Landscaping and landscaping of the park. Development of a project for the organization and improvement of the territory of a rural park of culture

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1. Comprehensive landscape and architectural analysis of the territory of the site

1.3 Planning structure

1.4 Relief

1.5 Vegetation

1.6 Engineering communications and equipment

1.7 Small architectural forms

2. Project proposal

2.2 Landscaping and small architectural forms and arrangement of places for short-term rest

2.3 Landscaping. Drawing and pivot table

2.3.2 Composition-planning and dendrological structure of plantings being formed

2.3.3 Territory balance





The purpose of this course work is a comprehensive landscape analysis of the square, to create a project for its improvement and landscaping. The square itself is located at the intersection of two streets Nakhimov and Sovetskaya. The work consists of two stages: pre-project (analytical) and design. To accomplish the tasks, it is necessary to perform a number of basic works:

In the pre-project (analytical) part of the work, the following tasks are carried out:

Trees and shrubs are measured on the square site (diameter, height and distance)

Assessment of decorativeness and condition of park plantings

The following tasks are carried out in the project part of the work:

Determination of the scheme of functional zoning of the territory;

Formation of the architectural and landscape environment;

Selection of assortment of plants;

Caring for plants and trees.

Chapter 1. Comprehensive landscape and architectural analysis of the territory of the site

1.1 Urban situation

This land plot with a total area of ​​2200 m² is located in the central part of the city, at the intersection of Nakhimov Street and Sovetskaya Street. On the north side, the square is limited by a temporary fence, construction is underway behind the fence. The roadway of Nakhimov Street is located on the south side of the square.

1.2 Functional content of the object

This square is a small green area in the city, which has the function of a walk-through park of a residential area. The square is intended only for transit traffic, since it does not have places for short-term rest. The square has aesthetic and compositional significance. The site is equipped with asphalt paths and natural paths. Shrubs grow in a dense line along the southern side of the square.

1.3 Planning structure

The total square area is 2200 m². The organization of pedestrian traffic is of significant planning importance, all pedestrian paths are paved. Closer to the northeast, the intersection of three paths form a triangle. The condition of the tracks is assessed as satisfactory, as some tracks have destruction, cracks and overgrowth. In addition to the main footpaths on the site, there are additional paths created by pedestrians to reduce the distance, which resulted in violation of the lawn. There is one lantern on the territory of the square, but its illumination falls on Sovetskaya Street, so at night the square does not have lighting.

1.4 Relief

The relief of the site is relatively flat, there are small rises and falls.

1.5 Vegetation

1.5.1 Dendrological structure of stands

The existing composition of plantations is represented by both tree and shrub species (Table 1). The range of tree species includes: drooping birch (Bйtula pindula), small-leaved linden (Tnlia cordbta), ash-leaved maple (Acer negъndo), willow (Sblix).

Shrub species: lilac (Syrnnga), Manchurian apple tree (Malus manshurica), Siberian hawthorn (Crataygus)

Table 1 - Species composition of plantations

On the territory of the square there are plantings with different physiological state and decorative effect, but mostly with an average decorative effect (Tables 2;3;4).

Table 2 - Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the elements of the existing landscaping

Decorative, specimen.

Condition, copy.

birch drooping

Linden small-leaved

Ash-leaved maple

white willow

Manchurian apple tree


Table 3 - Physiological state of trees and shrubs

Breed name

Physiological state

good, copies (%)

satisfactory, copies (%)

unsatisfactory, copies (%)

1 Ash-leaved maple

2 birch sagging

3 Small-leaved linden


1 Manchurian apple tree

3 Siberian hawthorn

3 copies of the Manchurian apple tree (5.7%) are subject to demolition

Breed name

decorative condition

decorative, copies (%)

medium decorative, copies (%)

non-decorative, copies (%)

1 Ash-leaved maple

2 birch sagging

3 Small-leaved linden


1 Manchurian apple tree

3 Siberian hawthorn

1.5.3 Compositional and planning structure of plantings

The planning composition of this square is mixed. The placement of trees is random, shrubs - group, in ordinary plantings and just as random.

At the moment, the park is not used for recreation. Plantings along the edge near the road are necessary to isolate the site from noise and dust, in addition, some plantings play a decorative role. The main part of the bushes is planted along the route, the rest of the bushes are located in a different order. There are no flowers.

1.5.4 Lawn types and conditions

On this site grows an ordinary landscape gardening lawn. It is the most resistant to mechanical damage, durable, decorative, shade-tolerant. The sod is tear-resistant. The state of the lawn is regarded as "satisfactory", as there are areas with a sparse herbage (up to 40%), areas with a small presence of broad-leaved weeds (up to 10%).

1.6 Engineering communications

There are practically no engineering communications on the territory of the square. Along the edge of the square near the road, above the bushes that are planted, electric cables hardly pass. There is no storm sewer outside the park, no water supply, no wells.

There are also no benches available. The only lantern is located near the fence, and its illumination falls on the Soviet street.

1.7 Small architectural forms and equipment

Small architectural forms are an integral element of the territory of specialized objects of landscape architecture. At this site, small architectural forms and equipment are practically absent. There are only 2 elements of a low forged fence located along Sovetskaya Street.

The square at the intersection of Nakhimov and Sovetskaya streets is an important recreational and decorative city object. It is located in the central part of the city, or rather at the entrance to the city. As a result of the analysis of the vegetation (decorative and physiological state) of this square, it was revealed that the square requires careful reconstruction in order to increase its decorative and functional value. It has also been observed that a small number of shrubs are in an unsatisfactory condition, and therefore their removal is necessary. A large number of shrubs and trees meet the requirements, but sanitary pruning and maintenance is necessary. The lawn also requires maintenance: the elimination of areas with sparse herbage and the removal of weeds. The footpaths are in need of repair.

Chapter 2. Project proposal

2.1 Architectural and planning solution

I consider the architectural and planning solution of this square to be not entirely successful and not aesthetic, the reconstruction measures are maximum. In the eastern part of the square, pedestrian paths will be redesigned, in addition, decorative elements in the form of rockeries, flower beds and a flower border will be added to the square. Small architectural forms will also be added throughout the square.

