Why do situations repeat themselves in life? Repeating cycles of events in Russia and in the world Repeating events in life what.

Sometimes in life there are difficulties. Sometimes these difficulties are long and complex. Sometimes we wait for the end of the dark streak with all our might. But those problems that are repeated are especially exhausting and take away the last of your mental strength. In different situations, in a different wrapper, with new circumstances. But the essence does not change. It would seem that we have just gone through a difficult stage in life, and before we have time to come to our senses, it all starts again. It’s as if there is a curse, damage. Or is it fate - to suffer all the time. Or in the heavenly office they mixed up something and mistakenly sent only tests, only difficulties.

What does the repetition of the situation actually mean? Is this an accidental injustice or a planned plan of higher powers to make you suffer? The answer to this question can be found if you look at your problems from the outside, using one unusual analogy.

Imagine a schoolchild who studies poorly, is irresponsible in doing homework, behaves disgracefully and violates all the rules of decent behavior. And he does this systematically; failures for him are not the exception, but the rule. What are the consequences of this behavior? The fact that he will not be promoted to the next grade, but will be left for the second year. And he will go through the same lessons again, again he will face the same tasks that he failed to cope with a year ago. Because that's the school curriculum. Because his mission is to get an education.

In ordinary life, the situation is very similar to our school education system. We are students, higher powers are our teachers. Life situations are the tasks that we face. And the repetition of the situation only means that last time they failed to overcome it and, like a schoolchild, stayed for the second year. What does this look like in real life?

There are a lot of examples that can be given. Let's look at just a few of them:

— Unhappy relationships that constantly develop according to the same scenario. A woman meets a seemingly decent man. Sympathy, interest, attraction appear. A relationship begins. And over time it changes. For example, he starts drinking. Or be rude. Treats her with disrespect. Change. There are many options. And after a long time of her tears and suffering, they part. Or they get divorced if they managed to get married by that time. And then after a while she meets another man, completely different from the previous one. A relationship begins and everything again follows the same scenario. Like a carbon copy.

— Diseases that take a very long time and are difficult to treat. They cause physical suffering and complete mental exhaustion. Doctors, healers, psychics. And after many attempts it comes. But not for long. Over time, a relapse occurs and only gets worse. Or another disease arises, no less complex and painful.

- Problems with money. When everything falls apart. And business, and all the work done previously. Deferred stocks are thinning. Everything gets out of hand. After a long rehabilitation, when it seemed that we managed to get back on our feet, the situation repeats again and everything collapses again. No money left.

- Relationships with loved ones. When betrayal follows betrayal and it seems that there are no more friendly and sincere people at all. Or when a person constantly faces deception. Or envy. Meanness. It doesn't matter with what. The main thing is that he is haunted by a repetition of the situation.

As you can see, this can apply to any area of ​​life. And this does not mean at all that or that a generational curse has been imposed on you. This is just a reflection of your mistakes, which you make systematically, just like a schoolboy who, before repeating his second year, receives a whole diary of bad marks. Understanding what these errors are is your task.

It’s hard to believe that all the alcoholic men who come your way are the result of some of your mistakes. Taking responsibility for your life is never easy. What if it is a debilitating disease? What does this have to do with you? It’s hard to believe, but this is also a consequence of mistakes. Any repetition of a situation is not an accident, but a pattern that needs to be realized.

If you understand this, then solving problems will become easier. After all, what student blames his fate, higher powers or teachers for the fact that he stayed in the second year? If you cut yourself with a knife while cooking, do you blame the knife? If a child trips and falls, does he blame the stone on the road? No. In these cases, taking responsibility is a very simple and clear task. But with more global life problems, we do not have enough awareness, wisdom and tact to admit that we are to blame.

And understanding this is the first step to changing your destiny.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a cycle of repeating situations. It seems to us that this is something from the realm of “abnormal”. After all, why, say, should a person live through similar relationship scenarios? Life is already short, but in our hearts we always want to gain new experiences. Who would like to go “in circles” of the same feelings all the time? But we often catch ourselves thinking such déjà vu: someone constantly meets representatives of a particular nationality without wanting it, someone can’t start a long-term relationship, someone constantly meets those who bring nothing but disappointments... Is there a connection in these repetitions? Eat.

Israeli psychologist and clairvoyant Goldie believes that “the purpose of our life is to work through our complexes, fears and karma.” Thus, certain (important) events will be repeated until we learn a lesson from them. After all, many of us do not know how to forgive, but this needs to be done, others become disappointed, instead of continuing to believe. So life is trying in its own way to “teach” us to forgive, accept, believe, love... And learning this means forgetting everything you knew about this issue.

