Report on the topic "the formation of ICT competence of primary schoolchildren in the context of the implementation of FGOS". Formation of ICT competence among primary school students Formation of ICT competence

Information technologies are becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person. Knowledge of information technology is put on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write. Therefore, junior schoolchildren need not only to acquaint themselves with ICT technologies, but also to teach how to apply these technologies in their activities, thereby contributing to the formation of their ICT competence.



Formation of ICT competence

students in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

in primary school.

E.A. Bigday

primary school teacher

Samara 2013

In accordance with the comprehensive informatization of schools in the country within the framework of sectoral target programs, the informatization of primary education received a systemic solution.

Formation of a high level of information activity of children, laid down in primary school, and the demand for information knowledge and skills of information activity of students, both in basic school for successful learning, and in life for the active participation of children in cognitive activities and self-study using new information technologies in the zone their interests.

Information technologies are becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person. Knowledge of information technology is put on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write. Therefore, junior schoolchildren need not only to acquaint themselves with ICT technologies, but also to teach how to apply these technologies in their activities, thereby contributing to the formation of their ICT competence.

In accordance with the new Federal State Standard (FSES), the main focus of the primary school curriculum is on meta-subject learning outcomes. The most important result of the implementation of the Standard is the formation of universal educational activities.

The basics of ICT competence (not only the ability to use a wide range of information and communication technologies (ICT) at a basic level, but also the formation of a conscious and competent approach to the choice and use of ICT tools) are part of these meta-subject results of mastering the primary education program and a necessary component of the formation program. universal educational actions. Thus, the formation of ICT competence of students takes place in all subject areas of primary school.

The most important result of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Standard is the formation of the student's ICT competence.

ICT competence of students is the ability of students to use information and communication technologies to access information, for its search, organization, processing, evaluation, as well as for production and transmission / dissemination, which is sufficient to successfully live and work in an information environment. society.

Where the most important is the formation of a conscious and competent approach to the choice and use of ICT tools.

In order to organize the constructive formation of an ICT-competent student, it is necessary for the teacher himself to have a high professional level of ICT-competence.

The integral criteria of a teacher's professional ICT competence will be his general user ICT competence, general pedagogical ICT competence, subject-pedagogical ICT.

Today, in elementary school, four main forms of student work are implemented using ICT tools: work in adapted learning software environments, project activities, work with subject simulators, and communication on educational sites.

Today it is no secret to anyone that lessons using a multimedia resource have a number of methodological advantages:

At first , the use of ICT in the classroom enhances the positive motivation for learning, activates the cognitive activity of students.

Secondly , the use of ICT allows lessons to be conducted at a high aesthetic and emotional level; provides visibility, attraction of a large amount of didactic material.

Thirdly , the volume of work performed in the lesson increases by 1.5-2 times; a high degree of differentiation of training (almost individualization) is ensured.

Fourthly , the possibility of independent activity is expanding; skills of truly research activity are formed.

Fifth , provides access to various reference systems, electronic libraries, and other information resources.

Here, the words of the great teacher K.D. Ushinsky: "If you enter a class from which it is difficult to get a word, start showing pictures, and the class will speak, and most importantly, it will speak fluently ...". Since the time of Ushinsky, the pictures have clearly changed, but the meaning of this expression has acquired an informational and illustrative shade today.

Yes, and you and I can say that a lesson that includes presentation slides, data from an electronic encyclopedia evokes an emotional response in children, including the most infantile or disinhibited ones. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with a class frontally.

But this partly contributes to the formation of information and communication competence of students, partly has a developmental and educational nature, is a decoration of the lesson. But the use of illustrative and presentation material in the lessons of literary reading, fine arts, music, where it is not just appropriate, but necessary. In the lesson of mathematics, the Russian language, the world around, the value of the lesson is active cognitive activity throughout the lesson. But a lot of what students should be able to do in the area of ​​this very competence is studied in other subjects.

"Russian language" Various ways of transmitting information (letter, pictogram, hieroglyph, picture). Sources of information and methods of searching for it: dictionaries, encyclopedias, libraries, including computer libraries. Mastering qualified keyboard writing. Acquaintance with the basic rules of text formatting on a computer and simple types of text editing.

"Literary reading" Working with multimedia messages. Designing small messages, including with the addition of illustrations, video and audio fragments. Presentation (written and oral) based on abstracts and illustrated series on a computer. Search for information for project activities on the material of fiction, including in the controlled Internet.

"Mathematics" Application of mathematical knowledge and ideas and methods of informatics for solving educational problems. Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data while working with texts, tables, diagrams. Working with simple geometric objects in an interactive computer environment: building, modifying, measuring, comparing geometric objects.

"The world around" Recording information about the outside world and about oneself using ICT tools. Planning and implementing simple observations, collecting numerical data, conducting experiments using ICT tools. Search for additional information for solving educational problems, including in the controlled Internet. Using a computer when working with a map (area plan, timeline), adding links to texts and graphic objects.

"Technology" Initial acquaintance with the computer and all ICT tools: purpose, rules of safe work. Initial experience of working with simple information objects: text, drawing, audio and video fragments; preservation of the results of their work. Mastering the methods of searching and using information, working with available electronic resources.

Consequently, work in the classroom using multimedia support should and can teach, develop, and form the student's ICT competence. But for this, the teacher must comply with several requirements for preparing a lesson with ICT.

1. The need to use ICT tools: lack of sources of educational material; the ability to present unique information materials (paintings, manuscripts, video clips) in multimedia form; visualization of the studied phenomena, processes and relationships between objects; the need for an objective assessment in a shorter time frame, etc.

2. Formulation of educational goals with a focus on achieving results (formation, consolidation, generalization of knowledge, control of assimilation, etc.);

3. The choice of the type of educational electronic resources.

4. The choice of teaching methods and the design of the main activities of the teacher and students;

5. Choosing a way of interaction between teacher and student.

The role of the teacher in the lesson with the use of ICT is changing, the teacher is now not only a source of knowledge, but also a manager of the learning process, whose main tasks are to manage the cognitive activity of a student.

ICT-competence of the teacher fully contributes to the creation of conditions for the harmonious entry of the child into the educational world, support of his health and emotional well-being. In the process of using ICT, the learner develops, prepares for a free and comfortable life in the information society, including:

Development of visual-figurative, visual-effective, theoretical, intuitive, creative types of thinking;

Aesthetic education through the use of the capabilities of computer graphics, multimedia technology;

Development of communication skills;

Formation of the skills to make the best decision or to propose solutions in a difficult situation (the use of situational computer games focused on optimizing decision-making activities);

Formation of information culture, ability to carry out information processing.

The teacher contributes to the formation of such mental actions as reflection, analysis and planning, which are the basis of theoretical thinking, and at the same time the development of cognitive processes - perception, imagination, memory - in the implementation of the organization of educational activities for the formation of their own information and communication skills of students in different subjects.

Some students have a certain skill of working on a PC, it is important for children to use these skills as a tool for solving educational problems.

Children prepare reports for the lesson of the world around them, using Internet resources... For scientific readings held at school,prepare presentations on the chosen topic.

Most students have basic computer skills and are happy to create their own electronic presentations for the lesson. The use of children's presentations in the lesson greatly increases the motivation of children, especially the authors of the materials.In this case, the student plays the role of a teacher, commenting not only on the content of his own presentation, but also explaining, arguing for the use of certain PowerPoint features... After watching, the guys ask clarifying questions about the content, give advice on the design and use of animation effects.This helps the children not only learn the lesson material, but also learn how to develop the simplest multimedia products. So we gradually come to learning, when everyone teaches everyone.

Thus, the formation of key competencies of students takes place.

At the development of personal actions is the formation of:

Critical attitude to information and selectivity of its perception;

Respect for information about the privacy and informational results of the activities of other people;

Foundations of legal culture in the field of information use.

When mastering regulatory universal educational actions are provided by:

Evaluation of conditions, algorithms and results of actions performed in the information environment;

Using the results of an action posted in the information environment to assess and correct the performed action;

Creation of a digital portfolio of student learning achievements.

