Quotation plan for the story of the leader of redheads. Live on the light side

Year: 1913 Genre: tale

Main characters: Orphan Alexey Peshkov, mother of Varvara, grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich, Grandma Akulina Ivanovna, Uncle Mikhail and Yakov, Ivan Gypsies

Alexey lost his father early, the mother almost immediately after the funeral of the husband disappeared, and the boy was brought up by his grandmother and grandmother. Physical punishments, scandals and fights in the family, the cruelty and greed of grandfather, hatred between children and parents, violent deaths - a child lived in this setting and felt longing, fear and anger from what is happening.

The returned mother soon got married again, but step off, first lost all their property in the card, started a novel on the side and began to beat his wife. Soon mom, exhausted and weak, died, leaving a 11-year-old son on the care of the grandmother and killed his grandfather. Immediately after her death, the grandfather kicked the grandson from home, not wanting to feed him for her money.

Maxim Gorky In the first part of his famous trilogy, told about his harsh childhood, describing the entire situation in which he had to grow, and the family, from which he had to go to his life at 11 years old. The work he wrote for his son, having transferred him the memory of heavy times and complex relationship between, seemingly native people.

Read Summary Bitter Childhood

Chapter 1

Tight dark room. Father lies on the bed, near him sits, wiping tears, mother. Little Alexey is worth a well, holding his crying grandmother behind his hand. The old woman pushes the boy to his father, but he is awkward five. Alexey first sees the adults cry, like children, and could not understand why he is asked to say goodbye to the toy: "Damage he, not in his time ...". From strong shocks, the mother began premature birth, Alexey managed to hide behind the chest and watched everything from there. Born boy.

A few days after the funeral, the family went on a steamer to Nizhny Novgorod. On the road, the newborn Maxim died. All the time, the boy spends with her grandmother, while the mother is mostly silent for mostly silent. Finally, they arrived at the Nizhny, where they were met on the deck grandfather, uncle Yakov and Mikhail, brothers, aunt and sister. Alexey Relatives did not like and seemed to be strangers.

Chapter 2.

Later, Grandma said that uncle wanted a section of the father's property. Mother's arrival only strengthened their intention to get inheritance due to them. The opposition of the brothers reached the fight.

The grandfather commissioned aunt Natalia to help Alexei to learn "Father Our", but the prayer did not give a boy. In the family in the punishment of the stoles and sequels of children, only the mother of Barbar forbade Alexei's mother. Everyone as if her was afraid, and even grandfather himself spoke to her carefully. But one day for misconduct the grandfather of the boy's ridges. Then the boy was overhearding the conversation of the mother in which she admitted that his father was afraid and, if not if she had not, she would have left this nightmare from this nightmare.

Chapter 3.

Alexey loved Gypsy: the guy to reduce the suffering of the boy during a spanking, substituted his hand, adopting a part of pain for herself. Gypsy treated in a special way. Many years ago, a gypsy was thrown at the door, and decided to leave his grandmother with her grandmother. Polspire Master Gregory told about the father of Alexey - Maxim Savvatych. He also told the boy, like Yakov at his time scored his wife to death, and now suffers to the drunken head of conscience. The Master advised to always hold on to her grandmother, so as not to disappear. And mentioned that the coshirins do not like good, and therefore they beat Maxim to the grave. Sometimes the grandfather gave some money gypsy and sent to the market for provisions. Everyone understood that he brought mostly brought. Grandma has always been angry at such days for his grandfather, encouraging theft, and the Gypsy himself. According to the fault of Yakov and Mikhail Vanya Tsyganka pressed the hard cross, and he died.

Chapter 4.

Every night, the grandmother prayed to God, telling about the quarrels that occurred in detail. Life in the house every day seemed all the harder, even Gregory often spoke, turning to God that it would be better to go blind and went to the world. Natalia, often beating by his spouse, also happened, requested the Lord to pick her up to him. Somehow happened scary fire, during which the grandmother burned. On the same night, Natalia began to give birth from fear and died during childbirth.

Chapter 5.

Spring grandfather bought a house, the lower rooms were handed over to the tenants. Yakov stayed in the city, and Mikhail moved behind the river. Grandma was happy, saying that finally they healed calmly. All the tenants ran to her for different advice, and often called her to visit tea. The boy followed her everywhere. Sometimes a mother appeared for a while, but unnoticed every time disappeared. Grandfather, hoping that new wives and children will be able to pacify the sons, he conceived to marry Yakov and Mikhail.

Grandfather began to learn the letter of grandson himself, and began to smash his less, despite the fact that the boy with age began to break his decrees more often. Grandfather took care of how easily Alexey learning is given. In the evenings, he often told him "affectionate". In one evening, grandfather hit her lips on her lips to her unpleasant children. This event is very upset the boy.

Chapter 6.

In the family again scandal. The grandfather's house came running up with an unfinished yak, complaining about the "swelling" bear, who, first beats in the house of Brother all the dishes, goes to kill his father. Grandmother sent Alexei to watch the attic window and warn everyone if Michael appears. Mikhail and in fact she soon appeared on the street, but he did not go to them, but in the Kabak.

The boy increasingly remembers mom, presenting where she is now and how he lives. He understands why she does not want to be with her family.

Meanwhile, Yakov pulls the drunken Michael from the Kabak and begins to beat him. The whole street watches this and laughs. Grandma sits at the threshold and quietly crying, watching her children once again, and Alexey strokes her wet cheeks. Frequently, Misha came with his assistants and began to turn everything over the bottom in the parent yard. At such moments, the grandmother tried to hurt him and rushed into the bakes, and the boy, fearing for her, ran after the old woman and shouted. It happened, Mikhail threw a brick in the window, from which grandfather was crying, or she laughed. Once, Mikhail hit his mother in his hand scramble, breaking her bone. Grandfather, despite all these situations, did not want to give the inheritance of the barbarians to sons.

Chapter 7.

The innkeeper who lived in their home was somehow stolen with his grandfather, and he also wrapped her grandmother from anger, throwing carrots in her. Grandmother who does not have anything to do with their conflict, responded quite calmly and did not keep evil, but Alexei became a shame for her, and he decided to take revenge on the woman. As a result, he locked a woman in the cellar, but her grandmother, having learned about it, scolded his grandson and opened the captive. Later she told him that it was impossible for children to get confused into the affairs of adults spoiled people, and that, besides God, no one should judge.

Grandfather and grandmother often spoke with the grandson of God, but each of them had their own idea about him, they even prayed in different ways. The grandfather god caused fear in the boy and was unpleasant him, cruel, soon on punishment and strict; God grandmother, on the contrary, was fair and kind.

In the courtyard of friends, Alexei was not, the guys often teased him, and soon he was generally forbidden to go beyond the yard, as he began to fight. The boy did not pull the guys in the game, but he could not watch aside if he saw the birds, animals, beggars or blissful Ishoshu. Often there was already a blinded Master Gregory. The old woman led him under his arm, stopping with a silent blinder at the windows and asking for alms. Grandma, seeing the master, went to him and they talked for a long time, and sometimes called for lunch. Gregory, who loved the boy, often asked about him, but Alexey was ashamed to go to him, and he always flew and hid. The boy did not understand why the grandfather threw a blinded wizard into the street. Grandma somehow said, crying that God bitterly will punish them for Gregory. So it happened: after a dozen years, after the death of the grandmother, the distraught and beggar grandfather will walk and ask for food under the windows.

Chapter 8.

Later they moved to another house. He lived in one of the rooms a man who has always said to the invitation to drink: "Good matter." Soon it was so nicknamed - a good thing. He was constantly sitting in his room, and Alexey was incomprehensible than he did it: the man was melting, then he was copper. The boy loved to watch him, but everyone else believed the fucking strange and feared, and grandfather rushed at all, if he learned that he was at the "Warlock" on a visit. A good thing was "scary lonely", sad and humble. In the end, he was kicked out, and Alexey was unbearable annoying and sad from it.

Chapter 9.

Sitting on the tree, Alexey looked at the game of three brothers, and saw the youngest boy jumped into the well. He quickly came to the rescue, and since then began his way with them. The brothers called Alexey to visit, when their father suddenly returned. A strict colonel forbade him to go to his home, and he also complained to the grandfather. Because of Petra's displacement, a real enmity broke out between him and Alexey. Soon, Peter was found dead in the Kashirin Garden.

Chapter 10.

