Self-hypnosis against disease. Self-hypnosis treatment

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Self-hypnosis is the influence of a psychological nature by an individual on his own consciousness, which is characterized by an uncritical perception of attitudes and worldviews. Thus, self-hypnosis is the suggestion by a subject to his consciousness of ideas, attitudes, various thoughts and feelings. Self-hypnosis of a person can be embodied with the help of autogenous training, which is an independent reading (it does not matter to oneself or aloud) or pronouncing certain words, sentences in order to influence one's own personality. People can experience self-hypnosis of varying intensity everywhere, for example, when suppressing a feeling of fear in front of one or another obstacle, overcoming a feeling of uncertainty while reading a report in public.

Self-hypnosis of a person is divided into passive suggestion and active, useful action and harmful influence. Medicine knows the facts when the power of self-hypnosis of a harmful effect chained an individual to a hospital bed for many years or made a person disabled, and, on the contrary, repeatedly conscious self-hypnosis of a beneficial effect helped the individual to heal.

Self-hypnosis methods

Self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis helps to evoke sensations, perceptions, emotional states or volitional impulses in one's own person, and also affects the autonomic processes of the body.

The essence of self-hypnosis methods lies in the development of positive stimuli through the regular reproduction of specially selected statements until they are transformed into a working tool of the human subconscious, which will begin to act in accordance with this stimulus, transforming thoughts into a physical equivalent. The power of self-hypnosis lies in the regular reproduction of attitudes for the subconscious.

Suggestions of self-hypnosis should be spoken out mentally in an imperative tone from the first person in an affirmative form. Negative meaning or negative particle "not" in self-hypnosis formulas are prohibited. If the subject, for example, seeks to quit smoking by means of the self-hypnosis formula, then instead of the phrase: "I do not smoke," the statement should be pronounced: "I quit smoking." It is also not recommended to give lengthy monologues. Attitudes should be short, and they should be pronounced slowly, focusing on the object of suggestion. In the process of pronouncing each setting, it is recommended to colorfully represent the suggested.

The most effective impact is possessed by methods that include target formulas (that is, thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful attitude to the subconscious), which occur against the background of a relaxed state of the body. Hence, the more the individual's body is relaxed, the more malleable his subconscious will become for the target orientation.

The effect of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the level of desire to achieve a set goal, on the level of focusing attention on the setting formulas for the subconscious.

Today, a huge number of auto-suggestion methods are distinguished, which include well-known affirmations, various meditative techniques, mantras and many other psychotechnics.

Affirmations are considered the simplest among the methods of self-hypnosis. They are a method of self-hypnosis, which consists in repeating a verbal formula either aloud or silently.

The meaning of this psychotechnique is to formulate a sentence, which contains a message that a certain goal has been achieved. For example, "I have a great job." Thanks to the regular recitation of affirmations, positive thoughts replace negative attitudes, gradually displacing them completely. As a result, everything repeated will come true in life.

Gratitude is considered a more powerful form of affirmation. After all, after love, gratitude is the second strongest emotion. Therefore, gratitude is a more powerful psychotechnique. Indeed, in the process of gratitude, a powerful positive stream of emotions arises in the soul, affecting consciousness and its psyche. Hence it follows that you need to be grateful for everything: for life, for the day, for the sun, for parents, etc. You can even be grateful for something that is not yet present in life. For example, a subject dreaming of his home may say the following phrase: "Thank you, the Universe, for my beautiful, large, modern and comfortable home." Over time, this wording will do its job, and the grateful subject will have their own home.

The effectiveness of affirmations depends on the frequency of repetitions, regularity. Affirmations should be the content of the day. In other words, during a working day you can do absolutely everything, while keeping the necessary affirmation on the surface of your memory.
Visualization is the mental image and experience of the presented events. The essence of this psychotechnique is not only the representation of what is desired, but also living in the desired situation.

Visualization is so effective due to the fact that the mind is unable to distinguish real events from imagined ones. When an individual imagines something, his mind thinks that it is actually happening. It is important to take everything with your own eyes. That is, not to be an observer, but to live yourself. So, for example, an individual dreams of a car. To do this, he needs not only to imagine the car, but to feel its trim, feel the steering wheel, see himself driving the desired car and look at the road from the front seat.

