Compile a verbal portrait of the communion soaked earth. Brief passive participles reinforcement material on the exercises

Answer left by: Guest

I love my native land (city). My parents love when we come to our beloved city. We do not really like to travel. We recently came to my native land. There is a river, a beach and my good friends Katya and Sasha we are the best friends .sasha loves to travel, Katya loves to swim in the river and I love skiing in winter and downhill skiing.

Answer left by: Guest

play what to do play

Answer left by: Guest

In the depths of Siberian ores, KEEP proud patience .. -definitely personal, verb. The days of late autumn are usually scolded ... Uncertainly personal, but it can be considered generalized and personal, the verbal WINTER !. What a magical SHINE! Noise, laughter, running around, bows, gallop, mazurka, waltz - all naming, nominal. THE PEASANT, triumphant, UPDATES the path on the logs .. -two-part, complicated by a single adverb, or a separate circumstance. I REIGN. - two-part

Answer left by: Guest

My homeland is Uzbekistan, an amazing country. She is as ancient as the Earth itself, beautiful as a tulip. The culture of Uzbekistan is as varied as the patterns of a bright carpet. The population of our country is as variegated in its ethnic composition, as rich as the scattering of flowers on the slopes of the Uzbek mountains or on the plains.

The people of Uzbekistan, solemnly proclaiming their adherence to human rights and the principles of state sovereignty, realizing their high responsibility before present and future generations, relying on the historical experience of the development of Uzbek statehood, reaffirming their loyalty to the ideals of democracy and social justice, recognizing the priority of universally recognized norms of international law, life for the citizens of the republic, setting the task of creating a humane democratic law-governed state, in order to ensure civil peace and national harmony, adopts the present Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the person of its authorized representatives.
I cannot say that Uzbekistan is a densely populated country. If you compare with many countries in Asia and Europe, then there are not so many of us. However, it is our Uzbekistan that boasts the largest population in Central Asia. There are so many interesting nationalities living here. From Uzbeks and Kazakhs, Russians and Ukrainians, Tajiks and Karakalpaks to Iranians, Koreans, Germans, Armenians and Chechens. In fact, every person in Uzbekistan is a unique person with a history that is different from others. Communicating with people of different cultures, you can learn a lot of interesting things: from recipes for delicious dishes to knowledge of the psychology of different nations.

Lesson research

"The pictorial and expressive role of the sacrament"

The purpose of the lesson:

1.) the formation of the ability to use the knowledge gained in a non-standard situation: express their own judgment, draw conclusions;

2.) improve the ability to analyze text;

3.) to reveal the role of the sacrament in a literary text.

Equipment:cards with text and assignments, portrait of N. V. Gogol, reproduction of A. Gerasimov's painting "After the Rain"

During the classes

Verbal fabric, words, word combinations must be deciphered by the reader, must turn into spiritual energy, otherwise they will forever remain black signs on white paper, like the once forever closed letters of long-dead peoples.

A. N. Tolstoy

I. Teacher's word

We have come to the end of our study of the Sacrament topic, and today we focus on definitions expressed in participles and participial phrases.

This lesson is special: today you are just students, and researchers who will have to carefully peer into the sacraments, observe their "life" in the text, see how the sacrament encourages our imagination and thought to beauty.

II.- The material for the research will be a fragment from Nikolai Gogol's poem "Dead Souls". You will get acquainted with this work in literature lessons in the 9th grade.

An old, extensive garden stretching behind the house, overlooking the village and then disappearing into the field, overgrown and decayed, it seemed, one refreshed this vast village and one was quite picturesque in its picturesque desolation. Green clouds and irregular, quivering domes lay on the heavenly horizon the connected peaks of trees that had grown free. The colossal white trunk of a birch tree, devoid of its top, broken off by a storm or thunderstorm, rose from this green thicket and swirled in the air like a regular marble column; its oblique, pointed fracture, with which it ended upwards instead of a capital, darkened on its snowy whiteness, like a hat or a black bird. The hop, which suppressed the bushes of elderberry, mountain ash and hazel below, and then ran along the top of the entire stockade, finally ran up and twisted halfway around the broken birch. Having reached the middle of it, it hung down from there and began to cling to the tops of other trees, or it hung in the air, tying its thin, tenacious hooks in rings, easily swayed by the air. In places the green thickets, illuminated by the sun, diverged, and showed an unlit depression between them, gaping like a languid mouth; it was all overshadowed by a shadow, and faintly flashed in the black depths of it: a running narrow path, a collapsed railing, a swaying arbor, a hollow, decrepit willow trunk, a gray-haired tea-hawk, sticking with thick bristles from behind a willow leaves that were withered from the terrible wilderness, tangled and twigs, and, finally, a young maple branch, pulling its green leaves from the side, under one of which, God knows how, the sun turned it suddenly into transparent and fiery, wonderfully shining in this dense darkness. On the side, at the very edge of the garden, several tall, not on a par with others, aspens raised huge crow's nests on their quivering peaks.

