years in the castle of IF for four years longer Dantes. Roy His Norah, he hoped to get through to the outer wall of the prison, jump into the sea and run to the will climb. Alas, he was mistaken in the calculations! Edmond comforts Abbot: They are now two, it means that they can continue with dual energy started. Abbot's forces on the outcome, soon - when to save the hand to the hand, he is seriously ill. Before the death, he devotes Dantes to the secret of the inconspicuous treasure, hidden by Cardinal downturn on the island of Monte Cristo three hundred years ago.

The abbot's body into his cell, Dantes hides in the bag, which was put dead. In the morning, without noticing the substitution, he was thrown into the sea - so bury the inhabitants of the IF Castle since the prison grounds. Edmond saved! His smugglers pick it up. One of them, Jakopo, becomes a faithful companion Dantes. After a few months, Edmond finally reaches Monte Cristo. The treasures of Abbot Faria are truly inconspicable.

For many years, the lack of Dantes in the fate of those who were wondered in his suffering, there were also significant changes, Fernan Mondego retired to the general (now his name is Count de Morser). Mercedes became his wife and gave him a son. Danglah is a rich banker. De Villefort - Royal Prosecutor. Cadruss spread with a needle and tailor scissors and contains a rural restaurant. ... God sends a strange guest to Kadruss. Abbot Buzoni, according to his words, confessed by the dying Edmon Dantes, must fulfill the last will of the deceased. Dantes handed him a diamond, the money from the sale of which should be divided into five parts: Mercedes, Danglara, Fernun, Kadruss, and Old Man Dantesu. Kadruss is blinded by the radiance of diamond. He tells the Abbot of Buzoni that Dantes was stipulated by those who decided to enroll that Mercedes did not save loyalty to him. Yes, he, Kadruss witnessed the writing of the denunciation - but what could he do! Danglah and Fernan would kill him in place, call him about the non-deposition of their maliciousness! As for the old Dantez, he did not have enough strength to move the blow of fate (in reality the Kadrussa abstent him to the thread, and Edmon's father died with hunger). He, he, Kadruss, is the only heir to poor Dantes! Abbot Buzoni hands the diamond cadruss and the next morning disappears ...

At the same time, Lord Wilmore, Agent of the Bancircraft House Thomson and Frenc, is Lord Wilmore. He asks for permission to view the investigative case of Pharia Abbat, who deceased in IF prison. There is also an order: pay the debts of Mr. Morröl, the owner of the ship company standing on the verge of collapse. The last hope of Morrole was on his flagship - three-mahth "pharaoh", but he is about evil rock! - driving in shipwreck. Wilmore Hands Morril bill on a six-digit amount, draws up a delay for three months. But what can be done for three months! On the day, when the delay expires, the daughter of Morröl receives a letter by signing "Sinbad-Sea-Major" with an address where it will find a wallet intended for its adestrators. In the wallet - the check on the debt of the Morlam and the diamond of the magnitude of the walnut: the dowry Mademoiselle Morrilla. All that happened like a fairy tale: But this is not enough. In the Marseille port, the whole and uncructable enters all the sails "Pharaoh"! The city is the witness of this miracle. A smile looks at the rusting sailboat and Lord Wilmore, he is Abbot Buzoni, he is the Count Monte Cristo, he is Edmon Dantes: "Be happy, a noble man! This happiness is deserved! .. And now - goodbye, people's humanity! May the god of otchshi give me a place in order for me to shook the villains! .. "with documents from your investigative business, kept with the case of Abbot Faria, Edmond leaves Marseille ...

The young Paris Aristocrat Baron Franz d'Epine, going on the carnival in Rome, was removed to visit the legendary Elbe. However, it changes its route: the ship sails past Monte Cristo Island, where, according to rumors, it lives in a fabulous palace, called himself by Sinbad-South-hour. The owner of the island takes Franz with such a welcome and luxury, which, it seems, and did not dream of anyone from the powerful inhabitants of the Earth. In Rome, Franz suddenly meets Sinbad, living in one with him a hotel under the name of Count Monte Cristo. Franz's friend Viscount Albert de Morsser captured by robbers from the gang of the terrible horror on the residents of Rome Ataman Luigi Vamp. Count Monte Cristo saves Alberta: "Ataman, you have violated our agreement, my friend's friend is my friend." Vamp in confusion, he strictly reports to his thugs: "We are all obliged to collapse with life! How could you act so rashly! " Albert invites the graph to visit Paris and be his honorable guest.

In the capital (where the count did not appear), Albert introduces him to his friends, including Morrielian's son. This acquaintance deeply agitated the graph - no less excited and young Morrot, having learned that the count enjoys the services of the Tomson bank house and Frenc, who saved the lives of their family.

Count Monte-Cristo acquires several apartments in Paris and a house in Otile, on Fontin Street, 28, previously owned by Marquis de Saint-Meran. Managing Count, Berticcho, perceives moving them to this house as an evil rock. Many years ago, he witnessed how De Vilhor was dripped in the garden at home his father-in-law of a newborn baby - an extramarital son from an unknown lady, Berrtico hurried to dig up the box - the baby was still alive. Berrtico's daughter-in-law brought up the boy to whom they gave the name Benedetto. Employee of eminent parents rose to the path unjust and landed for the grille. But this is just one of two terrible stories hidden by Berticcho from the graph. In June 1829, he stopped in the cadrouse restaurant - the next day after Abbot Buzoni visited (Berrticcho does not recognize that Abbot, who rescued him a long time ago, and the graph is one person). Diamond Abbot Kadruss sold for 45 thousand francs a reliable jeweler, yes, on the same night he stabbed him. Now Kadruss - where Berrtuccio had a chance to visit and the hard work. Count is sure that this is not the last drop in the bowl, which the cadruss must be pitched; As for Benedetto - if he is alive, he will serve as weapons of God's kara ...

The city is full of rumors about the mysterious graph and his wealth. In the bank of Dangra, the Count opens the "unlimited loan". Danghar questioned the possibility of the graph: there are borders everything in the world. The graph is illuminated: "For you - maybe, but not for me." - "My checkout has not yet thought!" - Danghar is vulnerable. "In this case, I am the first to whom it is to", "the count promises him. Monte Cristo comes closer not only with Danglah, who did not find out the poor Edmon in it, but also with the family of De Villegor. The graph conquers the location of Mrs. De Vilhorph: the servant of Count Ali saved from the accident of her and the son of Wilfor from Marriage with her (Wilfora also has a daughter from the first marriage - Valentina, connected by the Uza love with Maximillian Morlame, but a forced relative to marriage with Franz D ' Epina). As if fate herself widespread the door in front of the Cristo-Cristo County in the houses of his sworn enemies, reports to him about their other victims. Pupid Dantes-Monte Cristo Daughter Pasha Janina Warrant Beautiful Hayde (in Paris there are rumors that she is a mistress of the graph) will find out in the man's opera, who gave the Turks for two thousand Gold wallets, the fortress, who defended the city, where her father was ruled, and the hede of twelve The girl sold to slavery Turkish Sultan. This man was called Fernan Mondego; Now he knows as Count de Morser, Lieutenant-General, a member of the chamber of peers. The guide was redeemed by Monte Cristo at Sultan, the count was revengent to take revenge on whom she died her father and languishes in captivity she herself. He is not surprised by Nimalo that this scoundrel - Fernan: who betrayed once risks to remain a traitor to the end.

Luxurious lunch in Monte Cristo's house. The first strikes prepared by the graph with their offenders. Willfore is pale, when the count informs all guests that the skeleton of the baby is found in the garden, buried alive at the same owner. Danglah knows that, playing on the stock exchange, from suffered losses in the amount of over a million francs (the graph placed false information about the coup in Spain in the newspaper, and Danglah hurried to get rid of the shares of the Madrid Bank). Villegor notifies Mrs. Danghar, that the count apparently is dedicated to their mystery: an unfortunate child was their illegitimate son. "You buried my child alive! God, it's your revenge! " - Ms. Danglah exclaims. "No, the revenge is still waiting for us, and it will be done by the mysterious Count Monte Cristo!" Vilor is taken to know all the truth about the column; But in Paris, Abbot Buzoni and Lord Wilmore reported to him very controversial information. The graph not only remains unrecognized, playing these two roles, but also confuses the traces. A young man named Andrei Kavalkanti appears in Paris (one count that shook him generous, it is known that this is a cable shop Benedetto). Immediately, as from under the Earth, the Kadruss, assuring Benedetto, is growing, that he is his offspring, and luring money from the young resentment to the threat of a brilliant career who has discovered before him. Cavalkanti-Benedetto de Vilhor is forced to obey: he put an eye on the daughter of Dangara, a girl with a rich dowry. Isn't it better - he suggests Kadrussa - a pretty shake count, how to pull the money from him, which the madrod of Monte Cristo is preserved? Kadruss climbs into the house of the graph - and faces face to face with Abbot Buzoni. The old convict betrayed the young; He writes under the dictation of the Abbot letter to the Dangra, explaining who in practice is it without five minutes. Leaving the house of Count Monte Cristo, Kadruss is attacked by Benedetto's knife. Before he emits the Spirit, Abbot gives him to make sure that he, Monte Cristo and Edmon Dantes - one face ...

The hail of misfortunes rushes on the head of De Wilfore: one after another suddenly dying his father-in-law and a mother-in-law, then the old lacquer who drove the lemonade from a decanter in the room of his father Noryatier. The doctor comes to the conclusion: they were all poisoned. The criminal lives in this house. All Wilfora's Chelyau immediately asks for resignation. The case gets a wide publication. And here - a new blow: Nuording frustles Valentina's wedding and Franz d'Epina (he promised it with his beloved granddaughter). In Sertier's secretreter, a document is stored, standing that in February 1815 he killed in the honest match of General de Kenel, Baron D'Epina, who did not wish to join the Bonapartist stations.

Now - Fernana's turn. In the Chamber of Peters Scandal: newspapers published a message about its low behavior at the time of the siege to the Turks of the Fortress of Janine. At the hearing in the ward comes guide and places documents to the pen, which confirm: all this is true, the situation of General de Morser in society bought the price of betrayal. Albert de Morser raises a count on a duel, joining his father, but after he opens the whole truth about Fernan Mondoga, asks Dantes for forgiveness. He begs about this Edmon and Mrs. de Morser, still loving his Mercedes. Count accepts Albert's apologies; On the same day, they leave Paris and Mother. The Morser repeats the son's call, but after the Count Monte Cristo opens his true name, the generally joined the bullet in the forehead.

Danglah on the verge of ruin. He has to pay all the new bills, with whom trusted persons of the graph come to him. His last hope is that it will be possible to make a decent party of the daughter: young cavalcanti - Monte Cristo, and the hand of the giving hand is unlikely to attend. Thunder among the clear sky is heard after the signing of a marriage contract word from the letter of Cadrus: "Andrea Kavalkanti - a runaway convict!" Eugene leaves Paris. Dangara has no daughter or money. He leaves a farewell note to his wife ("I let you go, what I got married: with money, but without good reputation") and runs where the eyes look. Andrea-Benedetto is running and hoping to cross the border; But he is stopped by gendarmes. In court, he reports: His father - Prosecutor de Villepho!

The last, the most terrible blow of fate in the heart of De Wilfora: Valentine poisoned. He has no more doubt: the killer is his wife, such a terrible way mined the inheritance for himself and his son (the old man of Noryaty is the only heir to the granddaughter). De Vilor threatens his wife as a scaffold. In despair, Ms. De Vilor takes poison and poisoning the boy: "A good mother does not throw a child for whom she has become a criminal." Villegor deprives reason; Stray in the garden of the house of Count Monte Cristo, he digs the graves in one, in another place ...

Act of Retribution has accomplished. Wilor moon. Kadruss and Fernan are dead. Danglah was captured by the robbers from the gang of Luigi Vamp and spends the last money for bread and water: thugs sell him a pump for a thousand francs, and everything in his pocket he has less than fifty thousand. Count Monte Cristo gives him life and freedom. Sent on one night, Douglar keeps the existence of a beggar.

Evil punished. But why did the young Valentine de Villepho burned down in his flame, not a shared father and stepmother? What should the whole life be grieved about her Maximillian Morrilla - the son of one who has made attempts for many years in a row to rescue Dantes from prison? Leaving Paris, the graph commits a miracle of Valentina's resurrection. Her death was staged by him in the community with an old man Nauriant: terrible poison was neutralized by a miraculous medicine - one of the generous gifts of Abbot Faria.