Visualization should be exclusively positive. It is recommended to practice this psychotechnique in a quiet, comfortable environment, in a comfortable position and in a relaxed state. The mental image embedded in the subconscious of the individual must have clarity and brightness. The duration of the render does not matter. Here, the main criterion of effectiveness will be the pleasure of the practicing individual. That is, it is necessary to visualize as long as the individual receives pleasure and positive emotions from this.

The effect of self-hypnosis with visualization depends on regularity. In other words, the more often an individual presents the desired object, the faster he will receive it.

Another popular method of self-hypnosis is the self-hypnosis of Emile Coue. This psychotechnique consists in a monotonous pronunciation in a whisper of one phrase without tension at least 20 times. In this case, the individual should be in a comfortable position with his eyes closed. The verbal formula should be characterized by simple, positive content and consist of a couple of words, a maximum of four phrases. A psychotechnique session lasts no more than four minutes and is repeated three times a day for at least 6 weeks. E. Coue considered the best time for self-hypnosis of the state after awakening and immediately before falling asleep. Applying conscious self-hypnosis, Emile Couet appeals exclusively to the imagination, and not to the will of individuals. Since imagination plays a primary role, it is immeasurably more powerful than will.

Autogenic training is both self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis. I. Schultz is considered the creator of the method of autogenous training. The basis of this psychotechnique is some of the findings of yogis, the practice of applying the method of self-hypnosis by E. Coue, the experience of analyzing the sensations of individuals immersed in a hypnotic state and other practices.

Applying this psychotechnique, one should achieve a state of relaxation, which is the interval between reality and sleep. Having achieved complete relaxation, you need:
- activate memories that have a connection with the pleasant, previously experienced;

Induce sedation if necessary;

Accompany self-hypnosis installations with representations of various images.

The effectiveness of the practice of this method depends on the level of concentration. Psychotechnics requires daily exercise at least twice a day. Skipping reduces the effect.

Self-hypnosis treatment

Self-hypnosis of a person is an effective technique for self-healing from ailments. This method is effective in cases where the official medicine in helplessness "threw up its hands." So, for example, V. Bekhterev believed that the healing effect of the effects of prayer is based on self-hypnosis, which affects through a connection with religious emotion.

It is believed that the marginal effect of treatment is achieved only when the patient believes in a cure. Therefore, often, absolute belief in healing is stronger than pills.

Conscious self-hypnosis according to the Coue method consists in repeating aloud at least three times a day the self-hypnosis formula. In the process of pronouncing the formula, the individual must be in a comfortable position. The phrase “I'm getting better every minute” is an example of the Coue’s self-hypnosis formula. He believed that it is absolutely unimportant whether the meaning of the pronounced formula corresponds to reality or not. Since the installation is addressed to the subconscious, which is characterized by gullibility. The human subconscious mind takes any setting for the truth or for an order that needs to be carried out. It is imperative to pronounce the verbal formula out loud. If you are unable to pronounce a phrase aloud, you can pronounce it to yourself, moving your lips while doing this. The main thing in healing by self-hypnosis is the positive orientation of the formula, otherwise you can get self-hypnosis of pain, instead of healing.

You can refer to an individual organ or to the whole organism. Couet believed that short, positive formulations worked better in the body than any pill. It is believed that positive thinking is existence.

The psychotechnics of self-hypnosis according to Shichko's method is also the pronunciation of phrases, but with their preliminary prescription on paper. Shichko believed that in this way the impact would be more effective and quicker. He recommended before going to bed to write the formula of self-hypnosis on a sheet of paper several times, then go to bed, saying the written phrase to himself.

The balloon is another method of self-hypnosis, which allows not only to get rid of various life problems, but also to successfully cure ailments. It consists in visualizing a deflated ball above the head, which must be filled with problems, ailments, and negative experiences on exhalation. After the ball is completely filled, the ball should be released upward as you exhale. As the ball moves away in the imagination of the individual, one should imagine that with it all the negative that the ball is filled with flies away. This method is recommended to be applied immediately before bedtime, then, in addition to getting rid of problems, healthy sleep is also acquired.