Read the text carefully to yourself and try to imagine the picture painted by the author. (Reading the text by a prepared student).

III ... - What picture did you imagine reading the text? Compare your experience with the garden on a reproduction of a painting by an artist. What unites fiction and painting, and how are they different? (Both in the artistic text and in the picture - a violent bloom, an emerald sea of ​​leaves, a triumph of nature. At the same time, the presence of a person is felt in the picture: there is a vase of flowers on the table, the garden has a well-groomed look, and it seems that it is about to come out onto the veranda someone from home. In the text - a wild garden, spontaneously overgrown, already more like a forest than a garden. The text contains much more details: various types of trees and shrubs, railings, gazebos and crow's nests, etc. are listed.

IV.- The artist Gerasimov conveyed the beauty and charm of the garden with paints. How did Gogol manage to do this? We have to answer these questions by conducting research. To solve this problem, we will divide into five groups, each of which will receive a creative task.

Group 1 questions

1. What type of speech does this piece of text belong to?

2. What does the author describe in the text?

3. What style is the text written in?

4. Prove that Gogol humanizes, animates nature.

When answering questions, provide evidence from the text.

Questions for group 2

1. What parts of speech does the author widely use in describing nature? What is the proportion of participles in the text? Confirm with examples.

2. What forms of participles are presented in this passage? What role do they play in the description? What sound does the description give to the text?

Questions for group 3

1. What explains the author's choice of contextual synonyms that poked out and stretched out?

Why are different parts used? Is it just so as not to repeat the same words? What trope does the author use here?

2. How often does this trope appear in the text?

3. What is the author's thought he conveys?

Questions for group 4

1. Are participial phrases presented in the text?

2. What rhythm are they creating?

3. Try to arrange the participle sentences like a poetic text. This will help you get a feel for the rhythmic organization of the prose passage. What conclusion have you come to?

4. Replace several participial sentences with synonymous constructions. Compare.

Questions for group 5

1. What pictorial and expressive means does the author use?

2. What means of poetic syntax did you see in the text?

Students work in groups for 10-15 minutes. Then a representative from each group speaks with the research results. Here are examples of tasks performed by creative teams.

1. This fragment is a description of nature. The typical meaning for it is an object and signs. The style of the text is artistic. There are many participles in the text, thanks to which we feel the breath of the garden, its striving for the sun. There are many personifications here: the hop that choked the elderberry bushes below; Running narrow path, etc.

The author distinguishes hops among many plants. It seems that he looks like a perky, playful boy: first he chokes down the bushes of elderberry, mountain ash and hazel, then he ran along the top of the entire stockade, ran up and twisted half a broken birch. He seems to be playing with everyone who lives in the garden with him.

2. In describing the garden, Gogol uses verbs, participles, participles. Most of the participles, there are 25 of them in the text: stretching, coming out, disappearing, overgrown, jamming, running, etc.

The forms of real and passive past participles of the perfect and imperfect form are presented.

Thanks to the use of the participles, we see the fading, aging of some trees and the movement towards the light, towards the sun of others: a gray-haired chap, sticking out branches from behind a willow, and ... a young maple branch, stretching out ... leaf-paws; the white trunk of a birch tree, devoid of a top and green clouds connected in the air tops of trees. The participle verb tags help to present a picture of the garden in motion.

3. We needed to explain why the author, when talking about the branches of trees, uses different participles: the tea-rider - sticking out, and the branch of a young maple - stretching out ... its green paws.

The author uses different participles not only in order not to repeat themselves. The leaves and twigs of the tea-rider are dry, prickly, and this impression is reinforced by the word "poke out. The withering wilderness of the wilderness, the hedgehog does not have the strength to grow, and therefore in the last desperate dash he tries to break through to the light, but the strength is not enough." And he just sticks out. And the branch of the maple is young, flexible, it friendly stretched out its leaf-paws. The shape of a maple leaf resembles a palm, and therefore a maple branch is perceived as a welcoming hand reaching out to meet the person walking.

4. There are many participial phrases in this text: a garden stretching behind the house; a birch trunk, devoid of a top; hops, choking the elder bushes below, and so on.

The participial turns give the text a melodic and special rhythm, create a feeling of a flowing melody.

We have arranged the lines as in a poem:

Old, vast,

The garden stretching behind the house,

Overlooking the village

And then disappeared into the field,

Overgrown and decayed

It seemed one was refreshing

This vast village

And one was quite picturesque

In his picturesque desolation ...