Flat relief, straight pedestrian paths crossing each other, creating many sharp corners, in the southwest and north of the square, the corners will be cut and rounded inward, thereby resembling an ellipse-shaped platform. This place is also vacated for rockeries. But to the southeast and northeast, this site again acquires angular shapes, all this for the convenience of transit traffic and the preservation of existing plantations. Trees growing in a different order, shrubs planted along the highway and in groups, everything will remain in place, with the exception of only those shrubs that are subject to demolition, and a group of shrubs will be planted in the northwest of the square to maintain the overall composition and landscape style!

2.2 Landscaping and small architectural forms

landscape square dendrological architectural

Part of the footpaths should be changed, because due to the existing construction near the square, some of them have lost their purpose. In the place of the trampled path in the north-eastern part of the square, a path for transit traffic should also be added, since a large number of people walk in this direction, and if this place is re-sown with a lawn, it will be trampled again. The territory of this square is not used for recreation due to the lack of benches and trash cans, this must be corrected. Four benches will be around the rockery, and five more along the main walkway, each bench will have 1 urn. You should also add lighting, in the form of lanterns, for pedestrian traffic at night. Five of which will be the same as the benches along the main footpath, and four more are dispersed throughout the square so that the lighting was maximum at night.

2.3 Landscaping

A complex of landscape works has been developed for this square to improve its condition and planting plants.

The lawn needs care, elimination of areas with a rare herbage and removal of weeds. Some shrubs need to be demolished, and some tree species, such as maple, need to be pruned. Manchurian apple and lilac bushes planted along the car dog also need pruning. A group of bushes will be added in the northwest.

Also, for better decorative landscaping, it is planned to add a rockery to the center of the square, or rather, a little northeast of the center; several flower beds, one northwest, the other east of the center. Flower border along the main footpath, on its northern side.

2.3.1 Reconstructive measures

As a result of the analysis of existing plantations, taking into account their viability, emergency danger, and the general state of decorativeness at a given time, measures were selected to improve their condition and increase decorativeness. The composition of reconstructive measures is selected individually for each tree and shrub. Shrubs to be demolished are not replaced, as pedestrian traffic will be re-planned and a decorative element in the form of a flower garden will be added in that place. Some trees and shrubs need pruning, such as maple, lilac and Manchurian apple tree, hawthorn. In this area, most of the trees are in good condition, so their reconstruction will be minimal (Table 5).

Lawn seeding is also required in trampled and sparsely planted areas. The composition of an ordinary lawn: perennial ryegrass - 30%, fescue - 30%, meadow bluegrass - 20%, meadow timothy - 20%, small-leaved bent grass - 10%

Pedestrian paths in the eastern part of the square need to be redesigned. Some of them will be eliminated, and some will be added to the place of natural paths. Also, part of the existing paths should be repaired, since some of them have destruction and overgrowth.

The rockery device involves the use of stones of the most natural tones - gray, beige or yellow. This will create a beautiful color scheme when plants take up residence in the rockery.

In the case of this rockery, sandstone, a clastic sedimentary rock, will be used. As plants will be used: cat's paw, coleus.

A small flower border along the main walking path will be planted from helichrysum bracts. In both flower beds, the same plants will be used: coleus, alyssum and also helichrysum bracts.

In addition, the following will be added to the square: benches for a short rest in the amount of 9 pcs, trash cans and lanterns in the same amount. The two existing fence elements should be eliminated as they do not play any role

Table 5 - Quantitative indicators for reconstruction activities

2.3.2 Composition-planning structure

Placement of plantings on the territory of the square - mixed and group. Three groups of plantings of lilac bushes, the remaining tree species are placed in a different order. Bushes of the Manchurian apple tree, part of the lilac bushes and a couple of hawthorn bushes are planted in a row along the highway along the street. Nakhimov.

In this square, which according to the project is used not only for pedestrians, but also for recreation, plantings are necessary to protect the site from noise and dust, and also to create shaded areas. Consequently, plant species are selected to be environmentally sustainable, durable and decorative.

The presence of designed flower beds, rockeries and flower borders in this square play a large decorative role. They also have an aesthetic and compositional solution. Around the rockery, on all sides of the path, for the most convenient transit traffic. The rockery itself is located northeast of the center of the square, and has the shape of an ellipse. The range of plants is selected so that at any time from late spring to early autumn they have a decorative look. The first flower garden is located closer to the eastern side of the square, is located on a triangular area and occupies 1/4 of the entire area of ​​this area. The second flower bed is located on the opposite side, i.e. the northwestern part of the square, also located in a triangular area, occupies approximately 1/7 of the area of ​​this area. The assortment is identical for both flower beds. And a flower border, which is located on the south side of the square. Opposite it are benches for rest and lanterns for lighting in the dark. Benches and lanterns are also planned around the rockery.

2.3.3 Territory balance

Most of the territory is occupied by a lawn and a pedestrian network. The territory balance is shown in Table 6.

Table 6 - Balance of the territory of the park

Element name

Area, m

Paths and playgrounds



Trees and shrubs

flower beds

flower border

After practically carrying out reconstruction and planning activities on this site, the square acquires a well-groomed and decorative appearance. The square becomes aesthetic and more functional in its purpose. Tree species are put in order, extra branches are trimmed, tree species are demolished. The lawn was sown in places with a sparse herbage and in trampled areas. Created flower beds, flower border and the center of the entire rockery composition. As well as added places for a short rest and lighting the square.

Chapter 3. Green Building Technologies

Types of work provided for by the project: Trimming (sanitary, molding, top trimming)

The degree of pruning can be very different - from pinching off faded flowers or young growths to removing large skeletal branches. In all cases, pruning should be done to healthy tissue, and where possible, to a growth bud (or pair of buds), which will then give a new shoot. Pruning to keep the plant healthy also includes removing all the criss-crossing, underdeveloped, thin and weak shoots that often appear in the center of unpruned trees and shrubs due to lack of light and air. In addition, pruning destroys possible foci of infection and allows you to develop healthy leaves and full-fledged inflorescences.

Pruning and shaping shrubs

Pruning of shrubs can be different: forming a crown, stimulating flowering, sanitary and rejuvenating, as well as light, medium and strong. To achieve uniform annual flowering when pruning ornamental shrubs, in the spring, before the start of the growing season, some of the flower shoots are removed. Only in this case will the flowering be annual and lush.

All plants after pruning ornamental shrubs should be sprayed with anti-stress preparations, fed with complete mineral fertilizer and, if necessary, watered.

