A busy life on maternity leave is real! Give birth to a child and go on maternity leave to start living: the story of the "wrong stay-at-home mom" I want to be in time.

Maternity leave is full of pitfalls. You no longer belong to yourself. A small bundle of happiness requires attention, care, warmth. I want to give him all the time, all the tenderness and all the love. And you give. You dissolve in the stream of feedings, diapers, washings, walks. Mom on maternity leave does not notice how she ceases to pay attention to her appearance, development, relationship with her husband. And then a strange sad aunt looks out of the mirror. If you managed to avoid such a spectacle, then accept my sincere congratulations. If not, let's figure out together how to make the reflection still beautiful and the mind clear.


Makeup and hairstyle

Why do mothers on maternity leave stop looking after their appearance?

  • No time.

Finding time for herself for a woman on maternity leave is difficult, but possible. Do you have half an hour on social networks, another episode of your favorite TV series or TV show? If yes, then don't say that there are no 15 minutes for makeup and hair.

  • There is no need to go out "to the people" every day.

And the husband and the child? Don't they deserve an attractive mom? Don't be lazy, because a well-groomed look adds self-confidence and improves mood.

How to find time for beauty treatments?

Divide beauty procedures into daily and those that you perform 1-3 times a week. Store your daily cosmetics in one place. This will save time on self-care. Divide procedures that are performed less frequently by day of the week. This will keep you within a few minutes a day, but you will look well-groomed all the time. Moms forget everything on maternity leave. Once you have a plan for your face and body, write it down on a piece of paper. For example:

  • Monday: hair care (mask);
  • Tuesday: facial treatment (scrub, mask);
  • Wednesday: body care (scrub, moisturizing milk);
  • Thursday: hair care (mask);
  • Friday: hand care (bath, manicure);
  • Saturday: foot care (heels, pedicure);
  • Sunday: facial (mask).

To control yourself, check the boxes next to the procedures performed throughout the week.


Let's remember the clothes. If you are not going to participate in the Miss Old Robe or Best Household Pants, then put them aside. Or throw it away altogether. Nobody asks you to dress like to work. But answer the question: is it pleasant for my husband to see me in a stretched old T-shirt? Find a compromise: make the clothes inexpensive, comfortable, but decent. By the way, the mood depends on this.


Finding time for sports for mom on maternity leave is not easy. We need an assistant in the person of the baby's husband or grandmother. If there is no one to sit with your child while you are jogging or in the gym, then try to put 15 minutes of morning exercises into the daily routine.


Taking care of children, kitchen, laundry and cleaning - mom will always find something to do on maternity leave. How can you make it here? You can, you just need to stop being a perfectionist.

  • Cleaning like FlyLady.

If the house where the child lives is always cleaned, something is wrong here. For women on maternity leave, Marla Scilly's FlyLady system will be useful. So, spending a few minutes a day cleaning one room, the house can be kept clean all the time.

  • Delegation.
  • Menu for the week.

On Sunday, make a menu for the next seven days. We know what a headache it is every day to think "What to cook?" And with a plan, you will save time for more pleasant things and thoughts.


Mothers on maternity leave often notice a "dullness". Why is this happening? On parental leave, the mother's thoughts are completely absorbed by the little creature. Hormones, nothing can be done. There is no time to read books, materials on the profession or take courses. And I don’t want to. And it is necessary.

For 2-3 years, a woman sitting at home with a baby is able to “dull” her qualifications. Do not forget about changes in legislation and market conditions. Almost a third of Ukrainian women, after the end of parental leave, are forced to look for a new job for various reasons. If you do not want to be among them - follow the news of the profession, subscribe to the corresponding mailings on the Internet, read the literature. Spend at least 10-15 minutes a day maintaining qualifications - it will be much easier to get out of the decree.

On the other hand, if you didn't really like your old job, then maternity leave is what the doctor ordered. The first months with a baby is difficult to learn new things. But, you have almost three years! We remember childhood dreams and try ourselves in new roles. When, if not now!

In recent years, the global trend towards online learning has been gaining momentum in Ukraine. There are many platforms that offer free courses on various topics - www.futurelearn.com, www.coursera.org, prometheus.org.ua and others. A mother on maternity leave can listen to lectures in her specialty, learn languages ​​or master a new profession without leaving home. The internet has it all.