Returning to the island of Monte Cristo, giving happiness to Maximillian and Valentine, Edmon Dantes, Martyr Castle IF and the Parisian Angel of the Great, leaves young people a letter sounding and as his confession, and how to have two pure hearts: "There is no happiness in the world misfortune. Everything is relative. Only the one who suffered immensely, is able to experience bliss. It is necessary to feel the taste of death in order to get enough life with pleasure. All wisdom is in a nutshell: wait and hope! .. "


Count Monte Cristo
Le Comte De Monte Cristo

historical novel, adventure novel

Alexander Duma Father

Original language:


Speech Date:
The date of the first publication:


Text of the work in Wikitek

This term also has other meanings, see Count Monte Cristo (values).

See also: Monte Cristo

Count Monte Cristo (Fr. Le Comte De Monte Cristo) - Adventure Roman Alexandra Duma, the classics of French literature, written in 1844-45. The name of his hero, the writer came up with a trip to the Mediterranean Sea when he saw Montecristo Island and heard the legend of the buried treasures buried there. The author just changed the name of the island just a bit. The effect of the novel occurs in 1815-29 and 1838.

  • 1 plot
    • 1.1 Conclusion in prison
    • 1.2 Prison Escape
    • 1.3 Return
    • 1.4 revenge
  • 2 characters
  • 3 Success Romana
  • 4 Interesting facts
    • 4.1 Prototype Hero
    • 4.2 Carelessness of the plot
  • 5 continued novel
    • 5.1 Roman Last payment
    • 5.2 Roman Lord of the world (Adolf Mutcelburg)
    • 5.3 Movie Son Monte Cristo (1940, USA)
  • 6 Similar scenes of other authors
  • 7 E-shielding
  • 8 Theater performances
  • 9 in music
  • 10 Notes
  • 11 literature
  • 12 Links

Conclusion in prison
Castle IF

The main character of the novel - Marseille sailor Edmon Dantes from the ship Pharaoh. During one of the flights, he went to the island of Elba, where he met with Marshal Bertran (later it was said that with Muyt), who instructs him to deliver a letter to Paris. This Edmond fulfills the last will of the Captain Pharaoh shortly before this captain.

When arriving in Marseille, the owner of the ship Morril wants to appoint Dantes Captain, and Edmond himself is going to marry Mercedes, a resident of the neighboring fishing village of Catalana.

However, her cousin Fernian also wants to marry her Mercedes, and the accountant from Pharaoh Danglar, whom Edmond suspects in fraud, fears for his place. They both and the neighbor Dantes are envious tailor cadruss, are found in the tavern, where Danghara ripens a plan to convey to Edmon that that Bonapartist agent. He writes with his left hand an anonymous letter to the Royal Prosecutor, but Kadruss against slander. Danglah declares that this is a joke, but knowing that Fernan is in love with Mercedes, does not destroy, but throws the denunciation to the corner. Fernan, brought to despair with the words of Danglara, decides to eliminate the enemy and delivers a letter to the mail.

Dantes are arrested during his engagement with Mercedes. Kadruss sees and understands everything, but he is silent because it is afraid to be mixed in political matter. Dantes deliver to the Assistant of the Royal Prosecutor Wilfor, who tries to be honest in doing business. After making sure the innocence of Dantes, he is already going to let go of the arrested, but then he learns that a person who Dance should have delivered a letter to his father, Bonapartist Noryatier. Vilor understands that this fact, he is known, can destroy his career, and decides to sacrifice Edmon in this situation. He burns the letter, and Dantes without a court and the investigation sends in conclusion in the castle of IF. Wilgor is hurried to Paris himself and warns Louis XVIII about the preparing coup.

Edmond Dantes after a few years in prison decides to commit suicide and begins to throw away food into the window. But a few days later, being almost with death, he suddenly hears strange tapping near his cameras. Dantes begins to dig a counter subtop and gets acquainted with the Pharya-Italian scientist-clergy, who is considered crazy, because he constantly talks about the existence of a multi-million dollander, whose location is known only to him alone. The personality of Abbot Faria is a great impression on Dantes. This man is already very old, full of love for life and hope. He worries tirelessly, even being in conclusion, writes scientific works, manufactures tools, steadily prepares escape. After hearing the story of a young man, Faria is restores the course of events and reveals Dantes the reason and the perpetrators of his conclusion. Then Dantes gives a terrible oath to take revenge on his enemies. He asks Abbat to become his teacher in sciences and mentor in life.

Main characters of 1815 Danglar Fernand Cadruss Mercedes Escape from prison
Abbot Faria in 1822

Edmond Dantes and Abbot Faria together are preparing to run. But when everything is already ready, Faria has a seizure, as a result of which paralysis is striking the right side of his body. Dantes refuses to run alone and remains with the abbot. Both find consolation in daily communication, and Abbot continues to teach Edmon Sciences and Foreign Languages. In addition, Faria opens him the mystery of the treasure, buried on Monte Cristo Island. This secret of Faria opened, serving the librarian at the descendant of Cardinal recession, who hid his wealth from the greed of Pope Alexander VI and his son Caesar Bordjia. Testament Cardinal Downturn

After the next seizure, the abbot dies. The warders are stitching the dead man in the bag, going to bury in the evening. Dantes, who came to say goodbye to the deceased friend, illuminates the idea, he transfers the body of the abbot into his chamber, and himself occupies his place (stems, and then sashing the bag with the help of tools made by the abbat). As the dead man thrown it into the sea. It is hardly selected from the bag and wipes to the neighboring island. In the morning, local smugglers pick it up. Dantes made friends with new comrades, and the captain appreciated him as a skilled seaman. Once upon freedom, Dantes finds out that he has stayed in prison for 15 years.

The island of Monte Cristo is uninhabited, and smugglers use it as a transit point. Dantes, pretending to be ill, remains on the island, where he finds a treasure. Return

Dantes, becoming rich, did not forget those who made him good.

He said to comrades, he said that he received inheritance, and generously awarded everyone.

Then, Edmond begins his own investigation to find out what happened after his arrest and disappearance with his father, bride, friends and enemies. Under the guise of a priest who performs the last will of the late Dantes, supposedly the diamond of his friends-Kadruss, Fernun, Danglara and Mercedes, visits Kadruss, who broke up in his craft of the tailor and is now holding a restaurant in an insecurity place. Kadruss's disadvantaged with greed of caution and tells Edmone all the truth about his arrest and about everything that happened after that: about the despair of Mercedes and Dantes father, who eventually died of hunger, the nobility of the shipowner of the Morrel, who tried to fight for the release of Dantes and supported His father. In addition, Kadruss said that Mercedes became his Fernan's wife, and the former owner of Dantes Mr. Morrill is almost ruined, while Douglare and Fernan are now rich, rotate in the Higher Paris Light (Fernan became General, Graph de Morser, Pyr France, and Dougur The banker millionaire who received the title of Barona) and, apparently, happy. On the question about Wilpore, he is responsible indefinitely, as he knew him only by participating in Dantes, he could only notify that Wilfore in Marseille no more. Dantes after escape from the castle IF

Edmond Dantes returns to Marseille, where he learns that his former owner and a friend Armator Morril is almost ruined. All his hopes are to return with the load of Pharaoh, the ship itself, on which Dantes sometimes floated. But it comes to the news of the death of Pharaoh in a storm (although the team and the captain miraculously saved). Dantes learns about this when, under the guise of the Agent of the Bankir House-lender, Morröl comes to the most armator. On behalf of his bankers, Dantes gives Morrile the last deferment. But the delay comes to an end, and Morrilla cannot pay. To avoid shame, he wants to commit suicide, but at the last moment he is reached by redeemed bills, and the port enters the port of New Pharaoh. Morrilla and his family are saved. Dantes watches them from issued. He closed thanks and now ready to revenge with his enemies.

Characters 1829 Armator Morril Accountant Coconus Kadruss, Carkonta, Abbot Buzoni Instructors Carkonta Slave Ali Revenge

It takes nine years. Edmon Dantes replaces the mysterious and eccentric Count Monte Cristo. This is not the only image created by Edmon, he is known under the names of Lord Wilmora, Abbot Buzoni and others. And Italian robbers and smugglers, whom he managed to unite and subordinate to their power, like many sailors and travelers, know him under the name of Sinbada Morleod. Over the past years, he managed to visit all corners of the world and significantly replenish his education; In addition, he learned how to master the manipulation of people. He owns a high-speed vessel, and in the caves of the island of Monte Cristo, his underground palace is hidden, where he is happy to take travelers.

Under the guise of Count Monte Cristo Dantes enters the French Higher Society, which he intrigues and admires his wealth and an unusual way of life; He has a mute servant-Nubian Ali (my dog, my slave. If he breaks his duty, I will not run it, I will kill him), and the former Corsican smuggler Giovanni Burtuccio, who has his own bills with Wilor, has become Royal prosecutor of Paris. In addition, the graph contains the slave of the guide (to which he first refers to her daughter) - the daughter of the treacherously killed by Fernal Pasha Ali-Tebelin.

Now he gradually begins to carry out his place of revenge. Considering that the death of his enemies would be an insufficient fee for his suffering, as well as examining herself as a tool of divine justice, the tool of providence, he began to strike his victims; As a result, the disgraced Fernan, from which the wife and the Son left, will commit suicide, Villefort loses his whole family and goes crazy, and Dougur ruins and forced to flee from France. In Italy, the robbers submitted by Monte Cristo captured; They take away from him the last remnants of a huge state. But the count is already tired of the revenge - in the last days, he realized that he had repeatedly to those who were criminals, he had caused irreparable harm to many innocent, and the consciousness of this fell a serious burden on his conscience. Therefore, he lets the Douglara to freedom and even allows him to preserve fifty thousand francs.

At the end of the novel, the count floats along with the guide on the ship, leaving the island of Monte Cristo with his underground panels and tremendous wealth as a gift from the son of Morrole Maximilian and his beloved - Valentine de Villeph, the daughter of the prosecutor.

    Characters 1838: Par General Morser

    prosecutor Vilorph

    bonapartist Nārtie

    Valentina de Vilorph

    manager Berticcho

    greek Albank Hayde


The novel contains a large number of characters, the main of which are described below.

  • Edmond Dantes.- The main character, a sailor, unfairly imprisoned. After escape becomes rich, noble and famous under the name
    count Monte Cristo. Also used names:
    abbot Buzoni.,
    lord Wilmore,
    malthian Dzackeon,
    Syndbad Seaido..

  • Abbot Faria- Comrade Edmon Dantes on the conclusion, a monk, who opened him the secret of the treasure on Monte Cristo Island.

  • Fernand Mondego- Cousin Mercedes, a fisherman who wants to marry her. Later is the lieutenant-general,
    count de Morser and Pyr France.

  • Mercedes Errera- The Bride Edmon Dantes, later who became his wife Fernana.

    • Albert de Morser- Son of Fernana and Mercedes.

  • Danland- Accountant on Pharaoh, filed an idea of \u200b\u200ba denunciation on Dantes, later becomes a baron and a wealthy banker.

    • Ermina Dangar"The wife of Douglars, in the past widow of the Marquis de Nagragon and the lover of the Royal Prosecutor de Villepho, who is fond of stock game. Biological mother

    • Eugene Dangar- Daughter's daughter Dougur, dreaming of becoming an independent artist.

  • Gerard de Vilorph- Assistant Prosecutor Marseille, after became the royal prosecutor of Paris. Biological father

    • Rene de Saint Meran- First wife Wilfora, Valentina's mother, daughter
      marquis and Marquis de Saint Meran.

    • Eloise de Villefort- The second wife of the royal prosecutor, ready for all sake of her son Edoara.

    • Nuording de Vilorph- Father of the Royal Prosecutor, the former Jacobin and Senator Napoleon, Chairman of the Bonapartist Club, later divided by paralysis. Despite this, he thinks, he wishes he acts.

    • Valentina de Vilorph- The eldest daughter of Wilfore from the first marriage, the rich heiress, actually the nurse with his grandfather, the beloved Maximilian Morrél.

    • Eduar de Vilorph- The juvenal son of the royal prosecutor from the second marriage, spoiled and cruel child.

  • Gaspar Kadruss- Dantes neighbor, at the beginning of the tailor, and later the innkeeper. Some time was a smuggler, later became an accomplice of murder, fugitive from the cortica.

  • Giovanni Bertuccho- Managing Count Monte Cristo, who was deleted from the affairs of the Corsican smuggler, a receiving father Benedetto.

  • Benedetto- Fugitives from the cortical, the illegitimate son of the Royal Prosecutor and the Baroneles Danglah. Was known in Paris society as a viscount
    Andrea Kavalkanti.

  • Pierre Morriet- Marseille, the owner of the ship Pharaoh, the benefactor of Dantes.