At mastering cognitive universal educational actions ICT play a key role in such general educational universal actions as:

Search for information;

Fixation (recording) of information using various technical means;

Structuring of information, its organization and presentation in the form of diagrams, schematic maps, time lines, etc.;

Creation of simple hypermedia messages;

Building the simplest models of objects and processes.

ICT is an important tool for shaping communicative universal learning activities... For this are used - hypermedia messaging; performance with audiovisual support; fixing the course of collective / personal communication; communication in a digital environment (email, chat, videoconference, forum, blog).

Thus, the formation of students' ICT competence is of a systemic-activity nature, allowing the student to act as a subject of the educational process.Expands the possibility of independent activity, forms the skill of research activities; provides access to various reference systems, electronic libraries, and other information resources; in general, it helps to improve the quality of education.

Instead of a simple transfer of knowledge and skills from teacher to student, the priority goal of education is to develop the student's ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, control and evaluate their achievements, work with different sources of information, evaluate them and, on this basis, formulate their own opinion, judgment, assessment. One of the important manifestations of competence is the ability to work with information, search and select information. This competency provides skills ...

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State educational institution
higher professional education
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
them. V.P. Astafieva
Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Faculty of Informatics

Department of Teaching Methods of Informatics

Final qualifying work
"Formation of ICT competence of primary school students in the process of teaching computer science"

I've done the work

T.M. Vysotskaya


A. L. Simonova

Ph.D., associate professor, associate professor of the department. IIP

Reviewer: P.S. Lomasko

Ph.D., Art. Rev. department IWT

Krasnoyarsk 2014


Modern society is characterized by the rapid development of science and technology, the emergence of new information technologies that are fundamentally transforming people's lives. The rate of knowledge renewal is so high that a person has to repeatedly retrain and master new professions throughout his life. Continuing education is becoming a reality and a necessity. Instead of a simple transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student, the priority goal of education is to develop the student's ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, work with different sources of information, evaluate them and, on this basis, formulate their own opinion , judgment, assessment.

The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of "universal educational actions" that provide "the ability to learn", the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience, and not only the development of specific subject knowledge and skills by students within certain disciplines. At the same time, knowledge, skills and abilities are considered as derivatives of the corresponding types of purposeful actions, that is, they are formed, applied and preserved in close connection with the active actions of the students themselves. All this allows us to speak about the system of key competencies.

Competence is a new quality of the subject of activity, which manifests itself in the ability to systematically apply knowledge, skills, value attitudes and allows you to successfully resolve various contradictions, problems, practical tasks in a social, professional and personal context. Competence is an objective result of mastering competencies by a specific person.

In accordance with the competence-based approach, the general education system aims to develop key competencies in students. The scientific basis of this approach is laid in the works of A.A. Pinsky, M.V. Ryzhakova, A.V. Khutorsky, S.E. Shishova et al. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2014 involves updating the content of education based on key competencies, which are personally manifested as competencies. One of the important manifestations of competence is the ability to work with information, search and select information. As a result of the process, students should develop the ability to use modern information and communication technologies to work with information. They must be able to search for the necessary data, organize, process, analyze and evaluate it, as well as produce and disseminate information in accordance with their goals. This ability should provide students with the opportunity to:

· Successfully continue education throughout life (including receiving educational services using the Internet);

· Prepare for the chosen professional activity;

· Live and work in an information society, in a knowledge-based economy.

Within the framework of the project "Informatization of the education system" (ISS), implemented by the government of the Russian Federation in 2009-2012, in April - May 2013, the monitoring of the level of formation of ICT was carried out - the competence of students in grade 9 of the regions participating in this project, including ninth graders Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The terms of reference for this project indicated that “... one of the indicators of the success of the ISO project is its impact on the formation of information and communication competence of ninth grade graduates who complete their studies under the basic school program. This indicator allows you to indirectly assess the impact of changes in the content and methods of educational work in basic school, which are associated with the introduction of ICT in the practice of educational work, with the real level of use and demand for new information technologies in the educational process. " However, in the future this issue was not developed, the issue of the controlled development of ICT - the competence of primary school students has been studied very little. This determined the theme of the final qualifying work: "Formation of ICT competence of primary school students in the process of teaching computer science." Analysis of the state of this issue in pedagogical theory and educational practice makes it possible to identify objectively existing contradictions:

Between the modern requirements for the learning outcomes of secondary school students, on the one hand, and the lack of approaches to the purposeful formation of students' ICT competence, on the other.

Between progress in the field of new information and communication technologies, the growing range of their didactic capabilities - on the one hand, and the real situation of their systematic use in the learning process - on the other.

The resolution of these contradictions constituted the research problem, which consists in the development of approaches for determining the level of formation of students 'ICT competence and ways of further developing students' ICT competence in the educational process.

The object of the research is the process of teaching computer science at school.

The subject of the research is the conditions for the formation of ICT competence of primary school students in the process of teaching computer science.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and describe the experience of the formation of ICT - the competence of primary school students.

The research is based on the hypothesis that the use of competence-oriented tasks in computer science lessons in basic school contributes to the formation and development of students' ICT competence.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks have been identified:

1. Analyze the ideas about the competence-based approach available in the scientific and pedagogical literature;

2. Clarify the concept of "ICT - competence", its structure;

3. To develop a set of tasks in informatics for grades 8-9, aimed at the formation and development of ICT - competence;

4. Conduct an expert assessment of the required level of dynamics of the formation of components of ICT-competence of 9th grade students.

To solve the problems posed in the study, the following methods were used: general theoretical - analysis of scientific and pedagogical, educational literature, a comprehensive program, modernization of education, the project "Our New School"; empirical - a pedagogical experiment (ascertaining), experimental and pedagogical work to determine the level of formation of the information competence of 9th grade students. In the process of the experimental research, psychological and pedagogical methods were used - questioning and testing of students; statistical methods of data processing of a pedagogical experiment

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of ICT - competence

1.1 The main provisions of the competence-based approach

The ideas of the competence-based approach are one of the answers to the question of what result of education is necessary for an individual and is in demand in modern society. The formation of the competence of students is today one of the most pressing problems of education. The topic of the competence-based approach began to be actively discussed in domestic pedagogy after the publication in 2014 of the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2014, which emphasized that a general education school should form the so-called key competencies of students that determine the modern quality of education. But at this stage, neither the theoretical nor the methodological base of the competence-based approach in the Russian Federation has yet been formed, the "Concept ..." indicated the direction of changing the value orientations and goals of education.

According to the researcher I.A. Zimney, the introduction of the ideas of the competence-based approach into the practice of education is due to the following factors:

1) the general European and world trend of integration and globalization of the world economy;

2) the change in the educational paradigm taking place in recent years;

3) the need to harmonize the "architecture of the European higher education system";

4) the richness of the conceptual content of the term "competence-based approach".

OE Lebedev notes that in relation to the competence-based approach, the meaning of education lies in the development of students 'ability to independently solve problems in various spheres and types of activity based on the use of social experience, an element of which is the students' own experience. The content of education is a didactically adapted social experience of solving cognitive, ideological, moral and other problems that make up the content of education, the educational result is based on an analysis of the levels of education achieved by students at a certain stage of learning.

A.A. Verbitsky argues that in order to implement the competence-based approach, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions:

1) The quality of education provided by the existing educational system has ceased to meet the expectations of society, state, industry and every citizen.

2) Extensive innovative empirical experience has been accumulated in educational practice. The proposed innovative teaching model is based on a developed and rather powerful psychological and pedagogical theory;

3) The psychological and pedagogical theory underlying the new model has the property of manufacturability;

4) The new learning model is consistently based on previous models;

5) The new educational model affects all structural links of the pedagogical system;

7) A new type of education solves a variety of educational tasks, and at a higher level;

8) The boundaries of applicability of the training model are determined, understandable, since none of them can be absolutely universal;

9) The new teaching model has its own textbook, which reflects the content of teaching and the logic of its deployment in the educational process;

10) The theoretical and scientific-methodological foundations of the new teaching model are clear to the mass teacher.

