Determination of the object of observation of the census of post office of communication. Exercises and tasks

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3. Statistical observations

Topics Study Plan

List of questions


The student should know:
- determination of statistical observation; - forms, types of statistical observation; - principles of statistical observation; - Methods of observation; - types of mistakes and control over them;

L-1 L-2 L-4 L-5

19-36 12-18 15-22 14-24

- Tasks for improving statistical observation;
be able to:
- Develop a plan for statistical observation

Methodical instructions When studying the topic, it should be understood that observation is the pen and the initial stage of a statistical study. It is necessary to understand the basic principles of the organization and conduct of observation, learn to solve the practical tasks that get up to the Outdoor. Clearly understand that statistical observation is a targeted scientifically organized process. This is expressed in the fact that it is carried out with a certain purpose of a predetermined goal, organ-denounced according to plan. Preparation of observation includes a large range of different types of work. First, it is necessary to solve the program-methodological issues of its conduct, then solve problems of an organizational nature, and then conducting a massive collection of data directly related to the filling of statistical formulations. It is necessary to understand the main organizational forms, types and SPOs of statistical observation, the principles of classifying forms, ViTS and methods of observation and the use of them when solving problems. The most important task of observation is to obtain kindness-venical, reliable data. Its solution depends on the successful fulfillment of the requirements for the observer. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that in the course of observation there may be errors. The errors appearing during the observation process are called errors on-obstruction all errors that occur with continuous observation are called registration errors. To prevent or decrease the dimensions of these errors in observation orgplans, it is necessary to predict special control measures (for example, a re-observation of observation units, etc.). In case of unbleached observation, in particular selective, the specific errors called the representativeness errors may occur. They appear due to the fact that observation is not solid. After receiving statistical forms, the completeness and qualities of the collected data should be carried out. Nodal issues are set out in the scheme.

3.1. Word the definition of the object of observation:
a), the census of post offices; b), the census of trade enterprises; c), census of scientific institutions; d), hospital census, clinic, etc. Healthcare institutions; e). Census schools. 3.2. Make a list of the most essential signs of the following
units of statistical observation: a), farms; c), university; b), residential building; d) joint venture.

    It is planned to hold livestock census in households. What method and type of observation (by source information) would prefer for this census. Motivate your choice. In 1994, the State Statistics Committee of Russia conducted a one-time survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs. What type of statistical observation on the basis of time is this survey?

Practical lesson 1.

Acquaintance with the forms of statistical reporting of agricultural enterprises. 4. Summary and grouping statistical data

Topics Study Plan

List of questions Literature
The student should know:
- the concept of a summary and grouping, their meaning and L-1.
application; L-2.
- the essence of the statistical summary and grouping; L-4.
- the concept of a grouping attribute; L-5.
- concept of interval;
- the concept of rows of distribution and their application
when solving tasks;
be able to:
- correctly define grouping signs;
- choose the intervals of the statistical group;
- Make up groupings.

Methodical instructions

When studying this topic, it should be understood that the most important stage of the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes is the systematization of primary data and obtaining on this basis the summary characteristics of the object as a whole with the help of generalizing indicators, which is achieved by reporting and grouping the primary statistical material. It should be understood that the depth and accuracy of the material processing distinguish the summary of the simple and complex. Summary must be carried out at the following steps:

    Selection of a grouping feature; determining the procedure for the formation of groups;
    Development of a system of statistical indicators for characteristics of groups and an object as a whole; Development of statistical table layouts to represent the results of the summary.
Also note that with the help of the grouping method, the following tasks are resolved:
    allocation of socio-economic types of phenomena;
    study of the structure of the phenomenon and structural shifts occurring in it;
    Detection of communication and relationships between phenomena.
In accordance with the tasks, the following types of groupings differ:
    typological; structural;
- analytical. It is necessary to know the entity of these groups. When studying the topic, pay attention to the grouping recognition, since the construction of groups begins with the determination of the composition of grouping signs. The choice of a grouping feature is one of the most essential and complex issues of the theory of grouping and a statistical study. Grouping features can be both quantitative and qualitative (attribute). If the grouping is carried out according to a quantitative basis, then it is necessary to pay attention to the number of units of the object being studied and the degree of broadcasting the grouping feature. The number of groups depends on the objectives of the study and the type of indicator, polo, in the base of the grouping, the number of aggregate, the degree of variation of the feature.