In winter, Mama Alexei suddenly arrived. The boy was excited, so for the most part was silent, just looked at mom in his eyes. From the move arising between adults, the boy learned that Barbara gave birth to a child, and gave him to raising other people. In the end, everyone came up.

The mother drove into the house, but the boy was sad, he felt that his mother would not stay for a long time. Barbara taught the son of diploma and arithmetic. Alexey, who easily told Grandfather's prayers and grandmother's songs, with difficulty remembered the poems given by the mother than frustrated and angry her. Over time, he was hated by her lessons. She often shouted at him, and he was offended, because "the mother should be just most of all as in fairy tales."

The grandfather tried to give Varvar to marry, from which they had a quarrel, and grandfather beat his grandmother who defended her daughter. Alexey was gadko from this, and he decided to take revenge on him, cutting His saints.

Chapter 11.

After the decisive failure of the barbarian to marry the watchmaker, what the grandfather insisted, the mother somehow became the mistress in the house, and grandfather, on the contrary, as if she became invisible. At this time, Uncle Mikhail married, and the wife immediately unloved his son Sasha. When she began to beat him, her grandmother persuaded his grandfather to pick up her grandson. Soon Sasha and Alexey took to school. Sasha began to spend immediately walking classes, and they gave them to them. True, and it did not prevent him from running away.

When Alexey got sick, he was placed in the attic. Every day a grandmother came to him, who began to drink vodka with a secret of the kettle, and told about his father. Varvara went out for Maxim against the will of his father, than he was angry, because he dreamed of disassembled daughter for Barin. Grandma, on the contrary, loved the son-in-law for his light and progress. The year grandfather did not say a word about his daughter, but in the house it was forbidden to pronounce her name. However, time passed, and grandfather began to ask, "how they live there," and the young people came up with their parents. The old man was particularly rejoiced by his grandchildren Alexei. After a quarrel, drunk yaks and Mikhail tried to drown son-in-law, and Maxim decided to move with his family to Astrakhan.

Chapter 12.

Spring has come. Slowly, Alexey recovered. One day, descending down, but I saw a stranger and old woman - the new "father" and "another grandmother", as the grandfather explained to him with his mother. The boy became unpleasant that everything was hidden by the planned marriage of the mother, and she herself had rarely peered during his illness. In the house everything seemed to be a stranger. He hated his "new grandmother" and her son. With an old woman, everyone frowned in the house, and she often said that "the boy must be very raised." Alexey taught him in every way in every way, for which he was certainly punished. Varvara with tears in his eyes asked him not to focus and get used to the stepfather, the son felt that the mother was increasingly moving away from him, and from this heed. Grandfather thought to sell the house to the autumn to collect the dowry daughter. The wedding played quietly, the newlyweds were going to Moscow: stepfather had to pass the exams, and Mom promised to return immediately after that.

The next morning, gathering things, Maksimov went, and in the heart of Alexei slammed something: he became completely indifferent to the games of the guys in the yard, and to the stories of the grandfather. The old man more often quarreled with his grandmother, on such days she went to one of the sons. In the fall, he stated that he would not feed the spouse more - everyone in itself. The boy was unbearably sorry to leave the garden and her shala. Later, a mother returned with Maksimov, she looked painfully and was poorly dressed. Allegedly during the fire, all their property burned down, but the grandfather knew that Maximov was playing cards. The scandal broke out again.

Grandmother with young moved to another house, where he worked for the kitchen, making everything around the house from morning to evening, and the mother became pregnant. Alexey became increasingly fought, stumbled, especially he was angry with the stepfather, which began to offend and insult the pregnant wife. The boy was born, called him Sasha. Soon, Varvara rehearsed again and began to look even more exhausted. Seeing Maximov kicks into his chest, Alexey almost stabbed his kitchen knife. After that, the boy with his grandmother moved to her grandfather. He has already been very old and became painful greedy: took away all the grandmother's dresses and sold, walked along the old comrades and, complaining about children, asked for money. Alexey began to collect paper and rags on the street, giving an earned penny grandmother.

Later he began to steal firewood. Despite everything, he successfully passed the exams and moved into the third class. Grandmother got sick and lay without money, the old man grumbled that he would not feed it, and Alexei sold his books and gave money to his grandmother. In the meantime, Maksimov disappeared somewhere, and the mother with sick son Nikolai returned to his parents. Barbara was very sick, and Alexey understood that she was dying. Mother died in his eyes. A few days after the funeral, the grandfather drove Alexey to people, saying that she no longer wants to keep him on her neck.

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  • "Childhood" is the autobiographical story of Maxim Gorky, first printed in 1913. The work tells us about early years Life of the Lexew's boy, who after the death of his father rides along with his mother in her hometown. There are also the main events. In a new place, the child meets with a large number of relatives, is experiencing joyful and sad moments, trying to understand himself and others, and all these attempts form an interesting and emotional plot. His childhood cannot be called light, but exactly how it was, allowed the hero to form the right attitude towards life and the surrounding people. Multi-lighted lithographs does not get tired to recommend the prose of bitter to full and unconditional reading, but for the time being presents you in reducing it.

    The story is conducted on the face of the boy named Alexey (Leksay, Olesha, Lenya). The boy sits in the room where his mother, Barbara, crumples Oleshi died from cholera, and talks to grandmother, sharul Ivanovna, which he sees the first time in his life. He hides behind the chest when the mother starts childbirth and from there sees how she, wriggling and shouting, give birth to his brother.

    After the funeral, they all go on a steamer from Astrakhan to Nizhny Novgorod. The baby dies, he is buried during a stop in Saratov. Alexey spends all the time with a grandmother that tells him interesting fairy tales. The relatives are met in Lower: Vasily Vasilyevich - Grandfather Lexew, Yakov and Mikhailo - the brothers of his mother, with their wives and children. The boy immediately feels something bad in all these people.

    Chapter 2.

    Family life is filled with an atmosphere of mutual hostility. Uncle Mikhailo and Uncle Yakov demand a selection of property from their father and cannot decide who should open a workshop in the city, and who is in Sloboda. Because of this, there are constantly quarrels in the house. Detect the situation and traditional Saturday spanking. All those who have guessed a week, Vasily Vasilyevich punishes rugs.

    He got and Alexey, he spoiled the fabric from the workshop in stupidity, for which his grandfather, going into a courage, his very much pops. The boy several days after that lies on the stomach, leaving the punishment, relatives come to him, most often grandmother. At the end, the grandfather comes, who is sitting with him for a long time and tells stories, the guy begins better about his grandfather. Gypsies come, one of the tenants of the house, who substituted his hand to Roga, trying to facilitate the Olest punishment, teaches the guy to sick during a spill.

    Chapter 3.

    Alexey understands that Gypsies takes a special place in the house. Grandma tells the story as he appeared in the house. Many years ago, Akulin and Vasily Vasilyevich died, a child died, and the baby threw them to the house. They decided to leave him.

    Now Vanya Gypsies performed special duties in the house. During the gatherings, he raised his mood with his dances, and once a week he was sent to the market for provisions, and every time he brought a lot, because he loved to steal.

    Suddenly he dies. Uncle Mikhailo promised to attribute a large cross on the anniversary of the death of his wife on his shoulders at the cemetery. But one he could not do this. Gypsies was one of them those who had to help. But only the company took the cross, as Vanya stumbled, and the rest of the cross and dropped it, so pressed him. The last minutes of life he spent on the floor of the kitchen in the house, Alyosha sees him in a puddle of blood with his own eyes.

    Chapter 4.

    Lexay recalls how he loved to listen to grandmother's prayers in the evenings, because she told everything that happened in the house for the day. Also grandmother tells him about God, about how he knows everything and sees. He says that he met angels and devils.

    One of these evenings in the workshop at the house there is a fire, almost everything collapses. Little lexee sends to bed at home so as not to disturb. But he falls to sleep, only when the fire is awesome, and everyone returned to the house. However, it is not necessary to sleep normally. The lexs wakes up from the loud war, in the house again beats the turmoil. It gives birth to aunt Natalia, as a result she dies.

    Chapter 5.

    Lexes with grandparents moved to a new home. On his first floor there was a custom, the remaining tenants lived, grandfather took a big room on the top floor, and the boy and grandmother settled in the attic. The grandmother was a bite, allowed family disputes, gave household tips. Grandfather taught the Lexeey Literacy, gave him a scroll.