In linguistics, a “repeated action in the past” is called habit. And from the point of view of metaphysics, this turns out to be quite fair. Getting rid of the habit of attracting, for example, only significantly older partners, turns out to be akin to forgetting about relationships altogether. We like to call it “fate,” forgetting that fate precisely adheres to the point of view that we can walk our path with any person; The main thing, at the same time, is to fulfill your karmic task on Earth.

“What should a person who has not met his soul mate do? Should I continue looking for her? You need to focus your efforts not on finding a soul mate, but go deep into yourself, turn to your source, where we are all one and there, in this depth, find agreement and attraction with almost any soul mate you meet!
With someone, attraction will occur at the first glance at each other, with someone contact will occur at a greater depth, and with someone you need to eat a pound of salt and go to the very foundation - to touch souls! We must always remember that unity can always be found, only this can happen at different depths of the Essence.
Thus, with the deepest revelation of love, you can come to the same agreement with many as with your other half, and do the same great things. But this requires great work on oneself. And on Earth this is possible! ( Anatoly Nekrasov “Halves”»).

I don't really like the idea Nekrasova that we can be happy with anyone. I believe that we are happy with those with whom our views on the world coincide. In consultations, Goldie advises people to close so-called “karmic relationships”, i.e. those relationships that stretch from past lives. In real life they are expressed by disharmony, misunderstanding, regular separations and reconciliations. Therefore, the clairvoyant advises to forgive and let go of your partner, because he is not the same “half”. “The purpose of a relationship is to help each other develop,” writes Goldie. “Such relationships bring joy, lightness and mutual understanding.”

At the same time, Nekrasov expressed a very interesting point of view that halves are not looked for outside. According to him, life is a big copier that reflects what is in a person. This means that you need to look for your soul mate in yourself: by giving the world the best that is in a person, he attracts the corresponding:

“Searching along the “horizon” begins when a person stops moving inward. Most often, when a person stops working on himself and his relationships, he begins to move along an “easier” path - searching for a more suitable soul mate in his environment. In this case, it is almost impossible to find a soul mate. The world takes a person away from his soul mate in every possible way, creates many difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, again and again pushing a person to to reveal your best qualities, to show more and more love». ( Anatoly Nekrasov “Halves”»).

The author of the book “Soul Mates and Twin Flames” also speaks about the search for integrity. Elizabeth Claire Prophet. She gives an example when we demand some radical changes from the present. But such a need says only one thing: “we are not in harmony with ourselves” and “now I don’t have what I want”:

If we do not understand sublimation or "ascension", if we do not want to become more "ethereal", if we remain creatures of desire and demand - "I want what I want, and I want it now, and it must happen now" - then let's settle for a lower standard in our lives. And we actually do not have enough strength to attract to ourselves what is truly the implementation of the Divine meeting, as well as the Divine plan for this incarnation.
So, it's okay to recognize needs. But remember, any need is also a lack of integrity, and lack of integrity makes you incomplete. When you are incomplete, you are not focusing on the Divine magnet of wholeness that can attract to you exactly the thing you need to become whole. (Elizabeth Claire Prophet, Soul Mates and Twin Flames

We come into this world to learn to be happy. To walk your own path and help develop the path of the person closest to you. If at some point in life we ​​catch ourselves thinking that we are caught in a cycle of repeating situations where only the main character changes, then this is a reason to think about whether we have learned a lesson from this situation and what we want to change in the next one (if we want , Certainly!). And if we meet the “wrong” partner, the one we want to see next to us all our lives, then the question is what are we like at a given period of time, what are we filled with, what emotions? Well, if you have met your soul mate, then you can say with confidence that your world is harmonious and complete. But it is important to remember that life is development. And every day of life is a new step towards yourself.

Anastasia Skaryna

Once upon a time, ancient scientists calculated the so-called repetition in time, meaning that life is a cyclical repetition of past years. All events are repeated in history with incredible accuracy. This is a repetition of all past events in the fate of people, and even huge civilizations. Why does this happen and what does it depend on? Many scientists are thinking about this question. Many repeating event loops were computed. However, it has not yet been possible to find a single answer to this difficult question.

Peter the Great was very similar to Caesar in his deeds. When comparing the historical events of Ancient Rome and Russia, anyone can check this statement. For example, it was under them that for the first time the rulers of these countries were awarded the title “emperor”. Caesar in the forty-sixth year BC introduced a calendar, later called the “Julian calendar.” This calendar became famous for the fact that the year in it began on the first of January. By decree of Peter I on December fifteenth, nineteen ninety-nine, the New Year became a holiday, and it began to be celebrated on January 1st. You can also note other merits of Peter I. In particular, he, like Caesar, created the army headquarters and engineering troops. Another amazing feature: Caesar wrote, so to speak, a book about the Gallic and Civil War, and Peter I wrote “The Rules of Battle.” Even without comparing individual actions of the emperors, their personal characteristics are absolutely the same. They shared the same qualities as excellent politicians and military strategists, reformers of the old order and trustworthy diplomats. They were absolutely the same, coincidences were observed in many affairs and undertakings, and this was not an accident.

