Specialty applied mechanics by whom to work for a girl. applied mechanics

Mechanical engineers in short supply: where do they go?

In this situation, the employers themselves are partly to blame, shifting a number of tasks onto the shoulders of the engineer that should not be included in the scope of his duties (drafting contracts with equipment suppliers, accounting for spare parts, etc.). As a result, a specialist who indicates decent experience as a mechanical engineer in his resume does not actually have the skills and knowledge that he could have mastered during this time in this position, since he spent half of his time on solving completely different issues.

Of course, this is just one of the reasons for the shortage of experienced mechanical engineers. The main ones remain the massive outflow of graduates of technical universities to other spheres of activity (in particular, to sales) against the background of the gradual retirement of the older generation. On average, the share of university graduates working in the profile of their education is about 30%, although there are areas where this figure is significantly higher (70% in construction specialties, 66% in oil and gas).

Against the background of such sad statistics, the growing interest of job seekers in the position of sales engineer looks especially impressive. A candidate for this position must have a higher technical education, be well versed in the specifics of products or services (we can talk about industrial or construction equipment, its installation and service). At the same time, the average salary offer for a sales engineer is in the range of 50,000 - 80,000 rubles, which looks more attractive than those 40,000 - 57,000 rubles that a mechanical engineer with the same work experience (from 2 years ). Unsurprisingly, the number of job seekers applying for the position of sales engineer has grown by 23% over the past year.

Let's leave aside the sad numbers and turn to the job responsibilities of a mechanical engineer.

Job responsibilities

Ensuring the smooth operation of equipment;
- carrying out installation and commissioning works, acceptance of equipment;
- equipment operation control;
- carrying out diagnostics, technical inspections of equipment;
- scheduling of scheduled preventive and current repairs;
- maintenance, timely repair and modernization of equipment;
- identification of needs and preparation of applications for the purchase of materials and spare parts for equipment repair;
- participation in the development of measures to improve the efficiency of equipment use, to increase the service life;
- keeping records of equipment, write-off of old, worn-out equipment;
- maintenance of technical and reporting documentation.

Salary offers and employers' requirements

The average salary offer for a mechanical engineer in Moscow is 47,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 40,000 rubles, in Volgograd - 20,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 30,000 rubles, in Kazan - 22,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 22,000 rubles, in Novosibirsk - 26,000 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - 23,000 rubles, in Omsk - 22,000 rubles, in Samara - 23,000 rubles, in Ufa - 20,000 rubles. , in Chelyabinsk - 26,000 rubles.

Young specialists - graduates of technical faculties of universities - must have good theoretical and initial practical knowledge of the mechanics of industrial equipment, know the rules and regulations for the development of technical and design documentation, own specialized programs (AutoCAD, KOMPAS-3D). The salary of mechanical engineers taking the first steps in this field in Moscow ranges from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 20,000 to 28,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - from 15,000 to 22,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - from 12,000 to 17,000 rubles.

Town Income level, rub.
(no work experience in this position)
Moscow 25 000 - 35 000
- Higher technical education
- Confident PC user (MS Office, AutoCAD, KOMPAS-3D)
- Knowledge of the rules and regulations for the development of technical and design documentation, ESKD
- Good theoretical and initial practical knowledge of the mechanics of industrial equipment
- Skills of reading drawings
St. Petersburg 20 000 - 28 000
Volgograd 10 000 - 15 000
Ekaterinburg 15 000 - 22 000
Kazan 12 000 - 15 000
Nizhny Novgorod 12 000 - 17 000
Novosibirsk 15 000 - 20 000
Rostov-on-Don 13 000 - 17 000
Omsk 12 000 - 17 000
Samara 13 000 - 17 000
Ufa 12 000 - 16 000
Chelyabinsk 14 000 - 20 000

The vacancies promise slightly higher earnings to mechanical engineers with work experience of 1 year or more, who have thoroughly studied industrial equipment. Employers give preference to candidates who speak English at a level sufficient to read technical documentation, and in some cases knowledge of electrical engineering and electronics is required. Salary offers for specialists meeting the specified criteria in the capital reach 40,000 rubles, in the city on the Neva - 33,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 25,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 20,000 rubles.