    Olesha recalls how he asked his grandfather to tell him something. The old man reluctantly agreed, as he believed that he was soon "on the court of God", and the psalrty with his grandson would remain for life. Grandfather never told fairy tales, but only memories of his life. Often, grandmother was connected to these conversations, they began to remember the past years together and, deepening in memories, sometimes forgotten about the grandson. It happened that we were talking about their children, then the man fell off, asked God for a response, why the Lord sent such bad children to them. The wife tried to calm him down, but did not always succeed, once grandfather hit his wife in front of her grandson. The lexs immediately felt a disgust for this man.

    Chapter 6.

    Once the uncle Yakov is broken into the house and he says to his father, grandfather Oleshi, that his brother Mikhail got drunk and goes here to kill his father. Oleshu is sent to the attic to follow when Uncle Mikhailo comes to the house. Looking at the boring street, the boy begins to think about mom, which very rarely appears in his life. He thinks that, perhaps, she lives in good robbers, protects them to prey, which they will then give the poor. Remember grandmother's fairy tales and presents his mother in the role of the main character of these stories.

    Uncle Mikhailo appears, but they thrown out on the street. After that, he begins to visit the house of parents every week and arrange pogroms. Sometimes comes with assistants, and together they tear the bushes in the garden and rowed a bath. Once he, with the help of Kola, trying to break the door in the sen. When he gets it, grandfather, the owner of the Kabaka and his wife bind him and carry it into the barn, but before that he has time to break his mother's hand, who wanted to stop him.

    Chapter 7.

    Olezha tells what I thought that my grandparents had various gods. The woman always prayed quietly, gently turning to God, he was close to her, and he himself felt that he could not lie to her grandmother, because he was a suit. She taught that God knows everything, he sees everything, he gives everything to all. The grandfather, on the contrary, prayed in a different way, loudly, always among the words, and God brought as an example of punishment. He taught that for each act a bad Lord will might punish.

    Also, the hero tells that he constantly fought on the street with neighboring boys. They did not love him and always attacked a bunch, so he constantly came home in bruises, but it did not scare him, every time hearing the voice of these, he rushed to them. However, the street as a whole caused his fear. He often saw the Master Grigory, who completely blinded and walked down the street with the old woman who asked for him the fairness. Olese was ashamed to Grigory, like his grandmother, he asked why grandfather would not feed her master, the woman only answered that God would punish them for it. So in the house the boy was better, but did not leave the feeling that he was constantly without feelings in some dark pit.

    Chapter 8.

    Suddenly, Grandfather Oleshi buys a new home where they are immediately moving. In it, he meets new guests, one of which turns out a strange man on nicknamed a good thing. The boy is watching him on the window on the window, trying to understand why he smelves copper, weighs different substances on the scales and mixes them. In the house K. Good matter Everyone is negative, grandmother Oleshi considers it a Warlock, and Grandfather calls God's enemy.

    Once during a common tea party, usually silent and imperceptible good things breaks down and begins emotionally, crying, telling something wrongful. This condition is caused by the story of the grandmother about the war and Skaltar. Everyone is confused, the Olest woman says not to communicate with this neighbor, but the boy on the contrary goes after him to the street, together they are silently silently sit on the stump and look at what is happening around. So begins their friendship. Olesha often sits in a good room and watches his work, in parallel telling everything that will come to his mind. The child sees in this strange, a little-neighboring one is something close, it is comfortable to spend time with this neighbor. Even after beatings from the grandfather, he does not stop walking into the room to a good matter. But one day, going to him, Olesha detects a friend collecting things. He reports that he is expelled, because the room is needed for the mother's mother. They are both upset, a man is leaving, and Lexes aware that the friendship ended in this way with the first person from the infinite number of other people in their native country.

    Chapter 9.

    After leaving a good case, Olezha shoved with Uncle Peter, one of the residents of the house. He told the boy different stories about how he lived at Baryni. Often argued with grandfather. Worked as an excrement.

    On that street, where shells lived, there were several homes, but they differed quite enough. One was always bright, they constantly sang and danced, but he had an interest in him completely different, the house of Ovchinnikov. It was always calm on his yard, only sometimes they ran out to play three things like each other, three brothers. The lexes first observed them through the hole in the fence, and then from the tree branch, waiting for him to be invited to play, but this did not happen. While once he did not see how the youngest brothers fell into the well during the game of hide and seek. Lexay said to other boys and helped save their brother. It happened to their acquaintance. The next time, Olezha sat on a tree branch, the boys called him to them. The guys were sitting in the barn and told each other about her life, but there was Pope of boys and kicked the replenish, saying no longer coming. It did not stop the guys, they began to secretly meet the fence, separated by the sections of their homes. Meanwhile, War began with Uncle Peter. They made each other different dirty hotels, Peter constantly complained about the Lexee grandfather, so that the boy was carved.

    Once, during the harvesting of snow with a grandfather, shemes saw a policeman who came to them. The boy was sent home, but he managed to see how grandfather was upset by what the minister of law enforcement said. All day in the house there was a heavy atmosphere, and he stretched for a long time.

    In the evening, a neighbor burst into them and called everyone to the street, there was a dead uncle Peter in the pit, he killed. It turned out that he was with his partner, who was called the nephew of Peter, robbed the church.

    Chapter 10.

    After some time, returning home after catching the birds, the leksay discovers their mother at home. She appears in front of him in a beautiful dress, all well-groomed. Grandfather against Barbara returned home, as it believes that she disgraced him, the grandmother the same way around, he was glad to return his daughter and asks the old man to forgive her. As a result, Barbara remains with them and begins to teach the Son to different poems. The Oleshi is bad, it turns out to memorize the right lines, it constantly hovers the words, and with each new occupation mother is becoming more and more sad. The good atmosphere in the house was bad, Barbara was constantly swearing with his father, and he broke out at Akulin Ivanovna. Once he, right at the lexing heavily beat her with his hands and legs on his head, the boy began to think how to take revenge on his grandfather. Once he managed to steal his favorite saints from his grandfather and cut them. Grandfather was furious, but his mother defended Lexey.

    On the first days after the arrival of Varvara made friends with one and tenant and constantly in the evenings went to her to another part of the house. Grandfather drove all guests, said that he would receive guests himself. One of them turned out to be watchmaking master. After several evenings spent on tea, the grandfather once came home and said Barbara to marry this wizard. She flatly refused, which caused another quarrel. But, to surprise, Lexey, in an hour the whole family was already sitting at one table, and the tea saw. He realized that all Rugan was rather entertainment. "In endless weekdays and grief - holidays, fire - fun." So family quarrels stopped talling his heart as before.

    Chapter 11.

    The situation in the house has changed dramatically. Barbara strange, became the mistress, and her father became quiet and calm. Oleshu together with the brother Sasha, son of Uncle Mikhailo, sent to the school. Suddenly, the lexs got sick, lay on the attic, and only her grandmother came to him and fed from a spoon. Once because of the nightmare caused by the disease, the boy jumped out the window, but lay down in a snowdrift for a long time, his legs took away. He did not own three months and lay on the bed, listening to the grandmother's stories. Once she told him about his father Lexey.

    He was twenty years old good master And he worked in a workshop on the street, where Vasily Vasilyevich was located at home. One day when Akulina collected with the daughter of the berries, he came to them into the courtyard and began to ask the mother of the Varvara permission to be married with her. It turned out that they were already secretly married earlier. Akulina knew that her husband would be against, as he wanted to give daughter for the Barin, but still agreed. The grandfather with the Barbara brothers could not prevent in love, they were able to get married and go to live together. Vasily Vasilyevich was angry, said that he had no more daughter, but Akulina Ivanovna understood that over time his heart would melt.

    So it happened, Varvara and Maxim began to live with the old men. Settled in the flaghel, they had a son there. Maxim was good in everything, Mikhailo and Yakov did not like him for it and tried to drown him once in the hole, but the father of Oleshi could not have been saved, but he did not speak the quarterly, who attacked him, said that he had fallen himself. Barbara realized that from the brothers her danger goes, and wanted to leave. There was a chance, Maxim sent to Astrakhan to build the arch to the arrival of the king. So they left.

    Chapter 12.

    Once in the morning, descending from the attic to the room, the lexy saw a strangers and a man. It turned out that this man is the new groom her mother, and a woman is his mother. Olezha was offended at all that no one had not previously spoken about it, and decided to arrange a dwelling in the garden, in the very pit where they found a sharp Peter. Eugene - the groom Barbara was a student, so they left for the summer so that he could pass the exam. For the Oleshi, a quiet and contemplative time began, he spent his days, and sometimes nights in her home, listening to her tales of her grandmother, then teaching grandfather. But soon the house had to sell. They moved everything into two rooms in the basement of the old house. It was soon returned and Varvara with Eugene, they said that all the property had burned them away, but I had a rumor to Vasily Vasilyevich that he had lost all in the cards.