    • Maximilian Morriet- Son Pierre Morriel, Captain Spoy, Protege of Count Monte Cristo.

    • Julie Morril (Erbo)- daughter Pierre Morröl.

    • Emmanuel Erbo- Husband Juli.

    • Penelon"The old Boatswie Pharaoh helps Dantesu, when he saves Pierre Morriel from bankruptcy and shame. After serving the sea becomes a gardener from Julie and Emmanuel Erbo.

    • Cocles- Treasurer of Pierre Morré, who remained faithful to the end. Then he became a gatekeeper from Jules and Emmanuel Erbo.

  • Dr. Davrignia- Family doctor of Vilorphors, the first suspecting the terrible secret of this family.

  • Franz Depine- The groom, imposed by Valentina de Villefort, friend Albert de Morsser, the son of General de Kenel (Baron Depine), killed on the duel of Noryati de Villephone.

  • Lucien Debre- Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, the current lover and partner in the exchange game Baroneles Danghar.

  • Boshan- Editor of the newspaper impartial voice, friend Albert de Morser.

  • Raul de Chateau Renault- French aristocrat, Baron, friend of Viscount de Morser (as well as the Three Previous).

  • Hayde- Silver of the count, daughter of the devotees by Fernian Yaninsky Pasha Ali-Tebelin.

  • Luigi Vampa- Young shepherd, who became the gangs of robbers in the vicinity of Rome. I owe a Count Monte-Cristo to life and freedom, in return to never trigger either the count or his friends himself.

  • Peppino- The robber from the gang of Luigi Vamp, saved by Count Monte Cristo from the guillotine and later kidnapped Danglara when he escaped to Italy.

  • Jacopo- Sailor-Corsican with Tartana smugglers of Young Amelia, who saved Dantes, when he sneak after escaping from the prison of IF. Subsequently, the captain of the yacht of the graph.

  • Batistin- Cameryman Count Monte Cristo.

  • Ali- Slave, servant of Count Monte Cristo, Mute Nubian (with a cut back).

  • Carkonta- Wife Kadrussa
Success novel

The success of the novel Monte Cristo exceeded all previous works of the writer. It was at that time one of the largest success of any novel in France. On the novel put performances in theaters. Earnings allow Alexander Duma except home to build a country villa. The chic palace he calls Monte Cristo Castle, and he himself begins to lead a wasteful life worthy of his hero. Interesting Facts
Hero prototype

One of the prototypes of the hero of the novel-Edmon Dantes is a shoemaker from Nima named Francois Pico, which was engaged to a wealthy woman. In 1807, on denunciation of her envious friends (Lupeyan, Solari and Schaublar), falsely accused him of espionage in favor of England, Pico was arrested and thrown into the Fengesthell fortress, where he spent about 7 years. His fourth his friend, Antoine Ally, without participating in the conspiracy, but knowing about him, it was maliguously silent about this meanness. The bride of Francois, after two years of fruitless expectation, was forced to marry with a loophole.

Pico for the first two years did not even know what it was planted. In prison, Pico disappeared a small underground move to the neighboring chamber, where the rich Italian priest Father Tori was kept. They became friends, and Pico cared for the sick priest, who in a year, before his death, told him the secret of the treasure hidden in Milan. After the fall of the imperial power in 1814, Francois Pico was released, mastered the treasures bequeathed to him and was announced under a different name in Paris, where he dedicated to Retribution for meanness and betrayal for 10 years.

The first was killed by Schacher, but Lupeyan, his most hated scoundrel, who stole him not only freedom, but also love, Francois presents the most cruel revenge: he tricks the daughter of a leopard in marriage with the criminal, and then betrayed him and the shame she could not be transferred and died from shock. Then Pico organized arson of the restaurant owned by a louguan, and crowded him into poverty. The son of the Lupeyan was involved (or falsely accused) to theft of jewels, and the boy was imprisoned, and then Francois slaughtered the louguan himself. In the last, he poisoned Solari, but, not knowing the awareness of Antoine Ally, was abducted and killed him.

Antoine Ally after the murder of Pico escaped to England, where before his death in 1828 confessed. Recognition of the dying Antoine Alley forms the main part of the writings of the French police in this case.

Alexander Duma became interested in this story and transformed it in the adventures of Edmon Dantes - Count Monte Cristo. Roman Duma, however, is devoid of a gloomy criminal color, his noble hero initially feels like an instrument of the highest retribution, but at the end of the novel, disgraced by the death of innocent, refuses to revenge in favor of mercy. Careless blinds

Like most works of Dumas, the text of the novel contains a lot of negligence and inconsistent places, and sometimes historical inaccuracies.

  • In the XI chapter of the first part of Baron Dandre, the Minister of Police, March 3 reports Louis XVIII, that the usurper left Elba Island of the twenty-eighth of February and stuck to the shore of the first March. In fact, he left Elba Island on February 26, and on February 28, this was announced in Paris newspapers.
  • In the XIV chapter of the second part of Albert claims that he saw the execution of the criminal Casten, who allegedly occurred on the end of the college. However, it is known that the loud process in the case of this member-poisoner and his execution took place in 1823, when Alberta could not be more than 6-7 years old on the chronology.
  • In Chapter, the Vision Alber claims that the college was very strong in Greek and disassembles individual words, said Monte Cristo in Novogreically, but at the same time in the head of the guide it is recognized that he has never been so unsuccessful in Homer and Plato and dare even To say such an indifferent student.
  • In the VIII chapter of the first part, it is said that Dantes spoke Spanish as the starry son of Castile; At the same time, on (chapter XVII), it is argued that the Spanish language has mastered only six months after the start of classes with Pharia Abbat.
  • In Chapter, the past states that the jailer Antoine was an Edmon jailer, although in the chapter the arrest attack was a fastened and the artant of a frantic to be a refutation.
Continued novel

Alexander Duma did not write the continuations of this novel, however, many continuations are known, some of which are allegedly found in the writer's archive after his death (or attribute duma-son). But judging by the style of writing and describing events, no father, nor the son of Dumas could not write such works. Roman Last payment

One of the mystifications became a novel of the last payment, composed as a continuation of Count Monte Cristo. His hero, Edmond Dantes, after visiting Moscow, becomes the pursuer-avenger killer of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin Georges-Charles Dantes, whom he considers his relative. The novel was printed in Russia in 1990. He was no longer published.

Plot. In the spring of 1838, Edmon Dantes arrives with a guide, who has already become his wife and gave him the son and daughter. In one of the restaurants, one of the students, having learned the name of the graph, gives him a snatch. Soon, the Count Monte-Cristo learns that he was confused with George Dantes. The count did not like that his surname was intended to the scandal, and he decides to take revenge on the murderer Pushkin.

It has now been proven that the novel is the last payment - a very late hoax created in the USSR. The witness and spectacular story go, she cannot belong to Peru Alexander Duma Father, since it was written in a completely different stylistic manner and replete with obvious anachronism. The evidence is shown in the article Alexander Ozrizanan and Andrei Krotkova Merry Ghosts of Literature. Most likely, the motive of this literary mismatch is based on the random coincidence of two events: the killer of Pushkin Georges-Charles Dantes and the writer Alexander Duma-Son died almost simultaneously in November 1895. There is no connection between these events, but they could well serve as an impetus to the plan of imaginary continuation of Count Monte Cristo. Roman Lord of the world (Adolf Mutcelburg)

In this book, the reader will again meet with the heroes of the novel, Count Monte Cristo, would like to meet new characters, will be with them on the expanses of the American West, in Africa and different countries of Europe. Film Son Monte Cristo (1940, USA)

In 1865, General Gurko Leynen with the help of Napoleon III troops and the support of the Russian government wishes to establish totalitarian regime on the territory of the territory (fictional state The Grand Duchy of Lichtenberg, the pearl of the Balkan, stylized under the more or less famous American viewer Habsburg Hungary, although religion, apparently, It is an Orthodoxy general and the duchess of the Orthodox bike), marry the duchess zone and thus become the king. To obtain a loan, he refers to the banner of the Count Monte Cristo Edmone. However, the younger Monte Cristo refused to increase its wealth in this way. Banker, on the contrary, raises the people to fight the dictator. Similar scenes of other authors

Jules Verne wrote the book Matthias Shanndor (1885). According to him, this is the answer to Roman A. Duma. But unlike Edmon Dantes, Hero J. Verne Count Matthias Shanndor is no longer ordinary naive spacecraft, substituted with enlightenness, but a nobleman and a Hungarian revolutionary, seeking to overthrow the Austrian authorities in Austria-Hungary. You can even even hear the opinions of readers that this work has surpassed the creation of Dumas.

Alfred Bester in the science fiction novel Tiger! Tiger! (eng. THE STARS MY DESTINATION), written in 1956, partly applied the motives of the Roman Duma. An ordinary cosmic black-worker is left in the destroyed ship, where he swars out to take revenge on who left him. He saves, but after imprisoned, runs away, after it becomes rich and starts to revenge.

Roman Tennis balls of heaven, written in 2000 by Stephen Frem, uses the motives of the novel Count Monte Cristo

Many films shot on the novel.

  • Count Monte-Cristo 1908, USA, directed by Francis Boggs, Thomas Provis, in the main role - Hobart Bosworth
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1908, Italy, Directors of Luigi Maji and Arturo Ambrosio, Cast Umberto Mozzato, Arturo Ambrosio, Lidia de Robertis, Mirra Princepipe.
  • Le Prisonnier du Chteau DiF (UNE Vasion Manque) - 1910, France, director Victorien Zhasse, starring Charles Cross, Andre Liabel.
  • Count Monte Cristo 1910, USA
  • Monte Cristo 1911, USA
  • Monte Cristo 1912, USA, director Colin Campbell, starring Hobart Bosworth
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1913, USA, Directors Joseph A. Golden, Edwin Porter, starring James Oneill
  • Modern Monte Crysto 1917, USA, director Eugene Moore
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1918, France, director Henri Poktal (15 episodes), in the lead role of Leon Mato
  • Monte Cristo 1922, USA, director Emmett J. Flynn, starring John Gilbert
  • Monte Cristo 1929, France, director Henry Fescur, starring - Jean Angelo, Lill Dagger, Gaston Modo, Bernhard Gotsk
  • Mystery of the Count Monte Cristo 1934, USA, director Rowland V. Lee in the main roles of Robert Donat, Elissa Landy, Sydney Blackmer
  • Count Monte Cristo 1942, Mexico, Directors Roberto Gavaldon, Chano Uruheta, in the lead role of Arturo de Cordova
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1942, France, Italy, director Robert Verne, starring Pierre Richard Willm
  • Monte Cristo 1946, USA, director Edgar J. Ulmer. The film is removed based on the book.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1954, Italy-France, director Robert Verne, in the main role, Jean Mare.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1954, Mexico-Argentina, director Leon Klimovsky, in the lead role of Jorge Mistral.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1961, Italy-France, director Claude Otan-Lara, in the main role - Louis Jourdan
  • Return Monte Cristo 1968, France, director Andre UNBEL. The film was removed based on the novel, the events unfold in the 20th century immediately after World War II.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1973, Australia, (cartoon), directed by Joseph Barber, William Hannah.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1975, Telefilm, United Kingdom-Italy, director David Green, in the main role of Chamberlain.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1979, France-Italy-Germany (television series), director Deni de la Paters, in the main role of Jacques Weber.
  • Prisoner of the castle IF- 1988, USSR-France, director Georgy Jungwald-Khilkevich, in the main roles of Viktor Avilov, Mikhail Boyarsky.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 1998, Serial, Germany-France-Italy, directed by Jose Diane, in the main roles of Gerard Depardieu, Ornella Muta.
  • Count Monte-Cristo 2002, US United Kingdom Ireland, director Kevin Reynolds, in the main role of James Cavizel.
  • Gancutso-Count Monte Cristo (the ruler of the cave), 2005-2006- Anime film, Japan, uses the motives of the novel, the action is transferred to a distant future.
  • Montecristo 2006, Argentina, TV series.
  • Montecristo-2008, Russia, television series.

