System of work with gifted junior schoolchildren. Working with gifted children at primary school age Finding allies in parents

METHODS AND FORMS OF WORK WITH GIFTED JUNIOR STUDENTS Plotnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna primary school teacher Lyceum No. 15 Zavodskoy district of Saratov In our dynamic, rapidly changing world, society is much more likely to rethink the social order of the school, correct or radically change the goals and objectives of school education. For all children, the main goal of education and upbringing is to provide conditions for the disclosure and development of all abilities and talents with a view to their subsequent implementation in professional activities. But in relation to gifted children, this goal is especially significant. It is on these children that the society first of all places its hope for solving the urgent problems of modern civilization. Gifted children are our heritage. Identification of capable children and work with them is an urgent problem of modern education. Life requires a school to prepare a graduate who is able to adapt to changing conditions, communicative and competitive. Many educators believe that working with gifted children is easy. They are fates, mold them what you want. But they believe that gifted children are a gift - this is a delusion! It is easy when you do not realize the seriousness of the problem, and it is more difficult then, and at the same time more interesting, when you treat this problem with full responsibility and awareness of the importance of the entrusted mission. The rule is triggered: "do no harm" What is giftedness?

Giftedness is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher, outstanding results in one or more types of activity. Giftedness is determined by advanced cognitive development, psychosocial sensitivity and physical characteristics. gifted children are keenly aware of everything that happens in the world around them and are extremely curious about how this or that object works. They are interested in why the world is arranged this way and not otherwise. They are able to follow several processes at the same time, and tend to actively explore everything around them. they have the ability to perceive connections between phenomena and objects and draw conclusions; excellent memory, combined with early language development and the ability to classify, help such a child accumulate a large amount of information and use it intensively. gifted children have a large vocabulary that allows them to freely and clearly express their thoughts. Along with the ability to perceive semantic ambiguities, to maintain a high threshold of perception for a long time, to be happy to deal with complex and even problems that do not have a practical solution, gifted children do not tolerate when a ready-made answer is imposed on them. some gifted children have heightened mathematical abilities in terms of calculation and logic, which can affect their progress in reading. they are distinguished by a long period of concentration of attention and great perseverance in solving a particular problem. gifted children show a heightened sense of justice, moral development, anticipatory perception and knowledge.

they quickly react to injustice, make high demands on themselves and others. vivid imagination, the inclusion of elements of the game in the performance of tasks, creativity, ingenuity and rich imagination (imagination) are very characteristic of gifted children. they have a great sense of humor, love funny inconsistencies, puns, jokes. they lack emotional balance, and at an early age, gifted children are impatient and impulsive. sometimes they are characterized by exaggerated fears and increased vulnerability. They are extremely sensitive to nonverbal cues from others. egocentrism, as in ordinary children. gifted children often have difficulty communicating with their peers. It is impossible not to notice the leader in a group of children. A confident, proactive child will quickly attract attention. He has a well-developed speech, he is not afraid and does not hesitate to turn to another child, to an adult. Such a child has his own business approach to everything that happens. Its distinctive feature is that such a child cares about everything. Any child necessarily has giftedness in one of the areas of human activity. Test questionnaires developed by specialists in the field of child psychology will help to assess the correctness of the assumption about the innate abilities of the child or help in this important matter. The development of a gifted child is a two-way process: "home - school, school - home". No matter how we consider the role and weight of natural factors or the influence of purposeful upbringing and education on the development of the personality and giftedness of the child, the importance of the family is decisive. Even seemingly unfavorable conditions turn out to be relatively indifferent to the development of abilities.

It is especially important for the formation of the personality of a gifted child, especially the increased attention of parents. As a rule, in the families of gifted children, a high value of education is clearly observed, while often the parents themselves turn out to be very educated. This circumstance is a favorable factor, to a large extent, determining the development of high abilities of the child. Parents of gifted children show special attention to their child's schooling, choosing textbooks or additional literature for him and consulting with the teacher on how best to study them. How to work with such children? Children who can be classified as gifted come to elementary school. These children have higher than the majority of intellectual abilities, susceptibility to learning, creativity and manifestations; dominant active, unsaturated cognitive need; experience the joy of acquiring knowledge, mental labor. Based on this, the identification of gifted children, the development of the degree of their giftedness should begin already in elementary school. In educational activities, work with gifted children is based on a differentiated approach, which contributes to the expansion and deepening of the educational space of the subject. Therefore, work with gifted children should consist of both classroom and extracurricular activities. Forms of work with gifted students:  individual approach in the classroom, the use of differentiated learning elements in practice, conducting non-standard lesson forms, creative workshops; group lessons in parallel classes with strong students;   electives;  hobby groups;

 additional classes with gifted students, preparation for olympiads, intellectual games, competitions; research and project activities;   competitions;  intellectual marathon;  scientific and practical conferences;  participation in olympiads, competitions of various levels;  work according to individual plans;  use of modern information and communication technologies (Internet, media library, computer games, electronic encyclopedia);  Creation of children's portfolio. The main forms of extracurricular educational activities Form Tasks Optional  Accounting for the individual abilities of students.  Increasing the degree of independence of students.  Expansion of cognitive abilities of students.  Formation of skills in research, creative and project activities.  Development of skills and abilities of self-acquisition of knowledge based on work with popular scientific, educational and reference literature.  Generalization and systematization of knowledge in academic subjects. Student conference  Formation of students' information culture. Subject  Presentation of a wide range of forms of extracurricular

week (decade) of activity. Scientific society of students  Increasing the motivation of students to study the educational field.  Development of creative abilities of students.  Involving students in research, creative and project activities.  Formation of analytical and critical thinking of students in the process of creative search and research. Circles, studios, associations  Development of students' creative abilities.  Assistance in professional orientation.  Self-realization of students in extracurricular activities. Organization of research work of students at school Preparatory stage: Forms:  Formation of scientific skills 1. Lesson. labor organization.  Involvement in active forms of cognitive activity.  Formation of cognitive interest.  Identification of talented students. 2. Extracurricular activities. 3. Mugs of the aesthetic cycle. 4. Sections. Creative stage: Forms:  Improvement of scientific skills 1. Lesson. labor organization.

 Formation of cognitive interest. 2. Extracurricular activities.  Creative development of students. 3. Subject weeks.  Individual work with capable students 4. School Olympiads. schoolchildren. 5. Electives. 6. Mugs. 7. Sections. Children grow up quickly. But they will be able to live independently and successfully if today we help develop their abilities and talents. Every child is talented in their own way. The identification and education of gifted, talented children is an extremely important issue. The main task of the teacher is to build educational and extracurricular activities in such a way that any individual characteristics of children do not pass by our attention, are realized and cultivated in pedagogical activities with these children. Literature. 1. Gilbukh Yu.Z. Attention: gifted children 2. Derekleeva N.I. Research work at school 3. Savenkov A.I. gifted children: diagnostic methods and learning strategy 4. Panyutina N.I. the system of work of an educational institution with gifted children 5. Federal state educational standards of the second generation.

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Working with gifted children at primary school age


1. Ways of development of giftedness in primary school age

1.1 The concept of giftedness

1.2 Giftedness in primary school age

1.3 Features of the development of giftedness in primary school age

2. Experimental work on the development of giftedness of younger students

2.1 Diagnostic work

2.2 Work on the development of creative abilities


Bibliographic list


At present, the attention of many psychologists and teachers both in our country and abroad is attracted by the problem of children's giftedness.

There are different groups of gifted children. The first group includes "super gifted" children with extremely accelerated mental development. They are a contingent of special schools and boarding schools. There is another group - children with a very high specialized level of abilities, for example, musical or mathematical. Usually children of this group study in specialized schools, and work with them is also not urgent for mass schools. I would like to dwell in more detail on the third group, which includes quite numerous children who study together with others in a mass school, but differ from the rest in a special predisposition to mastering one or another educational area, early psychological maturity, and a high level of social culture. It should be noted that in working with gifted children, it is important not only to timely diagnosis and selection, but also to ensure further development.

