Nekrasov letter to Dobrolyubov. "In memory of Dobrolyubov" N

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

You were harsh, you were young
He knew how to subjugate passion to reason.
You taught to live for glory, for freedom,
But you taught more to die.

Consciously worldly pleasures
You rejected, you kept purity,
You did not satisfy the thirst of the heart;
Like a woman, you loved your homeland,
Their works, hopes, thoughts

You gave it to her; you are honest hearts
He conquered her. Calling for a new life
And a bright paradise, and pearls for a crown
You cooked for a stern mistress,

But your hour has struck too soon
And the prophetic feather fell from his hands.
What a lamp of reason has gone out!
What heart stopped beating!

Years have passed, passions subsided,
And you have risen high above us...
Cry, Russian land! but be proud
Since you've been standing under the sky

You did not give birth to such a son
And I didn’t take mine back into the bowels:
Treasures of spiritual beauty
They were graciously combined in it ...
Mother nature! when such people
You sometimes did not send to the world,
The field of life would have died out ...

Nikolai Dobrolyubov

Fate brought Nekrasov together with the literary critic, satirist and publicist Nikolai Dobrolyubov in 1858. A young man, distinguished by outstanding literary abilities and advanced judgments, came to work for the Sovremennik magazine, one of whose co-owners was Nikolai Nekrasov.

According to eyewitnesses, there was no close friendship between writers due to the huge difference in age, but Nekrasov always read Dobrolyubov's articles with pleasure, admiring his courage, peremptory and harshness, with which the author often attacked negligent writers. At the same time, Nikolai Dobrolyubov had an undoubted gift for truly talented poets and writers. He analyzed their works with particular care, and in his reviews he tried to explain to readers why, for example, Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" should be considered as a model of revolutionary dramaturgy, and Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is a symbol of the era of lazy, illiterate and useless not aspiring people.

Nikolai Dobrolyubov died in 1861 from consumption. He was only 25 years old. However, after his death, Nikolai Nekrasov fully realized what a loss Russian literature had suffered, having lost a person who knew how to explain to readers in a simple and accessible language which works really deserve their attention and which ones do not.

In 1864, Nikolai Nekrasov wrote his famous dedication poem "To the Memory of Dobrolyubov", in which he not only assessed the work of this outstanding literary critic, but also revealed his spiritual qualities. “You were harsh, in your youth you knew how to subjugate passion to reason,” it is with these lines that the poem begins and immediately draws before the readers the image of a mature and wise person. For those who do not know anything about Dobrolyubov, it is very difficult to imagine that as a literary critic he became famous at the age of 22, becoming a thunderstorm of poets and writers, to whose work he was not biased and fairly objective. Therefore, Nekrasov notes that Dobrolyubov taught people to live not for glory, but for freedom, but "you taught more to die." This phrase contains a truly philosophical meaning, which sheds light on the work of Dobrolyubov. The theme of death in his works was as natural as the theme of the miserable existence of the peasants. And the young literary critic urged people not to waste their lives in vain, believing that it is better to die defending their interests than to die of old age and disease, knowing that the next generation will have to go through the same path, devoid of joy and hope.

Turning to Dobrolyubov, Nekrasov notes that "as a woman, you loved your homeland", giving her your best years of life, conquering her with your works and "calling for a new life." In relation to Dobrolyubov, the author considers Russia to be a “severe mistress”, who appreciated all the gifts that the young publicist presented her too late. Perhaps, if not for a fatal illness, Dobrolyubov would have managed to change public opinion with his works and lay a powerful foundation for a new social order. However, this did not happen, although Nekrasov himself does not deny that in many respects Russia owes the abolition of serfdom to the work of Dobrolyubov.

“The years have passed, the passions have subsided, and you have risen high above us ...”, the poet notes, emphasizing that since its existence, the Russian land “has not given birth to such a son.” At the same time, Nekrasov is convinced that “the treasures of spiritual beauty were combined in him with grace,” focusing the readers’ attention on the fact that Dobrolyubov lived and worked not for fame and money, but in the name of Russia, which he wanted to change. And if such selfless and patriotic people had not been born on Russian soil at least occasionally, then, according to the author, "the field of life would have died out."

You were harsh, you were young
He knew how to subjugate passion to reason.
You taught to live for glory, for freedom,
But you taught more to die.
Consciously worldly pleasures
You rejected, you kept purity,
You did not satisfy the thirst of the heart;
Like a woman, you loved your homeland,
Their works, hopes, thoughts
You gave it to her; you are honest hearts
He conquered her. Calling for a new life
And a bright paradise, and pearls for a crown
You cooked for a stern mistress,
But your hour has struck too soon
And the prophetic feather fell from his hands.
What a lamp of reason has gone out!
What heart stopped beating!
Years have passed, passions subsided,
And you have risen high above us...
Cry, Russian land! but be proud
Since you've been standing under the sky
You did not give birth to such a son
And I didn’t take mine back into the bowels:
Treasures of spiritual beauty
They were graciously combined in it ...
Mother nature! when such people
You sometimes did not send to the world,
The field of life would have died out ...

