In the Armed Forces, the selection of related military registration and civilian specialties is being automated. Legal advice: Allowance for military personnel with a higher legal education Education related to the corresponding military registration specialty

Regulates the activities of the military, as well as civilians associated with the service.

A military registration specialty (VUS) is assigned to each active, retired or retired serviceman of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, as well as other troops, forces, special services and formations . The specialty is always indicated on the military ticket. For example, the record VUS - 212 956 means "parachute stacker of parachute and airborne equipment."

This is what a military ID looks like (Fig. 1)

The list of military specialties in Russia is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 "On approval of the list ..." and two more government decrees . But these documents are kept under the heading "Secret". Therefore, one has to rely only on random sources.

Indicative list

All VUS can be conditionally divided into several groups. The first 2-3 digits of the VUS number indicate the type of troops, and the last 3 - the direct type of activity.

Military specialties

01 Rocket Troops

02 Motorized rifle, tank troops, airborne troops and marines

021600 Commander of rescue units, civil defense units

03 Artillery and rocket troops

04 Air Defense

05 Aviation and air defense forces

061800 Pilot

07 Navy

071404 Use of search and rescue vessels

08 Space Forces

10 Engineering Troops (mine clearance, construction of pontoon bridges)

101900 The use of engineering units of the civil defense troops for the disposal of ammunition

11. Chemical, biological and radiation protection of troops

17 Railway Troops

178543 Operator

18 Road troops

22 Operation and construction of military infrastructure facilities

220256 - Aircraft and engine mechanic

25 Supply of clothing and food

250300 - Organization of food supply
250400 - Organization of clothing support

26 Transportation (railway, water, air, road and pipeline transport)

262256 Electrical Mechanic

29 Mobilization work

290400 Mobilization, recruitment and military registration work in military commissariats

31 Financial support

310200 Organization of banking services for troops

36 Psychological service

360202 - Information and educational work

39 Other specialties
390200 Fire safety

390800 Service dog breeding

Military-civil specialties

80 Military-humanitarian and pedagogical profile

808200 Sociological work
808500 Teaching of the humanities and socio-economic disciplines

82, 83, 84 Repair and operation of various equipment

(84)0791 Chief driver

85 Legal Profile

850300 Legal support for military activities

90 Medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary profile

901300 - Surgeon

902000 - Therapist

902009 - Nutritionist

902100 - Pediatrician

905600 - Hygiene

905000 - Neurologist
902500 Epidemiologist

909100 Veterinary and sanitary support

Combined Arms Specialties

(100) Rifle units
(101) Machine guns
108 Cavalry

113 Tank

121 Combat infantry vehicles

167 Pontoon crossing facilities

171 Logging

200 Search for victims

202 Robotics

203 Rescue work

Operation, repair and storage of equipment (specialties of the rear)

837 Use of motor vehicles

841 floating cars

854 Tractors

866 Food Service
867 Clothing service
869 Troop nutrition
870 Bakery
872 Baths, laundries and dry cleaners
873 Tailoring and repair of clothing items
874 Tailoring and shoe repair

Various specialties

900 Staff Specialties
901 Financial Service

902 office work
903 Drawing and graphic works
904 Special Communications
906 For the repair of special communication equipment
907 Physical fitness and sports
908 Road Commandant

909 Commandant's office and checkpoints

912 Clubs and Libraries
914 military seal
917 Military bands
918 Ensembles and theaters

922 Typographic works

956 Construction work
958 Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning
959 Refrigeration equipment and installations
960 Water supply and sewerage
962 Mining hoists and lifts

971 Welding
976 Painting work
978 Woodworking

Military personnel without military training

998 Eligible for military service (with minor restrictions)
999 Limited serviceable

One of the ways to maintain the combat power of the Armed Forces at the level necessary to ensure the defense capability of the state is to improve the system for recruiting military positions for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen. What does the analysis of the situation show, what changes are taking place here today?

The development of methodological and organizational bases for determining the similarity of military registration (VUS) and civilian specialties of higher and secondary vocational education is carried out under the leadership of the General Staff. From 2011 to 2013, for this purpose, research was carried out under the code name "Student". And from 2014 to the present, the study "Student-2" is being conducted.