So, the competence-based approach in determining the goals and content of education, focusing on the development of skills, generalized methods of activity is the leading one in the works of such domestic teachers as V.P. Davydov, A.K. Makarov, A.M. Novikov, V.A. Slastenin, A.P. Tryapitsin, A.V. Khutorskoy, G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others. However, in the psychological and pedagogical field of knowledge at the present time, a generally accepted understanding of the terms "competence", "competence", "key competencies", "basic competencies" has not yet developed. In the scientific works of various researchers, there are attempts to define or concretize the content of these concepts, to determine the component of professional competence (V.S. Bezrukov, B.S. Gershunsky, T.N. Goltsova, E.F. Zeer, A.K. Markova, A. V. Khutorskoy, N. V. Shapalov, O. N. Shakhmatova, V. M. Shepel, G. P. Shchedrovitsky and others) (21).

Since the idea of ​​a competency-based approach in education is borrowed from foreign practice, among Russian teachers there was a discrepancy in the initial terms in connection with the diverse translations of the English word competence, which is translated as both competence and competence. Until the 90s of the XX century, both in reference literature and in domestic pedagogical studies, the use of the term "competence" was associated with professional competence or the competence of a specialist.

Today in the scientific literature there is no unambiguous interpretation of the terms "competence" and "competence", and the disputes are conducted in two directions: whether these terms are needed at all and whether their introduction violates Occam's principle, on the one hand, and on the other - which of the terms is more general and broader.

Opinions about the use of the terms “competence” and “competence” in pedagogy can be divided into three groups:

1) These terms are a tribute to fashion and you can do without them, since there are traditional characteristics - the level of preparedness of the student, his training, education.

2) Competence and competence are already widely used in various spheres of a person's life and denote the high quality of his professional activity without a fundamental difference between these concepts.

3) Modernization of education focuses on such an interpretation of terms in which competence is associated primarily with knowledge, and competence focuses on the ability to apply and use the acquired knowledge in practice.

Traditionally, the goals of school education were determined by a set of knowledge, skills, skills that a graduate must master. Today, this approach has proven insufficient. Society needs a graduate who can practically solve the life and professional problems facing him. And this largely depends not on the received ZUN, but on some additional qualities for which the concepts of "competence" and "competence" are used.

Since there is ambiguity in the use of these terms in modern science, it is necessary to define these concepts in the context of our work. Substantial interpretation of the terms "competence" and "competence". Determined by the position of the authors and the aspect of their consideration.

Most authors (A.M. Aronov, V.S. Bezrukov, A.N. Dakhin, V.A. Demin, N.A. Perelomov, etc.) are inclined to consider an abstract set of knowledge, skills and abilities, personal qualities, experience in a certain field of activity, associated with the qualitative development of the content of education (35).

Competence (from Latin Competentia - I achieve, correspond, I approach) is a complex human property to achieve a quite definite result: the ability to understand one's needs, to realize and set a goal as a desired result, to possess knowledge as a means of transforming a situation, to be able to practically act towards a result, tracking and correcting my actions (8, p. 34).

The concept of "competence" was first used by the American economist R. Boytsis. He developed it in his research, in which he found that a successful specialist differs from a less successful one not by one single factor, but by a whole set of factors. So, competence is understood as any individual characteristics that can be measured or reliably calculated and relative to which it can be argued that they are significant for distinguishing between effective and ineffective performance of work.

According to the scientist Yu.V. Pesterev, competence is expressed in the ability to correctly assess the current situation and make the necessary decision in this regard, allowing to achieve a significant result (36, p. 96). Competence presupposes not only that students have a significant amount of knowledge, but also the ability to use it in the right situation.

The concept of "key competence" in the world educational practice acts as a central thematic core and includes: knowledge, concepts, attitudes, educational and cognitive motives. (36). Each student is competent to the extent that he is able to apply the knowledge he has acquired in practice. It should also be emphasized that the competence-based approach does not deny the need to form a knowledge base and a set of skills and abilities, as well as elements of functional literacy. It is important not only to have subject knowledge, but to be able to effectively use it in practice as a means, a tool for solving various life problems. At the same time, competence cannot be isolated from the specific conditions of its implementation, i.e. at the same time, it closely links the mobilization of knowledge, skills and behavioral relationships conditioned by specific activities.

So, from the standpoint of the competence-based approach, competence is the goal of education, and competence is the generalized abilities of an individual, the result of education. This understanding of terms is reflected in the "Dictionary of Foreign Words": competence - a range of issues in which a person has knowledge and experience; competence - the possession of competence.

Competencies are formed in the learning process, and not only at school, but also under the influence of family, friends, work, politics, culture, religion, etc. In this regard, the implementation of the competence-based approach depends on the entire educational and cultural situation in which he lives and develops schoolboy. In this regard, more and more modern researchers are inclined to believe that without the organization of a special educational environment that supports the ideas of a competence-based approach, all work on the formation of key competencies of schoolchildren may be ineffective.

The concept of “core competencies” was introduced in the early 1990s by the international labor organization. The overwhelming majority of researchers understand key competencies as the result of education, which is the mastered methods of activity to solve problems common to all areas of knowledge, related to a person's ability to interact with others, to cooperate, to work with information (18, p. 204).

Thus, the competence-based approach is effective-targeted, i.e. proceeding from the needs of the individual and society in a certain result of education. Obviously, the goal and result of such education is the formation of the key competencies of the student, which is understood as the system of universal educational qualities and abilities of the student in various educational and educational areas, as well as the desire or willingness to meaningfully and effectively apply them in practice.

1) Experience of cognitive activity (knowledge);

2) Experience in the implementation of known methods of activity (skills to act according to the model);

3) Experience in creative activity (the ability to make effective decisions in problem situations);

4) Experience in the implementation of emotionally value relationships (personal orientations).

1.2 Classification of key educational competencies

Working on the key competencies of a school graduate is not a specific task of the Russian education system. This is the way in which the educational systems of the world try to bridge the gap between the results of general education and the modern demands of life.

Analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature showed that there are two main classifications of competencies. In accordance with the division of the content of education into general metasubject (for all subjects), interdisciplinary (for a cycle of subjects or educational areas) and subject (for each academic subject), A.V. Khutorskoy offers a three-level hierarchy of competencies:

Key - refer to the general content of education;

General subject - refer to a specific range of subjects or study areas;

Subject - specific in relation to the two previous levels of competence, having a specific description and the possibility of formation within the framework of the academic subject 937, p.63).

In another classification of competencies, developed in the pedagogical and methodological literature, the following are distinguished:

Key - are necessary for any professional activity, determine the success of an individual in a rapidly changing world;

Basic - reflect the specifics of a certain professional activity;

Special - reflect the specifics of a specific subject area

The list of key competencies has not yet been completely settled, various authors include among the key competencies: communicative (A.I.Surygin and others), informational (O.M. Chubaryan and others), entrepreneurial (T.M. Matveeva), social (V.V. Tsvetkov), health preservation, citizenship, information technologies (I.A. Zimnyaya) and others (12,15, p. 39, 40).

A.V. Khutorskoy refers to the key competencies (36):

1) Value-semantic competence. This is competence in the field of worldview associated with the value orientations of the student, his ability to see and understand the world around him, navigate in it, realize his role and purpose, be able to choose target and semantic settings for his actions and deeds, and make a decision. This competence provides a mechanism for the student's self-determination in situations of educational and other activities.

2) General cultural competence. The range of issues on which the student should be well aware: features of national and universal culture, family relations, the connection between science and religion, possession of effective ways of organizing free time.

3) Educational and cognitive competence. This is a set of student competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity, including elements of logical, methodological, general educational activity, correlated with real cognitive objects. This includes the knowledge and skills of organizing goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities. In relation to the studied objects, the student masters creative skills of productive activity: obtaining knowledge directly from reality, heuristic methods for solving problems, using cognitive methods.

4) Information competence. With the help of real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem, copier) and information technologies (audio-video recording, e-mail, mass media, Internet), the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform , save and transfer it. This competence provides the skills of the student's activity in relation to the information contained in academic subjects, as well as in the surrounding world.

5) Communicative competence. Includes knowledge of the required languages, a way of interacting with people around and distant people and events, skills of working in a group, possession of various social roles in a team. To master this competence in the educational process, the necessary and sufficient number of real objects of communication and ways of working with them are fixed for a student at each stage of education within each subject being studied.

6) Social and labor competence. It means possession of knowledge and experience in the field of civil and social activities in the field of family relations and responsibilities, in matters of economics and law, in the field of professional self-determination.