    The family moved once again. Now their housing was a bad house without wallpaper and with cockroaches, which was near the plant. There was an oppressive atmosphere around, the leks was entertained only by fights with neighboring boys. Mother had already managed to give birth to two boys by this time, the first of them died. And Eugene became, it seems to change his wife. Lexay heard their conversation about it and a quarrel, and then the blow. I broke into the room and almost I could put off the stepfather, but my mother pushed him away.

    The storyteller is confident that it is necessary to talk about such abuses of the people of the people, so that there was an opportunity to divert them with the root, to divert that layer under which something good, bright, creative.

    Chapter 13.

    The lexy began to live with their grandfather and grandmother, who were completely divided by this time, and though they lived in the same house, and everyone was divided. A boy to help her grandmother, began to try to make money, collected bones and nails in the courtyards and sold them. He also found friends with whom the yard stuck and tes. The guys worked coordinated, and the cash mining was divided into all robust.

    Evgeny again left somewhere, and Barbara and the Son of Nikolai began to live from Vasily Vasilyevich. The duties of nannies also laid on Oleshu. Mother is completely worse by that time. Lexay understood that she would soon die. It happened at the end of summer. She died right in front of the Oleshi, who brought her water. After the funeral, the grandfather said that it was not that it was to sit on his neck - and sent him to people.

    Total B. short retelling You will not add, but still, if you didn't have enough of something in your work, write in the comments, we will fix it.

    Memories of Alyosha about the family are closely related to the departure from the life of the father and the arrival of the grandmother "from above, from the bottom, water." These words were incomprehensible to the boy.

    Grandmother with a kind loaned face and singers asked to say goodbye to her father. For the first time the boy saw adults cry. Scared and screamed and went out: left close personThe family remained without a breadwinner. My father was remembered by cheerful, Mashed, he often fled with his son, took him on fishing. Mom is a strict, worker, statist.

    Father buried the father in the yellow coffin, the water was in the pit and kicked frogs.
    In these terrible days, Alyosha was born a brother Maksimka, but did not live and several days, died.

    During a trip to the steamer, a small traveler first heard the strangers of the "sailor", "Saratov". Maxim put in the box, and the full grandmother made it on the elongated hands on the deck. The gray-haired sailor explained that they went to bury.

    "I know," answered Malts, "I saw how frogs buried at the bottom of the pit."
    "Frogs don't feel sorry, the mother had a chance," said the sailor. - Won, how the grief hurt her.

    Seeing that the steamer moored, and people were put up to go ashore, the future writer decided that he was time for him. But travelers began to poke a finger and shout: "Whose? Whose?" The sailor came running and took the boy back, in the cabin, blowing his finger.

    Travel on a ship by Volga

    On the road, Alylah talked a lot with his grandmother, he liked to listen to her, the words were like flowers, the speech-shaped, singer. Akulin Ivanovna itself, full, cargo, with long hair, which she called the Issuing punishment and delivered a long time, surprisingly easily moved, her eyes laughed. She became best friend Grandfather for life, gave him the power that allowed us to cope with any difficulties.

    The paintings of nature were replaced outside the window, the Volga carried his waters, the steamer moved slowly, because he was against the current. Grandma told fairy tales about good well done, about the saints, booming about the house that has shuffled the finger. Listen to stories hit the sailors, they gave a storyteller tobacco for it, treated with vodka and watermelons. There are fruit ever secretly, since the Sanitary inspector who forbade everything was driving the same flight. Mom went to the deck, but kept on the sidelines, tried to form a grandmother, they say, laugh above it. That only smiled in response: and let.

    And adults and children did not like Alya. Warm relations were established by him only with aunt Natalia. Especially hostile boy accepted grandfather Vasily. The house seemed squat, ugly. In the close and dirty yard hung some rags, it was not heavy, uncomfortable.

    Live in Nizhny Novgorod It was empty, motley and dim like sad fairy tale. The house was filled with a poisonous fog of universal hostility. The mother's brothers demanded the division of the property, as Barbara married the "self-shot", without the blessing of the parents. Uncle swore and shake their heads like dogs. Mikhail, "Jesuita", tied up with a towel, and from the face of Yakov, "Pharmazon", washed off blood. Grandfather shouted overweight at all. Plated children.

    Kashirin-Sr. seemed cleaner and gently sons, although those had costumes and vests. The grandfather followed the awesome and smart eyes, the boy tried not to come across the way.

    The future writer recalled that parents were always merry, friendly among themselves, talked a lot. And here, the grandfather, everyone swear all the world, born, bone each other, offended the one who was weaker. Siblings were nailed, undeveloped.

    Do not beat, and science

    Children Shalily: heated the tools to play Masters Grigory, organized the competition between sledding cockroaches, caught mice and tried to train them. The head of the family distributed the subtletiles to the right and left, the sasha's grandson spoil behind the redistribution. Astrakhan Guest has never been present for executions before, his father himself did not beat.

    - And in vain, - said the grandfather.

    Typically, Barbara defended his son, but once he had to experience a strong hand. A cousin has gone to repaint a white festive tablecloth. The brutal chapter of the family of highs by rods both - and Sasha-Donoschik, and Alya. Grandma downtired mother, failed to save the Son from the massacre. And the boy himself for all his life the heart has become sensitive to any injustice and insult.

    The grandfather tried to make up his grandson: she brought him the hotels - Gingerbread and Raisin, said, as he himself was beaten. In his youth pulled Barge Barge from Astrakhan to Makareva.

    Babushkina stories

    Grandmother from the Small years waslated lace, married in the 14th year, gave birth to 18 children, but almost everyone died. Akulina Ivanovna was illiterate, but knew a lot of stories, fairy tales, stories about Mirone hermit, Marfu-landed and Ilya-prophet, could be placed in the day. Alyosha did not let go of the story of himself, asked many questions, he received comprehensive answers. Sometimes the grandmother focused on the devils about the devils who got out of the heater and turned the laghal with linen or arranged leaps. Not to believe in reliability it was impossible.

    In a new house, tea drinking was arranged on a cable street, arrived twins, neighbors, a familiar guest on nicknamed a good deal. The carrier Peter brought jam, someone - white bread. Grandma told the gathered bike, legends, epics.

    Holidays in the family of cascore

    Holidays started equally: everyone came unfolded, Uncle Yakov took the guitar. He played for a long time, it seemed as if he was falling asleep, and the hands would act by themselves. His voice was unpleasant whistling: "Oh, boring to me, sad to me ..." Alyosha cried, listening like one begging in another spoil stole.

    Heat, guests started to dance. Vanya-Gypsies rushed with a haircut, and the grandmother sailed, as in the air, and then spinning, as if young. Nanny Evgenia sang about Tsar David.

    In the workshop of Gregory Ivanovich

    Alyosha loved to be in a beautiful workshop, watching the firewood in the fire, as paint boiled. Master often said:

    "That's blind, I will go around the world, I will ask the alms from good people."

    Simple boy picked up:

    - The blinder is more, Uncle, I will go with you.

    Grigory Ivanovich advised tightly hold on to her grandmother: she is "almost holy man, because the truth loves."

    When the workshop lost his sight, he was immediately fired. The unfortunate went through the streets along with the old woman, which asked for a piece of bread for two. And the man himself was silent.

    According to the grandmother, they are all to blame for Grigory, and God will punish them. So it came out: after ten years, Kashirin-Sr. wandered through the streets with an outstretched hand, prayed for a penny.

    Gypsies Ivan, apprentice

    Ivan substituted his hand when Steghali Rugs so that the sufferer got less. Podlidysh brought up in the family of casciders from infancy. He sympathized with a new one: he taught him "not shrink, but to spread with a kisel" and "wag the body after the Lose." And be sure to scream good mat.

    Gypsy instructed the purchase of goods for the whole family. Traveler went to the fair on Merine, carried out a commission with a great skill and effort. Brew the bird, fish, meat, loss, flour, oil, sweets. Everyone was surprised how in five rubles you can buy provisions for 15. Grandmother explained that Ivan was more decorated than buying. His house almost did not swear for it. But they were afraid that they would catch, and the Gypsies would fall into Ostrog.

