Geography teaching technologies at school. Methods and pedagogical technologies of teaching geography


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04/20/17 In parallel with the work on the direct study task, the formation of a favorable communicative environment continues: the development of rules for cooperation, cooperation that promote, and do not interfere with, the search for a common solution.

Stage IV - presentation of the group decision The organization of the next stage IV - presentation of the group decision - depends on the planned structure of the entire lesson. The presentation of solutions can take place in one of the following forms: - oral communication; - presentation of structural and logical diagrams; - filling in tables, etc. 04/20/17

Stage V - reflection of the past lesson. The stage of presentation of group solutions is replaced by the V stage of exceptional importance, which can be defined as a distinctive feature of interactive learning - a reflection of the past lesson. Questions can be as follows. For example: Is it easy to work in a group? Who was uncomfortable and why? Is it always right who takes the leading role in the group? What is the experience of a person who is not allowed to speak? What helps and what interferes with your overall work? What should be the teacher's help, etc. 04/20/17

The effectiveness of the experience Academic year The number of students in the subject in% The number of students who succeed in "4 and 5" Quality of knowledge,% 2007- 2008 58 100 41 71 2008- 2009 49 100 38 75 2009- 2010 52 100 39 78 04/20 / 17

Winners of Olympiads and competitions 04/20/17

Step two. Formulate according to a model for your attention I want to provide several methods of interactive learning, and we will try in practice to complete several tasks. 04/20/17


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Purpose of the class: Demonstrate the practical use of interactive teaching methods in teaching geography, (slide number 2)

Acquaintance with the audience of the master class.(Slide number 3)

Master: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Let's get acquainted. I will speak some phrases. Statements, to which of you they fit, those come out in a circle.


  • Who likes to wash dishes?
  • Who came in a skirt today?
  • Who came to class today in a good mood?
  • Who had breakfast today?
  • Who has a cell phone?
  • Who has a birthday on the 7th?
  • Who Loves Chocolate?

Clarifying the expectations and concerns of the audience of the master class

Participants are encouraged to circle their palm on a piece of paper. On the palm of your hand you need to write the answer to the question "What do I expect from the class?" Then the answers are read aloud.

Setting the objectives of the master class

Master: Today at the end of the master class you will be able to: (Slide number 4)

  • explain what interactive learning is;
  • see the possibilities of using various interactive methods and techniques in their lessons.

Step one. What it is?

Master: First, let's define what interactive learning is. (Slide number 5)

The program for the modernization of Russian education puts forward the task of wider application of active methods of teaching and upbringing, which really reflect the social, economic and political processes of public life. The high level of competition requires a person to own a variety of activities, such as research, design, organization, communication and reflection. These competencies are formed faster and better through active interaction and the use of interactive teaching methods. A school graduate must be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired at school in real life situations. We must remember that we are facing a schoolboy of the 21st century, who has broad interests, his own judgments. It seems to me that in order to achieve the quality of educational services, it is necessary to use interactive educational technologies, a transition to interactive learning.

Creation of an interactive learning and education environment

(slide number 8) In the process of teaching geography, I use various interactive methods and techniques. The purpose of these pedagogical techniques:

Give students the opportunity to think

Make, choose and learn for yourself.

  • (Slide number 9) the involvement of each student in solving creative problems not at the end, but at the beginning of the process of assimilating new subject content;
  • optimization of cognitive activity and interpersonal relations, leading to the formation of self-regulation mechanisms for the behavior and personality of the student;
  • more productive than before, motivated mastery of operational and technical means of performing new activities;
  • the presence of a reflective component of both educational and pedagogical activities.

Slide number 10 Interactive learning solves three problems simultaneously:

  • 1. Specific cognitive task, which is related to the immediate educational situation;
  • 2. Communication-developmental, in the process of which basic communication skills are developed within and outside the given group;
  • 3. Socio-orientational, bringing up civic qualities necessary for adequate socialization of the individual in the community.

Slide number 11 The solution of these problems in a training lesson using interactive teaching methods goes through six stages:

  • Preparatory stage;
  • Stage I - statement of a problem situation;
  • Stage II - the formation of study groups;
  • Stage III - the organization of educational activities of students in a group;
  • Stage IV - presentation of group solutions;
  • Stage V - reflection of the past lesson.

Slide number 12 Stage I - posing a problem situation.

  • At the preparatory stage, the student's subjective experience is revealed. A student of any age does not start his studies from a "blank slate", he already has his own life experience, knowledge, interests, focus.
  • At stage I the main methods are problem methods, and the main task of the teacher is to involve students in solvingproblem situations... The problem is defined as knowledge of ignorance. So, for example, when working on the topic of the lesson "Heat distribution", students establish that the air temperature decreases with height, as evidenced by the snow-capped mountain peaks. The controversy posed in the lesson was that the farther from the surface, the closer to the sun and therefore should be warmer.

Slide number 13 Stage II - the formation of study groups.

  • Having set a problematic situation, we go to stage II - the formation of study groups in order to resolve the set contradiction. There are two main principles of group formation - free (optional) and organized by the teacher. Organized distribution takes place taking into account the psychological characteristics of students and the didactic goals of the lesson:
  • on the tables, cards are laid out in advance with the names and surnames of students who are to form a study microgroup;
  • at the entrance to the classroom, the teacher himself gives out colored cards to the students,
    which are a pass to a particular study table;
  • students already know that there are tasks on the table with the letter "A"
    easier, "B" - a little more difficult, and so on. and they themselves make a choice in which group they would like to work.

The master divides those present into groups.(Division into groups: choose a maple leaf of any color, and then group by color and take seats at the tables with appropriate signs)

Slide number 14 Stage III - organization of educational activities of students in a group

Stage III - the organization of educational activities of students in a group occurs: assimilation of the educational task facing the group; the process of finding (discussing) the best solution; summarizing opinions and summing up the results of group work; presentation of a group solution to the task within the framework determined by the teacher. Only a non-standard formulation of the problem forces schoolchildren to seek help from each other, to exchange points of view - this is how the general opinion of the group is formed. An assignment for an interactive form of learning can be as follows:when studying Eastern Siberia, choose from the proposed list of characteristics those that, in the general opinion, most fully characterize the climate, relief features, population density, etc.Let us emphasize again: to determine the general opinion of the group, it is necessary that the task that determines the course of the group work is correctly perceived by all members of the group.

Slide number 15 To implement interactive learning at this stage, I use a variety of technologies: (picture)

Slide number 16 (children's work)

Slide number 17 In parallel with the work on the direct educational task, the formation of a favorable communicative environment continues: the development of rules for cooperation, cooperation that promote, and do not interfere with, the search for a common solution.

  • Slide number 18 Organization of the next Stage IV - presentation of the group solution - depends on the planned structure of the entire lesson.

The presentation of solutions can take place in one of the following forms:

  • - oral communication;
  • - presentation of structural and logical diagrams;
  • - filling in tables, etc.

Slide number 19 Stage V - reflection of the past lesson.

  • The stage of presentation of group decisions is replaced by an exceptional one in its significance Stage V which can be defined as the distinguishing feature of interactive learning -reflection of the past lesson... Questions can be as follows.
  • For example: Is it easy to work in a group? Who was uncomfortable and why? Is it always right who takes the leading role in the group? What is the experience of a person who is not allowed to speak? What helps and what interferes with your overall work? What should be the teacher's help, etc.

Slide number 20 4. The effectiveness of the experience

  • The introduction of elements of interactive learning into the practice of teaching geography using different methodological forms and techniques has a positive impact on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren.(Table)

Slide number 21 Participation in Olympiads, projects.

Slide number 22 Step two. Formulate by sample

Task 2 Master: I offer you several methods

Slide number 23 Sinkwine

Slide number 24 Rules for composing syncwine.

Slide number 25 Example: TOPIC of the lesson “Inland waters of Russia. Rivers "

Slide number 26 Compilation of syncwine by the participants of the master class on the topic "Africa"

Slide number 27 "Fishbone" method

Slide number 28 Example.

Slide number 29 "Cluster" method

Slide number 30 Compilation of the "Cluster" by the participants of the master class on the topic "Climate". The participants of the master class work in groups.

Slide number 31 Thus, educational interaction, built on the basis of the use of methods of interactive teaching, contributes to the development of teamwork skills, which ensures the development of communicative competence.

Slide number 32 Step three. Try, invent, dare

Task 3 Master: Come up with some assignments in your subject.

Slide number 33 Step four. Reflection. Summing up the results of the master class

  • At the master class I …….
  • The most interesting thing for me today was ...
  • In my future work, I ...
  • I wish the teacher leading the lesson ...

Slide number 34 Success in your creative work, dear colleagues !!!



Ryabtseva I.A.

State institution "Secondary school No. 5". Geography.

One of the directions of modernization of the geographic education system is the introduction of computer technologies and multimedia.

The use of a computer in teaching in combination with audiovisual means is usually called "new information technologies in education."

The use of information computer technologies in geography lessons not only facilitates the assimilation of educational material, but also presents new opportunities for the development of students' creative abilities:

    increases student motivation to learn;

    activates cognitive activity;

    develops the thinking and creativity of the child;

    forms an active life position in modern society.

I teach the subject "Geography" in grades 6-11. The increase in the mental load in the classroom makes you think about how to maintain students' interest in the subject under study, their activity throughout the lesson. The use of ICT in teaching allows you to create an information environment that stimulates the interest and inquisitiveness of the child.
Psychological studies of students on the topic "The level of development of cognitive processes in schoolchildren, and its impact on the perception of educational information using an electronic teaching aid" show that the majority of students have high and average indicators according to the following criteria:

    verbal and logical thinking

    voluntary attention

    visual imagination

We can say that the majority of students need a more visual presentation of the educational material, which will allow better assimilation of the information received, as well as the development of their creative abilities. These tasks allow me to solve the pedagogical technologies used by me and the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom.

The success of training largely depends on the form in which the cognitive activity of students is organized. Any lesson is carried out through the functioning of various forms of activity of the teacher and students, the forms of their interaction.

