Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law. Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law: faculties, reviews, address Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

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Names of Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law

November 2, 2015 federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law" renamed into the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education " Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law».

University today

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law" is the largest specialized state higher educational institution in the Far East , one of the leading specialized training centers for economic, legal and management profiles. Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law begins its history on June 30, 1970, when the Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy (KINH) was created - the first educational institution of this profile in the Far East.

At the same time, the history of two faculties of the university - law and trade and technology - began long before the formation of the university. On October 2, 1939, an educational advisory center of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law was created in Khabarovsk. The Faculty of Law became a part of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law on April 1, 1994 - at that time it was a branch of the Moscow State Law Academy. The history of the Faculty of Trade and Technology began in 1953 with the founding of the Khabarovsk educational and consulting center of the Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade. Later it became the Khabarovsk branch of the Moscow Commercial University, which in 1994 was attached to the academy as a commercial faculty. In 1994, the Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy, including the named faculties, was transformed into the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law (KSAEP). On November 2, 2015, the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law was renamed into the Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law (FSBEI VO "KSUEP").

Today KSUEP is a dynamically developing educational institution, where more than seven thousand students study, about 350 teachers work. The teaching staff is provided with personnel of the highest scientific and pedagogical qualifications with academic degrees and titles.

Every year, KSUEP graduates highly demanded specialists who are successfully making a career in government and local government bodies, in science, in business, in law enforcement and law enforcement agencies. The high professional and personal potential of KSUEP graduates allows them to play a key role in the professional communities of the Khabarovsk Territory and the entire Far Eastern region. Holders of the prestigious KSUEP diploma, having favorable starting positions, work in various regions of Russia, and are in demand abroad.

Education at KSUEP is conducted at five faculties (international economic relations, trade and technology, management, economics, law) according to training programs for specialists, bachelors, masters and postgraduates, within which students have the opportunity to choose one of the profiles they are interested in. All forms of education are used to master educational programs: full-time, part-time, part-time. Training is carried out according to an individual plan in an accelerated time frame, distance learning technologies are also used.

In 2015, Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law conducts training in two specialties, 9 directions and more than 20 bachelor's degree profiles:

Customs (specialty)

Economic security (specialty) - specialization "Forensic economic expertise"

Applied Informatics, profile "Corporate Information Systems"

Product technology and organization of public catering, profile "Technology and organization of restaurant business"

Economics, profiles: "Accounting, analysis and audit", "Accounting, analysis and audit of foreign economic activity", "Business statistics and forecasting", "Finance and credit" (including "State and municipal finance", "Banking", "Taxes and Taxation", "Insurance"), "World Economy"

Management, profiles: "Business Management", "International Management", "State and Municipal Management", "Personnel Management", "Management in Tourism and Hotel Industry", "Logistics", "Marketing"

Personnel Management

State and municipal administration

Trade business, profiles: "Retail trade and public catering", "Merchandising and examination of goods in domestic and foreign trade", "Commerce", "International commerce"

Preparatory courses, vocational guidance testing ensure a high level of applicants' readiness to receive specialized higher education.

Today, taking into account modern requirements for higher professional education, based on European standards, the academy has completely switched to a two-level education system (bachelor's and master's degrees). It is based on many years of experience and traditions of education, which guarantee the quality of the result.

KSUEP was among the first in the region to introduce elements of level education. Today, the Academy carries out master's training in the following areas: "Applied Informatics", "Economics", "Management", "State and Municipal Administration", "Personnel Management", "Trade", "Jurisprudence", within which 21 programs are being implemented.

The Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law implements a number of basic educational programs that are unique for the Khabarovsk Territory and the entire Far East of Russia: "Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit of Foreign Economic Activity", "Business Statistics and Forecasting", "Retail trade and public catering", "Commodity research and examination of goods in domestic and foreign trade",

In response to public inquiries, the University opened the specialties “Economic Security” and “Customs”, which are widely demanded in the region and the country.

In 2015, an event took place at KSUEP that promoted the integration of the university into the global scientific and educational space: the first in the Far East Research Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Asia-Pacific Region was created.

One of the key principles of the Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law is the provision of continuous education. In accordance with it, the university has created all the opportunities for additional training and advanced training.

In the postgraduate study of KSUEP, energetic and purposeful young people are improving, before whom interesting prospects open up. Postgraduate programs are implemented in three areas (historical sciences, economic sciences, legal sciences), which cover 10 scientific specialties.

The vigorous activity of the centers of additional education allowed the academy to become a regional platform providing further professional development, advanced training and certification of specialists. These are research, scientific and methodological and educational and methodological centers "Auditor", "State purchases", "Financier", "Insurance", "Anti-crisis management and property assessment", "Tax consulting", "Business and foreign languages", " Tourism and hotel industry "and others.

In addition, on the basis of KSUEP, training is carried out under the President's program for training management personnel in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Over the years of successful work, KSUEP has established relations with various centers of science and institutions of higher education. Partnership with research institutes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, government and local authorities, business structures allows to attract experienced specialists and researchers to participate in the educational process.

The university library is equipped with the necessary modern information and technical resources to provide educational programs implemented at the university. She possesses a unique collection of educational and scientific literature on economics, management and jurisprudence.

At KSUEP, special attention is paid to the development of international relations and partnership training programs with foreign universities in the USA, Europe, and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Cooperation with partner universities is carried out on the basis of interuniversity agreements, within the framework of which the exchange of students, postgraduates, teachers is carried out, as well as through the implementation of joint scientific and educational projects: conducting scientific research, publishing joint scientific papers, holding international symposia and conferences, attracting foreign professors , scientists and practitioners of foreign partner universities.

The center for teaching and testing the Russian language operating at the university allows foreigners to adapt to the Russian-speaking environment.

KSUEP successfully participates in international projects. For example, it is an active participant in the Tempus program, one of the European Community's programs aimed at improving higher education systems through fruitful trans-European cooperation between partner countries.

