Humic acids: what are they and how do they affect the body? Natural humic acids for humans: benefits proven over thousands of years. Humic acids are beneficial for humans.

Nature creates amazing and diverse substances that people find useful in various fields. There are compounds called humic acids. Man has studied their structure and chemical composition and now uses their beneficial and unique properties. What are the benefits and harms of humic acids?

What are humic acids and what are they for?

Humic acids are high-molecular organic compounds formed during the decomposition of dead plants during the process of humification. They are not a substance with a single chemical formula, but a mixture of many compounds with different structures.

Composition of humic acids

These chemical compounds are a long chain of molecules. These chains include various biologically active substances: hormones, catechins, flavones, peptides, quinones, polyphenols, carbohydrates, as well as about 20 amino acids. Moreover, these acids also contain minerals.

The rich chemical composition facilitates the use of these compounds in various fields.

Where are humic acids found and how are they obtained?

They are found in plants, peat and, of course, in the soil layer - humus. These compounds are present in the form of salts in oxidized coal. Typically, the biodegradation of organic compounds produces 2 end products - carbon dioxide and water. In the case of the substances under consideration, this does not happen: the biomass does not break down into these components. On the contrary, the remaining components (previously mentioned polyphenols, amino acids and carbohydrates) cooperate and combine into long molecular chains.

These compounds can be obtained artificially by specially processing coal production waste. They are added to water, and then a culture of bacteria is introduced into this environment, accelerating decomposition and, accordingly, producing the target product.

Comment! They are found in small concentrations in some foods: fried meat, coffee, tea.

Application of humic acids

The compounds have been used in various fields. For example, in agriculture, humic acids are actively used as fertilizers for plants. In addition, they are very often used in medicine, veterinary medicine and cosmetology. Another application of these substances is their use to purify waters and areas that have been damaged by humans with petroleum products, other organic substances and heavy metals.

How is humic acid beneficial for humans?

The benefits of these substances for humans are widely known.

Due to their chemical structure, they are antioxidants. In addition, their antiviral and antibacterial activity has been studied. They can be used as an enterosorbent for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Moreover, in this case, the effect will be intense compared to conventional sorbents, for example, activated carbon, since humic acid is a complexing agent capable of attracting other substances to itself, and not just a mechanical sorbent. Significant harm and discomfort from gastrointestinal diseases can be eliminated with the help of humic acids.

These substances also help eliminate damage from toxic substances such as heavy metals. They take part in liver metabolism, thereby eliminating and neutralizing toxic substances, preventing them from also participating in chemical reactions.

They have anti-stress activity by regulating the production of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, and an increased level of these hormones in the blood harms a person’s psycho-emotional state and causes a feeling of anxiety. However, humic preparations block excess hormones, preventing them from reaching their target - nerve receptors.

Humic acids are also included in the composition of mumiyo. Moreover, they have anti-inflammatory properties and can improve the body's immune response. Thus, the tangible benefits of humic acids for humans have been proven, and harm can only be caused by using them for other purposes.

Humic acids for plants

In agriculture, the properties of these substances are used to accelerate plant growth and also as a fertilizer. However, their benefits do not end there:

  1. In the case of their long-term use, various soil properties are improved, for example, buffer and ion exchange, as well as its structure.
  2. The activity of microorganisms inhabiting the soil increases.
  3. In addition, they improve the ability of plants to adapt to unpleasant conditions, both external (sharp changes in temperature and humidity) and their own diseases.
  4. The compounds promote the accumulation of nutrients by plants, which makes it possible to reduce the use of other fertilizers and the damage they cause to a minimum.

Important! Since these compounds are not soluble in water, their properties are beneficial in plant growing in the form of ammonium, sodium, and potassium salts dissolved in water.

Use of humic acids in veterinary medicine

The compounds are used as livestock feed additives. This allows you to accelerate the growth of muscle mass in animals without harming their body, which is very useful for meat breeds. The best survival rate of individuals whose food included these compounds has been proven. In addition, these compounds promote better digestion of food in animals, which improves their well-being.

