Service 138 psychological pedagogical assistance. Appeal on problems in Moscow education for children with disabilities and children with health care facilities, with proposals for their resolution and elimination

Donichenko O. G.,
Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution OTSPMSS TsOUO DOGM
Moscow, 2015

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided to: - children / students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic educational programs, p

Article 2 Clause 16, Article 42 Clause 1 Federal Law No. 273 -
Federal Law of December 29, 2012 "On education in the Russian
Federation "
Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided:
- children / learners with difficulties in mastering
basic educational programs, development and social adaptation;
- children / students with disabilities
(an individual with disabilities in an individual and (or)
psychological development, confirmed by the psychological and medical pedagogical commission and hindering education
without creating special conditions);
- children / students, students with disabilities

Model of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance

District centers for psychological and pedagogical, medical and
social assistance
Central psychological, medical and pedagogical
Moscow city commission

Departmental list

p / p
public service
Providing psychological and pedagogical,
medical and social
helping students,
struggling in
mastering the main
general education
programs, its development and
social adaptation
Consumer category
public service (work)
Children with developmental problems
learning, social adaptation;
Learners experiencing
difficulties in mastering basic
general education programs,
its development and social

Psychological and pedagogical council - the basis of the activity of psychological and pedagogical support at the level of the educational organization

Psychological and pedagogical council -
the basis of the activity of psychological and pedagogical support at the level
educational organization
risk ";
monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of educational
route and psychological and pedagogical support;
implementation of educational routes for children with disabilities and children with disabilities;
development and implementation of adapted educational programs;
organization of psychological education for teachers to improve
professional competencies.
psychological and pedagogical
psychological and pedagogical
a single

The composition of the psychological and pedagogical
council of an educational organization
a representative of the administration of an educational organization;
teacher and / or educator;
psychological and pedagogical service specialists
accompaniment: teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist,

The procedure for providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering the main

The procedure for providing psychological and pedagogical,
medical and social assistance to students,
experiencing difficulties in mastering basic
general education programs, its development and
social adaptation
PPMS Center

in the PP-council of educational
Undergoing examination procedure
at the PP-consultation
PPMS Center
psychological and pedagogical
assistance in educational
Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided in the PPMS center

public services (works) provided (performed) by government organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education

Departmental list
public services (works) provided (performed) by public
organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow

p / p
Name of the state
services (works)
Consumer category of the state
services (works)
Children with disabilities
health in need
individual program
Providing special
educational conditions
students with disabilities
health opportunities
Students with disabilities and
health opportunities in need
adapted educational
People with disabilities in need
individual program

Special conditions for receiving education by students with disabilities

Educational programs and teaching methods
and education
Textbooks, study guides and didactic materials
Technical means of teaching collective
and individual use
Provision of assistant (assistant) services
Conducting correctional classes
Providing access to the buildings of organizations

Adapted basic general education program
(preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general)
Art. 79 FZ-273:
for the deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf
for the blind, visually impaired
for children with severe speech impairments,
for children with musculoskeletal disorders
for children with mental retardation,
for children with mental retardation,
for children with autism spectrum disorders,
for children with complex defects

Central psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow

Unified algorithm
Recommendations for
learning environment
and education in OO
helping parents
NGO specialists and
other organizations
Accounting monitoring
(the confirmation,
the change
Organizational methodological
Recommendations for
conditions for the delivery of the GIA
Development and
basic and
software packages

Composition of the TsPMPK of Moscow

Medical Subcommittee
medical commission
state system
city ​​health
subcommittee of the CPMPK
Moscow city
mediation board
TsPMPK of the city of Moscow

Conclusion TsPMPK
of Moscow
medical report on
health status and
recommendations for organizing
educational process for
persons with disabilities
health opportunities
(subcommittee of the medical commission)
ITU help, individual
rehabilitation program
disabled child
Special conditions
training and education

students with disabilities in educational organizations

The procedure for providing special conditions for education



Educational organization

student with disabilities
health (including individual and
group remedial classes)
Provides special education conditions
student with disabilities
health capabilities (without individual and
group correctional classes)
Agreement with the PPMS Center
Specialists of the PPMS-center carry out correctional and developmental classes on the basis of educational institutions

The procedure for providing special conditions for education
students with disabilities in
educational institutions of the city of Moscow
Child not attending CBO
Undergoing the examination procedure at the Central Medical and Industrial Complex in Moscow
Provides the original of the opinion of the TsPMPK of Moscow
PPMS Center
Provides correctional and developmental assistance on the basis of
PPMS-center according to the conclusion of the TsPMPK of Moscow

Psychological and pedagogical assistance in the district centers of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance

center for
Providing psychological and pedagogical
assistance based

Complex psychological and pedagogical support
Psychological and pedagogical assistance
learners experiencing difficulties in
mastering basic general education
programs, their development and social
of Moscow
educational organization
or PHC center

public service
psychological and pedagogical,
medical and
social assistance
experiencing difficulties
in mastering the main
general education
programs, its development
and social adaptation
Consumer category
public service
Children with problems
in development, learning,
social adaptation;
in mastering the main
general education
programs, its development
and social adaptation
18 hours
Teacher speech therapist

The volume of correctional and developmental assistance in an educational organization or primary care center

public service
Category of consumers of public services
Children with disabilities / people with disabilities (general
disease profile) requiring AOP with
taking into account psychophysical characteristics and
individual capabilities of the child
special conditions
139 students with
Children with disabilities
needing AOOP:
THR, ZPR, UO, RAS, deaf / hard of hearing /
late deaf, visually impaired
Teacher speech therapist
36 hours
Teacher defectologist
Teacher speech therapist
72 hours
Teacher defectologist
Children with disabilities
needing AOOP:
ODA, SD, blind
Disabled children in need of
SD, ODA, UO, RAS, blind, deaf
(additional help in social protection)
Teacher speech therapist
108 hours
Teacher defectologist
Teacher speech therapist
Teacher defectologist
72 hours

Initial examination on the basis of the educational organization visited by the student

* Initial examination is carried out in September-October - for

conditions of education and upbringing in the current academic year.