University representatives conduct teaching and research activities abroad, undergo internships. Students study through exchange programs and inclusive education, go abroad for internships and improve their language proficiency in summer schools. The double degree program gives senior students the opportunity to receive a second diploma from a foreign university upon completion of their studies, which significantly increases the competitiveness of a specialist in the labor market, including at the international level.

KSUEP participates in international exhibitions and fairs in Russia and abroad, which contributes to an increase in the export of educational services.

Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law successfully solves the problem of training personnel at the level of world standards, opening the way for its students and graduate students to the global world.

KSUEP is also a high corporate culture: university students are members of various university associations, lead in scientific, sports and creative competitions at the regional and national level, and the university alumni and friends club actively interacts with young people, conducting master classes and thematic meetings.

Research and innovation activities, the development of applied scientific research occupy a special place in the life of KSUEP.

Fundamental and applied research and development is being conducted at the university in nine branches of science, fully meeting the priorities of the economic development of the Far East.

KSUEP students realize themselves in scientific creativity, taking part in various forms of research work. They present their achievements at public scientific events, competitions of scientific works and olympiads, conferences and seminars, youth symposia and forums from intra-university to federal and international levels.

Every year, students of KSUEP become holders of personal scholarships. Among them are scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, them. N.N. Muravyov-Amursky.

On the basis of the university, the Khabarovsk regional branches of the Russian Academy of Legal Sciences and the All-Russian public organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia" are actively working.

The University has a Debate Club, created on the model of the United Nations: its members discuss topical world problems and travel abroad for multinational meetings.

To strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation of Russian and foreign students, the International Club of KSUEP was created.

University students actively participate in the creative life of the university, becoming annually prize-winners and winners of university competitions, interuniversity, city, regional festivals and events. There are creative studios at KSUEP: vocal, pop dance, folk dance, modern choreography, the Zerkalo theater-studio, and the School of Journalism.

The University annually holds an interuniversity student poetry competition "Lear" with the publication of collections of poems by students participating in the competition. The University Cup in KVN games annually brings together the teams of the city of Khabarovsk, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Sports teams adequately represent the university in competitions of various levels in Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory, Far Eastern Federal District, Universiade of universities of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, demonstrating high results and bringing victories to the treasury of sports achievements. As part of the national teams of the Khabarovsk Territory, university students take part in the Championships of Russia, and as part of the national teams of Russia - in the Championships of Europe, the World, in the Universiades.

History of University

The Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy (KINH) was created. Among the first departments of economics, organization and planning of industry, political economy, computer technology and programming, accounting and analysis of economic activity, finance and credit, statistics, Marxist-Leninist philosophy, higher mathematics, physical education, foreign languages ​​were opened in it. The training was carried out on a full-time basis of training in the following specialties: "Industrial planning", "Accounting", "Finance and credit". Preparatory courses and a preparatory department worked for those entering the university. The first graduation consisted of 75 students.