Currently, teaching practice is experiencing the following difficulties:

    students have significant academic workloads due to the increase in the volume of educational content;

    reproductive teaching methods are priority;

    due to the historically established relationship between teacher and student, the latter, which is both an object and a subject, cannot always manifest its subjective essence.

Therefore, information and communication technologies occupy an important place in the modern educational process. Information technologies make it possible to use text, sound, graphic and video information in a new way in geography lessons, to use a variety of sources of informationand .

In modern conditions, the main task of education is not only the acquisition of a certain amount of knowledge by students, but also the formation of their skills and abilities of independent acquisition of knowledge.

The specificity of geography as a subject lies in the fact that it contains a large amount of material. No matter how complete the encyclopedia is, it cannot contain all the knowledge of geography. At the same time, the amount of information continues to grow every year. In order to prepare the most complete, interesting and modern lesson in geography, the teacher needs to process a large number of different sources, from encyclopedias to newspapers and magazines.

The use of a computer and the Internet makes it possible to reduce the amount of literature used to prepare and reduce the time it takes to find the information you need. The more often you use a computer in the educational process, the deeper you become aware of the almost limitless range of its application.

The use of information technology, integrated lessons of ICT and geography, put the student in non-standard situations and allow to increase the creative potential and contribute to the student's self-realization. As a geography teacher I use interactive presentations, electronic mute and outline maps.

Educated programs include video fragments that allow you to demonstrate in the lesson a video plot representing the phenomenon under study with the commentary of the speaker.

A computer presentation can be used throughout the lesson, as well as at certain stages of educational activities.

What are the advantages of using computer technology in the learning process? There is no doubt that working with a computer arouses an increased interest in children and enhances the motivation for learning. The use of computer technology creates opportunities for access to large masses of modern, fresh information. A combination of color, animation, music, sound speech, dynamic models, etc. expands the possibilities of presenting educational information.

The use of a computer in teaching allows you to control the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

Despite the fact that the process of computerization of teaching geography began not so long ago, a whole series of multimedia textbooks for school geography courses has been developed.

The multimedia course presents the content of the textbook in a new way, which allows for an independent search for educational material, and the generalization and systematization of new knowledge. Video and photographic materials develop imaginative thinking, form geographical representations. Elements of animation ("live" schemes) allow simulating geographic processes and phenomena in dynamics on the screen.

All media objects contribute to the formation of sensory images of objects and phenomena of reality, which constitute the initial stage of the process of forming new geographical knowledge.

Thanks to multimedia technologies, educational material is presented brightly and captivatingly in the form of a variety of media: illustrations, video clips, computer animation, slides, texts accompanied by the announcer's words and music, which contributes to the motivation of the educational activities of schoolchildren.

In the classroom, you can also use presentations freely distributed on the Internet. A computer presentation can be used throughout the lesson, as well as at certain stages of educational activities.

It should be said that modern information technologies require the formation of intellectual skills, training in the ways and techniques of rational mental activity, which makes it possible to effectively use the vast information that is increasingly available. The graduate must have the ability to obtain information from various sources, process it using logical operations and apply it in real situations.

When organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities, stimulating and motivating, monitoring and self-control in my practice, I use both traditional and non-traditional approaches in teaching geography, I actively use new information technologies.

I single out threebasic forms of work with ICTin geography lessons.

First, it is theirdirect application in the educational process... The computer becomes a faithful assistant to the student and teacher, because from the window of even the best textbooks we see only the tip of the iceberg called the Earth. The computer allows you to accumulate and maintain a didactic base, to solve the problem of clarity.

If earlier there was a problem of providing the educational process with geographical maps, then, for example, using an interactive whiteboard and a set of interactive resources, it became possible to display a map, as needed, and use it in the educational process.

This is especially true of the course in economic geography, where data on the economic state of the countries of the world are constantly changing. Changes occur every year, and data about them appear in print publications with a delay, so you have to turn to more mobile sources, including the Internet.

Collecting the necessary documents (photographs, articles, drawings) on specific topics in folders, I use them to compose computer scripts for lessons, to control students' knowledge, to prepare for UNT, performed in the program for creating Power Point presentations. Presentations using this program, if necessary, can be changed and supplemented.

There are a lot of information and communication tools that can be used in a general education school. The introduction of multimedia electronic textbooks into the educational process is recognized as an undoubted progress in the pedagogical practice of geography education.

Multimedia textbooks for grades 6-10 can significantly save time, both in the lesson and during preparation for it.

The second form of work isthe use of ICT for organizing independent work,project and research activities of students in the geography of extracurricular activities.

Geography teachers are often faced with working with statistical material, the difficulty of working with it lies in its rapid obsolescence, the difficulty of assimilation. To solve this problem, it is convenient to use the technology of educational projects. For example, on the topic "Reserves and National Parks of Russia", the project contains several interesting maps, diagrams, pyramids that supplement and deepen the information of the textbook, for the creation of which students collected statistical material on the Internet and in the daily press. I use the product of this project - the presentation when explaining the topic “Reserves and National Parks of Russia”. Working on the creation of the presentation, the guys used the Power Point program, which they learned in computer science lessons.

In my pedagogical activity, I pay great attention to educational, research and abstract work with students:

a) in the educational process;
b) after hours.

The research method acts as an obligatory one in the implementation of the local history principle of teaching geography and is relevant in the study of regional geography.
The stages of research activities are:

    Acquaintance with the statistical data of the population census.

    Discussion of social problems.

    Sociological survey of the population on this issue.

    Processing of the results obtained and their analysis. Plotting in Excel

    Drawing up a computer presentation.

    Self-presentation of the results of research work at the conference.

The special value of these works lies in the following "key" words:

interdisciplinarity b - projects include several disciplines and require the child to search and combine various knowledge;

originality - the project is based on a non-standard idea, an original way of solving the problem;

manufacturability - since the school has the necessary computer equipment and digital devices (scanners, printers, video cameras, multimedia) and it is interesting to work with them;

completeness - the project is interesting in its finished form and it is interesting to present it to the audience.

The third form isthe use of information technology to ensure cognitive leisure(use of educational games, electronic encyclopedias, etc.).

Everyone knows that various forms of extracurricular activities have comparable and sometimes greater effectiveness in the educational process.

So, computer technology helps me to make my work in the lesson and extracurricular time interesting, increase student motivation, speed up preparation for the lesson and bring satisfaction with my work.

Thus, it is obvious that the development of cognitive abilities and creative activity of students in geography lessons today are directly dependent on the use of innovative technologies in teaching the subject.

    Guseva A.I., Smolnikova I.A., Filippov S.A., Chirkova M.A.Application of ICT in the educational process. IT Academy e-manual “Application of international information technologies: application of ICT in the educational process”;

    Novenko D.V. New information technologies in teaching. Scientific-methodical journal "Geography in school", M .: "School-press", No. 5, 2004;

    E.A. Customs ... Computer technologies: possibilities of use. Scientific-methodical journal "Geography in school", M .: "School-press", No. 4, 2004, p. 46;

    ITC Academy e-manual “Application of international information technologies: application of ICT in the educational process” Development of presentations by means of MS Power Point for professionals and other works.

1. Lesson as the main form of organizing the educational process

1 Lesson as an element of the classroom teaching system

The main form of organizing the learning process in our school is a lesson. And this is not accidental: a lesson as an organizational form creates the necessary conditions for combining teaching and upbringing into a single process, for teaching students knowledge, skills, and skills and for the development of their cognitive abilities.

The lesson is an element of the classroom teaching system. The classroom-lesson system has significant didactic, general pedagogical, psychological, sociological and economic advantages over any other system of instruction in a general education school. The clarity of the organization of teaching and educational work, the teacher's knowledge of the students and their knowledge of each other, the stimulating influence of the class team, the relative continuity of pedagogical leadership in the educational process, economic profitability - all these are the advantages of the classroom teaching system.

In the classroom, the processes of interaction and communication are based on the personal contact of the teacher with the class and are most often carried out in the construction of a dialogue, during which the teacher directs and controls the activities of all students without exception, and also maintains interaction and mutual control among the students themselves. Consequently, teaching in the lesson can be viewed as a system of various direct and mediated interactions between the teacher and a constant group of students (class) aimed at achieving certain goals, in the process of which the teacher maintains contact not only with the class as a whole, but also with each individual student. All this creates the preconditions for all students to master the basics of the studied knowledge, to form the necessary skills and abilities already in the course of the learning process in the lesson.

Thus, a lesson is an organizational form in which the teacher, for a specified time, directs in a specially designated place the collective cognitive activity of a constant group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using types, means and methods of work that create favorable conditions for so that all students master the basics of what is being studied directly in the learning process, as well as for the upbringing and development of the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren.

In this definition, two series of characteristics should be distinguished: specific and not specific to the lesson.

The specific ones include: a constant group of students (class) at all stages of the learning process, the teacher's guidance of the cognitive activity of the class, taking into account the characteristics of each student, and the mastery of all students the basics of what is being studied directly in the lesson. No other organizational form has these characteristics; they reflect not only the specifics, but also the essence of the lesson. In the absence of at least one of them, there is no lesson. In turn, these characteristics require the mandatory fulfillment of certain conditions. One of these conditions, for example, is the observance of the norms of the occupancy of the class. The study of the issue has shown that there is a certain norm for the number of students at the same time, at which the teacher is able to direct the cognitive activity of the class, taking into account the characteristics of each student. Exceeding this norm practically excludes the possibility of using the lesson as a form of organizing the learning process.

Non-specific characteristics are presented not only in the lesson, but also in other organizational forms. However, this does not diminish their significance, since only a combination of specific and nonspecific characteristics creates the analyzed phenomenon - a lesson. The latter include: learning objectives; types, means and methods of work; place of study; studying time.

Interacting with the class, the teacher performs the function of leadership throughout the lesson: he must act in such a way as to provide a favorable learning environment for all students.

For these purposes, it is necessary to use various types of work organization:

a) general, or collective;

b) individual;

c) group, or specific (groups, units, brigades, pairs, triplets, etc.).