Town Income level, rub.
(with at least 1 year of work experience)
Requirements and wishes for professional skills
Moscow 35 000 - 40 000
- Excellent knowledge of the device, principles of operation and rules for the operation of industrial equipment
- Knowledge of English at the level of reading technical documentation

Possible request: knowledge of electrical engineering and electronics

St. Petersburg 28 000 - 33 000
Volgograd 15 000 - 18 000
Ekaterinburg 22 000 - 25 000
Kazan 15 000 - 20 000
Nizhny Novgorod 17 000 - 20 000
Novosibirsk 20 000 - 23 000
Rostov-on-Don 17 000 - 20 000
Omsk 17 000 - 18 000
Samara 17 000 - 20 000
Ufa 16 000 - 18 000
Chelyabinsk 20 000 - 24 000

Mechanical engineers with more than 2 years of work experience, who have the skills of diagnosing and repairing industrial equipment, who also have experience working with equipment of a certain type, earn up to 57,000 rubles in Moscow, up to 48,000 rubles in the Northern capital, and up to 37,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - up to 28,000 rubles.

Town Income level, rub.
(with more than 2 years of work experience)
Requirements and wishes for professional skills
Moscow 40 000 - 57 000

Diagnostic skills for industrial equipment repair
- Experience with equipment of a certain type

Possible request: readiness for traveling work / business trips

St. Petersburg 33 000 - 48 000
Volgograd 18 000 - 28 000
Ekaterinburg 25 000 - 37 000
Kazan 20 000 - 27 000
Nizhny Novgorod 20 000 - 28 000
Novosibirsk 23 000 - 33 000
Rostov-on-Don 20 000 - 30 000
Omsk 18 000 - 28 000
Samara 20 000 - 30 000
Ufa 18 000 - 27 000
Chelyabinsk 24 000 - 33 000

More than 3 years of work experience and excellent skills in installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of complex industrial equipment, coupled with experience in organizational and management work, allow applicants to claim maximum income. In Moscow it is 95,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 80,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 60,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 45,000 rubles.

Town Income level, rub.
(with more than 3 years of work experience)
Requirements and wishes for professional skills
Moscow 57 000 - 95 000
- Experience in installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of complex industrial equipment (including CNC, APCS)
- Experience in organizational and managerial work

Possible wish: knowledge of English at a conversational level

St. Petersburg 48 000 - 80 000
Volgograd 28 000 - 45 000
Ekaterinburg 37 000 - 60 000
Kazan 27 000 - 45 000
Nizhny Novgorod 28 000 - 45 000
Novosibirsk 33 000 - 55 000
Rostov-on-Don 30 000 - 50 000
Omsk 28 000 - 50 000
Samara 30 000 - 50 000
Ufa 27 000 - 45 000
Chelyabinsk 33 000 - 55 000

Job seeker portrait

The job of a mechanical engineer is a typically male field. Representatives of the stronger sex make up the overwhelming majority of applicants for this position - 99%. 38% of candidates are young people under 30, 29% are applicants aged 30 to 40, 20% are from 40 to 50, 13% are specialists over 50. 91% of mechanical engineers have a higher technical education.

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Mechanical engineer

Mechanical engineer is a rather scarce profession on the Russian labor market. Despite the ratio of supply and demand corresponding to the market average (3.3 resumes per vacancy), it is rather difficult to find a qualified mechanical engineer.

Applied (technical) mechanics is a complex discipline that sets out the main provisions on the interaction of solids, the strength of materials and methods for calculating structural elements, and also studies simple and easily observable forms of motion - mechanical movements and the mechanisms and machines themselves.

Materials (edit)

Since ancient times, builders and architects have tried to erect durable and reliable buildings. At the same time, empirical rules were used to determine the dimensions of the structure and its elements. In some cases, this led to accidents, in others, it was possible to build quite reliable structures (Egyptian pyramids, Roman viaducts, etc., which have survived to this day).

It is usually believed that the science of the strength of materials arose in the XII century after the publication of the book of the great Italian scientist G. Galileo "Conversations and Mathematical Proofs of Two New Branches of Science" (1638), which laid the foundations of the strength of materials. Over the next two centuries, many outstanding mathematicians, physicists and engineers contributed to the development of the theoretical principles of the science of the strength of materials: J. Bernoulli derived and solved the equation of a bent beam in bending; R. Hooke discovered a law on direct proportionality between load and displacement; About Pendant gave a solution for the calculation of retaining walls; L. Euler - the solution of the problem of stability of centrally compressed rods, etc. However, these provisions, as a rule, were of a purely theoretical nature and could not be applied in practice.