  • Three faculties were opened: planning and economic, accounting and financial and correspondence.
  • The Faculty of Accounting and Finance is divided into accounting and statistical and financial and economic faculties.
  • The military department was opened.
  • A new stage in the development of the institute begins. Within ten years, new departments and faculties have appeared: the Department of Labor Economics, the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Management and Planning of the National Economy, the Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
  • A laboratory for teaching aids and a laboratory for educational television are being created.
  • The department of international relations was created.
  • To carry out fundamental research, a research laboratory “Improvement of systems and methods of management” was organized.
  • An information and computing center has been created.
  • On the basis of the existing faculties, educational and production associations "Auditor", "Manager", "Financier", "Kommersant" were created.
  • Postgraduate studies were opened in scientific specialties 08.00.05 "Economics, planning and management of the national economy and its branches" and 08.00.07 "Economics of labor".
  • Formed and opened dissertation councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in scientific specialties 08.00.05 "Economics, planning and management of the national economy and its branches" and 08.00.07 "Labor economics".
  • On the basis of two specialties "International Economic Relations" and "Management of Material and Technical Resources and Organization of Wholesale Trade in Means of Production", the faculty "International Economic Relations" was created.
  • The training of specialists in the specialties "State and Municipal Administration", "Marketing" has begun.
  • On April 29, 1994, KhINKh was transformed into the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law (KSAEP). The academy, as faculties, included the Khabarovsk branches of the Moscow State Law Academy (Faculty of Law) and the Moscow Commercial University (Faculty of Commercial). The Faculty of Law was created on the basis of the oldest legal educational institution in the Far East - the Khabarovsk Consultative Center of the All-Union Institute of the NKJu USSR - in 1939. The Faculty of Commerce dates back to 1953, when an educational and consulting center of the Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade (ZIST) was opened in Khabarovsk. In 1961, the point was transformed into a ZIST branch. In turn, in 1990 ZIST was transformed into the Moscow Commercial Institute (MKI), and in 1992 already MKI - into the Moscow Commercial University.
  • The academy has six faculties: "Auditor", "Commercial", "Manager", "International Economic Relations", "Financier", "Legal".
  • The specialty "Commodity Science and Expertise of Goods" was opened.
  • Enrollment in the specialty "Jurisprudence" for full-time education has begun. The training was conducted within the framework of state legal, civil law and criminal law specialization.
  • The doctoral studies in the scientific direction "Research of the problems of the development of the regional economy in market conditions" was opened.
  • An educational and methodological center for the training of professional accountants and auditors "Auditor" was created.
  • Postgraduate studies in the scientific specialty "Finance, money circulation and credit" were opened.
  • Training was started in the specialties: "Economics and management at the enterprise (trade and public catering)", "Merchandising and examination of consumer goods", as well as specializations: "International commercial activities" and "International management".
  • The Coordination Council in the field of economics, management and law was created at the Far Eastern Regional Educational and Methodological Center.
  • A training center for crisis management and property assessment has been established.
  • An editorial and publishing center (RIC) was established, equipped with the most modern printing equipment.
  • Postgraduate studies were opened in scientific specialties 07.00.02 "Domestic history", 08.00.12 "Accounting, control and analysis of economic activity", 12.00.03 "Civil law; family law; civil procedure; private international law "and 12.00.08" Criminal law and criminology; criminal-executive law ".
  • Cooperation with the University of Luton (UK) has begun on the TACL (Educational and Academic Relations) and KEAP (Regional Educational and Academic Partnership) programs implemented by the British Council (Know-How Foundation).
  • Licenses were obtained to open specialties "Advertising", "Economic theory", "Economics and management at the enterprise (tourism and hotel industry)", "Anti-crisis management".
  • Training began in the form of an external student.
  • Together with the Council for International Research and Exchanges (IREX) and the non-profit corporation Project Harmony. Inc. ”(USA), the implementation of the long-term program“ US-Eurasia Internet Access and Training Program ”began, within the framework of which a dedicated communication channel with the global Internet network was created, thematic seminars were held, and literature on IT was provided , licensed software, participation in international conferences in Vladivostok and Moscow was financed, the qualifications of the teaching staff were raised, the equipment was systematically updated.
  • Postgraduate studies in scientific specialties 08.00.01 “Political economy”, 12.00.01 “Theory of law and state; history of law and state; history of political and legal doctrines "and 12.00.02" Constitutional law; public administration; administrative law; municipal law ".
  • In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 23, 1997 No. 744 and the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1164 of September 15, 1997, an educational consortium was established at the academy to train management personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation. Trainees are trained in three areas: "Management", "Marketing", "Finance and Credit".
  • Received a license to open a specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise (tourism and hotel industry)" and "International management".
  • A dissertation council was formed and opened to defend dissertations for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the scientific specialty 08.00.01 "Political economy (in economic sciences)".
  • A public procurement training center has been created.
  • The scientific and social journalistic journal "Bulletin of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law" was founded. The international editorial board of the journal includes representatives of nine leading universities in the USA, Japan, China, Great Britain, Finland, and the Republic of Korea.
  • Together with Portland State University (USA), the implementation of the "Partnership of Universities" program, funded by the US Information Agency (USIA), begins. This program includes joint scientific activities and internships for teachers and postgraduates, training for graduates of the Academy under the Bachelor of Humanities program, as well as distance learning for students under the Master of Business Administration and International Business Certificate programs.
  • In October, the academy successfully passed the certification and was accredited until 2004.
  • The first version of the academy website was created by the students.
  • A program for automating the work of the selection committee was created and implemented. Its support and modernization is carried out annually.
  • Representative offices of the Academy were opened in the cities: Yakutsk (Republic of Sakha-Yakutia) and Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Khabarovsk Territory).
  • Through the efforts of the faculty and students of the Faculty of Law, a public organization "Khabarovsk regional branch of the Youth Union of Lawyers" was created, one of the significant results of which is an operating legal clinic organized in the regional youth center "Contact".
  • Training has begun in the following specializations: "International Marketing", "Foreign Economic Activity" and "International Business".
  • At the Faculty of Law, the implementation of the program on legal education of schoolchildren, children's librarians and teachers "Living Law" has begun.
  • A dissertation council was formed and opened to defend dissertations for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the scientific specialty 08.00.10 "Finance, money circulation and credit".
  • Branches of the Academy were created in the cities of Birobidzhan (Jewish Autonomous Region), Blagoveshchensk (Amur Region) and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Sakhalin Region).
  • A debate club based on the United Nations model has been created at the MEO faculty.
  • The Center for Computer Technologies was established.
  • A structured cabling system and a local area network with access to the global Internet were put into commercial operation. A mini automatic telephone exchange was put into operation. This made it possible to increase the connection of PCs to the shared system, increase the number of PCs connected to the Internet, and triple the number of telephone users.
  • A new version of the academy website was created using modern technologies and with a professional design. The software for Internet traffic accounting was developed and implemented.
  • 40 teachers were trained to work with the software Project Expert, Marketing Expert, Forecast Expert, Audit Expert. Analytical systems for diagnosing the state of a business and choosing a development strategy.
  • The Center for Distance Education began its activity.
  • The Faculty of Law, together with the Committee for Human Rights, Social Protection and Legality of the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory, organized the participation of students in rule-making work in the form of a legal clinic.
  • To provide organizational, scientific and methodological, economic support for research and development of the teaching staff, a research sector has been organized.
  • An agreement was signed with the Far Eastern State University of Railways on the participation of the Academy in the work of regional dissertation councils for scientific specialties 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy (industry, transport)", 09.00.01 "Ontology and theory of knowledge", 09.00.03 "History philosophy ", 09.00.11" Social philosophy ".
  • Postgraduate studies have been opened on the specified list of scientific specialties: 12.00.03 “Civil law; family law; international private law ", 12.00.14" Administrative law; financial right; information law ", 12.00.15" Civil procedure; arbitration process ".
  • Training in the specialties "Mathematical Methods in Economics" and "Taxes and Taxation" has begun.
  • On the basis of the academy, two regional educational and methodological associations were organized for education in the field of management and for education in the field of finance, accounting and the world economy.
  • At the Faculty of Law, together with the Industrial District Court, a program has been launched to study public representation in court. Later, a similar program began to operate in the Khabarovsk Regional Court.
  • The dissertation council K 212.292.01 was formed to defend dissertations for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in scientific specialties 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy (entrepreneurship)", 08.00.10 "Finance, money circulation and credit".
  • An agreement was signed with the Khabarovsk State Technical University on the participation of the Academy in the work of the regional dissertation council for scientific specialties 22.00.03 "Economic sociology and philosophy", 22.00.04 "Social structure, social institutions and processes", 23.00.02 "Political institutions, economic conflict management , national and political processes and technologies ”.
  • Participation in the work of the regional dissertation council in the scientific specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy (labor economics)", operating at the Far Eastern State University of Railways, began.
  • International legal specialization has been opened for the specialty "Jurisprudence".
  • Local computer networks with Internet access were put into operation in the branches of the Academy in the cities of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Birobidzhan, as well as in the educational building at st. Serysheva, 60.
  • The Academy has successfully passed a comprehensive examination and received accreditation until July 2009.
  • A master's degree in Management has been opened (programs: General and Strategic Management, International Business, Financial Management) and Economics (programs: Firm Economics, Labor Economics). The master's program in management is carried out with the financial and informational support of partners in the international project "Tempus-Tacis".
  • Received a license for the specialty "Personnel Management".
  • The specialty "Economic Theory" (specialization "Analytical Economics") was opened.