The auto-training method is successfully used to treat patients with nervous disorders, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system, relieves of various addictions, overweight.

The method of treatment with the help of self-hypnosis is successfully used for the general strengthening of the body, increasing its tone, and improving the emotional mood. This psychotechnique is successful with blues, apathy, emotional recession, for example, due to a break in relations. It is believed that the mental suffering received during the breakdown of a relationship lasts no more than a few hours, more prolonged suffering is just a self-hypnosis of pain.

In addition, auto-training allows you to relieve pain, relieve tension, and relax. The advantage of the treatment is the ease and simplicity in mastering the techniques.

Self-hypnosis techniques do not require any kind of violence or coercion. With self-hypnosis, there is no "breaking" or suppression of one's own desires.

Performing various psychotechniques to get rid of ailments, the individual is guided only by his own aspirations and feelings.

Doctor of the PsychoMed Medical and Psychological Center

There is no person who does not possess the basics of self-hypnosis. Sometimes we do not notice how strongly our thoughts are reflected in our mood and behavior. Having mastered the technique of self-hypnosis, you can learn to manage your own emotions and reactions. Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool that, in some cases, can even save a person from a serious illness.

The basics of self-hypnosis

To use self-hypnosis effectively, you first need to learn the basics. Here is a list of the rules, the observance of which is mandatory:

1. Confidence and no hesitation

Doubt is negative self-hypnosis. Your fears of failure can become an obstacle to achieving your goal, which ultimately leads to failure.

2. Positive attitude

The prefix "not" in your speech already programs your brain to defeat. Try to build your judgments in such a way as to avoid negative wording. For example, you are on a strict diet, and as soon as you have the desire to eat, you begin to convince yourself that you are not hungry. You will likely start feeling nauseous very soon. Therefore, at such moments it is better to try to convince yourself that you are full and your stomach is feeling great.

3. No coercion

Any kind of coercion can lead to internal conflict. There is nothing worse than fighting yourself. Instead of trying to force, try to convince yourself or find a compromise solution.

4. Orientation to the present

It is impossible to correct what has already been done, and planning the distant future with the help of self-hypnosis is also not worth it, because during the time you wait for the result, you can do much more. Just focus your attention on what is happening at the moment.

5. Correct installation

The best attitude is a concise yet succinct, clear and articulated attitude. If you formulate your desire for a long time, it may become blurred, and the installation will not work. Also, repeat the installation as often as possible.

The power of self-hypnosis

If you do not believe in the power of self-hypnosis, then only because you have never tried to experience it on yourself. Unfortunately, regardless of our desires, self-hypnosis works every day, especially if you inspire yourself with negative thoughts and emotions. Negative self-hypnosis in some cases may even end up with illness.

Self-hypnosis of the disease

Iatrogenic illness is a mental disorder that occurs as a result of a doctor's careless statement. Sometimes a careless word can provoke the belief that you are seriously ill. Although such a disease may develop through no fault of the doctor. So, a suspicious person sometimes makes similar diagnoses to himself. The most dangerous thing here is that the result of such self-hypnosis can be a real disease. If a person dwells on his own experiences, negative changes can really occur in his body. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract develop especially rapidly. A person under the influence of negative self-hypnosis is often in a rather severe stressful state, and stress, as you know, is the source of many
real diseases.

Self-hypnosis technique

There are many techniques for self-hypnosis. The most famous is the Coue technique of self-hypnosis. It is based on verbal formulas that reflect the aspirations and desires of a person.

Self-hypnosis formulas

With the help of self-hypnosis formulas, Coue helped patients get rid of both mental problems and character flaws, and physical illnesses. For each goal, its own suggestion formula is drawn up. The main thing is that it should be simple and positive, like, for example, "I am healthy." This formula demonstrates an appeal to the entire body, but it can also be applied to a specific system: “my blood pressure is normalizing,” etc. You need to pronounce these miracle words before going to bed, and immediately after waking up, at this time, a person is in a half-drowsy state. Repeat them at least twenty times in the affirmative in the present tense.

