Conditions of admission. Russian State Social University RGSU apply

Applicants wishing to receive social education choose RSSU from year to year, since at present it is the only university in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries that provides such an opportunity. However, getting there is not easy. The passing score for some specialties exceeds 85 in each subject required for admission. At the same time, the number of budget-funded places in these areas is small, which further complicates the admission to free education at the RSSU. In addition, there are no budget places at all in many highly demanded specialties, so many RSSU students study on a commercial basis. Before concluding a contract, it is extremely important to find out the prices for training in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. Let us consider what is the established cost of education in the RSSU in the 2017-2018 academic years.

Full-time education

RSSU offers a wide range of specialties available for training. Each of them differs from the other in complexity, degree of demand, teaching staff and form of training, therefore, the prices for training vary significantly. So, the most affordable in terms of price in the upcoming academic year will be the direction "Special. (defect.) education (hereinafter: SDO) "at the Faculty of Psychology (hereinafter: FP), one year of study at which will cost 128,000 rubles.

It will cost eight thousand more (136 thousand rubles) to receive a Pedagogical Education (hereinafter: PO) in the profile of "Music Education" at the Higher School of Music. A. Schnittke (hereinafter: GSOM).

For a significant part of the specialties in the RSSU, the cost is set at 140 thousand rubles per academic year. It is installed for the following areas:

For 150,000 rubles a year at RSSU, it will be possible to study Personnel Management (hereinafter: UP) at FU.

In second place in terms of prevalence is the price of studying at the RSSU, which is 154 thousand rubles and covers the following areas:

The most expensive specialties are shown in the table below:

Extramural studies

Many applicants choose to enroll in a correspondence course at RSSU, because, firstly, only this form makes it possible to fully combine earnings and getting an education, and secondly, the prices for such training are much more democratic than with full-time attendance. At the most inexpensive price (50,000 rubles), it will be possible to study the following specialties:

A little more (56,000 rubles) will cost to study in the following areas:

Training in the following specialties will cost 60,000 rubles:

The highest prices for extramural students, from 70 thousand rubles per year, are set for the following areas:

RSSU has a special form of distance learning, which implies the use of distance learning technologies. The advantage of such training is not only convenience, but also the lowest cost, and the disadvantage is the narrow choice of available directions. So, in absentia, remotely at the indicated prices, you can study at the RSSU only on the following training programs:

The cost of studying in the RSSU specialty

Branch of RSSU in Minsk

Some specialties at RSSU require more thorough training, the duration of which is 5 years instead of four. Studying in the specialty of the Social University can only be full-time, and the cost of such training does not exceed 150 thousand rubles. The list of available destinations includes:

Prices for studying at the RSSU master's program

Full-time education

RSSU also trains masters. At the most affordable price of 140,000 rubles per year, you can continue your education in the following training programs:

The next, both in terms of availability and prevalence, was the price of 154,000 rubles per year, which is set for the following areas:

As for the other areas, there is a wider range of prices:

Extramural studies

In the RSSU master's program, it is allowed to study in absentia. The cheapest (for 50,000 rubles per year) will cost training in specialties from the following table:

The most common for full-time masters is the price of 60,000 rubles, which is set for the directions indicated below:

For training in Journalism at PKU, they will take 70,000 rubles annually.
The following table shows the directions for training in which you will have to pay 78,000 rubles for every two semesters.

The most expensive master's program at the RSSU is "Jurisprudence" at the Law Firm, where they will take 98,000 rubles per year of study.

Extramural + distance learning

Prices for various specialties for masters studying by correspondence and distance learning range from 44,000 to 88,000 rubles per academic year.

See also overview video about RSSU:

A student of this university: A terrible nightmare has been going on in this educational institution since 2017, when it was headed by Mrs. P *****. It is not worth going into the intricacies of her biography, suffice it to say that the pedagogical experience of her work was less than 2 years, when she headed such a large and respectable institution.

It's about the Faculty of Management, where I entered to study in the summer of 2016. For obvious reasons, I will not disclose my specialization, I will say that training is conducted in a similar vein in all areas of the faculty.

The advantages include the good infrastructure of some of the university premises. There are good audiences, classrooms, renovations. Another thing is that these things do not affect the quality of training, which remains at an unsatisfactory level.

Smoothly moving on to the disadvantages. They are in any university, of course, only here they exceed all available standards:

1. Disgusting work of the dean's office.
If something happens to you and you need to find out something, then be prepared for the fact that with a probability of 85% you will not be able to find out the answers to your questions. The dean's office systematically does not answer on the phone from 9 to 18 hours, although they have a huge number of additional numbers. Deans of other divisions (Stromynka, Losinoostrovskaya) respond normally and without expectations.