Re-examination on the basis of the educational organization visited by the student

* Re-examination is carried out in March-May - for
receipt of the conclusion of the TsPMPK of Moscow on the creation of special
conditions of education and upbringing in the next academic year.

Territorial Subcommittee of the TsPMPK of Moscow

Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya st., 45/17, building 1;
Street 1905, 5;
St. 1st Dubrovskaya, 5a;
Fadeeva st., 2;
Frunzenskaya emb., 36/2;
Orlikov per., 8
8 (499) 975-15-67
8 (499) 975-12-05
8 (499) 975-12-13
8 (499) 975-12-16
8 (499) 975-12-17
8 (499) 975-12-18
8 (499) 975-12-19
(Monday-Friday, 830 - 1900)
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One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is not so much to provide people with disabilities and disabilities with education and work, but to help them feel part of society and find a worthy place in it, to become successful.

At a meeting in the Nizhny Novgorod branch of "RG" with the participation of the author of the "Access Point" program Olga Nikitina, Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the region Sergey Zlobin spoke about how this can be achieved.

Sergey Vasilyevich, what programs and projects are being implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in terms of rehabilitation and habilitation of people with disabilities through your department?

Sergey Zlobin: At the moment, the most relevant project can be called the third regional competition of the national championship of professional skills for people with disabilities "Abilympics". Its opening will take place on October 24 at the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College, the main task is to help people with disabilities find a job, to believe in themselves.

This year we have expanded the number of specialties. For students, this is web design, database administration, economics and accounting, primary school teacher, arts and crafts, assembly and disassembly of electrical equipment, dry construction and plastering, tiling, massage therapist, and for schoolchildren - beading, wood carving, light construction and sewing. Our task is to choose a specialty for a child that fully meets his existing capabilities, and to find an employer for him.

CEOs of many companies have concerns about the level of competence of employees with special needs in development, as well as the fact that labor laws are highly protective of them. What if the working relationship does not work out, and it will not be so easy to terminate the contract? Therefore, we are trying to show that these fears are often far-fetched.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, in general, there are good indicators for the employment of people with disabilities and disabilities. This year we had 95 such graduates in the system of complete secondary education, 73 of them are already working, four are self-employed, nine, unfortunately, will not be able to get a job due to illness, and another nine have continued their studies. All of 18 university graduates got jobs.

Why should an employer pay attention to a person with a disability? What are the arguments in favor of it?

Sergey Zlobin: The main argument is the successful experience of other employers and colleagues. I confess that I once faced a similar situation. In a previous job, the driver of a company car was a person with a disability. Of course, questions arose during employment. But due to life circumstances, the absence of violations and excellent recommendations, he was hired for a job, where he worked for a fairly long time, and quit himself, moving to another job, because salaries in budgetary organizations are small. He did an excellent job of his duties.

How do you help with the socialization of people with disabilities?

Sergey Zlobin: We constantly accompany people with disabilities from the moment they first appear in our field of vision. For us, socialization is, first of all, successful employment after training. A person must be in demand, and then he will be satisfied with life.

Where can people with disabilities get help in acquiring a profession?

Sergey Zlobin: Last year, a resource center was created at the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College with federal and regional funds, one of the specializations of which is inclusive education. While there is only one in the region, now a second is being created - in Arzamas. One of the areas of study there will be the auto business, we are purchasing special vehicles for the future resource center. We are not chasing the quantity yet, it is important to understand how effective its work will be.

Often, parents, both the first and the second, are not ready for joint education of ordinary children and children with developmental disabilities. How acute is this problem, what is being done in terms of public education?

Sergey Zlobin: If the situation is brought to a conflict, it means that we have not finished working on something. As part of the Accessible Environment program, we are preparing integrated groups in kindergartens for the admission of children with disabilities, and now we are creating a barrier-free environment. Already at this stage, we begin to tell parents and children about the new pupils, that these children are no worse, they just have peculiarities. And in 95 percent of cases, conflicts do not arise.

If a conflict does arise, then the only way to resolve it is mediation, a conversation with both parties. The mediators are mainly psychologists and social educators. There are already joint groups in every district of the region. Teachers, healthy children and their parents need to improve their culture, not be afraid of special children and the process of their upbringing, and special children and their parents should not focus on their own characteristics, but join the team, participate in common events and not be afraid to show their talents.

Has sociological research been conducted on the issue of tolerance?

Sergey Zlobin: In this case, social research can show the "average temperature" for the area. For us, the microclimate in each specific educational organization is more important, therefore we conduct opinion polls at the institution level. Most often, we interview parents of ordinary children who honestly admit that they are not sure that their child will be tolerant of a special neighbor. Moreover, this is not a blank survey for a tick, which will not show the real attitude. These are mainly conversations, class hours and meetings. The problem needs to be discussed.

Are there institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region for children with mental disabilities?

Sergey Zlobin: This is a more complex topic. If we talk about mild violations, then such children are successfully trained in working specialties, for example, they become tilers or plasterers. By the way, in this regard, they have a definite plus - they perform their work with high quality and concentration.

The Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is in charge of those who are not allowed to receive professional education by violations.