The main task is to build the entire educational process and its psychological support in such a way that any individual characteristics of children, fraught with the grain of advanced development in one area or another, do not pass by our attention, are realized and cultivated in our pedagogical activity with these children.

“Every child is a genius to a certain extent,” wrote Schopenhauer. The teacher must remember that no two children are the same: everyone has something of their own, something that makes them stand out from the crowd and make them unique. One has the ability to solve mathematical problems quickly and without errors, the other has the ability to draw, the third has golden hands, the fourth has a predisposition to sports success, the fifth has organizational skills ... In a word, our attention to gifted children should organically fit into image of the world of any child and be completely natural for him. This should happen both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

In the classroom, this approach to students can be implemented using various innovative technologies, including problem-based and dialogic learning (one of the most developed technologies at the moment in the School 2100 OS).

The main thing in problem-dialogical learning is the creation of a problem situation, which:

must have a sufficiently high level of difficulty, but accessible to the student;

should arouse interest in its content and the student's need for its solution;

· should contribute to the "discovery" of new knowledge by the student, moving forward in educational activities.

We see that problem-dialogical learning is a type of learning that provides creative assimilation of knowledge by students through dialogue with the teacher. This technology is effective and health-saving, as it provides a high quality of knowledge acquisition, effective development of intellect and creative abilities, education of an active personality.

With pleasure, children take part in various creative intellectual competitions, small educational Olympiads, brain rings, KVNs, quizzes, etc.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the methods of developing leadership giftedness (organizational abilities) of students. A children's association "Buttons" has been created in the class, which is meaningful for students and meets the real, and not imposed, values ​​of children. It has its own symbols, rituals, a system of norms and rules of conduct that do not contradict the Charter of the school. The class self-governing body of the Class Council, which is elected for a period of one year, is actively working in it.

All students in the class are divided into groups - "families". The Class Council includes group leaders and a warden. It is they who create temporary creative teams for organizing and holding class events, holidays, games, etc. The class teacher coordinates the work of the Class Council together with the parent committee.

Students belonging to the "families" have various assignments: experts, craftsmen, entertainers, athletes, tubes, pills.

The supreme body of the class is the general meeting, which is held once a month. At the meeting, the work of the "families", the fulfillment of assignments by students, the work of the Class Council, etc. are analyzed.

Thanks to the work of the class self-government body, most students take an active part not only in class affairs, but also in school and district events, competitions, cooperate with district organizations, provide assistance to the elderly, participate in the improvement of the village, etc.

All of the above is just a brief description of the methods and techniques of working with gifted children. In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that giftedness is diverse, manifests itself at different levels, in all spheres of life, and it should be considered not only as an achievement, but also as an opportunity for achievement.

1. Ways of development giftedly

1.1 The concept of giftedness

giftedness or general giftedness- the level of development of any human abilities associated with their development. The concept as such was first formulated in the middle of the 19th century by the English psychologist Francis Galton. In the analysis, "artistic" and "practical" talents are separated. The early manifestation of abilities speaks of giftedness. B. M. Teplov defined giftedness as “a qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities, on which the possibility of achieving greater or lesser success in the performance of a particular activity depends.” At the same time, giftedness is understood not as a mechanical set of abilities, but as a new quality that is born in the mutual influence and interaction of the components that are included in it. Giftedness does not provide success in any activity, but only the possibility of achieving this success. In addition to the presence of a complex of abilities, in order to successfully perform an activity, a person must have a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, it should be noted that giftedness can be special - that is, giftedness for one type of activity, and general - that is, giftedness for different types of activity. Often general giftedness is combined with a special one. Many composers, for example, had other abilities: they drew, wrote poetry, etc.

Giftedness, talent, genius are manifested in a person as bright individually unique creative, intellectual, emotional, physical abilities in a particular area of ​​human activity. Differences in the degree, quality and orientation of a person's giftedness are predetermined by nature, the genetic fund. Every normal child is endowed with all human essential forces and the opportunity, under necessary and sufficient social conditions, to develop them in himself. In children, the essential forces develop, as a rule, evenly, collectively, harmoniously. Which of the essential forces, be it intellect, feelings, will, hands and feet, sight and hearing, abstract or concrete-figurative thinking, can manifest itself most powerfully and vividly, depends on the social and pedagogical background on which the general development of the child's personality takes place. Under favorable circumstances, every child can show himself as a gifted being. Phenomenal, extraordinary abilities, bright giftedness, talent, are based on a special organization of the brain, a predisposition to theoretical or artistic thinking; special connection of the eye, figurative thinking and motor skills of the hand; specific interaction of hearing, imagination, muscles of the pharynx, chest and lungs; sensitive and acutely responsive nervous system; the relationship between the constitution of the body and the organs for coordinating the movement of the body. Such rare phenomena of early giftedness deserve special attention. However, they should not distract psychologists and educators from the problem of the giftedness of every normal child. The more opportunities are created for creative self-manifestation for all children, the greater the chances of discovering and cultivating gifted, rare, bright and strong various talents in the general mass. Therefore, the task of pedagogy is to, based on the idea of ​​the universal genetic giftedness of children, create a methodology for working not only with brightly declaring talents, but also to provide a field of activity for creative self-manifestation and self-expression for all children. In a healthy social environment, individuals effectively interact in work, culture, social relations, thanks to their diversity of talents, complement each other, mutually develop and mutually elevate each other. Some are more gifted intellectually, others emotionally, physically, motorically, others in moral-volitional, organizational, artistic, socially merciful relations. Creative, brightly gifted individuals, involving in their social circle those who walk nearby, awaken their creative abilities, make the social environment morally and intellectually purer, more favorable for human development.

Giftedness in its essence is a holistic and multifaceted phenomenon. It has an anatomical and physiological basis, a certain organization and structure of the brain, all its functional systems. In the emergence and development of giftedness, a significant role is played by neuropsychic formations that determine the child's capabilities for a special, original perception of the world, for education and learning, for comprehension and creativity, self-expression and self-affirmation. In the structure of giftedness, an important place is occupied by the emotional-volitional and effective-practical components. They stimulate the child's activity in the practical application of abilities and creative forces. Talent is determined by the individual, personal, moral and aesthetic characteristics of a person. Ideology, conviction, adherence to principles, intellectual and moral looseness and freedom, perseverance, stubbornness, the ability to stand one's own ground, internal self-discipline, civic conscious discipline - all these are certainly internal conditions for the development of abilities, talent, talent. The giftedness of the individual is due to subjective-objective factors that either contribute to the development of talent, or restrain and inhibit the manifestation of abilities in children. The development of a child's giftedness is facilitated by both the presence of a healthy genetic basis and the conditions of a social pedagogical and psychological nature. Giftedness arises and makes its way either as a spontaneous self-expression of peculiarly formed biological structures of the brain and body, requiring appropriate practical activity for their development, or as neuropsychic and physical neoplasms that arise in the process of upbringing and education as a response of the body to the requirements of the environment, and also specific physical, social, intellectual, artistic activities in which children are involved. In both cases, the development of a child's giftedness requires conditions that ensure the testing and use of spiritual and physical abilities. Of particular importance is the system of productive, creative activity, which creates an opportunity for experimentation, giving the right to one's own opinion and error. It is organized in the forms of children's amateur performance, the essence of which is not limited to spontaneity, spontaneity of children's self-manifestation and self-affirmation. Self-activity is effective when it is an organic alloy of internally conditioned drives and motives, needs and incentives with socially meaningful activity. Its implementation by children, provided with consulting assistance from adults, a psychologically favorable environment and the necessary social and material conditions, must be independent. At the same time, any giftedness, gradually brought to the level of creative and professional activity, cannot be successfully formed in isolation from the master, outside of pedagogical guidance. Organized introduction and mastery not only does not suppress a creatively developing personality, but, on the contrary, maintains in the child faith in his own strength, in the possibility of achieving success, and stimulates healthy pride and ambition. At the same time, a child who wants to succeed in developing his talent needs to prepare himself for hard work. Life and human nature are such that success and crucify abilities come! only to those who are ready to overcome external and internal obstacles and difficulties. The shortage of talents is explained not by the impoverishment of human nature, but by the absence of strong natures capable of showing courage, perseverance, perseverance, strict self-discipline in self-education and self-education, in critical rethinking of generally recognized dogmas, stereotypes, "immutable truths", in upholding the new.