Shearing begins at a time when the young branches from the upper axillary buds are already growing enough, and the renewal shoots (from dormant buds) are still too short. In such cases, the removal of numerous growth points stimulates the already powerful growth of renewal shoots. As a result, after a few days, the renewal shoots outgrow the level of cutting. The hedge loses its shape and decorative appearance, you have to repeat the haircut. To avoid this, the first shearing should be carried out when the renewal shoots outgrow the given level by two or three internodes.

Cutting down shrubs. Sanitary felling is necessary to improve the site, in this case, individual diseased, damaged and drying shrubs are cut down. They always start with a hem. The depth of the undercut is from 1/4 to 1/3 of the diameter of the tree. After completing the cut, they begin cutting down the tree. Then they push the tree with a hand, an ax or a pole (pole), resting it on a tree at a height of 3-4 m. For safety reasons, the presence of people is unacceptable

Planting shrubs. After carrying out work on the preparation of the territory, transferring the improvement plan to nature. According to the layout drawing of landscaping, seats for woody plants are determined in accordance with the planting list. The dimensions of the seats are set depending on the size of the root systems, in accordance with the technical conditions for the work.

Lawn mowing. Regular lawn mowing is an essential element of lawn care. After all, you not only trim too long shoots, but also purposefully stimulate the vegetative processes of plants. From a physiological point of view, lawn mowing provokes various plant diseases. At the cut site, the plant loses a lot of moisture, metabolism stops in the leaves, and nutrients do not reach the roots. Therefore, the grass needs to be watered abundantly and properly fed in order to make up for losses and restore vital processes. On the other hand, mowing the lawn does not pose a threat to the life of the plant.

Lawn mowing can be carried out until autumn. And even in the flesh until October, if the weather is warm and the grass continues to grow. The last lawn mowing should be the lowest of the year. Then you need to collect the cut grass and fallen leaves and be sure to remove it from the lawn so that fungi do not appear.

Removing weeds from the lawn

The mechanical method is weeding by hand or with the help of simple tools that help pull out weeds by the roots.

Rockery device. Arranged from stone in combination with plant groupings of herbaceous and woody plants. On a relatively calm terrain, stones are laid asymmetrically, sinking them into the soil without disturbing the natural landscape. It is recommended to use stones covered with moss. Before laying stones on the site, arrange drainage. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least 15-20 cm. A layer (30-40 cm) of loose, finely cloddy plant soil is spread over the drainage for laying stones. Plant land should be rich in humus (up to 10%). On free illuminated areas between large stones, carpets from low forms of plants are provided.

Sowing seeds with mulching. When sowing in the ground, if the seeds are sown randomly, they are slightly pressed into the soil, laying a board flat on top, the crops are mulched with rotted manure or peat, and the thickness of the layer depends on the size of the seeds. Small seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, medium-large - to a depth of 1.5, large - to a depth of 3 cm. With row sowing, the seeds are first of all covered with earth from open grooves, then the crops are mulched with rotted manure, peat soil. Flower arrangement. Includes the following steps:

1) Removal of the project of the flower garden in nature according to the landing drawing (M1:50)

2) Preparation of seats - seats should be prepared 1.5-2 weeks before planting. First, I plan and clean the site, and then dig a pit (10-15 cm). The bottom of the pit is loosened, and the previously cleared and prepared soil is covered. Plant land should be light loamy, contain substances including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

3) Planting plants - before planting, the surface of the seat is leveled with a rake. Then the territory is divided into areas of various sizes, depending on the plant species. Drawing lines are applied to the planned and watered surface of the flower garden. The number of perennials planted per unit area of ​​the site depends on the type or variety of plants and the size of the root system.

Flower border arrangement. Borders are narrow (0.1-0.5 m wide) strips used as bordering edges. Create borders from ordinary plantings of annuals or perennials of flower, herbaceous plants.

Construction of new and repair of existing footpaths.

First, preparatory work: the dismantling of the old asphalt concrete pavement and foundation at the work site is carried out mechanized with manual refinement.

Asphalt mixes are laid by an asphalt paver and, as a rule, over the entire width of the work area. In places inaccessible to the paver, manual paving is allowed. The thickness of the laid layer depends on the granulometric composition of the asphalt concrete mixture, the binder content and the temperature of the mixture and is selected by trial rolling. The thickness of the uncompacted layer should be 10-15% greater than the design one: with a design layer thickness of 50 mm, the thickness of the uncompacted layer is 5.5-5.75 mm.

When working with mixtures on a binder with high plasticity, it is possible to use a vibrating plate, which does not lead to surface defects.

Compaction of mixtures should begin immediately after their laying.

Arrangement of small architectural forms and lighting

Benches serve for short-term (without backs) or long-term rest (with backs) for visitors to the square. For legs it is recommended to use: stone, concrete. For backs and seats: wooden slats with rounded top edges and a convex surface, which contributes to the rapid discharge of atmospheric precipitation from the slats and the drying of the surface of the backs and seats.

Benches without backs are installed on metal supports, which are embedded in concrete cups. The seat is fastened with screws from the bottom or with a clamp on the side. Benches with a back are fastened with screws.

Litter bins are special containers designed for the collection and short-term storage of random household waste in order to ensure the cleanliness of the territory. The urn should be inconspicuous and small, consist of two parts: a shell and a removable bin. The urns are placed along the edges of the paths and platforms at a distance of at least 0.8 m from the benches.

Lanterns - designed to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians in the evening along the paths and alleys, stay on the grounds, illuminate plants and create comfortable conditions for evening walks.

To illuminate city squares and boulevards, lamps on high reinforced concrete supports are used. The remote consoles on which the lighting lamps are mounted are made of metal. Excavation and layout of trenches, laying of electrical cables, installation of electrical equipment, connection to a power source for switching on is carried out by a specialized construction and installation organization.


Based on the results of the work on the project, all the tasks set for the improvement and landscaping of the park territory were completed. The necessary measures for the care of plantings were noted: pruning of trees and shrubs, demolition of certain species of shrubs, sowing and lawn care, an assortment of planned plantings was selected. Also, measures were taken to reconstruct, repair and arrange the necessary elements: benches, urns and lanterns were added to the territory, existing and new footpaths were repaired; in addition, decorative elements of the square are arranged: rockeries, flower beds and a flower border. All drawings, which contain ideas and proposals for the improvement of the territory, have been completed.