In the 19th century, due to the rapid development of industry, transport and construction, new developments in the strength of materials were required. Navier and Cauchy obtained a complete system of equations for solving the spatial problem of an isotropic body; Saint-Venant solved the problem of oblique bending of a bar with an arbitrary cross-sectional shape; Cliperon developed a method for calculating continuous beams using three-moment equations; Bress - a method for calculating double-hinged and non-hinged arches; Maxwell and Mohr proposed a method for determining displacements, etc.

Russian scientists also made a great contribution to the development of science. DI. Zhuravsky owns the theory of calculating bridge trusses, as well as a formula for determining the shear stresses during bending of a beam; A.V. Godolin developed methods for calculating thick-walled cylinders; H.S. Golovin calculated the curved beam; F.S. Esinsky solved the problem of determining the critical stresses during buckling in the inelastic work of a material, etc.

In the 20th century, the role of Russian scientists in the field of calculating building structures became the leading one. A.N. Krylov, I.G. Bubnov and P.F. Papkovich created a general theory for calculating structures lying on a soil foundation. In the works of prominent scientists S.P. Timoshenko, A.N. Dinnik, N.N. Davidenkova, S.V. Seresen, V.V. Bolotin, V.Z. Vlasov, A.A. Ilyushin, I.M. Rabinovich, A.R. Rzhanitsyn, A.F. Smirnov and many others, new directions were developed to create convenient methods for calculating the strength, stability and dynamic effects of various complex spatial structures.

At the present stage of development, much attention is paid to the approximation of design schemes and basic assumptions with the actual operating conditions of buildings and structures. For this purpose, studies are being carried out to identify the effect on the stress-strain state of structures of a variable nature of the strength parameters of the material, external influences, nonlinear relationship of stresses and strains, large displacements, etc. The development of the corresponding calculation methods is carried out using special sections of mathematics. All modern calculation methods are developed using special sections of mathematics. All modern calculation methods are developed with the widespread use of electronic computing technology. At the present time, a large number of standard computer programs have been created, which make it possible not only to carry out calculations of various structures, but also to design individual elements and carry out working drawings.

Movement is a way of existence of matter, its main inherent property.

Movement in a general sense means not only the movement of bodies in space, but also thermal, chemical, electromagnetic and any other changes and processes, including our consciousness and thought.


Mechanics studies the simplest and most easily observable form of movement - mechanical movement.

Mechanical motion is a change in the position of material bodies that occurs over time with respect to the position of particles of the same material body, i.e. its deformation.

It is impossible, of course, to reduce the whole variety of natural phenomena only to mechanical motion and explain them on the basis of the provisions of one mechanics. Mechanical movement in no way exhausts the essence of various forms of movement, but it is always investigated before anything else.

In connection with the colossal development of science and technology, it has become impossible in one discipline to concentrate the study of many issues related to the mechanical movement of various kinds of material bodies and the mechanisms themselves. Modern mechanics is a whole complex of general and special technical disciplines devoted to the study of the motion of individual bodies and their systems, the design and calculation of various structures, mechanisms and machines, etc.

The meeting of freshmen will take place on June 30 at 13:00 at the address: Volokolamskoe shosse, 4, Main educational building, room. 460B

Friends! We are glad to welcome you to our Institute!

Graduates of our Institute work at many aerospace enterprises in Russia.

The Institute of General Engineering Training (Institute No. 9) provides training in three areasundergraduate:

  • 12.03.04 "Biotechnical systems and technologies";
  • 15.03.03 "Applied mechanics";
  • 24.03.04 "Aviation".

One specialties:

  • 24.05.01 "Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes."

And also by directionsmagistracy:

  • 15.04.03 "Applied mechanics";
  • 24.04.03 "Aviation".