7) The competence of personal self-improvement is aimed at mastering the methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development. The real object in the sphere of this competence is the student himself. This competence includes the rules of personal hygiene, taking care of one's own health, sexual literacy, ecological culture, rules of human life safety.

A.V. Khutorskoy emphasizes that the list of key competencies is given in the most general form and needs to be detailed, both by age groups and by academic subjects. IA Zimnyaya notes that key competencies are the most general and broadest definition of the adequate manifestation of a person's social life in modern society. They are essentially social, reflecting the peculiarities of interaction, communication, application of information technologies (11, p. 19-20). D.S. Nesterov notes that the universality of its application is defining as a specific feature of the key competence. Key competencies do not imply a high degree of specialization of activities and can be used in a wide range of life situations.

1.3 Information competence in the system of key competencies

In educational literature and other sources of information, the terms "computer literacy", "ICT - literacy" are often used. “Information competence”, “information and communication competence”, “ICT competence”, the term “information and functional competence” is encountered. Our task is to understand these definitions and understand what kind of competence we form among graduates of basic school.

First, let's consider what is behind the term “competence”, which is beginning to be actively used in domestic pedagogy and in official documents of the Ministry of Education and Science? The range of competencies that should be taught to today's schoolchildren is not definitively defined, as is the very concept of competence. The concept of “competent person” is based on the ability of a person to take responsibility for solving emerging problems, to show independence in setting tasks and solving them. For each subject, its own concept of competence is developed.

The concept of "information competence" is rather broad and is ambiguous at the present stage of pedagogy development (OB Zaitseva, AL Semenov, VL Akulenko, MG Dzugoeva, N.Yu. Tairova, O.M. Tolstoy). Trishina S.V. believes that information competence is an integrative quality of a person, which is the result of the reflection of the processes of selection, assimilation, processing, transformation and generation of information into a special type of subject-specific knowledge that allows you to develop, accept, predict and implement optimal decisions in various fields of activity. She distinguishes the following components in the structure of the category "information competence": 1) cognitive; 2) value-motivational (epistemological); 3) technical and technological (technological); 4) communicative; 5) reflective.

N.N. Abakumova believes that information competence is the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit it using real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem) and information technologies (audio-video recording, e-mail, mass media, Internet) are formed. This competence provides the skills of the subject of the educational process in relation to the information contained in academic subjects and educational areas, as well as in the surrounding world.

In the work of Kizik O.A. (2003) notes that information competence will include:

· The ability to independently search and process information necessary for the high-quality performance of professional tasks;

· Ability for group activities and cooperation with the use of modern communication technologies to achieve professionally significant goals;

· Readiness for self-development in the field of information technology, necessary for continuous professional development and self-realization in professional work.

In the literature, there is the concept of "information and functional competence" - a complex of various types of activity (cognitive, value-motivational, communicative, technical and technological, reflexive), in the process of which skills are formed that contribute to the development of the student's personality. And also the concept of "communication competence" - activities in solving various problems and situations with the involvement of a personal computer and computer information processing facilities. Information and communication competence of schoolchildren in the framework of the project "Informatization of the educational system" is defined as the ability of students to use information and communication technologies to access (access) information, its identification-definition (define), organization (integrate), processing (manage), assessment (evaluate), as well as its creation-production (create) and transmission-distribution (communicate), which is sufficient in order to successfully live and work in a knowledge-based economy.

At the same time, the formation of information and communication competence is considered not only (and not so much) as the formation of technological skills, but as the ability to use modern information and communication technologies to work with information, both in the educational process and for other needs.

So, we can say that the concept of "information competence" has a complex structure and the process of forming information competence takes place in several stages: computer literacy, ICT literacy, ICT competence.

New publications on this topic produced by educational communities point out that ICTs can be used more effectively in schools. Leading theorists and practitioners demonstrate how this can and should be done. Most of them are of the opinion that the widely practiced teaching of isolated skills in the conditions of special "computer classes" often fails to achieve its goal. As an alternative to this method of teaching computer work, they offer a way of integrating purely technical aspects and meaningful tasks of various kinds. The guiding principle here is the provision that the end result of training should not be an understanding of how a computer functions, but the ability to use it as a tool for solving various problems, communication, organizing activities, in particular research. And this, in turn, entails a significant change in the general teaching methodology and specific accents. The transition from teaching individual computer skills to an integrated method of developing information competence requires special efforts in this direction. They showed that for the formation of the latter, it is necessary to fulfill two essential conditions: first, these skills must be directly related to a specific subject area and to the educational tasks used; secondly, the skills themselves should be internally integrated with each other within the framework of the general model of information processing, the development of computer competence should not be reduced to a simple list of those knowledge and skills that students must master (knowledge of the computer structure, skills in working with a text editor, the ability to search and find the information you need on the Internet).

While such knowledge and skills are really important, the traditional way of teaching them in isolation does not ensure the successful transfer of skills from one situation to another. Pupils master certain techniques of working on a computer, but they do not have an understanding of how these techniques should be combined with each other to solve a variety of practical problems. The student should have a good idea of ​​the final goal, understand how the computer can solve the various problems that arise in this case, and be able to really use various technical devices and capabilities. Each individual skill of working on a computer, integrated into the process of solving practical problems, acquires a completely different personal meaning for a person. Only in this case it is legitimate to talk about genuine computer literacy, since only then there is an understanding of how modern technical means can turn into a tool for obtaining new knowledge.

In the explanatory note to the 2004 state standard of basic general education, it is written that the subject "Informatics and ICT", which is taught in grades 3-4 as an educational module, and in grades 8-9 as an independent academic subject is designed to ensure universal computer literacy. In the same place, in the section "General educational skills, skills and methods of action" we are talking about information and communication activities, which includes, among other things, the choice and use of sign systems (text, table, diagram, audiovisual series, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task , sphere and situation of communication. As well as the use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative tasks, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and other databases.

So, we see that the concept of "computer literacy" boils down to mastering the skills of working with computer technologies (text editor, spreadsheets, etc.) and communication tools. However, can we say that every person who plays computer games, and also uses e-mail or the Internet, truly owns a computer? Is the knowledge and skills that modern young people acquire at school enough to solve the problems they face in real life? Do elementary word processing skills exhaust the requirements of modern production or higher education? All these questions must be answered in the negative.

Let's move on to considering the next concept of "information and communication technology literacy (ICT literacy)". Burmakina V.F. and Falina I.N. give the following definition: ICT literacy is the use of digital technologies, communication tools and / or networks to gain access to information, manage it, integrate it, evaluate it and create it to function in modern society. Moreover, literacy is understood as the ability to learn and develop throughout one's life, that is, ICT literacy will provide an individual with the means for a successful life and work in an economically developed or developing society. Based on the definition of ICT literacy, these authors move to the concept of information and communication technological competence (ICT competence). Competence is a very general concept. It does not reflect specific cognitive and practical qualities that should be formed in the learning process. This is due to the fact that in different areas of professional activity, competence will be revealed with the help of various cognitive and practical concepts. Therefore, in different subject areas, their own definitions of competence are developed, for example, linguistic competence.

ICT competence is understood as the confident mastery of all components of ICT literacy skills by students to address emerging issues in educational and other activities, while the emphasis is on the formation of generalized cognitive, ethical and technical skills.

So, the formation of ICT - competence is a process of transition to a state when a student becomes able to find, understand, evaluate and apply information in various forms to solve personal, social or global problems. The development of genuine ICT - competence, first of all, presupposes the formation of universal thinking and decision skills. These include the ability to observe and draw logical conclusions, use various sign systems and abstract models, analyze the situation from different points of view, understand the general context and hidden meaning of statements, and work steadily independently to improve one's competence in this area.