When? Again, it is not easy for moms on maternity leave to find time for themselves. But how do you like the idea of ​​recording a course of lectures or an interesting book on your smartphone and listening while you are walking with a child sleeping in a stroller? But this is only one of the options.


Friends are known ... on maternity leave. Yes, with a baby you automatically become an “uncomfortable” friend. Shopping is not the same, it is difficult to find time for coffee, it is almost impossible to go to the cinema. It's good when there is an opportunity to leave the baby to the grandmother or nanny and unwind, but if there is none? Agree with your husband so that you can leave the house once a week and spend time with your friends. Without communication with friends, the psychological state of the mother worsens, it is not a secret.

By the way, about communication. What about a husband? A child needs parents who love not only him, but also each other. Talk to your husband about your concerns and spend time together. Maternity leave is a difficult time in a husband-wife relationship. There are many reasons, but this is a topic for a separate article. Remember that it is not easy for a loved one either.

And the last piece of advice from Cool Mom - find something that pleases you. There is no single recipe. Follow your desires, look for harmony and remember that happy children are only in happy parents.

Women have a unique opportunity to stop their run for a while and figure out whether they are heading in the right direction. This chance is maternity leave. And if there is a reliable rear, then why not try your hand at something new, in your own business? Our heroines did just that and changed their lives.

Photo by: Ksenia Kudrina

Mom of two-year-old Arseny and eight-month-old Stephanie.Fashion boutique

Before decree: Broker in a company for the wholesale of petroleum products.

About the case: When my son was three months old, I realized that it was boring for me to be only a mother and a wife, I wanted development, my own realization. But I was horrified by the thought of going to the office on a 5/2 schedule: not to see my children, for the sake of realizing other people's ambitions. It so happened that my mother and my sister flew to Beijing, where they found amazingly beautiful fabrics, silk of different textures and types, amazing quality and at a very attractive price. My mother is an engineer-technologist of garments, all her adult life she created and sewed outfits for us, but she never knew how to realize her talent and potential. My sister and I picked up the idea of ​​creating dresses from natural silk and promoting them on the Internet. The fifth collection has just been released.

About the "victims": I work 3-5 hours a day, more recently I leave for an additional full day once a week. I have to sacrifice time for myself: now I miss reading books, listening to music and watching movies, playing sports and even meeting friends. Now it's either children and family, or my business.

About the difficulties: In reality, everything turned out to be completely different from what it seemed, from production to the launch of a new product on the market. There was a lack of knowledge, experience, budget, connections. Now, with the advent of the second child, the growing up of children and the expansion of the business, there is simply a sorely lack of time.

Advice to doubters: If you are in doubt, it means that you are not ready yet. In your business, you need to think a lot and even more - to work. And there is absolutely no one to shift the responsibility for failures. I would recommend initially doing only what you really like or have experience, skill, knowledge; or there is a partner who is a real professional in his field; or there is access (as well as time and desire) to a large amount of information on the topic. It is also worth choosing a type of activity that, even in the most pessimistic scenarios, will bring you new knowledge, or material things, or acquaintances, and experience, of course. And you will not lose anything except time. These points will help lower the bar of importance, worry less “what if it doesn't work out?”, And focus more on a positive result. My motivation: "When if not now?" Ultimately, I am building an inheritance for my children, rather than going to work for a salary - it helps a lot.

Photo from Alice's personal archive

Before decree: marketer in a large company

About the case: The topic of ecology and naturalness is very close to our family, from the very beginning I was puzzled by the choice for the only child at that time, the most toys, ordered individually from masters, brought from abroad ... In general, I was a real fanatic. And gradually the thought came that, probably, I am not the only one, and it would greatly help someone if such toys were all in one place. The store is already more than 4 years old, during this time we have grown, and many already know us. I made the site, logos, slogans and came up with it myself, wrote articles for promotion, filled, changed, until the result began to be completely pleasant to me. Therefore, from the point of view of "advanced" in technical terms, they are not the most advanced, but from the point of view of the invested warmth and real emotions, I think they were quite successful. With the birth of our third daughter, we moved out of town, and the idea came to create our own family club for mothers and children.

About the "victims": I have 4 working days per week, of which 4-5 hours are spent on work. At first, it was necessary to sacrifice a night's sleep. But I am a night owl, so I worked even more efficiently. There are also periods when it seems that you do not have time for anything, but this quickly passes.