Another example comes from the United States of America. Even we can trace the coincidences in the destinies of American presidents - Abraham Lincoln, who lived and tragically died from 1809 to 1865, as well as Johnson Fitzgerald Kennedy, who also lived and tragically died from 1917 to 1963. Both were elected to their positions within a hundred years of each other. Their goals were the same - the fight for civil rights and equality for people, white and black. Apparently that’s why they were killed, in cold blood, in public, from behind, with a shot to the head. Lincoln was killed in a theater founded by Ford, and his follower Kennedy in a car called "Lincoln", made at Ford's plant. But there were also similarities with the killers: both were from the southern United States, had the same views on life, and were killed before trial.

Many people have tried to prove this pattern of repetition of events. The theory of repetition, asserted by the Russian poet Vladimir Khlebnikov, is no exception to this. He claimed that a “divine vision” came to him, according to which he saw a cycle of repeating the development of Russia. This cycle was adopted with a period of twelve years. According to him, key events occur during this period, starting in one thousand nine hundred and five. It was at this time that the first Russian revolution happened. This theory was practically confirmed up to a certain point, then perhaps there was a glitch in the theory of cyclic time. However, most likely, some insignificant event just happened that was not widely disseminated in society. The following are the dates of this theory: in 1917, a coup took place, the Russian emperor was overthrown; 1929 collectivization occurred, all farms were destroyed and as a result many people died of hunger; 1941 The Great Patriotic War began; 1953 the great dictator Stalin died; 1965 ended the “Khrushchev thaw”; 1977 a new constitution of the USSR was adopted; In 1989, the collapse of the USSR occurred. The rise of the nuclear submarine "Kursk" and the death of a Russian passenger plane from a missile fired by the Ukrainian air defense forces.

Scientists from many countries tried to prove the fact of the coincidence of historical events. Various people have repeatedly attempted to calculate the cyclical nature of the repetition of events, but unfortunately this figure was different for everyone. Even the famous physicist Einstein tried to determine the effect of repetition at the atomic level. He concluded that a repeat will be mandatory and he should wait for it again. No one supported Einstein in his theory of repetition. Therefore, it remained unproven.

There are also coincidences between the hypotheses of different scientists in the theory of repetition of events in time. For example, the philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus, who lived in the fifth century BC, calculated the cycle of growth of civilizations, which in his opinion was 10,800 years. He concluded that after this time everything would return to the original origins of the founding of humanity. And in our time, Friedrich Engels, based on his calculations, made the same conclusion that civilization will exist for about ten thousand years. Two people gave the same numbers, but remember that this is just a guess. In my opinion, civilization will exist until man himself destroys it.

Also in our time, physicist Alexander Chizhevsky calculated his figure for the recurrence of events. Its figure is based on solar activity and is approximately eleven years. According to the eastern calendar, the cyclicity figure is twelve years. Which roughly corresponds to many scientific conclusions. Why does this pattern occur? Whether the secret of the repetition of events will be revealed, only time will tell. For time is the key to all events that occur.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a cycle of repeating situations and dates. It seems to us that this is something out of science fiction. After all, why, say, should a person live through similar relationship scenarios? Who would like to go “in circles” of the same feelings all the time? But we often catch ourselves thinking about such repetition. Some people constantly meet married people, some just can’t get into a long-term relationship, some constantly meet people who bring nothing but disappointments... while others have the same dates over and over again ad nauseum! Are there any of them? repetitions connection? THERE IS!!!The purpose of our life is to work through our complexes and fears. Thus, important events and dates will be repeated until we learn a lesson from them. After all, many of us do not know how to forgive, but this needs to be done, others become disappointed, instead of continuing to believe. So life is trying in its own way to “teach” us to forgive, accept, believe, love... This can be called the very fashionable word now “karma”, which is given to a person not as a punishment, but so that he develops in the right direction.

Once made, a life choice makes a certain life line, a sequence of events, active. Changing the initial choice allows you to move to another chain of events. And opportunities for this are constantly presented to a person - but it’s usually not easy to take advantage of them.