Group (or specific) are intermediate, connecting collective and individual types of work organization. Consequently, in the lesson, three leading elementary groupings of students are used in various combinations: the acting class, acting groups and acting individuals.

There are different types of classifications for lessons.

I. N. Kazantsev's classification according to the method of conducting training sessions includes such types as lessons-excursions, film lessons, lessons of independent work, etc.

The second approach to classifying lessons is based on an analysis of the characteristics of the learning process, its constituent parts. So, S. V. Ivanov distinguishes the following types of lessons:

) introductory;

) a lesson of initial acquaintance with the material;

) assimilation of new knowledge;

) application of the acquired knowledge in practice;

) skills lesson;

) consolidation, repetition and generalization;

) control;

) mixed, or combined.

The third approach to the classification of lessons, which is very close to the second, is the classification according to the main didactic goal of the lesson and its place in the system of lessons (I. N. Kazantsev, B. P. Esipov).

The most developed here is the classification proposed by B.P. Esipov, who highlights:

) combined, or mixed, lessons;

) lessons to familiarize students with new material;

) lessons to consolidate knowledge;

) having the main purpose of generalization and systematization of the studied;

) having the main goal of developing and consolidating skills and abilities;

) having the main purpose of checking knowledge.

One of the tasks of the lesson is to ensure high productivity of students and teachers, that is, to obtain high results with an absolutely necessary investment of time and effort. In this case, we are talking about increasing the efficiency in the work of students and teachers.

In the educational process, three main correlations of results and expenditures of time and effort are possible:

) obtaining the desired results with the expenditure of time and effort of students and teachers in excess of the norm (overloading teachers and students);

) achievement of the intended goals with a minimum investment of time and effort of students and teachers (in such cases, not all requirements for the educational process in the classroom are usually realized, the results are not always achieved in the most expedient ways and their level is significantly reduced);

) Achievement of results with optimal, - absolutely necessary expenditure of efforts and time of teachers and students. The last ratio of the results and the time and effort spent by teachers and students is the most appropriate.

A common element of most modern theories of learning and teaching is the provision that learning should be a purposeful, active and conscious process. Although all of the listed characteristics are similar in content, each of them has certain specifics. Purposefulness of learning means that students must clearly understand the goals of all actions they perform in the educational process; activity - that students do not just follow the instructions and requirements of the teacher, but they themselves are proactive participants in the educational process; awareness - that everything studied in the classroom should be deeply comprehended by each student. Significant prerequisites for stimulating such learning are laid down in the new curricula, but the organization of training is of no less importance.

In the educational process in the classroom, one cannot fail to take into account the general dependence of learning on learning, on the prerequisites that lie in the students themselves. This dependence is quite natural, since the educational material is assimilated by specific students who have certain inclinations, abilities, interests. The latter explains the lack of unambiguous connections between learning and assimilation. School practice and research results show that the same teaching techniques and methods affect students in different ways, depending on their individual characteristics. Teachers know that if they teach a lesson in parallel classes according to the same plan and with the same conditions, they never get the same results due to differences in the composition of the classes. Similar differences in learning outcomes are observed among students in the same grade, although they are all in relatively similar learning environments. Consequently, the effective organization of the educational process in the classroom, its rationalization are inconceivable without the teacher clearly knowing the individual characteristics of students, the specifics of classes and taking these features into account in everyday work.

The lesson consists of parts - heterogeneous and homogeneous learning situations, following one after another in a certain order. The sequence and internal connection of educational situations make up the structure of the lesson.

The parts of the lesson should be presented in such a sequence and in such a combination that they correspond to the logic of the educational process and help to achieve goals more effectively.

2 Teaching aids as one of the main components of the didactic system

Along with the goals, content, forms and methods of teaching, teaching aids are one of the main components of the didactic system, it is a necessary element of equipping the educational process, which, together with the content of education, constitutes its information-subject environment.

Teaching aids are material and ideal objects that are involved in the educational process as carriers of information and a tool for the activities of the teacher and students.

Means of instruction are the instruments of the activity of the teacher and students, used by them both separately and jointly. For example, demonstration equipment is intended mainly for the teacher, and laboratory equipment is for the student; but chalk and a blackboard or a local computer network can be used together.

The tools of cognitive activity increase its effectiveness, since they serve as a means of achieving the goals of educational activity.

The classification of teaching aids can be different depending on the underlying attribute. For example, there are:

by the composition of objects - material (premises, equipment, furniture, computers, class schedule) and ideal (figurative representations, symbolic models, thought experiments, models of the Universe) teaching aids;

in relation to the sources of appearance - artificial (devices, paintings, textbooks) and natural (natural objects, preparations, herbaria) teaching aids,

by complexity - simple (samples, models, maps) and complex (video recorders, computer networks) teaching aids;

by method of use - dynamic (video) and static (code-positive) teaching aids;

by structural features - flat (maps), volumetric (layouts), mixed (Earth model) and virtual (multimedia programs) teaching aids;

by the nature of the impact - visual (diagrams, demonstration devices), auditory (tape recorders, radio) and audiovisual (television, video films) teaching aids;

by information carrier - "paper" (textbooks, card indexes), magneto-optical (films), electronic (computer programs) and laser (CD-Rom, DVD) teaching aids;

by levels of educational content - teaching aids at the lesson level (textual material, etc.), at the subject level (textbooks), at the level of the entire learning process (classrooms);

in relation to technological progress - traditional (visual aids, museums, libraries), modern (media, multimedia teaching aids, computers) and promising (websites, local and global computer networks, mobile telecommunications, distributed education systems) teaching aids ...

The didactic role and functions of each teaching aid are laid down in them at the design and manufacturing stage. The main didactic functions of teaching aids are:

Compensatory - that is, facilitating the learning process, reducing the time, effort and health of teachers and students;

Informativeness - transmission of information necessary for training;

Integrity - consideration of the studied object or phenomenon in parts and in general;

Instrumentation - safe and rational provision of certain types of activities of students and teachers.

In a modern school, there is a system of teaching aids - a set of educational equipment items that have integrity, autonomy and are designed to solve educational problems.

For each training course, there is and is constantly updated list of recommended teaching aids that have subject specificity. For example, systems of teaching aids for humanitarian courses largely consist of printed manuals: educational books, didactic materials, tables, pictures. And natural science courses involve a significant amount of natural objects, models, devices for observation and experiment.

2. Information and communication technologies

2.1 General information about ICT used in the educational process

A closer combination and interaction of technical and natural constituent elements is becoming a modern guiding idea of ​​the educational process. Informatization and computerization of the educational process in the subjects of the natural cycle acts as an interacting integrating phenomenon. Such a connection, i.e. the use of computer technology, in comparison with traditional education, has a number of advantages:

1. A computer is a connecting link that establishes the natural interaction of all forms of educational and cognitive activity of students.

2. Computer technology helps to activate the cognitive and mental activity of students.

Computer technology contains tremendous motivational opportunities. An important motivational factor is the gaming nature of computer technology. The game elements of computer testing are adversarial, extreme situations that require the user to make extraordinary decisions.

The introduction of a computer into the structure of natural knowledge expands the possibilities of independent learning of students. The use of computer programs significantly increases the proportion of independent work as a basic constituent element of the entire cognitive process.

What is information and communication technology?

Information and communication technologies are those technologies that use computer technologies (information processes) and communication means (communication means - the Internet).

Computer technologies include software and hardware and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems of information exchange, providing operations for the collection, accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information.

The means of information computer technologies include: computers, personal computers; sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes, local area networks, information input-output devices, means of input and manipulation of text and graphic information, means of archival storage of large amounts of information and other peripheral equipment of modern computers; devices for converting data from graphic or sound forms of data presentation to digital and vice versa; means and devices for manipulating audiovisual information; modern means of communication; artificial intelligence systems; computer graphics systems, software complexes (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application packages, etc.).

With the help of ICT, the basic principles of teaching are effectively implemented:

· The principle of scientific character;

· The principle of systematicity and consistency;

· The principle of activity;

· The principle of accessibility;

· Connection of theory with practice;

· Taking into account the individual characteristics of students;

· Clarity.

The use of ICT allows to optimize the work of the teacher, to somewhat facilitate his functions:

1. Control. The teacher is freed from the routine work of interviewing students. In addition, the position of the teacher becomes more attractive because control functions are transferred to the machine, and this contributes to conflict-free communication.

2. Feedback. The use of a computer allows you to evaluate each stage of the student's work: the computer corrects errors, comments if necessary, providing the necessary information. Thus, the student gets the opportunity to correct his mistakes in time.

The use of information computer technologies in geography lessons not only facilitates the assimilation of new educational material, but also provides opportunities for the development of students' creative abilities:

increases student motivation to learn;

activates cognitive activity;

develops the thinking and creativity of the child;

forms an active life position in modern society.

ICT can be used at all stages of the educational process.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the lesson, information technology can be used in the lesson to study new material, to generalize and systematize knowledge, when performing practical work, creative assignments, when monitoring knowledge and skills.

When studying new material, a demo program is most often used - an electronic textbook or electronic presentation, which present theoretical material to students in an accessible, vivid, visual form.

Educated programs, i.e. electronic textbooks, contain video fragments that allow you to demonstrate a video in the lesson, representing the phenomenon under study with the commentary of the speaker.

At the lesson of consolidating educational material, you can use a tester program or testing devices Activote, which allow you to monitor the assimilation of the studied material.

There are various types of computer programs that a teacher can use in their activities:

Study programs focused primarily on the assimilation of new knowledge. Many of them work in a mode close to programmed learning with a branched program. Problem-based learning programs that indirectly manage student activities can also be included in this group.

Simulator programs designed for the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, as well as for self-training of students. The use of these programs assumes that the theoretical material has already been mastered by the trainees.

Control programs designed to control a certain level of knowledge and skills. This type of programs is represented by a variety of test tasks, including in test form.