Important! These substances do not harm the health of animals and do not cause genetic mutations.

Humic acids in cosmetology

These substances are actively used in mud therapy. With the help of masks, ointments, baths and other cosmetics containing these compounds, toxins and poisonous elements are removed that can accumulate in the skin and cause an allergic reaction or provoke other diseases that are harmful to the skin. Thus, their usefulness in this area has been proven.


The benefits and harms of humic acids have been studied in some detail. Some scientists consider these substances to be a lost component of the human food chain. Therefore, the benefits of these compounds for improving health are already well known and cannot be doubted. In addition, the need for their use in many areas of human activity cannot be underestimated.

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It belongs to the category of detox products, that is, its purpose is to effectively cleanse the body of all kinds of garbage that manages to accumulate in it. This is called detoxification, hence the term “detox water.” The body periodically needs such cleansing so that all internal organs function correctly. Detox water is also called “infused” because it contains various additives, the purpose of which is to support the body with various nutrients. Water removes waste and toxins, has a positive effect on metabolism, improves digestion and the functioning of internal organs, and delivers healing substances to their destination. Since a cleansed body sheds extra pounds faster, detox water is an excellent choice for dietary nutrition. It contains antioxidants that have a positive effect on the cells of our body, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Various herbs, fruits, and citrus fruits can be used as additives in detox water. In addition, water can be enriched with biologically active substances, in particular, the humic complex, which gives the drink its characteristic black color. The benefits of black water - is it a fact? Is it capable of harming the body? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Humic complex

Mineral water is useful in itself, and in combination with the humic complex it turns into that very “living water” from a fairy tale. What kind of miracle complex is this? According to foreign researchers, humic acids are the missing link in our food chain. Alas, we have to live in not the cleanest atmosphere, and we ourselves have made it and are making it so. The ecology leaves much to be desired, humanity is sorely lacking in vitamins and mineral compounds, the air of megacities is poisoned by microbes and allergens. But the worst thing is that we cannot expect support from food, since the soils on the planet are depleted, and truly high-quality vegetables and fruits cannot be grown on them. All hope lies only in the deep layers, where the most ancient soils lie, remembering the era of dinosaurs. They are rich in mineral salts and other valuable substances, which are preserved in the form of humic acids. It is a long molecular chain released from coal or soil layer. The main component of the humic complex is fulvic acid, which, together with humic acid, represents a powerful combination that can improve the health of the body. It is a bioavailable compound containing a spectrum of mineral salts, trace elements and amino acids.

In the humic complex you can find polysaccharides, about twenty amino acids, vitamins and mineral compounds, fatty acids, flavonoids, and tocopherols. And this is only a small part of what is present in this miraculous complex. Recent studies have isolated slightly less than seventy substances valuable for the human body from the humic complex. Do you know the positive effects of melt water on health? This is a proven fact, and humic acids change the structure of water, turning it into melt water. It is the melt structure that water in our tissues has. And these are the properties that black water with a humic complex has.

Black water

Black detox water is 100% natural, high-quality artesian water, raised to the surface from a deep well located in an ecologically clean area. It is enriched with a humic complex, due to which it has a rich black color. The well from which the water is extracted is located at a depth of one and a half kilometers, so the product is saturated with mineral compounds and has a high pH level (8.2). The source has healing properties and is one of the rarest on the planet. Black water not only effectively quenches thirst, but also effectively heals the body; it has no contraindications and is suitable for people of all age groups, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems. Water does not cause allergies and is completely eliminated from the body.