About the difficulties: Organize everything. It would be convenient and understandable to arrange it exactly so that you like it. The second difficulty - in your business, as they say, you are both a Swiss and a reaper. It is difficult for those who leave large companies, where there is a specialist for every question. And, of course, the scale itself can be discouraging at first: there is a lot of work, but the result is not great. But - here patience and belief that people need your business is important.

Advice to doubters: Sample! If all the time your thoughts return to the same thing, you feel that it is yours, you want to start, but are afraid, start more boldly. Better to do and regret than not to do and regret.

Anastasia Kuntsevich

Mom of two-year-old Savely. Unsweetened desserts

Before decree: Logistics Manager.

About the case: The environment pushed me to do something. A friend invented a small business for herself, and I also wanted something interesting and non-trivial. Earlier, there were already attempts to deal with both sweet cakes and portioned desserts. But there is a lot of competition in this niche. So I came up with my own savory project. And yes, moral satisfaction from what you love is, of course, good, but money is never superfluous. Therefore, after the decree, I still plan to return to my main job.

About the "victims": I am at a loss to answer. If there are orders (and there are almost always orders), then it takes time both to purchase products and to make a cake. I try to do my best when my son is sleeping. Plus - communication with clients also takes a lot of time.

About the difficulties: If the son is not in the mood, then there is no question of any of his affairs. Everything has to be put off for the night. And you also want to sleep. So there is only one problem - lack of time!

Advice to doubters: It is better to regret what has been done than what has not been done. Therefore, if there is a desire to do something, it is necessary to take it and do it, without putting it in a distant box.

Ekaterina Vlasova

Photo from Catherine's personal archive

The mother of five-year-old Kira and three-year-old Sasha. Newborn photographer

Before decree: sales manager at a consulting agency.

About the case: I gave birth to my second child, not having time to get out of the first decree, it turned out that I spent a total of 5 years at home. It is very difficult to be idle for such a long time. Therefore, when the younger became at least a little independent, I began to look for options for part-time work at home. And after several unsuccessful undertakings, I settled on the retouching of photos. A year later, I realized that I wanted to shoot myself, took my husband's old camera, posted an ad on the Internet - and away we go.

About the "victims": Nothing has to be sacrificed, thank God, rather the opposite. I only do photo shoots on weekends, and my husband always assists me. Since I am free on weekdays, I bring up the children myself, I do not take them to the kindergarten, which would be impossible with a 5/2 schedule.

About the difficulties: Any undertaking requires money, I had to borrow it. It's always a risk. But, as they say, he who does not take risks does not drink. My business paid off in a month.

Advice to doubters: Everything is real! If you want to work for yourself, just work! In any case, you can always return to the office, but I think you will not want to.

Anastasia Mikhailova

Photo from the personal archive of Anastasia

Mom of three-year-old Julian and one and a half-year-old Valentine.English club for mothers with children

Before decree: Several types of activities - from accountant to corporate account manager.

About the case: It all started with love for language and children. Being a native speaker, she instilled it in her eldest from birth. Later I realized that it was simply necessary: ​​to instill a second language up to three years for better pronunciation and easy learning at a later age. I attended trainings and read the necessary literature. I decided to create a club for young mothers and teach them how to introduce the language to babies.

About the "victims": At the time of my work in the club, a nanny is engaged with the children, so a couple of hours away from home is not at all scary, especially since the child learns something from the nannies.

About the difficulties: Preparing for class takes time. I do it after I put the children to bed. This is a little difficult, given the fact that the youngest is in his arms all the time, and he cannot rest during the day.

Advice to doubters: If you have an interesting idea and a strong desire, then all the stars will converge, and you will have the opportunity to realize this idea. The main thing is to take a step forward and think only positively! You will immediately break out of the household routine, which will bring you a lot of new emotions.

Stories are stories, but when it comes to my own life, questions arise: where to start, where to go, what can I do? I suggest reading this one. I really liked in it a detailed description of each possible way of earning money for a mother on maternity leave, some of which - through the personal experience of the author. But you will find several non-standard approaches to business in the decree, which, although they require some investment, should theoretically pay for themselves. I do not know, I have not tried it. But some of the ideas seem quite sensible and interesting. Moreover, I have met their implementation in my life. Recommend!

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For the second year I have been sitting on maternity leave with my daughter, - 30-year-old Xenia tells her friends. - I don’t bring money into the house. Therefore, I try to save money. The husband's salary is not such as to show off. There is enough for the necessary, but not more than that! .. At the same time I envy my husband terribly. From the last salary I bought myself a new suit, boots, although we only took good expensive shoes for him in the fall ... I have been wearing my shoes for the third year, and he has no time to change! .. His laptop is the latest model, all gadgets, headphones again recently bought ...