Demonstration programs designed for visual demonstration of educational material of a descriptive nature, a variety of visual aids (paintings, photographs, video clips). Geographic interactive atlases can be considered a variety of them, the maps of which can be used not only as visualization, but also "superimposed" on each other, compose, use interactive and interactive graphics. This type can also include presentation programs that have the ability to graphically edit and are used for the creative work of students.

Simulation and modeling programs designed to “simulate” objects and phenomena. These programs are especially important for geography, when the studied material is difficult to show or is abstract in nature.

Information and reference programs designed to display the necessary information with a connection to the educational resources of the Internet.

7. multimedia textbooks - complex programs that combine most of the elements of the listed types of programs.

Multimedia textbooks, or as they are also called - electronic textbooks, are performed in a format that allows hyperlinks, graphics, animation, announcer's speech, registration forms, interactive tasks, multimedia effects.

Electronic textbooks have significant advantages over their paper predecessors. A teacher who has educational information on his subject can quickly structure it in a new way or simply place the material on a website for simultaneous access to all: his students.

Electronic textbooks are practically eternal, they are not afraid of wear and tear, take up little space and are very mobile. The electronic textbook is variable in execution: you can give it any form that is convenient for reading (change the color of the background, text, font size); if necessary, using the printer, you can print out part of the textbook, arranging it at your discretion.

The inclusion of elements of animation and computer games in the textbook enhances its interactivity and attractiveness. The hypertext structure of the textbook allows for an individual learning path. However, the hypertext navigation system should be built in such a way that the logic and systematicity in the development of the content are preserved, and gaps in the assimilation of educational standards are not allowed.

The electronic textbook provides great opportunities for creative work. The teacher and students can participate in the compilation of their own electronic textbook, add materials or assignments to it without significant costs for reprinting. “Paper” textbooks do not provide such an opportunity, and when using them, it is difficult for schoolchildren to construct the personal content of education. The most that a student can do is to make notes on the margins of a "paper" textbook.

Interactive and audiovisual teaching aids in geography lessons can be used in lessons to study new and consolidate the material learned, requiring illustrations of the patterns of development of nature and society on specific material of regional content, and as independent work with a computer in the framework of integrated lessons in informatics and geography. In such lessons, the students directly on the computer perform programmatic practical work. Let's consider in more detail the various aspects of using a computer in geography lessons.

A computer lecture, developed by means of MS Power Point, is a thematically and logically related sequence of information objects displayed on a screen or monitor. The main task of a computer lecture is to explain new material. But unlike traditional lectures, computer lectures have great opportunities in attracting illustrative materials. Therefore, a computer lecture should be considered as a new tool in the work of a teacher, allowing you to create visual and information-rich lessons.

Information objects demonstrated during a computer lecture are images (slides), sound and video fragments. Images (slides) are photographs, drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams. Video fragments are films included in the lecture in whole or in part, or animations that clearly show processes and phenomena that are often inaccessible to observation. Sound fragments - narration, musical or other recordings (voices of birds, animals, etc.), accompanying the demonstration of images and video fragments.

Many geographic features studied, such as plains and mountain ranges, seas and oceans, gigantic industrial plants and vast agricultural lands, cannot be shown directly to students. Therefore, the use of demonstration means (slides, pictures, animations, videos) in the lesson contributes to the formation of figurative representations by children, and on their basis - concepts. Moreover, the efficiency of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if they are supplemented by showing diagrams, tables, etc.

The Power Point Presentation Development Program allows you to prepare materials for the lesson, combining the difference in visualization tools, maximizing the advantages of each and leveling the disadvantages.

Excel spreadsheets will help the teacher to use cartograms and cartograms built according to the latest statistical data in the lesson, when explaining new material, organize practical work in the class to analyze statistical data with the construction of graphs, cartograms. In this case, graphs, cartograms and cartodiagrams perform the functions of not only a means of visualization, but also a source of geographic knowledge.

The Microsoft Word text editor is designed to prepare educational and methodological documentation (thematic and lesson plans) and handouts (task cards, control tests, crosswords, etc.) quickly and efficiently, create high-quality documents that satisfy high aesthetic requirements.

Slides with diagrams, diagrams, tables are especially important when studying economic geography, when considering the essence of geographical phenomena and processes, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Videos, displaying geographic processes or phenomena, and animations are considered as a form of modeling real events, facts, scientific data. The individual frames collected in the video make up a figurative model that gives a certain idea of ​​the original. Like any model, videos and animations do not reveal all the elements of the studied phenomenon or process, but only the main, most essential, revealing the essence of the object to be studied. This simplification facilitates the search for essential features, highlighting its features, originality and originality of the object.

It is necessary to pay attention to a special category of media objects contained in the library - interactive maps and schematic maps. Interactive maps are a new type of interactive geography teaching tools. Interactive maps have the properties of a geographic map, i.e. are a scaled down image of the earth's surface using a special language - conventional signs, at the same time, they have a new property that brings them closer to geographic information systems - the ability to change the content of the map.

In addition to all of the above, the specificity of geography as an academic subject is such that it contains a large amount of material. In order to prepare the most complete, interesting and modern lesson in geography, the teacher needs to process a large number of different sources, from encyclopedias to newspapers and magazines.

The use of a computer and the Internet makes it possible to reduce the amount of literature used to prepare and reduce the time it takes to find the information you need. The more often you use a computer in the educational process, the deeper you become aware of the almost limitless range of its application.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom allows you to make each lesson non-traditional and productive. And working with a computer arouses an increased interest in students and enhances the motivation for learning. The use of computer technology and the Internet creates opportunities for access to large masses of modern and fresh information. And the interconnection of animation, music, sound and interactive models expands the possibilities of presenting educational information.

2.2 Modern interactive equipment

At the present stage of development of society and information technologies, a large-scale introduction of interactive equipment into the educational process of schools in our republic is taking place in order to increase the competitiveness of Kazakhstani education. Consider the main types of interactive equipment that can be used by a teacher in their activities.

An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen connected to a computer, the image from which is transmitted to the whiteboard by a projector. It is enough just to touch the surface of the board to start working on the computer. Special software allows you to work with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, make handwritten notes right on top of open documents and save information. The interactive whiteboard provides unique opportunities for the work and creativity of the teacher and student. Interactive whiteboards improve material feeding efficiency.

Interactive whiteboards can transform teaching and learning in different ways. Here are three of them:

1. Presentations, demonstrations and creation of models. Using the right software and resources in conjunction with an interactive whiteboard can improve your understanding of new ideas.

The interactive whiteboard is a valuable teaching tool for the entire class. It is a visual resource that helps educators present new material in a lively and engaging way. It allows you to present information using various multimedia resources, teachers and students can comment on the material and study it in as much detail as possible. It can simplify the explanation of diagrams and help you understand a complex problem.

Teachers can use the whiteboard to make presenting ideas fun and dynamic. Boards allow learners to interact with new material and are also a valuable tool for educators when explaining abstract ideas and concepts. On the board, you can easily change information or move objects to create new links. Trainers can reason out loud while commenting on their actions, gradually engage students and encourage them to write ideas on the board.

Active student involvement. Motivation and engagement of students in the class can be increased through the use of an interactive whiteboard.

Research has shown that interactive whiteboards leverage a variety of dynamic resources and improve motivation to make classroom engaging for both teachers and students.

Working properly with an interactive whiteboard can help teachers test student knowledge. Asking the right questions to clarify some ideas develops the discussion and allows students to better understand the material.

By guiding the discussion, the instructor can encourage students to work in small groups. The interactive whiteboard becomes the center of attention for the entire class. And when all the materials are prepared ahead of time and readily available, it provides a good lesson pace.

Improving the pace and flow of the class. Using an interactive whiteboard can improve the planning, pace, and flow of a lesson.

Working with interactive whiteboards involves simple yet creative use of materials. You can prepare files or pages in advance and link them to other resources that will be available in the lesson. Teachers say that preparing for a lesson based on one master file helps plan and keeps the lesson flowing.

On the whiteboard, you can easily move objects and labels, add comments to text, pictures and diagrams, highlight key areas, and add colors. In addition, texts, pictures or graphics can be hidden and then shown at key moments of the lecture. Teachers and students do all this at the blackboard in front of the whole class, which undoubtedly attracts everyone's attention.

Pre-prepared texts, tables, charts, pictures, music, maps, thematic CD-ROMs, as well as adding hyperlinks to multimedia files and Internet resources will set the pace for the lesson: you will not spend a lot of time writing text on a regular board or go from screen to keyboard. All resources can be annotated right on the screen using the Pen tool and saved for future lessons. You can always open files of previous lessons and review the material covered.

Thanks to the variety of materials that can be used on the interactive whiteboard, students grasp new ideas much faster. Teachers who have been using whiteboards for quite some time have noticed that the quality of their lessons has improved markedly.

Of course, it is not certain that student performance will improve with the interactive whiteboard, but many teachers notice that students are becoming more interested in what is happening in the classroom. They actively discuss new topics and memorize material faster.

An interactive whiteboard is essentially your computer's display. This means that everything that is on your computer can be shown on an interactive whiteboard.

This gives you the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as:

· Presentation software;

· Text editors;

· Internet;

· Images (photographs, drawings, diagrams, screen images);

· Video files (excerpts from television programs, VHS video cassettes or digital video images);

· Sound files (excerpts from cassettes or radio, recordings made by students or other teachers).

Perhaps the classes will attract several resources at once, and the teacher will choose what he needs. Many of the resources above use computer capabilities such as color, movement and sound, most of which are not always available in a typical lesson.

The ease of use of these devices and the variety of resources captivate students more than traditional activities. However, teachers often have to spend a lot of time looking for the necessary materials.