A number of films use the general storyline of the Roman Duma, however, the characters in them wear other names:

  • In 1977, Hong Kong television shielded the plot of the novel in the TV series Bolshaya Vendetta ( The Great Vendetta.), Only the action takes place in South China, and Montecristo Island is called the White Dragon Tail, the events described by A.Dume in France occur in Shanghai.
  • Favorsky (television series) - 2005, Russia, in the main roles of Ilya Shakunov, Alexander Lykov, Valery Degtyar, Andrei Zibrov, Nodar Mgawoblishvili, Tara Amirkhanova. (The plot of the novel in Duma is transferred at the modern time - the USSSRRSII-Galtics of the period 1982-1999).
  • The Count Cross (2005, Russian cinematographers were filmed a television series, where the story of the Count Monte Cristo in the USSR of the 1980s) was shot.
  • Count Montenegro (2006). Although the name of the film definitely points to contact with the novel of Dumas, the plot of this film is focused on the search for treasure. The action takes place today.
Theatrical performances
  • Music Count Monte-Cristo 2003 (the premiere took place on December 21), the Musicla Theater Seventh Morning, author of Libretatian Zyryanova, composer- Alexander Tyumentsev
  • Musical Le Comte De Monte-Cristo- 2005 (the premiere took place on October 27), the Musicla Theater Seventh Morning, author of Libretatian Zyryanova, Equigremic translation to French, Inna Nazarov-Salita, composer- Alexander Tyumentsev
  • Music Monte-Cristo 2008 (the premiere took place on October 1), Moscow Operetta Theater, author of Libretto-Julia Kim, Composer - Roman Ignatiev
  • Music Count Monte Cristo (The Count of Monte Cristo) - 2009 (Premiere took place on March 14), Composer-Frank Wildhorn (Frank Wildhorn).
  • Music drama Ya- Edmon Dantes- 2012 (the premiere took place on October 13, 2012), author of Libretto- Nikolai Denisov, composer- Lorara Quint, Director- Egor Druzhinin
In music

On March 31, 2006, the German rock metal group Vanden Plas released a Christ 0 album using a consistent version of the history of the Monte Cristo graph. Literature

  • Dover E. S. Cunning and revenge (A. Duma Count Monte Cristo) Dover E. S. The plot and reality. - L.: OV. Writer, 1976.- 496 S.- Creating 20,000 Ex.- P. 382-427.


Edmond Dantes from the Pharaoh Ship. During one of the flights, he went to Elba Island, where he met with Napoleon Bonaparte and Marshal Bertran (later it was said that with Muyrat), who instructs him to deliver a letter to Paris. This Edmond fulfills the last will of the captain of Pharaoh, who died shortly before that.

Upon arrival in Marseille, the owner of the ship Morril wants to appoint Dantes Captain, and Edmond himself is going to marry Mercedes Catalan from the neighboring fishing village.

However, an accountant Danghar claims to the post of captain, and the Mercedes also wants to marry her cousin Fern. They both and Dantes neighbor - an envious tailor cadruss - met in the tavern, where the Danghara ripened a plan to convey to Edmon that the Bonapartist agent. He writes an anonymous letter to the prosecutor, but Kadruss against slander. Therefore, Douglar pretends that he throws a denunciation, but gives Fernan sign so that he delivered a letter to the prosecutor. Fernan with liveliness fulfills its role in conspiracy.

Edmond Dantes after a few years of trying in prison decides to commit to oneself and begins to throw out food into the window. And when he almost with death, suddenly hears that someone digs near his cameras. Dantes begins to make a subpople to meet and gets acquainted with Abbot Faria - the Italian monk, who is considered crazy, because he declares the existence of some treasure.

Jail break

Edmond Dantes and Abbot Faria together are preparing to escape. But before the escape, Faria has a partial paralysis seizure. Dantes remains with the abbot. Every day they communicate, Abbot teaches his sciences and foreign languages. In addition, Faria is opens to him the mystery of the treasure on Montecristo Island.

After the next seizure, the abbot dies. The guard of the castle sews the dead man into the bag, going to bury in the evening. Dantes transfers the corpse into his chamber, and he sews himself into the bag. As the dead man thrown him into the sea, where he floats to the next island. In the morning, local smugglers pick it up. Dantes made friends with new comrades, and the captain appreciated him as a skilled seaman.

Monttecristo is deserted, and smugglers use it as a transshipment point. Dantesu cunning, pretending to be ill, it is possible to stay on the island where he finds a treasure.


Dantes, becoming rich, did not forget those who made him good.

He said to comrades, he said that he received inheritance and generously awarded everyone. Savory Jacopo, who saved him, he gave a large boat, the residents of the village where Mercedes lived, - Fisherman Barcas.

Under the guise of Count Monte Cristo Dantes enters higher society. In addition, it is at times reincarnated in Lord Wilmora, Abbot Buzoni. For sailors, he is "Sinbad-Sea-Major".

The graph kills not as an ordinary killer, he acts by cunning: As a result, Fernan makes suicide, Villegor loses his whole family and goes crazy, and Douglars with the remnants of wealth robbing and take him in captivity. Count Monte Cristo did not want the death of an innocent child (son of Wilfore), so he stops revenge and let go of the Douglara ruffled, but alive.

At the end of the novel, the graph with a guide float on the ship, and on the island of Montecristo with his underground palace left the son of Morröl with his beloved - Valentina de Villeph, the daughter of Count de Villeph.

Heroes of Romana

In the novel a large number of heroes, the main ones are described below.

  • Edmond Dantes. - the main character. Sailor, unfairly imprisoned. After escape becomes rich, noble and famous, under the name count Monte Cristo.
  • Abbot Faria - Comrade Edmon Dantes on the conclusion, a scientist monk who opened the mystery of the treasure on the island of Monte Cristo.
  • Fernand Mondego - relative Mercedes, who wanted to marry her. Later becomes a lieutenant-general, Count de Morser and Pyr France.
  • Mercedes - The Bride Edmon Dantes, later who became his wife Fernana.
    • Albert de Morser - Son of Fernana and Mercedes.
  • Danland - Accountant at Pharaoh, filed an idea of \u200b\u200ba denunciation on Dantes, later becomes a baron and a wealthy banker.
    • Ermina Dangar - The wife of Douglars, in the past, the lover of the Royal Prosecutor de Villepho, who is fond of stock game.
    • Eugene Dangar - Daughter's daughter Dougur, dreaming of becoming an independent artist.
  • Gerard de Vilorph - Assistant Prosecutor Marseille, after became the royal prosecutor of Paris.
    • Eloise de Villefort - The second wife of the royal prosecutor, ready for all sake of her son Edward.
    • Nuording de Vilorph - Father of the Royal Prosecutor, the former Girondist and Senator Napoleon, Chairman of the Bonapartist Club, later paralytic.
    • Valentina de Vilorph (In the original - Valencienne) - the eldest daughter of Wilfore from the first marriage, the rich heiress, actually the nurse with his grandfather, the beloved Maximillian Morrél.
    • Eduard de Villefort - The juvenal son of the royal prosecutor from the second marriage, spoiled and cruel child.
  • Gaspar Kadruss - Dantes neighbor, at the beginning of the tailor, and later the innkeeper, became an accomplice of murder, fugitives from the cautor.
  • Berticcho - Managing Count Monte Cristo, who was deleted from the affairs of the Corsican smuggler, a receiving father Benedetto.
  • Benedetto - Fugitives from the cortic, illegitimate son of the Royal Prosecutor and Baroneles Danland
  • Pierre Morriet - Marseille trader, owner of the ship "Pharaoh", benefactor Dantes.
    • Maximilian Morriet - Son of Pierre Morröl, officer, Protege in Monte Cristo.
  • dr. D'Aavryni - Family doctor of Vilorphors, the first suspecting the terrible secret of this family.
  • Franz d'Epina - The groom, imposed by Valentina de Villefort, friend Albert de Morsser, the son of Baron D'Epina, killed on the duel of Naurge de Villephone.
  • Lucien Debre - Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, the current lover and partner in the exchange game Baroneles Danghar.
  • Boshan - journalist, friend Albert de Morser.
  • Hayde - Silver of the count, daughter of the devotees by Fernian Yaninsky Pasha Ali-Tebelin.
  • Luigi Vampa - a noble shepherd, who became the leadership of the robbers in the vicinity of Rome.
  • Jacopo "The sailor from the ship smugglers, saved Dantes, when he sneak after escaping from the castle of IF.

Success novel

The success of the novel "Monte Cristo" exceeded all previous works of the writer. It was at that time one of the largest success of any novel in France. On the novel put performances in theaters. Earnings allow Alexander Duma to buy except at home also villa. The chic palace, he calls Monte Cristo, and himself begins to lead a life worthy of his hero.

Hero prototype

One of the prototypes of the Hero of the novel became a certain Francois Pico, according to a joke of his acquaintances in prison, where he spent about 7 years. In prison, he cared for a sick priest, who before his death told the secret about the hidden treasure. After the liberation of Francois Pico, found out the cause of his inaccuations and began to revenge, killing all the jams, except one. The last jam, Antoine Ally, guessed everything and killed Francois Pico himself, after which he fled to England. In 1828, Antoine Ally was confused before his death, and the priest recorded a story that was soon published.

Alexander Duma became interested in this story, but he did not like the trivial killer. Therefore, Count Monte Cristo, with his own hands, did not make evil, but only directed the unfortunate on the enemies.

Careless blinds

As in most works of Dumas, the text of the novel contains a lot of negligence and inconsistent places. For example, in the first chapter, Dantess assures Morrles that he is no complaint with him, he is ready to continue to serve with him. On the other hand, in prison, in a conversation with Faria, Dantes reports that he found some fraud in the accounts of Dangara. In the same conversation with Faria, Dantes clearly recalls that on the table with the conspirators in the gazebo he noticed the pen, ink and paper. But if you re-read the scene in the gazebo, it becomes clear that all the listed Danghar demanded already after the departure of Dantes.

Another example: In Chapter XIII Albert, the French reports that in his college "was very strong in Greek." And later, visiting the count, he recognizes Monte Cristo, which does not understand in Groanly a word. In both cases, Alberta did not resolutely lie.

Also in prison, Dantes learns that the abbot treasure in size is two million SWORDO, which is equal to seventeen millions of francs. But at the end of the book, he says Maximillian about the Stomologian state. It can be assumed that Dantes increased its capital during this time, but to make from seventeen - one hundred million, even in ten years, is very difficult. And if you take into account the fact that in each country he bought a mansion (like in France) and spent six million per year at about six million, such an increase in capital is impossible. Although perhaps the abbot did not quite know about the value of the treas

Drug addicts

"Count Monte Cristo" contains information on the impact of Gasishe - the protagonist of the novel is an expert and fan of this, rare in those years. The text mentions that it consumes Egyptian Davimes and homemade pills from hashish with opium mixed in equal shares (as a sleeping pills). The action of Davymesk is described in detail in the X Chapter II of Tom ("Sinbad-Sea-Major"): here the Count Monte Cristo treats them the young Baron Franz d'Epina, through which it is counting on to enter the highest light of Paris. After some time, Franz feels "What happens to him a strange transformation. All the fatigue accumulated in the day, the whole anxiety caused by the events of the evening was destroyed as the first minute of rest, when it is so awakeful that you feel the approach of sleep. His body acquired an affordable lightness, the thoughts are incomprehensibly brightened, the feelings doubly aggravated ". Soon it flows into the onaidoidal hallicinosis of romantico-erotic content, during which he gradually falls asleep.

The second Tom of Roman was written by Alexander Duma in 1844. It was reflected in it by the author's personal impressions from visits to the Assassin Club, where he had the opportunity to try Dawmemb. According to the testimony of contemporaries, Duma eating this drug is very willingly, and after eating it became extremely chatter. For the period of the existence of the "club", many famous works were written - in particular, all three novels about Musketeers.

Continued novel

Alexander Duma did not write the continuation of the novel, however, many continuations are known, some of which are allegedly found in the writer's archive after his death (or attribute Duma-son). But judging by the style of writing and describing events, no father, nor the son of Dumas could not write such works.

Movie "Son Monte Cristo" (1940, USA)

Novel en: The Stars "Tennis Balls, written in the year Stephen Frem, uses the motifs of the novel "Count Monte Cristo".

On March 31, the German rock metal group Vanden Plas released the album "Christ 0", using a consistent version of the history of Count Monte Cristo.


Many films shot on the novel.

  • Count Monte Cristo -, USA, in the lead role - Robert Donat
  • Count Monte Cristo -, Italy -Frantia, in the title - Jean Mare
  • Count Monte Cristo -, Italy -Frantia, in the lead role - Louis Jourdan
  • Count Monte Cristo -, Telefilm, United Kingdom --ITalia, in the lead role - Richard Chamberlain
  • Prisoner of the castle of IF -, USSR -France, starring - Viktor Avilov, Mikhail Boyarsky.
  • Count Monte Cristo -, Serial, Germany -France -Theitali, Starring - Gerard Depardieu, Ornell Muti.
  • Count Monte Cristo -, USA -Velica-Igroman, in the lead role - James Cavizel.
  • Favorsky -, television series, Russia, starring - Ilya Shakunov, Alexander Lykov, Valery Degtyar, Andrei Zibrov, Nodar Mgaloblishvili, Tara Amirkhanova. (The plot of the novel in Dumas is shifted at the modern time - the USSR / Russia / Baltic / Armenia of the period 1982-1999).
  • "Count Cross" (2005, Russian cinematographers were filmed a television series, where the story of the Count Monte Cristo in the USSR of the 1980s) was distinguished
  • "Montecristo" -, Argentina, television series.
  • "Montecristo" -, Russia, television series.
  • "Gankutsuou" - "Count Monte Cristo" (the ruler of the cave), - - Anime-film Japan, also uses the motives of the story of the novel.