When the number of groups is defined, the grouping intervals that can be equal and unequal should be determined.

The magnitude of the equal interval can be determined by the following formula: Where: I is the interval, X MAS and X min - the maximum and minimum meaning of the totality, P is the number of groups. When grouping statistical data, each group can be characterized by several statistical indicators. If we characterize the groups with only one indicator, namely the number of units included in the group, then the distribution rows will be obtained, which can be drawn up on co-licable and qualitative (attribute) features. From here they are called variation and attribute rows. Distribution rows can be submitted to the following scheme.

Scheme4. Rows of distribution

Practical lesson 2.

ILO Materials of agricultural enterprises Spend a simple and combined grouping. Grouping results Subject to the statistical table and make an analysis.

Tasks and exercises for self-control

4.1. To which grouping features - attribute or
clear - belong: a) the age of man; b) nationality; c) exposability score; d) the income of the employee of the company; e) Form of ownership? 4.2. Which of the following groups are typological: a) grouping of the population on the floor; b) grouping of the population by industry employed in the national economy; c) grouping capital investments for the construction of objects
industrial and non-productive purposes; d) grouping of catering enterprises for the forms of
due to? 4.3. The following data on the main indicators of
between the largest banks of one of the regions of Russia (data conditional)
(thousand roubles.)

No. p / p Amount of assets


Raised resources


The volume of investigatives in the state prices

1 2 5 7
1 645,6 8,1 30,8
2 636,9 9,5 25,7
3 629,0 38,4 26,4
4 619,6 38,4 25,3
5 616,4 13,4 20,9
6 614,4

2. The All-Russian Census of the 2002 population was held from 9 to 16 October 2002 as of 0 hours from 8 to October 9. The counter came:

a) in the family No. 1 - October 10. In this family, a child was born on October 9. Should the counter make information about the child born in the census list?

b) in the family No. 2 - October 15. In this family, on October 14, a member of the family died. Should the counter make information about the dead in the census list?

c) in the family No. 3 - October 16. In this family, on October 12, newlyweds registered their marriage in the registry office. What answer should write a counter to the question of the correspondence "state in marriage"

3. Using logical control, expose the following answers to the questions of the census census questionnaire:

Check with the help of counting (arithmetic) monitoring the following data obtained from kindergarten. Take output.

but)Total children in kindergarten - 133

b)Including: in senior groups - 37,

on average - 43,

in the younger - 58

in)Of the total number of children: boys - 72,

girls - 66.



5. Word the definition of the observation object, the observation unit:


on the topic "Statistical observation"

1. Give examples of various types of statistical observation according to media data (over the past 5-7 years)






2. Develop software and methodological issues of statistical observation on the topic of your chosen, place in the form of a table:

Organizational Statistical Observation Plan

Event Dates of carrying Responsible

Terminological dictionary

Statistical observation- Mass, systematic, scientifically organized monitoring of the phenomena of social and economic life, which is to register signs selected by each unit of aggregate.

Purpose of observation- obtaining reliable information to identify the patterns of development of phenomena and processes.

Object observation- Statistical aggregate, in which the studied socio-economic phenomena and processes arise.

Observation unit- Composite element of an object that is a carrier of signs to be registered.

Reporting unit- The subject from which data is received on the observation unit.

Observation program- List of signs (or questions) to be registered in the process of observation.

Statistical form- a single sample document containing a program and surveillance results.

Critical moment (date)- Day of the year, an hour of the day, as of which the registration of signs should be carried out on each unit of the total totality.

Term (period) of observation- time during which statistical formulations are filling.

Reporting- The main form of statistical observation, with the help of which statistical authorities receive the necessary data from enterprises, institutions and organizations in the form of reporting documents established in the legitimate procedure, fastened by signatures responsible for their provision and accuracy of collected information.

Census- Specially organized observation, repeated, as a rule, at regular intervals, in order to obtain data on the number, composition and state of the statistical observation object for a number of signs.