The participle turns give a rhythmic, melodic sound to the prosaic text.

5. A fragment from Gogol's poem is a poetic description of an old, abandoned garden. The artistic means of language make the landscape visible, visible.

And our view, the garden appears before the readers as a mighty hero - everything in it is majestic and powerful.

Epithets of a vast garden, quivering domes, a colossal trunk, thickets illuminated by light, a transparent and fiery maple leaf emphasizes the grandeur of the picture unfolding in front of us.

Most of all in the text there are personifications that emphasize that the garden is a living creature that fights for life. This perception of the garden gives rise to an association: the garden is represented as a huge orchestra - each tree, each blade of grass has its own voice, like a musical instrument. And the mighty music of the garden sounds like the music of life.

V ... Summing up the final lesson

Let's return to the main question of our lesson: what is the role of the pictorial and expressive role of the participles? How do the participles help you get the message across in this text?(N.V. Gogol, widely using the participles, conveys his vision of nature as a spiritualized, bright and sunny world. The verbal signs of the participle help to feel breathing, movement, action, the desire for the sun, and the signs of the adjective in the participles make this wild, abandoned garden bright, as in a picture of an artist. The author helps us to understand that nature is a spiritual brother of man).

VI ... Homework

Depict a winter (spring, summer, autumn) forest as an active, inspired creature, including in the scripture separate definitions expressed by participial phrases. As a model, using a fragment of N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

Lesson worksheet Surname, first name ___________________________ class ________ date ________ Lesson topic _____________________________________________________ Lesson motto: CO _________________ CO ___________________ CO _________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ _________________ this is ___________________________________________

“Theorists” 1. Disassemble ______ PARTICIPATION _________________________________________ 2. Find out the origin of the word “participle” using the “School etymological dictionary of the Russian language” edited by N.М. Shansky. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Choose the same root words ___________________________________________________________ 4. Define the participle as a part of speech The participle is which _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

"Researchers" 1. Are there participles in other languages? (see lesson reference) __________________________________________________________ 2. What is the term for the sacrament? Justify your answer. more accurately expresses the essence of "hybridity" _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. Distribute the properties of the participle, "inherited" from the verb and adjective, by columns. Syntactic role definition. Syntactic role - predicate in short form It has a full and short form. Time of the present, last, Kind of Sov., Nes. Recoverability. 4. Prove that phrases have different parts of speech. A brilliant scientist, a field shining with dew

"Constructors" 1. Make a formula for the participle phrase ___________________________________________________________ 2. Make an algorithm for finding the participle phrase, defining the sequence of actions with the numbers 1, 2, 3. Find the word (noun or pronoun) to be defined, from which the question is put to the participle. Determine if there is a participle word to which the participle question is asked (dependent word). Find the sacrament.

3. Draw up a scheme for highlighting the participle phrase by arranging the stickers in the desired order. "Letters" 1. Make a supporting summary of continuous and separate writing Not with participles. NOT merged NOT separately 1. Full participles with dependent words. 2. Not used without a NOT. 3. There is a contrast with the union A. 4. Brief participle. 5. There is no opposition to the union A. 6. There is no dependent word. 2. Expand the brackets, select the continuous or separate spelling of participles with NOT:

(Un) exhaustible wealth; silence (not) broken by anyone; (un) opened flower; rye is (un) squeezed; (not) dying light; (un) visible bonds; (not) ripe, but only ears gaining strength. From the history of the sunflower: There were times when the Aztecs, who inhabited North America, worshiped the sunflower, which was considered the embodiment of a deity. This plant, which grows exclusively in the indicated area, begins its journey around the world only from the 16th century. The seed - the "child" of the sunflower, since ancient times called the "sun flower", began to be cultivated by the Indians. A large, bright yellow, like the sun, inflorescence, turning towards the sun's rays, attracted their attention. Sunflower seeds are a kind of pantry created by Mother Nature, capable of storing and supplying our body with many useful and necessary nutrients for a long time. In Russia, sunflower appeared two centuries later. There is a version that this happened not without the participation of Peter I, who was fascinated by the "sunny flower" in Holland. The sunflower, which came to the Kuban in the 70s of the 19th century, conquered its fields. In 1912 the first experimental selection field "Kruglik" was opened in the Kuban, whose soul was Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit. The fate of this scientist-breeder, who saw the prospects of growing sunflower in the Kuban, is amazing. The attack of Hitler's Germany on the Soviet Union, and then the occupation, during which the Nazis destroyed the greenhouses in "Kruglik", only temporarily suspended the work of the Kuban breeder. He was evacuated to Transcaucasia. His wife Maria Nikolaevna and daughter Galina could not get on the last train leaving for Krasnodar. Maria Nikolaevna, risking her life, saved all the breeding material (bags with seeds) accumulated by Vasily Stepanovich for thirty years of his