Theatrical performances


  • Count Monte Cristo, parts 1-3 in the library Maxim Moshkov
  • Count Monte Cristo, parts 4-6 in the library Maxim Moshkov
  • Island of Monte Cristo - all about the count of Monte Cristo.
  • Wikisource's Le Comte de Monte-cristo - the original version of the novel (on

Now he gradually begins to carry out his place of revenge. Considering that the death of his enemies would be an insufficient fee for his suffering, as well as examining herself as a tool of divine justice, the tool of providence, he began to strike his victims; As a result, the disgraced Fernan, from which the wife and son was gone, commit suicide, Kadruss dies because of their own greed, Villefort loses his whole family and goes crazy, and Danglah ruled and forced to flee from France. In Italy, the robbers submitted by Monte Cristo captured; They take away from him the last remnants of a huge state. Total, Kadruss and Fernan are dead, Villephorem, and the life of the denunger's denuclear.

But the Count is already tired of revenge - in recent days, he realized that he believed to be criminals, he causing irreparable harm to many innocent, and the consciousness of this fell a serious burden on his conscience. Therefore, he lets the Douglara to freedom and even allows him to preserve fifty thousand francs.

At the end of the novel, the count floats together with a guide on the ship, leaving the island of Monte Cristo with his underground panels and tremendous wealth as a gift from the son of Morriel Maximilian and his beloved - Valentina de Villefort, the daughter of the prosecutor.

    Duma Gavarini Count Moreser in 1838.jpg

    Characters 1838: Par General Morser

    Duma Gavarin Villefort in 1838.jpg

    prosecutor Vilorph

    Duma Gavarinet Nairier in 1838.jpg

    bonapartist Nārtie

    Duma Joanno Valentina Villegor Death GGi Saint Meran in 1838.jpg

    Valentina de Vilorph

    Duma Gavarin Bertuccho.jpg.

    manager Berticcho

    Duma Gavarini Hayde in 1838.jpg

    greek Albank Hayde



The novel contains a large number of characters, the main of which are described below.

  • Edmond Dantes. - The main character, a sailor, unfairly imprisoned. After escape becomes rich, noble and famous under the name count Monte Cristo. Also used names: abbot Buzoni., lord Wilmore, malthian Dzackeon, Syndbad Seaido..
  • Fernand Mondego - Cousin Mercedes, a fisherman who wants to marry her. Later is the lieutenant-general, count de Morser and Pyr France.
  • Mercedes Errera - The Bride Edmon Dantes, later who became his wife Fernana.
    • Albert de Morser - Son of Fernana and Mercedes.
  • Danland - Accountant at Pharaoh, filed an idea of \u200b\u200ba denunciation on Dantes, later becomes a baron and a wealthy banker.
    • Ermina Dangar "The wife of Douglars, in the past widow of the Marquis de Nagragon and the lover of the Royal Prosecutor de Villepho, who is fond of stock game. Biological mother Benedetto.
    • Eugene Dangar - Daughter's daughter Dougur, dreaming of becoming an independent artist.
  • Gerard de Vilorph - Assistant Prosecutor Marseille, after became the royal prosecutor of Paris. Biological father Benedetto.
    • Rene de Saint Meran - First wife Wilfora, Valentina's mother, daughter marquis and Marquis de Saint Meran.
    • Eloise de Villefort - The second wife of the royal prosecutor, ready for all sake of her son Edoara.
    • Nuording de Vilorph - Father of the Royal Prosecutor, the former Jacobin and Senator Napoleon, Chairman of the Bonapartist Club, later divided by paralysis. "Despite this, he thinks, he wishes he acts."
    • Barroa - The servant of Niorier de Villegor.
    • Valentina de Vilorph - The eldest daughter of Wilfore from the first marriage, the rich heiress, actually the nurse with his grandfather, the beloved Maximilian Morrél.
    • Eduar de Vilorph - The juvenal son of the royal prosecutor from the second marriage, spoiled and cruel child.
    • Lucien Debre - Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, the current lover and partner in the exchange game Baroneles Danghar.
    • Dr. D'Aavryni - Family doctor of Vilorphors, the first suspecting the terrible secret of this family.
  • Gaspar Kadruss - Dantes neighbor, at the beginning of the tailor, and later the innkeeper. Some time was a smuggler, later became an accomplice of murder, fugitive from the cortica.
    • Carkonta - Wife Kadrussa
  • Pierre Morriet - Marseille trader, owner of the ship "Pharaoh", benefactor Dantes.
    • Maximilian Morriet - Son Pierre Morriel, Captain Spoy, Protege of Count Monte Cristo.
    • Julie Morril (Erbo) - daughter Pierre Morröl.
    • Emmanuel Erbo - Husband Juli.
    • Penelon "The old boatswain" Pharaoh "helps Dantez, when he saves Pierre Morriel from bankruptcy and shame. After serving the sea becomes a gardener from Julie and Emmanuel Erbo.
    • Cocles - Treasurer of Pierre Morré, who remained faithful to the end. Then he became a gatekeeper from Jules and Emmanuel Erbo.
  • Abbot Faria - Comrade Edmon Dantes on the conclusion, a monk, who opened him the secret of the treasure on Monte Cristo Island.
  • Giovanni Bertuccho - Managing Count Monte Cristo, who was deleted from the affairs of the Corsican smuggler, a receiving father Benedetto.
  • Benedetto - Fugitives from the cortical, the illegitimate son of the Royal Prosecutor and the Baroneles Danglah. Was known in Paris society as a viscount Andrea Kavalkanti.
  • Franz d'Epina - The groom, imposed by Valentina de Villefort, friend Albert de Morser, the son of General de Kenel (Baron d'Epina), killed at the duel of Noryati de Villephone.
  • Boshan - editor of the newspaper "impartial voice", friend Albert de Morsser.
  • Raul de Chateau Renault - French aristocrat, Baron, friend of Viscount de Morser (as well as the Three Previous).
  • Hayde - Silver of the count, daughter of the devotees by Fernian Yaninsky Pasha Ali-Tebelin.
  • Luigi Vampa - Young shepherd, who became the gangs of robbers in the vicinity of Rome. I owe a Count Monte-Cristo to life and freedom, in return to never trigger either the count or his friends himself.
  • Peppino - The robber from the gang of Luigi Vamp, saved by Count Monte Cristo from the guillotine and later kidnapped Danglara when he escaped to Italy.
  • Jacopo - Sailor-Corsican with Tartana smugglers of the "Young Amelia", who saved Dantes, when he was silent after escaping from the Prison Castle IF. Subsequently, the captain of the Count Yacht.
  • Batistin - Cameryman Count Monte Cristo.
  • Ali - Slave, servant of Count Monte Cristo, Mute Nubian (with a cut back).

Hero prototype

One of the prototypes of the hero of the novel - Edmon Dantes - became a shoemaker from Nima named Francois Pico, which was engaged to a wealthy woman. In 1807, on denunciation of his envious "friends" (Lupeyan, Solari and Schaublar), falsely accused him of espionage in favor of England, Pico was arrested and thrown into the Fengesthelle fortress, where he spent about 7 years. His fourth his friend, Antoine Ally, without participating in the conspiracy, but knowing about him, it was maliguously silent about this meanness. The bride of Francois, after two years of fruitless expectation, was forced to marry with a loophole.

Pico for the first two years did not even know what it was planted. In prison, Pico disappeared a small underground move to the neighboring chamber, where the rich Italian priest Father Tori was kept. They became friends, and Pico cared for the sick priest, who in a year, before his death, told him the secret of the treasure hidden in Milan. After the fall of the imperial power in 1814, Francois Pico was released, mastered the treasures bequeathed to him and was announced under a different name in Paris, where he dedicated to Retribution for meanness and betrayal for 10 years.

The first was killed by Schacher, but Lupeyan, his most hated scoundrel, who stole him not only freedom, but also love, Francois presents the most cruel revenge: he tricks the daughter of a leopard in marriage with the criminal, and then betrayed him and the shame she could not be transferred and died from shock. Then Pico organized arson of the restaurant owned by a louguan, and crowded him into poverty. The son of the Lupeyan was involved (or falsely accused) to theft of jewels, and the boy was imprisoned, and then Francois slaughtered the louguan himself. In the last, he poisoned Solari, but, not knowing the awareness of Antoine Ally, was abducted and killed him.

Antoine Ally after the murder of Pico escaped to England, where before his death in 1828 confessed. Recognition of the dying Antoine Alley forms the main part of the writings of the French police in this case.

Alexander Duma became interested in this story and transformed it in Adventures Edmon Dantes - Count Monte Cristo. Roman Duma, however, is devoid of a gloomy criminal color, his noble hero initially feels like an instrument of the highest retribution, but at the end of the novel, disgraced by the death of innocent, refuses to revenge in favor of mercy.

Careless blinds

Like most works of Dumas, the text of the novel contains a lot of negligence and inconsistent places, and sometimes historical inaccuracies.

Continued novel

Alexander Duma did not write the continuations of this novel, however, many continuations are known, some of which are allegedly found in the writer's archive after his death (or attribute duma-son). But judging by the style of writing and describing events, no father, nor the son of Dumas could not write such works.

Roman "Last Plac"

One of the mystifications was the "Last payment", composed as a continuation of the "Count Monte Cristo". His hero, Edmond Dantes, after visiting Moscow, becomes the pursuer-avenger killer of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin Georges-Charles Dantes, whom he considers his relative. The novel was printed in Russia in 1990. He was no longer published.

Plot. In the spring of 1838, Edmond Dantes came with a guide, which has already become his wife and gave him the son and daughter. In one of the restaurants, one of the students, having learned the name of the graph, gives him a snatch. Soon, the Count Monte-Cristo learns that he was confused with George Dantes. The count did not like that his surname was intended to the scandal, and he decides to take revenge on the murderer Pushkin.

Now it has already been proven that the novel "Last payment" is a very late miseration created in the USSR. The witness and spectacular story go, she cannot belong to Peru Alexander Duma Father, since it was written in a completely different stylistic manner and replete with obvious anachronism. The evidence is shown in Article Alexander Ozrizanan and Andrei Krotkov "Merry Ghosts of Literature". Most likely, the motive of this literary hoax is based on the random coincidence of two events: the killer of Pushkin Georges Charles Dantes and the writer Alexander Duma-Son died almost simultaneously - in November 1895. There are no links between these events, but they could well serve as an impetus to the plan of the imaginary continuation of "Count Monte Cristo."

Roman "Lord of the World" (Adolf Mutcelburg)

In this book, the reader will again meet with the heroes of the Roman "Count Monte-Cristo", would like to meet new characters, will come together with them on the expanses of the American West, in Africa and different countries of Europe.