Register observation- a form of continuous statistical observation of long-term processes that have a fixed start, development stage and a fixed end.

Direct observation- Registrars by direct measurement, weighing, counting or checking work and so on, establish the fact that is subject to registration, and on this basis there are records in the observation form.

Documentary way of observation- based on the use of various kinds of documents as a source of statistical information, as a rule, of a discount.

Interview- The method of observation in which the observed information is obtained by the respondent.

Current observation - Observation when changes in the attitude of the phenomena are recorded as they are on the onset.

One-time examination- The information is given of the quantitative characteristics of any phenomenon or process at the time of its research.

Solid observation- Obtaining information about all units of the total totality.

Unbled observation- Only part of the units studied by the aggregate are subject to the survey.

Accuracy of statistical observation- The degree of compliance of the magnitude of any indicator, determined by the materials of statistical observation, the actual value of its magnitude.

Error observation- the discrepancy between the calculated and valid values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bunder study.

Additional material

Concepts related to the formation of an information base
Concepts Characteristics
Information It happened from the Latin word "clarification, presentation". This is a general scientific concept, including the exchange of information between people, humans and machine gun, the exchange of signals in the animal and the plant world.
Statistical information The combination of information of social and economic nature, on the basis of which features such as accounting and control, planning, management and statistical analysis.
Sources of obtaining statistical information They are organs of state statistics, organizations conducted by sociological surveys, etc.
Requirements for statistical information This is: 1) accuracy, completeness and representativeness of the information received on socio-economic processes and phenomena; 2) compliance with the tasks of the study (the same information is adequate to solve some and not adequate for others); 3) the accuracy of the information as the degree of compliance of statistical information of the displayed reality; 4) massibility, obtaining sufficient to analyze the volume of the total aggregate; 5) systematics of collecting and processing information; 6) scientific approach to information based on the methods of knowledge of reality and the general provisions of statistics as science; 7) adequacy of information of the essence and nature of the studied phenomena.
Other types of information (in addition to statistical), which should use statistics This is: 1) Accounting data (that is, the continuous registration of the availability and movement of material and financial resources of the Organization); 2) data of operational and technical reporting (that is, the set of registered individual events and facts directly at the time of their commission), reflecting the technological state of the object at one time or another; 3) data of sociological studies for which the influence of the subjective factor is characterized by the need to take into account group, class, social motives, interests, etc.

Section 3. Summary and grouping statistical data

Theme lesson Methodical Equipment Literature Note (independent work)
Tasks and types of statistical report. Grouping method in statistics Visual manual - Rows of distribution GL 3. Paragraphs 3.1-3.2, 3.5 -
Rows of distribution in statistics GL 3. Paragraphs 3.1-3.2, 3.5 textbook Ed. IG Small theory of statistic ticks p.78-109 3 hours Solving tasks for grouping statistical data. Making tasks for building distribution series and their graphic image. From newspapers and magazines to choose examples of distribution and tables
Construction of distribution series and their graphic image. Collection of tasks GL 3 Paragraphs 3.1-3.2, 3.4 -

The student must know:

ü basic methods for collecting, processing, analyzing and visual presentation of information

ü Concepts: statistical summary, grouping of statistical data, a number of distribution.

ü types of reports

ü types of groupings

ü Grouping features.

ü Formula Strozsesa

The student must be able to:

ü collect and register statistical information;

ü Build attribute and variational ranges of distribution, simple and complex groupings.

Ü Determine the elements of the variation series.

ü determine the magnitude of the interval.

ü perform rearrangement of statistical data.