Self-hypnosis treatment

Our illnesses are our experiences, our worries and our fears. To be healthy, you need to be calm and balanced.

How to get rid of self-hypnosis of diseases

If a person fell ill by self-hypnosis, he should try to change his thoughts and the way of thinking in general, try to think about recovery and tune himself in a positive wave. For treatment, you can use formulas like: "every minute I become healthier and calmer."

Self-hypnosis on self-confidence

Formulas for self-hypnosis on confidence can be very diverse, but they must relate to a specific goal. For example: "I am successful," "I am a happy family man," "I am rich and smart," etc. In addition to these phrases, a person can create additional auditory or visual images. Self-confidence can be instilled by recording formulas on audio media and listening to them throughout the day.

Self-hypnosis for weight loss

Self-hypnosis for weight loss requires privacy. Here visual images work better when you not only clearly imagine, but also feel yourself in a new look.

Self-hypnosis to quit smoking

To quit smoking, there are many ways of self-hypnosis. Whatever device you use (e-cigarette, pills, etc.), it is important to believe that it will work. Therefore, self-hypnosis, as working with one's own consciousness, is the best way to part with an addiction. When fighting smoking by self-hypnosis, start with A. Carr's book "An Easy Way to Quit Smoking" - it will set you in a positive mood. The main task is to associate smoking with the most unpleasant sensations and memories, like "when smoking, my throat starts to sore."

Whichever way of self-hypnosis you would not choose, the main thing is to work on yourself and be tuned in to a positive result.

Self-hypnosis, plays a significant role in our life, especially if it is, from which it is necessary get rid of... Many do not even realize that they have fallen under the influence of their own self-hypnosis, that the cause of their diseases is precisely in self-hypnosis illness. Psychologists have studied this issue and problem, and today in this article they will provide you with only proven methods and advice so that you can understand what it is and how to get rid of it.

What you think or talk about is realized

Remember what you were thinking about during the previous week, when you were still healthy and still did not overtake you. In any case, you will remember what you thought about illnesses, no matter your own or those around you. Perhaps you were constantly asked how you were with your health, which caused you doubts, and you began to worry and think about diseases.

There can be many options, find your version and write on a piece of paper. This is necessary in order to know the cause of self-hypnosis of the disease and how to get rid of it. And also, this will help you in the future, not to fall under the hook of self-hypnosis, since all diseases come to us only because we have instilled it in ourselves, not believing in our health and not supporting it.

Stop worrying and worrying

Psychologists and doctors have long proven that the cause of all diseases, are precisely our experiences, fears, worries, unequal breakdowns and everything that is associated with an abnormal internal state. To be healthy, you must first of all be calm, balanced inside and get rid of anxiety, fear and anxiety. The world was created so that we rejoice at every moment and be happy, despite difficulties, illnesses and problems.

Change your mindset

The person who got sick by self-hypnosis of the disease, get rid of maybe by changing your way of thinking. Since all the thoughts of a given person are directed only to his illness, which further aggravates the situation. You either need to be distracted by fun activities, favorite work, hobbies, joy and happiness. Or start thinking about health and recovery. To recover and cure even an incurable disease, you need to imagine yourself as often as possible in your thoughts, already a healthy person.

This phenomenon has long been proven by many people who were in a hospital bed, could not speak and breathe, doctors said that nothing could be fixed. But these wise, sick people did not pay attention to this, they continued to think and present vivid pictures of where they rejoice, are having fun already healthy and happy.

Direct self-hypnosis towards recovery

If it does not allow you to recover and start living normally, then simply change your self-hypnosis to recovery. There are two types of self-hypnosis in our life. Self-hypnosis alone can help us and improve our life, as we ourselves want it. And there is another self-hypnosis aimed at self-destruction of such a person. Know that we ourselves create both autosuggestions.

Therefore, the only reasonable option is to get rid of self-hypnosis illness, it's just to change it, for example, to recover. After all, self-hypnosis can be aimed at the appearance of a disease, and maybe at treatment. Therefore, find simple and easy-to-pronounce phrases that will contain phrases:

every day i feel yet better and healthier,

with every hour I feel yet better and healthier,

every minute i feel yet better and healthier.