Training is carried out on the following profiles preparation ( bachelor's degree, training period - 4 years ):

  • 12.03.04 "Engineering in biomedical practice"(department number 903);
  • 15.03.03 "Dynamics, Strength of Machines and Structures" (Department No. 906);
  • 15.03.03
  • 24.03.04 "Computer engineering (CAE-technologies) in aircraft construction" (department number 910B);

Specializations (specialty, training period - 5.5 years ):

  • 24.05.01 "Design of structures and systems of radio engineering information complexes" (department number 909B) - targeted training(PJSC "Radiophysics");

Programs (magistracy, training period - 2 years ):

  • 15.04.03 "Mathematical modeling in the dynamics and strength of structures" (department No. 902);
  • 24.04.04 "Aviation materials and technologies in medicine" (department number 912B);

Antenna-feeder systems

Training of specialists in the direction "Design of structures and systems of radio engineering information complexes" has been carried out in the country since 1975 only at the department 909B. Training is conducted according to the "physics and technology system", which has the highest authority in Russia and abroad. Department 909B is based together with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology at the enterprise JSC "Radiofizika" (m. Planernaya). It is the leading one in antenna building, cooperates with foreign companies. Leading specialists of "Radiophysics" are involved in the educational process.

Students receive special training in the following areas:

  • engineering problems of strength, heat transfer, radio engineering, aerodynamics, etc .;
  • computer use and programming;
  • design of antenna systems and their mechanisms;
  • the latest materials, including nanotechnology and their testing;
  • design of radio engineering intelligent systems.

Dynamics and strength

Departments 902 and 906 train highly qualified engineers-researchers of a wide profile, capable of solving complex problems arising in calculations and strength tests of technical systems, objects of aviation and space technology using modern methods.

In the learning process, a new principle of training specialists is used, which allows you to get:

  • modern computer education based on continuous learning and independent work on modern PCs;
  • enhanced mathematical training combined with general engineering knowledge;
  • the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the process of research work of students under the guidance of highly qualified teachers;
  • the opportunity to expand economic knowledge through optional education.

The received training makes it possible to work successfully not only in various areas of the aerospace industry, but also in other sectors of the economy. Specialists in this field are trained only in a few universities of the CIS and the world.

Medical Engineers

The medical industry needs highly qualified specialists who combine advanced research methods, technologies and materials with a fairly complete knowledge of human anatomy and biology, biomechanics, and biochemistry. Students receive training in the physics and mathematics cycle, computer technology, and a foreign language. Special disciplines are studied both at the departments of the institute and on the basis of large scientific and medical centers. Extensive and deep knowledge in the field of high technologies, materials, related fields of medicine will provide a specialist with the opportunity to work successfully at enterprises of various profiles.

Nanotechnology in aircraft construction

Department 910B is the base department of the Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPRIM RAS).

In the learning process, the principle of harmonious combination of fundamental and engineering education is implemented, which allows the graduate to:

  • get enhanced mathematical training combined with general engineering knowledge;
  • acquire modern computer education based on continuous learning and independent work on the latest models of computer technology;
  • to expand their knowledge beyond the compulsory program by including in the curriculum research work under the guidance of highly qualified specialists on the scientific and experimental equipment of IPRIM RAS.

Computer engineering allows you to create detailed computer models of complex machines and mechanisms, carrying out their in-depth analysis taking into account real operating conditions.

Federal Agency for Education

Russian Chemical-Technological University named after DI. Mendeleev


Approved by the Editorial Board of the University as a teaching aid

Moscow 2004

UDC 539.3 BBK 34.44; -04 * 3.2); 30/33 * 3.1): 35 P75


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Russian University of Chemical Technology. DI. Mendeleev

V.M. Aristov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Russian University of Chemical Technology. DI. Mendeleev

V.S. Osipchik

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering

V.N. Frolov

Applied mechanics/ S.I. Antonov, S.A. Kunavin,

P75 E.S. Sokolov Borodkin, V.F. Khvostov, V.N. Chechko, O.F. Shlyonsky, N.B Shcherbak. M .: RKhTU im. DI. Men-

Deleeva, 2004.184 p. ISBN 5 - 7237 - 0469 - 9

The general principles of performing strength calculations for elements of the main structures of chemical equipment are given. Contains the information you need to complete your homework assignments for the Applied Mechanics course.

The manual is intended for full-time, part-time and evening students.