ü Build graphs Row of distribution

Section Plan:

Topic 3.1. Tasks and types of statistical reports

1. Concept of statistical summary

2. Methodological issues of statistical groups, their importance in economic research

3. Tasks of statistical groups, their types

Topic 3.2. Rows of distribution in statistics

5. Statistical distribution series

6. Statistical tables

7. Development of a baked statistical tables

8. Basic tables

Questions for self-control

1. What is the first and second stages of statistical research and what is their meaning?

2. What types of reports do you know? Give them a brief description.

3. What is called statistical group and grouping signs?

4. What types of groupings do you know? Give them a brief description.

5. What is the meaning of the grouping method in the analysis of statistical data?

6. What are the main tasks are solved by the researcher using the grouping method?

7. What is the role and value of classifications? Give examples of the most important classifications?

8. Which groupings are called combinational? Give an example?

9. What is the difference between the combination group from multidimensional?

10. How is the grouping, if a grouping feature is discrete?

11. In which cases it is necessary to determine the intervals of grouping on quantitative features?

12. How is the number of groups and the boundaries of the intervals between them?

13. What are the intervals of groupings and how to accurate their borders. Give examples.

14. What is called secondary grouping, in what cases do you have to resort to it and how to get new groups on the basis of existing?

15. What are the statistical series of distribution and for what signs can they be formed?

16. How are variational distribution rows and on what signs are they based?

17. What is the method of constructing discrete and interval distribution rows? Give examples.

18. What are the functions of statistical tables?

19. What are the types of tables on the construction of the subject?

20. List the basic requirements for table design.

Training test

on the topic "Summary and grouping of statistical data"

1. Students of higher educational institutions are divided into students at the correspondence, full-time and evening branches. This group is:

a) typological:

b) structural;

c) analytical.

2. In order to study the dependence between student performance and their age, an analytical group is performed. Data should be grouped by:

a) student performance;

b)student age.

3. The population living on any territory is distributed to the Social Regulations. The resulting series is called:

a) variational;

b) attribute;

c) alternative;

d) discrete;

e) interval.

4. A summary of statistical observation is called:

(a) Combining units of aggregate into some groups having their own characteristics, general features and similar dimensions of the studied feature;

b) a special stage of statistical research, during which primary statistical observation materials are systematized;

c) the object characterized by numbers.

5. Grouping is:

a) streamlining units of aggregate on a dedicated basis;

b) breakdown of units of aggregate into groups of significant features;

c) generalization of single facts.

6. Grouping, revealing the relationship between phenomena and their signs, is called:

a) analytical;

b) structural;

c) typological.

7. The grouping in which the heterogeneous aggregate is divided into homogeneous groups, is called:

a) analytical;

b) structural;

c) typological.

8. Grouping, built in three signs, is called:

a) a number of distribution;

b) simple;

c) combination.

9. A group attribute in constructing an analytical group is:

a) factorial;

b) efficient;

c) factor and efficient.

10. The basis of the grouping may be:

a) an attribute feature;

b) quantitative sign;

c) both attribute and quantitative sign.

11. Groupings are distinguished by:

a) the organization of data collection;

b) by the number of grouping signs;

c) in the depth of the material processing.

12. A number of distribution, built on a qualitative basis, is called:

a) attribute;

b) continuous;

c) numeric.

13. The distribution variation series is a series built:

a) on an attribute feature;

b) quantitatively;

c) both by attribute and quantitatively.

14. In the theory of statistics, using the grouping methods are studied:

a) statistical relationships between phenomena;

b) regression dependencies;

c) Dynamics of processes.

15. In statistical theory, the statistical report program includes formation:

a) observation objects;

b) reporting units;

c) groups and subgroups.

16. Discrete variationaries are graphically displayed using:

a) polygon;

b) histograms;

c) cumulates.

17. Accumulated frequencies are used when constructing:

a) polygon;

b) histograms;

c) cumulates.

18. Interval is:

a) the difference between the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the totality of the totality;

b) the difference between the upper and lower bounds of the sign values \u200b\u200bon the same group;

c) the difference between the number of units (frequencies) of neighboring groups.

19. A number of distribution are:

a) a set of features located in a certain order;

b) distinction of units of aggregate according to one of the signs;

c) units of aggregate, arranged in order of ages or decrease in sign values.

20. Under ranking understand:

a) the determination of the limit (interval) changes in the values \u200b\u200bof the varying feature;

b) a quantitative assessment of the degree of variation of the studied sign,

c) the location of all values \u200b\u200bin the increasing (or decreasing) order.

Practical tasks

on the topic "Summary and grouping of statistical data"

Similar information.

Workshop 1. (on Schmeylova, etc.)


