Semaphore alphabet. Semaphore alphabet: what it is, how it is applied, history of invention, basic principles

The Russian semaphore alphabet that exists today in the Navy was developed in 1895 by Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov.

The Russian semaphore alphabet is compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet, includes 29 alphabetic characters and 3 service characters. It does not contain numbers or punctuation marks. Their transmission is carried out by letter, word. For example, the number "7" will be conveyed by the word "seven", and the character "," - by the word "comma".

Each letter and symbol corresponds to a certain position of the hands with flags. A semaphore message consists of words composed of letters represented by the corresponding position of the flags.

The transmission of information by a semaphore is carried out by signalmen using flags, the size of the fabric of which is 30 × 35 cm.The color of the fabric of the flags depends on the time of day: in the dark, flags with light-colored fabric (yellow, white) are used, and in daylight days - with a dark fabric (red, black).

In the absence of flags, they are semaphore with peakless caps.

The average transmission rate of a flagged semaphore by a trained signaling device is 60-80 characters per minute.

The flag semaphore is intended for communication in the daytime over a short distance equal to 1 - 1.5 miles when received with the naked eye and with good visibility, 2.5 miles when received with the help of optical devices and with good visibility. The exchange rate of the flag semaphore at the limit ranges reaches 100-110 characters per minute. Communication with a flag semaphore is carried out only by words transmitted by letters.

Each letter of the Russian alphabet has a certain conventional sign assigned to it, depicted by a certain position of the hands with flags. By sequentially displaying the characters of the letters in the order of their sequence in the word, they are transmitted over a distance. Reception is based on the correct definition (reading) of words and sentences. Sending and receiving in this order of words and sentences constitutes a flagged semaphore communication process. The conventional signs established for the letters of the alphabet are called the semaphore alphabet.

Flags used to communicate with a semaphore are made from a pole 45 cm long and 2.0-2.6 cm in diameter, at one end of the pole a piece of fabric (staple or flagduh) 30-35 cm in size is attached. The color of the fabric is chosen the same for a pair checkboxes. To transmit the semaphore, the color of the flags is selected depending on the background on which the communication is carried out: on a dark background, flags of light color (yellow, white) are used, on a light background - of a dark color (black, red).

The Russian semaphore alphabet, compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet, includes 29 alphabetic characters (front endpaper) and has features, knowledge of which accelerates and ensures the process of mastering the reception and transmission technique by a flag semaphore. These include:

- the similarity of the image of the semaphore signs A, G, K, T, U with the image of these letters adopted in the Russian alphabet;

- the establishment of the same sign for pairs of letters EUE, UUH, LUB (therefore, in the texts of semaphores, the letter E is written in the same way as E, the letter Y as I, a soft sign, like a hard sign);

- pairwise symmetry in the image of semaphore signs A and U, B and D, C and D, E and C, F and Z, K and X, L and M, N and O, P and R, F and Y, Ts and Ch , Ш and Ш, Ю and Я. In addition, the signs V and Г, Ж and З, L and M, N and O, P and R, Ц and Ч, Ш and Щ, Ю and Я are symmetrical in the image. semaphore alphabet;

- semaphore signs E and C, Vi G, Ni O, IiY are depicted with one hand. In this case, the signs B, E, I (Y) and H are depicted with the right hand, and the signs C, G, O - with the left;

- in semaphore signs B and D, V and D, E and C, F and 3, L and M, N and O, P and R, Ts and Ch, Sh and Sh, Y and Y, which are pairwise symmetric, the position of the flag the right hand in the first character corresponds to the position of the left hand flag of the adjacent character.

Service marks of the Russian semaphore alphabet:

- call sign - to establish communication with a flag semaphore. It is given by waving the semaphore flags raised above the head; at the same time, the position of the hands does not go beyond the boundaries established for the letter U;

- answer mark — to confirm the receipt of a call sign for communication (a call to communication is noticed), as well as to confirm each correctly received word during negotiations. Given by downward-facing semaphore flags. When waving, hands should not go beyond the limits established for the letter A;

- repetition sign (error) - to request a repetition of an unaccepted word. It is given by raising the semaphore flags above the head twice, corresponding to the position of the hands for the b (b) sign. It is used when transmitting text and as a sign of an error, followed by the transmission of the correct (corrected) word;

- waiting sign - if necessary, temporarily interrupt the transmission or reception of the semaphore. The signalman, interrupting the transmission (reception), describes horizontal circles above his head with semaphore flags raised up;

- end sign - to indicate that the transmission of the semaphore or negotiations are over. It is indicated by alternately lifting up and lowering down the semaphore flags with the left and right hand several times;

- question mark — in cases where the transmitted semaphore text requires an answer. It is indicated by the transmission of the sign corresponding to the letter T twice;

- separating sign - when transmitting a signal consisting of several signal combinations, to separate one signal combination from another. It is indicated by raising the semaphore flags to the position corresponding to the sign b (b), and lowering them to the feet. This service sign is similar to the repetition sign, the only difference is that with the repetition sign the semaphore flags are raised twice, with the separating sign - once;

- sign of impossibility of reception - to show the transmitting signalman that reception is impossible (signs are poorly visible), it is depicted by writing off one or two semaphore flags in one hand of three circles in a vertical plane.