List of literature and used Internet resources

1. Nikolaevskaya I.A. Landscaping - M .: Publishing Center "Academy"; Mastery, 2002


3. Rubtsov L.I. Design of gardens and parks - M .: Stroyizdat, 1979



6. V.S. Theodoronsky. Landscape gardening construction and economy. M: "Academy", 2010

7. Architectural composition of gardens and parks. Center n.i project. in-t for urban planning, under the general editorship of A.P. Vergunova, - M.: Stoyizdat, 1980





Attachment 1

List of existing green spaces

Breed name

Phys. condition



Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

dry branches

birch drooping


birch drooping


birch drooping


Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

broken branches

Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

broken branches

Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

broken branches


Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

Many trunks and dry branches

Linden small-leaved


Linden small-leaved


Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

Linden small-leaved


Ash-leaved maple

medium decorative

strong slope

Lilac, group


Lilac, group


Manchurian apple tree


Nearly dry plantation

Manchurian apple tree


Nearly dry plantation

Manchurian apple tree


Nearly dry plantation

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative


medium decorative


medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative



Annex 2

Assortment of plants used in rockeries, flower beds and borders

Cat's foot dioecious (lat. Antennbria diuica) is a species of herbaceous plants of the genus Cat's foot (Antennaria). A perennial herbaceous plant 10-30 cm tall with a thin rhizome, from which numerous short, recumbent vegetative shoots extend, bearing alternate, rosette-shaped leaves and several straight, non-branched, flower-bearing, felt-pubescent stems. The leaves are entire, glabrous above, green or silvery on both sides, felt-pubescent, basal - spatulate. The flowers are small in baskets, collected in corymbose inflorescences; apical basket 5-6 mm in diameter. The plant is dioecious, the baskets with female flowers are oblong, usually pink. The fruits are cylindrical, oblong achenes (up to 1 mm long) with a tuft of serrated hairs.

Blooms from mid-May to late July, fruits ripen in June-August.

Alyssum (Alyssum)

Belongs to the cabbage family. About 100 species of perennial and annual plants of this genus are known. This herbaceous perennial plant is used as an annual, up to 20 cm high with creeping, densely branching stems and oblong-lanceolate leaves. The flowers are small (four-petal) with a honey smell, white or purple, collected in a brush. It blooms profusely and for a long time from June to severe frosts (October). The fruit is a pod. Seeds ripen gradually. Honey plant.

Helichrysum bracteatum (Helichrysum bracteatum)

Helichrysum is a large genus of herbaceous perennial plants of the Asteraceae family. There are about 500 species found in nature. Flowering occurs from July until frost, 3 months after the first shoots. Grows well in an open, sunny position. Helichrysum loves warmth and cannot tolerate even light frosts. The soil for immortelle is light, slightly acidic and well fertilized. Unpretentious in care. Requires only timely weeding and loosening, easily tolerates late watering. Helichrysum is a plant valuable for the duration of flowering for flower beds, it withstands well the conditions of open sunny places. It is a popular cut plant, often used as a dried flower.

Coleus (Coleus)

garden plant. Annual. Location: Coleus grow quickly. They require a sheltered, sunny or shady location. The soil is light, permeable, rich, slightly acidic. Care consists in regular and abundant watering and spraying. Otherwise, the coleus easily becomes the prey of the spider mite, and indoors - also scale insects and whiteflies. It is also necessary to carry out regular, formative pruning, while cutting out elongated shoots, giving the plants a compact shape. Constant top dressing is also required every 12-14 days, in June with nitrogen, and later with complete mineral fertilizer with trace elements.

Appendix 3

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The improvement program will cover 49 parks at the place of residence, seven recreation areas near the water, 14 natural areas, 52 streets in the historical center of Moscow, seven entrance groups to the city and 14 squares near metro stations.

In Moscow, work continues to create a high-quality public urban space. The program for 2016 included both traditional areas - the improvement of streets, parks, approaches to metro stations and places of recreation near the water, as well as a number of others.

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As in previous years, Muscovites had the opportunity to evaluate projects for the improvement of individual facilities and express their proposals during voting in the electronic referendum system.

He made a report on the results of the implementation of measures to create and improve public spaces in the city of Moscow and plans for 2016.

“The reconstruction of public spaces in Moscow is the largest project to change the image of the city in the last three decades,” the deputy mayor said.

Landscaping multiply (at least two, and sometimes four or five times) increases the number of pedestrians on city streets, the popularity of cycling is growing, the number of cafes, restaurants, shops and other service facilities on the first floors of houses is increasing. There is an opportunity for holding mass festivals and city holidays.

The improvement of parks revives the fashion for recreation and outdoor sports. Thanks to the improvement, Moscow is becoming more popular not only among Muscovites themselves, but also among tourists from Russian regions and foreign countries.

Parks and public places

In 2016, it is planned to improve 79 green areas. Among them are 49 new parks at the place of residence, where after the work there will be children's and sports grounds, playgrounds for quiet recreation, bike paths, a road and path network, lighting, additional landscaping, flower beds and lawns.

A large city park, the Yuzhnoye Butovo Children's Landscape Park, will be landscaped. Here, in addition to children's and sports grounds, quiet recreation areas and bike paths, fountains, barbecue areas, fitness trails, and variety venues will be built. New lighting will appear in the park, and the territory will be additionally landscaped.

The program also includes the following items:

— seven parks of culture and recreation (complex improvement);

— one Levoberezhny swimming beach (construction of a cafe with a panoramic view of the Khimki reservoir, creation of a swimming and water entertainment area for children, equipment for locker rooms, showers and toilets);

- seven recreation areas near the water without swimming (beautification of the coastline for mass recreation);

— 14 natural areas (creation of conditions for walking and outdoor sports).

Work on the largest improvement projects is planned to be completed in 2017.

Since 2011, about 450 green areas and recreation areas (parks, natural areas, recreation areas near the water) have been landscaped at a new qualitative level in Moscow:

— 93 city (district) parks, squares and boulevards (with a total area of ​​1.2 thousand hectares);

— 57 parks of culture and recreation and children's parks (1.6 thousand hectares);

— 161 parks at the place of residence (329.6 hectares);

— 89 recreational areas as part of specially protected natural areas (349 hectares);

— six recreation areas near the water with swimming (65 hectares);

— 42 recreation areas near the water without swimming (386.5 hectares).