UDC 539.3 BBK 34.44; -04 * 3.2); 30/33 * 3.1): 35


Progress in chemical technology cannot be imagined outside the development of chemical engineering, which is based on the laws of mechanics. The laws and mathematical models of mechanics make it possible to assess the capabilities of the operated and newly designed equipment of any chemical production, be it the production of silicate and polymer materials and products, gunpowders or materials of quantum electronics.

A chemist-technologist must know and understand the laws of mechanics so that he can conduct a business conversation in the same language with a mechanical engineer engaged in direct design, not demand the impossible from him, seek optimal solutions in collaboration with him, achieving the highest efficiency of the equipment being designed.

An important stage in the training of a chemical technologist is the formation of engineering thinking. The discipline "Applied Mechanics" makes a significant contribution to this important process. The applied mechanics course makes full use of the information obtained by students in the study of general scientific and engineering disciplines such as higher mathematics, physics, computational mathematics, etc.

Applied Mechanics is a complex discipline. It includes, to one extent or another, the main provisions of the courses "Theoretical Mechanics", "Strength of Materials" and "Machine Parts".

In the process of improving the educational process, the team of the Department of Mechanics has developed an unconventional approach to the presentation of the course "Applied Mechanics": the material of the disciplines included in it (theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, machine parts)

is considered as a single whole, a unified approach to the presentation of the material is provided, the unification of organically related sections of disciplines is carried out. If possible, the sections of resistance of materials have direct access to the corresponding sections of machine parts for chemical production. Theoretical mechanics is represented only by those sections that are actively used in the study of other topics of this discipline, and are also necessary for a process engineer to understand mechanical processes in chemical technology.

The course additionally includes information about the main structural materials, pipelines, general-purpose capacitive equipment and mechanical processes of chemical technology. The course is provided with a textbook specially prepared for students, taking into account the peculiarities of teaching "Applied Mechanics" in a chemical-technological university. However, no matter how necessary a textbook is, in connection with the changing curriculum of the university, in order to strengthen the general technical training of process engineers in the Applied Mechanics course, teachers can introduce additional sections and change the methodology of lecture material and seminars.

Thus, students should rely more not on the textbook, but on the classroom, which will allow them, at an earlier stage, to become not only performers, but also organizers of production.

The transfer of technologies developed in laboratories to the scale of industrial production, ensuring the effective use of technological equipment, participation in the development of technical specifications for the creation of new machines and devices, mechanical testing of new materials - all this presupposes the presence of solid knowledge in the field of mechanics from chemists-technologists.

A process engineer who has studied mechanics most delicately feels the peculiarities of the technological process and can set the optimal design of the designed device or apparatus, which ultimately determines the productivity and quality of the products. For example, correctly calculated temperature fields of the walls and the design of the working chamber of a plasma-chemical reactor made of heat-resistant materials, created in accordance with these and mechanical calculations, can increase the productivity of the reactor several times.

The fact that diamond and graphite have the same composition has been known to chemists for a long time, as well as the possibility of their mutual transformation. But only the joint efforts of mechanical engineers and process engineers and the latest achievements in the field of creating special pressing equipment allowed ordinary graphite to be turned into artificial diamonds.

In conclusion, information should be added about the academic mobility of both the student and the graduate, in other words, about the possibility of changing your specialty due to various reasons or the possibility of studying in a different profile. Mechanics and, in particular, applied mechanics form the basis of the training of specialists in many other specialties. Therefore, the study of mechanics will allow a graduate of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after DI Mendeleev to work in other areas of technology and successfully improve their qualifications.


R, F - force vectors, N.

Fx, Fy, Fz, Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy, Qz , - the projection of the force on the axis x, y, z, H. i, j, k - unit unit vectors.

M o (F) - the vector of the moment of force F relative to the center O, .Hm. σ, τ - normal shear stress, Pa.

ε, γ - linear, angular deformations, radians .. σ х, σ y, σ z - stress projections on the x, y, z axes. ε x, ε y, ε z are the projections of deformations on the x, y, z axes.

∆l, ∆ a - absolute deformations of segments l and a, m.

E - modulus of elasticity of the first row (Young's modulus), Pa. G - modulus of elasticity of the second row (shear modulus), Pa.