Benefits of black water

The health benefits of black water for men and women have been confirmed by numerous studies. Thus, its antioxidant effect on the body has been proven. The humic complex maintains balance in the body and is a barrier to free radicals that negatively affect DNA and can lead to the formation of oncology. In addition, water has antiviral activity. Humic molecules surround viruses like cocoons, thereby preventing their reproduction and penetration into the cell. And that’s not all, since humic molecules not only “retain” viruses, but also notify the immune system about them, like a respectable citizen who has detained a criminal and turns him over to the police. Since the virus is securely bound by a humic molecule, the immune system can easily deal with it, and you will not get sick, or you will recover faster. Black water removes from the body all the garbage that has accumulated there, including heavy metals that are not eliminated on their own. The humic complex has a positive effect on the liver, protecting it from toxic substances. Toxins are unable to penetrate the liver and enter into a chemical reaction, since they are retained by humic acids and are quickly eliminated from the body.

Black water also has a positive effect on the quality of blood, which is more active in saturating tissue with oxygen. Black water has an antibacterial effect and has a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The product improves the intestinal microflora, clearing it of dangerous bacteria. As a result, a clean intestine is the key to good health and long life. Humic acids cover the gastric mucosa with a thin gel film that prevents the absorption of harmful substances. Thanks to this, peristalsis and tone are normalized, and pain goes away. Interestingly, the humic complex has a selective effect, that is, it removes only harmful substances, while beneficial ones remain in the body. Moreover, thanks to black water, valuable microelements are absorbed faster, which means they bring more benefits. And this is not all the positive aspects of black water with a humic complex. It has a positive effect on the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. The recommended portion of black water in the diet will help strengthen blood vessels and minimize the risk of atherosclerosis, since the product helps get rid of “bad” cholesterol. Reducing sensitization of the body is another advantage of humic acids, which bind and remove allergens from the body. Thanks to this, allergy symptoms disappear, and the number of eosinophils is normalized. Humic acids help cope with stress, and thanks to the active saturation of the body's cells with oxygen, they improve general condition, increase efficiency and stimulate brain activity.

Is black water harmful?

There is a question mark in the title of the paragraph, since the health hazards of black water are highly questionable. Moreover, it has not been proven or identified. The product has no contraindications, but it should not be used as a substitute for regular water. They drink black water in courses, and the recommended dose is half a glass/glass per day, on an empty stomach. Drink slowly, in small sips, enjoying the unusual taste of the drink. Now you know that “living water” occurs not only in fairy tales, but also in real life, the main thing is to know where to look.

Human health directly depends on a balanced diet, a normal environment and the time of assistance and prevention.

In modern conditions of an unhealthy environmental situation and a huge amount of chemicals in products, it is not so easy for a person to take care of his body. In this case, the newest type of additives - humate substances - can help.

What is humic acid?

Humic acids (humates) are biological compounds of natural origin. Their appearance ensures the breakdown of dead parts of plants and other organic substances in the soil.

Salts of humic acids are difficult to break down in an aqueous environment. They do not dissolve, but retain their structure in its original form.

It is these acids that are present in the humus layer of the earth. They are found in small quantities in plants and other plant substances. Humic acids can be found in the meat of those animals whose diet is based on plant foods.

The benefits of humates in nature

In organic environments, humic acids are important for plants and animals as a natural bioactive additive. It contains many useful elements (there are about seventy different types).

Compared to simpler compounds, humic acids are composed of more types of bioactive substances. They can simultaneously influence both cells and their environment. This increases their healing properties several times.

  • Hum acid has a wide range of effects, therefore it has a beneficial effect on all vital systems of every living organism.
  • In addition, humic acids are a wonderful natural antiseptic. Their action is to capture salts of heavy metals, free radicals and other toxic substances. Thus, they heal the soil and the body of all living beings.

Researchers were able to obtain humic acid salts artificially. Coal contains some humates. During the processing of production waste from the coal industry in laboratory conditions, part of the acid is synthesized. After which it remains for some time in a special physiological solution, which has a composition similar to the top layer of soil.

That is, they obtain valuable material for use in agriculture for the purpose of improving land health and cleaning contaminated areas. The properties of artificially produced humate are exactly the same as those of the natural substance.