The development of modern children is specific. They learn gadgets early, communicate less with their parents, with each other. When we try to evaluate them only by standard questionnaires, then there is a catastrophically large error, and any mistake can become a stigma for a child. We try to avoid this. Speaking about inclusion and tolerance, you need to accept children as they are and see where they can move on, rather than aim to identify, correct and bring them to a common denominator. We don't know what the standard is. The world is different.

What other measures help special children to socialize in society? Is there a shortage of specialized personnel?

Sergey Zlobin: On the basis of preschool institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region, there are 269 counseling centers (), where parents of special children who did not go to kindergartens can get help from a psychologist through play. On the one hand, of course, we will strive to provide all children with places in kindergartens, and on the other, to preserve these centers because of the "second expert opinion". On January 1, 2019, a regional psycho-medical-social center will open on the basis of the Children Against Drugs center, which, surprisingly, did not exist before.

We have enough specialists, there is no shortage of personnel. The question is in qualifications, constant retraining. Rather, we lack psychologists and social educators in schools. Future preschool teachers are helped by a large course of the university program in psychology and psychophysiology. But the question arises for the teaching school teachers: to study within the school or educational centers on the basis of non-profit organizations (NPO)?

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, like mushrooms, various developmental centers, or "developmental", are spawning. Does the region's Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy somehow control this process?

Sergey Zlobin: I advise you to contact only those centers that are licensed for such activities. If the organization provides just supervision and care, then a license is not needed, but psychological assistance is required, since this service is included in additional education. By the way, on the website of our ministry there is a list of organizations licensed to operate. This means that the organizers were not afraid to present educational qualifications, professional skills, showed their premises, the conditions created.

One should be skeptical about the "gray" centers, because they did not even dare to declare themselves in the format of non-profit organizations. By the way, in addition to the register of licensed educational centers, we also have a register of non-profit organizations. The plans are to organize, together with Rospotrebnadzor and physicians, a commission and conduct voluntary certification of all developing centers, the list of which will be published on the website of our department. And not for the purpose of compulsory licensing and additional requirements, but for the peace of mind of parents. For example, the problem may even be hidden not in the educational process, but in non-observance of sanitary standards. In addition, people with a conviction for serious crimes or dangerous diseases can work there with children. Voluntary certification will allow you to hang a special sticker or badge on your organization's door. This will be beneficial for market participants: those who want to get out of the "shadow", within the framework of the national project "Education" will be able to receive federal grant support or training at the budget expense. This applies to those who look after children under three years of age and provide psychological assistance.

Help "RG"

On the portal"Live together" social infrastructure facilities accessible to people with disabilities are reported.

Also, the portal "Map of opportunities for a special child" is currently being formed, which will be filled until October 31. It will help you get information, for example, about educational institutions and rehabilitation centers. The goal of the project is to collect information on all available institutions for special people on an interactive map. This project is being implemented by the interregional children's and youth public organization for the comprehensive development of the personality of patriotic and moral education of children and youth "Bears" with the support of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Material prepared in collaboration with Simona LLC

Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children

Mayor of the city of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

on problems in Moscow education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities, with proposals for their resolution and elimination

To effectively spend budget funds and fulfill the state's social obligations to children with disabilities and disabilities and their families, reliable statistics are needed, which will make it possible to make reasonable statistical forecasts and plan, correctly identify growth points, and understand where the "weak points" are to strengthen them ...

Early help

In recent years, the number of newborns with functional immaturity or developmental pathology has increased significantly. According to various estimates, up to a third of newborns from the total number have deviations from the normative development, which is why early diagnosis and corrective assistance are extremely necessary. Provided that timely early assistance is received in the required amount, up to 60% of children at risk (up to 3 years old) can be fully rehabilitated / habilized. Early assistance and early detection are still of a targeted nature. At the same time, we have a reverse vector - in education in recent years, the number of services for an early age has sharply decreased, and correctional work with children of this age has dropped to a critical point and has become paid.

The number of children with disabilities who need correctional assistance and special educational conditions by the school period is at least the same 35% of the child population.

There is a request for correctional assistance and special educational conditions for children with disabilities, but Moscow has not met this request, which is reflected in the petition “Save the education system for children with disabilities in Moscow”, transmitted to Olga Yurievna Golodets, under which collected 15,000 signatures. This is also evidenced by the data of questioning the parents of children with disabilities and disabilities, who

processed by the Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children (MGARDI). On average, every third parent is not satisfied with the quality of assistance provided to a child.

A separate issue is the “declarative” principle of assistance, which means that if the parent is not confident enough to “state” the child's rights, the rights of the child with disabilities will be violated. Therefore, the problem of identifying children at risk is quite acute, and identification is, in our opinion, the responsibility of the state.

Forecasting, not liquidation of consequences = effective use of budget funds.

The reports of all "social" departments - the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the Department of Social Protection - cannot be based on absolute indicators, they can only be relative, in the form of a percentage of the total number of those in need. The wording "is ... a person, or increased by ... a person in comparison with the previous year" will never reflect the real state of affairs. The real picture, reflected in percentages, looks depressing, and the efforts are insufficient, haphazard and punctual. According to official data (, only 35419 disabled children live in Moscow. At the same time, 20,524 children with disabilities are enrolled in the education system. 790 + 1120 + 600 people study in the social security system. In total, there are 22,764 people in both systems. About the rest of the children - and this is about 30 percent - there is no data in the report. Children with disabilities with behavioral and mental disorders are not singled out in a separate category, but according to calculations, based on the official statistics given, their number is 6480 people. These figures are not transparent, and do not allow us to understand where the conditions for learning are created, and whether they are created in the appropriate volume and quality for difficult categories of children (for example, with severe and multiple developmental disabilities or with behavioral disorders).