ICT - the competence of a student is a complex of formed personality traits that provide flexibility and readiness for changes, efficiency in future professional activity in the context of informatization of modern society in mastering information and communication competencies.

competence computer science school educational

1.4 ICT framework - competencies

The complex of skills acts as the basis of ICT - competence. The first step towards turning our children into competent users of modern information, communication and technologies is to describe the complex of basic cognitive skills that they have to master. Burmakina V.F. and Falina I.N. define the following model of information and communication technological competence, which they call the "big seven" and consisting of seven cognitive actions, which consist of certain skills (for more details, see Appendix 1):

1) definition of information - the ability to use ICT tools for identification and appropriate presentation of the required information;

2) information management - the ability to apply an existing organization or classification scheme;

3) access to information - the ability to collect and / or retrieve information;

4) information integration - the ability to interpret and present information. This includes summarizing, comparing and contrasting data;

5) evaluation of information - the ability to make judgments about the quality, importance, usefulness or effectiveness of information.

6) information creation - the ability to generate information by adapting, applying, designing, inventing or developing it.

7) communication of information - the ability to properly transfer information in the ICT environment. This includes the ability to direct electronic information to a specific audience and convey knowledge in the appropriate direction.

Let's consider the cognitive actions included in the structure of ICT - competence in more detail.

1) Definition (identification) of information. This is the ability to identify an information problem and identify the information necessary for it. The first step in solving any problem is to formulate or define it. what is our task? What should we get on the way out? What kind of information will be needed to accomplish this task? At this stage, the actual learning begins, and the teacher's task is to help students to act effectively. So, the first step is the formulation or definition of the problem with the help of technical means. At school, a teacher can give students an assignment by reading it in class or by posting it on a Web page. To clarify the essence of the assignment, students can also use various aids: a bulletin board, e-mail, chat. Information technology used at this stage can be: web page, online discussion, e-mail, chat on the Internet.

2) Information management. This skill boils down to identifying all possible sources of information and choosing the best ones. The second step is managing information retrieval strategies. Having understood what kind of information we need, we then decide in what way the information search should be carried out. To master this skill, the student must answer the following questions: What are the possible sources? Which ones are best for us? What are the possible sources of information available? Textbook? Encyclopedia? Reference books in the library? Databases on CD-ROM? Experts? Internet? Which of these sources best suits my needs?

At this stage, you can use the following information technologies for the step: strategies for searching the Internet and in databases, the use of keywords, subject headings, phrases, Boolean logic.

The information retrieval capabilities of the second step are greatly enhanced if students have the ability to access online databases and the Internet. The amount of information available via the Internet is truly colossal. In order not to get lost in this ocean, you need to develop a specific search strategy. As one of the options, you can use filling out the table even before starting to work with the computer. It is proposed to define a general theme, as well as keywords, their synonyms, phrases and their combinations formed by logical connectives “and”, “or” and “not”.

3) Access to information. This skill boils down to finding the appropriate source (theoretically or practically), as well as finding the necessary information within the sources. The third step (access) will be a logical continuation of the first two. At this stage, the student must answer the questions: Where is each source located? Where is the necessary information inside each of them? How can you get to them in person or via the Internet? Where is the information you need inside each of them? Competent execution of the first step already provides the key to determining what kind of information will be adequate for our task in the third step.

Information technology to step # 3: Internet reference sections, subscription databases, e-mail, Internet search engines.

The third step has radically changed its character since schools, libraries and individuals have connected to the Internet. With the help of keywords and logical operators, it is possible to focus the search and overcome the redundancy of information contained on the Internet. There are also many dictionaries and encyclopedias on the Internet that decipher any concept that may interest students. Subscription databases make it possible to access the texts of articles from scientific journals via a computer. Using e-mail, you can seek advice from colleagues or other users interested in similar problems. Each search engine is focused on a specific type of search.

4) Integration of information. This skill is aimed at organizing material obtained from various sources and presenting information properly. Step # 4 (integration) is inherently creative. The student must organize all the information gathered by integrating it with his past knowledge and with past experience. At this stage, the choice of the form of presentation of the results takes place. At this stage, the student should answer the questions: How to organize all the information available? How to correctly present the analysis results? What will the final product look like? What users is it for? How will we present it?

Information technologies used at this stage: multimedia presentations (PowerPoint, Hyperstudio, KidPix), HTML markup language, email attachments, FTP, spreadsheets, text editor.

The availability of modern information and communication technologies allows each user to present their ideas electronically. Software such as HTML, electronic applications, or FTP makes it possible to post text or audio files on the Internet.

5) Evaluation of information. This skill comes down to assessing the quality of the product obtained and evaluating the effectiveness of the work done. After finding potentially useful sources, students are ready for the fifth step — assessing information. Questions for this step: How to best use each source? What information will be most useful to us? When answering this question, one should take into account not only the degree of accessibility, but the degree of reliability (documentation) of information.

Information technology for step # 5: download and decompress files, copy snippets of text directly, create notes with a text editor, use spreadsheets and databases to organize and analyze data.

Modern technology makes the fifth step much easier. But it is necessary that students have an understanding of copyright, plagiarism, citation rules. It is now very easy to download and copy materials from the Internet or from electronic databases. But this does not free us from mastering the skills to capture, organize and analyze data.

6) Creation of information. This skill determines the solution to a specific problem based on the available information and the ability to draw a conclusion about the focus of the available information on solving a specific problem. At this stage, the student answers the following questions: Can the problem be considered solved? Does the resulting solution answer the original question? Have you found reputable sources? How can you improve this product? The sixth step is to determine how well the final product meets the conditions of the original problem. Creation implies the effectiveness of the process of solving the problem itself. You might ask students to ask themselves a question: How can this process be improved? Although formally the solution to the problem is already ready, it doesn't hurt to think about how successfully you acted. Indeed, in real life, similar situations are quite common.

7) Transfer of information. This skill comes down to extracting the necessary information and transmitting it at a distance. The seventh step is final. All stages of solving the information task have been completed. We must be prepared for the fact that a similar task, albeit in a slightly different form, will again arise before us in the near future. At this stage, students answer the following questions: Can the information be adapted Can the information be adapted to their specific needs? How to cite sources correctly? How to submit information for analysis?

Conclusions for chapter 1

In the process of development of the information society, the possession of information is considered as the leading prerequisite for the socialization of the individual, fundamentally new requirements for the quality of education are formed, including in basic school.

It has been established that the competence-based approach to teaching is an actual trend in world education, which allows resolving the contradictions between program requirements, society's demands and the needs of the individual in the results of education.

The leading concepts of this study are recognized as “competence”, “competence”, “key competencies”, “information and communication technological competence” (“ICT competence”).

So, from the standpoint of the competence-based approach, competence is the goal of education. Competence is the generalized abilities of a person, the result of education. Key competencies act as a central core and include: knowledge, concepts, attitudes, educational and cognitive motives, knowledge and skills in academic subjects. In other words, each student is competent to the extent that he is able to apply the knowledge he has acquired in practice.

In the context of the introduction of information and communication technologies, the information competence of an individual is usually considered from the point of view of mastering a computer, software, the ability to use the Internet, electronic catalogs of libraries, find information in the media, and work with different sources. Therefore, in this paper, we consider information and communication technological competence (ICT - competence). So, in the first chapter we examined what the concept of "ICT competence" means. We found out that there is no unambiguous definition of this concept. We adhere to the point of view that ICT competence is a set of skills to independently search, collect, analyze, evaluate, organize, present, transmit information, model and design objects and processes, including our own individual activities and the work of a team, responsibly implement our plans, skillfully using available modern means of information and communication technologies. In this chapter, we also examined in detail the structure of information competence, which consists of individual cognitive actions: definition, access (search), management, integration, creation, communication of information.

Chapter 2. Practice of formation of ICT - competence of primary school students in the process of teaching computer science

2.1 Measuring the level of formation of ICT competence of 9th grade students

To measure the level of formation of ICT - competence, 18 students of the 9th grade of the secondary school of secondary school No. 4 were taken. ). The performance of tasks was assessed on a three-point scale: 2 points - high level, 1 point - medium level, 0 points - low level (see Appendix 2). The tasks were carried out both on the computer and in separate sheets.

To determine the first cognitive action, which is part of the information competence of students, "defining information", the students were offered the task "Development of school posters" (the content of the assignment is given in Appendix 3). This task tested the ability to accurately interpret and detail questions, as well as the ability to find information in the text, given explicitly and implicitly. According to the results of the first assignment, it turned out (the results of the assignment are given in Appendix 4) that the cognitive effect of "identifying information" at a high level is possessed by -22% of students, at the basic level - 28%, at a low level - 50%. A qualitative analysis of the results of this task showed that students of a low level cannot accurately formulate questions before reading the text (the so-called functional reading). They also do not know how to find the main idea in the text and formulate it briefly, i.e. do not have general educational skills in working with text.