Because INERTIA operates. Proving to yourself that you were right in the past. One’s own worldview, principles, which include that same past choice. A person simply does not see what he was wrong about, because... it became part of his “I”. Sometimes the necessary information comes through on an intuitive level, but the EGO prevents you from using it. Often, when repeated, situations get worse and increase in destructive power. This happens because a person does not understand and does not draw conclusions. And each time the impact becomes stronger, so that it becomes IMPOSSIBLE not to notice it. As soon as the necessary changes occur in a person, the situation, events change. Because they are no longer needed. What to teach if a person already understands? So THERE IS A REASON FOR OPTIMISM! After the situation changes, a person finds himself in new conditions with opportunities for development in the area where there were problems. Acquiring new skills occurs gradually. It’s not always easy - but, before that, this area was completely closed! This can be compared to how a person receives an appointment to a position that he dreamed of, but never worked at that level. You will have to try to stay and advance in a new place.

"I'm catastrophically unlucky in life“- a friend complained. “I step on the same rake all the time, find myself in the same situations, and always get the same result. I'm a loser! This is karma!" Well, and so on. She broke up with another guy, and he, like the previous ones, cheated on her with another. In principle, life “slips” repeating situations into everyone’s hands, as if laughing at us, developing events according to a certain scenario. You can, of course, consider it a curse, karma, or whatever, and continue to live, I wonder if it’s possible to somehow fight it?

With mother's milk

The child grows and develops in a certain circle of people, in one’s own. Therefore, everything that he sees, hears and feels becomes his life program. After all, you must admit that you cannot know that white chocolate exists if you have tried and seen only black chocolate, and have not even heard anything about white. Therefore, it is quite natural that a little daughter, seeing her parents’ relationship, determines in advance how she is supposed to behave with men (like her mother), and what kind of men they are (like her father).

In advance programmed The scenario, against our will, manifests itself later in adult life. Well, imagine if mom always made scandals for dad on any occasion, what would their adult daughter do? Yes, exactly the same! The development of events in the daughter’s life is predictable: repeat the fate of her mother. And then we lament about karma! Instill in your children a positive attitude and a sense of harmony. Then they will like their fate.

A typical scenario

So we vaccinated Since childhood, we have had a clear understanding of “dark chocolate,” and we are confident that we know what to do in a given situation. In addition to upbringing, we also inherited character, and over time we acquired a whole bunch of habits. Character and habits, along with upbringing, determine the development of the scenario of our future life. How do we deal with similar situations? It's the same, because we're used to it. Therefore, we get the same results.

If you have a short temper character, then it’s easy to piss you off. And if there is some kind of habit that affects the personal space of other people (and it inevitably does), then you make your relationship with the person dependent on your habit. My friend has a habit of calling her boyfriend at the end of the working day to find out his further plans for the evening regarding her person. This is repeated daily. And with every guy she has a quarrel about this. Who can withstand such total control, and even just obsession?! And the habit of making scenes against the backdrop of a zealous character? Dangerous mix! It also happens the other way around.

Too modest young woman is captive to her shyness, and does not understand why all her dates end the same way - nothing. She just always behaves in her own style - constrained and strict, regardless of whether she likes the guy or not. Blindly following our habits and tastes, we not only choose a style of behavior in similar situations, but we even like men of approximately the same type of appearance and with similar character traits. Of course, “they are all assholes”! We choose them ourselves!

Break the vicious circle

Esoteric psychologists They say that life sends us special messages so that we change, and until we learn them, the lessons will be repeated. In principle, life is not particularly diverse in events. All traditional events alternate in a chaotic order, and we continue to act as we are used to, or as our parents taught us. Repeating our own mistakes in a circle, we get the same results. To get a different result, you will have to abandon your usual behavior and attitudes. Let's try to do something unconventional.

First thing you need do, is to analyze all the significant events in your life, the result of which you are not satisfied with, and understand how we acted in them, how we reacted. And then develop the opposite strategy of action. For example, after analyzing constant quarrels with one person, I realized that the reason for this result was my habit of arguing and proving that I was right.

And since he ended up on rarity stubborn (just like me), then every new situation led us to a quarrel. I changed my strategy: I forced myself to agree with him on everything, even if, in my opinion, he was wrong. Internally I continued to argue, but externally I behaved completely differently. And, lo and behold! The quarrels have stopped, relationships have improved, and now, when such situations arise, I adhere to a new strategy of behavior.

Do it over yourself an effort, break your stereotypes, habits, behavior. Depart from the traditions accepted in your family. Slow down your usual reaction, do everything differently than usual, and “karma” will let you go. Are you a girl of strict rules, and when meeting guys, do you look down on them? Now take it and smile at him warmly and openly, allow yourself to flirt a little. Are you used to persistently attacking men, showing them your charms? Learn to be modest and shy. To master a new behavioral strategy, you may have to read a book or consult with an experienced person. Take action! What's the use of just lamenting?

We are becoming hostages your habits, your upbringing and character. Let's surprise life with new behavior, and then perhaps it will surprise us with new results.

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