John the Theologian Orthodox University. Orthodox universities in russia

"The purpose of the Orthodox Institute is to educate not only highly trained, but also spiritually mature people who have mastered the foundations of Christian morality and Orthodox religious and cultural traditions."

About the institute

Established with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia in 1993. The uniqueness of education received by students Russian Orthodox Institute of St. ap. John the Evangelist is to combine secular humanitarian and theological education. Students study not only a full course of disciplines in specialties that correspond to the state educational standard, but also receive a theological education, studying both the doctrinal, church history, and the theological block of academic disciplines proper.


  • legal faculty;
  • Faculty of Psychology;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • faculty church history painting;
  • Faculty of Ecology;
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Theology;
  • philological faculty;
  • historical faculty;
  • Faculty of Journalism;
  • theological faculty.

Additional specialties. Diplomas

IN Russian Orthodox Institute of St. John the Evangelist there is a faculty of additional specialties- regency-singing courses, which enable university graduates to receive additional specialties - Church choir director, Church choir singer (ecclesiastical diplomas)
The Institute issues state diplomas for 8 specialties at the "specialist" level, in 9 specialties at the "bachelor" level. The Institute conducts retraining of specialists and training of specialists in the programs of the second higher education.

Every year the university graduates specialists who receive both a state diploma and a church diploma. Upon admission, the results of the Unified State Exam are taken into account, and a set for a second higher education is also carried out.

Driving directions

    Created in 1993 in Moscow. The faculties are philosophical theological, biblical theological, historical philological ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Created in 1993 in Moscow. Faculties: Philosophical Theological, Biblical Patrological, Historical Philological, Legal, Economic, Environmental. In 1998 there were about 700 students. * * * RUSSIAN ORTHODOX UNIVERSITY RUSSIAN ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian (RPU of St. John the Theologian) Founded 1993 Rector Hegumen Peter (Eremeev) (since 2010) Location Moscow ... Wikipedia

    - (street, 28/2). Established with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II in 1993. It trains specialists in the humanitarian field. The university program includes courses in humanitarian subjects (using the heritage of Russian schools of Slavic studies ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - (RosNOU) ... Wikipedia

    Russian Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian (RPI) Founded 1993 Rector Abbot Peter (Eremeev) (since 2010) ... Wikipedia

    - (RSUFKSMiT (GTsOLIFK)) Logo International name ... Wikipedia

    - (RGUNiG) ... Wikipedia

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov" (PRUE named after G. V. Plekhanov) ... Wikipedia

    Request "RGUITP" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (RGUITP) International name Russian State Unive ... Wikipedia

UNIQUE PSTGU Studying at PSTGU, students have the opportunity to simultaneously develop in different directions, taking into account individual needs. On the one hand, the University offers 52 study programs in the field of liberal arts education at 9 faculties in the specialties in demand with the issuance of state diplomas. On the other hand, the proposed programs make it possible not only to obtain an actual specialty, but also to expand the range of competencies by studying foreign languages ​​and acquiring several professions.TRAINING AT LEADING UNIVERSITIES IN EUROPE PSTGU creates opportunities for gaining first professional experience in the process of internships and internships. The university has partnerships with 12 universities in Europe and the USA, where students of PSTGU can study and practice on exchange programs. Thus, each student can build an individual trajectory of development, which can include obtaining several specialties at once, good language and theological training. CRITERIA FOR THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION The quality of education is an important criterion for assessing the activities of PSTGU, which is achieved through the scientific activities of the university, its own methods, a high level of qualifications of teachers and renowned invited specialists. PSTGU teachers are high-level experts in their fields, often speak at Russian and international scientific conferences, as well as with lectures at other universities. Within the walls of the university, students from Europe and the USA are also trained and trained. PSTGU AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Those wishing to devote themselves to scientific activities, the university provides the opportunity to continue their studies in the magistracy and postgraduate studies, publish works in the publications of PSTGU, work in research centers, participate in conferences.STUDENT LIFE The university has an active and varied student life; it is a venue for numerous scientific and cultural events. MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASE OF PSTGU A good material and technical base of the university allows the use of modern technologies in the learning process. Also, students can use libraries, electronic resources, canteens and even a coworking studio to prepare for classes and rest. A hostel is provided for nonresident students. AVAILABILITY OF BUDGETARY SPACES AND HOSTELS In 2018 the university offers applicants 375 "budgetary" places, some of which are financed from the state budget, part - from own funds, as well as 392 places on a paid basis. For the period of study at PSTGU, young men of military age are given a deferment from the army. Studying at PSTGU requires students to be purposeful, efficient and willing to learn. Only in this case, all the opportunities that the university provides will allow you to get a good base and the advantages necessary for further employment.PSTGU is waiting for its students!

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