Composition on the topic: How do we celebrate Victory Day in our family. Synopsis of the GCD on the development of speech in the senior group “How I spent (a) the holiday Victory Day How I spent the day on May 9

Of course, an important attribute of any holiday is a feast. When preparing the festive menu, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and tastes of veterans, since they are the main heroes of the occasion on this day. It is likely that grandparents will ask you to cook the usual soldier's pea or millet porridge. And it is this dish that will become the most pleasant memory for them on this memorable day about front-line everyday life.

To create a favorable and warm atmosphere in the family circle, you can invite familiar veterans to visit on this day and, in a festive atmosphere, arrange a conversation-remembrance of the difficult years of the war. Moreover, it is desirable that all family members be present at the same time, so that the veterans feel that their descendants are not indifferent to the common cause of the war years, the result of which was the Victory.

If there are schoolchildren in the family, then the task of the parents is to ask them to memorize 1-2 poems about war. It is desirable that these be favorite poems veteran - grandparents, or poems that are very popular. For example, "Wait for me." Reading poetry during a festive feast or after it will certainly be a good surprise for the older generation. Children, preparing for the holiday, participate in the process of preparing the premises, using appliqué, origami and drawing for this.

It is very important that the child understands that with his work, with his participation he helps the common cause - the creation of a warm atmosphere of a holiday in the family circle. It is interesting for children to watch how, through their efforts, an ordinary room turns into a beautifully decorated room: in the center there is a table with goodies prepared with their help, on the wall there is a beautiful “newspaper” with paintings on the theme of war, drawn by their own hands, on the window there are flowers in a beautiful vase , an album with photographs of the war years was taken out of the closet, today everyone can see them. Approximately according to this scenario, preparations for the Victory Day holiday can take place.

Of course, veterans should always be treated with respect, but on Victory Day they should be given special attention and care, because they deserved it at the cost of their own health, happiness and well-being, sacrificed all this for the sake of bright and calm days of real life.

On our website you will find Lots of stories for kids of all ages: schoolchildren and preschoolers stories about the Great Patriotic War, stories about war heroes.

Tatiana Korneva
Synopsis of the GCD on the development of speech in the senior group "How I spent (a) the Victory Day holiday"

Educational area "Speech development»

To teach children how to write creative stories from personal, based on a plan, which helps to establish a sequence of presentation.

Continue to teach children to speak vividly and emotionally about something personal, conveying their impressions in a story in a consistent and logical way.

Exercise in the correct construction of sentences.

Develop dialogic speech the ability to maintain a conversation.

Educational area "Cognitive development»

To consolidate the knowledge and ideas of children about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, about celebration of Victory Day.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, cognitive interest, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

To form in children active visual and auditory control over the compilation of a story, over the sequence and completeness of the transfer of content.

Educational area "Socio-personal development»

To instill a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, for one's family, pride in the country, respect for veterans.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development»

Cultivate an interest in music.

Educational area "Physical development»

Maintain the physical health of children through dynamic pause.

preliminary work:

Listening to songs and poems about the war;

holding a holiday« Victory Day» in preschool;

Reading to children of fiction on a military theme;

Examining albums with photos about the war, viewing multimedia presentations for the Day victories;

Joint educational activities of parents with children in compiling a story about visiting city events dedicated to May 9;

Drawing on the topic.

Equipment: plot pictures, photos, postcards, a set of demonstration material "This Victory Day» , type-setting canvas or magnetic board, plan-scheme, drawings, tape recorder.

The course of direct educational activities

I. Organizational moment

Children look at photographs dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and victory in it.

II. Main part

1. Conversation with a speech therapist

What happens in this day, on Red Square in the morning (in the evening?

Who is congratulated on this day? Who is remembered?

Where are flowers placed?

2. The story of a speech therapist

On Saturday, May 9, Russia celebrated the most important holiday - Victory Day. This year marks the 70th anniversary of victories over Nazi Germany. You correctly told me that this day there is a parade in all cities of the country, veterans are congratulated. I really want to hear how you spent May 9th how you remember him. To tell about holiday a plan diagram and your drawing will help you. Don't forget to come up with a title for your story.

3. Acquaintance with the plan-scheme

1. Weather this day. Sunshine, clouds.

2. Who did you go to celebration? Figures of family members.

3. What did you see at the parade? Question mark.

4. What did you see on TV this day? TV set

5. What was your mood like? Emoticon with a smile.

Children with a speech therapist teacher discuss each item of the plan.

4. Dynamic pause

mobile game "Forbidden Movement"

Children repeat all movements for a speech therapist teacher, except for the forbidden one. The game carried out until until there are no errors.

Charging for soldiers

For the soldiers here charging.

Do it in order.

Get up quickly, smile.

Higher, higher stretch.

Well, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower.

Left, turned right

Reached up to the knees.

Sit down - get up, sit down - get up.

I hope you are not tired?

You need to stand up

And breathe easier.

5. Making up stories for children

V Victory Day my dad was in the parade and I got up early to help him get ready. Papa ball is very handsome in shape. Then I woke up my mother, we had breakfast and went to watch the parade. It was raining outside, cold and strong winds were blowing. Despite the bad weather, there were a lot of people.