Biochemical characteristics

The composition of humic acid may vary slightly. It will depend on the location, type of soil and plant residues. But all these substances are distinguished by a special set of chemical compounds and complex molecules. This set is used to determine the humic acids themselves.

How are humates useful for humans?

These valuable substances have many beneficial characteristics and healing properties.

For example, a drug from Vital Earth Minerals - Humic acid in capsules, which you can buy on the official website of iHerb natural products, is an organic source of vitamins and minerals important for the body.

When taken, the immune system is activated, the gastrointestinal tract is improved and inflammatory processes are reduced. The product helps heal wounds quickly, normalizes hormonal levels and blood glucose levels. In addition, it has strong cleansing properties for the cells of our body.

We invite you to learn more about the effect of humates in the table below.

Promotes activation of protein and nucleic acid metabolism

The main role of nucleic acids in our body is to store and transmit genetic data at the cellular level. Proteins are the main component of all intracellular chemical processes, as well as the basis of nucleic acids.

Normalizes cell energy metabolism

All cells need nutrition and energy to function healthily. They can be given to her by substances of organic origin.

While inside the human body, nutrients undergo 3 stages of breakdown before absorption. That is, during the process of energy metabolism, the product is split into molecules. After which it is absorbed at the cellular level.

Differ in their trigger effect on body cells

The trigger effect is the ability of the human body to act normally and in a timely manner in the event of any changes under the influence of external factors.

For example, triggers on our body are individual point locations. If we press on them, we will feel a sharp pain. In other words, triggers signal that there is some kind of disorder in the body (salt deposition, severe overstrain in certain areas of soft tissue, poor blood supply, etc.).

Promotes normal functioning of cell membranes

The membrane is a cell wall that separates it from other cells and protects it from the external environment. It consists of several layers. All layers have different strengths and perform different functions. Nutrients and oxygen enter the cell through the membrane, and waste products exit.

They are a conductor between the cell and the environment, providing its protection from harmful organisms. Thus, the health of the membrane ensures the normal functioning of the cell.

They are an ion exchange activator

As organic food is broken down into its component small parts, molecules and compounds are produced in the human body. Some of them are suitable for absorption by the cell, while others are not. Ion exchange helps separate some elements from others and ensures their purification.

Belong to the group of organic type sorbents

The word “sorb” means “to absorb.” Sorbents have the ability to absorb and retain various elements and chemical compounds. In the agricultural industry, humic acid is actively used to cleanse the soil of all kinds of contaminants.

In this way it also affects living organisms. But humates ensure the removal of harmful elements at the cellular level, which cannot be said about other adsorbents.

Application of humic acids in medicine

Natural origin ensured that humates are completely safe for humans.

They are actively used in various medical fields:

  1. therapy of pathologies,
  2. eliminating inflammation caused by bacteria,
  3. for problems with metabolism,
  4. toxic poisoning.

There are 3 types of methods for using substances: oral (ingestion), external and subcutaneous.

Various laboratory and clinical studies have been conducted on the harmful effects of humates, for example:

  • Mutagenic(the presence of the ability to provoke irreversible changes in the body that are inherited);
  • Carcinogenic(possibility of increasing the risk of cancer);
  • Embryotoxic(the presence of the ability to pass through the placenta, causing poisoning of the unborn baby in the womb);
  • Teratogenic(the ability to cause morphological disturbances and the appearance of pathologies during the intrauterine development of a child at all stages of gestation).

Based on the tests carried out, it can be concluded that humic acids do not have any side effects and do not have a dangerous effect on human health.

Medicines containing humates are used for the following ailments:

  1. Disorders of the digestive system, diarrhea, problems in the peristalsis of the intestinal system (contraction of the walls, which contributes to the formation and excretion of feces from the body);
  2. Heal damage to the skin and sutures after operations;
  3. Relieves inflammation of the epidermis and subcutaneous layers;
  4. Helps neutralize pathogenic bacteria and pathogens of various types;
  5. They normalize hematopoiesis, improve and cleanse the composition of the blood;
  6. Improve the functioning of the immune system, increase the body’s protective barrier;
  7. Suppress the growth of degenerated cancer cells due to the ability to act on damaged cells that attack healthy ones;
  8. Replenish iron content in the fight against anemia;
  9. Removes from the body toxic substances obtained by humans from a polluted atmosphere: various toxins, nitrates, insecticides, cholesterol, salts of heavy metals, phosphates;
  10. actively remove radioactive substances and free radicals from the body.