  • Training has begun in the following specialties: "Applied Informatics in Economics" and "Technology of Public Catering Products".
  • An educational and methodological council for education in the field of jurisprudence was created in the Far Eastern Federal District, which included the academy.
  • On the basis of the Resource Center, a fiber-optic channel was launched between KSTU (PNU) and KSAEP. The Academy is connected to the RBNet (Russian Backbone Network) with a speed of 512 Kbps and a traffic of 10 GB.
  • The Center for Additional Professional Programs was created.
  • Training in the specialty "Public Relations" (specialization "Public Relations in the Sphere of Economics") and preparation of masters in the programs: "General and Strategic Management", "International Business", "Financial Business" have begun.
  • The scientific specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy (management of innovations and investment activities)" was opened in the dissertation council K 212.292.01.
  • The specialty "Jurisprudence" is open to municipal and legal specialization.
  • A new version of the site has been created. The site reaches the final of the All-Russian festival of Internet projects "New Reality" in the nomination "Education and Culture" and receives a Finalist Diploma.
  • A terminal system was launched in the library for 40 workplaces.
  • The creation of a local computer network in the hostel has begun.
  • A representative office of the Academy was opened in the city of Nakhodka (Primorsky Territory).
  • A military training center was opened on the basis of the military department.
  • The first enrollment of Chinese students for the "2 + 2" program for the preparation of bachelors has been carried out.
  • Training in the specialty "Personnel Management" and masters in the direction of "Economics" under the master's program "Labor Economics" has begun.
  • An agreement was reached and an agreement was signed with PNU to connect the data transmission network to the educational networks of the Russian Federation and the RBNet (Russian Backbone Network) network at a speed of 1024 Kbps and a traffic of 60 GB.
  • A new version of the academy website has been created, to which a content management system has been added.
  • The contingent formation department was formed.
  • The representative office of the Academy in the city of Yakutsk (Republic of Sakha-Yakutia) received the status of a branch.
  • The Academy is actively developing interactions with other organizations and becomes a member of the Forum of Presidents of Northeast Asian Universities (NAFUP), the Association of Presidents of Universities of the Asia-Pacific Region (APUPC) and the Association "North-East-West-South" (N. E. WS) , The Russian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Russian Association of Marketers, the Russian Society of Appraisers, the Far Eastern Chamber of Auditors and the Territorial Institute of Professional Accountants, the Association of Higher Law Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation and some others.
  • The Academy works under cooperation agreements with educational institutions of Great Britain, France, Portugal, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Austria, New Zealand, USA, Republic of Korea, Japan, China, as well as with leading universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as with international funds operating both in Russia and abroad. Participates in various international projects and programs funded by the British Council, European Commission, US Department of State, Eurasia Foundation, US Library of Congress, Winrock International, US Agency for International Development (USAID), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Headquarters the NATO apartment (Belgian Embassy) and other organizations. Strong ties have been established with Kangwon and Kunsan National Universities (Republic of Korea), Niigata State University and Niigata Sangyo University (Japan).
  • Partnership with research institutes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, state and municipal authorities, business structures and industrial enterprises allows us to attract experienced specialists and scientists to participate in the educational process. 60 percent of the teaching staff have academic degrees and titles.
  • Training at KSAEP is conducted in 24 specialties and 36 specializations. The implementation of educational programs is carried out in all forms of education: full-time, part-time, distance learning, external studies.
  • Accredited Master's degree in Management.
  • A student employment center was established.
  • The specialty "Logistics and supply chain management" was opened.
  • Accredited Master's degree in Economics.
  • Quality system certification body LLC "Khabarovsk Center for Certification and Metrocontrol" No. ROSS RU. 0001.13IS82 Academy issued a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001.
  • An agreement on academic cooperation was signed with the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Within the framework of the agreement, the implementation of a joint double-degree educational program in the specialty "World Economy" began.
  • The implementation of the TEMPUS IB_JEP 27107-2006 project "Special training for newly formed market institutions" (grant from the European Commission) has begun.
  • According to the results of the comprehensive rating of the leading Russian universities of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation following the results of the Federal scholarship program for the 2007/2008 academic year, the university takes 1st place in the ranking in the Far Eastern Federal District.
  • A new version of the KSAEP website was created on the basis of a new multi-portal content management system. The new site becomes a laureate of the Sterkh-2008 Prize of the Far East Information Technology Week in the Best Solution for a Corporate Site nomination.
  • In the hostel of KSAEP, an Internet class was put into operation, connected via a fiber-optic channel to the LAN of the university. An open access point is installed in the classroom, significantly expanding the information capabilities of students.
  • An international youth symposium "Implementation of the UN's goals of the third millennium: from plan to action" was held.
  • The first enrollment was made for the international educational program of double certification, implemented jointly with the University of Nice "Sophia Antipolis" (France).
  • The implementation of the Naumen University information and analytical system has begun.
  • The Distance Education Center was renamed into the Center for Affiliates and Distance Learning (CRF).
  • An educational and methodological department was organized, which included a department for the organization of the educational process and a department for quality management, licensing and accreditation.
  • In the bachelor's degree, new directions are opened: "Advertising and public relations", "Trade business", "Commodity science", "Applied informatics", "Product technology and organization of public catering".
  • Integrated scientific and educational structures have been created: the Far Eastern scientific and educational center "Development", the scientific and educational center "SOCIUM-Center", the scientific and educational center "VITAcenter-DV".
  • KSAEP participates in TEMPUS projects: IB-JEP-27107-2006 "Development of special courses for training specialists of newly formed market institutions"; ETF-JP-00276-2008 “Concept of the Higher School of Hotel Service in 4 CIS Regions”.
  • According to the results of the comprehensive rating of the leading Russian universities of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation following the results of the Federal scholarship program for the 2008/2009 academic year, the university took 3rd place in the ranking in the Far Eastern Federal District.
  • The Council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses D 212.292.01 in the specialty "Economics and management of the national economy (business economics)" and in the specialty "Finance, money circulation and credit" was opened.
  • The transition to a two-level training was carried out: bachelor-master. The first set of bachelors for the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education was completed.
  • On April 28, 2011, the head of the department of criminal procedure and forensic science, Ph.D., associate professor Plesovskikh Yuri Gerturovich was appointed acting rector of KSAEP.
  • Faculty "Commercial" was transformed into "Trade and technological" (January 13, 2011).
  • Received a perpetual license for the right to conduct educational activities in KSAEP and its branches.
  • A public relations department was formed.
  • The specialty "Economic security", specialization "Forensic economic examination" was opened.
  • In the bachelor's degree, new directions are opened: "Professional training" (profile "Professional training in economics"), "Sociology" (profile "Economic sociology"), "Business informatics", "Tourism", "Information systems and technologies"; in magistracy: "Jurisprudence", "State and Municipal Administration".
  • KSAEP receives public (non-state) accreditation in the field of "Jurisprudence". The Faculty "Legal" is undergoing the accreditation procedure carried out by the All-Russian public organization "Association of Russian Lawyers".
  • KSAEP participates in the TEMPUS project TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RO-TEMPUS-JPCR "Training of specialists in social psychology" (bachelor's and master's degrees) to work with migrants in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. "
  • On October 23, 2012, Yu. G. Plesovskikh was elected rector of KSAEP.
  • A modular-rating system for assessing student progress has been introduced.
  • New specialties “Customs” and “Translation and translation studies” are being opened.
  • The magistracy opens up new directions: conflictology, business informatics, trade, information systems and technologies, applied informatics.
  • On the basis of KSAEP, the debate club of the Academy is holding a regional conference on the UN model: "UN Initiatives: Through the Prism of Time"
  • KSAEP participates in the TEMPUS project "Improving higher education in the field of finance in Siberia and the Far East."
  • KSAEP is included in the list of accredited universities (according to Rosreestr) that conduct a unified qualification exam for appraisers-experts.
  • The first reception of the rector is held with the awarding of the best students of 1–5 courses in honor of the Academy's birthday.
  • The accounting department is reorganized into the accounting and economics department.
  • The department of legal, personnel work and office work of KSAEP was created, which included a personnel department, a legal department, an office and an archive.
  • Through reorganization, the following departments were created: civil law and civil procedural law; philosophy, history and theory of state and law; foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication; tourism and environmental management; information systems and technologies.
  • The Faculty of Economics was created by reorganizing the faculties "Financier" and "Auditor".
  • The personal auditorium of the Rosgosstrakh company was opened (room 433).
  • Faculty "Manager" was reorganized into the faculty of management.
  • Faculty names are as follows:
    • trade and technological faculty;
    • Faculty of International Economic Relations;
    • Management department;
    • Faculty of Economics;
    • Faculty of Law.
  • KSAEP receives state accreditation of educational activities for a period of six years (order dated 04.02.2014 No. 103 "On state accreditation of educational activities of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education" Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law ").
  • A new version of the KSAEP website has been launched.
  • The collection of the international scientific-practical conference "Global transformation of national market systems in the course of the formation of the knowledge economy", which took place in KSAEP on October 28-29, 2013, has been published.
  • KSAEP took part in the implementation of the TEMPUS project "Improving higher education in the field of finance in Siberia and the Far East." The partner university of the Academy was the Technical University of Kasice (Slovakia).
  • The first meeting of the rector with foreign students studying at the academy took place.
  • The Center for Research of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Asia-Pacific Region was established on the basis of KSAEP
  • On the basis of KSAEP, the debate club of the Academy is holding a regional conference based on the UN model "International Cooperation: Countering Threats to National Security and Development".
  • KSAEP took eighth place in the ranking of Russian universities in terms of the level of salaries of young specialists working in the specialty "Jurisprudence".
  • On November 2, 2015, by order of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law" was renamed into the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law".