The self-formation of a gifted nature, a creatively thinking person, is also conditioned by a moral and psychological attitude that dictates to seek support not so much in other people and favorable external circumstances, but first of all in oneself, one’s inner spiritual world, full of faith in oneself and one’s vocation. The process of creativity itself contributes to internal spiritual self-affirmation, completely absorbing the creator, giving him the highest moral and aesthetic satisfaction and pleasure, compensating for all the costs of a harsh attitude towards oneself. As a result, a talented child becomes committed to internal spiritual values ​​that help to withstand external hardships that lie in wait for a talented person everywhere.

Along with stimulating factors, there are factors that impede, hinder the development of giftedness in children. Among them are not only the lack of a social and material base, a field for the manifestation of the diverse talented activities of children, their creativity, but also formalized, automated and mechanized training systems. Practicing the skills of performance, imitation, reproductive activity, obedience, external discipline, achieving success in training, they nip in the bud the human "self", spirituality, talent, talent, which is born in all its originality as a result of the organic unity of self-organization and creative intellectual freedom. . The lack of organization and shortcomings in the methods of teaching and upbringing explains the poor progress and bad behavior of gifted children in the classroom. It has an external instinctive manifestation of the protest of a dying talent. The child's mediocrity, his lack of interest in himself, is a natural consequence of his inclusion in the mass of "incapable", "talentless" "hooligans" and "fools", in the group of socially and psychologically outcasts. giftedness school talent

The development of children's giftedness is also constrained by the bondage of a significant part of children to a spiritually impoverished, soulless mass culture that manipulates their feelings and consciousness, turning them into passive objects of aggressive influence. The lack of psychotherapeutic and psychological assistance to schoolchildren in overcoming inferiority complexes, aggressiveness, sexuality, in developing the desire to sublimate internal energy into useful creative self-manifestation has a negative effect.

Central to the problem of giftedness is the question of its types, strength and completeness of manifestation, as well as the main criteria for talent. The types of giftedness of children are very diverse. In order to determine, identify types of giftedness, a close combination of general developmental and special exercises is necessary. There are several types of intellectual talent. The rational-thinking type is manifested in the child's inclination to conceptually abstract, abstract thinking, to various kinds of theoretical generalizations. Such an ability is mainly needed by scientists, politicians, economists, public figures - everyone whose profession requires the ability to generalize, operate with symbols, make a reasonable, balanced choice in a variety of scientific, economic, political situations and make responsible decisions. The abstract rational way of mastering the real world is opposed by the figurative-artistic mental type. Its distinguishing feature is thinking in images, the ability to operate with figurative-visual, figurative-auditory representations, create in the imagination new figurative generalizations, constructions, models, combinations of elements of sound, visual and verbal material. Figurative thinking is widely used in artistic, creative, design, engineering professions, it allows you to effectively choose the best options for new technical, technological and artistic and industrial solutions, to create original works of art. There is also a mixed, rational-figurative type of giftedness, which allows a scientist to use his imagination in scientific discoveries and create works of art, and an artist, writer, composer to clearly manifest himself as thinkers: philosophers, historians, politicians, scientists, religious figures. Giftedness is also manifested in the increased emotional sensitivity of one person to the biofield of another. On this basis, the psychic ability of individual individuals to actively influence the physical and spiritual-psychological states of people develops. Such talent is extremely important for a doctor, especially a psychotherapist, actor, director, public figure working with the masses.

There are various types of giftedness in the physical organization, often combined with certain types of intellectual giftedness. Among them are such types as motor-physical, neuro-plastic, intellectual-physical. Physical talent is important for every person, but absolutely necessary for the performance of workers, peasants, space, military professions, as well as for dancers, actors, athletes and athletes.

Giftedness of various directions and types as a qualitative new formation in a person is manifested as a result of various combinations of all essential forces. Its development in a child is promoted by information about the age-related manifestations of talent, the degree, strength and form of its expression. The orientation of some of the child's abilities can be clearly manifested already at an early, preschool age. Giftedness in the motor-physical sphere, which gives the body a special plasticity, opens up the prospect of practicing ballet and sports, is subject to development, as soon as the initial stage of the formation of the body is completed. An early manifestation of talent is found in the field of theoretical-intellectual and artistic creativity. The inclusion of the relevant essential forces of preschool children (hearing, vision, touch, mental processes, nervous system, breathing) into active activity is a decisive condition for acquiring special skills and success in achieving mastery in the future.

At the same time, many children may not have a bright manifestation of abilities at an early age. Their hobbies are changeable and unstable, they achieve average success both in studies and in freely chosen occupations. However, this does not mean that such children are generally mediocre. Some of them have not yet found themselves in everyday routine affairs, have not found themselves in a situation that is most favorable for the manifestation of their individual abilities. The process of maturation of the essential forces of others is somewhat slowed down, it requires significant time costs and greater efficiency in the chosen direction of activity. Such guys, seemingly average, in later age periods experience a violent manifestation of hitherto hidden, internally formed giftedness, a kind of fusion of essential forces, finally acquiring the sphere of the form of manifestation. A spontaneous explosion of abilities can direct the child's interests and activities in the most unexpected direction: into invention, artistic or scientific creativity, into the field of organizing social human activity. Finally, the giftedness of the child may not be revealed for a very long time, or remain undisclosed at all. Most often, this depends on the fact that the student never finds himself in the environment, does not encounter activities that would awaken dormant creative forces in him, set them in motion and form a talented personality. A teenager living in the countryside, in the outback, who is fond of technology, does not have the opportunity to master more advanced machines than a tractor or a car. And a schoolboy in the city, who loves animals and is interested in environmental problems, is limited to communicating only with pets, fish in an aquarium, birds in a cage. It is obvious that the decisive condition for the manifestation of the mass giftedness of children is the sprat of universal secondary education and the variety of opportunities for practical creative activity. The law of random spontaneous manifestation of various human abilities is confirmed the more often, the wider and more diverse the possibilities for the practical application of their creative essential forces by children. At the same time, in this case, the element of chance in the development of a child as a capable person decreases.

Observations of gifted children show that there is no rigid and unequivocal positive relationship between their giftedness and academic success. Moreover, as everyday practice convinces, high success in all general education subjects is shown, as a rule, by students of average, not clearly identified abilities. The need for an equally equal effort of mental strength for the successful mastering of all academic subjects, the dispersal of spiritual and physical strength muffles, restrains, bleeds, slows down the process of developing talent in any one direction. That is why, including schoolchildren in the process of mastering various general educational sciences, crafts, types of labor activity, it is not necessary to demand from them an equal distribution of forces and equal success in all disciplines. With that, there is a direct and rigid relationship between the determined giftedness and children's activity, the manifestation of purposeful interest, dedication, hard work.

The internal psychological and physiological criteria of giftedness are characterized by the development, originality of the flow and manifestation of all mental and neurophysiological processes. Depth, clarity, originality of theoretical or figurative thinking, freedom of speech self-expression; richness of creative imagination, strength and efficiency of logical, visual, auditory, emotional, sensory-motor memory; speed of reaction, flexibility of the nervous and physical organization of the body; intellectual emancipation, the ability to question and critically comprehend established ideas, stereotypes, dogmas. All these features of the psyche are clearly revealed in children in the process of everyday educational and extracurricular activities, in the conditions of freedom of creative self-manifestation, the necessary and sufficient material base.