The use of humates in cosmetology

Humic acid is found in the list of components of cosmetic sprays, peelings, masks, therapeutic mud and creams.

Humic acids actively fight free radicals that destroy collagen and intensively oxidize surrounding molecules. Preparations containing humates prevent oxidation, normalize hair, help increase the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, restore hair structure, and stimulate hair growth.

Products containing humic acid are produced in the form of bioactive additives,

The ecological situation on our planet leaves much to be desired. Most of the population suffers from a lack of vitamins, minerals, and important microelements. The polluted air of cities constantly poisons our body, making it vulnerable to an army of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Even vegetables and fruits in stores cannot be as healthy as possible because they are grown in poor soils. A few decades ago they were much richer, as they contained humic acids. What is it, what properties do these compounds have, what are the benefits for the human body? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

What are humic acids?

These are compounds that have a long molecular chain. Soil, peat, and plants contain humic acids. Oxidized coals also contain this substance. It can be found in small quantities in fried meat, tea, coffee and bread crust.

If we talk about natural humic acids, they have a rather complex structure, so their molecular weight can reach 2500. Humic acids are practically insoluble in water, with the exception of fulvic acids.

The formation of these compounds occurs during the process of humus formation. It is still a mystery to scientists why the process of decomposition of organic matter in the soil does not end with the formation of water and carbon dioxide as end products, but at a certain stage simple decomposition products are converted into humic acids.

Composition of humic acids

Humic acids and fulvic acids have a powerful effect on any living organism due to their rich composition. They contain a full range of amino acids, trace elements and minerals, as well as:

  • Polysaccharides of natural origin.
  • Vitamins.
  • Peptides.
  • Hormones.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Polyphenols and ketones.
  • Catechins.
  • Isoflavones.
  • Tocopherols.
  • Quinones and others. There are about 70 useful components in total.

This rich composition explains the positive biological effects of humic acid.

Scientists have discovered the fact that it is capable of changing the structure of water, making it “melt”. And it is known to have a healing effect on the body.

Biological and chemical properties of humic acids

These organic substances have a complex structure, they are quite common in nature and act as natural detoxifiers and adaptogens.

A wide range of biological effects distinguishes these compounds, and at the same time they are completely safe to use, as they are environmentally friendly. In the 60s of the 20th century, the effects of humic acids on animals were studied and it turned out that they significantly increase the body’s resistance to negative environmental factors. The body becomes much stronger and healthier.

Research by our and foreign scientists confirms that humic acids (we have already discussed what they are) can be used as medicinal raw materials.

If we consider the chemical characteristics of the compounds, we can note them:

  • Irregularity of structure.
  • Polydispersity.
  • Heterogeneity of structural components.

Humic acid monomers are aromatic compounds with side branches and heterocycles. Among the functional groups you can find:

  • Phenolic.
  • Carbonyl.
  • Carboxyl.
  • Alcohol.
  • Peptides.
  • Polysaccharides.
  • Quinoid groups.
  • Mineral complexes.

Polymorphic structure provides a variety of positive effects of humic acids on the body, whether plant or animal. They are distinguished by their versatile binding potential, therefore they act as an intermediary that significantly reduces the effect of toxic substances on the body.

How can humic acids be obtained?

Most often, such compounds are obtained by processing waste from coal production. They are then grown in water by adding inoculum. These are pathogenic bacteria that accelerate the decomposition process and increase the percentage of acid output.

In this way, it is possible to speed up the process of soil formation in areas of coal mines and cultivate infertile soils. Any organic material is suitable for obtaining these compounds.