    Just died, the apprentice died, being an attached huge cross, which carried from the courtyard on the cemetery at the request of Uncle Yakov.

    About faith in God and about fear

    Alyosha began to teach prayers, a pregnant aunt Natalia was engaged with him. Many words were incomprehensible, for example, "IKO".

    Grandma has reported to God every day, as the day passed, lovingly rubbed the icons. According to her, God sits under silver lips, and he doesn't have a winter or autumn, and the flowers never have faded. Akulina Ivanovna often sentenced: "How well live, as nice." The boy was perplexed: what's good? Grandfather Brutal, the brothers evil, cheap, Mom left and not returning, Gregory will be blind, Natalia's aunt walks in bruises. Nice?

    But God, in which she believed grandfather was different: strict, incomprehensible. He always punished, was the "sword above the earth, the scourge of sinners." Fires, floods, hurricanes, diseases - all this punishment sent over. Grandfather never retreated from Prayer. The grandmother somehow noticed: "To listen to you to God, Taldychi one and the same, you will not add a word from myself." Kashinin was angry and launched a saucer into his wife.

    Akulina Ivanovna was not afraid of anything: neither thunderstorms, nor zippers, no thieves, no murderers, was incredibly brave, even reread her grandfather. The only creature that robbed horror into it was a black cockroach. The boy sometimes caught in the insect, otherwise the elderly woman could not calmly sleep.

    "Why do you need these creatures, I don't understand," grandmother shrugged, "the sickness shows that the disease begins, moc. And cockroaches what?

    Fire and childbirth Aunt Natalia

    In the beautiful workshop, a fire began, the nurse of Evgeny led the children, and Alyosha hid behind the porch, because he wanted to see how the flame languages \u200b\u200bwould eat the roof. Has the grandmother's courage: looked into the bag, she ran into the fire to endure a copper vigor and jars with acetone. The grandfather shouted in fear, but a fearless woman has already ran out with the desired trees and banks in their hands.

    At the same time, the childhood of Natalia began. When the smoldering buildings came a little, rushed to help the woman in labor. Greed the water on the furnace, prepared dishes, thais. But the unfortunate died.

    Acquaintance with books

    Grandfather taught the grandson of diploma. I was glad: the boy is growing clever. When Alyosha read Psalrty, the severity of the grandfather went. I called the pet heretic, salty ears. He taught: "Be Chitter, only a ram is simple."

    Grandfather is much less likely than grandmother, told about his past, but no less interesting. For example, about the French under the Balachny, who sheltered the Russian landowner. It seems like the enemies, but sorry. The hostess extended the captive hot events, very bi-terrestrs loved them.

    The grandfather argued about the Petro read with the cab. Both were poured by sayings. They also tried to determine who among the saints all holy.

    Cruelty street

    Sons of Vasily Kashirina separated. Alyosha almost did not walk, he did not get laid with boys, it was more interesting at home. The boy could not understand how to mock someone.

    Tyventants hijacked Jewish goats, tormented dogs, pointed weak people. So, they shouted to one man in ridiculous clothes: "Ishosha - death in his pocket!" Falling could throw stones. The blinded Master Gregory also often became their target.

    Pointed, bold clubs did not give Alya's passage, always offended him. But the guest of nicknamed a good thing suggested: "He is fat, and you are a vertical, alive. Wins the yurt, dexterous. " The next day, Alyosha easily defeated the old enemy.

    Educational moments

    Once, Alyosha closed the Kabatcitz in the cellar, as she threw a carrot to her grandmother. I had to not only urgently release the captive to the will, but also listen to the notation: "In the affairs of adults, never climb. Adults - people spoiled, sinful. Live with children's mind, do not think that you can easily help. They themselves find it difficult to understand. "

    Kashinina began to take small amounts in the growth and things on bail, wanted to earn money. They were reported to him. Then grandfather said that the holy worships helped him to avoid prison. Drove the grandson to the church: only there can be cleaned.

    Most of the grandfather did not believe people, he saw in them only bad, his comments were bile, poisonous. Street witnesses nicknamed the owner with Kashirin. The grandmother was bright, sincere, and God grandmother was also the same - shining, invariably affectionate and kind. Grandmother taught "other people's laws not to obey and for someone else's conscience do not hide."

    On a snow square, where there was a plumbing column, one person was breasts. Akulina Ivanovna saw a fight, threw the rocker and rushed to save the guy who had already been ruined the nostril. Alyosha was afraid to fit into the ball bodies, but the admission of grandmother admired.

    History of marriage Father

    The Father-Cranennel's father, the son of the link, to Vasily Kashirin, was resolved. Akulina Ivanovna helped the young secretly to get married. Mikhail and Yakov did not take Maxim, in every way he was harmful, accused of inheritance types and even tried to drown in the icy water of Dyukov Pond. But the son-in-law forgave the dugheads and burned before the quarter.

    For this reason, parents left their native city to Astrakhan to return in five years in incomplete. Watchmaker was woven, but he was unpleasant to her, and she refused him, despite the pressure of the Father.

    Children of Colonel Ovsyannikova

    Alyosha watched the neighbor children from a high tree, but he did not allow him to communicate with them. Once he saved from falling into the junior well from oatmeal. The older brothers Alyosa came up, accepted into their company, and he caught for birds of birds.

    Social inequality
    But the Father, Colonel, belonged to the family of a shop master and kicked out the boy from the courtyard, forbiding even approaching his sons. Alesha first felt that such a social bundle: he was not allowed to play with Barchuki, he does not suit them according to the status.

    And the brothers of the oatsynnikov loved the glorious neighbor-bird and communicated with him through the hole in the fence.

    Distridge Peter and his nephew

    Peter led with a long conversation with Kashirin, loved to give advice, read the notation. He had a wicker face similar to the sieve. It seems like a young, but already an old man. Pawns from the roof spat on the ballars on Lysin, and only Peter praised him for it. In Ottely, she worked out his dumb nephew Stepan.

    Having learned that Alyosha plays with colonel children, Peter reported his grandfather, and his boy fell. He graduated badly: he was found dead in the snow, and the police exposed the entire gang: it turned out that quite talkative Stepan along with the uncle and someone else robbed the church.

    New chosen one of the mother

    Future relatives appeared in the house: Mother's Yukhir Evgeny Vasilyevich and his mother - the "green old woman" with parchment skin, eyes "on threads", sharp teeth. Once the elderly lady asked:

    - Why do you eat so fast? You need to raise.

    Alyosha pulled out a piece from his mouth, picked up on the fork and handed the guest:

    - Eat, if sorry.

    And once he glued both maxims to the chairs with cherry glue.
    Mom asked her son not to stitch, she was seriously married to this eccentric. After the wedding, new relatives went to Moscow. Never of the son did not see the street so deadly, as after the departure of the mother.

    Most of the broken grandfather

    Under the old staff, grandfather "squeezed", as the grandmother said. He announced that she divides property: acouhin - pots and pans, he was all the rest. Once again, I sold the house, the money gave to the growth of Jews, the family moved into two rooms in the basement.

    Dinner was prepared in turn: one day grandfather, the other is a grandmother, which worked with weaving lace. Kashirin did not hesitate to count the Chanks: he put the welding more than the other side. So, and tea is not allowed to drink not two, but three glasses.

    Moving to Sormovo

    Mom returned from Moscow with Evgeny, saying that the house and all the property burned down. But the grandfather brought the help in time and the newlyweds were caught in lies: the new Mother Maximov's husband was played in the fluff and dust, ruined the family. We moved to the village of Sormovo, where there was work at the factory. Every day the beep called the workers wolf, the passage "chewed" the crowd. The son of Sasha was born and died almost immediately, after him appeared on the light of Nikolka - gold, weak. Mother sick, coughing. And the Maksimov fraudster robbed workers, he was fired with a crash. But he settled in another place. He began to change his mother with women, the quarrels did not stop. Once he even hit a defenseless spouse, but he filmed off from the step.

    Alyosha found two banknotes in the book - 1 ruble and 10 rubles. The ruble took himself, bought sweets and fairy tales Andersen. Mom cried:

    - We have every penny on the account, how could you?

    Maximov spoke about the misdemeanor of the colleague, and he was the father of one of Peshkov's fellow. Alesha at school began to call the thief. Barbara was shocked by the fact that the school did not regret the boy, reported a non-aggative act foreign people.