There cannot and should not be a drop-out of children from the base of the Department of Education, regardless of their age and place of study - in educational and other institutions related to the Department of Social Protection or the Department of Education. Financial and managerial responsibility for the education of children with disabilities and disabilities should lie with the Moscow Department of Education, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the institution providing educational and other services.

According to the existing legislation, an interdepartmental register of people with disabilities is being created in Russia. This is a very important step, which will make it possible to understand how many children actually do not receive education at all or receive an insufficient amount of correctional and developmental assistance. The Register of Disabled People has existed in Moscow for several years. The DSZN and its subordinate institutions have access to the register. It is very important that other Departments also have access to this information and filling out the register: health, education, culture, sports, labor and employment, etc.

A disabled person or his legal representative should also be able to familiarize himself with information from the Register regarding this disabled person.

In addition to children with disabilities, there is also a category of children with disabilities without disabilities. HVD is not a medical concept, it is children with special educational needs, which are fixed by the decision of the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical commission). These children also need to be taken into account and entered into interdepartmental databases.

In addition, public control (monitoring) is needed, which would take into account not only quantitative but also qualitative indicators.


Now the amount of funds allocated for a child depends on the participation of the school in the pilot. The pilot has been completed and the funding difference remains. Children should not be underfunded under any circumstances. The proposal is to raise the base rate of per capita funding for the implementation of primary general education programs to "pilot" for children studying in any school - from 63,112 rubles to 85,000 per year for primary education, and to the corresponding figures in basic and high schools. In addition, there should be a transparent mechanism for raising financing standards (the current rates of per capita financing of 63 thousand are practically 5-10 years old rates that do not take into account the growth of average wages, the rise in prices for various goods and services).

Motivation + education.

Educational institutions are not motivated to create conditions for inclusion and preservation of correction, and development is out of the question.

We offer:

To develop a basic course for improving the managerial qualifications of directors within the framework of the organization of inclusive education and the introduction of new federal state educational standards + and other motivational measures.

MCCO specialists need a special advanced training course in connection with the introduction of new federal state educational standards for children with disabilities and educational institutions.

As a result of the ongoing reorganizations, teachers who work with children with disabilities and disabilities are deprived of benefits, additional payments, vacations are reduced, which leads to an outflow of qualified personnel and a loss in the quality of educational and correctional services provided. The previously existing 20% ​​mark-up “for difficulty” is now not regulated in percentage terms. The school (administration) stimulates the teacher at its discretion, according to the so-called merit of the teacher. The premium for the education of a disabled child is so insignificant that it does not provide an opportunity to adequately stimulate teachers who teach special children. Coefficient 2.12. for ineffectiveness removed. It is necessary to take measures to change the situation.

According to studies and surveys for teachers, the greatest difficulty in organizing the educational process is presented by the category of children with mental and behavioral disorders, in particular, with ASD (undesirable forms of behavior, difficulties in communication, features of sensory perception, selection of special techniques and teaching methods, etc.). ). These children are the least provided with special educational conditions. To equalize the rights to access education, for children with ASD, it is necessary to increase the correction factor to per capita funding to 3x. For disabled children with severe multiple developmental disabilities, enter a coefficient 4. We also suggest contacting the appropriate experts from scientific and practical organizations to determine the methods for calculating such coefficients.

Public works as a mechanism to support the creation of special educational conditions - questions:

In December 2014, educational institutions carrying out inclusive practices were additionally financed by the state work "Conducting psychological and pedagogical counseling of students, their

parents (legal representatives) and teaching staff ”in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles for an educational organization. This is a great Department initiative that can only be supported, however:

  1. Why is the service of psychological and pedagogical support included in the optional article “state. work "? Indeed, without it, children with disabilities will not be provided with the educational process even within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard. We propose to transfer this service to the obligatory “state. exercise".
  2. There remains an extremely important issue of accompanying children, parents and teachers of kindergartens and schools teaching children according to adapted educational programs (former correctional institutions).
  3. To maintain and improve the educational process, transparent, timely funding is needed. The money for government work was transferred to the accounts of some educational institutions in the middle of the academic year, which is unacceptable. The unpredictability of the time of receipt of funds does not allow for effective spending of budgetary funds, planning work, which again violates the rights of children, creates an alarming atmosphere of uncertainty in teaching staff.

The problem of financing education is clearly described by the route of allocating funds to many educational organizations:

  • Schools and PPMS centers submitted documents for government work in April 2014
  • Applications rejected or approved in November 2014
  • The money hasn't arrived yet (February 2015). Let us remind you that in any case, the work has begun and is being carried out from the beginning of the academic year (from September 1, 2014).

Corrective assistance cannot be built without a solid financial foundation, only on a volunteer and volunteer basis. Works can be performed with high quality only on condition of timely financing.

There is also a need for a moratorium on actions to reorganize the education system during the academic year, which paralyze the work of all participants in the educational process. Summer months should be allocated for debugging organizational processes and systemic changes.

PMPK is a new problem

Recent changes have resulted in the cancellation of an already existing queue. As a result, there was a decrease in the number of commissions, and, as a result, an increase in terms (up to several months of waiting), a deterioration in the quality of work - hence, the quality of conclusions, and hence the learning conditions for the child.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) dated September 20, 2013 N 1082, Moscow "On Approval of the Regulations on the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission", 1 commission of the PMPK is relied on for 10 thousand of the child population. The child population (up to 18 years old) in Moscow, based on Rosstat data, is approximately 1 million 400 thousand children. Thus, today there should be at least 140 commissions in Moscow. Meanwhile, at present, there are about 10 divisions of the TsPMPK.