As an external psychological criterion for the emerging abilities and creative potential of a child's personality, an internal material and spiritual pulsating force of an individual can be taken, spontaneously manifested as interest, curiosity, enthusiasm, desire, persistent aspiration, spiritual and organic need for creativity "in one or another type of activity. Such a free attraction, a spontaneous manifestation of a complex of abilities can be outside of organized educational or even club work.A gifted child, passive at school, finds shelter in a home workshop, laboratory, invents, sawing, drawing, needlework, embroidery.

Moral and aesthetic criteria of giftedness are expressed in emerging character traits, personal qualities, spiritual aspirations and ideals. Adolescents, boys and girls with developed abilities, as a rule, know what they want and who they expect to become. They are characterized by devotion to the chosen cause, perseverance, perseverance and will in achieving the goal. They sacrifice small pleasures to a sense of duty and responsibility, show faith in the success of the case, endurance and discipline. They are able to endure inconvenience, harassment and even suffering for the sake of their hobby, they are ready to fight, to defend their nature for creativity. Talented children are proud, direct, ambitious, honest, appreciate talent in other people, are devoid of envy, vile intentions and feelings, consider it below their dignity to take part in intrigues. They are endowed with an aesthetic vision of the world, they see the beauty of a person about his work, bright and original creative self-expression.

The activity-practical criteria of giftedness are concretely expressed in the results of children's creativity. The higher the quality of the product, the more developed the abilities, the more obvious the talent of the child. These are the originality of the composition, the logicality of solving problems, the depth of understanding of problems, the practical significance of technical creativity, the aesthetics of amateur art, the quality of material products of labor, the clarity of organizational activity, a high level of achievements in sports, skill in fine or performing arts.

The direction, strength and depth of a child's giftedness is measured most accurately and clearly in the case of the complex application of all criteria and the simultaneous assessment of all indicators. The highest level of giftedness is fixed when the ability to be creative, manifested in a specific activity, is accompanied by enthusiasm, strong will in striving for a goal, is organically connected with simple norms of human beauty and morality in behavior, is characterized by success and high quality of labor results. The manifestation of lack of will, laziness, lack of aesthetic instinct by a capable child is a clear evidence of a drowsy state, insufficient maturity and giftedness. Only an educator is able to help such a student to pull himself together, to develop qualities and traits of character in himself, without which no natural talent can be realized and take place. The education of giftedness in children is at the same time the education of their whole personality.

Criteria of children's giftedness are effectively used only in conditions resolved by the general problems of organizing pedagogical work and developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren. The creative work of children is pedagogically effective when it is expedient from the point of view of its usefulness! values, social significance. The direct goal of creativity, which can inspire and stimulate the active activity of the child, is self-affirmation through the creation of material and spiritual values. The indirect, actually pedagogical goal is to develop in the process of purposeful useful activity of children their essential powers: intellect, vision, hearing, feelings, hands, fingers, nervous system, skills, ability to acquire and use knowledge. These goals are achieved when creative methods are widely used in the organization of children's life and work. Among them are games with the use of children's improvisation, fiction; own tasks and practical exercises; business letters, diaries, essays, poems, stories, songs, reviews, critical articles; analysis of contemporary socio-political events, historical facts, works of art and scientific data; participation in performances; activity in creative, economic, industrial, organizational activities, in research work. It is also important to encourage self-reliance in children's creativity: they defend their positions, original vision of the world, an extraordinary author's project, at first glance, an absurd approach to the problem, the manifestation of independent thought, asceticism. It is also necessary to maintain an atmosphere of honest, open criticism in the children's creative team, combined with goodwill and mutual assistance.

Children's talents are discovered and revealed in an environment where creativity permeates the entire life of schoolchildren. In organizing the life, upbringing and education of students, the flow of their creative activity should gradually increase and conquer more and more living space and time. Elements of creativity should be present in the study of any subject, almost in every lesson. Albeit not for long, but all students find themselves in situations where they need to show independence, their own non-standard thinking. At the next stage of creative development, each student gets the opportunity to choose a subject of interest and carry out its creative development. A serious help in the development of creative abilities is individualization - the choice for each student of the optimal forms and means of education. The greatest opportunities for creative improvement of all schoolchildren are provided by the widest scope of extra-curricular, out-of-school work, participation in various public organizations and informal associations, including those at the place of residence. These are research technical centers and centers of aesthetic education, houses and palaces of pioneers and schoolchildren, societies for the protection of nature and book lovers, friends of animals, the study and preservation of national culture, detachments to support social, cultural, and sports public initiatives. General education and differentiated training sessions, the system of out-of-school state and public institutions make it possible to involve literally all schoolchildren in the process of self-development of abilities and talents.

The implementation of the idea of ​​the general development of children's creativity and giftedness does not remove the problem of early, special, reasonable education and training of individual young talents. This is caused, conditioned and justified by the manifestation of interests, inclinations, as well as natural mental, psychophysiological and physical data in some very young children, requiring early specialization and inclusion in specific activities for their development. A number of professions in the field of science, language, and art require specific training and development of the psyche, thinking, and the acquisition of skills and abilities as early as preschool age. The emergence and multiplication of schools for the especially gifted is also due to the acute need of society for personnel in especially complex, delicate, scarce professions. In response to it, physics and mathematics, ballet, language, fine arts, arts and crafts, music, physical culture and sports, acting, and now also pedagogical special classes and schools are emerging and developing.

Thus, the problem of children's giftedness is recognized in theory and implemented in practice simultaneously as the need for the general development of the creative abilities of all children, the creation of a talented "human community that ensures material well-being, wealth and diversity of people's communication, and at the same time the requirement for the implementation of specific education and training. gifted children in unique areas of human creativity.

1.2 giftedst in primary school age

Primary school age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge, a period of assimilation par excellence. The successful fulfillment of this important vital function is favored by the characteristic abilities of children of this age, trusting obedience to authority, increased susceptibility, impressionability, and a naive-playful attitude towards much of what they encounter. In younger schoolchildren, each of the noted abilities acts mainly as its positive side, and this is a unique originality of this age.

Some of the features of younger schoolchildren in subsequent years come to naught, others in many respects change their meaning. At the same time, different degrees of severity in individual children of one or another age line should be taken into account.

But there is no doubt that the peculiarities of the essential affect the cognitive abilities of children.

It is extremely difficult to assess the real significance of the signs of abilities manifested in childhood, and even more so to foresee their further development. It is often found that bright manifestations of the abilities of the child's psyche. However, early signs of abilities cannot leave parents and teachers indifferent - after all, they can indicate the prerequisites for genuine talent.

In order to better understand such children, one must first of all know and take into account the age-related characteristics of the child's psyche. The rapid rise in mental strength as they grow up can be observed in all children. Childhood is a time of development that is unique in its possibilities. With age, there is not only an increase in opportunities, but also a limitation, or even the loss of some valuable features of the child's psyche.

Age phenomenon - the originality of the course of development affects the rise of intelligence, acts as a factor of giftedness. Only in a part of children who are ahead of their age, such an obsession with mental pursuits will become a stable feature. In other such children, other things being equal, the relentless need to exert mental effort will further decrease - this will also affect developing abilities. These differences in the subsequent course of development can be regarded as confirmation that the vivid manifestations of children's giftedness largely depend precisely on age-related features that arise to some extent at a certain time.

In the question of the perception of gifted children, a great responsibility lies with specialists: kindergarten teachers, teachers, child psychologists. They should prompt parental education in time.

But a child with an early flowering of intellect encounters difficulties, misunderstanding not only at home, in the family circle, but also at school, where everyone is taught the same way, and teaching often begins with what he is no longer interested in.

It is the children, the most inquisitive ones, who often get bored in the classroom after the very first lessons.

Most teachers simply have no time to deal with gifted children, since the trouble with our schools is that even the best teacher, when dealing with a whole class, is deprived of the opportunity to focus on those who are ahead.

A child with early mental flowering often has difficulties in relationships with peers.