    At school and fishery

    There were not enough textbooks, so Alyosha was not allowed for the lessons. But the bishop arrived and supported the boy who knew the many psalms and the lives of saints. Peshkov's student was again allowed to attend the lessons of the Law of God. For the rest of the subjects, the boy managed well, got a commendable sheet and books. Because of the lack of money, the gifts had to give the shop to to help out 55 kopecks.

    Together with the comrades, Vychimiyem, Chouk, Habi, Kostroma and Yateze Alyasha collected the rags, bones, glass, slices of iron and handed over the walling collector. Barred logs, boards. At the school, the guys began to despire Peshkov, shaped, called Nishchebrud, complained that it smells badly. The boy was confident that this is not true: after all, he tried to wash daily, changed clothes. As a result, he threw the school at all.

    The boy really appreciated the street fraternity, the guys respected him for literacy and justice.

    Death of mother

    Mom fade in a dark room without full nutritional nutrition and drugs. The husband went round again and did not show at home. Grandfather was angry, which he hung up on his neck so many chips:

    - Everyone needs food little, and it turns out a lot.

    Nikolushka he did not feed. By giving a piece of bread, taped the baby's tummy and sentenced:

    - And enough, probably. The child does not understand the satiety, can eat superfluous.

    After the death of Mom, the grandfather firmly announced:

    - You, lexs, not medal on the neck. You go to people.

    What meant: you need to learn the craft, become an apprentice.

    The action of the story is transmitted from the face of the main character - Alyosha Peshkov. He lived in Astrakhan, where his father, Master-Cabinet, was commissioned to build a triumphal gate for the consecration of the king. But the father died of cholera, from the mercy of the mother of Barbara began premature birth.

    The boy remembered her cry, disheveled hair, crushed teeth.

    Father was buried on a rainy day, the frogs were sitting in the pit, and the boy shocked that they were buried together with the coffin. But he did not want to cry, because he rarely cried and only from his insult: his father laughed over tears, and the mother forbade


    Grandmother Hero arrived in Astrakhan, Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina, she took them to Nizhny Novgorod. On the way, the newborn Maxim died, he was concesed in Saratov. Alesha during the parking lot was almost lost, but the sailor learned him and returned to the cabin.

    All sailors learned the family thanks to the grandmother, which they treated vodka, and Alyosha watermelons. Grandmother told the wonderful stories, and the boy seemed that she was all shone from the inside. Despite the completeness, she moved easily and deftly like a cat.

    In Nizhny, they met the numerous Kashirin family. Most of all stood out a small, dry grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich.


    The whole family lived in a huge house, but lived chemless. He felt mutual hostility between the grandfather and his sons, Mikhail and Yakov. The lower floor occupied the beautiful workshop - the subject of discord.

    Sons wanted to get their part of the inheritance and separate, but the grandfather opposed.

    The uncle themselves often fought, and Alyosha witnessed their Potasovsky. The boy frightened it, because he grew up in a friendly family, where he was not punished, and here Grandfather Kashirin on Saturday those who guessed grandchildren of sec. Alyosha accidentally spoiled a parade tablecloth (I wanted to paint) and this fate also did not escape.

    He resisted his grandfather, bitten him, for which the boy was afraid of death.

    Alyosha then sick for a long time; Grandfather came to him to put up and told about his heavily youth. Another boy struck that the gypsies, the apprentice, stood up for him and put his hand to the rogues be broken.


    Later, the Gypsies explained Aleche, how to behave during the spill, so that it was not hurt. He was a podkin, his grandmother brought up, and three of her eighteen children survived. Gypsy was 17 years old, but he was naive as a child: stolen in the bazaar to bring more products and please the grandfather.

    And the grandmother was sure that he would ever be caught and killed.

    Her prophecy came true: Gypsies died. According to Master Grigory, uncle worked him. They quarrel because of him, because everyone wanted that after the section of the inheritance Gypsies got exactly Him: from him a great master could be.

    Ivan died when he carried a heavy oak cross on the grave of the wife of Yakov along with uncle. He got a kolly, he stumbled, and uncle so that they did not crush them, they let go of the cross - Ivan pressed to death.


    Alya liked to look at how grandma prays. After the prayer, she told the science stories: about the devils, about the angels, paradise and God. Her face is young, she became meek, and his eyes radiated warm light.

    Without afraid, no grandfather, nor people, nor unclean strength, grandmother afraid of horror was afraid of black cockroaches and walked at night Alyosha, so that he kill the next insect.

    Apparently, the god of Kashirina was pretended: the workshop caught fire, the grandmother burned his hands, but saved the sharap, rushing under the legs of the raised horse. At the beginning of a fire from the fright, the deadline began to give birth to aunt Natalia and died in childbirth.


    By the spring, Uncle was divided: Yakov remained in the city, and Mikhail settled behind the river. Grandfather bought another house and began to take the rooms. Himself settled in the basement, and Alyosha with his grandmother in the attic.

    The grandmother was well versed in herbs, many treated and gave advice on the farm.

    At one time he taught her mother, which remained crippled, when, offended by Barin, jumped out of the window. She was a lace and taught her daughter Aculin. That grew, became the craftswoman, and the whole city learned about her.

    Then she was married to Vasily Kashirina, watering.

    The grandfather sick and boredom began to learn Alyosha alphabet. The boy was capable. He liked to listen to the stories of his grandfather about childhood: about the war, about the captured French.

    True, he did not tell anything about the parents of Alesh and believed that all the children had unsuccessful. Accused of all the grandmother, even somehow hit her for it.


    One day, Yakov broke into the house with a message that Mikhail goes here to kill his grandfather and pick up Warvarino dowry. Grandma sent Alya to the top - to warn when Mikhail comes. Grandfather I was driven, and my grandmother was crying and prayed that the Lord would enjoy her children.

    Since then, Uncle Mikhail drunk was every Sunday and learned the scandals for fun to the boys of the whole street. He kept the house in the siege all night. Somehow running the brick into the window, I almost got into my grandfather. And once Mikhail knocked out a small window with a stake and broke his grandmother's hand, which she slipped to drive him.

    Grandfather grew, pulled out a bear with water, tied and laid in the bath. When Kostopravka came to her grandmother, Alyosha took her for death and wanted to drive.


    Alesha has long noticed that grandmother and grandfather have different gods. Grandma raised praise to God, and he was with her all the time. It was clear that he was obeyed by everything on earth, and he all the same kind.

    When the Kabatcitis quarreled with her grandfather and wrapped her grandmother, Alyosha was revenged her, locked in the basement. But grandmother became angry and spacked his grandson, explaining that he was not always visible even to God.

    Grandfather prayed as a Jew. The grandfather of his grandfather was cruel, but helped him. When the grandfather was engaged in usury, they came to them with a search, but thanks to grandfather, everything cost. But the grandfather was very offended by Master Grigory: when that land, kicked out to the street, and he had to ask alms.

    Grandma always served him and spoke Aleche: God will punish his grandfather. Indeed, in the old age, the grandfather, spreading and remaining alone, will also be forced to begging.


    Soon the grandfather sold the house of Zabatka and bought another, with a garden. Began to take apartments. Among everyone, hectared a good deal.

    He was so nicknamed, because he always said so.

    Alyosha was watching the lead in his room melted lead, weighted something on the scales, shed fingers. The boy was wondering - he met the guest and became friends. He began to come to him every day, although grandfather and pounded Alesha for every visit to the hellish.

    This man did not like in the house for a strange behavior, they considered the sorcerer, the Warlock, and the grandfather was afraid that he would burn the house. After some time, he was still survived, and he left.


    After Alyosha became friends with a carriage of Peter. But one day Aleshina brothers beat him to spit on Lysina Barina. Grandfather, learning about it, scaming the grandson.

    When he, tormented by shame, lay on the parads, Peter praised, and Alyosha began to avoid him.

    Later, he saw three boys behind the fence and became friends with them, but he was driven by the colonel, whom Alyosha called the "old feature." Grandfather beat him for it and forbade him to communicate with Barchuki. Peter saw Alyosha with the guys and joined grandfather.

    Since then, they have started a war: Peter released caught by Alesh birds, and he spoiled his shoes. Peter lived in Camork over the stables, but somehow he was found dead in the garden. It turned out that, together with the accomplice, he robbed the church.


    Alesh's mother lived far away, and he almost did not remember her. Once she returned and began to teach the son of grammar and arithmetic. Grandfather tried to force her again to marry.