Say this phrase to yourself, having recorded it on a dictaphone, or out loud, as you prefer. If these phrases are difficult to pronounce, choose others that will be aimed at recovery and the fact that you are already healthy and becoming even healthier.

Several cases of cure

My short essay would not have been complete if I had not given several cases of healing by means of suggestion. I convey, of course, not all cases in which my help was effective; it would be too long and maybe too tedious. I restrict myself to giving only the most interesting examples.

M.D. from Troyes has been suffering from asthma for eight years; She spends most of the night sitting in bed, struggling with the most painful attacks of suffocation. The preparatory experiments show great receptivity; instant sleep, followed by suggestion. Amazing improvement from day one. D. spends the night quietly - only one asthma attack lasting a quarter of an hour. After a short time, asthma disappears completely. There was no relapse.

M.M., stocker by trade, from Saint-Savin near Tours... Due to damage to the lower part of the spine, he was paralyzed for two years. Paralysis only affects the lower limbs. Due to the almost complete cessation of blood circulation, the legs were swollen and blue. Various methods of treatment, not excluding anti-syphilitic ones, did not give any results. The preparatory experiments are very successful. Suggestion on my part. During the week, the patient is engaged in self-hypnosis. After this time, little noticeable, but still gratifying, like the first symptom, movements of the left leg. Repeated suggestion. Significant improvement after the second week. This improvement then continuously progressed: along with the weakening of the paralysis, the swelling of the legs began to subside. After eleven months of treatment, on November 1, 1906, the patient independently descended the stairs and walked 800 meters down the street. In July 1907, he returned to the factory, where he works to this day, without experiencing a trace of any paralysis,

A.G. from Troyes suffers from chronic intestinal inflammation for a long time. The disease cannot be cured by any of the methods used. The state of mind is extremely depressed. Sullen, melancholy, shuns people, thinks of suicide.

The preparatory experiments are successful; the suggestion gives a tangible result on the very first day. Then, for three months, systematic suggestion, at first every day, then at increasing intervals. After this time, complete recovery: the inflammation of the intestines completely disappeared, the state of mind is excellent. Since since then in the course of twelve years not a single relapse has been observed, in this case there is a complete and final healing. G. is a very typical example of the influence exerted by suggestion, or, more precisely, self-hypnosis. Subjecting his physical ailment to the treatment by suggestion, I directed this suggestion at the same time to his spiritual sphere, and he accepted both with equal readiness. Along with this, faith in himself was continuously growing in him. As an excellent worker, he always tried to get a knitting machine from a familiar manufacturer so that he could work for him at home. Convinced of the quality of his work, the manufacturer agreed, and G., thanks to his skill and dexterity, began to produce much more than any other worker. After a while, he received several more machines, and as a result, instead of remaining for the rest of his life - without the help of suggestion - an ordinary worker, G. now has six knitting machines, which bring him significant income.

D. from Troyes, pulmonary tuberculosis in the last stage. Despite the increased nutrition, daily weight loss. Cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis. She apparently has no more than a few months left to live. The preparatory experiments show great susceptibility. Suggestion brings immediate relief. The very next day, the weakening of painful phenomena begins. The patient becomes noticeably better every day, she quickly gains weight, although the increased nutrition stops. After several months, she appears to be completely healthy. January 1st 1911 years, that is, eight months after my departure from Troyes, she wrote me a letter of thanks and said that although she was pregnant, she still felt excellent.

I deliberately chose a few older cases to begin with, wanting to show how durable and long-lasting the cure is. In what follows, I give a number of examples related to my distant past.

X., postal officer from Luneville, lost in January 1910 year of the child. As a result of a nervous shock, he developed an involuntary tremor of the limbs. In June of the same year, he came to me accompanied by a relative. After the preparatory experiments, suggestion. Four days later, the patient came back and reported that the tremors had disappeared. Repeated suggestion and request to come again in a week. But a week passes, another and a third, finally, a month, and there is no hearing or spirit about the patient.