Analysis of the poem "In Memory of Dobrolyubov" by Nekrasov

Nekrasov met Dobrolyubov when he was still a very young man and was just beginning his career as a literary critic. The poet was able to discern in the young man the presence of great talent. Nekrasov was co-editor of the Sovremennik magazine and offered Dobrolyubov to head the criticism department. He made no mistake in his choice. During his short life, Dobrolyubov managed to write many famous critical articles that have not lost their relevance in our time. Unfortunately, the critic fell ill with consumption very early, which was then considered an incurable disease. Despite this, Dobrolyubov continued to work hard and brought his own end closer. He died in 1861. A few years later, Nekrasov dedicated the poem "In Memory of Dobrolyubov" (1864) to him.

The author notes that the poet, despite his youth, was a strict and incorruptible judge in his judgments. He treated the recognized authorities impartially. Subordinating the "reason of passion" the critic always delivered a fair verdict. Dobrolyubov understood that he did not have long to live, therefore, in feverish work, he tried to make the most of the time allotted to him. Nekrasov's words that the critic "taught more ... to die" are especially grateful.

Dobrolyubov's personal life did not develop. It could not be otherwise, since he devoted all his time to work. Therefore, Nekrasov notes: "you kept cleanliness." Many of the critic's statements were sharply anti-government and were cut out by censors. Dobrolyubov has always remained an ardent patriot of his country. He could not remain silent at the sight of all the troubles and injustices that filled Russia. His revolutionary views were directed only to the good of the Motherland. Nekrasov compares Dobrolyubov's love for Russia with the worship of a woman. Calling her "a harsh mistress", he means that Dobrolyubov's selfless work was not duly noted by his contemporaries.

The poet compares the death of a critic with the extinction of the "lamp of the mind." Endowing Dobrolyubov with a "prophetic pen", Nekrasov hints that recognition will still come to him.

The last lines of the poem are very solemn and pathetic. The author addresses the entire "Russian land", urging her to mourn one of her best sons. Nekrasov is sure that it is only thanks to such people that Russia still exists. Dobrolyubov combined a deep mind, observation and an innate sense of justice. His short life path can serve as a model for all creative people.

In 1864, Nikolai Nekrasov wrote his famous dedication poem "To the Memory of Dobrolyubov", in which he not only assessed the work of this outstanding literary critic, but also revealed his spiritual qualities. “You were harsh, in your youth you knew how to subdue passion to reason,” - it is with these lines that the poem begins and immediately draws before the readers the image of a mature and wise person. For those who do not know anything about Dobrolyubov, it is very difficult to imagine that as a literary critic he became famous at the age of 22, becoming a thunderstorm of poets and writers, to whose work he was not biased and fairly objective. Therefore, Nekrasov notes that Dobrolyubov taught people to live not for glory, but for freedom, but "you taught more to die." This phrase contains a truly philosophical meaning, which sheds light on the work of Dobrolyubov. The theme of death in his works was as natural as the theme of the miserable existence of the peasants. And the young literary critic urged people not to waste their lives in vain, believing that it is better to die defending their interests than to die of old age and disease, knowing that the next generation will have to go through the same path, devoid of joy and hope.

"In Memory of Dobrolyubov" Nikolai Nekrasov

You were harsh, you were young
He knew how to subjugate passion to reason.
You taught to live for glory, for freedom,
But you taught more to die.

Consciously worldly pleasures
You rejected, you kept purity,
You did not satisfy the thirst of the heart;
Like a woman, you loved your homeland,
Their works, hopes, thoughts

You gave it to her; you are honest hearts
He conquered her. Calling for a new life
And a bright paradise, and pearls for a crown
You cooked for a stern mistress,

But your hour has struck too soon
And the prophetic feather fell from his hands.
What a lamp of reason has gone out!
What heart stopped beating!

Years have passed, passions subsided,
And you have risen high above us...
Cry, Russian land! but be proud
Since you've been standing under the sky

You did not give birth to such a son
And I didn’t take mine back into the bowels:
Treasures of spiritual beauty
They were graciously combined in it ...
Mother nature! when such people
You sometimes did not send to the world,
The field of life would have died out ...