1.1. Name the main stages in the evolution of the semantic content of the term statistics. "

1.2. Specify how the employee is called for whom the collection of statistical data is a good professional activity.

1.3. Name as an example of the sphere of socio-economic life of society studied by statistics.

1.6. What types of (quantitative or attribute) include the following features:

A) the number of employees on the company;

B) family relationships of family members;

C) gender and age age;

D) the social status of the depositor in Sberbank;

E) the floors of residential premises;

E) the number of children in the family;

G) retail trade turnover of trade associations.

1.7. Indicate which aggregates can be allocated in a higher educational institution for statistical studies?

1.8. Specify which statistical sets of credit institutions can be distinguished; consumer market spheres; peasant farms; Building production

1.9. What quantitative and attribute features can characterize the collection of university students?

1.15. What signs are interrupful or continuous - are:

A) the population of the country;

B) the number of marriages and divorces;

C) production of light industry production in value terms;

D) capital investments in value terms;

E) the percentage of the implementation of the plan of realized products;

E) the number of seats in the plane;

G) the yield of grain crops in centners with 1 hectare.

1.16. What types of (qualitative or quantitative) include the following signs:

A) the tariff discharge of the worker;

B) score of progress;

C) ownership;

D) the type of school (initial, incomplete average, etc.);

E) nationality;

E) a state of marriage.

1.17. Name public populations on the sources of means of existence.

Statistical observation

2.2. Fill out the 2002 census census form of data about yourself and about other members of your family as of a critical moment (see Blanches on the Internet). The critical moment is set to instruct the teacher.

2.3. Calculate the forms of answers to the questions of the correspondence of the 2002 census list of the Classification results, submit in the following table:

2.5. Word the definition of the object of observation:

A) the census of post offices of communication;

B) the census of trade enterprises;

C) the census of scientific institutions;

D) census commercial banks;

E) hospitals, clinic and other institutions

health care;

E) school censuses;

G) survey organizations on the cost of costs


2.6. Make a list of the most significant features of the following units of statistical observation:

A) farming;

B) residential building (for housing census);

D) library;

E) theater;

(E) Joint venture.

2.12. In order to study the opinions of students on the organization of the educational process of the university in which you learn, you need to conduct a special examination. It is required to determine:

A) object and unit of observation;

B) signs subject to registration;

C) the form and method of observation;

D) develop a form and write a brief instruction to fill it;

E) compile the organizational plan of the survey;

E) perform observation in your student group and present it in the form of tables.

2.17. In 1994, the State Statistics Committee of Russia conducted a one-time survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs. What type of statistical observation on the basis of time is this survey?

2.18. The wholesale trade base received a lot of goods. To check its quality, the tenth of the batch was selected in random order, and by careful inspection of each unit of the product was determined and its quality was fixed. What kind of observation (and for what signs) can this be the survey of a batch of goods?

2.19. Statistical observation is performed. Answers to the observation form questions are recorded on the basis of documents containing relevant information. What is the name of this kind of observation?

2.20. The editors of the magazine, wanting to find out the opinion of readers about the journal and their wishes for its improvement, sent out the questionnaire with a request to answer the questions contained in it and return it to the editor. What is the name in statistics such observation?

2.21. When in 2002, the population census answers to the questions of the census list were recorded on the basis of responds to the respondents. What is the name of this kind of observation? What is the census employee producing a survey of the population and filling the census sheets?

2.22. During the All-Russian Census of the 2002 population, the counters visited each family and recorded each family of each member of the family and his answers to the questions of the Czyrical Sheet. What is the way such a way of observation?

2.26. Using logical control, expand the following answers to the questions of the census census questionnaire:

A) surname, name, patronymic - Ivanova Irina Petrovna;

B) the floor is male;

C) age - 5 years;

D) whether in marriage now - yes;

E) nationality - Russian;

E) native language - Russian;

G) education - secondary special;

H) place of work - kindergarten;

And) the occupation in this place of work is a nurse.

In responses, what questions are likely made erroneous records? Can I fix any of them?