  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations
  • Management department
  • Faculty of Commerce and Technology
  • Faculty of Law

Research activities

At the Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law, research activities are aimed at obtaining results in the following areas of creation and application of scientific knowledge:

Creation and development of scientific theory (development of scientific ideas, hypotheses; discovery, research and analysis of new phenomena, processes, properties, patterns and laws; development of theory, theoretical foundations);

Creation and development of scientific methodology (development and improvement of methods for theoretical study of problems and practical implementation of research results, as well as models and tools used to study the processes, properties and structures of systems);

Development and improvement of methods for obtaining funds and objects of labor, as well as the implementation of processes (technological, organizational, economic, social, environmental, etc.), which were based on previously conducted theoretical studies.

The main subjects of research activities are the academy's scientific and pedagogical workers who carry out fundamental and applied research, experimental development individually or as part of a research team headed by a scientific supervisor. Research and development is carried out in the following scientific disciplines:

Historical sciences;

Pedagogical sciences;

Political science;

Sociological sciences;

Technical science;

Physics and Mathematics;

Philosophical Sciences;

Economic sciences;

Legal sciences.

The subject of research activities covers various areas of science and economic practice and is enshrined in the academy's medium-term research program, the implementation of which is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Development of fundamental scientific research and expanding the range of applied scientific research, while ensuring the achievement of leading positions in the practical application of the results obtained in various fields, including economics, management and jurisprudence;

Implementation of the educational process by organizing scientific research of students, graduate students and doctoral students, all scientific and pedagogical workers and the transformation of the scientific activity of the Academy into a factor in the economic development of the Far Eastern territories of the country;

Positioning the research and development of the university in Russia and abroad by organizing public scientific events, supporting scientific and educational projects, creating research teams.