After a while, his relative comes to me and informs me of a letter just received from X. He is perfectly healthy; works again on the telegraph, which he had to leave behind during his illness, and just yesterday, without the slightest difficulty, he coped with the longest dispatch of one hundred and seventy words. Since then, there has been no relapse.

I., a resident of Nancy, has suffered from neurasthenia and various kinds of phobias for a number of years; the stomach and intestines are not functioning well; insomnia, depressed state of mind, constant thoughts of suicide; a drunken gait; thinks only of his illness. All attempts at treatment fail. The condition is constantly getting worse. A four-week stay in a sanatorium does not bring the slightest relief. I. addressed me at the beginning of October 1910. The preparatory experiments are comparatively successful. I explain to the patient the essence of self-hypnosis and our presence, along with the conscious sphere, also the unconscious. Following this, I make a suggestion. Two, three days after my explanations I. was in a state of some confusion. But then his consciousness seems to clear up: he begins to understand what I said to him. I repeat the suggestion, and he himself does the same every day. In the beginning, the improvement moves very slowly, then faster and faster, and after a month and a half the patient recovers completely. While before he considered himself the most unfortunate person in the world, he is now the happiest of mortals. A relapse is not only not observed, but it cannot be expected, since I. is firmly convinced that he can never again fall into his former sad state.

E. from Troyes... Gout attacks. The ankle of the right leg is swollen and very painful; cannot walk. The preparatory experiments show great receptivity. Already after the first suggestion, without leaning on a stick, he independently reaches the carriage in which he arrived. The pains disappeared. The next day the patient did not come. Instead, his wife came and said that her husband got up very early, put on his boots and went to work on a bicycle (he is a painter). My amazement knew no bounds. In the future, I could not follow this patient, since he did not show up to me again. I only know that for a long time he did not have a relapse. In what state he is now, I do not know.

T. from Nancy... Neurasthenia, indigestion, stomach cramps, intestinal catarrh, pain in various parts of the body.

She was treated unsuccessfully for several years. I make a suggestion, she uses self-suggestion every day. From the very first day, a noticeable improvement, then increasing continuously. Currently, for a very long time, the patient is healthy, both physically and and mentally. He no longer needs any treatment. It seems to her, however, that she has not completely gotten rid of the catarrh of the intestines, but she is not sure of that either.

X., sister of Mrs T. Acute neurasthenia. She does not get out of bed for weeks, cannot move, and is incapacitated. Lack of appetite, depressed state of mind, indigestion. The recovery after the first session is very long and lasting, since so far not the slightest relapse has been observed.

G. of Maxeville... Eczema all over the body. Especially strong on the left leg. Both legs were swollen, mainly in the ankles; walking is difficult and painful. Suggestion. On the first evening, the patient walks several hundred meters without any fatigue. The next day, the swelling from the legs subsides. Eczema disappears quickly.

P. from Laneville... Pain in the lower back and knees. Sick for ten years; the condition worsens every day. Suggestion and self-hypnosis. Immediate, rapidly progressive improvement. Full recovery soon. There is no relapse.

3.from Nancy... In January 1910 she fell ill with pneumonia, from which she could not recover for two months. General weakness, lack of appetite, indigestion, rare stools with great exertion, insomnia, profuse night sweats. After the first suggestion, the patient feels much better. Two days later she comes back and says that she is very well. All traces of the disease have disappeared, All organs are functioning normally. Several times she had night sweats, but she managed to prevent them by using conscious self-hypnosis. Since then, 3. has been completely healthy.

X., professor at Belfort, cannot speak for more than ten, fifteen minutes in a row, after which he completely loses his voice. A number of doctors to whom he consulted did not find any painful changes in his speech apparatus. According to one of them, the disease is explained by senile phenomena in the larynx. This strengthens the patient in the thought that his condition is incurable. He comes to Nancy for the vacations. A lady acquaintance advises him to contact me; at first he does not want, but then he nevertheless comes, although he absolutely does not believe in the effect of suggestion. I, nevertheless, make a suggestion and ask him to come in a day. He appears and says that the day before he had no difficulty in having a conversation for several hours. Two days later, he reports that his voice did not change him anymore, although he had to not only talk a lot, but even sing. The success of the treatment has proven to be extremely durable.