2.27. In one of the correspondence of the census census, which had a critical moment of 0 hours from 08 to 09 October 2002, the following entries were produced:

A) surname, name, patronymic - Petrov Sergey Ivanovich;

B) the floor is male;

C) age - 50 years, born in the 4th month 1925;

D) whether in marriage now - no;

E) nationality - Russian;

E) education - average;

G) place of work - atelier of the outerwear;

H) occupation in this place of work - accountant;

And) public group is a worker.

Specify which of the answers are not consistent with each other.

2.28. Check with the help of counting (arithmetic) monitoring the following data obtained from the statistical reporting of the kindergarten:

A) all children in kindergarten - 133;

B) including: in senior groups - 37, in mid-groups - 43, in junior groups - 58;

C) from the total number of children: boys - 72, girls - 66.

If you have installed a discrepancy between some numbers, do you consider sufficient grounds for making an appropriate amendment?

2.29. Check out the following data from servicing the population by the population of the city district and give the most likely explanation of the inconsistencies between the numbers that you found (thousand rubles):

Total revenue - 255.

Including from:

sales of envelopes, brands, postcards and other types of goods - 150,

subscriptions for periodicals - 200,

sales of newspapers and magazines - 45.

2.30. The population census was carried out in the period from 9 to 16 October 2002. The critical moment was 0 hours of night from 08 to 09 October. The counter came:

1) In the family No. 1 - October 11. In this family, a man died on October 10. How should the counter:

A) not to make information about the dead in the census;

B) make with a marker about death;

C) make without a mark of death;

2) In the family No. October 2 - 15 and hit the wedding. Two hours ago, newlyweds returned from the registry office after registration of marriage (before that, they did not consist in a registered marriage). What the counter should write in response to the question "Are you married now" about each of the spouses:

A) consists;

B) does not consist;

3) in the family No. 3 - 16 of October. The family was born in the family on October 14. How should the counter relative to this child:

A) add to the census sheet;

B) not to enter into the census sheet;

4) Family No. 4 - also on October 16. One of the family members to the question: "Whether he is in marriage now," replied that he did not consist, and showed a meter a certificate of termination of marriage, which states that marriage will terminate on the first day of the census - October 9. Despite the objections to the respondent, the meter registered it in marriage. Does the counter correctly entered?

2.31. The city's office of state statistics was received from the enterprise "Report of the Industrial Enterprise on the Implementation Plan for Labor" for the II quarter of the current year. All the necessary information about the implementation of the Work Plan is available in it, but there are no signatures of the relevant officials. Can I send this report to development or not?