A lot of additional experiences fall to the lot of such a child, if for some reason he is not given physical education, labor classes.

For "wunderkinds" previously required special permission from the public education authorities. Now, according to the new regulation on the comprehensive secondary school, the right to take external exams for any class and for the school as a whole has been officially introduced.

But this does not remove the difficulties in the development of gifted children. As a result, new difficulties arise.

Some abilities appear early and others take time, but one should not rush to declare a child ungifted if he does not show himself as a young talent. This means only one thing: the “buds” of his abilities have not yet opened.

How to recognize talent.

If your child is gifted and different from everyone else, in order to nurture his talent, you need to know about most of the features of the “non-standard child” and understand his problems.

How parents should behave with a gifted child.

Understand the child and realize his originality.

· Do not ignore all the uniqueness of his data.

· Do not admire them beyond measure.

· Do not turn the whole life of the child into “jumps” to satisfy their parental ambitions.

· Create conditions for “encouragement” of talent.

Do not project your own hobbies and interests onto a gifted child.

· Don't cultivate the need to succeed. Do not force him to please you all the time, using his originality.

· Do not force to get carried away with what you love and do not overload it.

Create an atmosphere of creativity for the child and not extinguish the interest that has arisen.

· Teach patience and reward for all efforts.

Tactfully, delicately help him

· Learn to lose and not perceive any failure as a tragedy.

Try in every way to reduce the vulnerability of the baby.

· Teach your child to be as vulnerable as possible.

Calmly relates to the emotional differences of the baby.

Learn to control emotions.

· To try to help get rid of the feeling of dissatisfaction in oneself by grounding a little the ideal that he imitates.

· Do everything that depends on you, so that he does not underestimate his self-esteem and at the same time, so that he does not expose his giftedness in excess.

Do not elevate him above the rest of the children in the family.

Build relationships with peers. Learn to be friendly in a team.

Consider his personality.

· Encourage him all the time.

· Do not cut the child's wings, but go with him to “fly”.

Monitor the level of development of motor skills and help to master various physical skills.

· Be able to create a friendly atmosphere in relation to him, attracting not only relatives, but also the child's caregivers.

If the child is certainly talented. But in what area can the correctness of the assumption about the innate abilities of the child be assessed by a test - a questionnaire developed by scientists - psychologists, specialties in the field of child psychology A. de Hoan and G. Kaf ..

1.3 Features of the development of giftedsti at primary school age

The evolution of giftedness depends on the level of development and formation of the personality. The well-known in psychology fact of the loss of bright abilities by the time of growing up, scientists also associate with the peculiarities of personal development. It is important not to miss the moment when pedagogical influences on the individual will be most favorable. Many authors emphasize that for the formation of a gifted and talented person, an approving attitude towards her from the society is necessary.

At each stage of ontogenetic development, a person acquires a number of personal qualities and properties, which in the future are the foundation for the emergence of new personality formations. Primary school age plays a special role in personal development. The beginning of systematic learning causes a series of changes in the development of the individual. These changes are largely due to the fact that learning is becoming the leading activity for children. With admission to school, the importance of the adults around him increases for the younger student. The child trusts the elders, this faith is essentially limitless. The teacher often becomes the central figure for the student. The teacher, as a carrier of knowledge, certain norms and rules, in the eyes of the child is an idol, a kind of "cult" person. At first, the teacher is extremely authoritative for younger students. They unconditionally obey him and imitate him in many ways (copying is manifested in attempts to be like their favorite teacher in appearance, in borrowing certain manners, etc.). Children at this age are very sensitive to the assessments of adults. Self-assessment is often a reflection of adults' opinions about the child.

Children of primary school age begin to more consciously control their actions and behavior. A branched system of activity motives emerges. The child consciously formulates for himself the goal of any lesson, motivating him at the same time. Children can intentionally, purposefully control their behavior, guided by not only momentary desires, but also long-term intentions. In connection with the inclusion of the child in active social relations, in connection with the fact that he becomes the subject of activity, the motive for achieving success is formed. At primary school age, children begin to clearly realize their capabilities and abilities. Often, developed abilities in a child are found in educational activities, and are associated with the development of the cognitive sphere (attention, memory, thinking, imagination). In this regard, it seems important to use the emerging motive for achieving success as fully as possible, since this further leads to the development of various abilities of the individual.

Schooling makes a huge difference in a child's life. The formation of verbal-logical thinking, the assimilation of theoretical knowledge lead to the emergence of an internal plan of action, reflection. There is a change in the I-child.

By the end of primary school age, the authority of adults is gradually lost. Peers, a social group, begin to play a great role in the lives of children. Communication skills with peers are actively formed and developed, strong friendships are established.

Primary school age is the age of positive changes. The degree and depth of personal transformations at a given age stage determine how difficult or easy a student will overcome the difficulties of adolescence.

Adolescence is a special period in the development of personality. This period is characterized by sharply passing qualitative changes. Age transformation often occurs in jerks, unevenly. Some teenagers develop faster, others lag behind their peers. Individual development can also take place unevenly: intellectual formation is ahead of personal development and vice versa.

The teenager begins to ""distance"" from adults. At the same time, he expects adults to understand their aspirations and desires, support, and trust. For a teenager, it is important that his elders recognize his equality with them. Otherwise, conflict situations arise.

For teenagers, communication with peers becomes the leading activity. Wanting to take a worthy place in the group of peers, the teenager becomes more conformal to the actions and values ​​of the group members.

Adolescence is the time of transition to a qualitatively new level of self-consciousness and self-concept. A teenager is actively looking for himself, comparing himself with adults and peers. He begins to understand his own value, uniqueness and originality. There is a change in the formation of self-esteem: from a focus on adult assessments, a teenager moves to his own criteria for evaluating his actions, behavior, and personality as a whole. Psychologists believe that it is during adolescence that a substitute formation of self-consciousness and self-concept takes place.

The age from 12 to 14 years in domestic psychology is considered by many scientists to be a critical period of development. L.I. Bozhovich connects the emergence of this crisis with the fact that the rapid pace of physical and mental development creates the prerequisites for the formation of such needs that cannot be satisfied in conditions of insufficient social maturity of schoolchildren of this age (3, p. 105). L.I. Bozhovich believes that the crisis of adolescence is associated with the emergence during this period of a new level of self-awareness, a characteristic feature of which is the appearance in a teenager of the ability and need to know himself as a person who possesses precisely her, unlike all other people, inherent qualities.

DI. Feldstein characterizes adolescence as an age of increased activity, initiative, desire for knowledge, danger, risk. Adolescents develop a volitional sphere of personality. But often showing strong-willed efforts in one activity, the student becomes weak-willed in another. Teenagers are very impulsive, quick-tempered, easily excitable, they are prone to mood swings and affective outbursts.

Ambiguous, unstable ideas of a teenager about himself and others lead to character accentuations.

Puberty has a significant influence on the formation of the personality of a teenager. Going through puberty is often very painful. Teenagers are extremely critical of their own appearance; experiences are associated with a lack of development or with its rapid pace. Dysmorphophobia often occurs at this age.

The changes that have taken place in Russia in recent decades have led to the transformation of the personal qualities of adolescents. There is a sharp decrease in spiritual inquiries. Among adolescents, the manifestation of such qualities as cynicism, selfishness, cruelty, and aggressiveness has increased. Children feel rejected when adults are increasingly concerned only with material well-being, without creating normal conditions for the development of a growing psyche. This results in severe personal experiences of adolescents: increased anxiety, fears, feelings of inferiority and loneliness. Academician D.I. Feldstein argues that "" these new negative acquisitions, leading to the deformation of the motivational-need sphere of the individual, are of particular concern today, since here we are faced with such a nature of conflict between generations, in which lies the danger of a kind of destruction of the entire system of inheritance of cultural and historical experience "" (11, p. 191).

The psychological development of a teenager is uneven, various trends are revealed in it, the desire of adolescents for self-affirmation, self-determination and self-realization is manifested. Awareness of one's place in the system of social relations creates the prerequisites for the realization of one's abilities in the future.