Service Motivation

The relevance of determining the similarity of military registration and civilian specialties of higher and secondary vocational education is due to several circumstances.

“Military service becomes a professional school, increasing the chances of a specialist in the labor market after being transferred to the reserve”
An important feature of conscription for military service in recent years has been the fact that there are more and more young men with higher education in the ranks. If ten years ago there were only about 12 percent of them, then in 2014 - already 19.5, and in 2015 - 23. More than 40 percent of those called up are people with a secondary vocational education. Such military personnel adapt faster and can successfully master complex high-tech military specialties in one year.

Undoubtedly, this contingent will be attracted by the performance of official duties for related higher educational institutions. Military service, requiring the expansion of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities acquired in educational organizations, becomes at the same time a school of professional growth. This improves competitiveness in the labor market after retirement. Taking into account the specialty in accordance with the education received, the term of service in the Armed Forces as a length of service becomes a significant factor that increases the motivation of citizens for military work.

But it is no less important that such an approach to recruiting military posts allows:

to reduce the forces, means and terms of preparation for the performance of duties in military positions, which is very important for maintaining the combat readiness and combat capability of units;
reach the required level of combat training due to theoretical and practical knowledge acquired before being called up for military service;
to create the preconditions for competent maintenance and trouble-free operation of assigned models of weapons and military equipment.

The passage of military service for such young men will be more successful, they can make up the most prepared part of the mobilization reserve.

As you know, the procedure for conscription service by persons with secondary vocational and higher education (in military registration specialties related to their civilian ones) is determined by a number of regulatory documents. But the term “related specialties”, which is present in these documents, despite its apparent obviousness, causes certain difficulties in practical application. And for the recruitment of troops (forces) by personnel, a clear list developed using scientifically based methodology is needed. Moreover, the military registration and civilian specialties of higher and secondary vocational education have varying degrees of kinship (similarity).

By order of the GOMU, the Scientific and Practical Center of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, together with research organizations and universities of the Ministry of Defense, summarized domestic and foreign experience.

As a tool for describing military registration and civilian specialties in a single system of codes in order to subsequently determine the indicator of their similarity (kinship), a unified scheme for expert professiographic research is proposed.

Interchangeability Documents

The developed technology for determining similarity was used in the development of two regulatory documents.

Firstly, this is the "List of allowable replacement for military specialties and military positions to be replaced by citizens with higher education called up for military service." It includes 209 military and 199 civilian specialties of higher education.

Secondly, the draft "List of allowable replacement for military registration specialties and military positions to be replaced by citizens with a secondary vocational education called up for military service." It contains 137 military and 82 civilian specialties of secondary vocational education.

The first document was successfully tested and put into effect by the instructions of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.

But there were also some problems. Despite the generally positive feedback on the results of the application of the Statement of Acceptable Replacement, it must be admitted that the document turned out to be quite voluminous and cumbersome in paper form. This greatly complicates its use in military commissariats when conducting professional selection events, taking into account the lack of time.

Currently, the procedure for selecting similar military and civilian specialties is being automated. The Research and Production Center "DIP" by order of the GOMU developed a prototype software tool integrated into the unified complex AWP SPO "Otbor-V". It is planned to conduct its examination with the involvement of specialists from the 27th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and its practical verification.

This year, a final regulatory document should be developed - a draft Instruction for military commissariats, formations and military units on the application of the "List of allowable replacement" for the military educational system and military positions of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, to be replaced by citizens with higher and secondary vocational education, called up for military service.

The urgency of the problem is due to the interests of both the Armed Forces in terms of their recruitment, and the economic complex of the state. There is an obvious need for a unified system for describing military and civilian professions for the purpose of their subsequent classification, comparison, and definition of similar (related) specialties.

Certain steps in this direction have already been taken. In 2015, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection developed a "Reference book of new and promising professions in demand on the labor market", including those requiring secondary vocational education. It includes brief descriptions of 1620 specialties and professions, indicating the required levels of training.