“New parks have moved from the city center to the periphery. Work in this direction does not stop. At the same time, we began to actively improve the streets of Moscow,” said Pyotr Biryukov.

Public spaces ()

In 2016, it is planned to improve 73 urban spaces:

— 52 streets in the historical center of Moscow;

— seven entrance groups to the city at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and outbound highways;

— 14 squares in front of metro stations.

In particular, the improvement will affect such important streets for the city as Tverskaya (partially), Taganskaya, Bolshaya Yakimanka, Mokhovaya, Novy Arbat, as well as Boulevard and Garden Rings (partially).

“A green promenade will appear on the southern side of Novy Arbat, ideal for walking around the center of the capital. On the more compact northern one, recreation areas have been landscaped. More than 150 trees of various varieties will be planted on the street directly into the ground, parking will be reorganized,” said the Deputy Mayor of Moscow.

When developing improvement projects, special attention was paid to planting trees (2,400 in total). Thus, the famous linden trees, cut down more than 20 years ago, will return to Tverskaya Street. A large number of trees will be planted along the Garden Ring, which will again become the green belt of the city.

Work on the improvement of urban areas under the program will be completed on November 1. “To date, all project documentation has been approved, and in early May we will start construction work. We plan to end the season on November 1st. At the same time, the objects of the central part of the city will be commissioned by September 1. In advance, work is underway at the facilities of the My Street program to modernize engineering networks and urban communications, which will make it possible to put the underground space of streets in order, to eliminate gaps after the completion of landscaping work,” said Pyotr Biryukov.

From 2011 to 2015, 142 city streets and public spaces with a total length of about 200 kilometers were improved in the capital.

“The total length of the modernized territories was 193 kilometers. If in 2011 two streets were reconstructed, then last year 47 streets with a length of almost 100 kilometers were renovated. Here the trend is obvious,” added the deputy mayor.

Territories near Moscow Ring Road

A large-scale project in 2016 will be the improvement of territories with a total area of ​​1.1 thousand hectares adjacent to the Small Ring of the Moscow Ring Railway (MKZhD).

“There will be 31 stops with full-fledged transfer hubs on the Small Ring. This means a huge flow of Muscovites who will use the territory every day. Now our task is to carry out extended landscaping throughout the entire ring - this is 54 kilometers - within the framework of a single concept, ”Pyotr Biryukov specified.

Comfortable and safe conditions for future passengers of the Moscow Railway will be created here. In addition, in the course of improvement, the formation of a unified style for the Moscow Ring Railway as a new surface metro ring will begin.

First of all, specialists will make convenient entrances and footpaths leading to the stations and transport hubs of the Moscow Ring Railway.

Planned works include:

– creation of new and repair of existing sidewalks and roads;

— Creation of drive-in pockets, stops, places for disembarkation and landing of passengers of ground transport, parking lots;

- arrangement of lawns, planting trees;

— creation of a street lighting system;

- installation of benches and other small architectural forms.

In addition, it is planned to repair 74 residential buildings located along the Moscow Ring Road.

Territories at the site of demolished unauthorized construction sites

The Moscow Government plans to create comfortable public spaces in place of the self-construction facilities demolished in February 2016.

There are proposals to create nine comfortable city squares (for example, the revival of Sukharevskaya Square), to restore the historical appearance of four territories (for example, Turgenevskaya Square), and to improve 21 territories adjacent to highway intersections.

The main types of work will be paving, additional landscaping and installation of small architectural forms.

The list of specific works for the improvement of territories at the site of the demolished unauthorized construction sites will be determined taking into account the proposals of Muscovites expressed in the framework of electronic voting in the Active Citizen system.

“These areas are an integral part of city streets. Therefore, work on their improvement will be carried out taking into account the needs of Muscovites. We have already received more than 600,000 proposals from citizens through the Active Citizen project. Our task is to make these places safe, convenient and functionally useful,” said Pyotr Biryukov.

List of green areas for improvement in 2016

Residential parks

  1. Klimentovsky lane, possessions 1-3.
  1. Green area, Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd, possession 29.
  2. Staropetrovsky square, Clara Zetkin street, 31.
  3. Zorge street, possession 9.
  4. Square on Korovinskoe highway, property 34.
  5. Volokolamsk highway, house 13.
  6. Beskudnikovsky boulevard, property 31.


  1. Landscaped area in the floodplain of the Yauza River, Chukotsky passage - Lenskaya street.
  2. Territory along Novgorodskaya street, house 32.
  3. Square between Bestuzhev and Rimsky-Korsakov streets.
  4. Square on Sedova street.
  5. Square on Bazhova street.
  1. South alley.
  2. Plekhanov Street (Boulevard).
  3. Sinichkin square.
  4. Square No. 2 near the Izmailovskaya metro station.
  5. Technical Pond, Stalevarov Street, 16.


  1. Kuzminskaya street.
  2. May 1 Park.
  3. Zhulebinsky boulevard, house 9.
  4. Square "Oak Grove".
  5. Square named after Kuznetsov.
  1. Park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory, Kirovogradskaya street, houses 20-22.
  2. School square on Kirovogradskaya street, house 6.
  3. The area around the Biryulevsky Ponds.
  4. Donskoy Square.
  5. Electrolitny proezd, house 1v.
  6. Borisovskie Prudy street, house 6, building 1.


  1. Park near the pond on Leninsky Prospekt, house 111.
  2. Crossing of Tyoply Stan and Akademika Vinogradova streets.
  3. Obruchev street, houses 6-28, building 3.
  4. A park in the Tyoply Stan landscape reserve.
  5. Park in the 3rd quarter of the Troparevsky forest park.
  1. Park area on a site within the Skolkovo highway, Vyazemskaya street, Belovezhskaya street.
  2. Nezhinsky Boulevard, Nezhinskaya street, 13, building 2.
  3. Michurinsky prospect, house 46.
  4. Landscaped area adjacent to the pond along Kravchenko street (2nd stage).
  5. Asgard Park.