relentless searches. Thanks to this fortunate circumstance, V.S. In total, V.S. Pustovoit has created 34 varieties of sunflower. Among them is the unsurpassed variety "Peredovik", a wonderful plant with a basket, tightly packed with seeds, up to 40 centimeters in diameter! This handsome native of the fields, stepping over the borders of Russia, peacefully "conquered" many countries and continents of our planet. This is what my native field told me when I looked at its wide expanse, burning with a yellow living flame. (Based on the book by Vitaly Bardadim "Guardians of the Kuban Land"). "Experimenters" Assignment: Analyze the role of participles in texts of different styles of speech. 1. Scientific style: Law __________________? A body immersed in a liquid or gas is subjected to a buoyant force directed vertically upward and equal to the weight of the liquid or gas displaced by the body. words _____, independent parts of speech _____ participles __________ Greek mechanic, physicist, mathematician, engineer 2. In verse Replace the participles with adjectives in an excerpt from M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Motherland". I love the smoke of a burnt stubble, In the steppe, a wagon train, And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field To a couple of white birches. I love the smoke of the ______________ stubble, In the steppe ____________________ wagon train And on the hill among the yellow cornfield Chet ______________________ birches.

Which version has the most visual power? Why? 3. To draw a conclusion about the expressive "power" of the sacrament, relying on the statements of scholars in the reference materials of the lesson. In grammar: the form of the verb, which, along with the categories of the verb (tense, voice, type), categories of the adjective (gender, case). Valid n. Passive n. | adj. participle, th, th. P. turnover. II. P R AND CH AA S T AND E, -ya, cf. 1. The same as communion. 2. Wine, symbolizing the blood and body of Jesus Christ, in a bowl with pieces of prosvira, taken by believers during the church ceremony of communion. Dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegova S.I. participle pr ich aA stie calca lat. participium, which translates into Greek. μετοχή - the same: μέτοχος "participating", μετέχω "taking part", because the participle has partly the peculiarities of the name, partly the verb (Thomsen, Gesch. 19). Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: Progress. M.R. Fasmer. 1964 -1973. IN AND. Dal "The part of speech involved in the verb in the form of an adjective" V. Lomonosov: "These verbal names serve to reduce the M. of the human word, containing the name and the verb power ..." In other words, the participle carries meaning and action, and sign of the subject. Therefore, you can often ask it at the same time

different questions: and what is he doing? (what did he do?), and what? With such an abundance and variety of signs, it is not surprising that scientists for a long time could not find a place for the participle in the system of parts of speech. Some linguists recognized it as an independent part of speech. And this is logical: none of the generally recognized parts of speech has such a set of features. Other linguists attributed the participle to the verbal adjective. In this case, grammatical properties were considered the main ones: the features of the formation of forms and the role in the sentence. And in modern school textbooks, the participle is often called a special non-conjugated form of the verb. We add that the participle is also defined in school textbooks for the closely related Ukrainian language. Only it is called by a different term: [diyprykmatnyk] (literally - "de-adjective, valid adjective").

Composition Compositions on a free theme (5-11 grades) - Miscellaneous

Topic: - Verbal portrait of the sacrament

Hello, good people. My name is Communion, or Special Form of the Verb. By my existence, I always have to answer the questions: which one? which? which? To be honest, I haven't finished school and I am now unemployed, so give me at least a little money. At first I was considered a verb for a long time, since I have a form and a tense; but then it turned out that I was an adjective, since I have gender, case, number. So what am I really: an adjective verb or a verbal adjective? Neither one nor the other. I am the middle link in this chain. So I was kicked out of the Verb family and the Adjectives family. I have existed for many years, but I do not care about the future, I live only in the present and the past. When everything is normal with me, I am Real, but more often I am Passive, because I have a lot of disappointments. Sometimes I live in an apartment with relatives - Dependent Words. Our whole family is called the Sacrament Turnover. Our Neighbors - Defined Words, when we are not angry with us, we live in front of them. When they are dissatisfied with something, they put us after themselves and are separated by commas. I don't like it, but what can you do ... I may have different suffixes - it all depends on the time and mood. More often than not, I am Passive in the past tense. I can be in different forms: usually I am the Full Communion, but when I can’t bear it, I have to change my guise - to become Short. In such cases, my appearance changes. Often Not - my friend, is next to me, but when I am in the Short form, he does not recognize me and goes away. In this case, I lose one "n" in the suffix. The saddest thing is that sometimes they beat me. In such cases, two dots appear in the suffixes above the "e" - bruises, they do not go away for a long time and are very painful. So that is all. Only in the end I want to say: “Good people! We are not local ourselves! Give as much as you can ... "
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