The law is violated once again - the waiting period for the passage of the commission cannot exceed 1 month, and now the registration is already in July. One gets the impression that the system is trying to reduce the number of calls: no child - no problem.

It can also be noted that in the list of institutions recommended by the PMPK for children with disabilities, there are no educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Department of Social Protection. Constantly updated monitoring is needed, the result of which will be a complete and expanded base of educational institutions in Moscow, where children with various diseases are admitted.

The conclusion of the PMPK is needed not only to build the educational route of the child, but also to allocate the necessary funds to meet his educational needs - for classes in any educational institution (OE) and PPMS center with a specialist other than a psychologist.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the current mechanism for the prompt receipt of the necessary assistance, since the PMPK system operating in Moscow at the moment is extremely inoperative, and children with disabilities and children with disabilities cannot afford such a long wait for the necessary highly qualified assistance. To date, the legal basis for the allocation of funds to help a child is two documents - the ITU opinion (IPR) and the PMPK opinion. Unfortunately, at the moment, the IPR for children with mental disorders and ASD is not fully prescribed, and the "education" section is often left blank at all. A large percentage of children with ASD do not have a formalized disability at all, which means that the clarification of their educational route, recommendations and, as a result, the allocation of funds depends entirely on the decision of the PMPK.

It is necessary to hold a round table with representatives of the Departments, city PMPK, BMSE, parental community, doctors from VK in order to develop a general algorithm and a common understanding of the child's routing and the procedure for interagency interaction in the interests of children.

The role of PPMS centers

In accordance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education, we propose to strengthen and develop the system of PHC centers in Moscow on the basis of a three-level system of assistance - primary, qualified, specialized. Qualified and specialized, as well as resource-methodical, including support for inclusion, should be provided precisely on the basis of PPMS centers.

The methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation provide for the creation of PPMS centers at least 1 center per 5000 child population. Of the 65 centers that existed two years ago in Moscow, no more than 15 are now functioning, and they are also under threat of disappearance.

First of all, this is due to insufficient funding. The current standard - 2,600 rubles per child per year - does not allow providing any significant assistance in PPMS centers (this is the cost of 2 sessions with a speech therapist on the market).

The amount of assistance in the PHC center now suggests restrictions on "packages" (but no normative documents on "packages" have come out, and all the allocated funds are 2600 rubles per year for 1 child). The volume of this "package" assistance was supposed to be from 9 to 18 hours per year. If there is a HVD status, the volume can be increased to 36, and for a disabled person - up to 72 hours per year, but this requires the conclusion of the VK (medical commission). In any case, this is not enough, it does not correspond to the principles of an individual approach to a child, however, these normative documents, and, therefore, there is no regular and continuous help to children.

Even with a minimal amount of corrective assistance - 2-3 hours a week at an hour cost of 300 rubles - about 24,000 - 36,000 rubles are needed for a year. However, this standard is completely insufficient: it has been scientifically proven that, for example, help for a child with ASD becomes effective when the volume is 20-25 hours a week.


To determine the amount of standard costs per student in the PPMS center, it is necessary to start implementing a pilot project aimed at justifying the level of financial costs and testing the standards for providing "psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students" in accordance with Article 42 of the Federal Law 273 "On Education in Russian Federation". It is necessary to establish differential standards in accordance with the severity of the violation for service No. 138 from the departmental list of public services and works (Provision of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general educational programs, their development and social adaptation).

The structure of allocated funds
to provide special educational conditions
for children with disabilities and disabilities (practice):

Amount per child / per year Name Allocation timing Basis (document, body)

63000 (primary school) - multiplied by 2 (with disabilities and by 3 - with visual and motor impairments).

85000 (primary school) multiplied by 2 (with a disability and by 3 - with visual and motor impairments).

per capita financing in educational institutions that are not included in the "pilot". - per capita financing from the pilot training facilities. by the beginning of the school year conclusion of the PMPK
2600 state service in correspondent centers(138) - provision of correspondence assistance by the beginning of the school year determined by the Center itself

(multiplied by 2 (with disabilities and by 3 - with visual and motor impairments).

public service the basis is the conclusion of the TsPMPK

Optionally, depending on the calculation of the cost of the service

state work Unclear

According to the application approved by Depobr from the educational institution, after checking the calculation of the central accounting department

The criteria for their approval are not clear, the approval or rejection mechanism is not transparent, should be allocated by the beginning of the academic year, and for planning the work of the educational institution - approved no later than mid-summer according to the application approved by the Depobr from the educational institution, after checking the calculation by the central accounting department.

Provided that the school / kindergarten is not part of the complex (the number of children is less than 200), the allocated money will not be enough to organize the educational process. If this is a complex, there are no prerequisites for spending the money of the rest of the children of the complex on improving the educational conditions for children with disabilities. There are no mechanisms to reinforce the positions of parents and professionals, presenting correctional or inclusive programs within the educational institution in the Governing Boards, which would allow them to defend and develop these programs. The Governing Councils must include parents of children with disabilities and special education teachers.

Offer: to consolidate the rights of parents of children with disabilities to represent the interests of their children in the CA of educational institutions - we propose to include in the CA of representatives of interests of this category with an annual report on the situation of teaching children with disabilities and disabilities in this PA, and it is also necessary to secure the right to be declared illegal making a decision by the CA if it violates the rights of a child with disabilities and disabilities and worsens the educational conditions for them.

Special standards:

On February 10, 2015, the Ministry of Education adopted federal education standards for children with disabilities and mental retardation. From September 1, 2016, they should be introduced into the education system everywhere. Implementation of standards is an extremely responsible procedure.