    Grandmother all the time set off for her daughter, why grandfather even beat her. Alyosha was avenged by raving his favorite sacraticles.

    The neighbors often arranged "evenings", and the grandfather also decided to arrange the evening in his house. He found the groom - a curve and an old watchmaker. But the young and beautiful mother refused him.


    After a quarrel with the father of Barbara, a hostess was made in the house, and he arrived. He had a lot of all kinds in his chests. He allowed her daughter to wear it all, because she was beautiful.

    Guests often went to her, including the Maksimov brothers. After the density of Alesha fell sick. He treated his grandmother and told him about his father: how did you get acquainted with the mother, got married against the will of the Father and left for Astrakhan.


    Mother married Evgenia Maksimov and left. Grandfather sold the house and told the grandmother that everyone would be fed himself. Soon a pregnant mother was returned with a new husband, as their home burned down, but everyone understood that Eugene lost everything.

    Grandmother began to live with young in Sorov. A sick child was born and after a while died. Alyosha himself began to study at school, but he did not have a relation to any student with students or teachers.

    Stepfather started his mistress and beat a pregnant mother again, and Alyosha had a little slaughtered him.


    After the departure of Mother Alyosha and his grandmother began to live with his grandfather. He considered them the hellish, and grandmother had to weave the lace, and Alyosha with other boys from poor families was collected old and stole firewood. At the same time, he successfully moved to grade 3 and received a commendable sheet.

    A sick mother with a little golden son Nikolai arrived. His grandfather fed a little, and his mother herself was silently all the time. Alyosha understood that she was dying.

    Soon she really died, and the grandfather sent Alesha "in people" - to earn a living.

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    12. The genre of the work is the autobiographical story, the heroes of which are surrounding the boy Alyosha Peshkov people, members of the family of Grandfather Kashirina and the masters working in his beautiful. The string story is to move the mother and son to grandfather after the death of the Father. The climax is somewhat, depending on what situation is about - the fire is, the death of a gypsy or a meeting with the poor [...] ...
    13. In the story of "Childhood" M. Gorky spoke about his children's years, in which he hardly did the main place to her grandmother. Streamed, very complete, largest, with huge eyes, loose reddish nose. In the life of the boy, the grandmother appeared when his father died, and until the end of his days she was always there. The boy sees and understands that internally grandmother [...] ...
    14. The most vivid impressions of Kashir life are described by Gorky in his story "Childhood". But from childhood, the writer remained bright memories, and one of the brightest - about grandmother Acoune Ivanovna "amazingly good and dedicated old women", which the writer remembered all his life with a sense of love and respect. Not easy life, family worries did not bother and did not harm her. [...] ...
    15. The story "Childhood", the first part of the Avtobiographical Trilogy of Gorky, was written in 1913. Mature writer addressed the topic of his past. In the "childhood" he is trying to comprehend this period of life, the origins of a human character, the causes of happiness and unhappiness of an adult. In the center of the story - the boy Alyosha, the will of the fate "Abandoned" in the mother's family. After the death of Father, Alyosha brought up grandfather and [...] ...
    16. In the center of the story of Gorky "Childhood" - Boy Alyosha, the will of the Fate "Abandoned" in the mother's family. After the death of Father, Alyosh is raising his grandfather and grandmother. Therefore, it can be said that these people are the main in his fate, those who brought up the boy laid all the basics in it. But, besides them, in the life of Alyosha there were many people - numerous unidie and [...] ...
    17. In Russian classical literature, there are two works with the same name - this is the story of "childhood", written by L. Tolstoy and, later, M. Gorky. Both works of autobiographies are in them writers talk about their childhood surrounding their people, the conditions in which they were brought up. Why Tolstoy and Gorky decided to appeal exactly to this moment of their life? What are they […]...
    18. When a child is no longer a child, but before the age of the majority is far away, it was customary to be called in Russia the tag. Thus, the period of adolescence began with ten to eleven years. However, Maxim Gorky called his story dedicated to the lives of a teenager Alyosha Peshkov, by eleven years remaining round orphans, quite otherwise - "in people". This name suggests a lot: be [...] ...
    19. The story of the Gypsy in his autobiographical story "Childhood" Maxim Gorky mentions many secondary characters who played, however, an important role in the formation of the main character of Alesh Peshkov. Alyosha remains early without his father and was with younger brother and mother was given to his grandfather's family with her grandmother. The brother on the way fell ill and died, as a result, only [...] came to grandfather Vasily Vasilich [...] ...
    20. A small hero of the story of M Gorky "Childhood" after the death of the father falls into the family of his grandfather. This was stern man, all my life "Copy a penny". Grandfather Cashirin engaged in trade. He had a pretty big family - two sons and daughter - Lazy's mother. The sons fought because of his father's inheritance and were very afraid that something would get their sister. Grandfather even [...] ...
    21. Childhood is the first time in the life of every person. "We all come from childhood," said A. Saint-Exupery and was right: really, the character of a person, his fate depends largely on how he lived his childhood. Russian writer Maxim Gorky (real name - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov also believed that it was from childhood a man grows "sensitive to [...] ...
    22. In 1913, Maxim Gorky wrote the first part of his trilogy "Childhood", in which, based on the biography of his own facts, spoke about the formation of a person little man. This determined the originality of the Gorky Work genre - the autobiographical story. The story is conducted from the first person, on behalf of the chief participant in the events. This makes it possible to the Writer Show depicted events more reliably, pass the thoughts, [...] ...
    23. In the work of "Childhood" disclosed episodes of difficult childhood Alexei Peshkov. He printed under the pseudonym M. Gorky. He died early father, and not his death. Much gave him grandmother. She tried to always bother her grandson. He was afraid of his mother. It was a closed, strict woman who did not give a warm son. From the smallest years he learned cruelty and hatred. [...] ...
    24. Gorky M. In the story of "Childhood" M. Gorky spoke about his children's years, in which he hardly did his grandmother. Streamed, very complete, largest, with huge eyes, loose reddish nose. In the life of the boy, the grandmother appeared when his father died, and until the end of his days she was always there. The boy sees and understands that [...] ...
    25. 1 These stories author heard in Bessarabia. Moldovans, with whom he worked, diverged, only the old woman Izergil remained. "Time bent it in half, black once the eyes were dim and got drunk. Her dry voice sounded strange, he crunched, exactly the old woman spoke bones. " Pointing to the shadow from the cloud, the old woman claims that this Jiappa goes along the steppe. "He lives thousands [...] ...
    26. Meditation about the fate of Russia. Creative searches, as a result of which the novel "Mother" appeared, was tangible on the future of the writer. True, the controversial prediction of life was completely pushed by attention to the motley domestic reality. It began to understand the real origins that gave rise to the "destroyed world". In February 1912, Gorky wrote about Russia: "It is very time and need to study it with the roots, having [...] ...
    27. The image of Alesh Peshkov in the "childhood" of M. Gorky "Childhood" M. Gorky is not only confession of the soul of the writer, but also the first impressions of the difficult life, memories of those who are near during the formation of its nature, is an internal protest against Brutal morals of society and caution, how can not live if you are a person. The writer truthfully tells [...] ...
    28. I familiar men play cards all night, and at five o'clock in the morning you sit down. They discusses young military engineer Hermann, who sits with them, but never plays. Durable German Hermann his principles explains that he is "not able to sacrifice necessary in the hope of acquiring excessive". Tomsky's player reports that his grandmother Grandman Anna [...] ...
    29. First night The main character Works (his name is not calling) - a poor official of twenty-six years old. He has already lived in St. Petersburg for eight years, but never started his friends. IN free time A man walks around the city and places dreams in which he sees himself a hero of various romantic stories. At the beginning of the story, the dreamer is experiencing a unprecedented longing, [...] ...
    30. Alesha in the house of Grandfather The story "Childhood" was written by M. Gorky in 1913 and was an autobiographical. In it, the author told partly about his own childhood spent in the house of grandparents - sharks Ivanovna Kashirina and Vasily Vasilich Kashirina. It was a difficult period in the life of a boy, early fatherly father and family breadwinner. The main character, Alyosha [...] ...
    31. The story I. S. Turgenev "First Love" begins with the description of the situation preceding the emergence of memories of the main character of Vladimir Petrovich about the days of his youth. He was visiting, stopped there to a deep night. Started telling stories about first love. Vladimir Petrovich admitted that his story was special, but threw his companions to suffer until he set out [...] ...
    32. Dmitry Pavlovich Sanin (a seat of the fifty-two years old) moves old letters in the table. Suddenly, he finds a pomegranate case and immersed in memories. I. In the summer of 1840, the young Sanin returns to Russia from Italy. He planned a trip so as to stay one day in Frankfurt, and in the evening to go further. Forking around the city, Dmitry enters Italian [...] ...
    33. One of of the most famous works Gorky "Childhood" refers to the category of literature after reading, which a person has the worldview and perception of life. This story tells about the life of a boy who lives in a not very prosperous family and, accordingly, his childhood is not like other children. All lines of work is not fiction, but taken from the life of the author. [...] ...
    34. Chapter 1 Title Advisor Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin woke up at eight o'clock with a gray autumn day in St. Petersburg in his own apartment on a six-sighted street. He was satisfied with his external species, Sweethearted and the fallen figure, as well as a tight-stuffed wallet, in which he recalculated 750 rubles by appliances. Golyadkin died into new elegant clothes, which was worshiped by a new thoroughly sulfted Vitzmundyr. [...] ...
    35. Warsch worked at a single mechanical plant and was in a good account at the bosses until he was "deciding" philosophical questions right in the workplace. This lesson greatly reduced the quality of his work and led to a sad result: Warrigov was fired from the plant on his thirtieth anniversary. Washed with grief in beer, Warsch holds the way to the next city. By […]...
    36. I E Ebeaul Gorobets celebrates the wedding of the Son. Among the guests is the twink of Eustula Danilo Burulbash with his wife Katerina. In the midst of fun, Esaul takes the icons to bless young. Suddenly one of the guests turns into an ugly old man. All guests were frightened. But Esaul is coming forward with icons and drives the sorcerer. II late at night on the Dnieper floats the boat, in it [...] ...
    37. I. Ganna Summer Warm Evening Fubs and Girls gathered to relax and sing favorite songs. The son of the rural head, the young Kozak Levko, with the bandura in his hands made his way to the hut, where his beloved Gunn girl lives. He sings a song, but his beloved does not come out. The young man calls her, but no sound is heard from behind the door. Then in the hearts [...] ...
    38. I. Prediction in a small fishing village of Kapern returns from a long sailing Sailor Longren. On the threshold of the house, instead of the beautiful wife of Mary, he is met by the elderly neighbor. She tells Longren that Mary gave birth to a daughter in strong flour. The doctor went to the doctor. A young woman tried to lend money from the local tractorsman Menners, but he began to pester her. Desperate, [...] ...
    39. Zhenya Luverx was born and grew up in Perm. In the summer they lived on the banks of the kama in the country. Once, waking up among the night, Zhenya was frightened by lights and sounds on the other bank of the river and burst out. Father, entering the nursery, stuck it and briefly explained: it is Motovilich. The next morning the girl learned that Motovilich - a state plant and make cast iron there ... the most significant, [...] ...
    40. Chapter 1. Curriculum Wite Professor Persikov Professor Zoology Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov holds the position of director of the Moscow Zoological Institute. In his 58 years, a scientist is still alone. His farm leads the old housekeeper of Marya Stepanovna. Persicov's real passion is amphibians. In 1918-1922, the professor, like the entire scientific community, had to be survived hard times. Everything died from hunger [...] ...
    1. Nicholya Hirtienev - Boy from the family of the nobles. Reflects on the reason for the actions of people, trying to understand his feelings. An impressionable and susceptible child.