Obtaining humic acid is even possible from fallen leaves or cellulose.

The effect of humic acids on the human body

These compounds have powerful abilities to maintain chemical balance in the body. The dual nature of humic acid allows it to act as an electron donor or acceptor. This makes it a powerful antioxidant, a trap for free radicals, and, as is known, they damage DNA molecules and accelerate the aging of the body. Humic acids are also useful for humans because they have a powerful healing effect:

From all of the above, we can conclude that if you take humic acids, the benefits for humans will be enormous.

Areas of application of humic acids

Considering the large and varied composition of these compounds, as well as their numerous properties, we can name several industries in which their use is justified and their effectiveness has been confirmed. Humic acids are in demand in the following areas:

  1. Plant growing.
  2. Animal husbandry.
  3. Human therapy.

Let's look at each area in a little more detail.

The benefits of humic acids for the plant body

The concept of humus has been known for more than 200 years, but the benefits of humic acids have been discovered relatively recently. There is a paradox: humic acids in soils are not soluble in water, so how can they have a positive effect on plant development? Scientists have found a way out of this situation. It turned out that the salts of these acids are quite soluble, so they are actively used in the production of fertilizers. The following positive effects on plants were noted:

  • The plant organism increases in size many times faster.

  • Stimulates the growth and development of the root system.
  • Salts of humic acids increase the resistance of plants to the effects of adverse environmental factors. The incidence is decreasing.
  • Accelerate fruit ripening.
  • They have a positive effect on the intensity of photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis.
  • Increases plant productivity.

Numerous studies have proven the effectiveness of using humic acids in crop production.

Use of humates in veterinary medicine

The use of humic acids is justified not only in human therapy and plant cultivation, but also in veterinary medicine. It has been established that when they are added to the diet of animals, they cause the following effects:

  • The percentage of births of healthy offspring increases.
  • The survival rate of young animals increases.
  • Immunity increases and animals become less susceptible to various infections.

  • Weight gain increases.
  • Metabolic processes in the animal's body improve.
  • Digestion improves in animals.
  • Since toxic substances and gases are removed from the body in a timely manner, the processes of rotting and fermentation are suppressed in the intestines.
  • The general well-being of animals improves.
  • Wool and leather look much better.
  • Inflammatory processes are suppressed.

When added to animal feed, humic acid does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by both animals and poultry. There is no fear that it will cause gene mutations. Its safety allows it to be used for manufacturing

Treatment of humans using humic acids

These substances can be safely used in the treatment of human diseases. They are absolutely safe, do not cause allergies, and there are no side effects, because the acids are completely environmentally friendly.

Humic acid is prescribed for the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Metabolic disorder.
  • Therapy of poisoning.
  • Elimination of inflammatory processes, which makes it possible to replace antibacterial drugs with humic acids.

These compounds make it possible to neutralize and remove toxic and harmful substances from the body, therefore improving the general condition of a person.

The use of humic acids in cosmetology

External use of humic acid is no less effective than internal use. It is used in cosmetology for medicinal ointments and masks, baths. As a result, toxic substances that are in the skin and provoke allergic manifestations and other pathologies are eliminated.

An ointment based on humic acids has the following effects:

  • Relieves pain.
  • Fights inflammation.
  • Helps eliminate the consequences of musculoskeletal injuries.

This therapeutic effect justifies the use of external application of humic acids in the presence of varicose veins, hematomas, joint and muscle injuries.

Where can you buy humic acids?

Humic acid is sold in pharmacies in the form of dietary supplements. These include, for example, “Gumavit”. Its cost, of course, is high, reaching 1000 rubles for just 50 ml. Among the medicines one can name “Supropol”.

This drug is prescribed to patients even with cancer. Humic acids are able to penetrate cancer cells and kill them. The price of the medicine reaches 10 thousand per bottle, but in our country this product does not have official registration, so its use is treated with caution.