Meanwhile, Nesvitsky, Zhero and the Sweet officer stood together outside the shots and looked at this small bunch of people in yellow kivers, dark green jackets, embroidered with sneurops, and blue chains, kept at the bridge, then on the other side, on the blue hoods and groups approaching With horses that could be easily recognized for the gun.
"Light or not lit a bridge? Who before? Will they try and lit a bridge, or the French will drive up on the floor shot and turn them away? " These questions with the fading of the heart unwittingly asked himself every of the large number of troops that stood above the bridge and looked at the bridge and hussars in the bright evening, on the side, on the nasty blue hoods with bayonets and guns.
- Oh! Get hussars! - said Nesvitsky, - not on the boot shot now.
"In vain, he led so many people," said the Sweet officer.
"And in fact," said Nesvitsky. - There would be two wellers to send, it would be anyway.
"Ah, your clay," the barbell intervened, not the descent of her eyes with the hussar, but everything with his naive manner, because of which it was impossible to guess, whether he was serious, or not. - Oh, your clay! How do you judge! You will send two people, and we will give anyone to Vladimir with a bow? And so, although it is furious, you can imagine a squadron and a bow yourself to receive. Our Bogdanych orders know.
- Well, - said the Sweet officer, - this is a drift!
He showed the French guns, which were filmed from the forefront and hastily drove away.
On the French side, in those groups where the guns were, the smoke, another, the third, almost at one time, and at that moment, as the sound of the first shot, appeared fourth. Two sounds, one by one, and the third.
- Oh, oh! - Nesvitsky hooked, as if from a burning pain, grabbing a sweat officer for the hand. - Look, one fell, fell, fell!
- Two, it seems?
"I would be a king, I would never have fought," said Nesvitsky, turning away.
French guns again hurriedly charged. Infantry in blue hoods running to the bridge. Again, but in different intervals, hamsmen appeared, and lasted and shrinkled the cart over the bridge. But this time Nesvitsky could not see what was done on the bridge. From the bridge rose thick smoke. The hussars managed to light the bridge, and the French batteries shot them no longer in order to prevent, and for the fact that the guns were hooked and was to shoot.
- The French managed to make three shipy shots before the hussars returned to the cloods. Two volley were made incorrectly, and the droplet was transferred to the whole, but the last shot came to the middle of the hussar head and threw three.
Rostov, concerned about his relationship to Bogdanchu, stopped on the bridge, not knowing what to do. Hugging (as he always imagined the battle) was somehow, to help in the insight of the bridge, he also could not, because he did not take with him like other soldiers, harvesters. He stood and looked around, as the scattered nuts suddenly swattered on the bridge, and one of the hussar, the closer than all of him from him, fell on the railing. Rostov ran toward him with others. Someone shouted again: "Stretchs!" Hussar picked up four people and raised.
- ooooo! ... Throw, for the sake of Christ, - the wounded shouted; But all the same raised and put it.
Nikolay Rostov turned away and, as if looking for something, began to look at the distance, on the water Danube, on the sky, in the sun. How well it seemed to the sky, like blue, calm and deeply! How brightly and solemnly lowered sun! How gently glittered gloss water in the distant Danube! And even better were distant, pigeonous mountains, the monastery, mysterious gorge, filled to macush fog pine forests ... there quietly, happily ... "Nothing I would not want anything, I would not want anything, if I were only there, - Thought Rostov. - In me, one and this sun is so much of happie, and here ... moans, suffering, fear and this ambiguity, this hasty ... But again, screaming something, and again everyone ran somewhere back, and I run with them, and now she , here she, death, it is necessary for me, around me ... Moment - and I will never see this sun, this water, this gorge "...
At that moment the sun began to hide behind the clouds; Other stretchers appeared ahead of Rostov. And the fear of death and stretcher, and the love of the Sun and Life - everything merged into one painful anxious impression.
"Lord God! One who is there in this sky, save, forgive and defend me! " Rostov whispered about himself.
Hussars ran up to the cowards, the voices became louder and calmer, stretchers disappeared from the eyes.
- What, BG "AT, who sniffed" Ohu? "- I shouted the voice of Vaska Denisov's voice.
"Everything is over; But I am a coward, yes, I'm a coward, "Rostov thought and, heavily sighing, took a griffon from the hands of a horse's hands and began to sit down.
- What was it, to cart? He asked Denisov.
- Yes, what else! - shouted Denisov. - Well done, "Abotali! AB" Abote "Naya! Attack - a kind thing, Mr." Uba in Pessi, and here, a chog "knows what, beaten like a target.
And Denisov drove away to the group who stopped near Rostov: the regimental commander, Nesvitsky, Gherkov and the Sweet officer.
"However, it seems, no one noticed," Rostov thought. And indeed, no one noticed anything, because everyone was familiar with the feeling that the Juncker had experienced for the first time.
"That's a relationship to you," said Zhero, "you look, and I will produce me to mydorors."
"Decide the prince that I bridge lit," the colonel said solemn and fun.
- And if the loss will ask about the loss?
- trifle! - I was trying the colonel, - two hussars were injured, and one pushed, "he said, with apparently joy, unable to resist from a happy smile, sounded with a beautiful word sank.

Pursued by a hundredsmate french army under the authorities of Bonaparte, found by hostile by the inhabitants, not trusting more than its allies, experiencing a lack of food and forced to act outside of all foreseeable war conditions, the Russian thirty-fightened army, under the entrance of Kutuzov, hastily retreated down the Danube, stopping where she I used to overtake the enemy, and having filled with ariergore affairs, only as much as it was necessary in order to retreat, without losing weights. There were cases under Lambah, Ashteten and a melk; But, despite the courage and persistence, recognized by the enemy himself, with which the Russians fought, the consequence of these cases was only the fastest retreat. Austrian troops who avoided captivity under Ulm and joined Kutuzov in Brownau, now separated from the Russian army, and Kutuzov was granted only to its weak, depleted forces. Protect more vein could not think. Instead of an offensive, deeply thought-out, according to the laws of new science - strategy, war, the plan of which was transferred to Kutuzov to his exceeds in Vienna, Austrian corrugation, the only one, almost unattained the goal, which was now Kutuzov, was to not destroy the army like Maku under Ulm, connect with the troops who are sown from Russia.
On October 28, Kutuzov, with the army, switched to the left bank of the Danube and stopped for the first time, putting the Danube among himself and the main forces of the French. The 30th he attacked the Mortie Danube Danube Danube and broke it. In this case, trophies were taken for the first time: banner, guns and two enemy generals. For the first time after a two-week digression, the Russian troops stopped and after the struggle not only kept the battlefield, but the French were driven. Despite the fact that the troops were divided, bewitled, one-third weakened by backward, injured, killed and sick; Despite the fact that on the side of the Danube, patients were left and wounded with the letter of Kutuzov, who ordered them to humanity to the enemy; Despite the fact that large hospitals and houses in Kream, facing Lazaruts, could not hold all the patients and wounded in themselves, - despite all this, stopping with Kreme and Victory over Mortier significantly raised the spirit of troops. In the whole army and in the main apartment went the most joyful, although unfair rumors about the imaginary approximation of the columns from Russia, about some kind of victory observed by the Austrians, and on the retreat of frightened Bonaparte.
Prince Andrei was during the battle when killed in this matter Austrian General Sick. A horse was injured under him, and he himself was slightly scratched into the hand of the bullet. In a special grace of the Commander-in-Chief, he was sent with the news about this victory to the Austrian court, who was no longer in Vienna, whom the French troops threatened, and in Brynne. On the night of battle, excited, but not tired (despite its unlightly addiction, Prince Andrei could transfer physical fatigue much better than the strongest people), having arrived with the report from Dohturov to Krems to Kutuzov, Prince Andrei was sent to the same night Courier in Brynn. Departure by the courier, except the awards, meant an important step to an increase.
The night was dark, starry; The road was stuck between whisle snow, felling on the eve, on the day of battle. That turning over the impressions of the past battle, then I am happy to imagine the impression that he will make news about the victory, remembering the proviverses of the commander-in-chief and comrades, Prince Andrei grew up in the postage bunch, experiencing a sense of man, waiting for a long time and, finally, who had reached the beginning of the desired happiness. How soon he closed his eyes, in his ears he was heard a pallet of guns and guns, which merged with the knob of the wheels and the impression of victory. He began to seem to be that Russians run that he himself was killed; But he hurriedly woke up, with happiness as if he again learned that nothing had it was, and that, on the contrary, the French were fled. He again recalled all the details of the victory, his calm courage during the battle and, calming down, soaked ... After the dark star night, a bright, fun morning came. The snow melted in the sun, the horses quickly jumped, and there was an imperiously entitled and left new diverse forests, fields, villages.
At one of the stations, he overtook the conversations of Russian wounded. The Russian officer, who carried transport, broke up on the front cart, shouted something, scolding with rude words of a soldier. In the long German Forspans, it was shaking on a rocky road on six and more pale, bandaged and dirty wounded. Some of them said (he heard Russian talk), other ate bread, the most severe silence, with meek and painful children's participation, looked at the scigner by their courier.
Prince Andrei ordered to stop and asked the soldier, in which it was injured. "The day before yesterday," the soldier answered. Prince Andrei pulled the wallet and gave the soldier three golden.
"At all," he added, turning to the approaching officer. "Correct guys," he turned to the soldiers, "there are still a lot of things.
- What, the city of Adjutant, what news? - asked an officer, apparently wanting to talk.
- Good! Forward, he shouted with a yamchik and rocked further.
It was already quite dark when Prince Andrei joined the Brynn and saw himself surrounded by high houses, lights of shops, windows of houses and lanterns, noisy on the pavement beautiful crews and all the atmosphere of a large lively city, which is always so attractive for a military man after the camp. Prince Andrei, despite the fast ride and sleepless night, approaching the palace, felt even more busy than the day before. Only eyes glittered with feverish glitter, and thoughts changed with emergency speed and clarity. They again introduced themselves with him again all the details of the battle is no longer vague, but definitely, in a compressed presentation, which he in the imagination was made by the Emperor. Aid introduced themselves with random issues that could be made to him, and those answers that he would do on them. He believed that he would immediately be present to the emperor. But a large porch of the palace ran out an official and, having learned the courier in him, held it to another entrance.
- from the corridor to the right; There, EUER HOCHGEBOREN, [Your troop, you will find an adjutant outdoor duty house, "the official said him. - He holds to the military minister.
The attendant Flygel Adjutant, who met Prince Andrew, asked him to wait and went to the military minister. Five minutes later, the Flegel Adjutant returned and, especially courtesy, leaning and skipping the prince Andrei forward himself, held it through the corridor in the office, where the military minister was engaged. Flegel Adjutant I exquisite courtesy, it seemed that I wanted to protect myself from the attempts of the familiarity of the Russian adjutant. The joyful feeling of Prince Andrei significantly weakened when he approached the door of the Cabinet of the Military Minister. He felt offended, and the sense of insult passed into the same moment imperceptibly for himself in a sense of contempt, for nothing. The diligent mind at the same moment prompted him the point of view with which he had the right to despise and adjutant and the military minister. "They should be very easy to seem to win victories, not sniffing powder!" He thought. His eyes squeezed out contemptuously; He especially slowly entered the Cabinet of the Military Minister. The feeling was even more intensified when he saw the military minister who was sitting over a large table and the first two minutes of not paying attention to the included. The military minister lowered his bald, with gray temples, head between two wax candles and read, noting with a pencil, paper. He finished, without raising his head, while the door opened and the steps were heard.
"Take it and say," said the military minister to his adjutant, feeding the paper and not paying attention to the courier.
Prince Andrei felt that either of all cases held by the Military Minister, the actions of the Kutuzov army could less interest him, or it was necessary to give it to feel the Russian courier. "But I'm absolutely anyway," he thought. The military minister moved the rest of the paper, counted their edges with the edges and raised his head. He had a smart and characteristic head. But at the same moment, as he turned to the prince Andrei, the smart and solid expression of the face of the military minister, apparently, was familiar and consciously changed: on his face it was stupid, a feigned, not hiding his pretense, a smile of a man who hosts one after another many seekers .
- From General Feldmarshal Kutuzov? - he asked. - I hope good news? Was a collision with marita? Victory? It's time!
He took the dispatch that was in his name, and began to read it with a sad expression.
- Oh my god! Oh my God! Schmit! He said in German. - What misfortune, what misfortune!
Sitting the team, he put her on the table and looked at Prince Andrew, apparently, something that think.
- Oh, what misfortune! Case, are you talking resolute? Mortier did not take, however. (He thought.) I am very glad that you brought good news, although Schmitt's death is a dear fee for victory. His Majesty, right, wishes you to see, but not now. Thank you, relax. Tomorrow be at the output after the parade. However, I will give you to know.
Disappeared during the conversation, a stupid smile again appeared on the face of the military minister.
- Goodbye, very much thank you. The sovereign of the emperor probably wishes you to see, he repeated and tilted his head.
When Prince Andrei came out of the palace, he felt that all the interest and happiness delivered to him the victory were left to them now and were transferred to the indifferent hands of the military minister and the courteous adjutant. The whole warehouse of thoughts instantly changed: the battle was introduced by him long-standing, distant memories.