There are the following main ways of using interactive whiteboards offered by fellow educators in the UK:

· Mark and write over images displayed on the screen;

· Demonstration of websites through an interactive whiteboard to all listeners;

· Use of group forms of work;

· Collaborative work on documents, tables or images;

· Computer control without using the computer itself (control through an interactive whiteboard);

· Using an interactive whiteboard as usual, but with the ability to save the result, print the image on the whiteboard on a printer, etc .;

· Change the text in documents displayed on the screen using the virtual keyboard, which is configured in the whiteboard software;

· Change any documents or images on the screen, use any markings;

· Saving on a computer in a special file all the notes that the teacher makes during the lesson for further demonstration in other lessons or via the Internet;

· The teacher can transfer the notes saved during the lesson to any student who missed the lesson or did not have time to make the appropriate notes in his notebook;

· Demonstration of the work of one student to all other students in the class;

· Demonstration of training videos;

· Creation of drawings on an interactive whiteboard without using a computer mouse;

· Creation of pictures, diagrams and maps during the lesson, which can be used in the next lessons, which saves time during the lesson;

· With the appropriate software, the teacher can display the monitor image of any student on the interactive whiteboard screen.

What are the main advantages of an interactive whiteboard over a chalk one? Why are interactive whiteboards becoming more popular? Why do schools spend so much money on purchasing such expensive equipment?

· Interactive whiteboards are similar to whiteboards, but at the same time they help the teacher to use the teaching aids in an easy and natural way, while being in constant contact with the class.

· Whiteboards are helping to expand the use of e-learning tools because they convey information to learners faster than standard tools.

· Interactive whiteboards allow the teacher to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material in the lesson, be it a picture from the Internet or a large-scale table, a text file or a geographic map. The interactive whiteboard becomes an indispensable companion for the teacher in the lesson, an excellent complement to his words.

· Interactive whiteboards allow the teacher to create simple and quick amendments to the existing teaching material right in the lesson, while explaining the material, adapting it for a specific audience, for specific tasks set in the lesson.

· Interactive whiteboards allow students to absorb information faster.

· Interactive whiteboards allow students to participate in group discussions, making the discussions even more interesting.

· Interactive whiteboards allow students to carry out joint work, to solve a common problem posed by the teacher.

· Interactive whiteboards allow to check the knowledge of students at once in the entire classroom, allows you to organize competent feedback "student-teacher".

With the full integration of interactive whiteboards into education, the creation of a single database of teaching and demonstration materials<#"884915.files/image001.gif">

How are the upper and lower boundaries of the biosphere?

And now let's see what the textbook tells us about such a concept as the biosphere (work is done with the textbook on complete semantic fragments, questions are asked to comprehend the material read).

Name the types of living organisms that inhabit our planet.

What does the word "biosphere" mean in translation from Greek?

What is the main feature of living organisms?

What gives living organisms such a property as adaptability?

Why does the distribution of living organisms have certain boundaries?

The boundaries of the biosphere are determined by natural factors affecting the body. The main one is the effect of ultraviolet rays and temperature.

Primary consolidation of the material: the task "Establish compliance".

A - Biosphere.

B - Plants, animals and microorganisms

B - Ultraviolet rays and temperature

G - V.I. Vernadsky.

D - Reproduction and adaptability

E - Spheres that make up the biosphere

The shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms.

Academician, founder of biogeochemistry.

Natural factors affecting the body

Types of living organisms

Almost the entire hydrosphere, lower atmosphere and upper lithosphere

Properties of living organisms

Key: A-1 B-4 C-3 D-2 D-6 E-5

The relationship of organisms. Biocenosis.

Plants, animals and microorganisms are concentrated in a certain part of land and water.

Let's define, using the proposed table, how the layers of the biosphere are saturated with life.

Values ​​characterizing the main layer of life (according to V.A.Uspensky)

It is clearly seen from the data presented that the concentration of living matter per unit area of ​​the biosphere layer saturated with life increases as the transition from terrestrial conditions to typical oceanic ones.

What do you think, without which life on Earth is impossible? Why?

… plants

And now, using the material of the textbook, we will draw up a diagram of the cycle of substances and energy in nature.

Plants from inanimate nature - mineral salts, water and carbon dioxide under the influence of sunlight, release substances and oxygen necessary for life. Herbivores feed on plants. In turn, the predators eat the herbivores. After the death of animals and plants, their remains accumulate on Earth. Microorganisms decompose, recycle them, and they again become suitable for plant nutrition.

Organisms, grouped in a certain natural environment, form life communities. Communities of plants, animals and microorganisms living on Earth in the same natural conditions are called biocenosis (in Greek, "bio" - life, "cenosis" - common).

Name examples of biocenosis in nature, areas with the same natural conditions.

... swamps, lakes, meadows, forests, deserts.

Primary consolidation of the material: completing the task "Add a word".

Plants, animals and microorganisms are concentrated in a certain part ... and .... They can exist with each other and with the natural environment in close .... The basis of this connection is ...

Plants from inanimate nature - mineral salts, water and carbon dioxide under the influence of ... emit substances and oxygen necessary for life.

Organisms, grouped in a certain natural environment, form life communities. Communities of plants, animals and microorganisms living on Earth in the same natural conditions are called ... For example, swamps are a biocenosis, ...

Mutual check (on the board - correct answers)

Key: 1.sushi 2.water 3.inseparable plants

Sun rays 6.biocenosis 7.lakes, meadows, forests, deserts

Learning technology- an algorithmic sequence of didactic procedures that are guaranteed to lead to a specific educational goal. The technology is distinguished by a high degree of instrumental justice, which means the elaboration of specific actions that ensure the effectiveness of their application. Consequently, the main attribute of teaching technology is the measurability and reproducibility of the planned results.

The technological effectiveness of the pedagogical process means its standardization in the form of a constructive scheme of activity-related functioning in the given conditions. The understanding of the essence of learning technology should be approached from the position of consistency. It assumes a multilevel correlation of didactic goals, means and conditions for their achievement, corrections of actions and the probable nature of the successful implementation of such technology.

Learning technology is a system of regulated activities of the teacher and students in the educational process.

Technologization of education ensures the optimization of the process of transferring an ever-increasing volume of scientific knowledge, information about the world, objects, and ways of human existence. The technologization of education is facilitated by the colossal possibilities of global informatization of modern society. This is due to the technical enrichment of the educational process, its richness with interactive means. The mechanism for the development of the personality of students was also in the field of technologization. Technologies implemented for the development of certain individual and personal characteristics of a student significantly enrich modern education systems. In general, the content of the technologization of the learning process is multifaceted and is associated with problems of a psychological, pedagogical, didactic, information and technical and organizational nature.

In the experience of a modern school, various types of teaching technologies are used. These include set, game, computer, dialogue, training technologies, etc. They represent a phased organization of communicative learning, rich in plot content, technical means and practical exercises.

Views technologies v theory and methods of teaching geography. In teaching geography, considerable experience has been accumulated in the use of various technologies.

  • 1. Widely known "standard plan" technology, set out in the form of rules, patterns, plans, descriptions and characteristics of geographic objects. The use of standard plans allows you to give a logically structured characteristic of the object under study with the obligatory disclosure of causal relationships and provides for extensive work with maps. The plan can also be used for self-control over the quality of assimilation of the studied material.
  • 2. Successfully implemented reference signal technology (. logical background notes, LOK). LOK is a graphical display of educational material showing the structure of its presentation. The use of this technology allows you to create a visual representation of the educational material, highlight the main content elements and the relationship between them.

The technologies of modular, project, game learning, etc. are widely used.

3. Modular training such an organization of the educational process is considered, in which the teacher and students work with educational information presented in the form of a module - a thematically completed part of the educational material. The module becomes an independent program unit, which combines educational content and technology of mastering it. The set of modules expresses the thematic integrity and structure of the entire academic discipline.

The modular training system includes target, information, operational and test modules. The target module forms an idea of ​​new objects, phenomena or events being studied. The information module presents the necessary educational material, structured in one way or another. The operational module includes the entire list of practical tasks, exercises and questions for independent work on the application and use of the acquired information. The verification module can be represented by a system of test or exam questions, test or creative assignments.

Modular training is designed for independent work of students in the mode of dose assimilation of educational information recorded in the modules. Consequently, modular training involves the formation of self-education skills, in which the entire learning process is based on the achievement of current (knowledge, abilities, skills) and promising (individual and personal development) goals.

The functioning of the training module provides for the creation of a number of technological maps for students and teachers. The technological map for students is built on the basis of the differentiation of educational material. The trainees are presented with the volume and depth of the studied material, practical work, reporting forms. The technological map of the teacher is a variant of thematic and lesson planning on a modular basis. The card also includes control measurement materials. It is also advisable to create a digest application - a kind of mini-reader that allows the teacher to revive the lesson with fragments from additional sources.

4. The content of school geography has a rich application of technology project learning. A project is a plan of any concept, event, activity. The didactic meaning of project-based teaching lies in the realization of the personal qualities of students, in the formation of the experience of creative activity and an emotional value attitude to the world. The technology of project-based teaching involves the problem-search cognitive activity of students, which is expressed in the process of creating an educational project.

A training project can be the development of one or another plan, concept, task, for the solution of which it is necessary to carry out active, expedient actions. At the same time, the cognitive activity of students is consistent with their personal interests in acquiring new knowledge. Thus, the essence of project-based learning is to stimulate the cognitive interest of students, develop the skills and abilities of practical activity, and form personal qualities.

The use of the technology of project activity presupposes the creation of certain conditions. First of all, it is necessary to formulate a significant problem or task related to the material being studied. The results of the project should also have a cognitive value, contribute to the development of personality. The implementation of the project requires independent activity of the students, so the tasks should be wearable for them. When executing projects, a sequence of actions is assumed: formulating a problem, understanding the hypothesis of a solution, choosing research methods, analyzing and processing data, presenting a project (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2

The sequence of work on the project

Stage of work on the project

Student activities


Project preparation and work planning

They come up with the initiative of the project. Discuss the topic and purpose of the project. Determine the problem and the research tasks arising from it, the hypothesis for solving the problem. Develop a project plan.

Determine the sources of information. Determine how information is collected and analyzed.

Determine how the results are presented.

Establish procedures and criteria for evaluating results.

Distribute tasks in a group (if the project is not individual).

Receive additional information about the project from the teacher, if necessary

Comes out with a motivated project proposal. Defines the subject of the project, its structure and possible results. Introduces the meaning of the project and motivates students. Assists students in planning project work

Stage of work on the project

Student activities



over the project

They carry out creative work, solve intermediate problems.