Psychologists who study gifted and talented children note that the gifted often stand out from the rest. Their dissimilarity is explained not only by the brightness and originality of talent, originality and originality of thinking. Many scientists are unanimous in their opinion: a gifted child often matures faster, his personality is formed earlier, and he differs among his peers due to the presence of certain personal qualities and properties.

The role of personality in the formation and development of giftedness is great. It is emphasized that giftedness involves the integral personality of a person, including the motivational sphere, interests, volitional manifestations, feelings, creativity (J. Gallagher, P. Klein, N.S. Leites, A.M. Matyushkin, V.E. Chudnovsky, V. S. Yurkevich).

The psychology of giftedness recognizes the fact that gifted children and adolescents have features of personal development. Psychologists pay attention to the fact that the formation of the personality of a gifted child has certain age-related tendencies, often passes ambiguously and painfully.

A. Tannenbaum, who proposed a "psychosocial" model of giftedness, took into account both external and internal factors of the personality in its construction. The scientist notes that it is difficult to determine what personality traits determine human talents. There are reliable facts that the highest level of ability is associated with a strongly expressed desire for self-realization.

Gifted children need to have a positive self-image. In this case, it is important to adequately evaluate abilities: neither belittling, nor ignoring them, or, on the contrary, nor overly focusing on them. This state of affairs can lead to violations of personality formation, the emotional sphere of children suffers. The child needs to feel and understand that he is valuable; parents and adults love him and see him as a growing personality, and not just a set of certain outstanding abilities and achievements.

In some cases, children with a high level of development of abilities face rejection by their society. Parents try not to notice the talent of their child, trying to avoid difficulties. Peers do not accept a student "too" who knows a lot, who is knowledgeable in all matters. Awareness of inconsistency with the expectations of others, perception of oneself as a "black sheep" leads to the fact that the child begins to hide his abilities, traits of a conforming personality appear. In this situation, one should speak not just about adaptation, about the adaptation of the personality, but about the falsification of one's own "I"" (6, p. 39).

Gifted children are characterized by increased vulnerability and sensitivity. Harmless and neutral remarks often cause a violent emotional reaction in them. It is necessary to develop in children of this category a patient attitude towards the opinions of others, especially in those cases when one has to deal with less capable schoolchildren. The emergence of arrogance, selfishness, misanthropic traits kill the manifestations of talents.

Excessive perseverance in achieving the goal leads to the desire to bring everything to perfection. Works performed at a high level of skill are evaluated by the performer as unsuccessful. Exaggerated personal standards, dissatisfaction, evaluating one's own activities by adult standards lead to painful experiences, personal dramas.

For a child of 7-8 years old, one of the strongest motives for activity is the desire to please parents, to succeed in their eyes. It is necessary to maintain a balance in priorities so that the development of the individual is not disturbed by one desire to look advantageous in the eyes of adults. Encouragement for various attempts, and not just for success, praise for diligence leads to the fact that the child will try himself in various activities, and not seek to avoid failure.

If in the process of teaching talented children their potential is not noticed and not used to the fullest, emotional problems arise. Some children may begin to ignore learning, while showing a non-conformist mood and self-confidence. The other part gradually loses interest in learning, the motivation for activity disappears, emotional distress appears, low self-esteem is possible. According to J. Freeman, such personal qualities as motivation, self-discipline, curiosity and the desire for autonomy are key for a gifted child.

Capable children are often not recognized by adults, because first of all, the academic performance and success of schooling are evaluated. "" The complexity of the situation is aggravated by the fact that the children themselves are aware of their otherness. They can blame themselves, perceiving their features as an anomaly, they can begin to deliberately hide their achievements and thereby mask their abilities and move into a fairly large category of gifted, which is referred to as ""underachievers"".

Children with bright creative abilities show features that cause negative emotions on the part of others: lack of attention to conditions and authorities; greater independence in judgment; subtle sense of humor; lack of attention to the order and "proper" organization of work; bright temperament.

Two conventionally polar groups among gifted children are distinguished by V.I. Panov. The first group - children with a harmonious development of cognitive, emotional, regulatory, psychomotor, personal and other aspects of mental development. The second is children whose mental development is characterized by dissynchrony (imbalance, disharmony) in terms of the level of formation of these sides. That is, a child with high intelligence may be characterized by emotional instability, instability of self-esteem, etc. To unfavorable features, one can add sharp changes in attitude towards oneself and others, neuroticism. Children may show concern, anxiety due to their dissimilarity to their peers. At times, gifted students have an increased silence or, conversely, an increased need for constant expression and upholding their opinions.


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Primary school teacher MBOU School No. 41 "Harmony" g.o. Samara

Annotation: The article discusses the importance of identifying gifted children, organizing work with gifted children, forms of work with gifted children, describes the positive aspects of identifying gifted children, touches upon the development of children's giftedness.

Keywords: giftedness, phenomenon of gifted children, system-activity approach, mental prowess.

Organization of work with gifted children of primary school age.

Today, the problem of identifying, developing and supporting gifted children is extremely urgent for Russia. Disclosure and realization of their abilities and talents are important not only for a gifted child as an individual, but also for society as a whole. Gifted, talented children and youth are the potential of any country, allowing it to develop effectively and constructively solve modern economic and social problems. In this regard, work with gifted and highly motivated children is essential.

The identification of gifted children, the organization of systematic work is one of the main tasks of the modern school and educational practice in the context of the modernization of the Russian education system.

The GEF is based on a system-activity approach, which, among the many planned results, involves: the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of modern society; taking into account the individual characteristics of students; the diversity of their development, ensuring the growth of creative potential and cognitive motives.

Foreign and domestic psychologists dealt with the issues of giftedness of children. There are major studies in the field of the psychology of the creative giftedness of the Americans J. Guildford, P. Torrance, F. Barron, C. Taylor. Based on the ideas of psychologists J. Carroll and B. Bloom, their followers developed a methodology for teaching gifted children. J. Bruno was engaged in the study of especially gifted children. The problems of giftedness were studied by domestic psychologists: Matyushkin A.M. in the work “The Concept of Creative Giftedness”, etc., Shumakova N.B. in a number of her works, Chistyakova G.D. in the article “Creative talent in the development of cognitive structures”, Yurkevich V.S. in "Problems of Diagnosis and Prediction of Giftedness in the Work of a Practical Psychologist".

GIFTED - a significant advance in mental development compared to age norms or exceptional development of special abilities (musical, artistic, mathematical, etc.).

The phenomenon of gifted children was actively discussed in the second half of the 20th century. Since that time, many works have been written in this area, special programs have been created to work with gifted children, including the Gifted Children program, within which the Working Concept of Giftedness has been developed. And yet, every family that has gifted children faces the phenomenon of giftedness and the problems that lie behind it individually.

Gifted children who excel in one area are sometimes no different from their peers in all other respects. However, as a rule, giftedness covers a wide range of individual psychological characteristics.

In psychology and pedagogy, the idea of ​​the presence of general and special abilities and giftedness is common. The former include those that meet the requirements of many types of activity at once (for example, intellectual abilities). Special abilities meet the requirements of only a narrow specific activity (for example, artistic abilities, the presence of a singing voice). True, there are opinions that it is difficult to draw a clear line between them and this division is rather arbitrary.

Undoubtedly, the school should work with gifted children, creating conditions for their self-determination, self-realization and socialization at all stages of development. The professional interest of the teacher, one way or another, is connected with the problem of identifying, supporting and developing children's giftedness.

The identification of gifted children should begin already in elementary school on the basis of observation, the study of psychological characteristics, speech, memory, and logical thinking.

All kinds of forms and activities allow to support and develop their abilities and talents.

The main forms of work with gifted children in our school are:

Subject week.

Subject and creative circles, extra-curricular activities that allow students to show their creativity in various forms of its manifestation: stage creativity, fantasizing, imagination, inventing and writing, searching for additional information for the lesson.