Well, this is not for the last money?

Of course not. We don't sit hungry, but it's still a shame. I try to cut something out, for milk and vegetables I go to a distant store, where everything is cheaper by a few rubles. I count pennies, look for discounts, carry bags, stand at the stove for hours. And I walk in old boots, which are not a pity in the mud and slush. Whereas he has two new pairs now. Yes, not simple, but expensive ...

Well, on the one hand, he earns himself! And his job is not sugar. Heavy and nervous. Should he somehow please himself? Wanted - bought, has the right. The family does not starve - everything is fine ...

It's a shame that he doesn't even consult! - Xenia sighs. - I went and bought it, but what, they say, is it? A lot of reasons - they are met, they say, by clothes, I need to look normal, no worse than everyone ...

Did you tell him that you also need new shoes, a phone, lipstick?

She did, of course. He has the answer to everything - well, you're on maternity leave now! At home, it seems like there is no one to show off in front of anyone. Shoes are just needed whole and sturdy, comfortable for walking. Not up to the frills. The phone is still normal, it works perfectly, some cosmetics are left from a past life, bags too ... That's all I'm wearing. The husband says - get ready for work, then we will buy everything we need. Let's update your wardrobe. In the meantime, there is no need. Anyway, no one sees me, except for the mothers on the set ...

Yeah ... Well, your husband's looks!

Not only with him. And the mother-in-law is on his side, and, the most offensive - my mother too !. They say that your husband is in public, he needs everything new, but you are sitting at home! Why do you need new clothes? And there seems to be some kind of logic in this. But why is everything to him, and nothing to me? He dresses beautifully, meets people, sometimes dines in a cafe, uses new things ... And not only am I in four walls with a child, I'm also dressed in old clothes ... They haven't bought anything new for me for six months, probably. Sad!

Do you think that you really don't need much in the decree, and you can get by with old things? Well, is it stupid to do a manicure in the salon, for example, buy a bunch of new things and cosmetics, change gadgets for more modern models - to sit with all this splendor at home? Although, of course, if chickens do not peck money, then why not live in grand style. But how many families with a wife on maternity leave that do not count a penny?

Hello everyone, friends! And a special hello to future and already established mothers! Today's article will be for you! By the way, dads can also read, they can also find interesting and useful information for themselves.

And so, Sasha Bogdanova is with you, and I want to talk about an issue of concern to many - how to make money on maternity leave and not leave the baby unattended?

In general, there are many ways to earn money, but are they all suitable for a caring mother? After all, you do not want to spend all your time trying to improve your financial situation, and leave the little one to grow up on their own?

First, I’ll tell you about the methods of earning that are quite suitable for anyone who wants to work on the Internet, but I would not recommend choosing them for a young mother.

And whoever decides to follow in my footsteps, I will give a good bonus!

Here we go...

  1. Copywriting
  2. Partnership programs
  3. Freelance
  4. Needlework
  5. Network Marketing

Here are 5 ways, of which most mothers choose for themselves for additional income, because all this can be done while sitting at home and it is not bad to earn money, but ...

Let's go in order: pros and cons

  • Copywriting

This is the type of earnings that almost everyone can master, and this is its plus, but there is also a huge minus - you have to spend a lot of your time to get not so much reward!

In addition, the customer will set a time frame for you, which will not allow you to combine a part-time job with raising a child. You need it? Unlikely...

  • Partnership programs

This method, in principle, can also suit anyone, and this is again a plus and you can have good money from it, but ... You will need to invest a lot of effort, time and patience in studying and testing.

In addition, this method will be profitable only as long as you work and invest in promoting the affiliate program. Stop working - stop earning!

  • Freelance

This is perhaps one of the most difficult types of earnings, but it probably still has advantages. For example, you can do what you can (, layout, website promotion, etc.) and the earnings are not bad here, but ...

Even if you have some knowledge to work as a freelancer, you will again have constant deadlines (time frames). Hence the sleepless nights, poor health and mood.

And you can replenish your wallet only if you have orders, but now, I’ll tell you a time when the exchanges are overflowing with those who want to grab the customer by the leg and work on him! Do you want to run? Good luck! You do not want? Then let's move on.