  1. Square on Planernaya street opposite house 12, building 1.
  2. Pyatnitskoye highway, 1st microdistrict, from house 7 to house 13.
  3. The territory along the left bank of the Skhodnya River from the Riga direction of the railway to the Volokolamsk highway.
  4. Pyatnitskoe highway from house 13 to house 17.
  5. Square on Tvardovsky street, house 14, buildings 1-3.


  1. Living Stones Park, park 1446-1471, from building 1451 to building 1462 (3rd stage).
  2. Park near building 820 (square named after A.S. Pushkin).


  1. Settlement Rogovskoye, Shkolnaya street, house 2.
  2. Settlement Sosenskoe, Linden Park.
  3. Settlement Moscow, between the 3rd microdistrict and the village of the Institute of Poliomyelitis.
  4. Mosrentgen settlement, Zavoda Mosrentgen street, house 20.

City Park

Children's landscape park "Southern Butovo".

Parks of culture and recreation

  1. Landscape park "Mitino".
  2. Pryamikov Children's Park (children's territory of PKiO Tagansky).
  3. Recreation area "Terletskaya oak forest".
  4. Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow (2nd stage).
  5. Levoberezhny recreation area (2nd stage).
  6. Krasnogvardeisky ponds.
  7. Khodynka field.

Recreation areas near the water with swimming

Beach "Levoberezhny".

Recreation areas near the water without swimming

  1. Terletsky park.
  2. Penyaginsky pond (landscape park "Mitino").
  3. In the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.
  4. Park "Druzhba" (overhaul of ponds 1-6).
  5. Leninsky Prospekt, between property 123, buildings 4, 5 and property 129 in the 9th microdistrict of Tyoply Stan (restoration and environmental rehabilitation of ponds).
  6. Aivazovsky Street (restoration and ecological rehabilitation of ponds).
  7. A pond in the Lianozovsky landscape reserve.

natural areas

  1. Mosfilmovskaya street, houses 11, 34 (the territory of the nature protection zone "Valley of the Setun River").
  2. Shipilovsky proezd, opposite house 63.
  3. The territory of the natural-historical park "Bitsevsky Forest", 7th quarter.
  4. Arrangement of wooden flooring with elements of a road and path network in the Izmailovo Natural and Historical Park.
  5. The territory of the natural and historical park "Bitsevsky Forest", the 16th quarter (territory improvement with the arrangement of a walking route for outdoor activities).
  6. The territory of the natural and historical park "Kuzminki-Lublino" (territory improvement with the arrangement of a walking route for outdoor activities).
  7. The territory of the natural and historical park "Tushinsky", 9th quarter.
  8. Protected natural complex No. 22 "Mitinsky Forest Park" and the landscape reserve "Valley of the Skhodnya River in Kurkino".
  9. Landscape reserve "Teply Stan", 16th quarter, possession 2.
  10. Yauza forest park, 54th quarter (national park "Elk Island").
  1. The territory of the planned landscape reserve "Lianozovsky" adjacent to the pond.
  2. Natural and historical park "Kosinsky" (north, 3rd quarter).
  3. Natural and historical park "Kosinsky" (south, 3rd quarter).
  4. Creation of the Health Garden park.

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In August 2002, the Rules for the Improvement of the Territory of Moscow were approved, which impose certain requirements on city facilities - courtyards, quarters, parks, alleys, city streets, recreation facilities, children's and sports grounds, technical, security zones and others - in order to create a comfortable and attractive urban environment. The Rules cover the whole range of works from design and examination of projects to control over the implementation of measures and the operation of landscaped areas.

Design of landscaping and landscaping elements

In areas where paved surfaces predominate and a high building density is observed, compensatory landscaping of the surface of roofs, facades, blind areas should be used, designed taking into account:

1. Safety requirements in relation to fixing the soil, installing mobile tanks, placing a water conduit, hydro and vapor barrier works of supporting structures and premises. With vertical gardening, measures should be taken to preserve the exterior finish of the facade (lattices, cables, planter supports).

2. Fire safety - automatic fire extinguishing and lightning protection systems, fire-resistant materials.

3. Strength of load-bearing structures. In their insufficiency, amplification is performed.

Types of coatings and requirements for surfaces

When landscaping territories, 4 types of coatings are used: hard (concrete, stone), soft (sand, crushed stone, expanded clay), lawn (grass layer) and combined - mixed type, combines different options. The main requirements for coatings are strength, maintainability, non-slip, environmental safety. The color of the coating must match the color of the surrounding urban environment.


Various types of fencing are used to improve the urban environment. For example, in the central part of the city, roadside areas, near houses, forged, cast-iron, steel fences are recommended and deaf reinforced concrete are prohibited. In the places where lawns adjoin roads, parking lots - metal structures up to 50 cm high with an indentation of 20-30 cm, for trees growing in pedestrian areas of heavy traffic - enclosing elements up to 90 cm high.

Small architectural forms (MAF)

Small architectural forms - decorative elements, landscaping devices, water objects, furniture, gaming and sports equipment, lighting systems, etc. To create a comfortable urban environment, a number of requirements must be taken into account:

  • landscaping should be done with the help of flowerpots, trellises, flower girls, trellises, etc.;
  • fountains must have spillways, and the approach to them must be hard-surfaced;
  • decorative reservoirs should have a smooth bottom for easy cleaning and be located on a flat surface;
  • installation of urban furniture is carried out on a solid surface or foundation (with the exception of forest park areas, playgrounds);
  • playground equipment (swings, carousels, modular elements, sports complexes) must have a safety certificate;
  • lighting (architectural, functional, light information) should provide the necessary level of light for pedestrian areas, roads, school areas, kindergartens, adjacent areas, and devices should have an aesthetic appearance, anti-vandal protection.

Non-capital structures

The design of non-stationary (non-capital) objects - pavilions, stalls, tents, kiosks, ground toilets, box garages is carried out subject to sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire safety rules. The shape and appearance of structures must comply with urban design, operational requirements, and the location should not hamper the movement of pedestrians. Installation of structures is carried out on a hard surface, a normalized set of landscaping elements - bins, containers for garbage, lighting devices.

Buildings and constructions

The main requirements for the design of buildings and structures relate to the color of the exterior, entrance groups, plinths, drains, placement of antennas and other elements:

  • exterior color schemes should correspond to the general concept of the street and the city;
  • it is desirable to use finishing materials with high wear resistance;
  • antennas should be placed from the side of the yard;
  • house signs are required to be placed on the building - the name of the street, the number of the house, building;
  • entrance groups should be equipped with a canopy, lighting equipment, surface interface elements, ramps, fences, railings, in some cases, protective nets should be installed at the level of the second floor, etc.