Sources of funding for research activities are: funds for grants, projects and programs provided by domestic and foreign organizations; funds from the founder's budget; extrabudgetary funds of the university.

Student Research Center

The Student Research Center (SNRC) was established at the university in 2001. The goals of its creation and activities are to develop students' stable professional motivation for research activities, support student scientific initiatives, and develop the creative potential of students.

The activities of the Student Research Center are managed by the director of the SNIC.

The Student Research Center is involved in organizing and conducting scientific competitions, conferences, preparing and implementing student programs and projects, attracting students to participate in scientific events, establishing partnerships with other universities and third-party organizations.

Student research activities at KSUEP are aimed at comprehensive support of student scientific initiatives, at encouraging the creative activity of students in scientific research, in taking part in all-Russian, regional, interuniversity Olympiads, conferences and competitions.

The main directions of research work:

The research activities of the students of the Academy are carried out in the following main areas:

  • organization and holding of all-Russian, regional, intra-university subject Olympiads on the basis of the academy and preparation of teams for participation in Olympiads organized by other universities;
  • ensuring the participation of students in all-Russian, regional, international, interuniversity, intrauniversity conferences, forums, seminars, round tables;
  • holding student scientific and scientific-practical conferences of all levels: the annual scientific conference of students and graduate students of KSUEP "Student Spring", international youth symposia and forums; student scientific and practical conferences in conjunction with credit, financial and industrial organizations in Khabarovsk;
  • organization of student participation in all-Russian, regional competitions for the best scientific, graduation qualification works in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, as well as competitions announced by public scientific organizations;
  • organization and maintenance of the work of student groups in various scientific areas.

Student organizations and associations:

At the Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law, student youth organizations and associations have been created and are successfully developing:

  1. Debate Club (Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Business Communication)
  2. German Language Club (Department of Foreign Languages)
  3. Discussion club "Dialogue" (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities)
  4. Civilian Clinic of Law Students (Department of Civil Procedure Law).
  5. Legal Clinic at the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics (together with the Khabarovsk regional branch of the Youth Union of Lawyers of the Russian Federation)
  6. Khabarovsk Club "Model UN in the Russian Far East"
  7. Youth Parliamentary Club
  8. Student scientific circles, clubs, societies at the departments of the Academy

Two faculty student scientific societies were organized:

  1. Student Scientific Society of the Trade and Technological Faculty of KSUEP;
  2. Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Law of KSUEP.

KSUEP students actively cooperate with state and municipal bodies, organizations, institutions.

International Relations Department

International Relations Department (OMS)- a structural unit of the University, created to organize the development of international cooperation of the University in order to train international level specialists in the field of educational, research and public activities.

Goals: organization and coordination of the University's participation in international cooperation programs that contribute to improving the quality of training of specialists, the implementation of joint research and, in general, increasing the prestige of the University at the international level.

Department tasks

  • organization at a high level of the international activities of the University, as a whole, in accordance with the goals of the University, determined by the Academic Council and the Rector of the University;
  • participation in the formation and implementation of the University's policy in the field of international and foreign economic relations;
  • determination of the feasibility of concluding agreements in the field of international and foreign economic relations of the University;
  • determining the feasibility of opening representative offices and branches of the University in foreign countries and exercising control over their activities;
  • assistance in attracting foreign investment;
  • formation and implementation of international projects and programs abroad and in Russia;
  • organization of the University's participation in international interuniversity associations and other organizations;
  • implementation of information and representative activities of the University;
  • development of international relations with educational institutions, foundations, and other organizations of foreign countries;
  • analytical work to assess the state of the international activities of the Academy;
  • accounting, analysis, informational and organizational support of the University's activities in the field of international relations and relations;
  • involvement of the teaching staff in international cooperation;
  • coordination of international cooperation of faculties, departments and other structural divisions of the University with foreign partners;
  • implementation of current consulting and other assistance to departments and employees of the University; assistance in obtaining grants and scholarships for educational and scientific activities;
  • organization of the work of foreign teachers at the University;
  • organization of training for students, graduate students, internships for teachers and staff abroad;
  • organization of training for foreign students, postgraduates, doctoral students and interns who stay at the University under intergovernmental and interuniversity agreements, as well as on an individual basis;
  • conducting marketing research of the market for international educational services and strategies (strategies for recruiting foreign students).
Department functions

OMS, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:

  • ensuring the preparation and holding of meetings of the Rector of the University, vice-rectors, deans of faculties and heads of structural divisions with foreign delegations and representatives;
  • coordination, in the manner prescribed by federal law and the University Charter, of all draft documents signed by the Rector of the University with foreign partners;
  • organization and implementation of activities for the preparation, approval, conclusion, commissioning, storage and implementation of contracts, agreements, programs and other bilateral and multilateral documents in the field of international relations of the University;
  • protocol support of international official events with the participation of the rector and other representatives of the University;
  • interaction with international organizations and other representative offices of foreign countries on the territory of the Russian Federation on international cooperation, holding protocol events;
  • interaction with educational institutions, consulates and representative offices of Russia in foreign countries on international relations, including the coordination, if necessary, of draft agreements on international relations of the University;
  • carrying out work to establish and develop relations between the University and foreign educational and scientific institutions and organizations
  • exercising, within the limits of its competence, control over the observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of international relations;
  • work with the media to form a positive image of the University abroad, preparation of analytical and informational materials about the educational and scientific activities of the University, as well as in the field of international relations;
  • collection, analysis, generalization and presentation of information on the state and development of relations with foreign partners to the rector and the Academic Council of the University;
  • analysis of project ideas submitted by departments and staff of the University and the potential of the teaching staff in terms of their participation in specific international projects and programs;
  • preparation of proposals for the participation of representatives of the University in events held by international associations, associations, unions, foundations, consulates, higher educational institutions;
  • participation in the development of joint educational programs and research projects with foreign partners;
  • monitoring the implementation of contracts and agreements of the University and its divisions with foreign partners;
  • organization of international exchanges of students, graduate students, teachers, researchers;
  • search and dissemination of information about foreign funds, grants, scholarships (conditions, terms); creation of a database on international funds, grants, scholarships, exchange programs, foreign internships;
  • participation in the preparation and organization of international conferences, seminars, "round tables" with representatives of foreign universities and other organizations;
  • organization of trips abroad of the University delegations at the invitation of foreign partners, as well as the organization of the stay at the University of foreign delegations arriving at the invitation of the Rector of the University;
  • organization and participation in promotional events to attract foreign students to study at the University on a paid basis;
  • organization of admission of foreign students to the Academy on a paid basis;
  • organization of pre-university training of foreign students in Russian as a foreign language on the basis of the Center for Intercultural Communication;
  • organization of testing of foreign citizens for knowledge of Russian as a foreign language on the basis of the Center for Intercultural Communication;
  • provision of cost estimates for all forms of international relations to the financial departments of the University;
  • assistance to the departments of the University in the search for foreign partners in certain areas of international cooperation;
  • preparation of annual reports on the international activities of the University.