I also strongly recommend that you read all the laws in advance, because the dean's office themselves do not understand how education is structured and what rights students have. There was a case when employees of the dean's office said that I could not make a social deduction, although, according to the law, I have every right to do so. Accordingly, certified copies of the license were not handed over to me.

Separately, I will say about receipts for tuition fees: keep ALL copies in huge quantities, because the dean's office likes to "lose" them and demand tuition fees, even if you paid everything on time and brought confirmation.
2. Pointless items on the schedule.
In order to stretch out the study time, countless subjects are added that are not related to your specialty. To some extent, they could be useful for the outlook, only these pairs are fewer than fingers on one hand, and they all end with exams and tests with very high requirements.

3. Electronic training system for LMS.
An unfinished and crude site, where teachers are asked to dump work. There is no sense in 90% of tasks, it is tantamount to adequate assessment criteria.

There were stories when this system crashed on the day of the exam and the teacher could not give marks to students. As a result, the teacher put them on the ball. By the way, most of the group does not take any part in the classes and does not complete the tasks. Some of these "activists" received good marks, and the guys who worked normally received triples and could not justify them in any way.

By the way, the dean's office is very fond of losing record books, statements, so do not be surprised that the diploma may contain not the marks that you earned or expected.

Here I strongly advise you to independently track absolutely all the grades that you receive: save statements, ratings, even work. In the form of photographs, or copies, so that you can defend your position in an emergency.

4. Low quality of knowledge, lack of prestige of the university.
My own sister did not study journalism at this university several years ago. Then a huge scandal broke out due to the fact that some of the doctors / candidates were awarded academic titles on the basis of the RSSU for works that were completely borrowed from other people. That is, they took entirely someone else's work and only changed their name there. You can read this story (Dissernet investigation) on the Internet, there is a lot of confirmed information.

There is an opinion that RSSU is a very prestigious university. In fact, it is not included in any objective university rankings, except for those posted on third-rate sites, where RSSU will inevitably rank higher than HSE, RUDN or some more or less worthy institution. The situation of such "success" lies in marketing, as in Synergy - articles, reviews, awards are bought. This is quite common in the field of cinema, music, business, so there is nothing to be surprised at.

In vacancies in a company with a big name, you can find positions with education. Employers are asking graduates of Moscow State University / RANEPA to respond, there are even technical universities, but so far none of my acquaintances have come across a vacancy from the RSSU.

5. No ties with major brands and organizations for employment and practice
All major universities have partnerships with brand companies, organizations that can accept you for practice and even work.

For example, graduates of the humanities of Moscow State University are very fond of hiring in the field of PR / advertising, MGIMO - in diplomacy and international relations, HSE - in the media and journalism. In RSSU you can be offered vacancies of sellers with a salary of 25 thousand rubles (they are posted on their website). There are no internships or internships, since you will take it at the RSSU. Summer practice takes place in the entrance committee of the RSSU under the GPC agreement. Often, such trainees mislead applicants and tell stories about the prestige of the university. Many students are forced to volunteer in exchange for points. It is clear that this is not officially regulated in any way, but a refusal can pretty much spoil your grades.

Bottom line: I have been studying for the third year at this "university". The attitude of the university towards students is bestial. It doesn't matter if you study on a paid or on a budget, RSSU is not a "social", but, on the contrary, an antisocial university that will make you doubt your own strengths and prospects.

A separate item for people who are experiencing difficulties in paying for tuition: if you yourself pay for tuition in conditions of financial difficulties (you have a low salary, have mortgages, loans), and you expect quality from education, then it is better to look at other universities. Get ready for the fact that you will have to think very often about this university, about resolving any issues that should not concern you in any way, since this is the university's duty under the agreement that you have entered into.

If you want to study for the sake of a diploma (as I study for the sake of management crust) and for you a material question is not a problem, then you are welcome. But remember that at any time you can be on the list for deduction.

Russian State Social University is the main social university in Russia! The RSSU enrolls 25,000 students in 48 areas of bachelor's degree and 32 areas of master's degree at 13 faculties. The college of the Russian State Social University trains specialists at the university: 10 specialties on the basis of grades 9 and 11.