In conclusion, I consider it necessary to say a few more words about how the described method can be used by parents for raising children and for eliminating certain shortcomings they notice.

We must wait until the child falls asleep. The father or mother quietly enters the nursery, stops at some distance from the bed, and fifteen, twenty times utter in a whisper everything that they want to see fulfilled in the child, both in relation to his health and sleep, and in relation to attention, diligence, behavior, etc. for this you need to leave the room just as noiselessly, so as not to wake the child.

This simplest method produces excellent results, and it's not hard to see why. During sleep, both the body and the consciousness of the child are asleep - they are, as it were, turned off. But his unconscious "I" is awake. Parents speak directly to him; and since it is extremely obedient, it perceives without resistance whatever it hears. And the child gradually, day by day, on his own initiative, is becoming more and more the way his parents would like to see him.

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An excellent method of self-treatment of diseases is self-hypnosis. It can help even in desperate situations, even when doctors can only throw up their hands. However, any business requires special knowledge and faith, and this is especially true in medicine. Currently, few people still believe in self-hypnosis and know that this method of self-hypnosis is available to everyone.

The fact is that, in fact, even with full confidence in the qualifications of doctors, other people, that is, doctors, still think for us and our health. However, a doctor can only assume what and how you have pain, but a person is feels for sure. Guided by this truth, psychologists have developed several effective methods to help you conduct a self-hypnosis session on your own.

However, before the very process of healing by any method, including the method of self-hypnosis, you should decide what kind of ailment oppresses you, only in this case, that is, with a correct diagnosis, there is serious hope for success.

Self-hypnosis technology

Further, the technology of self-hypnosis already begins. First, you should write down the characteristics of the disease on a piece of paper, and this should be done in great detail. Note when the disease occurred, why and what its manifestations, symptoms. You should know the smallest details of the disease, its description, analyze your feelings, because without all this systematized knowledge, the method of self-hypnosis will not work.

The fact is that the human body is so complex that it is able to destroy itself, for example, with some "glitches" in the body's defense system, that is, in the immune system. Fighting against a non-existent enemy, the immune system eats up the body itself. The same thing happens in the psyche. Quite often, the main cause of the disease in humans is an induced illness.

This can be due to many reasons. Perhaps this person himself thought too much about illnesses, perhaps he was surrounded by people affected by various ailments, or his environment was constantly talking about illnesses. Perhaps this person was asked too often about his health, and this had the most depressing effect on him, so that he really got sick. Among these many reasons, you should find your own cause of the disease.

However, in no case should one abandon the possibilities of medicine, with its undoubted power, this should be the primary attempt at a cure.

But when doctors are no longer able to successfully treat and, moreover, cannot make a correct diagnosis, one should turn to self-hypnosis treatment. Here, of course, it is important that the patient does not lose heart. There is always hope, many cases have been recorded when, in a similar critical condition, a person was cured by self-hypnosis.

The next technological therapeutic action for self-hypnosis should be the following: mentally imagine that you are healthy.

According to the testimony of those people who have recovered from seemingly incurable ailments, this attitude, which manifests itself in a strong belief that you are healthy, really works. It is important to firmly believe that you will definitely successfully pass this temporary problem period in your life and that this belief should be based on a powerful desire, a sense of future happiness and joy.

Every day you should mentally imagine yourself as often as possible that you are healthy, live, breathe, walk, play, climb mountains and enjoy life. This belief and a clear vision of future happiness is a powerful drug in the treatment of self-hypnosis, with the help of which many people have changed their fate, which doctors have already painted in black colors. Practically the phrase "Every day I am getting even better and healthier" can and should be repeated up to five hundred times a day.

Next installation- to thank God or Destiny for everything that you have, as well as for everything that does not yet exist. For example, you think that you are still in pain, but you must sincerely thank you that you have already been cured and the phrase "Thank God that you cured me" can be repeated two hundred times a day. It really helps because it's the right thoughts.

And all our illnesses are a direct consequence of our wrong thoughts.

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