  • Needlework

Many mothers continue to knit booties and hats or cook soap while sitting at home with their child, which slightly improves their financial situation. What are the advantages of this type of activity?

An extra penny in your pocket is understandable. Do you enjoy fiddling with balls of thread or bubbles of soapy water? It's great!

But I would advise you to do this solely for your own pleasure.

  • Network marketing

I don’t even want to talk about it, how much (I apologize) these obsessive offers from poor girls who send letters 24 hours a day with an offer to sell something with them got sick!

No comment ... because everything is clear anyway!

And so ... Here we looked at 5 activities that I would not recommend you to do if you want to achieve really good results and spend maternity leave with a baby, not a monitor.

In more detail about these methods, I will soon write a separate article, I will tell you which exchanges are better to contact, etc., if you are still interested in the methods described above, then subscribe and I will send you an article!

And now for the fun part!

The best way to earn money for mom on maternity leave

All of the above methods can be used by everyone - both moms and dads and even grandparents, but you already know about their pros and cons.

Just imagine. The parental leave will end, you will go to work and it’s good if the first steps of the baby remain in your memory, and not a nervous customer demanding urgent, ideally performed work from you!

To prevent this from happening, I propose for you the best way to make money while sitting at home with your child, and this ...

Personal blog - site

Why is this the best way? Before I tell this, let me talk about its cons.

The downside is that, unlike freelancing, copywriting and others, where you get paid immediately after completing the order, in blogging you have to be patient, but it's worth it, believe me.

Benefits of a personal blog

A personal blog is essentially your personal diary, in which you talk about yourself, write on a topic that is interesting to you, meet and communicate with new people and + in addition to everything else, you also earn money.

The advantage of blogging is that you do it when it suits you. Nobody will rush and demand. You choose what to write about. But this does not mean that making money on a blog is a complete freebie!

Of course, you will also have to work hard, but at the end of maternity leave you most likely will not return to your old job! Why?

Yes, because having passive income from your own website from 30 to 50, 150 thousand rubles and more, you will hardly want to go back to where you lived from salary to salary. Even if she was not small.

I invite you to blogging school with a discount from me

I myself rushed about the Internet for a month, not even a year! And it’s a pity that then there was no school in which I now study. So many bumps filled, so much wasted effort, time and money wasted!

Learn from the mistakes of others and don't waste your opportunity to become a successful internet entrepreneur!

What is a blogging school and why do you need one?

At school you will receive training of the highest level and this is not an exaggeration! Despite the very low cost of training, the guys (teachers) give such a quality of knowledge in a year that you will not collect in 5 years!

Personally, I have been blogging for more than a year, dug up so much information, so much has been done, and only now, while studying at the blogging school, I understand that I was not going there. Or rather say "nowhere"!

Now in my head there is a clear understanding of where I am going and, most importantly, how to come to this! I have a step-by-step plan and irreplaceable help and support from teachers! For which many thanks to them!

In school, you get this ... and learn how:

  1. Choose a niche and create a blog structure
  2. Technically set up your blog correctly
  3. Create a semantic core (keywords)
  4. Write articles correctly
  5. Better to monetize your niche
  6. Many, many other useful tricks
  7. Get all courses and scripts by Sasha Borisov for FREE
  8. Live communication and good mood!

There is an individual approach to teaching each student. If something is not clear, they will always help you figure it out and guide you in the right direction. And most importantly - you will not leave them without result!

At least by the handle, at least by the leg, at least by the ear, but they will drag you to the RESULT!

But at the same time, you can study at your own pace, as you like. Live webinars are constantly held, where we discuss various topics and even receive gifts!

In general, personally, I am very pleased with the training and I want to invite you to our "class" and become classmates)

« How a website can bring in 300,000 rubles a month" or "How to make a blog a passive source of income in a year" etc...

Trust me, your brain will start to think differently! Be sure to come!

(!) The number of places in the webinar room is only 200, so hurry up to sign up!

To access the webinar, you need to sign up

I will return 1000 rubles to you!

If you decide that this school is for you, then when filling out questionnaires do not forget to indicate who you came from. It is important! Because if you enter my username, then I will refund you 1000 rubles from my commission!

My affiliate login is "Otalex" ...

That's it, dear mommies (and daddies), that's it for today. The best achievements and joyful smiles of your kids 🙂

See you at the webinar and, of course, on the pages of my blog!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova

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