This is confirmed by the results of a survey of teachers of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, geography, history and social science. Teachers also note that children are not purposefully taught this in the classroom. To determine the second cognitive action, which is part of the information competence of students "information search", the students were asked to fill out a table and fill in the first three columns in it. Then search for information on the Internet in accordance with the chosen strategy, analyze the links received and select, if possible, one or two documents to search for the answer to the question. The student was also given recommendations: if your request was unsuccessful, then return to thinking through a search strategy. Do I need to change the search tool? Do I need to specify the request? Should I change my query design?

Search tool type

Initial request type

The address of the web page where the answer was found

What is the state of aggregation of water in a cloud?

In which cemetery and in which city is the grave of M.V. Lomonosov?

What is the percentage of salt and fresh water on our planet?

Find the images of the coat of arms of the city of Saratov

Find an interactive map of Russia

The results of this assignment showed that 33% of students completed this assignment at a high level, 56% at a basic level, and 11% at a low level. A qualitative analysis of the results of completing the second task showed that students who showed a low level found it difficult to choose a search tool, could not accurately formulate the initial query, that is, the same problem is the wording of the exact question.


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At the present stage of development for Russian education, a priority has been established in the progressive development of society as such, along with its informatization. It is against this background that such a concept as the ICT competence of a teacher, as well as students, acquires special significance. Therefore, the issues of using IR technologies are being actively studied and introduced in the educational sphere.


The life of a person of any age is closely intertwined with information technology. They are essential for both students and educators. In the modern world, it is extremely difficult to realize oneself without having elementary computer skills, since this technique is now actively used in any field of activity.

The use of information technologies in the educational sphere has great prospects. The concept, as well as the features of the development of ICT competence, were described in their works by many specialists.

In general terms, ICT competence today is understood as the ability for practical application of communication information technologies that provide access to this or that information or its search, processing, organization of the dissemination process. Its level should be sufficient for life and work in a modern information society.

Basic structure

The modern concept of ICT competence includes several different components, due to which it is one of the main indicators of the teacher's competence according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main aspects of the concept of ICT competence are:

  • sufficient functional literacy in ICT as a sphere of life;
  • justified introduction of ICT both in the processes of solving professional problems and in the framework of educational work;
  • ICT as the basis of a new educational paradigm, which is aimed at the active development of students.

Educator goals

By increasing the teacher's ICT competence, the following will gradually be implemented:

  • New educational goals.
  • Ability to use information and communication technologies at a high level.
  • New forms within the organization of the educational process.
  • Content within the framework of modern educational activities.

Literacy and Competence Concepts

It is important to distinguish between concepts such as ICT literacy and ICT competence of a teacher.

So, ICT literacy is understood only as knowledge of the basics of working with software products and computers as such, their basic functionality, the general concept of working on the Internet.

At the same time, within the framework of ICT competence, knowledge alone is not enough. It involves the real use of certain information tools, their introduction into the educational process. At the present stage of development, they can be used in the course of solving cognitive and communicative issues, in carrying out experiments.


One of the main elements of a modern teacher's qualifications is ICT competence. Every year the level of teaching of any discipline is increasing. Due to the introduction of ICT, the educational process itself becomes individual and more effective. Thanks to the teacher's ability to use information and communication technologies, it is possible to really increase the degree of student interest along with the assimilation of information.

Educators are constantly being improved in accordance with the needs of the information society. To increase professionalism, you need to go through several consecutive stages.

If at the first stage the teacher masters the basic information and communication skills, then at the second stage the teacher's ICT competence is formed. This ensures the continuous improvement of the current educational process against the background of pedagogical network interaction.

In modern educational schools, when organizing the educational process, societies are certainly taken into account. The process of informatization is under way along with the active development and improvement of the ICT competence of the teachers themselves.

The need to improve the competence of the teaching staff

Professional improvement is now impossible without taking into account modern information technologies, since the teacher's ICT competence is its most important component. The modern world is characterized by dynamic development, the presence of extensive information flows. It is especially important for teachers to pay attention to the improvement of scientific work, while enlightening in other areas of society. Without this, it is impossible to change the ICT competence of students for the better.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the process of forming ICT competence involves the active use of existing information tools along with their effective implementation in the educational process.

Real structure

A detailed examination of the structure of the ICT competence of a modern teacher highlights the presence of the following components in it:

  • understanding the need to introduce ICT in the educational sphere;
  • introduction of ICT capabilities into the educational process;
  • management and organization of the learning process using ICT;
  • constant professional improvement in this area.

Components of teacher competence

To assess the levels of a teacher's ICT competence, it is necessary to consider the presence of the following components in it:

  1. Knowledge of basic electronic manuals, based on the specifics of the subject, including electronic atlases and textbooks, educational resources located on the Internet.
  2. The ability to install the necessary program on a computer used in the educational process, the ability to practical use and create didactic electronic materials, the active use of projection technology in work.
  3. Ability to use and select the necessary software to provide students with materials in the most convenient and understandable form for them.
  4. Active use of tools during the organization of the educational process, including software testing, electronic workbooks, etc.
  5. The ability to determine the optimal form for delivering the necessary information to students, as well as parents, teaching staff and even the administration of an educational institution - this can be e-mail, a website and its sections, forums, blogs, school network opportunities, social networks, mailings, etc.
  6. The ability to find, process, evaluate and correctly demonstrate information collected in educational digital resources, based on the tasks set, within the educational process.
  7. The ability to competently transform incoming information for solving educational problems during the preparation of educational material.
  8. The ability to practically use the possibilities of information technology, including the means of the Internet, for the preparation and conduct of lessons.
  9. Formation of a digital portfolio.
  10. Organization of students' work in communication network projects such as quizzes, providing for remote conduct and monitoring, assessment of results.

This list of the main components of the ICT competence of a modern teacher will be gradually supplemented over time as the information community develops and improves as new achievements of scientific and technological progress appear.

The importance of the competence of participants in the educational process

At the present stage of development of society, particular importance is given to both the ICT competence of students and teachers. The fact is that now information technology has become one of the main components of the life of a modern person. Possession of them becomes a necessity, just like the ability to read, write and count. But, as the introduction of ICT into everyday life intensifies, a corresponding increase in information and communication enlightenment is required for participants in the educational process.

Not so long ago, a new standard was introduced that is relevant for general and primary education. It requires the creation of one information and educational environment for each of the educational institutions. But for this, students must also understand the intricacies of the practical use of ICT in the course of solving both educational and professional tasks.

Therefore, the main task of a modern teacher is to familiarize students with IC technologies, along with teaching the reasonable and correct use of the capabilities of information systems in practice. This is necessary for the full-fledged formation of precisely competence, awareness and understanding of this area. Now computer literacy alone is not enough - something more is needed.

It is important to be able to create such conditions for the educational process, when from the very initial stages of cognition of the surrounding world, children will get acquainted with high-tech processes and equipment. Therefore, among the priority areas for improving the educational process is precisely the work on its informatization.


As noted above, ICT competence is understood as the ability to collect, evaluate, transfer, search, analyze information, model processes, objects through the full use of the capabilities of available means within the framework of communication and information technologies.

In order for each lesson to arouse real interest from the students, it is important to choose the right techniques and methods for the learning process. They should be as diverse as possible, applied as needed.

Due to the high ICT competence of the teaching staff, the following opportunities have emerged:

  1. Presentation of information during the educational process in a variety of ways - it can be audio, animation, text or video form.
  2. Issuance of significant volumes of information for the same period of time in parts, which greatly facilitates the assimilation of the material.
  3. Mobilizing students' attention.
  4. Playback and annotation of information flow.
  5. Formation of cognitive interest along with increased motivation to learn.
  6. Obtaining primary skills in working with a computer, acquaintance with the possibilities of the global Internet.
  7. Activation of thinking, memory, perception and imagination during learning.
  8. Clarification and increasing the objectivity of the assessment of the knowledge gained.
  9. Strengthening student motivation.