  • Perekalsky Vladimir Alexandrovich - rector-organizer from 1968 to 1969
  • Gaidachuk Semyon Iosifovich - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, rector from 1969 to 1974.
  • Molotov Petr Maksimovich - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, rector from 1974 to 1981.
  • Lysenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, rector from 1981 to 1987.
  • Petr Mikhailovich Konevskikh - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector from 1987 to 1996.
  • Likhobabin Vladimir Alekseevich - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Rector from 1996 to 27.04.2011.
  • Plesovskikh Yuri Gerturovich - Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Rector from 2012 to the present.

Famous graduates

  • Nesterenko Tatiana Gennadievna - graduate of the Faculty of Finance (1981), head of the Federal Treasury of Russia.
  • Elizarov Viktor Aleksandrovich - graduate of the Faculty of Law (1979), Chairman of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Far Eastern Federal District, Honored Lawyer of Russia.
  • Katsuba Alexander Stanislavovich - graduate of the Faculty of Finance (1981), Deputy Prime Minister of the Khabarovsk Territory, Minister of Finance.
  • Shlyakhovoy Andrey Zakharovich - a graduate of the faculty "Auditor" (1982), president and chairman of the board of OJSC Far Eastern Commercial Bank Dalkombank (since 2012, a branch of MTS-Bank).
  • Gudilin Alexander Vasilievich - a graduate of the Faculty of "Commercial" (1985), manager of the affairs of the Ministry of the food industry, trade, consumer services.
  • Vdovenkov Valery Markovich - graduate of the Faculty of Law (1971), Chairman of the Khabarovsk Regional Court, Honored Lawyer of Russia.
  • (since 2006).
Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Former names

Khabrovsky Institute of National Economy (KINH)

Year of foundation
Type of



Yuri Gerturovich Plesovskikh


Russia , Khabarovsk

Legal address

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, Faculty of Law

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law(KSAEP) is a specialized economic educational institution. The Academy was founded in 1968 as the "Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy"; modern name since 1994

The structure of the academy includes the following faculties: Trade and Technology (until 2011 it was called "Commercial"), Legal, "Auditor", "Manager", "Financier", "International Economic Relations".

Forms of study: full-time, part-time, part-time abbreviated, part-time using distance learning technology, external studies. As part of the academy, there is a master's degree, leading training in the areas of "Economics" and "Management".

The structure of the academy has branches in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk , Birobidzhan and Blagoveshchensk.


The Academy was founded in 1968 as the "Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy" (KINH). Since 1970, the admission of students began. Among the first departments at the institute were opened:

  • economy,
  • organization and planning of industry,
  • political economy,
  • computing and programming,
  • accounting and business analysis,
  • finance and credit,
  • statistics,
  • Marxist-Leninist philosophy,
  • higher mathematics,
  • physical education,
  • foreign languages.

The training was carried out on a full-time basis of training in the following specialties: "Industrial planning", "Accounting", "Finance and credit". Preparatory courses and a preparatory department worked for those entering the university. The first graduation consisted of 75 students.

In 1974, three faculties were formed: planning and economic, accounting and financial and correspondence.

In 1994, KhINKh was transformed into KSAEP, having received the status of an academy. The Khabarovsk branches of the Commercial University and the Law Academy of Moscow were included in the Academy on the rights of faculties.

Today, the Academy conducts training at six faculties in 23 specialties, within which students have the opportunity to choose from 30 specializations. To master educational programs, students of KSAEP use all forms of education: full-time, part-time, external studies; distance learning technology is also used.

Educational opportunities

For those who already have a secondary specialized education of the corresponding profile or higher education, there is an opportunity to get a second specialty on a part-time abbreviated form of study. This form is very popular among those who want to replenish their knowledge and improve their qualifications in just 3-4 years on the job.

Since 2004, the university has opened a master's program in the areas of "Management" and "Economics", within the framework of which the current programs "General and strategic management", "International business", "Financial management", "Labor economics" are implemented.

The leading specialists of the university conduct consultations and seminars in banking, commercial and other structures, carry out audit services, conduct retraining and advanced training of practitioners. To this end, the Academy has established research, scientific and methodological and educational and methodological centers for the training and education of auditors, training and certification of professional accountants, anti-crisis management and property assessment, insurance, finance and taxation, public procurement, the "Banker" center.

KSAEP participates in the activities of various associations, including the Russian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Russian Association of Marketers, the Russian Society of Appraisers, the Forum of Presidents of Northeast Asian Universities and others.


  • Official site of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law. Archived from the original on February 17, 2012. Retrieved November 26, 2011.
Higher education institutions Khabarovsk Territory

Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University Far Eastern Academy of Civil Service
Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture Far Eastern State Medical University
Far Eastern State Transport University Far Eastern Institute of Legislation and Jurisprudence
Far Eastern Institute of Management, Business and Law
Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University
Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Sooner or later, every person has thoughts about what specialty to choose for his future life, what profession to focus his attention on. It is not easy to make a choice, because there are a lot of specialties, but not all of them are in demand. The most relevant areas in the modern world are those related to finance, jurisprudence, management. The Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, which has become a university, invites applicants to demanded and prestigious specialties.