Yakov Smolensky
Date of birth: February 28, 1920 - March 09, 1995
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).
Actor, reader, professor, full member of the Academy of Humanities. The interuniversity competition of readers at the Shchukin Theater School is named after him, participation in which opened the way to the theatrical world for many aspiring talented artists. After graduating from school, he entered the philological faculty of the Leningrad State University, which he did not have a chance to finish - the Great Patriotic War began. From the third year, Smolensky volunteered for the front, was seriously wounded, then - a hospital, blockade, evacuation in Omsk, where the Vakhtangov Theater was located at that time. There he entered the Shchukin School, after which he became an actor in the Vakhtangov Theater, where he worked for more than 10 years. It was then that Yakov Mikhailovich began to perform on the literary stage. 50 years of work at the Moscow State Philharmonic gave lovers of reading art a great many programs by Yakov Smolensky.

You were harsh, you were young
He knew how to subjugate passion to reason.
You taught to live for glory, for freedom,
But you taught more to die.

Consciously worldly pleasures
You rejected, you kept purity,
You did not satisfy the thirst of the heart;
Like a woman, you loved your homeland,
Their works, hopes, thoughts

You gave it to her; you are honest hearts
He conquered her. Calling for a new life
And a bright paradise, and pearls for a crown
You cooked for a stern mistress,

But your hour has struck too soon
And the prophetic feather fell from his hands.
What a lamp of reason has gone out!
What heart stopped beating!

Years have passed, passions subsided,
And you have risen high above us...
Cry, Russian land! but be proud
Since you've been standing under the sky

You did not give birth to such a son
And I didn’t take mine back into the bowels:
Treasures of spiritual beauty
They were graciously combined in it ...

Mother nature! when such people
You sometimes did not send to the world,
The field of life would have died out ...

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "In Memory of Dobrolyubov"

Fate brought Nekrasov together with the literary critic, satirist and publicist Nikolai Dobrolyubov in 1858. A young man, distinguished by outstanding literary abilities and advanced judgments, came to work for the Sovremennik magazine, one of whose co-owners was Nikolai Nekrasov.

According to eyewitnesses, there was no close friendship between writers due to the huge difference in age, but Nekrasov always read Dobrolyubov's articles with pleasure, admiring his courage, peremptory and harshness, with which the author often attacked negligent writers. At the same time, Nikolai Dobrolyubov had an undoubted gift for truly talented poets and writers. He analyzed their works with particular care, and in his reviews he tried to explain to readers why, for example, Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" should be considered as a model of revolutionary dramaturgy, and Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is a symbol of the era of lazy, illiterate and useless not aspiring people.

Nikolai Dobrolyubov died in 1861 from consumption. He was only 25 years old. However, after his death, Nikolai Nekrasov fully realized what a loss Russian literature had suffered, having lost a person who knew how to explain to readers in a simple and accessible language which works really deserve their attention and which ones do not.

In 1864, Nikolai Nekrasov wrote his famous dedication poem "To the Memory of Dobrolyubov", in which he not only assessed the work of this outstanding literary critic, but also revealed his spiritual qualities. “You were harsh, you knew how to subordinate passions to reason in your youth,” - it is with these lines that the poem begins and immediately draws before the readers the image of a mature and wise person. For those who do not know anything about Dobrolyubov, it is very difficult to imagine that as a literary critic he became famous at the age of 22, becoming a thunderstorm of poets and writers, to whose work he was not biased and fairly objective. Therefore, Nekrasov notes that Dobrolyubov taught people to live not for glory, but for freedom, but "you taught more to die." This phrase contains a truly philosophical meaning, which sheds light on the work of Dobrolyubov. The theme of death in his works was as natural as the theme of the miserable existence of the peasants. And the young literary critic urged people not to waste their lives in vain, believing that it is better to die defending their interests than to die of old age and disease, knowing that the next generation will have to go through the same path, devoid of joy and hope.

Turning to Dobrolyubov, Nekrasov notes that "as a woman, you loved your homeland", giving her your best years of life, conquering her with your works and "calling for a new life." In relation to Dobrolyubov, the author considers Russia to be a “severe mistress”, who appreciated all the gifts that the young publicist presented her too late. Perhaps, if not for a fatal illness, Dobrolyubov would have managed to change public opinion with his works and lay a powerful foundation for a new social order. However, this did not happen, although Nekrasov himself does not deny that in many respects Russia owes the abolition of serfdom to the work of Dobrolyubov.

“The years have passed, the passions have subsided, and you have risen high above us ...”, the poet notes, emphasizing that since its existence, the Russian land “has not given birth to such a son.” At the same time, Nekrasov is convinced that “the treasures of spiritual beauty were combined in him with grace,” focusing the readers’ attention on the fact that Dobrolyubov lived and worked not for fame and money, but in the name of Russia, which he wanted to change. And if such selfless and patriotic people had not been born on Russian soil at least occasionally, then, according to the author, "the field of life would have died out."

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