Analyze research results, formulate conclusions

Observes, advises, indirectly manages activities



Present the results of work on the project

Takes part in the discussion of the results of work on the project

Assessment of results and process

Participate in assessment through brainstorming and self-assessments

Assesses student effort, creativity, quality of sourcing, potential for follow-up, quality of report

An important role in organizing the project activities of students is played by the teacher's ability to typologize the project - to determine the priority direction in it, to develop the goal, content and implementation methodology.

Educational projects differ in the level of integration of educational material, in the number of participants, in the way students work. Projects can be research and play, cognitive and practice-oriented, value-orientational and communicative, artistic and aesthetic. In the process of teaching geography, the technology of projects can be used already from the initial course (for example, a project for developing a territory according to a plan of the area). This technology is more effective when used in high school.

5. Playroom technology is a way of interaction between a teacher and students in the learning process through the implementation of a particular plot - a game, fairy tale, performance, business communication, etc. At the same time, educational tasks are included in the content of the game.

The specificity of game learning consists in modeling various relationships and real-life conditions in the educational process. Educational games are a type of active activity of schoolchildren, during which they reproduce real situations. In games, the need for active knowledge of the surrounding world is manifested, intellectual, volitional and physical qualities are developed that form the personality of the student. The popularity of game learning is explained by the emotional richness of games, their competitiveness, and improvisational capabilities.

In teaching geography, cognitive, role-playing, business games are used. In cognitive games, situations are created, characterized by the inclusion of the studied in the game context. Role-playing games are characterized by the presence of a learning task and the distribution of roles between the participants in its solution. Business games are simulation of real events and phenomena. This is a form of recreation of the objective and social content of any real activity (professional, social, political, technical, etc.). The necessary knowledge is assimilated by the participants of the game in the process of information support of game actions that is real for them, in the formation of a holistic image of a particular real situation.

The use of gaming technologies requires preliminary preparation of students. One should start with the analysis and solution of specific situations, where the models of the object and relations are already set in a ready-made form. Then, in terms of complexity, cognitive games follow, which can be conducted as the simplest elements of entertainment, in the form of copying scientific, cultural, social phenomena (competition of experts, conference, "Field of Miracles", etc.) and in the form of subject-content models (for example , travel games). Cognitive games may already contain elements of role-playing games that are very difficult for students. After gaining experience in role-playing, students are sufficiently prepared for business games. Thus, in order for the participants in the games to act competently, it is desirable to organize a system of imitation methods on a specific topic, studying the material through the analysis and solution of situations, cognitive, role-playing and business games.

  • 6. In the context of the introduction of the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, technology for the development of critical thinking(TRKM) through reading and writing. Critical thinking is the ego process of interaction of external information with a person's knowledge, in which a person decides what to trust and what to do. The undoubted advantage of this technology is the formation of a reading culture, which includes the ability to navigate in information sources, to adequately understand what has been read, to systematize information in terms of its importance, to evaluate new knowledge, to draw conclusions and generalizations. In this technology, there are three main stages (phases):
    • - challenge: updating basic knowledge and skills; increasing interest in obtaining new information; setting the student's own learning goals;
    • - comprehension of the content (implementation): obtaining new information; adjustment by the student of the set learning goals;
    • - reflection: reflection, the birth of new knowledge; setting new learning goals by the student.

Many TRKM techniques can be successfully implemented in geography lessons. For example: clusters(highlighting the semantic units of the text and their graphic design); "A basket of ideas, concepts, names ..." (recording of words and expressions associated, in the opinion of the students, with the proposed topic); "Insert" reading (acquaintance with the text with notes in the margins); the table “I know - I want to know - I found out”; "Fishbone" ("fish skeleton", the head is the question of the topic, the upper bones are the main concepts of the topic, the lower bones are the essence of the concepts, the tail is the answer to the question); “Thick” (expanded) and “thin” (short) questions; sinkwine - short expression of educational material in several lines.

These and other techniques TRKM can be applied in all classes, different in the level of learning and training. TRKM creates conditions for self-education of students and is aimed at the development of communicative, regulatory and cognitive universal educational actions.

  • 7. Great potential in school geography education have situational tasks (case method). The key point in the teacher's work on a situational task is the choice of a problem situation. Through its content and the system of multilevel tasks, conditions are created for the formation of various ECDs. The process of finding a way out of a problem situation stimulates the student to actively communicate, apply knowledge and skills from related disciplines, requires planning his activities, and contributes to the formation of emotional and value experiences. All situational tasks have a typical structure and include:
    • - a name that attracts attention and contributes to the emergence of cognitive interest (for example: "Geography in a supermarket", "Live up to 100 years!", "Who is expected in the labor market", etc.);
    • - description of the situation - a specific problem or story from life, personally significant cognitive issue;
    • - information on this issue in text, graphic or tabular form;
    • - questions or tasks of different difficulty levels.

Depending on the didactic goals, there are three types of situational tasks: teaching (training), controlling and creative. The use of situational tasks allows the formation of various levels of educational and cognitive activity.

Modern pedagogical technologies

in teaching geography

Stadnikova Valentina Viktorovna,


The teaching methodology, like all didactics, is going through a difficult period. The goals of general secondary education have changed, new curricula are being developed, new approaches to reflecting content through not separate isolated disciplines, but through integrated educational areas. New concepts of education, standards are being created, which describe not only the content, but also the requirements for learning outcomes, based on areas of activity. It is known that the quality of knowledge is determined by what the student is able to do with it.

Difficulties also arise due to the fact that the number of subjects studied in the school curricula is increasing, the time for studying some classical school subjects, including geography, is decreasing. All these circumstances create the basis for new theoretical research in the field of methods of studying geography, require different approaches to organizing the educational process. A sufficient number of problems have accumulated in the methodology of geography, which require the formulation of special studies. Among them, such as the definition in the content of the subject of the correlation of facts and theoretical positions, the problem of integrating a ramified system of geographical knowledge, the implementation of the regional approach in the content of the subject, updating the methods, means and forms of organizing education.

The last problem is closely related to the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies in the educational process. Renewal of the education of the younger generation requires the use of non-traditional methods and forms of organization of education. You cannot rely only on explanatory-illustrative and reproductive methods that are widespread in teaching practice.

The modern didactic principle of student-centered learning requires taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of students, the use of a systematic, active approach, special work to organize the interrelated activities of the teacher and students, which ensures the achievement of well-planned learning outcomes.

Educators are focused on the effectiveness of training. This problem is being actively developed based on the use of the latest achievements of psychology, computer science, and the theory of cognitive management.

However, the introduction of teaching technologies does not mean that they replace the traditional methodology of subjects. Technologies are used not instead of teaching methods, but along with them, since they are an integral part of the subject methodology.

Learning technologies.

Learning technology is understood as ways to increase the effectiveness of learning, such a design of the educational process, which has a clearly defined re result.

Term "technology" borrowed from foreign methods, where it is used to describe differently organized learning processes. There are two concepts:

a) teaching technology, which means the development of optimal teaching methods;

b) technology in teaching.

The latter definition is understood as the use of technical teaching aids (computer programs, including new multimedia geography textbooks, etc.). However, in both cases, it is assumed that the use of technologies is aimed at improving techniques to influence viya on students when solving didactic problems.

With the help of technology, teachers strive to turn learning into a kind of "production and technological process with guaranteed results" (Klarin MV).

Pedagogical technology is defined as the optimal organ called interaction between teacher and students. The specificity of the technology is that such an educational process is designed and implemented in it, which guarantees the achievement of the set goals. At the same time, the teacher's activities and the students' activities carried out under his guidance are organized in such a way that all the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence (through activity algorithms), and their implementation presupposes the achievement of expected results that can be projected in advance. In other words, technology seeks to define in detail everything that contributes to the implementation of the set goals.

The technological chain of interconnected activities of the teacher and students is built in accordance with the objectives of the subject (individual course, topic, lesson) and should guarantee all students the achievement and assimilation of the obligatory minimum of the content of general education in the subject. At the same time, an obligatory part of any teaching technology is diagnostic procedures, the use of various measures of learning outcomes.

Technologies are difficult to be introduced into the educational process, since pedagogical activity is a fusion of norms and creativity, science and art. The learning process is not a production process of making steel, bricks, ice cream using a certain technology. In teaching technology, there is a lot of programmed and less creative activity of students. It adopted an orientation towards precise management of the educational process with precisely defined goals.

In general, it seems to us that technology is poorer than methodology. After all, any kind of activity, put on stream, depersonalizes the process and results of labor, both teachers and students, promotes the replication of techniques and methods of obtaining knowledge. Algorithms of activity are far from being creative. The flow method in the educational process can yield standard products, devoid of originality, artistry, uniqueness, which distinguishes mass production from a work of art.

However, as an integral part of the methodology, the technology has every right to exist. After all pedagogical technology is a set of methods, with emov, forms of organization of training and educational activities, based on learning theory and providing planned results. The main goal of pedagogical technologies is such an organization of the interrelated activities of the teacher and students (i.e., teaching methods), which is aimed at ensuring the planned results.

The main features of learning technology include:

■ a clear statement of educational goals and objectives for students, awareness
the significance of the material studied for each of them, motivation
educational activities of schoolchildren;

■ building a consistent element-by-element procedure for achieving goals
and tasks using specific teaching aids, active methods and
forms of organization of educational activities of schoolchildren;

■ training on samples (on study books, workshops, textbooks);
fulfillment of the teacher's instructions (in the form of teaching methods, algorithms)

■ organization of independent work of students, aimed
to solve problem learning problems;

■ widespread use of various forms of test items to check
learning outcomes.