Appendix 1 contains copies of the formulations of all-union census of the population of 1979, 1989, as well as the All-Russian census of 2002
Carefully examined and comparing them among themselves, answer the following questions:
a) what kind of like each of them is?
b) Give the object of each of the censuses.
c) What are the differences in these censuses?
d) What are the differences in the wording of the issues of age?
e) Specify differences in setting questions about a marital status.
e) What are the differences in the formulation of issues of the population in these censuses?
g) What is the interpretation form of censuses different?
h) Are there in the correspondence sheet of the population of the population of 2002? If there is, in what matters and what content (complete, incomplete)? Fill out the 2002 census census form of data about yourself and about other members of your family as of a critical moment (see Appendix 1). The critical moment is set to instruct the teacher. Calculate the forms of answers to the questions of the correspondence of the 2002 census list (see Appendix 1). Classification results Present in the following table: list the questions of the correspondence sheet of the All-Russian Census 2002, the answers to which you need to give in the form of numbers. Word the definition of the object of observation:
a) the census of post offices of communication;
b) the census of trade enterprises;
c) the census of scientific institutions;
d) census commercial banks;
e) hospital census, clinic and other health facilities;
e) school censuses;
g) a survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs. Make a list of the most significant features of the following units of statistical observation:
a) farming;
b) residential building (for housing census);
c) university;
d) library;
e) theater;
(e) Joint venture. What are you note in the signs that should be registered during:
a) surveys of an industrial firm for the purpose of studying the flow of labor;
b) surveys of the work of urban transport in order to study the role of various types of transportation of passengers;
c) surveys of university students in order to study the time budget. Formulate the object, one and the purpose of the observation and develop a survey program:
a) kindergartens;
b) firms producing baby food;
c) gas stations; hotel complex region. Word questions to include them in the observation form on the following features of observation objects:
a) the number of employees on the company;
b) the numerical composition of the family;
c) family relationships of family members;
d) Paul and man age? Word questions from the observation program and make a layout of the statistical form, as well as a brief instruction to fill it to explore the dependence of gender, age, the family position, housing conditions and public activity of the university student when conducting a special statistical examination as of February 1, 2003, specify What kind of time review refers to the time, coverage and method for obtaining data. The trading company "Party" instructs you to develop a form of a questionnaire of buyers in order to study a contingent attending the company, meet their demand and time spending on the purchase of necessary audio and video equipment. Specify, what kind of time observation includes this type, coverage and method for obtaining data. In order to study the opinions of students on the organization of the educational process of the university in which you learn, you need to conduct a special examination. It is required to determine:
a) object and unit of observation;
b) signs subject to registration;
c) the form and method of observation;
d) develop a form and write a brief instruction to fill it;
e) compile the organizational plan of the survey;
e) perform observation in your student group and present it in the form of tables. Determine the object and one of the observation of a one-time survey of readers of public libraries. Develop a program and a form of this survey. Develop a program and a form of a one-time survey of housing conditions of students of universities of their city as of 01/01/2003, as well as the organizational plan of this observation. Make layouts of statistical observation formulations in accordance with the programs developed by you in the 2.8 task. In 1994, the State Statistics Committee of Russia conducted a microperiety of the population of the Russian Federation. What kind of surveillance is this survey? In 1994, the State Statistics Committee of Russia conducted a one-time survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs. What type of statistical observation on the basis of time is this survey? The wholesale trade base received a lot of goods. To check its quality, the tenth of the party was selected in random order and by careful inspection of each unit of goods were determined and its quality was fixed. What kind of observation (and for what signs) can this be the survey of a batch of goods? Statistical observation is performed. Answers to the observation form questions are recorded on the basis of documents containing relevant information. What is the name of this kind of observation? The editors of the magazine, wanting to find out the opinion of readers about the journal and their wishes for its improvement, sent out the questionnaire with a request to answer the questions contained in it and return it to the editor. What is the name in statistics such observation? When in 2002, the population census answers to the questions of the census list were recorded on the basis of responds to the respondents. What is the name of this kind of observation? What is the census employee producing a survey of the population and filling the census sheets? During the All-Russian Census of the 2002 population, the counters visited each family and recorded each family of each member of the family and his answers to the questions of the Czyrical Sheet. What is the way such a way of observation? It is planned to hold livestock census in households. What method and type of observation (by source information) would you prefer for this census? Motivate your choice. It is necessary to conduct a one-time survey of the use of equipment in textile enterprises. What kind of method you know should be statistical authorities to conduct this examination? Motivate your choice. Determine the place, time and authorities for statistical observations:
a) accounting for currency operations of commercial banks;
b) selective examination of the budgets of families of retirees;
c) accounting for the incomes of citizens and sources of their income, which is carried out by tax inspectorates on the results of the calendar year;
d) accounting of immigrants in order to clarify their socio-demographic composition, goals and departure countries. Using logical control, expand the following answers to the questions of the census census questionnaire:
a) surname, name, patronymic - Ivanova Irina Petrovna;
b) the floor is male;
c) age - 5 years;
d) whether in marriage now - yes;
e) nationality - Russian;
e) native language - Russian;
g) education - secondary special;
h) place of work - kindergarten;
and) the occupation in this place of work is a nurse.
In responses, what questions are most likely made erroneous records? Can I fix any of them? In one of the correspondence of the census census, which had a critical moment of 0 hours from 08 to 09 October 2002, the following entries were produced:
a) surname, name, patronymic - Petrov Sergey Ivanovich;
b) the floor is male;
c) age - 50 years, born in the 4th month 1925;
d) whether in marriage now - no; l) nationality - Russian;
e) education - average;
g) place of work - atelier of the outerwear;
h) occupation in this place of work - accounting Public Group - a worker. /\u003e Specify which of the answers are not consistent with each other. Check with the help of counting (arithmetic) monitoring the following data obtained from the statistical reporting of the kindergarten:
a) all children in kindergarten - 133;
b) including: in senior groups - 37, in mid-groups - 43, in junior groups - 58;
c) from the total number of children: boys - 72, girls - 66.
If you have installed a discrepancy between some numbers, do you consider sufficient grounds for making an appropriate amendment? Check out the following data from servicing the population by the population of the city district and give the most likely explanation of the inconsistencies between the numbers that you found (thousand rubles):
Total revenue - 255
Including: sales of envelopes, brands, postcards and other types of goods - 150
subscriptions for periodicals - 200 sales of newspapers and magazines - 45 Census of the population was carried out in the period from October 9 to 16, 2002. The critical moment was 0 hours of night from 08 to 09 October.
The meter came: in the family No. 1 - October 11. In this family, a man died on October 10. How should the counter:
a) do not make information about the dead in the census list:
b) make with a marker about death;
c) make without a mark of death; In the family No. 2 - 15 and hit the wedding. Two hours ago, newlyweds returned from the registry office after registration of marriage (before that, they did not consist in a registered marriage). What the counter should write in response to the question: "Are you married now" about each of the spouses - is it or not? In Family No. 3 - 16 of October. The family was born in the family on October 14. How should the counter relative to this child:
a) add to the census list;
b) not to enter into the census sheet; In the family No. 4 - also on October 16. One of the family members to the question: "Whether he is in marriage now," replied that he did not consist, and showed a meter a certificate of termination of marriage, which states that marriage will terminate on the first day of the census - October 9. Despite the objections to the respondent, the meter registered it in marriage. Does the counter correctly entered? The city's office of state statistics was received from the enterprise "Report of the Industrial Enterprise on the Implementation Plan for Labor" for the II quarter of the current year. All the necessary information about the implementation of the Work Plan is available in it, but there are no signatures of the relevant officials. Can I send this report to development or not?