When implementing the improvement of the urban area, it is necessary to provide playgrounds for sports, walking dogs. The main requirements relate to the location of the boundaries of the sites, their size, isolation from the passage of vehicles, pedestrian traffic, garbage collection areas and parking.

Playgrounds are equipped with a soft surface, and playgrounds - with a hard surface. Dog walking areas should have a leveled, clean surface that excludes injury to animals, a metal mesh at least one and a half meters high should be used as a fence, landscaping, furniture, and lighting equipment should be provided.

Footpaths, sidewalks, alleys

Pedestrian communications should ensure the unhindered movement of pedestrians, safety and convenience. The slopes are designed taking into account the movement of the disabled, the alternation of horizontal and inclined sections is performed, the installation of stairs with ramps.

Transport passages

The design of driveways should be carried out with the preservation of landscape features and the state of adjacent territories. For the improvement of transport passages, a hard surface, mating surfaces, landscaping elements and lighting systems are used. Green spaces should not reduce the size of roads and interfere with the view of drivers.

Design of complex improvement in residential areas

The design of residential areas - residential areas, adjacent territories, schools, gardens, microdistricts, garages, parking lots, etc. - is carried out according to the principle of unity and accessibility of space. Territories should be equipped with sidewalks, parking lots, in some cases, fences, different types of coatings, bins, waste containers, street furniture, lighting, landscaping and landscape design elements should be used.

Certain types of residential areas have individual requirements. For example, house adjoining spaces should have free passages for transport, pedestrian zones, playgrounds for children and play areas, recreation areas, landscaping, fences, a pre-house area, elements of adjacent surfaces, etc. The territories of school and preschool institutions are equipped with playgrounds, a sports center, places for sports activities. With dense development, landscaping, placement of children's and sports grounds on the roof or in underground / semi-underground structures is allowed.

Designing the improvement of recreation areas

Improvement of recreational facilities - parks, squares, gardens, beach complexes, as well as specially protected areas of natural and national parks, forest parks - includes the reconstruction / restoration of monuments, the restoration of green spaces, the disturbed natural layer, plant care and much more. The set of mandatory landscaping elements depends on the purpose of the object. In particular:

  • for recreation areas, the maximum length of the line of the beach and the reservoir is regulated, the placement of rescue stations, medical stations, paths, sheds, toilets is mandatory;
  • for parks and forest parks - organizing the passage of mini-transport, placing stop pavilions, footpaths, alleys, attractions, gazebos, landscaping systems and decorative compositions, water devices, lighting, non-capital structures, as well as the creation of separate viable ecosystems;
  • parks of residential areas - placement of alleys, paths, playgrounds, sports and gaming complexes, landscaping, garbage collection devices, enclosing structures;
  • gardens - equipping with benches, waste collection devices (bins, containers), landscaping, lighting, as well as the use of water devices, fences, non-capital structures, information schemes;
  • boulevards, squares should be equipped with hard-surface paths and areas, have benches, bins, garbage containers, planting lanes, fountains, flower beds, recreation areas in the appropriate colors.

Landscaping of production areas

Landscaping of industrial areas (pre-factory areas, parking lots, recreation areas, pedestrian communications, recreational facilities), landscaping of sanitary protection zones is carried out using mating surfaces, hard surface, information stands, flagpoles, pedestrian communications, lighting equipment, non-stationary (non-capital) objects , outdoor equipment. Recreational facilities are located in areas protected from the impact of industries. Landscaping of sanitary zones should be carried out in the form of picturesque compositions with elements of interface of surfaces and plant protection.

Residents of megacities are worried about the lack of green spaces, walking alleys near residential complexes. Improvement of parks and squares is the primary task of the municipality, citizens, and construction organizations.

The MASK group company takes an active part in solving the environmental problem of Moscow and the Moscow region, through the improvement and planting of greenery in parks within the city.

Complex improvement of parks is carried out in many stages. Main steps:

  • research and thorough inspection of the area;
  • development of a construction plan in electronic form;
  • its approval with the customer, city authorities;
  • budget calculation;
  • zoning of the territory taking into account the interests of the residents of the area;
  • search for contractors;
  • setting deadlines;
  • Preparation for construction;
  • construction works;
  • installation of equipment, communications;
  • landscaping;
  • further improvement and decoration of the park area by designers.

Improvement of city parks includes additional activities depending on the type and purpose of the recreation area. The following types of parks are distinguished:

Forest park. This is the area with the fewest buildings. 80% of the area is occupied by lawns, edges, alleys.

Park of Culture and Leisure. It is used as a venue for mass, cultural events, equipped with walking paths, squares. Designed for high traffic density. Green spaces usually occupy no more than 50% of the area.

Amusement park. Designed for active family holidays. Most of the area is occupied by entertainment centers, attractions for children and adults.

Botanical park. The territory is planted with exotic plants. There are no entertainment centers in this park. You can walk along it in peace and quiet, looking at bizarre rare plants and trees. Green spaces occupy up to 90% of the park area.

Park on the shore of the reservoir. Great place for family vacations, walks with children. On the territory there are leisure centers, cafes, restaurants, playgrounds, houses, sanatoriums for a long stay, picnic areas. Trees and plants occupy 30-40% of the area.

Landscaping of the park territory cannot do without landscaping, construction of sanitary facilities, lighting, water. This scope of work is undertaken by the construction company. MASK Group has been fulfilling these tasks for more than one year. He has extensive experience, a fleet of specialized vehicles designed for the complex improvement of the city, adjacent territories and parks.

For residents of cities, parks and squares become the only place to relax in the summer heat. Therefore, it is so important to increase their number, make them available and equip them with everything necessary.

Park improvement includes zoning of the territory. The ideal park consists of the following sections:

  • walking;
  • picnic;
  • bicycle;
  • sports (grounds, stadiums for ball games, running);
  • sanitary;
  • entertaining;
  • catering points.

A prerequisite for the improvement of public gardens is landscape and architectural elements. Green spaces are used as decorations for recreation areas in summer and winter. Sculptures and busts will add a cultural component to the recreation area.