There are many types of pedagogical technologies, they are distinguished for different reasons. There are three main groups of technologies in didactics:

■ the technology of explanatory and illustrative teaching, the essence of which is to inform, educate students and organize their reproductive activities in order to develop both general educational (educational and organizational,
educational-intellectual, educational-informational) and special (subject) skills;

■ the technology of student-centered learning, aimed at identifying and "cultivating" the individual subjective experience of the child
by aligning with the results of socio-historical experience,
that is, the transfer of training to a subjective basis with a focus on personal self-development (Yakimanskaya I.S.);

■ technology of developmental education, which is based on the way of teaching, aimed at including the internal mechanisms of the student's personal development.

Each of these groups includes several learning technologies.

So, a group of student-centered learning technologies includes technology of multilevel (differentiated) teaching, collective mutual learning, technology of complete assimilation of knowledge, technology of modular learning, etc. These technologies allow taking into account the individual characteristics of students, improve the methods of interaction between teacher and students.

The introduction of personality-oriented technologies into the practice of the teacher's work assumes that the main result of training is to transform the individual picture of the world in its interaction with the scientific and geographical; special attention to self-development and self-education of students.

The task of the teacher in this case is to identify the student's selectivity to the content, type and form of educational material, the motivation for its study, preferences for activities.

In the process of implementing student-centered learning technologies, it is advisable to comply with the following conditions:

■ structuring educational material into semantic blocks and setting cognitive educational tasks (sometimes of a problematic nature) for each of them, which create a cognitive need for schoolchildren;

■ creation of special educational and cognitive motives, since the real meaning of teaching is determined for schoolchildren not so much by goals as by motives, their attitude to the subject;

■ setting cognitive educational tasks, which, by their content, are aimed at programming the orientation of students' activities towards educational discoveries, at fixing and assimilating a new way of activity;

■ implementation of the educational task by creating a problem situation, creating conditions for intellectual difficulty.

Classification of modern educational technologies

By application level

According to the leading factor of mental development

By orientation to the personality structure

By organizational form

In the methodology of geography, considerable experience has been accumulated in the application of teaching technologies. I will give examples of the most famous technologies used in teaching geography.

Technology the formation methods of educational work,

set out in the form of rules, patterns, algorithms, plans for descriptions and characteristics of geographic objects. This technology has found a fairly broad reflection in the methodological apparatus of a number of geography textbooks, in teaching aids and is quite well mastered in the practice of many geography teachers. It is advisable for a geography teacher who is starting his pedagogical activity to pay attention to the methodological apparatus of the 6th grade textbook authors Gerasimova T.P., Neklyukova N.P. "Geography. Initial course ". M., "Bustard", 2000, which reflects the technology of development of geographical skills through the formation of methods of educational work.

In the process of teaching geography, it has long been used support sheet technology signals(logical reference abstracts - LOC or LOS). NN Baransky wrote about the role of schemes of logical connections in teaching geography, emphasizing that schemes "teach to single out the main and the main, teach to find and establish logical connections, significantly help students to learn a lesson." Teachers use communication schemes all the time. The supporting notes developed now help the teacher to manage the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, develop the skills of independent work, individual abilities, and also help schoolchildren to exercise self-control over the results of educational work. Practicing teachers, this technology is well developed, many articles and even books for the teacher have been published, where basic notes for whole courses are presented (for example, grades 7 and 8).

Fully developed technology for the formation of educational activities schoolchildren, which is implemented in most geography textbooks, disclosed in articles from the experience of teachers, published on the pages of the journal. The essence of this technology is that learning activity is viewed as a special form of student learning activity. It is aimed at acquiring knowledge by solving educational problems. If the traditional methodology describes what the teacher should do, then the technology of the formation of educational activity prescribes how the student should solve the educational problem. At the beginning of the lesson, the class is offered educational tasks (on a blackboard, poster, overhead film), which are solved in the course of the lesson, and at the end of the lesson, according to these tasks, a diagnostic check of the results of assimilation is carried out using tests.

The technology of the formation of educational activities assumes that the teacher creates a system of educational tasks for a course, section or topic, develops projects for organizing his activities and the activities of schoolchildren interconnected with it, prepares test tasks. The system of educational tasks and tests can be borrowed from teaching aids (workshops, collections of assessing the quality of training of school graduates, etc.). The use of this technology is well disclosed in the textbooks of V.P. Sukhov, I.I.Barinova, V.Ya.Rom and V.P. Dronov, and others, as well as in a number of articles of the journal.

Differentiated learning technology

also well known in geographic techniques. When applying it, the students of the class are divided into conditional groups, taking into account the typological characteristics of the students. When forming groups, the personal attitude of schoolchildren to learning, the degree of training, interest in the study of the subject, and the personality of the teacher are taken into account. Multilevel programs are created, didactic material differing in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques for performing tasks, as well as for diagnosing learning outcomes.

In the practice of geography teachers, it is widespread technology of educational and play activities. However, its implementation is most often episodic, does not build up into a clear system of organizing cognitive activity.

Educational play as a pedagogical technology gives a positive result only if it is seriously prepared, when both the students and the teacher himself are active. Of particular importance is a well-developed scenario of the game, where educational tasks are clearly indicated, each position of the game, possible methodological methods of getting out of a difficult situation are indicated, methods of assessing the results are planned.

The technology of communicative-dialogue activity

requires from the teacher a creative approach to the organization of the educational process, mastery of the techniques of heuristic conversation, the ability to conduct a discussion with the class and create conditions for the emergence of a discussion between schoolchildren. School geography has great opportunities for the use of communicative-dialogue technology. The topics of each course contain a lot of problems, questions for organizing an educational dispute: "Is the map a correct or distorted mirror?", "Wind is an enemy or a friend of man?", "Is it necessary to drain the swamps of Western Siberia?" ? " and others. The rich methodological apparatus of many geography textbooks helps the teacher to apply this type of technology. Therefore, the teacher only needs to pay attention to the rich possibilities of organizing the special work of students with various components of the textbook. Naturally, it is necessary to specially teach students the rules for conducting a discussion in the classroom.

Modular technology

also applicable in teaching geography. A module is called a special functional unit in which the teacher combines the content of the educational material and the technology of mastering it by students. The teacher develops special instructions for the independent work of schoolchildren, where the purpose of mastering a certain educational material is clearly indicated, gives precise instructions on the use of information sources and explains how to master this information. The same instructions provide samples of test items (more often in the form of tests).

Technology of project activity of schoolchildren.

The project in translation from Latin means “thrown forward”, “striking”. Design technology is the creation of a creative situation where the student gets a chance to stumble upon something irrational, non-trivial, surprising. The academic subject geography is unique in this respect. It allows you to integrate with other academic disciplines, combine scientific information from a wide variety of areas of knowledge for a more complete understanding and explanation, building logical chains and finding cause-and-effect relationships. The meaning of this technology is to organize research activities, most often on the basis of local history work. The purpose of this work is to form students' adequate ideas about the essence of natural, social, economic phenomena with the simultaneous education of ecological and economic culture. I use the elements of project activity at all stages of the study of geography. The most effective, creative work, with the achievement of a deep and conscious level of assimilation of the material, the work is done by students in grades 8-10. At this age, the student's personality is actively formed, this is the age of self-determination. The guys are trying to find their place in life, to be convinced of their own importance. Project activities can be carried out in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. For example, students draw up projects for the development of small towns, projects for the development of green zones in a city microdistrict, etc.

To organize the design work, the teacher identifies a group of children in the class who want to:

1. Study geography in depth.

2. Independently pose problems and solve

3. Learn to communicate, cooperate with children for the most optimal achievement of their goals.

When starting work on a project, you always ask one question: how to make the work truly project-based. An important point is to awaken students' interest in the idea and topic of the project. For the idea underlying to be interesting and relevant, it must be in the zone of proximal development.

Socio-ecological design “Problems of the development of small towns” (on the example of the town of Maysky) this topic appeared not by chance. This, at first glance, close and understandable topic in the process of work has turned into a complex and urgent problem that requires attention, consideration and search for solutions.

To get the job done, we have defined tasks:

1. Study the history of the city's development, consider the functions and problems.

2. Draw conclusions about the role of small towns, consider the periods of historical development.

3. Conduct sociological research at school, as well as environmental studies of natural objects in order to determine the main problems of the development of small towns.

4. To identify the consequences and influence of the ecological situation on the development of the city.

5. Formulate conclusions on the ways of solving and preventing environmental, economic, social consequences.

At the initial stage, together with the students, we collected a variety of information about the object of research. We examined in detail the history and evolution of the city's development. We used materials from newspaper publications, a historical museum.

Historical and ecological materials on the development of small towns were systematized and divided into the following stages:

Stage 1 - the beginning of the twentieth century (1918), the first settlement on the territory of a modern city.

Stage 2 - the middle of the twentieth century, the emergence of industrial enterprises in the city. Improvement of the transport system. Deterioration of the ecological situation.

Stage 3 - from the end of the twentieth century to the present day The modern period of the development of a small town.

Further work on the project required students to master methods and technologies that can be used in independent work. In particular, the ability to compose questionnaires on a given topic, conduct a survey, and process its results. The school conducted research: "Changes in the size of the family over the past 100 years", "Employment of school graduates over the past decade." As a result of the survey, it was possible to establish that the size of the family over the past 100 years has decreased by three times, if at the beginning of the 20th century, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers had an average of 5-6 children in a family, then by the end of the 20th century, each family has 1-2 children. The downward trend in the birth rate is also characteristic of Russia as a whole.

When considering the economic and social consequences of the development of a small town, we proceeded from the need to find an answer to the following question. What are the problems of small towns?

And got the following results:

1. The reduction in the number of working enterprises and the establishment of the city led to economic migration, the economically active population and highly qualified specialists leave the city.

2. The decline in the birth rate over a number of years, the natural population decline in the ratio (1 - 1.8), will lead to an increase in the demographic burden of the population.

3. The deterioration of the ecological situation of the city negatively affects the health of people, which in turn leads to a reduction in life expectancy on average 70.5 years (this indicator is lower than in Russia as a whole), an increase in cancer diseases (the indicator is 1.5 times higher than in the republic as a whole), and as a result to environmental migration.