Personnel must be trained, methodological materials prepared, and funding calculated. We know that experimental sites have been created in the regions for testing special standards. Moscow is the only region that did not take part in the testing of special standards. This means that in a year they will not be tested and a methodological basis for their implementation will not be prepared, personnel will not be trained, and, as a result, children will again not receive high-quality educational services.

Proposals: Moscow to enter the federal program for testing special standards and develop a system of measures for the timely implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities and educational institutions.

Support for children with ASD.

One of the most difficult categories of children for the education system are children with autism spectrum disorders. According to the WHO, today about 1.5% of children are on the autism spectrum, and the growth rate of the number of autists per year is more than 15%. The projected number of such children is from 14 to 30 thousand in Moscow. According to the monitoring carried out in recent years, it can be argued that a significant percentage of such children drop out of the education system, or are in home-based education. Qualified and timely psychological and pedagogical assistance in the proper volume and quality is almost unavailable. The solution to these and other problems is envisaged in the Plan of Priority Actions for 2015-2017 for the implementation of the most important provisions of the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation commissioned the Fund to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations to develop a corresponding program, which eventually received the name “You are not alone”. It starts with a pilot project, within the framework of which an interdepartmental approach will be developed and tested to provide comprehensive medical, social and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with autism spectrum disorders. It is planned to build a system of interrelated actions carried out by institutions of different departmental affiliation - health care, education, social protection. Efforts are supposed to focus on 4 key areas: early detection of autism spectrum disorders in children, providing early assistance to children and their families, implementing an individual educational route for each of these children, preparing them for life in society.

Moscow has all the prerequisites to become a pilot region for this program - there is experience of interagency cooperation, there are state centers and schools that implement advanced programs to help children with ASD and other mental disabilities, higher educational institutions that have begun training the necessary specialists and methodological recommendations, there is an active parenting community and a number of non-profit organizations ready to support this pilot project. Including within the framework of this pilot project, demonstrating the consolidation of efforts of state institutions, parents and NGOs, we are attaching a presentation of the universal project of "resource classes". The idea of ​​"resource classes" started on the basis of TsPMSDIP GBOU VPO MGPPU ("Kashenkin lug" and "Arch.Vlasova"). This is the only Moscow state site where for more than 20 years they have been systematically working with children with autism, and which has both a correctional center (PMS) and an elementary school. TsPMSSDIP could become a full-fledged resource and methodological center, both for Moscow and for the regions.

We ask Moscow to apply for participation in the pilot project of the Fund and to support the project of “resource classes”.

Problems of Home Schools:

Before the campaign for a large-scale reorganization in home-based schools, children with disabilities and children with disabilities received education in several forms:

some of the children studied in small groups (classes of 6-8 people), some individually with a teacher (or some of the lessons in a group, some individually) within the walls of the school, some at home (mostly wheelchair users, or with diseases requiring minimal contact with others) ...

In the process of reorganization, SHOs lost their status and are now subdivisions of educational complexes, but the main contingent of students and their needs remained the same.

Many parents deliberately do not formalize disability for their children. Many people explain this by the fact that the very concept of "disability" is a decrease in the hope of a child's recovery. And in the case of psychiatric disorders - due to the difficulties of passing the commission and the prospects for adult life, as well as stigma, which, alas, our society will struggle with for a long time. This is the right of parents, and the right of children. However, financing the education of children with disabilities who do not have disabilities does not differ from financing healthy children.

The Expert Council for the Moscow City Education Program approved new approaches to the formation of the PA rating. For work with disabled children, the following have been introduced: the points scored on the USE and OGE, Olympiads are also multiplied by a coefficient of 2 and 3. The total school score is also multiplied by a coefficient - a calculation formula depending on the number of disabled children at school.

In case of a lack of finances, the administration decides from whom to rent school hours - often not in favor of the disabled (especially homeworkers), and in favor of the class - one will suffer better than several. Thus, homeworked children with disabilities, in fact, receive less school hours in full. There is such a tendency: it is more profitable for a school to have a “walking disabled person” - the whole class (group) brings money and compensates it than a homeworker, an individual.

In addition, being part of the educational complex, former SHNOs are forced to abandon small groups for children with disabilities, since such are not provided for by the Federal curriculum. Yes, individual and home-based forms of education are still preserved, but children who for health reasons are recommended to study in small groups (in accordance with the individual pace of mastering the program) are forced to study in full classes, which affects both the quality of the education received and the health of children with disabilities, or "squeezed" for home education, depriving an already socialized child of the circle of communication.

The directors of the complexes are interested in high ratings - the divisions (former SHNO) are unnecessary ballast for them. To the wording "ineffective management" in relation to school administrators was added: "unprofitable enterprise" - the school itself. The incentive payment to teachers (administration salary) depends on the rating of the school. Therefore, NGOs are faced with a choice - either, in order to maintain not only the rating, but also the welfare, to overestimate the test results for children with disabilities, or to abandon ineffective units (SHNO).

The problems of SHNO fully manifest the problem with which we have repeatedly spoken out. In Moscow, the norm is systematically violated according to which children with disabilities can study in small groups (order No. 1015 of the Ministry of Education sets a quota for up to 15 children, up to 5-7 children for children with severe disabilities).

However, what happens in fact is shown by the following table (MGARDI data, October-December 2014):

Form of study Number of children in the group / class
individual 5%
up to 5 12%
5 to 10 19%
10 to 15 20%
over 15 32%
does not study anywhere 2%
there is no data 11%

Exam passing form

The form for passing the exams should be fixed in the IPR, otherwise, for formal reasons, children do not have time to be provided with appropriate conditions: recent events - many difficulties in preparing documents and passing the PMPK for writing an essay (presentation) in a sparing mode in December 2014.