The choice of the place for transmission with semaphore flags predetermines the quality of reception. Therefore, if necessary, the receiving signaller can indicate to the transmitting the place from which the transmission is better visible. For this purpose, additional service signs are used (Fig. 1.7):

- "Move to the right of me (receiving) side." It is done with a waveform 4-5 times to the right side by 90 ° by a semaphore flag extended forward into a horizontal position, that is, the sign corresponding to the letter B is repeated several times in a row;

History of appearance and scope of application

The beginning of the 19th century in France is known in history for the fact that it was at that time that a unique method was invented capable of transferring data from a ship to land. This method is called the semaphore alphabet.

In fact, the process of broadcasting the necessary data was as follows: at the match itself, several crossbars were raised at once and by moving them letters were added, and after - phrases. That made it possible for the other party (receiving) to quickly receive the data.

Translated from Greek, "Semaphore" - "bearing sign". In fact, for a couple of centuries, this signaling system was in demand and was widely used all over the world, but exactly until the moment when it was replaced by the well-known radio communication and. After that, interest in flags began to gradually fade, due to the fact that the new techniques turned out to be much more effective and not so time-consuming.

To date, the semaphore transmission of information in the fleet is actually not used, due to more efficient methods.
History of the semaphore alphabet in the territory of the Russian Federation

The introduction of this alphabet in Russia is closely related to the name of Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov. So, in late XIX century, it was he who formed the algorithms for the translation of Russian symbols with the use of flags.

Russian version of the semaphore alphabet

Includes 29 characters, to which (if the need arises) can be added and three service letter elements. So, absolutely the entire range of digital signs and punctuation marks is transmitted by letter, due to the fact that there is no separate designation for this list.

Each letter or service symbol is an established position of the hands with flags. However, (due to the absence of flags), data transmission can be carried out using a cap.

It is assumed that the signalman who has perfectly mastered the specifics of the flag alphabet operation method can clearly reproduce about 60-80 characters for one minute.

Please note that in the evening and at night, in the semaphore alphabet, flags of bright and light shades (white or yellow) are used, in the daytime, respectively, red or black.

Semaphore alphabet abroad

In 17th century England, various images were used to transfer data. The semaphore alphabet in the form in which it is now was formed in France only two centuries later.
The use of the flag system abroad, in fact, does not differ much from the same actions, but carried out on the territory of Russia. The differences lie only in certain aspects, which include:

  • Abroad flags are not the same color, but different. In fact, each such flag is a separate symbol, it is enough just to hang the flags in a certain order and thus form words or whole sentences from them. It is based on the Latin alphabet.
  • Western semaphore alphabet has special designations for numbers, not just letters. In this case, the method of transferring information is allowed and two flags.

Systematization of the flag language

Due to the fact that the method of transmitting data using a semaphore was recognized as very effective, it became necessary to order all available signals.

In the nineteenth century, the number of ships increased noticeably, many states acquired a personal fleet, which is why it was urgently needed to form a single language of sailors for communication at a distance. The signal semaphore table, leading to international uniformity of flags, their colors and meanings, was finally formed in 1875. It includes 18 main flags that are permanently used in the fleet.

At the moment when they just started to develop this list, only 4 states were its direct participants:

These included:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • Britannia
  • France

But already in the period starting from 1901, these four countries were joined by states that owned a merchant and military fleet, after which they approved this method for effective use.

The marine semaphore alphabet finally received official approval - it was registered and recognized as an integrated system that helps transfer data over distances.

Today, the International Code of Signals consists of three blocks:

  1. Includes 20 flags representing only alphabetic characters (this does not apply to numbers). Here, which is quite logical and foreseeable, the alphabet with Latin letters is used for interpretation.
  2. Contains 10 flags that represent numeric characters from 0 to 9.
  3. It has 3 replacement flags.

In practice, replacing semaphore flags are used only in the most exceptional situations, precisely when it is simply impossible to do without use. These can be attributed to the moment when sea ​​vessel there is only 1 set of flags, and it is very urgent to post repeating letters in one word.

The Russian semaphore alphabet existing today in the Navy was developed in 1895 by Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov. The Russian semaphore alphabet is compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet, includes 29 alphabetic characters and 3 service characters. She is not ... ... Wikipedia

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