    Other heroes

    1. Native Nicolenics - Mother, father, brother Volodya, sister love, grandmother.
    2. Natalia Savishka - The housekeeper is tied to the mother of Nicholya and to all its relatives.
    3. Karl Ivanovich - Home teacher. Good, like the housekeeper, loves the family of IRTENEV.
    4. Mimi. -Helliment of IRTENEV.
    5. Grisha - Outer, lived in the family of Nikole.
    6. Sonechka Valahina - The first love of Nikoles.
    7. Illenka Grap - Quiet and modest boy, who mock the guys.

    Acquaintance with the family of IRTENEV

    The story is conducted on behalf of Nicholya Irtenyev. It takes a few days after his birthday (the boy turned 10 years old), the teacher Karl Ivanovich, who lived in their house, is raised in the early morning. After the morning fees, the protagonist, together with Brother, Volodya go to the Mother.

    Talking about the mother, HRIENEVA is remembered by her image, which was for the boy the embodiment of kindness, smile and all the wonderful children's memories. After visiting the mother, the boys go to the Father, who decides to take them with them to Moscow for their further learning. Nicholya is sad because he will need to part with his relatives and expensive people.

    Hunting and fleeting feeling of love

    A wild gris is coming to the house, whose appearance caused the displeasure of the father of the family. Children ask permission to take them on the hunt, which was supposed to start after lunch. Father entrusts Nikolenka on one of the pollast wrapped the hare. Dogs drive the hare on the boy, but he is in the state of Azart missing him, which becomes the cause of his experiences.

    After hunting, everyone is located on vacation. Children - Nikoleka, Volodya, Lyubanik and daughter Governess Mimi Katya began to play Robinson. The main character carefully followed Katya, and for the first time he was visited by a feeling similar to love.

    Prayer Grisha

    Already adult IRTENEV, remembering the Father, told him about him as a person in which conflicting character traits were surprisingly combined. Returning home, in the evening the children were busy with drawing, Musician Musicized on the piano.

    Grisha came to the dinner. Children became interested to look at the chains who wore the weak on the legs, and for this they entered his room. Casting, they heard Grisha pray. The sincerity of the words, with what he pronounced them, struck Nikolek.

    Departure brothers

    Warm memories at the main character are connected with their economy, Natalia Savishnaya. It was very attached to the family of IRTENEV. The next morning, after hunting, all relatives and servants gathered in the living room to hold boys. Nicholenka was seriously parted with her mother. The boy notes how he contradicts an important minute of parting all the vanity of fees. Memories of that day pushed the main character on reflections on the moment of childhood, in which the joy and "need for love" are the most important things. All children's memories of the main character are imbued with love for mother.

    Name day grandmother Nicholenki

    In the city of children began to teach new teachers, despite the fact that their mentor Karl Modestovich lived with them. One month after the arrival of the boys of IRTENEVA to Moscow, the name of the grandmother, which they lived along with the Father. Nicholya decides to give her grandmother's first poems that she really liked, and she read them everyone. At that moment, Nikoleka is very worried.

    Start come invited. Princess Kornakova arrives, about which the main character learns that she can punish with rods. Heard shook the boy. The long-time friend of grandmother Prince Ivan Ivanch arrives and. The boy heard them talk about the fact that his father would not appreciate his wife. This conversation is the cause of the concern of Nikole.

    Among the guest guests were also the Ivin brothers who accounted for relatives of Hirtienev. Nicholya sympathized with Senezh Ivin, he tried to imitate him in everything. Ilya grappa comes to the name, the son of a poor foreigner, a familiar grandmother. When the children played, Seryozha very strongly offends and humiliates a quiet and modest Ilya, which leaves a deep mark in the soul of Nikole. Acquaintance with new people allows manifest to the main features of the boy's personality: his fine observation and susceptibility to injustice, when he notices the inconsistency in the behavior of other people.

    Dance Nicholya and Sonechi

    A lot of guests came to the ball, and among them there was a charming girl Sonya Valahin. The main character fell in love with her and rejoiced that he could dance with her. Mazurka The boy dancing with the girl-prince, but is mistaken and stops. All the collests look at him, and the boy feels very shameful and awkward.

    After dinner, Nicholya dances again with Sonechka. The girl invites him to contact her on "You", as if they have long been familiar. The boy cannot believe that someone can love him too. Thoughts about the ball and Son do not give Nicholya to sleep. He tells the brother that fell in love with Valahin.

    Sad Letter from the village

    After the name of the grandmother passes almost six months. Father reports sons that they need to go to the village. The reason for such a sudden departure was a letter in which the serious illness of their mother was reported. When they returned to the village, she was already unconscious, and on the same day it was not.

    During the funeral and farewell to the mother, Nicholya feels the whole severity of the loss of a loved one. His soul is full of despair. Happy and carefree children's time ends for Nikole. Three days later, the whole family leaves for Moscow. It remains to live in an empty house only Natalia Savishna. Already becoming an adult, HRIENEV, when comes to the village, always visits the graves of Mother and Natalia Savishna, which last minutes cared for their home.

    Test for Test Childhood

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