Prince Andrei stopped in Bunnne at his acquaintance, Russian diplomat.
"And a cute prince, no more pleasant guest," said Bilibin, going to meet Andrei prince. - Franz, to my bedroom the prince's things! - he turned to a servant who defeated Bolkonsky. - What, Victory Bulletin? Perfectly. And I sit sick, as you can see.
Prince Andrei, waving and dressed, went out into the luxurious office of the diplomat and sat behind a cooked lunch. Bilibin sat down at the fireplace.
Prince Andrei not only after his journey, but after all the hike, during which he was deprived of all the facilities of the purity and grace of life, experienced a pleasant feeling of rest among those luxurious living conditions to which he was accustomed from childhood. In addition, he was pleased after the Austrian admission to talk at least not in Russian (they spoke French), but with a Russian man who, he assumed, shared the general Russian disgust (now a particularly tested) to the Austrians.
Bilibin was a man of thirty-five years old, idle, one society with Prince Andrey. They were familiar back in St. Petersburg, but even closer I got acquainted at the last arrival of Prince Andrei to Vienna with Kutuzov. As Prince Andrei was a young man who promises to go far on a military field, so, and even more, promised Bilibin on diplomatic. He was still a young man, but already an elderly diplomat, as he began to serve from sixteen years, was in Paris, in Copenhagen and now in Vienna occupied a rather significant place. And the chancellor and our messenger in Vienna knew him and treated them. He was not from the large number of diplomats who are obliged to have only negative advantages, not to make well-known things and speak French in order to be very good diplomats; He was one of those diplomats who love and know how to work, and, despite her laziness, he sometimes spent the night at the desk. He worked equally well, whatever the essence of work. He was not interested in the question "Why?", And the question "How?". What was a diplomatic affair, he was still; But make a skillful, metro and elegant circular, memorandum or report - in this he found great pleasure. The merits of Bilibin are valued, except for written works, and according to his art, apply and speak in the highest spheres.
Bilibin loved the conversation just as he loved work, only when the conversation could be elegantly wit. In society, he constantly waited for the chance to say something wonderful and engaged in a conversation not otherwise, as under these conditions. The conversation of the Bilibina was constantly crouched by original incentive, complete phrases that have a common interest.
These phrases were manufactured in the inner Laboratory of Bilibin, as if on purpose, portable properties, so that insignificant secular people could comfortably remember them and transfer them from living rooms in the living room. And indeed, Les Mots de Bilibine Se Colportaient Dans Les Salons De Vienne, [Bilibin reviews were dispersed in the Viennese Living Room] and often had an impact on the so-called important things.
A thin, exhausted, yellowish face it was all covered with large wrinkles, which always seemed so clean and diligently washed as fingertips after a bath. The movements of these wrinkles constituted the main game of his physiognomy. I wrinkled my forehead with my wide folds, the eyebrows climbed up, then the eyebrows went down the book, and large wrinkles were formed at the cheek. Deeply delivered, small eyes always looked straight and fun.
"Well, now tell us your feats," he said.
Bolkonsky most modestly, never mentioning about himself, told the case and reception of the military minister.
"ILS M" ONT RECU AVEC MA NOUVELLE, COMME UN CHIEN DANS UN JEU DE QUILLES, [they took me with this news, how they take a dog when she prevents the game in the bow, "he concluded.
Bilibin grinned and dissolved the folds of the skin.
- CEPENDANT, MON CHER, - He said, examining from afar of his nail and picking up the skin over the left eye, - Malgre La Hause Estime Que Je Professse Pour Le Orthodox Russian Hospipe, J "Avoue Que Votre Victoire N" Est Pas Des Plus Victorieuses. [However, my dear, with all my respect for the Orthodox Russian army, I believe that your victory is not from the most brilliant.]
He continued everything in French, uttering only those words that he contemptuously wanted to emphasize.
- How? Do you have a mass of our masters in the unfortunate Morty at one division, and this ship is out of your hands? Where is the victory?
"However, seriously speaking," Prince Andrei answered, "all the same we can say without boasting, that it is a little better ulma ..."
- Why did you not take us one, at least one marshal?
- Because not everything is done, as expected, and not so regularly, as on the parade. We believed how I told you, go to the rear to seven o'clock in the morning, and did not come to five pm.
- Why did you not come to seven o'clock in the morning? You had to come at seven in the morning, "Bilibin said smiling," it was necessary to truth at seven o'clock in the morning.
"Why didn't you inspire Bonaparte with a diplomatic way, what should he better leave the genome?" - The same tone said Prince Andrei.
"I know," interrupted Bilibin, "you think that it is very easy to take Marshals, sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace." It's true, but still, why didn't you take it? And do not be surprised that not only the Military Minister, but also the August Emperor and the King of Franz will not be very desperate with your victory; Yes, and I, an unfortunate secretary of the Russian Embassy, \u200b\u200bI don't feel any need for the joy to give my Frank Taler and release it with his Liebchen [cute] to Pratra ... True, there is no pratra.
He looked right on Prince Andrew and suddenly lowered the collected skin from his forehead.
"Now my turn ask you" Why ", my dear," said Bolkonsky. - I confess that I do not understand, maybe there are diplomatic subtleties above my weak mind, but I don't understand: Mac loses the whole army, ERCGERCOG Ferdinand and Ertzgercog Karl do not give any signs of life and make mistakes for mistakes finally, one Kutuzov wins the actual victory, destroys the Charme [charm] French, and the military minister is not interested even to know the details.
- It is from this, my dear. Voyez Vous, Mon Cher: [See, my dear:] Hurray! For the king, for Rus, for faith! TUT CA EST BEL ET BON, [All this is beautiful and good,] But what do we, I say - the Austrian yard, is delayed to your victories? Bring us your pretty news about the victory of the erzgertzoga karl or Ferdinanda - Un Archiduc Vaut L "autre, [one erzgertzog is another,] as you know - at least over the mouth of the fire team Bonaparte, this is another thing, we will drive into guns. And then this How purposefully, can only tease us. Ertzgercog Carl does nothing, Ertzgercog Ferdinand is covered with a shame. Vienna you throw, do not protect more, Comme Si Vous No Disiez: [As if you were told:] God with us, and God with us You, with your capital. One general, whom we loved everyone, Schmit: You bring it under the bullet and congratulate us with a victory! ... Agree that Inexiser than the news that you bring, you can not come up with. C "EST Comme un Fait Expres Comme Un Fait Expres. [This is how purposefully, as fornate.] In addition, well, you won exactly a brilliant victory, won even the Ertzgercog Karl, who would it be changed in the general course of affairs? Now it's too late when Vienna is busy with French troops.
- How is busy? Vienna is busy?
- Not only busy, but Bonaparte in Schönbrunnne, and the graph, our cute Graph Vrbna goes to him for orders.
Bolkonsky after fatigue and impressions of travel, reception and especially after lunch felt that he did not understand the entire meaning of the words he heard.
- Now in the morning there was a Count Lichtenfels, "continued Bilibin," and showed me a letter in which the French parade in Vienna is described in detail. Le Prince Murat et Tout Le Tremblement ... [Prince Murat and all that ...] You see that your victory is not very pleased, and that you cannot be accepted as a savior ...
- right, for me anyway, absolutely anyway! - said Prince Andrei, starting to understand that his news about the battle under Krems really had little importance because of such events as the occupation of the capital of Austria. - How are Vienna taken? And the bridge and the famous TETE de Pont, [bridge fortification,] and Prince Auersperg? We had rumors that Prince Auersperg defends Vienna, "he said.

  • Edmond Dantes. - The main character, a sailor, unfairly imprisoned. After escape becomes rich, noble and famous under the name of the Count Monte Cristo. Also used the names: Abbot Buzoni, Lord Wilmore, Malthian Dzakkon, Sinbad-Seaido.
  • Abbot Faria - Comrade Edmon Dantes on the conclusion, a monk, who opened him the secret of the treasure on Monte Cristo Island.
  • Fernand Mondego - Cousin Mercedes, a fisherman who wants to marry her. Later becomes a lieutenant-general, Count de Morser and Pyr France.
  • Mercedes Errera - The Bride Edmon Dantes, later who became his wife Fernana.
  • Albert de Morser - Son of Fernana and Mercedes.
  • Danland - Accountant at Pharaoh, filed an idea of \u200b\u200ba denunciation on Dantes, later becomes a baron and a wealthy banker.
  • Ermina Dangar "The wife of Douglars, in the past widow of the Marquis de Nagragon and the lover of the Royal Prosecutor de Villepho, who is fond of stock game. Biological mother Benedetto.
  • Eugene Dangar - Daughter's daughter Dougur, dreaming of becoming an independent artist.
  • Gerard de Vilorph - Assistant Prosecutor Marseille, after became the royal prosecutor of Paris. Biological father Benedetto.
  • Rene de Saint Meran - The first wife of Wilfora, Valentina's mother, daughter of Marquis and Marquis de Saint Meran.
  • Eloise de Villefort - The second wife of the royal prosecutor, ready for all sake of her son Edward.
  • Nuording de Vilorph - Father of the Royal Prosecutor, the former Girondist and Senator Napoleon, Chairman of the Bonapartist Club, later divided by paralysis. "Despite this, he thinks, he wishes he acts."
  • Valentina de Vilorph - The eldest daughter of Wilfore from the first marriage, the rich heiress, actually the nurse with his grandfather, the beloved Maximilian Morrél.
  • Eduard de Villefort - The juvenal son of the royal prosecutor from the second marriage, spoiled and cruel child.
  • Gaspar Kadruss - Dantes neighbor, at the beginning of the tailor, and later the innkeeper. Some time was a smuggler, later became an accomplice of murder, fugitive from the cortica.
  • Giovanni Bertuccho - Managing Count Monte Cristo, who was deleted from the affairs of the Corsican smuggler, a receiving father Benedetto.
  • Benedetto - Fugitives from the cortical, the illegitimate son of the Royal Prosecutor and the Baroneles Danglah. It was known in Paris Society as Viscount Andrea Kavalkanti.
  • Pierre Morriet - Marseille trader, owner of the ship "Pharaoh", benefactor Dantes.
  • Maximilian Morriet - Son Pierre Morriel, Captain Spoy, Protege of Count Monte Cristo.
  • Julie Morril (Erbo) - daughter Pierre Morröl.
  • Emmanuel Erbo - Husband Juli.
  • Dr. D'Aavryni - Family doctor of Vilorphors, the first suspecting the terrible secret of this family.
  • Franz d'Epina - The groom, imposed by Valentina de Villefort, friend Albert de Morser, the son of General de Kenel (Baron d'Epina), killed at the duel of Noryati de Villephone.
  • Lucien Debre - Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, the current lover and partner in the exchange game Baroneles Danghar.
  • Boshan - editor of the newspaper "impartial voice", friend Albert de Morsser.
  • Raul de Chateau Renault - French aristocrat, Baron, friend of Viscount de Morser (as well as the Three Previous).
  • Hayde - Silver of the count, daughter of the devotees by Fernian Yaninsky Pasha Ali-Tebelin.
  • Luigi Vampa - Young shepherd, who became the gangs of robbers in the vicinity of Rome. I owe a Count Monte-Cristo to life and freedom, in return to never trigger either the count or his friends himself.
  • Jacopo - Sailor-Corsican with Tartana smugglers of the "Young Amelia", who saved Dantes, when he was silent after escaping from the Prison Castle IF. Subsequently, the captain of the Count Yacht.
  • Batistin - Cameryman Count Monte Cristo.
  • Ali - Slave, servant of Count Monte Cristo, Mute Nubian (with a cut back).

Read "Count Monte Cristo" in summary

On February 27, 1815, a three-volume ship "Pharaoh" is returned to Marseille from the next navigation. Captain Leekler was not destined to stand on his native land: he died from the warmth of the open sea. The young sailor Edmond Danced accepted command, fulfilling another will of the captain: "Pharaoh" comes to Elba Island, where Dantes passes the package received from the hands of a lecturer, Marshal Berran and meets with the Opt Emperor himself. Dantesu is awarded a letter that should be delivered to Paris, Mr. Nārier - one of the conspirators who are preparing to return to the throne of Napoleon.

The owner of "Pharaoh" Morril offers Dantes to officially join the post of captain of the ship. The Jewish Judge of the Judge Company of the ship company Danglar decides to remove Dantes. Together with the retired soldier, and now with a simple fisherman Fernal Mondego, who competes with Dantes for the right to marry the beauty of Mercedes, and the tailor cadruss, who entered Edmon's father during the sailing, Douglars comprises an anonymous letter to the assistant Prosecutor of Marseille de Wilfore. The meaning of the denunciation: Dantes is a secret agent of Bonapartists. At the interrogation of Dantes without a rustle, everything was as it was, tells Wilphor about his visit to Elbe. No crime composition; Vilor is ready to let go of the Arrestant, but by reading the letter Marshal Berran, realizes: happiness and life itself depend on this champion of the case. After all, the addressee, Mr. Nurtier, a dangerous conspirator, is his father! Little to burn a damned letter, you need to get rid of Dantes, who can unwittingly announce this story - and as a result, De Villegor will lose not only the place, but also the hands of his bride Rene de Saint-Meran (she is the daughter of the old royalist; G-O Norytier, his relationship with the fiance for them is mystery). Dantes sentenced to life imprisonment in the castle of the IF, a political prison among the sea, not far from Marseille ...