Organization of research work and project activities.

Contests, olympiads, intellectual games, quizzes.

Generalization and systematization of materials and results of work with gifted children - "Portfolio".

Not a new, but popular form of work with gifted children of primary school age is the research activity of students, which contributes to the development and individualization of the personality, as well as the formation of motivation for students to acquire knowledge. As well as possible, the lessons of the surrounding world help in this. Lesson-research allows you to pose serious problematic questions, research tasks, and a child's craving for "secrets" turns him into a "researcher". Successful completion of such tasks generates "intellectual" joy, positive emotions. Children, starting from the first grade, take part in the interschool conference "First Steps into Science".The youngest participants are first graders. Of course, adults also help them: teachers, parents. But the guys in grade 4 are already coping on their own. For several years, our school has been hosting the city tour of the international Olympiad "Intelligence". In 2016, an interregional round of this Olympiad was held. Our children are active participants in this event. More than once we were proud of their victories! There is no need to say what kind of preparation is carried out with children before in the classroom and at home: individual lessons by a teacher with a gifted child, a differentiated approach during the lesson, individual homework. If such work is systematic, then the result will be. Gifted children have excellent results in the All-Russian games-competitions "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear Cub". It is wonderful that the students themselves are interested in the date of the competition, and other children are also involved.

There are different forms and methods of working with gifted children, but the formation of intellectual abilities comes to the fore. Regardless of the level of giftedness and even the level of intellectual abilities, it is necessary to develop their creative qualities.

Thus, the work of a teacher with gifted children is a complex and never-ending process. It requires personal growth from teachers, good, constantly updated knowledge in the field of the psychology of the gifted and their education, as well as close cooperation with psychologists, other teachers, the administration and, of course, with the parents of the gifted. It requires constant growth of skill, pedagogical flexibility, the ability to abandon what even today seemed to be a creative find and strength.


    Belova E.S. Giftedness of the baby: to reveal, understand, support - M; 1998 -251s.

    Leites N.S. Age giftedness of schoolchildren:. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.-320 p.

    Panov V.I. If giftedness is a phenomenon, then gifted children are a problem // Primary school: plus - minus. - 2000. - No. 3. - S. 3-11.

    Savenkov A.I. Gifted children in kindergarten and school: Textbook. allowance for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 232 p.

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. M., Education, 2010.

From time to time, first in one newspaper, then in another, there will flash a message that does not cease to seem surprising about the admission to a university of a schoolboy of thirteen or fourteen years old. This means that someone went to school instead of 10-11 years for only 6-7 years. Most often, an unusually developed child, like everyone else, enters the first grade at the age of six or seven, but then he is rapidly transferred, sometimes in the very first academic year, to the next grades. It also happens that the “jump” through the class or several such “jumps” occur already in adolescence.

Despite the fact that now in a general education school it is allowed to take it externally, this does not remove the difficulties in the development of gifted children. As a result, new difficulties arise.

Firstly, certain gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, due systematicity in their assimilation is not ensured. Secondly, one has to deal with differences in the physical and moral development of a gifted child and his classmates. Here and physical education, and labor training, and finally, the ethics and psychology of family life ... How in these conditions is the formation of self-esteem, relationships with classmates and adults? Who and how should develop individual educational programs and plans for gifted children? First of all, it is necessary that in all classes where there are such children, teachers at least have completed the appropriate coursework. Otherwise, members of the teaching staff, primarily school leaders, will treat “jumping” with great apprehension.

The second way is the creation of lyceums and gymnasiums for the gifted. Nowadays, these types of educational institutions are very popular. This is not a bad solution to the problem. Especially if the educational process in lyceums and gymnasiums is built on scientific principles and a fairly diverse methodological base.

The third way is the creation of special classes for children with enhanced abilities in the structure of a mass general education school. Now this way is implemented in many schools. One of its positive features is that the problem of teaching and educating gifted children is not considered in isolation from the fate of children with less developed abilities. And the very structure of teaching and educating children of different levels of development should be not only differentiated, but also unified.

Here it is appropriate to recall the works of our psychologists. In particular, in the Ukrainian Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Psychodiagnostics and differentiated learning" under the guidance of Doctor of Psychology Yu.3. Gilbukh developed a system of differentiated education in a comprehensive school. It involves the creation, starting from the first year of study, of three types of classes. Children are enrolled in these classes in accordance with the degree of their psychological readiness for schooling. The latter is determined by the actual (that is, currently available) level of development of their mental abilities. Determining the contingent of accelerated learning classes in such a composition, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the development of all children with increased mental abilities. First, it allows you to create accelerated learning classes in all schools of any size. Secondly, it provides more favorable conditions for the development of all children whose mental abilities exceed the age norm. Thirdly, it has a beneficial effect on the mental and moral development of gifted children.

What are these types of classes? The first is accelerated learning classes designed for the most developed 15% of the contingent of children entering school. This group of first graders has an IQ (intelligence quotient) of 120 or more; it naturally includes the gifted.

Along with accelerated learning classes, age norm classes are being created (65% of the total student body) and classes of increased individual attention (the latter are for poorly prepared students, accounting for approximately 20%). In the classes of these two types, the educational process is built according to the usual programs, but in the classes of increased individual attention, the occupancy is two times less than usual.

The direction of the child in a class of one type or another depends solely on the degree of his readiness for schooling and the wishes of the parents. They are present during a short-term (within 25 minutes) psychological examination, which is carried out by two specially trained teachers (examiner and assistant). The test is carried out in a playful way, in an atmosphere of friendliness and emotional relaxation, which allows the child to reveal his intellectual capabilities. The psychological test is limited to those aspects of the child's mental individuality on which the success of his school start depends to a decisive extent.

The critical areas that determine the degree of readiness for the school start are: phonemic perception (hearing), self-regulation of learning activities, vocabulary development, short-term memory and the ability to carry out elementary conclusions. The sixth indicator is the rating of the examiner and assistant in relation to the mental activity of the child, determined on the basis of observations of his behavior when performing the entire set of tests.

As for creative abilities as an integral quality of a gifted child, the main attention at this stage is given to manifestations of intellectual initiative. For example, a child is doing a vocabulary test. And here are the first three words, the meaning of which he must explain: bicycle, hammer, book. But if, in addition to this, the child also tries to somehow connect the explained words with each other, although this is not required of him (for example: a hammer is a type of tool that strikes at various materials and parts; it can be used when repairing a bicycle ; a book is a kind of teaching aid; from it you can learn how to repair a bicycle with a hammer, etc.), which means that this child has extraordinary thinking and imagination.

Special tests of creative talent are also used. Children who score high on the entire set of tests and do not suffer from slowness (phlegmatic temperament) are recommended for an accelerated learning class, where increased attention is paid to the development of creative abilities.

In the teaching methodology, the emphasis is on the formation of the ability to learn. Students are regularly given the opportunity to act as a teacher in class. Various kinds of creative, including competitive tasks, role-playing trainings, group discussions are widely used. Since classes of this type have only a relatively homogeneous composition, the educational process in many cases is built on the basis of intra-class differentiation. This involves the use of group forms of organization of educational work, the opportunity for gifted children to work independently, according to an individual plan. In classes of this type, great importance is attached to independent reading of fiction and popular science literature.

When implementing a differentiated education program, the task is not set for a child with increased mental abilities to graduate from school a year earlier (although this in itself is also a certain benefit). Acceleration is, first of all, a means of optimally loading the abilities of a gifted child, creating favorable conditions for their further fruitful development. At the same time, it should be emphasized that for such children, a faster passage of educational programs, in fact, is not an acceleration. After all, for them, this pace is completely natural, normal. Many adhere to the point of view that since gifted children go through certain topics in a shorter time, the resulting surplus of time can be used for additional subjects of the aesthetic cycle, foreign languages, rhythm, etc. But the problem is not to somehow occupy children's time or even expand their aesthetic education. The problem is to optimally load the mental faculties. And this means providing a gifted child with the opportunity to continuously move forward towards the assimilation of more and more complex conceptual structures. We must not forget about sensitive periods. Indeed, in gifted children, each of these periods occurs, as a rule, much earlier. Consequently, the moment of mastering the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities should also come earlier.