About educational institution

The university, which is now functioning in Khabarovsk, appeared in 1970. He began work in the field of education under the name of the Institute of National Economy. This educational institution existed until 1994, after which it became the Academy of Economics and Law. It wasn't just a renaming. There was a merger of two branches of Moscow universities with the Institute of National Economy.

The educated educational institution developed dynamically, actively participated in scientific activities. As a result, the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law became a university. Such a significant event in the history of the university happened in 2015. Today this educational institution is considered a recognized university in the Far East, one of the leading centers for the training of economists, lawyers, managers. The university has 5 faculties (international economic relations, management, economics, trade and technology and jurisprudence), each of which is worth considering in more detail.

Faculty of International Economic Relations

In the Far East, specialists of international level began to be trained in 1993. The faculty of international economic relations, which was created in its organizational structure by the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, took over the training of students. In the beginning, personnel were trained in the "World Economy" and "Commerce". Later, new specialties were discovered. Today, training is conducted in 5 programs:

  • "Economy".
  • "Trading business".
  • "Management".
  • Public Relations and Advertising.
  • "Customs business".

At the faculty, special attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, because their knowledge is now a requirement of the time, an important factor ensuring the competitiveness of graduates. For high-quality language training, the university periodically invites foreign specialists to conduct classes, deliver lectures in a foreign language. Also, the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law provides students with the opportunity to undergo language internships. They are held in foreign universities.

Faculties of Management and Economics

For those applicants who want to work as businessmen in the future, to occupy managerial and other important positions in government and commercial structures, the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law has created the Faculties of Management and Economics:

  1. The department preparing managers appeared when the institute still existed. This event dates back to 1974. The faculty was called economic planning at that time.
  2. The economic structural unit was formed in 2013. It was created on the basis of two faculties ("Financier" and "Auditor"), which have existed since 1970.

Today, the Faculties of Management and Economics are prestigious structural divisions of the university. Here, students become bachelors in management, economics and computer science. Thanks to the acquired knowledge and the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process, they develop flexible thinking, the ability to see strategic guidelines and quickly adapt, make decisions in changing conditions.

Faculty of Commerce and Technology

The existence of this department began long before the appearance of the highest educational institution. The modern faculty at the time of its inception was a consulting and educational center of one university working in Khabarovsk, and later was a branch of the capital's educational institution. In 1994, a commercial division was formed from it. It trained commodity experts, economists, accountants, technologists, merchants.

In 2011, the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law (Khabarovsk) was renamed a subdivision. It received its modern name. Today, this faculty offers specialties (directions) related to:

  • with product technology and catering;
  • with trade.

Faculty of jurisprudence

The department of jurisprudence is another faculty, the history of which began before the creation of the university in question. It was originally a consulting and training center for one All-Union Institute. In the 90s, it was already a branch of the Moscow Law Academy. In 1994, he was affiliated with the educational organization in question. As a result of this procedure, the branch became the law faculty of the university.

Today this structural unit is considered the center of legal education in the Far East. Students are trained in the only direction - in "Jurisprudence". Thanks to the knowledge gained, many graduates manage to take worthy positions. They work as heads of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, judges.

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law: reviews

The university that grew out of the academy has a lot of good reviews. They are left by students who say that it is here that students are provided with quality education, which in the future will certainly become the key to success.

People who entered this university list the huge number of opportunities that open up to students. Here are the main ones:

  • a wide range of specialties and areas of training;
  • availability of budgetary places;
  • studying foreign languages ​​at a high level;
  • provision of dormitory places for students in need and payment of scholarships;
  • the presence of creative studios, sports sections.

It will be useful for those people who have read the reviews and decided to enter this university to find out where the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law is located. The address of the institution is Tikhookeanskaya Street, 134. The phone number of the admissions office can be found on the official website of the institution.

In conclusion, it should be noted that today the Khabarovsk Academy of Economics and Law, which has turned into a university, is a large educational institution. About 10 thousand students study in it. The teaching staff includes over 500 highly qualified employees, including people with academic degrees and titles.

schedule Working hours:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 08:30 to 17:00

Latest reviews of KSUEP

Anonymous review 09:59 06/04/2019

The opinion is mixed. Be prepared that if you are a nonresident student and are not ready to rent a separate apartment, you will have to live in a dormitory of the times of the USSR (the last modernization was done, it seems, at the same time). Terrible conditions. However, the university positions itself as one of the best in the Far East; nevertheless, there are no costs at all for the well-being of its students. If you are the best university, what do you have then the living conditions of your future valuable personnel as in an outhouse in a roadside eatery? In winter he came ...

Anonymous review 04:02 07/12/2016

I would like to refer to the management of the University. I graduated from this University in 2016. In general, you can learn. I don’t want to talk about the quality of education, and I won’t, because. K. I studied at the correspondence department while having experience in the field of my profession. BUT. There is there the dean of the faculty of the department "Finance" Sergey Nikolayevich Soldatkin ... We did not have any situations during the sessions with the teachers, someone openly threw down, someone meticulously found fault with every formula in the course or control. However, they all ...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law"


No. 02046 valid Indefinitely from 29.03.2016


No. 02005 valid from 15.05.2016 to 04.02.2020

Previous names of KSUEP

  • Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for KSUEP

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 5 6 4 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study59.37 60.25 59.55 58.97 60.01
Average USE score enrolled in the budget72.45 71.89 68.50 69.74 71.02
Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis57.4 56.41 55.46 54.33 56.14
Average for all specialties the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department40 40.19 39.90 41.27 41.62
Number of students5413 5895 5711 6341 6427
Full-time department2420 2762 2830 3157 3457
Part-time department185 117 69 21 0
Extramural2808 3016 2812 3163 2970
All data
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