µ - transverse constriction ratio (Poisson), dimensionless. A - cross-sectional area, m2 [σ], [τ] - permissible normal and tangential stresses, Pa U - potential energy, N.m

W - work of force, Nm

u - specific potential energy, Nm / m3

σ in - ultimate strength, ultimate strength, Pa; σ t - yield point, Pa.

σ y - elastic limit, Pa.

σ pts - proportionality limit, Pa. ψ - relative residual constriction. δ - relative residual elongation. n is the safety factor, Pa.

S x, S y - static moments about axes х, у, m3. J x, J y - moments of inertia about the axes x, y, m4. J p - polar moment of inertia, m4.

φ - twist angle, rad.

θ - linear relative twist angle, rad / m.

[θ] - permissible relative twist angle, rad / m. W p - polar moment of resistance, m3.

q is the intensity of the distributed load, N / m. ρ is the radius of curvature of the elastic line, m.

W x - axial moment of resistance, mz. σ 1, σ 2, σ 3 - principal stress, Pa.

σ eq - equivalent stress, Pa.

τ max - maximum shear stress, Pa. P cr - critical force, N.

µ pr - coefficient of length reduction. i - radius of gyration, m.

λ - flexibility, dimensionless.

K - dynamic coefficient. ω - rotation frequency, s-1.

σ a, σ m - amplitude and average stress of the cycle, Pa.

σ max, σ min - maximum and minimum cycle stresses, Pa.

σ -1 - fatigue strength under a symmetric loading cycle (fatigue limit), MPa ..

n σ n τ - fatigue safety factor for normal and shear stresses, Pa.

g - acceleration of the forces of gravity, m / s2. F st - static deflection, m.

β is the ratio of the mass of the rod to the mass of the falling weight, dimensionless. δ 11 - displacement caused by a unit force in the direction of action

unit force, m / N.

Ω - frequency of forced oscillations, s-1.


1.1. Basic concepts

A section of mechanics is called statics, in which the relative equilibrium of material bodies is studied under the influence of forces applied to them. Abstract bodies are considered, for which the physical structure and chemical properties are irrelevant. Bodies are assumed to be absolutely solid, i.e. not changing their shape and size under load, not amenable to destruction. The distances between any two points in such bodies remain unchanged.

The main task of statics is to determine the forces acting on the structural elements of machines and apparatus.

Force is a quantitative measure of the mechanical interaction of bodies. The force is a vector quantity, and can be projected onto the coordinate axes x, y, (Figure 1.1) and presented as:

F = Fx i + Fy G j + Fz k,

where i, j, k are unit vectors. Power module

F = (F x) 2 + (F y) 2 + (F z) 2,

where: F x, F y, F z - the projection of the force F on the coordinate axes. The dimension of force is Newton [H].

If the system of forces does not cause a change in the kinematic state of the body (its motion), they say that the body is in the state

static equilibrium (or rest), and the applied system of forces is balanced.

A force whose mechanical action is equivalent to a given system of forces is called resultant... The force that complements a given system to equilibrium is called balancing.

1.2. Axioms of statics

1. A free body is in equilibrium under the action of two forces only if these forces are equal in magnitude, act in one straight line and are directed in opposite directions. The obvious consequence is that force alone does not ensure the balance of the body.

2. The balance of the body will not be disturbed if a balanced system of forces is added to or subtracted from it.

Corollary: the force is a sliding vector, i.e. can be transferred to any point along the line of its action.

3. The resultant of two converging forces is the diagonal of the parallelogram built on these forces as on the sides (Figure 1.2).

4. Bodies interact with each other by forces equal and oppositely directed.

1.3. The concept of the moment of force

V in cases where the force creates a turning effect on the body, one speaks of a moment of force. The measure of this effect is the moment of force. The moment of force F relative to the center O (Fig. 1.3.) Is the vector product

Μ 0 (F) = r x FG.

The modulus of this vector

Μ 0 (F) = F r sin α = F h,

where h is the shoulder of the force F relative to the center O, equal to the length of the perpendicular lowered from the center to the line of action of the force, r is the radius vector of the point of application of the force (Figure 1.3). The dimension of the moment [Nm]. The vector М 0 (F) acts perpendicular to the plane passing through the line of action of the force and the center 0. Its direction is determined by the rule "bu-

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