ICT competence is understood as the competent use of the capabilities of computer technology, which works both with a local network and with the Internet.

Features of competence

In the early stages, when information technologies were just beginning to be introduced into the life of modern society, ICT competence was nothing more than a component of a person's computer literacy. It boiled down to a specific set of technical skills and abilities within the so-called standard set.

Now information technologies have become ubiquitous in modern life. Therefore, they are actively used in a variety of areas, including in an effective educational process. This is how the concept of ICT competence of a teacher, a student appeared.

It is important to understand that a complex concept is hidden behind the teacher's ICT competence - the ability for practical implementation of communication and information technologies in the educational process. This indicator cannot stand still. In view of the constant development, they should also be regular.

The ICT competence of a teacher includes not only theoretical knowledge, but also their real application. A modern teacher must confidently master all the basic computer programs, freely use the possibilities of the Internet, and at the same time use modern equipment such as a printer, scanner and other things.

Within the framework of the activity level, it is assumed that functional literacy is systematically used in the organization of the educational process, when it gives real positive results. As part of this level, there are two sublevels - innovative and creative. Implementation involves the inclusion of modern media resources in the educational process, which are created taking into account the specifics of a particular subject. In turn, creative presupposes the independent development of electronic means of various types that can be used in the course of the educational process.

Experts noticed that the active use of IR technologies in the modern educational process can significantly change the usual approach to learning. By creating an open environment for the educational sphere, the teacher has the opportunity to use a variety of resources and forms of education.

Pedagogical experience of a computer science teacher

MAOU SOSH № 53 of the city of Tomsk


"Formation of ICT competence

participants in the educational process "

For 18 years now I have been trying and experimenting. Of these, 12 years - a teacher of computer science.

I love you computer
You are my friend, you are always with me.

You opened the doors for me
I hold the Earth Ball in my palm.

Now, having a computer at home has become commonplace. Parents believe that if a child went to school, then he must have a computer. And he doesn't know how to work on it. So children get used to a very smart and expensive, but a toy, from childhood: music, cartoons, then films, social networks and just the Internet.

In our school, the study of computer science begins from grade 8. At the beginning of the school year, when I see children for the first time, I conduct a questionnaire with the students "What can I do on a computer (exclude the answers" I listen to music, communicate on social networks, watch movies, "surf the Internet"). The answers are simply overwhelming - " sometimes I print "," sometimes I help parents with the text "," sometimes I make presentations ", only a few process photos in Photoshop. And that's it ...

And modern society is characterized by the rapid development of science and technology, the creation of new information technologies that are fundamentally transforming people's lives. The rate of knowledge renewal is so high that a person has to repeatedly retrain and master new professions throughout his life.

In the classroom, I often come across the question: "Where will this be useful to me in my life?"

Therefore, I consider the main thing in my work: to increase the interest of schoolchildren in the study of computer science through obtaining a wide range of practical skills in using computer technologies not only in school, but also in life.

To do this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    to form a single information space of the school;

    to form the information culture of students;

    develop the need to master practical skills in using a computer as a powerful tool for processing information in electronic form;

    create conditions for the self-realization of the personality of each student in the learning process.

Information competence can be considered as a complex ability to independently search, select the necessary information, analyze, organize, present, transmit it; to model and design objects and processes, to implement projects, including in the field of individual and group activities using ICT tools. It is of fundamental importance that information and communication competence is of a supra-subject, general educational, general intellectual character.

The formation of ICT competence of participants in the educational process can be represented as a ladder of informatization:

the first step is ICT literacy;

the second stage is ICT competence;

the third stage is the information culture of the individual.

At the first stage, it is very important to show children that a computer is a person's assistant in solving various problems.

Over the past 5 years, the number of children who can use a computer has increased by about 10 times. At the same time, educational motives for working with a computer are in approximately twentieth place.

ICT literacy is the use of digital technologies, communication tools and networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information to function in modern society.

I implement the first stage with students in grades 2-4 in the classroom as part of the project-research activity "I am a researcher". To create and design projects, I have developed and use the "Computer Graphics" program - drawing in the raster editor Paint.

This program is allocated for classes because it is, firstly, the simplest and most accessible graphic editor to use, secondly, elementary school children are very interesting and enjoy drawing lessons in general, and, thirdly, it is interesting and exciting with a graphic editor. , fascinatingly.

In the classroom, an information and educational environment is formed in which a child can both express and at the same time teach himself. When doing work, children have the opportunity to show their creativity. The main condition for each lesson is a positive emotional attitude, a disposition for thought and a desire to create.

I posted the drawings of the children on my blog. Interactive voting of our students selects the best works based on the results of each quarter.

Also, at the end of each quarter and at the end of the year, at parent-teacher meetings in parallel, I show the work of children to parents.

In the 2013-2014 academic year for parents, students and teachers, I developed a lecture hall on the topic "Multimedia. Media education. Media competence". This lecture also includes a lecture "Safe Internet". The goal of these activities is to make the Internet safe for children. After all, now even preschoolers have gadgets. And therefore, the sooner they know: what dangers the “world wide web” is fraught with, the better for the child.

On the school site I have created a special page "Safe Internet". I created the same page on my website in the "For parents" section. On the same page, I plan to post assignments for students and their parents.

The second stage (the formation of ICT competence) I implement with students in grades 5-7 in optional classes, with students in grades 8-11 in the framework of training sessions.

ICT competence implies students' confident mastery of all the components of ICT literacy skills to address emerging issues in educational and other activities.

The elective "Computer graphics" in the middle level is divided into two programs: 5 - 6 classes: work in the graphics editor Paint, in the LogoMir program, creating presentations using Microsoft Power Point, using OLE technology and 7 classes - "Computer graphics in the Gimp editor ". The materials for creating presentations are products created by children in the classroom.

Drawings, presentations, crosswords.OLE-technologies.

As part of the educational curriculum in computer science in grades 8-11, I pay special attention to practical work in applied programs, because competence can only be formed in practice.

Using instruction cards or visual written instructions.

The technique of using instruction cards can be attributed to the technology of semantic reading. This technology can also be applied in the context of the use of information technology.

At first, students find it difficult to get used to this form of work, since many have problems with reading speed, and the bulk of the educational material is available to students in the form of text - solid and discontinuous (tables, graphs, diagrams). Therefore, the skills of semantic reading in all its manifestations - information retrieval and reading comprehension, text transformation and interpretation, information assessment - are necessary to achieve both metasubject and subject results.

In the process of semantic reading, such skills necessary for the development of a personality are formed as the ability to analyze a task, a text, understand the meaning, and interpret a text.

The technology is easily adaptable to distance learning.

Work on multilevel maps - algorithms ensures a fairly high pace of students' work on computers and the active work of the whole class.

The work organized in this way allows:

    develop the algorithmic thinking of students;

    increase the likelihood of success for a weak student;

    enable a strong student to complete an additional task or a task of increased complexity,

thereby forming ICT competence and increasing the level of assimilation of educational material.

The use of innovative methods in the activities of a teacher contributes to the successful improvement of ICT competence.

Since 2010, I have been using web 2.0 services to develop interactive assignments for a computer science lesson. (testing and questioning online). Example: tests on different topics on the site and interactive tasks on the blog and website.

Tests were performed using the "Create Tests in Two Steps" service ( and the Internet service ( The same Internet service allows you to create different interactive exercises: find a match, find a match, enter text or select text to fill in the gaps from the proposed options. If the text input option is used, then it is necessary to formulate the task with utmost care, since in order to correctly complete the task, the student must enter an answer that completely coincides with the option indicated by the teacher. Examples of assignments: “One-dimensional arrays. Basic definitions "- Grade 11," Shortcut. Folder. File. Program "- Grade 8.

I posted these assignments on my website and blog, where students can complete them both in the classroom under the supervision of a teacher, and on their own at home. Students can write their results in the comments to the assignment.

Working with information involves not only completing practical tasks on a computer, but also such tasks:

Licensed Product Box

When completing such an assignment, students need to fill out the table:




No information

The product can be used for more than 2 years at no extra charge

The product can be used on 2 PCs at no extra charge

The product can be used for 2 years AND on 2 PCs without surcharges

The product can be used for 2 years OR on 2 PCs at no extra charge

The cost of the product is 1,700 rubles

The product can be used on Windows 8

Product not designed for Mac OS X

This is the professional version of the product

This is a new version of the product

When buying a product, 3 bonuses are provided

A special place in the formation of ICT competence is occupied by project activities.