It is much easier to purchase animal feed with humic acids. For example, fish food with this composition will cost about 300-400 rubles, and “Elytrium” for pigs and poultry will cost about 500 rubles.

These are the miraculous humic acids. We have explained what it is, but it remains to add that before using products containing them, you should consult your doctor. This is especially true for the treatment of children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Any, even the most harmless drug can cause unexpected reactions in the body, so you must first discuss this issue with your doctor.

The idea is to use belongs to American scientists. Comprehensive benefits for humans provide powerful healing results

Natural humic acids for humans: benefits proven over thousands of years

Official statistics are no longer trying to hide the fact that people’s health is catastrophically deteriorating. There are several reasons for this. The dominant one can be considered the growing imbalance of the ecological system, which Mother Nature is no longer able to compensate for. From infancy, the urban population drinks poisoned water, breathes poisoned air, and eats foods that only vaguely resemble their natural counterparts.

Doctors and pharmacists have had a hand in the destruction of the human body: tissues soaked in antibiotics are not able to resist the penetration of infection, the immune system has reached the point that any neighbor sneezing in transport can disable the body’s protective functions.

The desire to protect humans from simple extinction and mutations forces sensible doctors to look for powerful natural components that will help cope with internal problems and external threats.

Humic substances are the basis of balance in nature

Who has not heard about the beneficial effects of humus, which is formed during the process of rotting and processing by earthworms of plants, on the soil, productivity and health of farm animals? Without it, fertile lands would turn into a lifeless desert. Scientists isolated and began to use humic acids to increase crop yields and animal growth in the 18th century.

Thanks to the work of American scientists, it has been revealed how many important essential substances can be supplied humic acids for humans, his immune system and general health. Preparations based on them contain essential amino acids, trace elements, polysaccharides and vitamins. These high-molecular substances are integrated into ion-exchange and sorption processes in the body, which are disrupted by salts of heavy metals and other toxic compounds that enter it.
Forming bonds with metal ions in the body, humic acids for humans create a natural barrier to harmful influences and make the skin and mucous membranes especially pliable for interaction with environmental components necessary to maintain health.

Humic acids at the border between the organic and inorganic worlds

The formation of humic acids in nature is an interaction of organic and inorganic processes. It is suggested that these processes marked the beginning of the formation of organic life on Earth. It is natural to assume that the process of evolution of a higher form of life also actively participated, which has been proven by numerous clinical trials. The adaptogenicity and biostimulating effect of these compounds lead to the retreat of diseases considered incurable, such as oncology or HIV infection.
Along with the therapeutic effect, a powerful anti-aging effect of preparations with humic acids was revealed. The antioxidant complexes contained, microelements in combination with sulfur and selenium neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on the length and mobility of telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, which leads to the gradual death of the body. Introduced into dietary supplements humic acid, benefits for humans which has been confirmed by many cases of recovery from serious diseases, helps to reverse these seemingly irreversible processes.

Chronic diseases are the result of constant negative influences

The problem of many diseases and the fact that they are difficult to treat with medication is associated with the accumulation of pathological changes in the body over the years, and modern medicine tries to cure them with short-term intensive exposure to artificially synthesized substances.

The technology for preparing Alfa Vita products is such that complex chemical compounds, when specially processed, acquire properties inherent exclusively to atomic substances. Thus, humic acids, benefits which lies in their high accessibility to the cells of the human body, they easily convey their beneficial substances to the human body without additional energy expenditure for their breakdown. The liquid phase of the preparations also contributes to the excellent absorption of each useful element.

The natural origin of all components of the product makes them completely safe for small children, pregnant women and those whose bodies are weakened: HIV-infected people, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In combination with zeolites, natural aluminosilicates having a porous structure, the size of which is comparable to molecules, humic acids, benefits which are enhanced by the introduction of fulvic acids from ancient soils, give a powerful impetus to natural processes in the human body. Having received such powerful nourishment, all cells tune into the healing mode and return to their ideal state.

Children, pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before use.

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