On the territory of one park, it is not possible to perform zoning for all points. But walking alleys, quiet squares, playgrounds are present in any of them.

There are regulations for the construction of footpaths. Standard width: 3-10 meters. They must be located away from places where mass events are held. Equip with benches, gazebos for a short respite from walking.

Children's playgrounds and sports grounds are located separately from crowded places. Their area depends on the size of the park, its capacity. The site equipment is standard. You should definitely take care of the safety of the coating, the quality of the installation of equipment for active games.

The improvement of parks in Moscow or other megacities is particularly difficult. The high density of visits, high requirements for equipment, ecology complicate the task for construction companies. Only professionals will complete all the assigned tasks with high quality and on time, having thought through every step, taking into account the peculiarities of the life of citizens in the metropolis.

The MASK group company offers services for the improvement of city parks. Extensive experience in the construction industry makes it possible to cope with the task of any complexity.

Dear customers, the LENOTR-PARK landscape design studio carries out complex and individual types of work on the improvement of private landscapes, farms, cottage settlements and urban infrastructure.

You can order in our studio:

  • arrangement of the road and transport network;
  • installation of a functional and decorative lighting system;
  • strengthening of slopes;
  • construction of stairs and retaining walls;
  • construction of reservoirs;
  • installation of MAFs.

Our business card - completed objects

The portfolio of LENOTR-PARK includes hundreds of successfully completed projects. But we are especially proud that we have completely or within the framework of collective orders landscaped in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • 2 golf clubs;
  • 17 private and public swimming pools;
  • 26 playgrounds, including: tree houses, playgrounds, fairy-tale houses and castles;
  • 20 decorative and public reservoirs. At the same time, their depth ranged from 50 cm to 9 m, and the area of ​​the water surface - from 5 to 1000 m 2;
  • 6 plots adjacent to large office centers and shopping malls;
  • 3 residential areas of new buildings.

What we guarantee to our customers

  1. Free consultations. The employees of the LENOTR-PARK landscape workshop provide truly free initial and subsequent advisory assistance. In many competing companies, such competent and extensive advice is included in the estimate by default.
  2. Transparent pricing. In the explanatory note to the project or in the contract for the performance of certain types of landscaping work, all components are clearly and specifically signed: the cost of materials, the cost of paying employees and the costs of the special equipment and equipment used. We never include our ambitions in project expenses and objectively evaluate our work.
  3. Loyalty programs. Each customer is free to choose a designer and contractor, but the turnkey implementation of the territory improvement allows LENOTR-PARK to rationally allocate time and material resources, due to which the customer can save ¼ of the entire project cost.
  4. Warranty service for all work performed within 1.5-3 years.

We have already written more than once what the concept of "improvement" implies in terms of landscape design (not to be confused with the improvement of the territory as an object of municipal government). Let us briefly recall that landscaping in landscape design is a set of works aimed at the functional and aesthetic transformation of open space in order to create comfortable conditions for people to stay in it.

What is landscaping

Landscaping work may include the entire list below, may be carried out partially, depending on the degree of development of the area and the goals set.

Landscaping includes:

  • relief formation, according to the project;
  • laying engineering networks;
  • protection of the territory from flooding, flooding;
  • storm water drainage;
  • equipment of reservoirs;
  • organization of pedestrian paths and their paving;
  • territory lighting;
  • placement of small architectural forms;
  • landscaping (although this is a separate service, often clients do not separate landscaping and landscaping).

Speaking about the improvement of the territory, one must understand that we can talk about a variety of options. It can be - private cottages, summer cottages, estates of suburban houses, family estates, as well as public areas - parks, squares, courtyards of urban high-rise buildings, courtyards of children's and educational institutions, adjacent territories to special institutions (hospitals, recreation centers, palaces of culture ) etc.

It is easier to fulfill an application for improvement when it comes to creating a completely new facility on undeveloped land, when all activities are developed comprehensively at the stage of landscape design. There are much fewer restrictions in such a development of events. However, such options rarely occur, except perhaps during the construction of facilities outside the city (rest houses, tourist camps, forest parks, beaches, etc.). More often it is necessary to improve the territories located among residential areas, surrounded by transport interchanges, infrastructure facilities.

Features of improvement of local and general areas

In the article, we considered the features of the improvement of private plots. Their distinguishing feature is isolation. A person protects his territory from prying eyes with a fence / hedge / wall and creates his own space, his own world, in his image and spirit.

With open territories that are part of the complex spatial organization of entire urban areas, or that have their own specifics (kindergarten, school, sanatorium), the situation is somewhat different. If only because such territories are places of mass visits of citizens. In their organization, questions about functionality and safety play a major role.

Factors influencing the development of a territory improvement project:

  • functional purpose;
  • location of engineering and communication networks;
  • area and configuration of the territory;
  • insolation factor;
  • the category of objects of the street and road network lying near the required territory;
  • the style of the environment, the presence of historical monuments.

The main requirements for the improvement of public areas:

  • openness to visual perception;
  • the possibility of unhindered movement;
  • stylistic correspondence of landscaping elements with the environment;
  • high degree of security.

Photo gallery of landscaping works

Types of public areas to be improved

Landscaped areas within the boundaries of a settlement include all specialized and multifunctional zones, as well as centers of local or general significance.

Improvement objects located within the boundaries of settlements include:

  • parks, squares, boulevards, alleys;
  • recreation areas, water parks;
  • territory of preschool children's institutions;
  • the territory of school institutions (palaces of creativity, summer camps, general education, music, sports schools, etc.);
  • territories adjacent to healthcare facilities (polyclinics, hospitals, sanatoriums);
  • green areas at industrial enterprises, administrative buildings;
  • territory of rest houses, boarding houses;
  • sports facilities - halls, playgrounds, stadiums;
  • residential areas, playgrounds, etc.

In a word, wherever a person lives or stays, improvement works are carried out. Each object has its own specifics. As a rule, the requirements and norms for the improvement of territories of different categories are clearly spelled out in numerous SNIPs, GOSTs and other documents of industry, state and local significance, which the contractors are required to adhere to.

LE-PARK responsibly approaches the improvement of urban areas, because we, like all citizens, love our city and are making efforts to make it even more beautiful. Each object made by us is original and unique, each object brings an additional touch to the beautiful image of the capital.

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