The external result of any project can be seen, comprehended and applied in real practice. But the internal result - the experience of activity - becomes an invaluable property of the student, combining knowledge and skills, competencies and values.

Implementation of projects in the middle tier as part of an elective using the program for creating presentations and the LogoMir program.

LogoMir is a unique multimedia program. Has a lively, very easy-to-understand interface and ample opportunities. This is not only work with graphics, sound, video, but, most importantly, a full-fledged LOGO programming language. This is not just a step in ICT competence, but also a huge step towards further study, understanding and mastery of the topic "Algorithmization and Programming".

Project in the PervoLogo environment.

What does a modern young person need to feel comfortable in the new socio-economic conditions?

What role should the school play, what should it be in the 21st century in order to prepare a person for a fulfilling life and work?

The third stage (the formation of the information culture of students) is one of the components of the general culture of a person. Information culture is the most important factor in successful professional activity, as well as social security of an individual in an information society.

When forming an information culture, I solve the following tasks:

    prepare students for professional activities in a highly developed information environment;

    to reveal the possibilities of effective use of the resources of the information environment.

I solve these problems with high school students in the classroom and as part of the elective course for high school students "Fundamentals of Programming" and school teachers in practical classes and consultations.

The use of ICT should, above all, be convenient, accessible, interesting and effective. Only in this case, training in these technologies will be meaningful and productive.

At this age level I also use the project method.

The ability to present information in a form that is convenient for perception and use by other people is one of the conditions for a student's educational competence.

The website is the most popular and accessible means of presenting text, graphic and other information on the Internet.

Therefore, lessons on site building contribute to the formation of supra-subject skills in students, make it possible to learn how to create their own web pages, personal sites, sites on subjects. Knowledge of Internet technologies is one of the important factors contributing to the demand for a person in life, in society.

I use this innovative activity in the classroom and in project activities at the senior level of education.

Presenting projects at scientific and practical conferences develops not only ICT competence, but also its highest degree - information culture. After all, students at the conference participate in real (not educational) life - they are authors of their works, researchers, speakers. To present your work, you need to not only complete it, but also be able to effectively present it.

The project "Small encyclopedia" Historical perspective: from abacus to computer "was presented at
scientific-practical conference "Lyceum Spring" in Yurga.

I use this work in the classroom as a reference material when studying the topic "Historical stages of computer development".

Students are eagerly undertaking Web-technology projects, since this type of activity forms their meta-skills (general skills that are in demand in different subject areas), and also increases the proportion of independent work.

Integrated project (informatics - physics) - "Using the regional component in solving problems in physics".

In drawing up the tasks of this project, the technical characteristics of the mechanisms of the Yurginsky machine-building plant were used.

This work was presented at the school scientific-practical conference, as well as at the XIII regional scientific-practical conference of students and students "Progressive technologies and economics in mechanical engineering" at the Yurga Technological Institute of Tomsk Polytechnic University and was awarded a Diploma for "Best Report" in the section "Current state and problems of natural science education".

This project is intended for use in physics lessons in solving problems and also has practical use to this day (in Novosibirsk, in school No. 6 in the city of Yurga and in our school).

Organization of extracurricular activities related to the use of ICT - holding competitions, Olympiads, participation in conferences - can significantly increase the level of ICT competence of schoolchildren.

As a computer science teacher, I, of course, attract students to participate in creative competitions in the subject, Olympiads, telecommunication projects.

There are an unusually large number of contests on the Internet, but, unfortunately, almost all of them are paid. I try to find free or not very expensive ones.

The most massive and, perhaps, the most beloved computer science contests by children are the All-Russian games-contests "KIT" and "Infoznayka".

For five years now I have been the organizer of the "Infoznayka" and "KIT" competition at the school.

Primary school students also take an active part in these competitions.

Each competition is new knowledge, it is the experience of participation, it is also the acquired life experience - victory or defeat.

Students of our school take an active part in city programs of additional education, which provide for the implementation of projects. I, as a computer science teacher, class teachers and children in close cooperation carry out joint activities in the creation and implementation of projects.

I consider the following positive results of my teaching experience:

1. I have stable indicators of the positive dynamics of learning in the subject.

The quality of academic performance in the subject by year

(Grades 8 - 11)

Academic year

Number of students


Quality of teaching

2. The success of students in passing the final exams in the subject: the results of the Unified State Examination and the State Examination Agency.

Exam type

Academic years

Total students

% participation


Exam results

We did it without "2"

Incl. by "4" and "5" (%) or average score

3. The number of children entering educational institutions for specialties related to information technology.

Academic year

Educational institution

For several years, at school No. 6 in Yurgi, she was the administrator of the school site. Result - Certificate of the regional competition of Web-sites of educational institutions of the Kemerovo region in the nomination "The most presentable site". For two years now, at school No. 53 in Tomsk, I have also been the administrator of the school's official website. Although the site is constantly being improved, I have not yet been able to achieve the desired result. The problem is the limitation of the school site in the template design and the available quota.

The widespread use of distance learning technologies in school education is becoming a requirement of the time, since it allows solving the problems of developing competencies in schoolchildren, namely:

    educational and cognitive (to determine the goals and order of their work, independently plan their educational activities, exercise self-control);

    communicative (cooperate, participate in a group, exchange information);

    informational (independently search, analyze and select information, transform and transmit it);

    competence of personal self-improvement (analyze their achievements and mistakes, critically evaluate and re-evaluate the results of their activities).

The personal site of a subject teacher is a powerful tool in improving ICT competence.

Thanks to the use of distance learning technologies, it is possible to significantly increase the interest in the subject of students of different levels of preparedness.

Replacing the lesson form with independent, projective activities will create conditions for the productive creativity of students.
Distance learning can also be used effectively to close skill gaps or deepen knowledge.

I created the “Distance Learning” page on my website with the aim of deepening children's knowledge of programming. Currently, interest in programming has declined.

You can familiarize yourself with the materials in more detail on my sites.

http: //

and my blog

I continue to cooperate with school No. 6 of the city of Yurga on the use of distance learning technologies.

This pedagogical experience is used the young teacher of informatics of our school Markova Marina Sergeevna and my colleague MBOU Secondary School No. 6 in Yurga, Kemerovo Region, Chumakina Elena Valerievna in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, as well as in distance education.

Craig Barrett, chairman of the board of directors of Intel Corporation, said in one of his speeches “Technological advances mean nothing if teachers don't know how to use them effectively. Miracles are created not by computers, but by teachers ... "

Therefore, a special place in my work is occupied by interaction with subject teachers: these are integrated lessons, consultations, seminars and workshops.

In December 2014, at the city methodological association of technology teachers, an integrated open lesson in informatics and technology was presented “Using the LeKo computer magazine when creating a pattern for a shoulder product. Performing calculations for construction in Microsoft Excel ". In the same month, at the city methodological association of young mathematics teachers, I conducted an open practical lesson on the topic "Creating interactive presentations in mathematics. Building interactive graphs".

To improve the ICT competence of teachers, courses with a funny name "Young Hacker" were created, where all interested teachers could improve their knowledge and skills in the field of ICT.

Our school closely cooperates with the Medical Unit No. 2 and at the request of the administration of this institution, last year I conducted the same courses for their employees.

And the doors of the computer science room are always open for everyone. I share with my colleagues everything I know myself.

My work experience was positively assessed and presented at:

    Full-time round of the regional competition "IT - teacher of Kuzbass XXI century" in the nomination "Social services for education" in Kemerovo.

    My developments are posted on the sites -,, head My presentation on the topic "Relationship between an algorithm and a program in the Pascal programming language" became the winner - a Diploma of the II degree, the rest were awarded with certificates.

    Students' presentations with projects at scientific and practical conferences: at the XIII regional scientific and practical conference of students and students "Progressive technologies and economics in mechanical engineering" at UTI TPU. Result - Diploma for "Best Report" in the section "Current state and problems of natural science education".

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