Task 2.1.

Word the definition of the object of observation:

a) census of the city's housing stock;

b) the census of scientific institutions;

c) census manufacturing enterprises.

Task 2.2.

List the most significant features of the following statistical observation units:

a) shop;

c) theater;

d) processing enterprise.

Task 2.3.

Whatever signs of signs that should be registered during:

a) surveys of the work of urban transport in order to study ways to improve passenger traffic;

b) surveys of manufacturing enterprises in order to study the change in the equipment.

Task 2.4.

Spend logical control of the correctness of the migrant of the disruptive coupon to the leaflet of the disposal:

Task 2.5.

Suggest logical control of the data (Table 2.3) on the production of finished products and semi-finished products in the production division in the reporting period and make corrections:

Table 2.3 - source data

Task 2.6.

With the help of logical control, check out the answers to the questions of the census census sheet:

a) surname, name, patronymic - Petrova Elena Ivanovna;

b) the floor is male;

c) age - 6 years;

d) is whether in marriage - yes;

e) nationality - Belarusian;

e) native language - Russian;

g) education - higher;

h) place of work - technical school;

and) the occupation at the place of work is a teacher.

What answers most likely mistakes are most likely and how to fix them?

Task 2.7.

Check out the correctness of the data (Table 2.4) of the columns (column) and the final indicators in the reporting of the trading enterprise for the quarter, in thousands of monetary units.

Table 2.4 - indicators of the reporting of the trade enterprise for the quarter

Control questions

  1. What is the essence of statistical observation and what is his difference from other types of observations?
  2. What are the requirements for statistical observation?
  3. Program and methodological questions of ensuring statistical observation.
  4. The purpose and tasks of statistical observation.
  5. Object and valuables of statistical observation.
  6. What is a program of statistical observation.
  7. What are the most important principles and rules for holding statistical observation?
  8. What are the questions are displayed in the organizational plan of statistical observation?
  9. Forms of statistical observation and their essence.
  10. Varieties of statistical observation and their essence.
  11. What is called statistical observation errors?
  12. What two groups are divided into statistical observation errors?
  13. Causes of registration errors. Types of registration errors.
  14. Causes of representativeness errors.
  15. What types of control of statistical observation results use statistical authorities?
  16. What is the essence of logical control?
  17. What is the essence of arithmetic control?
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