The points for successful passing of exams by disabled people are doubled and sometimes tripled formally. Not all educational institutions achieved this in 2014.

Medicine and school

There were problems with licensing for the provision of medical services at school - in fact, the absence of a school, especially an inclusion one, of a medical office and a full-time nurse at the school, the inability to provide urgent medical care on the spot can threaten serious consequences for the health of students. Outsourcing of medical services in this case did not justify itself.

MGARDI received several such appeals from alarmed parents, who were threatened that the equipment for the rehabilitation of children with visual impairments would be removed from the kindergarten. In December 2014, parents and teachers of a kindergarten with visual impairments in Zelenograd petitioned to maintain rehabilitation measures for children. Thanks to the publicity of this story and the intervention of higher officials, the problem was resolved, but the systemic problem remained - the mechanisms of interaction between the institutions subordinate to the Department of Education and the Department of Healthcare are not fine-tuned, which leads to a decrease in the volume of assistance to children and affects the availability of rehabilitation services. In many gardens, massage and exercise therapy nurses have disappeared, valuable equipment is idle.

It is necessary to return the rates of health workers to schools and preschools that carry out inclusion and correction. You cannot save on the health and lives of children!

Inclusion and correction within educational institutions

According to official data, more than 300 institutions in Moscow carry out inclusive practices. But nothing is said about the quality of this "inclusion"

Here are some figures from a survey conducted by MGARDI in October-December 2014 (data taken from former combined kindergartens, as well as general educational institutions where children with disabilities study).

Special educational conditions, according to the requirements of the PMPK, are absent or created only partially in 63 percent of such institutions (at the same time, 24 percent say about the created conditions, for the rest - no data).

Special (tutor) support for those who need such conditions, the educational organization created in 29 percent of cases, in many cases at the expense of attracted funds, 63 percent of such assistance is not provided.

63 percent of children enrolled in such institutions do not receive special assistance or receive it insufficiently.

For the inclusion of children with severe physical disabilities, the environment is critical. Without this, there can be no real inclusion. Yes, there are ramps now in almost all schools, but how many of them can boast of lifts? Special equipment and aids for the visually impaired?

How parents assess the environment for disabled children can be judged from the following table:

Environment assessments Oporniki Children with visual impairments
2 9% 6%
3 21% 15%
4 22% 24%
1 - not satisfied 17% 15%
5 - satisfied fully 31% 39%

At the same time, less than 20% of "oporniks" study in general development kindergartens and general education schools, about 18% are visually impaired, that is, it must be assumed that such a high assessment is associated with the equipment, first of all, of special institutions. Meanwhile, the demand for inclusive education is very high. About 40% of the respondents declared their desire to teach their children in institutions of general education (while another 18% have not decided on their preferences), provided they are properly accompanied.

Adequate support primarily means tutor support (both pedagogical and social).

However, the provision of this service is extremely low - 77% of parents said that the service they needed was not provided. Schools do not hire tutors - firstly, there is no qualification standard, which means there is no such profession. But this problem is said to be resolved by the Ministry of Labor during 2015. But the main thing is that there are no trained personnel, and the financial issue arises sharply - tutors can greatly spoil the “average” salary statistics of the school. In inclusive institutions, where tutors do work, they are mostly paid by parents or charities.

The Department of Education has repeatedly voiced the idea that in order to create equal conditions for all students, it is necessary to create so-called educational complexes - it seems that it is easier to ensure the availability of different educational programs for different categories of children, as well as to accumulate the necessary funds. However, in reality this is far from the case. The inclusion of subdivisions of the compensating and correctional type in educational complexes often gives rise to a lot of problems.

1. This can be seen both from the results of the survey and from the addresses of the parents. Typical problems:

a. The management of the complex, as well as the Governing Council, in which the majority of parents are parents of ordinary children, who are more interested in a free extension than in correctional services, are not interested in directing money to pay for services for children with disabilities. For example, from appeals to MGARDI we know of examples when the management of the complex actually canceled agreements with PMS centers to accompany children with disabilities, citing the fact that they have “their own psychological service”. However, can the psychological service of a general education institution competently work with children in need of correctional services?

Another example is the actual destruction of speech therapy assistance in special kindergartens, which parents have repeatedly complained about. The fact is that children who need the services of a speech therapist, as a rule, do not have a disability - these are the same children with disabilities, for whose psychological and pedagogical support it is necessary to additionally declare "state work". The Department's intervention in response to parental complaints can make a difference. Parents note a rather quick reaction to appeals to the Department, and we thank the Department for such prompt action. As a result, in a number of cases, the issue in a particular institution can be “removed”. However, “manual control” cannot solve a systemic problem, and parents are not sure that the problem has been solved once and for all, since there are no guarantees for the future.

b. Another scenario is that everything remains as it is. Separate budgets of institutions are formed, but then there is no declared accumulation of funds and the development of horizontal links between different institutions. This primarily applies to units for children with mental disabilities. The existing standards cannot “cover” the costs of these departments and they have to “enlarge” the groups and reduce the number of individual lessons.

c. Joining the complexes of "special institutions" and subdivisions in a number of cases leads to their disbandment. So, in Moscow, when joining large complexes, schools for children with deviant behavior were actually liquidated. The Rodnichok Center, which provided assistance to more than 200 families with children with disabilities in the Western District, was disbanded as unnecessary (this problem was not solved). The fate of the "health schools" is unclear.

Roughly the same thing as with the PMS Centers is happening with the institutions of additional education attached to the complexes.