4. According to their functional parameters, small towns turn into villages and gradually perish.

Optimistic economic, social and environmental aspects were also considered in the project work: the creation of small and medium-sized businesses, the reduction of industrial emissions of the atmosphere, the introduction of social programs to support the poor.

The final stage of work was the development of the program "Revival of small towns"

The effectiveness and efficiency of the project is verified by the defense of the work. The presentation of the project is important for both the student and the teacher. In addition, it has a great educational effect: students learn to articulate their thoughts, ideas, analyze their activities, train the ability to conduct public speeches, answer questions. Preparing for a presentation is the most important part of creating a project. The result obtained must be publicly demonstrated, presented to the public. For a teenager, it is difficult to overestimate the recognition of the effectiveness of his independent creative work. In the course of the presentation, self-affirmation and an increase in self-esteem of the individual take place, the skills of public speaking are formed and developed. The student receives confirmation of his importance and success from peers and adults. These skills are formed with the direct participation and assistance of the teacher. Tolerance is laid only when the teacher makes it possible to learn to understand and express oneself, not to be afraid to “present” oneself, to express one's opinion, agree or object, enter into a discussion. In the traditional teaching of geography, the teacher will not find such a favorable situation in order to teach this, to bring up communication skills, interest in achieving the goal. These are the skills that are needed for subsequent successful work, personal self-realization.

New computer technologies.

An increase in the mental load in geography lessons makes you think about how to keep students interested in the subject under study, their activity throughout the lesson. The use of a computer in teaching allows you to create an information environment that stimulates the interest and inquisitiveness of the child. In school, the computer becomes an intermediary between the teacher and the student, allows you to organize the learning process according to an individual program. A student studying at the computer console can choose the most convenient speed of feeding and assimilation of the material. This is the main advantage of the computer in the learning process: it works with each student individually. It is clear that individualization of training improves the quality of training. This is achieved through live feedback, which is established in the process of a student's dialogue with a personal computer. Depending on the nature of the answers to the control questions, the computer can offer leading questions, suggest or slow down the pace of learning.

It is advisable to use a computer in the following cases:

diagnostic testing of the quality of assimilation of the material;

in a training mode for practicing elementary skills and abilities after studying the topic;

in training mode;

when working with lagging students, for whom the use of a computer usually significantly increases interest in the learning process;

in self-study mode;

in the mode of illustration of the studied material.

Conventionally, software can be classified into teaching and monitoring programs.

In my practice, I use modern computer technology. With the advent of multimedia discs in subjects in schools, an additional opportunity has emerged to use computer technology in geography lessons. In the study of physical geography I use training programs, in the study of socio-economic geography - teaching and monitoring. For example, in the 7th grade, when studying the natural zones of the continents, the diversity of the organic world, the use of computer technologies is most effective.

Currently, our school, like many others, is equipped with an excellent computer class, but this technique is not used very often in geography lessons. The workload of the informatics classroom, when out of 36 teaching hours a week, 28 hours are taken by informatics lessons, does not allow the implementation of computer technologies in full. Another reason why teachers do not use a computer in their lessons is the lack of software for geography lessons, as well as software and methodological complexes, including a computer program, a teacher's manual, which contains not only a description of the technical capabilities of the program, but also a lesson development of a particular topic.

Critical thinking development technology .

One of the main goals of the technology of critical thinking is to teach the student to think independently, to comprehend, to structure and convey information so that others learn about what they have discovered new for themselves. The technology for the development of critical thinking was proposed in the mid-90s of the last century by American educators J. Steele, K. Meredith as a special teaching theme that answers the question: how to teach to think. Critical thinking, according to American educators, means that a person uses research methods in teaching, asks questions and systematically searches for answers to them. The technology for the development of critical thinking is a kind of student-centered learning. The only difference is that in this version, personality-oriented learning does not stop at general slogans, but reaches the level of technological elaboration of the method.

Revealing the features of the technology for the development of critical thinking as an integrated way of learning, E.O. Galitskikh identifies four essential components of a group assignment for students' independent work:

It contains a situation of choice that students make, focusing on their own values;

Assumes a change in the role of students;

Configures the trust of the group members to each other;

It is performed by the techniques that a person uses constantly (comparison, systematization, analysis, generalization).

Performing a group task, communicating with each other, students participate in the active construction of knowledge, in obtaining the necessary information to solve the problem. Schoolchildren acquire a new quality that characterizes the development of intelligence at a new stage, the ability to think critically. Educational scientists distinguish the following signs of critical thinking:

Productive thinking, during which a positive experience is formed from everything that happens to a person;

Self-reliant and responsible;

Reasoned, because persuasive arguments allow you to make well-thought-out decisions;

Multifaceted, as it manifests itself in the ability to consider a phenomenon from different angles;

Individual, because it forms a personal culture of working with information;

Social, since the work is carried out in pairs, groups, the main method of interaction is discussion.

Critical thinking begins with questions and problems, not answering the teacher's questions. A person needs critical thinking, which helps him to live among people, to socialize. The basis of the model for the development of critical thinking is a three-phase process: challenge - realization of meaning (comprehension of the content) - reflection (reflection).

Call stage is designed to tune students to achieve the goals of the lesson or its individual stage. They are invited to return to the already accumulated knowledge on the proposed topic, they are given the opportunity to analyze their opinions or feelings regarding some issue related to the learning objectives. The challenge stage logically leads to the next, meaningful stage.

On the stage realizing the meaning (comprehending the content) students study new material in the lesson. They are actively constructing new information, and they themselves track this process, establish links between the acquired and previously acquired knowledge. It is at the stage of realizing the meaning that work is carried out directly with the text - individually, in pairs, in small groups, or as a whole class.

On the stage reflections students are invited to analyze the process of assimilation of new content that they have just gone through and the content itself. This stage provides an opportunity to evaluate yourself and your comrades in terms of gaining knowledge: to analyze the process, methods and techniques that were used in training: to determine the area where additional work is required. The stage of reflection gives a real opportunity and stimulus to return to the stage of realization of the meaning, if the student himself has determined the need for further work with the text. In addition, reflection presents a new challenge, if additional questions arise, additional learning activities will be required.

Model classes presuppose a certain sequence of stages, the ultimate goal is to create such an atmosphere of learning, in which students, together with the teacher, actively work, consciously reflect on the learning process, track, confirm, refute or expand our knowledge, new ideas, feelings or opinions about the world around them. It is this unified process that is the basis and purpose of the technology for the development of critical thinking. Consider modeling a lesson using the technology of developing critical thinking. For implementation, use the technique "I know, I want to know, I learned."

Theme. USA. 7th grade

Purpose: to form an understanding of the United States, expand and consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the United States, improve work with maps and a textbook using new technology.

Equipment: textbook "Geography of continents and oceans" V.А. Korinkoy, atlas, physical map of the USA, diagram: “What I know about the USA, what I would like to know, what new I have learned about the USA”.

Stage 1. Organizational moment, setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

2. Stage. Learning new material.

Introductory speech of the teacher. What Do You Know About USA? What do you want to learn in today's lesson?

The guys fill out the first and second columns in the table.

What do I know about the USA

1. Located on mainland North America.

2. Washed by 3 oceans.

3. Capital Washington.

4. Borders with Canada and Mexico.

5. There are many minerals on the territory.

6. The largest river in the Mississippi flows.

7. Alaska is the former territory of Russia.

8. US President D.Bush.

What I would like to know about the USA

1. The area of ​​the territory.

2. Population size.

3. Industry, agriculture.

4. Large cities of the country.

5. The impact of economic activities of the population on nature.

What I learned in the lesson about the United States.

(This stage involves working with a textbook, and using various forms of work organization (in pairs, in small groups, frontal). Reading the text of the textbook, the children choose the main thing. The results are written in a table.

1. The largest state in the world, the area of ​​the territory is 9.4 million square kilometers.

2. The population is 250 million people.

3.50 states + District of Columbia.

4. In natural terms, there are three zones:

The East is flat - they grow wheat, corn, and livestock.

West - Cordillera mountains - mining.

South Pacific Coast - Tropics - Citrus is grown.

5. The USA is ranked 1st in the world in industrial production.

6. The main factor in the development of the economy is natural resources.

7. Large cities - New York, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Dalos, Seattle (work with atlas).

8. National Park - Yellowstone is famous for its geysers.

9. The environmental situation in the United States is deteriorating.

3. The stage of consolidation.

4. Stage of reflection. Students analyze the knowledge gained with their queries using the table before starting to study the topic.

5. Homework. Paragraph 58. Prepare a message on the topic "What else do I know about the USA", a creative task to compose a crossword puzzle about the USA.

6. Lesson summary. Grading.


In the professional activity of a teacher, there is always room for search, pedagogical creativity, and no longer at the level of traditional methods, but at the next - technological level. The development of technology as an integral part of the methodology of the subject presupposes obtaining a guaranteed pedagogical result of the teacher's activity. And students discover this result during the period of assessing the quality of their preparation in the subject. A modern school needs a fundamentally new teaching system, which, based on the best traditions, would take into account the individual characteristics of students.

That is why it is so important to develop teaching technologies, in other words, the organization of the educational activities of schoolchildren with a clearly defined goal and planned results.


1. Baranskiy N.N. Methods of teaching economic geography. M., 1990.

2. Benkovich T.M., Benkovich D.L. Basic notes in teaching geography. 7th grade. M., 1995.

3. Dushina I.V., Ponurova G.A. Geography teaching method. M., 1996.

4. Klarin M.V. Teaching technologies: ideal and reality. Riga, 1999.

5. Ksenzova G.Yu. Advanced school technologies. M., 2000.

6. Kuteinikov CE. Types of educational elements of a modular program // Geography in school. 1998 No. 2 ..

7. Fedorova V.A. Studying the topic "Population" in the course "Geography of Russia" (IX grade) // Geography in
school. 1998. No. 5.

8. Yakimanskaya I.S. Personally oriented education in a modern school. M., 1996

9. Library "Geography at school", vol. 5 h. 2

10... Chernyavskaya A.P. Technology for the Development of Critical Thinking: Prospects for Education in the 21st Century. N. Novgorod, 2001.

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