For military-professional information, such a reference book with the addition of similar (related) military registration specialties seems to be very useful. Such work can be carried out as an interdepartmental study in the period 2017–2019, and one of the research and production companies is proposed as an experimental site.

Victor Glotov,
Head of the 2nd Directorate of the GOMU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Major General


Good day! I am going to serve under a contract, I served my military service in NVVKU (Novosibirsk) as an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles, and then I served in the 22nd Guards Obr Special Forces. Now I am waiting for a relationship in Sevastopol with my group commander who went there to serve as a company commander. I have a higher legal education (BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) with a degree in Lawyer and graduated in absentia from a branch of a Moscow university with a degree in managerial and financial accounting. I know that now there are additional payments for legal education and there is the possibility of obtaining the rank of ensign or officer. How can I implement my civil education, how to correctly build the beginning of the service and send requests in the form of reports to increase wages and receive a military rank in the form of an ensign or officer? There I will hold the position of an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles and will soon go to study in Kolomna to learn new types of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Ilya, 23 years old, Barnaul


Ilya, hello. In accordance with paragraphs. 2 - 4 tbsp. 21 of the "Regulations on the procedure for performing military service", approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 1999 No. 1237 (as amended on October 20, 2015) "Issues of military service", the military rank of lieutenant is assigned to:

to a serviceman who does not have the military rank of an officer, or to a serviceman who has the military rank of junior lieutenant, regardless of the period of military service in this military rank, who graduated from a higher or secondary military educational institution - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;

to a citizen who graduated from a federal state educational organization of higher education and completed a military training program at a military training center at this educational organization - on the day following the day the order was issued to graduate from the specified educational organization;

a citizen who has successfully completed training under the military training program for reserve officers at the military department at the federal state educational organization of higher education and graduated from the specified educational organization - upon enrollment in the reserve;

to a citizen (serviceman) who does not have the military rank of an officer, who has a higher education related to the corresponding military specialty, and who entered the military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of an officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

to a serviceman who does not have the military rank of an officer, who is doing military service under a contract, who has a higher education related to the corresponding military specialty, and who is appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of an officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

a citizen who is in the reserve, who does not have the military rank of an officer, who has a higher education - upon completion of military training and after passing the relevant tests;

The military rank of junior lieutenant is awarded to:

a serviceman who has completed courses for the training of junior officers, who has a secondary general education - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;

to a citizen (serviceman) who does not have the military rank of an officer, who has a secondary vocational education related to the corresponding military specialty, and who entered the military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of an officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

to a serviceman who does not have the military rank of an officer, who is doing military service under a contract, who has a secondary vocational education related to the corresponding military specialty, and who has been appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of an officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

a citizen who is in the reserve, who does not have the military rank of an officer, who has a secondary vocational education - upon completion of military training and after passing the relevant tests;

to a serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, who is serving under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Special Objects Service under the President of the Russian Federation - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies, according to completion of training under the training program as part of a training group or simultaneously with entering the military service, subject to subsequent training during the first year of service.

The military rank of warrant officer (midshipman) is assigned to:

to a serviceman who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who is doing military service under a contract, who has a higher or secondary vocational education related to the corresponding military specialty, and who is appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), - if appointment to the appropriate military post.

According to paragraphs. "e" clause 74 of the "Procedure for providing monetary allowances to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 2700 (as amended on June 2, 2014, as amended on September 1, 2014) contentment of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (hereinafter in this section - military personnel), who have a higher legal education and fill military positions, the main duties for which include conducting a legal examination of legal acts and draft legal acts, preparing and editing draft legal acts and their endorsement as a lawyer or executor, a monthly allowance is paid in the following amounts:

occupying military positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense - 50 percent of the salary for a military position;

occupying military positions in military command and control bodies, types of the Armed Forces and branches of the Armed Forces, departments of military districts (fleets), regional command, associations - 30 percent of the salary for a military position;

occupying military positions in the directorates of formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces - 15 percent of the salary for a military position.

Alexander Tomenko, military lawyer

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