Benefits of studying at RSSU:

  • Quality education: full-fledged higher education at the level of world standards.
  • RSSU - University of the World: foreign students from 110 countries study here. RSSU centers have been opened in Cuba (Guantanamo University) and Argentina (Cuyo University), San Luis University (Argentina), and the Autonomous University of Mexico (UAM) (Mexico).
  • 7 languages ​​are taught at RSSU: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Chinese and Korean.
  • Academic mobility programs: RSSU students study in the following countries: China, Republic of Korea, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Brazil.
  • Student life: Student Council - RSSU Senate became the best student self-government body among Moscow universities three times. During the year, the RSSU hosts more than 250 student events, for example: Miss and Mister RSSU, the day of dormitories, the birthday of the university, the Student Spring festival, master classes and lectures by famous Russian figures. Several times a year, the most active students of the university go to one and four recreation centers of the RSSU for several days to hold creative forums.
  • RSSU is one of the leaders of the volunteer movement in Russia... The RSSU volunteer center has 7,800 students from 140 universities in the country. Volunteers provide for the largest events of the country and the World: Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Aquatics Championship in Kazan, European Football Championship 2016, World Cup 2018, Annual tank biathlon competition, National Championship " Abilympics ".
  • Sports at the university: RSSU is the most chess university in the country. The University is the main organizer of the Moscow Open, the largest international chess tournament in Europe, which takes place annually in late January - early February at the RSSU. Chess tournament holder of a record in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2013, a sports and recreation center with a swimming pool was opened at RSSU.
  • Practice and employment: RSSU students can do internships and find jobs in the largest Russian companies and institutions with which the university cooperates. Some of them are: Ministry of Industry and Trade, Sberbank, Post Bank, VTB24, Adidas, Moscow Government, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Culture, Domodedovo, Federation Council of the Russian Federation. More than 70% of RSSU graduates are officially employed in the first year after graduation.

  • RSSU received 3 stars in the QS Stars University Ratings
  • RSSU entered the QS BRICS rating
  • 63rd place in the National University Ranking "Interfax"
  • Included in the TOP-10 among all Russian universities in economic, humanities and social sciences according to the rating agency "Expert"
  • Educational programs of RSSU were recognized as the best in the framework of the All-Russian project "The Best Programs of Innovative Russia - 2017"
  • Included in the TOP-20 of economic universities in Russia in terms of graduate salaries (

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Admission to undergraduate programs is carried out based on the results of general educational entrance examinations. The results of general educational entrance examinations are recognized as the results of the Unified State Exam or the results of entrance examinations conducted by FSBEI HE "RSSU" independently for certain categories of applicants.

  • Documents required for admission
  1. Identity document
  2. Certificate of education of the established sample
  3. Name change document (if any)
  4. Military registration document (if any)
  • Format of entrance examinations
  • Secondary (complete) general education certificate - 11 cl.
  1. Issued on the territory of the Russian Federation - any year of graduation
    .Only based on the results of the exam *
  2. Issued on the territory of a foreign state
    .At the choice of the applicant according to the exam * or according to the internal entrance examinations
    Issued until 2018 - only based on the USE results *
  • Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education - College

At the choice of the applicant according to the Unified State Exam * or according to internal entrance examinations

* USE results are valid since 2015

  • Minimum USE scores * / VI established by the university
Item Score
Russian language 46
Maths 36
Social Studies 46
History 40
Literature 38
Biology 42
Physics 38
Chemistry 38
Geography 40
Foreign language 46
Professional and creative challenge 40

* USE results are valid since 2015

  • Admission to targeted training
  • Categories of persons applying for special rights

Children with disabilities, invalids of groups I and II, invalids from childhood, invalids due to military injury or illness received during military service have the right to be admitted to training at the expense of budgetary allocations within the established quota (special quota).

The admission quota for these categories of applicants is established annually by the RSSU in the amount of at least 10 percent of the total admission control figures allocated by the RSSU for the next year, in the areas of training.

Persons with disabilities, people with disabilities have the right to choose: to count the results of the USE or to pass entrance examinations in the format of a university.

  • Special rights and benefits
  • Reception of foreign citizens

Foreign citizens studying in basic educational programs (in all courses) who have educational documents issued NOT in the territory of the Russian Federation must go through the procedure for the recognition of foreign education (so-called nostrification). For citizens of some countries, nostrification is not required.

  1. Citizens Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
    (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 1999 No. 662)
  2. Citizens Armenia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Georgia permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation
    The necessary condition in this case
    - a foreign citizen has a valid residence permit (not to be confused with a temporary residence permit!)
    (Agreement on cooperation in the field of education dated May 15, 1992 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 2, 1994 No. 43)
  3. Compatriots- persons living outside the territory of the Russian Federation and belonging, as a rule, to the peoples historically living in the territory of the Russian Federation.
    Upon admission on a general basis, a compatriot provides:
    .Birth certificate of the applicant (original or notarized copy)
    .Documents confirming the permanent residence of the applicant and his parents abroad (original or notarized copy)
    .Documents confirming kinship in a direct ascending line with the indicated persons - for the descendants of compatriots

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