Primary school age is a period of absorption, accumulation and assimilation of knowledge, which means that the most important problem is the preservation and development of giftedness. Primary school teachers face the main task - to promote the development of each individual. Therefore, it is important to establish the level of abilities and their diversity in our children, but it is equally important to be able to properly develop them. Gifted children clearly show the need for research and search activity - this is one of the conditions that allows students to immerse themselves in the creative learning process and instills in it a thirst for knowledge, a desire for discoveries, active mental work, self-knowledge.

In the educational process, the development of a gifted child should be considered as the development of his internal activity potential, the ability to be an author, creator, active creator of his life, be able to set a goal, look for ways to achieve it, be capable of free choice and responsibility for it, make the most of his abilities.

That is why the methods and forms of the teacher's work should contribute to the solution of the designated task. For this category of children, the preferred working methods are:

  • -research;
  • -partial search;
  • -problem;
  • -projective;

Forms of work:

  • - class-lesson (work in pairs, in small groups), multi-level tasks, creative tasks;
  • - advising on the problem that has arisen;
  • - discussion;
  • - games.

Very important:- intellectual marathons;

  • -various contests and quizzes;
  • - word games and fun;
  • - projects on various topics;
  • -role-playing games;
  • - Individual creative tasks.

These methods and forms enable gifted students to choose suitable forms and types of creative activity. The identification of gifted children is already carried out in elementary school on the basis of observations, the study of psychological characteristics, speech, memory, logical thinking and communication with parents. The teacher pays attention to the peculiarities of the development of the child in the cognitive sphere.

As a rule, gifted children show:

  • -high productivity of thinking;
  • - ease of association;
  • -ability to predict;
  • - high concentration of attention.

Using a differentiated approach, each teacher works to develop these qualities. In my opinion, for the successful development of the abilities of gifted children, the condition is the training of teaching staff.

The teacher must be:

  • - certainly talented, capable of experimental and creative activity;
  • - professionally competent;
  • - intelligent, moral and erudite;
  • - own modern pedagogical technologies;
  • - psychologist, educator and skillful organizer of the educational process;
  • - have a positive I - concept, be purposeful, persistent, emotionally stable.

When working with gifted children, you need to be able to:

  • - enrich curricula, i.e. update and expand the content of education;
  • - to stimulate the cognitive abilities of students;
  • - work in a differentiated manner, implement an individual approach and advise students;
  • - make informed psychological and pedagogical decisions;
  • -analyze your teaching and educational activities and the whole class;
  • - select and prepare materials for collective creative activities.

The success of this process is facilitated by the characteristic features of children of this age: trusting obedience to authority, increased susceptibility, impressionability, a naive-playful attitude towards much of what they encounter. In younger schoolchildren, each of the listed abilities is expressed mainly by its positive side, and this is the unique originality of this age. Some of the features of younger schoolchildren in subsequent years "vanish", others largely change their meaning. It is difficult to assess the real significance of the signs of abilities manifested in childhood, and even more so to foresee their further development. It is often found that the bright manifestations of a child's abilities, sufficient for initial success in certain activities, do not at all open the way to real, socially significant achievements in the future. But early signs of ability in children should not be ignored by parents and educators, as they may point to the prerequisites for genuine talent. So let's say there are children - child prodigies.

Geeks are children in whom the age-related phenomenon (the desire to learn, absorb, remember) affects the rise of intelligence and acts as a factor of giftedness. But only in a part of children who are ahead of their age in intellectual development, the obsession with mental activities will not disappear with age and will become a stable feature. In other children, the relentless need to exert mental effort will decrease in the future.

It is a mistake to think that a child who is ahead of his peers in terms of intelligence will not encounter difficulties in school and in life - on the contrary, such children expect considerable difficulties both at home and at school. It is important for parents to properly relate to the characteristics of their child.

Often, excessive enthusiasm for mental activity, which is unnatural for an elementary school child, causes anxiety and concern in parents, and in this case it is important not to bring down all your doubts and fears on the child's head. In other families, the giftedness of a child is like a gift that promises a great future. The child is admired, proud of him, developing in him vanity and high conceit. Gifted children are often especially sensitive to the expectations of others, their approval and criticism. Both admiration and hostility are sure to be reflected in the children's minds. In a family, children with signs of giftedness have a harder time than ordinary children, regardless of whether they are admired without measure or considered strange. Adults can be wrong in their assessments when they meet something in a child that they did not expect.

But gifted children, children with an early flowering of intellect, encounter difficulties, misunderstanding not only at home, but also at school, where everyone is taught the same way, and teaching often begins with what is no longer interesting to him. It is for them, the most inquisitive, that they often get bored in the classroom after the very first lessons. Already able to read and count, they have to stay idle while others master the alphabet and basic arithmetic. Of course, a lot depends on how teaching is conducted, but no matter how hard the teacher tries to treat students individually, when dealing with a whole class, he is deprived of the opportunity to focus on strong students. Smart students need workloads that match their mental strengths, and the high school program has very little to offer. Some children with an early rise in abilities eventually adapt to general requirements, but this comes at the cost of losing their independence, curiosity and creative impulses, and their real opportunities remain unclaimed.

One of the main features of gifted children, which greatly interferes with his disciplined studies at school, is a stubborn unwillingness to do what is not interesting to him. Such children tend to study on their own, they are hurt and offended if adults try to direct their studies.

One of the opinions of modern educators is that for the education of children with high abilities, there should be specialized classes or schools. It is better for such a child to be in an environment of similar children and study according to programs corresponding to his level of intelligence. In addition, gifted children have the opportunity to finish school earlier and go to college. This gives them an advantage - they can make a career earlier and achieve creative success in their chosen field.

Another - gifted children should not be an "exception". The rising generation should consist of such children (in one direction or another), which means that these children should fill all educational institutions. If, however, the latter is missing, then the problem appeared before we had time to notice it.

Is it possible to restore the process of the fall of modern youth, to cure it? Or maybe at this stage it is more important to protect the present, suddenly looking at the high intelligence and level of development, someone will pay attention and recover himself?! After all, there are gifted children, and always will be.

Giftedness is now defined as the ability for outstanding achievements in any socially significant area of ​​human activity, and not just in the academic field. Giftedness should be seen as an achievement and as an opportunity for achievement. The meaning of the statement is that one must take into account both those abilities that have already manifested themselves and those that may manifest themselves.

The problem of giftedness is a complex problem in which the interests of different scientific disciplines intersect. The main ones are the problems of identifying, training and developing gifted children, as well as the problems of professional and personal training of teachers, psychologists and education managers to work with gifted children.

From a psychological point of view, it should be noted that giftedness is a complex mental object in which cognitive, emotional, volitional, motivational, psychophysiological and other spheres of the human psyche are inextricably intertwined.

The characteristics inherent in the gifted enrich our life in all its manifestations and make their contribution to it extremely significant. Firstly, the gifted are distinguished by high sensitivity in everything, many have a highly developed sense of justice; they are capable of sensitively capturing changes in social relations, new trends of the times in science, culture, technology, quickly and adequately assess the nature of these trends in society.

The second feature - continuous cognitive activity and highly developed intellect make it possible to obtain new knowledge about the world around. Creativity attracts them to the creation of new concepts, theories, approaches. The optimal combination of intuitive and discursive (discursive - rational; justified by previous judgments) thinking in gifted children (in the overwhelming majority of cases, with the former dominating over the latter) makes the process of obtaining new knowledge very productive and significant.

Thirdly, most of the gifted are characterized by great energy, purposefulness and perseverance, which, combined with vast knowledge and creative abilities, make it possible to implement a lot of interesting and significant projects.

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