On the square we watched the parade of cars, saw various military equipment. While watching the parade, we got very wet and cold. We went home, and I was so blown away by the wind that I could hardly hold an umbrella in my hands. Soon dad came home, he was wet and cold. We warmed it up with hot tea.

I really enjoyed the parade, and I'm proud that my dad participated in it.

I woke up early in the morning. It was rainy outside. The whole family got into the car and drove to the square. I saw a military band. Then we went to grandparents for lunch. Dad showed me great-grandfather's medals, a dagger, letters from the war.

We remember and are proud of our heroes!

Mom and I went to May holidays in the city of Trekhgorny, which is also located in the South Urals. My dad works in this city. He is Lieutenant Colonel V.V. I watched the parade with my mother victories where my dad was involved. It was very beautiful, a lot of technology. And in the evening, despite the rain, there was a very beautiful fireworks display!

I love my dad. I was in a good mood!

I got up on the morning of May 9th Great Victory Day, and saw that it was gloomy and raining outside. I was a little upset, but suddenly I heard music and looked out the window - and there the soldiers go to the parade: officers in dress uniform, sailors in naval uniform, female cynologists with dogs and an orchestra.

Then we had breakfast and went to Lenin Square. At the parade, I saw armored personnel carriers, URAL vehicles that were carrying howitzers. Then mobile radiation control laboratories, communication complexes, fire equipment went. When we returned home and warmed up, the parade began on Red Square in Moscow. The weather was good in Moscow. Planes and helicopters were flying in the sky. The leaders of other countries arrived at the parade in Moscow.

me this the day will be remembered.

Listening to songs victories.

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Until today, I only watched the Victory Day parade on TV. I know that on this day there was a great victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over the Nazis in Germany. This year, the whole family decided to go to the city center for the grand opening of the parade.

Leaving the house on the street with us there were many people who were also going to go to the holiday. Having reached the center, all the people were heading towards the main square, each had a St. George ribbon hanging on his chest. People were smiling, carrying carnations and flags in their hands, and there was a feeling that everyone had known each other for many years.

Military music was playing on the square itself, and everything was ready for the start of the parade. Having taken a free place, I began to peer into the distance, impatiently waiting for the appearance of military equipment. Suddenly the music stopped playing, there was silence, the air was somehow dense. My heart began to beat strongly, I looked at those around me, there were small children and very elderly people. But all as one silently waited for something, suddenly a loud and clear familiar voice from the TV announced the opening of the parade and at the same moment the bells rang.

Under the brass band, the commander-in-chief set in motion the frozen troops, the guards marched with the first step, carrying the banner and flag of the Russian Federation. Behind them came the rest of the troops in motion, a voice familiar to me represented to everyone the outgoing regiment. And then, finally, the sound of a running engine of military equipment was heard. I got up on my tiptoes and craned my neck so that I was looking forward to their appearance.

The ground trembled under my feet, the famous T-34 tank was approaching, I had never seen it so close. Huge armored personnel carriers, rocket launchers and the latest tanks taking on the fighting. With pride and, in my opinion, with an open mouth, I watched and admired. Overhead rose the rumble of approaching military helicopters and fighter jets.

I noticed that the grandmother standing next to me had sparkling eyes, but she was smiling and it was clear that she wanted to cry. Everything tightened in my chest, I remember when I was very small, my great-grandfather told how the Germans held them as children in captivity. How they pierced the gutta-percha doll of my great-grandmother with a bayonet. They survived all this and were participants in the war, but could not live to this day. In the distance opposite, I noticed a lot of elderly people with awards on their chests. Only today I realized that every year we celebrate not only the victory, but also the memory of those people who participated in the war.

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1. Holiday for everyone;
2. Holiday in our family;
3. City events;
4. Evening of war films;
5. We remember and appreciate the great victory over fascism.

May 9 - Great Victory Day. This is a holiday for every citizen, for the whole state, and even for the whole world! This is the day of victory over fascism, the worst enemy of mankind.

In our family, unfortunately, there are no those who fought for the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, so on Victory Day we do not set the table and do not gather relatives or friends. Usually I, mom and dad go to the square in the afternoon, where concerts are held in honor of this significant day. As a rule, there is more than one concert, so we try to watch every one. There, children from music, art, dance schools show their talents. They sing songs about the war, dance themed dances and show their drawings dedicated to this theme.

There are many interesting events taking place in our city. In addition to concerts, there are also exhibitions.

They exhibit photographs, stands with stories about military operations, even military equipment. The latter is exhibited right on the street, so that everyone can see and even touch the machine guns and cannons of those years. Also on this day, students read poems dedicated to those years. Many authors of these poems went through the entire war, so their wonderful poems convey all the joys and sorrows of the Great Patriotic War.

The holidays in the city end in the evening, and my parents and I go home, where you can watch war films on TV. They are shown every year, but, nevertheless, it is interesting to watch them every time. The most popular of them are: “The dawns here are quiet. ”, “Belorussky Station”, “Battle for Moscow”, “Blockade” and others. In my family, we don't often watch movies together, so Victory Day is a great excuse to spend an evening watching a good movie.

Late at night, fireworks are set off in our city. A lot of people are going to look at it. Still, it's the most beautiful and longest fireworks of the year! I am glad that so many events are held in our city in honor of this holiday. This means that we remember and appreciate the great victory of our people.

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