Pass five years. Dantes is close to despair, he decides to die a hungry death. Suddenly somehow in the evening until his hearing comes a deaf grop over the wall. He is not alone here, someone clearly digs a LAZ in the direction of his dungeon. Edmond is taken to dig counter tunnel. Many days of work are rewarded by the joy of meeting with a comrade in misfortune. Abbot Faria is so the name of the prisoner from the neighboring chamber - he spent four years in the castle of IF for four years longer. Roy His Norah, he hoped to get through to the outer wall of the prison, jump into the sea and run to the will climb. Alas, he was mistaken in the calculations! Edmond comforts Abbot: They are now two, it means that they can continue with dual energy started. Abbot's forces on the outcome, soon - when to save the hand to the hand, he is seriously ill. Before the death, he devotes Dantes to the secret of the inconspicuous treasure, hidden by Cardinal downturn on the island of Monte Cristo three hundred years ago.

The abbot's body into his cell, Dantes hides in the bag, which was put dead. In the morning, not noticing the substitution, it is thrown into the sea - so bury the inhabitants of the IF castle since the prison grounds. Edmond saved! His smugglers pick it up. One of them, Jakopo, becomes a faithful companion Dantes. After a few months, Edmond finally reaches Monte Cristo. The treasures of Abbot Faria are truly inconspicable.

For many years, the lack of Dantes in the fate of those who were wondered in his suffering, there were also significant changes, Fernan Mondego retired to the general (now his name is Count de Morser). Mercedes became his wife and gave him a son. Danglah is a rich banker. De Villefort - Royal Prosecutor. Cadruss spread with a needle and tailor scissors and contains a rural restaurant. ... God sends a strange guest to Kadruss. Abbot Buzoni, according to his words, confessed by the dying Edmon Dantes, must fulfill the last will of the deceased. Dantes handed him a diamond, the money from the sale of which should be divided into five parts: Mercedes, Danglara, Fernun, Kadruss, and Old Man Dantesu. Kadruss is blinded by the radiance of diamond. He tells Bosoni Abbot that Dantes was agreed by those who decided to enroll that Mercedes did not save loyalty to him. Yes, he, Kadruss witnessed the writing of the denunciation - but what could he do! Danglah and Fernan would kill him in place, call him about the non-deposition of their maliciousness! As for the old Dantez, he did not have enough strength to move the blow of fate (in reality the Kadrussa abstent him to the thread, and Edmon's father died with hunger). He, he, Kadruss, is the only heir to poor Dantes! Abbot Buzoni hands the diamond cadruss and the next morning disappears ...

At the same time, Lord Wilmore, Agent of the Bancircraft House Thomson and Frenc, is Lord Wilmore. He asks for permission to view the investigative case of Pharia Abbat, who deceased in IF prison. There is also a commission: pay the debts of Mr. Morröl, the owner of the ship company standing on the verge of collapse. The last hope of Morröl was on his flagship - three-person Pharaoh, but he is about evil rock! - driving in shipwreck. Wilmore Hands Morril bill on a six-digit amount, draws up a delay for three months. But what can be done for three months! On the day, when the delay expires, Morröl's daughter receives a letter by signing "Sinbad-Sea - Sea" indicating the address where it will find a wallet intended for its adestate Father. In the wallet - the check on the debt of the Morlam and the diamond of the magnitude of the walnut: the dowry Mademoiselle Morrilla. All that happened like a fairy tale: But this is not enough. In the Marseille port, the whole and uncructable enters all the sails "Pharaoh"! The city is the witness of this miracle. With a smile looks at the rusting sailboat and Lord Wilmore, he is Abbot Buzoni, he count Monte Cristo, He is Edmon Dantes: "Be happy, a noble man! It's happiness of you deserved! .. And now - for goodbye, people's mind! May God give me a place to give me a place in order for I punished the villains! .." with documents from your investigative business that kegs Together with the case of Abbot Faria, Edmond leaves Marseille ...

The young Paris Aristocrat Baron France D "Epina, going to the carnival in Rome, was removed to visit the legendary Elbe. However, he changes his route: the ship sails past the Monte Cristo Island, where, according to rumors, lives in a fabulous palace. Man named Sinbad-South-hour . The owner of the island takes Franz with such a welcome and the luxurious, which seems to not dream of anyone from the powerful inhabitants of the Earth. In Rome, Franz suddenly meets Sinbad, living in one hotel with him under the name of Count Monte Cristo. Friend Franz Viscount Albert de Morser Captured by the robbers from the gang of terror on the inhabitants of Rome Ataman Luigi Vamp. Count Monte Cristo saves Alberta: "Ataman, you violated our agreement, my friend's friend is my friend." Vamp in confusion, he strictly reports his thugs: "We are all obliged Count life! How could you act so rashly! "Albert invites the graph to visit Paris and be his guest honorary guest.

In the capital (where the count did not appear), Albert introduces him to his friends, including Morrielian's son. This acquaintance deeply agitated the graph - no less excited and young Morrot, having learned that the count enjoys the services of the Tomson bank house and Frenc, who saved the lives of their family.

Count Monte-Cristo acquires several apartments in Paris and a house in Otile, on Fontin Street, 28, previously owned by Marquis de Saint-Meran. Managing Count, Berticcho, perceives moving them to this house as an evil rock. Many years ago, he witnessed how De Vilhor was dripped in the garden at home his father-in-law baby infant - an extramarital son from an unknown lady, Berticcho hurried to dig up the box - the baby was still alive. Berrtico's daughter-in-law brought up the boy to whom they gave the name Benedetto. Employee of eminent parents rose to the path unjust and landed behind the bars. But this is just one of two terrible stories hidden by Berticcho from the graph. In June 1829, he stopped in the cadrouse restaurant - the next day after Abbot Buzoni visited (Berrticcho does not recognize that Abbot, who rescued him a long time ago, and the graph is one person). Almaz Abbot Kadruss sold for 45 thousand francs a reliable jeweler, yes, on the same night he stabbed him. Now Kadruss - where Berrtuccio had a chance to visit and the hard work. Count is sure that this is not the last drop in the bowl, which the cadruss must be pitched; As for Benedetto - if he is alive, he will serve weapon of God's kara ...

The city is full of rumors about the mysterious graph and his wealth. In the bank of Danglara, the Count opens the "unlimited loan". Danghar questioned the possibility of the graph: there are borders everything in the world. Count Itchits: "For you - maybe, but not for me." - "My checkout has not yet thought!" - Danglar is visible. "In this case, I am the first to whom it is to", "the count promises him. Monte Cristo comes closer not only with Danglah, who did not find out the poor Edmon in it, but also with the family of De Villegor. The graph conquers the location of Mrs. De Villefort: the servant of Count Ali saved from the accident of her and the son of Wilfor from marriage with her (Wilfora also has a daughter from the first marriage - Valentina, bound by love with Maximillian Morlame, but forced relative to marriage with Franz D " Epina). As if the fate herself widespread the door in the houses of his sworn enemies, he informs him about their other victims. Pupil Dantes-Monte Cristo Daughter Pasha Yanina Warranty Beauty Hyde (in Paris there are rumors like she is a lover of a graph ) Learn in the man's opera, who gave the Turks for two thousand gold wallets a fortress, who defended the city, where her father was ruled, and the hedge of the twelve-year-old girl sold to the Turkish Sultan to slavery. This man was called Fernan Mondoga; now he knows how Count de Morser, General -Lenanta, member of the chamber of peers. Hayde was redeemed by Monte Cristo at Sultan, the count was revengent to take revenge on that, because of whom her father died and she languished in captivity she herself. He Nimalo is not surprised that this scoundrel - Fernan: who betrayed the risks to remain a traitor to the end.

Luxurious lunch in Monte Cristo's house. The first strikes prepared by the graph with their offenders. Willfore is pale, when the count informs all guests that the skeleton of the baby is found in the garden, buried alive at the same owner. Danglah knows that, playing on the stock exchange, from suffered losses in the amount of over a million francs (the graph placed false information about the coup in Spain in the newspaper, and Danglah hurried to get rid of the shares of the Madrid Bank). Wilor notifies Mrs. Danghar that the graph appears to be dedicated to their mystery: the unfortunate child was their illegitimate son. "You buried my child alive! God, it's your revenge!" - Ms. Danglah exclaims. "No, the revenge is still waiting for us, and it will be done by the mysterious Count Monte Cristo!" Vilor is taken by anything to know the whole truth about the column; But in Paris, Abbot Buzoni and Lord Wilmore reported to him very controversial information. The graph not only remains unrecognized, playing these two roles, but also confuses the traces. A young man named Andrei Kavalkanti appears in Paris (one count that shook him generous, it is known that this is a cable shop Benedetto). Immediately, as from under the Earth, the Kadruss, assuring Benedetto, is growing, that he is his offspring, and luring money from the young resentment to the threat of a brilliant career who has discovered before him. Kawalkanti-Benedetto de Vilhor is forced to obey: he put his eyes on the daughter of Danglara, a girl with a rich dowry. Isn't it better - he suggests Kadrussa - a pretty shake count, how to pull the money from him, which the madrod of Monte Cristo is preserved? Kadruss climbs into the house of the graph - and faces face to face with Abbot Buzoni. The old convict betrayed the young; He writes under the dictation of the Abbot letter to the Dangra, explaining who in practice is it without five minutes. Leaving the house of Count Monte Cristo, Kadruss is attacked by Benedetto's knife. Before he emits the Spirit, Abbot gives him to make sure that he, Monte Cristo and Edmon Dantes - one face ...

The hail of misfortunes rushes on the head of De Wilfora: one after another suddenly die his father-in-law and mother-in-law, then the old lacquer who drove the lemonade from a decanter in the room of his father Noryatier. The doctor comes to the conclusion: they were all poisoned. The criminal lives in this house. All Wilfora's Chelyau immediately asks for resignation. The case gets a wide publication. And here - a new kick: Nurtier is upset by the wedding of Valentina and Franz d "Epina (he promised it with his beloved granddaughter). In Piece, a document is stored in Piece, which in February 1815 he killed in the Honest Fight of General de Kenel, Barona D" Epina who did not wish to join the spray of the Bonapartists.

Now - Fernana's turn. In the Chamber of Peters Scandal: newspapers published a message about its low behavior at the time of the siege to the Turks of the Fortress of Janine. At the hearing in the ward comes guide and places documents to the pen, which confirm: all this is true, the situation of General de Morser in society bought the price of betrayal. Albert de Morser raises a count on a duel, joining his father, but after he opens the whole truth about Fernan Mondoga, asks Dantes for forgiveness. He begs about this Edmon and Mrs. de Morser, still loving his Mercedes. Count accepts Albert's apologies; On the same day, they leave Paris and Mother. The Morser repeats the son's call, but after the Count Monte Cristo opens his true name, the generally undertaking the bullet in the forehead.

Danglah on the verge of ruin. He has to pay all the new bills, with whom trusted persons of the graph come to him. His last hope is that it will be possible to make a decent party of the daughter: young cavalcanti - Monte Cristo, and the hand of the giving hand is unlikely to attend. Thunder among the clear sky is heard after the signing of a wateign word from the letter of Kadrus: "Andrea Kavalkanti - a runaway convict!" Eugene leaves Paris. Dangara has no daughter or money. He leaves a farewell note to his wife ("I let you go, what I got married: with money, but without good reputation") and runs where the eyes look. Andrea-Benedetto is running and hoping to cross the border; But he is stopped by gendarmes. In court, he reports: His father - Prosecutor de Villepho!

The last, the most terrible blow of fate in the heart of De Wilfora: Valentine poisoned. He has no more doubt: the murderer is his wife, such a terrible way mined her inheritance and his son (the old man of Noryaty is the only heir to the granddaughter announced). De Vilor threatens his wife as a scaffold. In desperation, Ms. De Vilor takes poison and poisoning the boy: "A good mother does not throw a child, for which she became a criminal." Villegor deprives reason; Stray in the garden of the house of Count Monte Cristo, he digs the graves in one, in another place ...

Act of Retribution has accomplished. Wilor moon. Kadruss and Fernan are dead. Danglah was captured by the robbers from the gang of Luigi Vamp and spends the last money for bread and water: thugs sell him a pump for a thousand francs, and everything in his pocket he has less than fifty thousand. Count Monte Cristo gives him life and freedom. Sent on one night, Douglar keeps the existence of a beggar.

Evil punished. But why did the young Valentine de Villepho burned down in his flame, not a shared father and stepmother? What should the whole life be grieved about her Maximillian Morrilla - the son of one who has made attempts for many years in a row to rescue Dantes from prison? Leaving Paris, the graph commits a miracle of Valentina's resurrection. Her death was staged by him in the community with an old man Nauriant: terrible poison was neutralized by a miraculous medicine - one of the generous gifts of Abbot Faria.

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