Often such institutions implemented educational programs for children with disabilities and children with disabilities. Often these children did not live close to such a Center and went to the "teacher" and inclusive

practice. However, if the Center has merged with a nearby school, then the following happens: additional education becomes paid for “external” children, moreover, “internal” children of the complex should receive additional education services in the first place. It turns out that the most vulnerable category of children - children with disabilities and children with disabilities - are left behind.

d. An inclusive vertical does not build on its own. For example, the addition of kindergartens of a combined type and a compensatory type does not at all motivate the directors of the complexes to create special services for them in primary and secondary schools, even though the school receives additional points in the rating for the adoption of a child from a preschool institution. Typical answers to parents who want to place a child in the same complex in an institution of basic education: “Well, we thought that these children would go further to special institutions” ... “We do not know how to work with them”. (this is especially true for children with behavioral, intellectual and emotional-volitional disorders). And even home-based and individual forms of education are not offered by the institutions to which the children are assigned according to the region of residence.

“Health schools” have practically been eliminated, in which children were also trained in smaller groups.

e. The development of an inclusive component has not yet particularly affected the rating and the associated benefits. The mechanism for allocating a grant of 2 million for successes in creating an environment for an educational organization is completely insufficient.

Readiness for dialogue

Despite all the problems described above, we would like to thank the Department for the fact that almost all complaints of parents of children with disabilities about violations of the rights of specific children in specific institutions, filed after the petition of the Moscow City State University of Civil Defense, were taken into consideration. And in many cases it was possible to resolve the issues raised in these complaints. However, point "manual" control of these processes does not solve most of the problems described above, which are of a systemic nature.

We also ask you to return to the practice of holding the Civil Forum on the Education of Children with Disabilities and Children with Disabilities, which was successfully held in Moscow in 2009-2012.

Parents, specialists, teachers, and officials need such an open platform for discussion and development of consolidated decisions.

We ask you to consider all of our proposals and help resolve them on the merits. We hope that as a result of a dialogue with the Department of Education, we will be able to significantly improve the situation with the education of children with disabilities and disabilities in Moscow.

The order of interaction of the Central Medical and Industrial Complex of Moscow with educational organizations

Donichenko O.G., Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution OTSPMSS TsOUO DogM

Moscow, 2015

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided to: - children / students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic educational programs, development and social adaptation; - children / students with disabilities (an individual with disabilities in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing education without creating special conditions); - children / students, students with disabilities

Article 2 Clause 16, Article 42 Clause 1 Federal Law No. 273 - FZ dated December 29, 2012. "On education in the Russian Federation"

Model for the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to public services (works) provided (performed) by state organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow

Departmental list

Psychological and pedagogical council - the basis of the activity of psychological and pedagogical support at the level of an educational organization
  • implementation of psychological and pedagogical support according to a unified regulation;
  • organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children of the "risk group";
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational route and psychological and pedagogical support;
  • implementation of educational routes for children with disabilities and children with disabilities;
  • development and implementation of adapted educational programs;
  • organization of psychological education for teachers to improve professional competencies.

The composition of the psychological and pedagogical council of the educational organization

  • a representative of the administration of an educational organization;
  • teacher and / or educator;
  • specialists of the psychological and pedagogical support service: teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, teacher-defectologist.
The procedure for the provision of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general educational programs, their development and social adaptation

Educational organization

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided in the PPMS center

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided in the educational organization

Undergoes the examination procedure at the PP-consultation of the educational organization

Undergoes the examination procedure at the PP-consultation of the PPMS center

PPMS Center

State services (works) provided (performed) by state organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow

Departmental list

Special conditions for receiving education by students with disabilities

  • Educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing
  • Textbooks, study guides and didactic materials
  • Technical training aids for collective and individual use
  • Provision of assistant (assistant) services
  • Conducting correctional classes
  • Providing access to the buildings of organizations

The adapted basic general education program (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general) Art. 79 FZ-273:

  • for the deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf
  • for the blind, visually impaired
  • for children with severe speech impairments,
  • for children with musculoskeletal disorders
  • for children with mental retardation,
  • for children with mental retardation,
  • for children with autism spectrum disorders,
  • for children with complex defects
Central Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow Composition of the Central Medical and Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow The procedure for providing special conditions for education to students with disabilities in educational institutions of the city of Moscow

Educational organization

Provides special educational conditions for a student with disabilities (without individual and group correctional classes)

Provides special educational conditions for a student with disabilities (including individual and group remedial classes)

Specialists of the PPMS-center carry out correctional and developmental classes on the basis of educational institutions


Agreement with the PPMS Center

The procedure for providing special conditions for education to students with disabilities in educational institutions of the city of Moscow

Child not attending CBO

Undergoing the examination procedure at the Central Medical and Industrial Complex in Moscow


Provides the original of the opinion of the TsPMPK of Moscow

Provides correctional and developmental assistance on the basis of the PPMS center according to the conclusion of the TsPMPK in Moscow

PPMS Center

Psychological and pedagogical assistance in the district centers of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance

Complex psychological and pedagogical support

Psychological and pedagogical assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general educational programs, their development and social adaptation

PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONSILIUM of an educational organization or a PHC center

TsPMPK Moscow

The volume of correctional and developmental assistance in an educational organization or primary care center

Name of public service (work)

Number of teaching staff

Pedagogical worker

Total assistance

Provision of special educational conditions for students with disabilities

Children with disabilities / people with disabilities (general profile of the disease) who need AOP, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics and individual capabilities of the child


Teacher speech therapist


Children with disabilities

needing AOOP:

TNR, ZPR, UO, RAS, deaf / hearing impaired / late deaf, visually impaired


Teacher speech therapist


Children with disabilities

needing AOOP:

ODA, SD, blind


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